Child Abuse Prevention and Investigation

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A law enforcement agency shall, not later than the ____ working day after the date the death is reported to the agency, enter all available identifying features of the unidentified body


Small children have a short attention span approximately _________ which may require a series of interviews

15 Minutes

Unless consent is obtained as otherwise allowed by law, a physician, dentist, or psychologist may not examine a child:

16 years of age or older who refuses to consent

In what year was the first recorded case of child maltreatment when an employer in Massachusetts was convicted of manslaughter against his twelve year-old apprentice?


The Child abuse prevention and treatment act was signed into law creating the national center on child abuse and neglect in which year?


Court rulings have awarded liability damages as high as _____ against police departments for failure to protect someone when a protective order had been issued, or when evidence of violence exists and upon request, officers fail to respond.

2.3 million

School Records and Missing Children If a person enrolls a child under 11 years of age in school and does not provide the valid prior school information or documentation the school shall notify the appropriate law enforcement agency before the _________ after the person fails to comply with this section. On receipt of notification, the law enforcement agency shall immediately check with ____________ to determine if the child has been missing.

31st day Clearinghouse

An offense Under PC 20.03 Kidnapping is a felony of the

3rd degree

Failure to Thrive: A child who is below the ________ in weight and height compared to standard height and weight charts May indicate a failure to thrive

3rd percentile

Research estimates that ________ of runaway youths have been abused physically or sexually at home.


Greece (Fourth Century)-- Children are considered property of the father who decided on the child's ___________ whether he lived or died.

5th Birthday

statistically the vast majority of abused children are under three-years-old nearly half of all reported cases have involved children under _________ old abused or neglected Children of this age _________

6 months seldom cry

statistically, the vast majority of abused children are under 3 years old. nearly half of all reported cases involve children under ________. abused or neglected children of this age _________

6 months old seldom cry

Regarding PC 25.08 Sale or Purchase of a Child: There are exceptions to the offenses with the exchange of money for some things related to acquiring a child. (Check all )

A fee or reimbursement paid to a child-placing agency as authorized by law. A fee paid to an attorney, social worker, mental health professional, or physician for services rendered in the usual course of legal or medical practice or in providing adoption counseling. A reimbursement of legal or medical expenses incurred by a person for the benefit of the child.

A police officer outside his jurisdiction:

A peace officer who is outside his jurisdiction may arrestwithout warrant, a person who commits an offense within the officer's presence or view, if the offense is a felony, a violation of Chapter 42 or 49, Penal Code, or a breach of the peace.

Restrain vs. Abduct

Abduct: means to restrain a person with intent to prevent his liberation by: secreting or holding him in a place where he is not likely to be found or using or threatening to use deadly force. Restrain: means to restrict a person's movements without consent, so as to interfere substantially with the person's liberty by moving the person from one place to another or by confining the person.

The _______ is more likely to feel extreme guilt and responsibility, and be less concerned with getting in trouble.

Adolescent Child

Victimization rates of child abuse by race/ethnicity were highest among:


Which organization was created first?

American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

Among the possible effects of child abuse includes. (Check All)

An abused child may grow up and abuse his/her own children. Failure to thrive can result in stunted growth, physical impairments or death. Inability of a child to trust Physical scars and deformation Negative, aggressive, or hyperactive behavior Learning dysfunction Death

Regarding PC 22.041 Abandoning or Endangering a Child: Which two statements are true?

An offense is a state jail felony if the actor abandoned the child the intent to return for the child. An offense is a felony of the third degree if the actor abandoned the child without intent to return for the child

Which statements are true regarding Sexual Assaults?

An offense under sexual assault is felony of the second degree and an offense under aggravated sexual assault is a felony of the first degree.

Many care providers react to police intervention in their home situation with:

Anger and Fear

_________ In Texas must report a child abuse if they have cause to believe the child has been physically abused.


Central Registry. The department shall establish and maintain in_______ a central registry of reported cases of child abuse or neglect.


General Information about bite marks:

Bite marks can be photographed, chemical tests can be taken, and impressions can be made that can identify a suspect. Even bite marks made through clothing may reveal marks that can be identified. Eighty percent of the people are called secretors and give off evidence in their saliva that can identify their blood type. Even if the area of the bite has been washed, it should be tested for positive reaction.

It is important to check a child's medical history for previous indications of abuse under what circumstances.

Both Emergency and Non-Emergency Cases

CCP 63.001 Definitions

Bureau of vital statistics: means the bureau of vital statistics of the texas department of health Legal custodian of a child: means a parent of a child if no managing conservator or guardian of the person of the child has been appointed Possible Match: occurs if the similarities between an unidentified body and a missing child or person would lead one to believe they are the same person. Clearing House : means the missing children and missing persons information clearinghouse Missing Person: means a person 18 years old or older whose disappearance is possible not voluntary. Child; means a person under 18 years of age

Evaluation of a child's ability to testify is judge on several factos, inlcuding:

Capacity for truthfulness Mental Capacity Memory Ability to communicate

PC 43.05 Compelling Prostitution A person commits an offense if he knowingly:

Causes by any means a person a person younger than 17 years to commit prostitution.

Behavioral indicators of child physical abuse: Check all

Check all

Verbal Techniques that assist in interviewing

Clarification: When we stop/interrupt the speaker to ask a question about what was just said. This indicates that we have been listening and that the details are important to us. Vocalization: This term refers to the volume, speed and pacing of speech Summarization: When a person has completed a statement, one can show interest by repeating what has been said so far

1. A public servant with access to the name, address, or telephone number of a victim 17 years of age or older who has chosen a pseudonym commits a _________offense if they knowingly discloses the name, address, or telephone number of the victim.

Class C Misdemeanor

Husband or Wife as witness: The privilege of a person's spouse not to be called as a witness for the state ______ in any proceeding in which the person is charged with a crime committed against the person's spouse, a minor child, or a member of the household of either spouse.

Does not apply

The use of _________ as an initial interview technique is especially good for breaking the ice with young children and is a natural form of communication


Regarding Injury to a Child, Elderly Individual, or Disabled Individual match the following terms:

Elderly Individual: means a person 65 years of age or older. Child: means a person 14 years of age or younger. Disabled individual: means a person older than 14 years of age who by reason of age or physical mental

Non-verbal techniques that assist in interviewing.

Eye Contact Body Posture Personal Distance

PC 25.07 Violation of Protective Order or Magistrate's Order: Reconciliatory actions or agreements made by persons affected by an order affect the validity of the order or the duty of a peace officer to enforce this section


A clean, well dressed, attentive, engaging child is most likely a victim of abuse.


FC 32.001 A 8 and FC 32.002 Consent by a Peace officer (for medical attention of a child) applies to consent for immunization of a child.


officers should consider low-income environments as being synonymous with neglect


One care provider is often afraid to discuss the matter in the presence of the other care provider. Reasons for this include the following; Check All

Fear of retaliation fear for child's safety after the police have gone guilt

Some problems of videotaping a child's testimony for tril include the following: Check all

First interviews are often not productive and child victims often have to be interviewed several times so a detailed statement can be made. If the child victim expands his/her story, pre-recorded first statement could be used to impeach the child Any discrepancies between the first and susequent statement may be exculpatory.

'Loco Parentis' means the following: (Check all that apply.)


Photographs needed in branding iron burns.

Injury 24 hours and 48 after incidents.

List some reasons of intent why a parent or care giver may intentionally poison a child

Intent to Amuse Intent to Calm Intent to Harm.

Protective Services for Families and Children include the following: (Check all)

Investigates reports of abuse and neglect of children. Places children in permanent adoptive homes Places children in foster care. Provides services to help stabilize runaways and at-risk youth. Contracts with other agencies to provide clients specialized services Provides services to children and families in their own homes.

Three questions that need to be immediately addressed by an officer conducting an investigation of child abuse or neglect include the following:

Is the child in immediate physical danger? Should the care provider by immediately arrested? Dows the child need protective custody?

Sexual exploitation-different than sexual abuse encompasses child molestation, child pornography, and child prostitution. Which statement is generally true regarding sexual exploitation

It generally relates to sexual abuse outside the family setting.

Regarding PC 22.10 Leaving a Child in a Vehicle a person commits an offense if he/she does the following three things:

Leaves a child alone in a motor vehicle for longer than 5 minutes. The child is younger than 7 years of age. A nd the young child is not attended by an individual who is 14 years or older.

Neglectful parents can often be characterized with the following

Low Self-Esteem Depressed Chaotic home life

Child abuse includes any or all of the following: Check all

Mental abuse emotional abuse physical abuse sexual abuse pornographic/sexually obscene acts permitting or encouraging a child to partake of controlled substances.

A pedophile )__________ volunteers to to work with children and is well-like in the community


Regarding Testimony of Child Who is Victim of Offense who may question the child?

Only the attorneys and the judge may question the child.

When photographing at a crime scene it is important to obtain photographs of the following: Check All

Photograph victim and injury. photograph scene photograph inside residence, room where injury occurred photograph outside residence if not residence, photograph scene photograph any evidence where it is discovered.

If the department's law enforcement information system indicates the existence of an active protective order directed to the prospective transferee, the chief law enforcement officer shall immediately advise the Licensed firearm dealer the transfer is:


The Texas Clearinghouse typically receives information about missing children from the following:

Public Education information Management System (PEIMS), Texas Education Agency (TEA), Law Enforcement Agencies of the state

Experience of many child abuse protection teams and victim advocates not that children under age __________ rarely are able to lie about what happened to them.


Defining terms for PC 43.25 Sexual Performance by a Child

Simulated: Means the explicit depiction of sexual conduct that creates the appearance of actual sexual conduct Sexual Conduct: Means sexual contact, actual or simulated sexual intercourse, deviate sexual intercourse, sexual bestiality, masturbation, sad-masochistic abuse et. Sexual Performance: Means any performance or part thereof that includes sexual conduct by a child younger that 18 years of age. Promote: means to procure, manufacture, issue, sell, give, provide, lend, mail, deliver, transfer, transmit, publish, distribute, circulate, disseminate, present, exhibit, or advertise or to offer or agree to do any of the above. Performance: Means any play, motion picture, photograph, dance, or other visual representation that can be exhibited before an audience of one or more persons.

Because victims feel their parents will not understand the situation or circumstances

Stage 5- Identity

Some children cannot or will not cry out for help when they need it, even when their lives are in danger.


The first thing to investigate at the scene of an immersion burn is:

Test the water temperature in all faucets and water heater.

You may request that a magistrate's order for emergency protection be issued which could include any of the following orders: (Check all )

The abuser not commit further acts of violence. Directs the abuser to leave your household, The abuser not threaten, harass, or contact you at home. Establishes temporary custody of the children and directs the abuser not to interfere with the children or any property. Check all

Why children do not tell about being abused: Check all.

The child cannot verbalize what happened . The child may be taking care of his/parents emotional needs( role-reversal) The child may feel he/she deserved the abuse The child loves his/her parents. The child fears the parents will divorce. The child fears the parents will go to jail The child fears he/she will be sent to a foster home or institution. The child fears retaliation. The child fears what friends will say. The child fears that adults will not believe him/her

Local law enforcement agencies, on receiving a report of a missing child or a missing person will inform the person who filed the report of the missing child or missing person that the information will be entered into which databases? Check all )

The clearing house. The alzheimers association safe return crisis number, if applicable, the national crime information center missing person file.

A sexual assault is without the consent of the other person and can be carried out in many ways: (Check all)

The other person has not consented and the actor knows the other person is unconscious or physically unable to resist. The actor is a clergyman who causes the other person to submit or participate by exploiting the other person's emotional dependency on the clergyman in the clergyman's professional character as spiritual adviser. The actor knows that as a result of mental disease or defect the other person is at the time of the sexual assault incapable either of appraising the nature of the actoR or resisting it. The actor has intentionally impaired the other person's power to appraise or control the other person's to appraise or control the other person's conduct by administering any substance without the other person's knowledge.

Children over _______ are frequently afraid to speak in front of their parents. Children over ________ are known to bias their statements quite differently quite differently when their parents are in the room.

Three Seven

A form of child abuse: The failure to provide a child with food, clothing, or shelter necessary to sustain the life or health of the child, exlcluding failure caused primarily by financial inability unless relief services had been offered and refused.


An adult male involved with family sexual abuse typically does not have a police record.


Entering information into the NCIC will automatically enter the information into the clearinghouse.


Explanation of how the injury occurred is important in finding probable cause to arrest.


Venereal disease in pre teens is an indicator of sexual abuse


_______________ of all physical injuries to children are by intentional burns of infants and small children

Twenty Percent

Which two types of burns are generally related to toilet training?

Vaginal / Curling Iron Burns Hair Dryer burns

In any law enforcement, prosecutorial, or judicial response to allegations of family violence, the responding law enforcement or judicial officers shall protect the _______, without regard to the relationship between the alleged offender and victim.


Should the officer take photographs of the child's burns?


Which 5 characteristics describe abusive parents.

a disastrous experience; the parents themselves may have been abused, neglected, or deprive the children. abusive parents are isolated individuals, never Having learned how to trust someone and are afraid of being rejected a criticized. abusive parents have a low self-image England sells is worthless and no good as a result of never having been able to please someone. shallow relationship exists between husband and wife or boyfriend and girlfriend. abusive parents have unrealistic expectations of their children

abusive parenting involves the following; check all

abusive parents come from all walks of life rich and poor, well educated and from all Races and creeds it is useful to view parental abuse as an extreme response to stress. abusive parents may have been abused themselves when they were children

Behavioral indicators of child physical abuse: Check All

be wary of adult. may suffer behavioral extremes withdrawal aggressiveness and regression. may be frightened of parents or care providers. maybe apprehensive when other children cry. May refuse to speak in front of parents. maybe afraid to go home. May wear long-sleeve shirts knee socks or other covering clothing that are in season full to hide injuries. May report entry by parent or care provider

Complete the statement: In regards to a child victim testifying: The court shall permit the defendant to observe and hear the testimony of the child and to communicate contemporaneously with his attorney during periods of recess or by audio contact...

but shall attempt to ensure that the child cannot hear or see the defendant.

children with physical handicaps.

children with physical or mental handicaps have a higher incidence of abuse than those without handicaps

A Peace Officer May Call in Aid from Unexpected Sources. It is the duty of every peace officer, when he may have been informed in any manner that a threat has been made by one person to do some injury to himself or to the person or property of another, including the person or property of his spouse, to prevent the threatened injury, if within his power; and, in order to do this, he may call in aid any number of ___________ in his county.


Commong Stress Triggers: Three major triggering mechanisms of stress are.

crying babies child's lack of control of bodily functions parents alcohol abuse

A noncustodial parent commits an offense if, with the intent to interfere with the lawful custody of a child younger than 18 years, the noncustodial parent knowingly _________ the child to leave the custody of the custodial parent or guardian.

entices or persuades

1. Behavioral indicators of Sexual abuse include the following : Check All

exhibits withdrawal, fantasy, or infantile Behavior. report sexual assault by care provider. has bizarre, sophisticated , or unusual sexual behavior, or knowledge. is unwilling to change clothes for gym, or participate in education class

primary target zone for physical injury to a child:

extends from the back of the neCk To the back of the knees. Back of the arms and Hands

FC 151.001 Rights and Duties of Parent: One area involves supporting the child including providing the child with the following: (Check all)

food, medical and dental care, shelter, clothing

1. A person who takes possession of a child without a court order is immune from civil liability if, at the time possession is taken, there is reasonable cause to believe there is an ____

immediate danger to the physical health or safety of the child.

Immediately on receipt of a report assigned the highest priority, the department shall notify the appropriate local law enforcement agency of the report. A highest priority report might allege any of the following: (Check all)

immediate risk of physical of a child that could result in the death of or serious harm to the child. immediate risk of sexual abuse that could result in the death of or serious harm to the child.

An affirmative defense to prosecution regarding PC20.02 Unlawful restraint

is found when the actor is the actor is not more than three years older than the child_ .

characteristics of the mother whose child is a victim of family sexual abuse include the following; check all

is frequently aware of the sexual abuse but subconsciously denies it. May hesitate reporting for fear of destroying the marriage and being left on her own. Mac see sexual activity within the family as preferable to extramarital affairs. may feel the sexual activity between husband and daughter is a relief from her sexual allegation and we'll make certain time that is available for the two to be alone feels a mixture of guilt, jealousy and anger

Request concerning a flagged record: when a request concerning a flagged record is made in person, the school, day care facility, agency __________ advise the requesting party that the request concerns a missing child.

may not

Abuse not restricted to any group or class. ______ and _____ abuse are not restricted to any group or class

neglect and emotional

Some examples of emotional neglect and abuse are the following

never picking up and holding the baby dominance of the child deprivation and distancing

Which statement is most accurate regarding Peace Officers: Authority of Peace Officers(to arrest without warrant)

persons who the peace officer has probable cause to believe have committed an assault resulting in bodily injury to a member of the person's family or household.

abusive parents: Most abusive parents see_______________as an appropriate way to deal with their babies and children.

physical punishment

1. The department may by rule assign priorities and prescribe investigative procedures for investigations based on the severity and immediacy of the alleged harm to the child. The primary purpose of the investigation shall be the ____________

protection of the child_.

The court shall order that each conservator of a child has the duty to inform the other conservator of the child if the conservator __________________. a person who the conservator knows is registered as a sex offender under Chapter 62 CCP.

resides with for at least 30 days, marries, or intends to marry

1. Physical indicators of emotionalabuse include the following: Check All

speech disorders. lag in physical or emotional development. nervous skin disorders. failure to thrive caused by lack of attention or touching

Age Dating of Bruises

within approximately 6 to 12 hours: blue within 4-6 days: green tint, dark Within 5-10 days: pale green to Yellow sometimes with brown tint initial injury: Red within approximately 12-24 hours: within approximately 12-24 hours; purple, black

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