Child Development and Care

Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!

push-pull toys

two-year old

What is the best way to remove a foreign body from the nose?

blow the nose or, if visible, dislodge with tweezers

Infants, six to twelve months old, cannot yet determine what is and is not allowed.


Infants, six to twelve months, will name body parts.


It is inappropriate to ask where the parents are going and when they will be home.


It is too much for parents to expect their babysitter to have an understanding of the stages of a child's development.


Most children are toilet trained by age two.


Babies discover their fingers, feet, and toes at about five months.

false (At three to four months, they discover their fingers, feet, and toes and have some control of their muscles and nervous system.)

The three areas of discipline are:

1.) boundaries must be set; rules must be established. 2.) parents should control and reinforce this instruction. (must see that the child stays within the boundaries set and adheres to the rules established). 3.) ​parents should administer any necessary correction needed to bring the child back within the boundary lines.

What is a barrier cream?

A barrier cream is a cream that is applied to a baby to protect the skin from moisture.

How many hours a day might a six month old infant sleep?

A six-month old infant might sleep about 16 hours a day.

What is art?

Art is a visual form of creative self-expression.

By the age of four, a child can help participate in the following grooming activities:

By the age of four children can participate in brushing his/her teeth, clean his/her hands & fingernails, try combing his/her own hair and blow his/her own nose.

Emotional readiness to be separated from the family is developed in the:

Emotional readiness to be separated from the family is developed in the four-year old.

The best way to eat properly is to:

Giving toddlers child-size utensils is important - they are easier to use. However, toddlers enjoy finger foods since they are easy to grasp. Toddlers are able to eat 3 meals a day plus snack in between meals. (Food should always be cut up into sizes that are small enough so that theres no danger in choking.) A good rule for portion is that one level tablespoon of food for each year of age.

Distinguish between heat exhaustion and heat stroke.

Heat exhaustion will make a person pale, and his/her body temperature will be normal/or modestly elevated. The skin will also be damp. Feelings of nausea, weakness, and light-headedness may occur. He/she should be moved to a cool/shady/air conditioned area. Most if not all of his/her clothing should be removed and they should be getting plenty of fluids. Heat stroke is the most serious result of being overexposed to heat & humidity. 911 should be called immediately (heat stroke is a medical emergency). He/she will be hot to the touch and skin will be red and dry. Their temperature will be 106 degrees F but they will not be sweating; symptoms may include - fast heartbeat, confusion, agitation, lethargy, stupor, and loss of consciousness. He/she should be moved to a cooler place and covered in cold wet sheets.

What is pink eye?

Pink eye is a contagious epidemic form of acute conjunctivitis which occurs in humans. Pink eye is an inflamed eye which starts in one eye and can easily spreads to the other eye.

Describe the best type of clothing for a baby.

The best type of clothing for a baby is soft and comfortable material that doesn't have irritating tags. It is also a good idea to have clothing that goes on and off easily and can be opened easily on the crotch as well for diaper changes.

What is the first solid food that a baby will most likely eat?

The first solid food that a baby will most likely eat is rice cereal.

"I hate you!" is a common expression of anger in the:

This is a common expression of anger in the young school-age.

How would you treat pink eye?

You can treat pink eye by washing your hands often and correctly. Be sure you do not rub/put any objects in your eyes. You could also apply warm compresses and/or therapeutic ointment or drops.

How could you help teach the concept of kindness to a three-year-old child during Vacation Bible School?

You could help teach the concept of kindness to a three-year old child during Vacation Bible School by reading a bible story of someone who acted in kindness or showed kindness.

What are four things you should consider from a business perspective?

a.) What is a fair rate of pay? b.) Do you charge by the hour or the job? c.) Do you charge the same for every family and every job? d.) How do you state your charges and collect your money?

What are two qualities that parents look for in a good babysitter?

a.) being dependable b.) being responsible

List four telephone numbers that should be kept next to the phone.

a.) doctor b.) poison control center c.) ambulence d.) fire

What is syrup of ipecac?

an emetic to induce vomitting

A young child just learning to dress himself should be expected to wear matching clothes.


Children are called toddlers when they are toilet trained.


Force a child to drink milk, so he receives the number of servings needed for good health.


What is one of the best ways to prevent the spread of diseases?

proper hand washing

Discipline should be done in love, in gentleness, and in private.


Define communicable.

"Communicable" means that something can be passed on to others.

Name two things that can be done if a child feels faint.

- have them lie on their back - use a cold compress

Care of Children


Creative Child Care


Information You Need


Intellect (Wisdom)






Safety and First Aid




Social, Emotional, and Spiritual


At age ____________ everything goes in the mouth.

0-6 months

Children like to babble and coo at age ____________.

0-6 months

____________ year olds use "no" frequently.


____________ year olds have a short attention span.


1.) phytochemicals 2.) reprimand

1.) plant chemicals or nutrients 2.) severe admonishment or scolding

Distinguish between first-, second-, and third-degree burns.

First-degree burns are the least severe - the outer layer of skin is red, tender as well as painful. However there are no blisters or swelling. Second-degree burns involve not only the epidermis but also the dermis. This means that the middle layer of skin is red, tender, painful and blistered. Third-degree burns are always serious. This is when destruction takes place within all layers of the skin. The color is either black or white; and there is no pain due to nerves being destroyed.

Fear of imaginary things such as giants, bears, or fires develop in the:

Four-year olds have fear of imaginary things such as giants, or bears.

Is it better to force a two-year-old to participate in grace at mealtimes or have him observe the family saying grace daily? Why?

It is better to have him observe the family saying grace daily. It is never good to force things; this may cause him to have no desire at all for prayer. If he sees that this is a routine and can watch how it is done; he is more likely to start picking it up and participating.

Why is it important to burp a baby during and after the feeding?

It is important to burp a baby during and after the feeding so that the built up air in his/her stomach can get out.

Why is it important to discipline the young child as soon after the infraction as possible?

It is important to discipline the young children as soon after as possible because they have short memories.

Why is it important to read to preschool children?

It is very important to read to preschool children because it has many benefits to the child. Reading to a child helps communicate your love for the child as well as demonstrates your interest in spending time with him/her. To add on, reading to a child gets the child ready for learning to read.

Stop a wound from bleeding by:

Use a clean folded cloth and apply it with pressure to the wound. Next, elevate the wound. (If this doesn't work; wrap the wound with gauze. Otherwise take him/her in to see a doctor.)

How can you make taking a bath and washing hair fun for the young child?

You can make taking a bath fun for a young child by including bubbles and bath toys for him/her to play with while bathing. For washing hair, you can make the experience more fun by creating funny/interesting hair doos in their hair with the shampoo.

When holding a baby, only the head requires extra support.

false (the head and back)

To reduce swelling of bruises, apply


Where do you pinch the nose if both nostrils are bleeding?

toward the bridge of the nose

A good babysitter will respect the family's privacy by not snooping.


A mature babysitter is best suited to maintain authority and discipline.


Babies are unique individuals; different from other babies.


By four months, an infant will realize when mom has entered the room.


Classification and reasoning skills begin at age four.


Cooking experiences help teach the child about his environment.


Infants are easily excited or frightened.


Strep throat is an example of a ________ infection.


Define weaning.

"Weaning" can be defined as moving away from or taking away from.

List the six areas you should get information from the parent concerning the care of the child.

1.) Meals & Menus 2.) Medication 3.) Playtime 4.) Bedtime 5.) Bathtime 6.) ​Discipline

Children like to pretend at age ____________.

2-3 years

Chicken pox can occur at any age but is most common in children ages ____________.


Head lice is most common in children ages ____________.


____________ year olds often have an imaginary playmate.


Why are finger foods important to the development of the child?

Finger foods are important to the development of the child's hand to mouth or hand-eye coordination. It helps children eventually become self-feeders.

How do you treat a chemical burn?

You can treat a chemical burn by flushing it with cold water for 15 minutes.

How often should you change a baby's diaper?

You should be changing the baby's diaper right when it becomes wet or soiled.

What do you apply to a sprain before bandaging?

a cold compress

All of the following are treatments for an insect bite EXCEPT soap to reduce itching ice to reduce inflammation heat to reduce swelling acetaminophen for pain

heat to reduce swelling

What can be done to make old major appliances safe?

remove old doors or keep them locked

What are three safety precautions for medication.

- keep all medicine out of the reach of children - use safety catch on medicine cabinet door - use child safety lids

The Business of Babysitting


Three Common Children's Conditions


List six of the items that should be kept in a first aid kit.

a.) gauze bandages b.) tweezers c.) burn ointment d.) absorbent cotton e.) small sharp scissors f.) clinical thermometer

List three ways you make the outside a safer environment.

- keep the outside free of rusty nails - keep the outside free of loose broken boards - if you have a pool; keep a gated fence around it

Why does the head itch so much when head lice are present?

The head itches when head lice are present because when lice is alive and living, they inject a small amount of saliva underneath the skin; this injection causes itching.

What are some ways that parents can develop trust in their infants?

Some ways that parents can develop trust in their infants include; feeding them when they are hungry, holding/cuddling them when they cry, reading and singing to them, and changing their diapers when needed.

Distinguish between solitary, parallel, and cooperative play.

The difference between solitary, parallel and cooperative play are that; solitary play is when a child is playing alone, parallel play is when a child is playing alongside another child (but not together), and cooperative play is when a child is playing with one or more children.

What is the first step to bathing a baby?

The first step to bathing a baby is to collect everything you need for the bath - before you begin. (You should never leave the baby alone when bathing.)

How do you test the temperature of the bath water?

You can test the temperature of the bath water by using your elbow to make sure the water is warm; but not hot.

When removing a soiled diaper or replacing a clean diaper, how do you lift the baby's bottom up?

You should lift the baby's bottom up lifting his legs up at his ankles with one hand.

List four benefits music has for the child.

a.) music is relaxing b.) music is a method of releasing feelings c.) music comforts the sad child d.) music can be an outlet for a child's creativity

List the two choices for feeding a newborn baby. Which is recommended as being the best method and why?

a.) two choices for feeding a newborn baby include; breast feeding and bottle feeding. b.) breast feeding provides many benefits for both the baby and the mother that formula milk cannot provide.

The two-year-old understands the concept of sharing.


The young school-age child prefers solitary play.


To tire him out, play a rowdy game of wrestling with your child before putting him to bed.


Young school-aged children should still take a nap.


A child needs to learn submission during the preschool stage of his growth.

false (should be learned in toddler stages; 18 months)

Infants, one to six months, will turn towards the source of sound.


Infants, six to twelve months of age will repeat actions that cause a response.


It is better to have chickenpox as a child than as an adult.


Preschoolers are afraid to be separated from their parents.


Routines are important to a one-year-old.


Science is part of the everyday life of a young child.


Some misbehavior in a school-age child may be an indication of boredom.


The four-year-old often experiences hero worship.


The three-year-old is sometimes aggressive.


Three-year-olds like to talk.


When bathing a baby, always wash his/her face first.


Young school-age children have a vocabulary of about 2,000 words.


Young school-age children still need hugs.


Children should be allowed to touch and feed all animals.


rocking horse

three-year old

How would you care for a minor burn?

wash it with cool water until stinging stops

Before applying a bandage on a cut or a scrape, one should first

wash with soapy water and apply antiseptic cream

doll house

young school-age

____________ year olds tend to ask a lot of questions.


Ages and Stages


Children have different eating habits and needs.


Two-year-olds have a vocabulary of about 500 words.

false (3 hundred)



1.) can sit unassisted 2.) can cut on a line with scissors 3.) most active stage in life 4.) likes to be helpful 5.) they grow about 3 inches taller in a year 6.) increases rapidly in height, weight, and motor skills 7.) learns to walk

1.) six to twelve months 2.) the four-year old 3.) the two-year old 4.) the young school-age 5.) the three-year old 6.) birth to six months 7.) the one-year old

1.) cooperative play 2.) parallel play 3.) solitary play

1.) the child cooperates and plays with one or more children, sharing and taking turns. 2.) where a child plays alongside another child but not with him; children may be doing the same activity, for example - blocks. 3.) the child plays alone; he is interested in his own activities, his own toys.

1.) adventure play 2.) creative play 3.) manipulative skills 4.) secondhand learning

1.) the overcoming of obstacles - climbing, jumping, crawling, balancing. 2.) playing with materials on which a child can use his imagination - wood blocks, paint, clay. 3.) skills using hands, such as those using jigsaw puzzles, color and shape - matching sets, scissors, hammers, screwdrivers. 4.) reading or telling stories, looking at books, pictures, listening to records, educational television.

At age ____________ children begin to wave bye-bye.

6-12 months

All of the following can cause anaphylactic shock EXCEPT heat insect stings medication food


The incubation period for chicken pox is ____________ days.


What are three things you can do to provide a safer environment and prepare for an emergency?

Three things you can do to provide a safer environment & prepare for an emergency include; 1.) have the address of the house 2.) have emergency numbers & poison control number near the phone 3.) have a phone number to reach the parents at

In what respect should you be adaptable in your babysitting jobs?

You should be adaptable in your babysitting jobs by understanding and accepting that not all families are the same. You need to respect their routines and how they do things even if it is a little different from the way you do things in your own home.

What are three reasons that it is not a good idea to spend time on the phone while babysitting?

a.) in case the parents need to reach you b.) the kids need your full attention (if the phone is a distraction - the kids may be in danger or doing something they shouldn't be.) c.) you are there to babysit

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