Child Development and Guidance
Which of the following best describes four-year-olds' typical social interactions
They tend to get along better in groups of two
Self-concept is
a person's view of himself or herself
During the toilet routine, children should wash their hands
after using the toilet
If young children do not succeed the first time they try a task that is within the child's capability, the teacher or caregiver should
allow the child to experiment and keep on trying until she succeeds
Toddlers should be allowed to feed themselves
any way they like and whenever they wish
In the section, "Developmental Concerns" Marny Helfrich states that when told that their child may have a developmental challenge, most parents
appreciate the caregiver's concern and insight
Most five year olds A. aren't ready for games with rules B. enjoy games with rules whether they win or lose C. are beginning to learn to play games with rules D. are able to consistently follow the rules when playing games
are beginning to learn to play games with rules
are often too busy taking care of their own needs to understand sharing
Which style of play is characterized by children engaging in a common activity exchanging toys, but not assigning roles or organizing group goals?
associative play
Having enough toys so that all children can play with what they wish
encourages cooperative play
Children develop holistically, which means that
children's development in each domain influences and is influenced by their development in all the other domains
The best carbohydrates for children are
complex carbohydrates
Managing and expressing feelings is part of children's _______ development
Children need opportunities to develop in all domains
every day
In an early childhood program, curriculum includes
everything that is part of the children's day
Children who feel they are incapable
expect themselves to fail
Infants who receive prompt, consistent, appropriate responses from their caregivers
feel secure
Periods of disequilibrium in preschoolers' development are typically the result of
growth changes
Consistent, fair, clearly defined limits
help children feel secure
Guidance is
helping children learn to control their behavior and make their own decisions
Helping toddlers develop a sense of time
helps them learn self-control
Cognitive development refers to
how children come to know and understand the world
"Motivation" on the activity lesson plan form refers to
how the teacher plans to introduce the activity and stimulate the children's interest
The best way to help four-year-olds learn to use correct grammar is to
let them hear you speak correctly
The main function of a schedule is to
list the general categories of activities planned for the day, when each will occur, and how long each will last
The most important purpose of a schedule is to
meet children's needs
The sense of object permanence means that the child realizes that
objects and people continue to exist even when the infant cannot see them
Every activity should end
on a positive, happy note
The type of play that is most typical for two and three year olds is
parallel play
The Child Find program
provides services such as physical therapy and special education
Giving children reasons for rules or requests is an example of A. power control B. reasoning control C. positive reinforcement D. extinction
reasoning control
When toddlers express anger or frustration, your best response is to
reassure children that they are important, even when they are angry and frustrated and have lost their self-control
Children feel ____ when routines stay the same day after day
Developmentally appropriate curriculum
sees children as individuals
Four-year-olds typically I. have poor hand-eye coordination II. have a short attention span III. have good small-muscle control IV. can handle manipulative objects efficiently V. can button and unbutton clothing
Young children's resistance to adults' directions
Is a necessary step as children learn to act independently
During the early preschool period, children are typically I. curious II. fearful of new experiences III. eager to learn new words IV. unaware of their own emotions V. happy and fun to be with
Which of the following are part of cognitive development? I. solving problems II. ability to express emotions III. reasoning IV. coordination of muscle groups V. thinking
Four-year-olds typically have I. good large-muscle control II. a desire to move fast and go far III. strong upper leg muscles Iv. poor body awareness V. poor balance and coordination
Each day children should be given opportunities to I. move from place to place II. select their own activities III. explore, create, and experiment IV. socialize with others V. play outdoors
Coaxing, urging, or forcing children to eat
can cause serious eating disorders
Children's ability to relate to and interact with other people is a part of their _____ development
The _____ curriculum refers to unexpected opportunities for learning that just happen
Which of the following is the most important for young children's learning?
spontaneous, self-paced play
Which of the following statements is the most effective way to guide children's behavior?
"walk in here. Running is for outdoors."
Which of the following is the single most powerful stimulator for infants' development? A. playing with other children B. watching other children C. hearing adults talk to them D. trust
D. trust
Orderly, predictable sequences of change occur in ____ domains of children's development
Most children have a secure sense of object permanence by
18 months of age
Which of the following is NOT recommended to help children cooperate with change? A. repeat the direction several times in rapid succession B. make sure that the children know what the new activity is and where it will take place C. give children reasons for sudden or unexpected change D. involve children in the change process
A. repeat the direction several times in rapid succession
Which is the best choice for the last activity of the day? A. read the children their favorite story B. an activity the children can easily leave, such as outdoor play or indoor dancing C. clean up toys D. circle time
B. an activity the children can easily leave, such as outdoor play or indoor dancing
Which of the following is the best choice for promoting problem solving by the child rather than a dependence on adults to solve problems? A. substitution B. positive reinforcement C. active listening D. extinction
active listening
Giving a child attention immediately following a desired behavior is an example of
positive reinforcement
Which of the following has research found to be the most effective strategy to help children improve their skill performance?
Learning centers offer opportunities I. developing themes II. children's self-selected activities III. child-directed play IV. self-paced learning V. open-ended play
Pretend play helps toddlers I. learn self-control II. understand their feelings III. act out their fears IV. explore what is possible V. understand the world around them
Toys for an early childhood program should I. be safe II. be easy to maintain III. actively involve the children IV. support program goals V. be nonviolent
Which of the following activities can help children expand their understanding of mathematical concepts? I. playing with wheels and gears II. measuring ingredients for cooking III. building with blocks IV. sorting objects V. observing changes in the environment
Which of the following are appropriate parts of resting and sleeping routines? I. have children go to the bathroom just before nap time II. have children's cots ready for them before naptime III. schedule nap times before children get too tired IV. play calming music as children go to sleep V. allow children to get up whenever they wake up
Which of the following describes four-year-olds' emotional development? I. enthusiastic II. capable of sharing III. self-assured IV. prone to fears V. intense
Which of the following help build a child's self-esteem? I. understanding how children think II. giving children a voice in planning III. calling each by name IV. allowing children to make mistakes without penalty V. noticing things that are important to children
Which of the following are part of physical development? I. brain development II. sensory awareness III. small motor skills IV. perceptual development V. coordination of muscle groups VI. large motor skills
Which of the following is an indicator that a child may need evaluation to detect a developmental delay? I. failure to respond to voices II. the child feels unusually stiff when held III. inability to track objects with the eyes IV. persistent ear infections V. the child feels unusually floppy when held VI. true loss of developmental skills
Which of the following should be included in an activity lesson plan? I. the developmental goal or goals the activity is designed to meet II. the behavior or action the child is intended to accomplish III. how the teacher plans to introduce the activity to the children IV. the materials needed for the activity V. what advance preparation is required for the activity VI. how the teacher plans to end the activity
I, II, III, IV, V, Vi
Language development includes I. understanding what others say or sign II. written language III. spoken language IV. coordination of muscle groups V. sign language
Most five year olds I. understand past and future II. know the days of the week III. can tell time accurately using an analog clock (clock with hands) IV. can sort objects by size V. can count 50 or more objects
A good schedule I. includes blocks of time for both active and quiet play II. considers children's needs first III. must always be followed exactly with no alterations IV. helps ensure that activities the teacher wants to do during the day will actually happen V. helps ensure that children won't become overtired or hungry
I, II, IV, V
By age three, most children can I. draw clear, bold lines with confidence II. copy a circle from a drawing of a circle III. draw a human figure showing a head, torso, arms, hands, legs, and feet IV. do simple puzzles V. build stable nine - or ten - block towers
I, II, IV, V
Every activity planned for children should I. involve something worth knowing or learning II. be interesting to the children III. involve working with other children IV. involve materials or a situation that is new to the child V. involve information or concepts that children can test or experience
I, II, V
Which of the following are means of indirect guidance? I. organizing space to give children enough room to move about without interference II. offering a balance of new and familiar experiences III. maintaining eye contact with children when talking to them IV. speaking to children in a pleasant voice V. talking baby talk to young children VI. providing adequate amount of appropriate equipment and materials
Which of the following are appropriate parts of the arrival routine? I. greet each child by name II. prepare materials and equipment for the day's activities III. have parents check bulletin board for timely information IV. help each child move from parent to an activity V. select activities for the children's day
Which of the following are ways to help toddlers develop their independence? I. When something must be done, give them a choice about when or how it is done II. Ask them "would you like to..." questions, even when they don't really have a choice III. Give them a choice of foods to eat IV. Give them many activities to choose from V. Whenever possible, avoid letting them do things their own way
Which of the following are appropriate parts of eating routines? I. have children help set the table II. have adults sit at a separate table from the children III. encourage pleasant conversation while children eat IV. allow children to serve themselves V. correct children's table manners as children eat VI. use child-sized furniture and utensils
Which of the following are true about routine activities at an early childhood facility? I. routines account for a significant amount of time each day II. routines have much less influence on children's development than do the learning activities teachers plan III. routines provide opportunities for children to develop independence IV. routines are a necessary part of children's days, but they have little or no relationship to children's skill development V. routines provide the framework around which children's days are organized
Which of the following are means of direct guidance? I. speaking distinctly to children II. alternating active and quiet play periods during the day III. planning children's days in advance IV. getting on children's eye level when speaking with them V. moving about among the children VI. providing interesting activities for children
I, IV, V
Most young preschoolers I. have a clear understanding that in counting, each number must be matched with one and only one object II. can answer "what" questions about familiar things III. can identify the different object when given two objects that are alike and one that is different IV. know their own name, age, and gender V. have some sense of today, yesterday, and tomorrow
During the early preschool period, I. aggressive behavior is more common than during the toddler period II. children interact best in groups of three or four III. children enjoy opportunities to help perform meaningful tasks IV. group pretend play is very important V. children's talk is increasingly directed toward adults rather than other children
If a toddler ignores a request, your best response is to
calmly go to where the child is ans kindly help the child obey
Most _____ year olds can print their first name
five and a half
Most children have established a dominant hand by ____ y ears of age
five and a half
All children
follow the same sequence of development but proceed at their own individual rate
A toddler serving of grains, fruits, or vegetables is
from 1/4 to 1/2 cup
to promote children's language development, the best time for adults to begin talking to children is
from birth
The adult's best response when preschoolers use objectionable speech is to
ignore it
Adults' best response to children's stuttering is to
ignore the stuttering and pay close attention to what the child is saying
Toddlers' use of the word "no"
is a symbol of their emerging power as an independent individual
Most of four year olds' conversation
is directed toward other children and is likely to involve pretend play
At three years of age, the typical child
is physically active and learning to use their body skillfully
missing an optimal period for learning and development in a domain
makes development in that domain more difficult and may prevent the child from reaching the level of competency in this area that he might have reached if his development had not been delayed
Most five year olds A. are developmentally ready to accomplish most academic tasks B. may become intensely frustrated when pushed to do academic work C. generally prefer academic tasks to activities that involve exploration D. are seldom frustrated by adults' unrealistic expectations
may become intensely frustrated when pushed to do academic work
When altering the usual schedule for a special activity, which of the following should remain the same? A. child-initiated activities B. snacks, meals, and nap times C. outdoor play time D. individualized teaching
snacks, meals, and nap times
When planning a daily schedule for young children, which of the following should be considered the cornerstones of the children's day around which other activities should be scheduled?
snacks, meals, and nap times
During a transition between activities, the attention of the teacher in charge should be on
the children