Child Psychology Test 3 Chapter 9

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______: The practical aspects of communication, such as adaptation of language to fit the social situation. Ex: saying please with teachers, doctors etc.


______: The second stage in Piaget's scheme, characterized by inflexible and irreversible mental manipulation of symbols. 2-7

Pre-operational Stage

______: A type of thought in which natural cause-and-effect relationships are attributed to will and other preoperational concepts, as in thinking that the sun sets because it is tired.


Increased IQ, advancement in academics and higher education, less likely to engage in ______ behaviors etc. Preschool

risk taking

Types of measurement: Children's memory is often measured or assessed by asking them to ______ what they remember.


Television: American children spend more time watching tv than they do in ______.


Young children seem to form ______: Abstracts generalized accounts of familiar repeated events


Adults understand that we can acquire knowledge through our ______ or through hearsay. We understand the distinction between ______ and ______ and between how things appear and how they really are.

senses external mental events

During the ______ year, children usually add to their vocabulary an impressive array of articles, conjunctions, possessive adjectives, pronouns, and prepositions.


Young children's operations are still ______

under construction

Most children usually do not produce ______ sentences spontaneously even at the ages of 5 and 6.


______: The difference between real events and mental events, fantasies, and misleading appearances.

Appearance-Reality Distinction

______: The belief that environmental features were made by people.


______: The attribution of life and intentionality to inanimate objects.


Even newborns have some memory skills, and memory improves substantially throughout the first ______ years of life.


Children as young as ______ can distinguish between ______ actions and real actions, between ______ of objects and the actual object.

3 pretended pictures

By the age of ______, children make a clear distinction between real images and imagined items.


By ______ they understand that particular ______ provide information about certain qualities of an object; that is, they recognize that we come to know an object's color through our eyes, but its weight by feeling it.

4 senses

Even after a delay of ______ weeks, ______ old children can reenact a sequence of events they experienced only one time, such as placing a call in a cup, covering it with another cup, and shaking the resulting 'rattle'.

6 16-month

______: The memory of specific episodes or events. (episodic memory)

Autobiographical Memory

______: Focusing on one dimension of a situation while ignoring others.


Early Childhood Education: Academics ______ ______ Preschool

Child-centered Head Start

______: The principle that one category or class of things can include several subclasses.

Class Inclusion

______: The assumption that objects have only one label. Also known as the mutual exclusivity assumption (if a word means one thing, then it cannot mean another).

Contrast Assumption

______: In cognitive psychology, the principle that properties of substances, such as weight and mass, remain the same (are conserved) when the superficial characteristics such as their shapes or arrangement are changed. Ex: water in glass/ball of clay Not for kids in this stage


______: Putting oneself at the center of things such that one is unable to perceive the world from another person's point of view. Egocentrism is normal in early childhood, but is a matter of choice, and rather intolerable, in adults.


______: one important indication of the young child's understanding that mental states affect behavior is the ability to understand ______. This concept involves children's ability to separate their ______ from those of another person who has false knowledge of a situation.

False Beliefs false beliefs beliefs

HOME inventory (______) contains ______ scales (better at predicting IQ and occupational success) Effects of the home environment??

Home Observation for the Measurement of the Environment 6

______: Lack of recognition that actions can be reversed.


______: The mental forms that a real object or event can take.

Mental Representations

Educational television/Entertainment television?? ______ effects ______ is the most successful

Mixed Sesame Street

______: Flexible, reversible mental manipulations of objects, in which objects can be mentally transformed and then returned to their original states. Ex: checkers.


______: The application of regular grammatical rules (e.g., to create past tense and plurals) to irregular verbs and nouns.


______, such as 'the food is eaten by the dog' are difficult for 2/3 year olds to understand so young children almost never produce them.

Passive sentences

______ view was that they do not differentiate reality from appearances or mental events until age 7 or 8 but more recent studies have found that children's ability to distinguish between the two emerges in the ______ years.

Piaget's preschool

______ children generally do not appear to use memory strategies on their own.


______: Vygotsky's concept of the ultimate binding of language and thought. Private speech originates in vocalizations that may regulate the child's behavior and become internalized by age 6 or 7.

Private Speech (inner speech)

______ is the easiest type of memory task. For this reason, multiple choice tests are easier than fill-in-the blank or essay.


______: a prompt that help us remember

Retrieval Cues

______: A temporary support provided by a parent or teacher to a learning child. Guidance decreases with the child's age. This is interaction with older, more knowledgeable supports for cognitive development. ______ Views

Scaffolding Vygotsky's

______: Play in which children make believe that objects and toys are other than what they are. Also termed pretend play. Begins in 2 year. Ex: imaginary friends

Symbolic Play

______: this stage is characterized by the use of symbols to represent objects and relationships among them. ex: language and drawings

Symbolic Thought

______: A common sense understanding of how the mind works.

Theory of Mind

______: Reasoning from the specific to the specific. (In deductive reasoning, one reasons from the general to the specific; in inductive reasoning, one reasons from the specific to the general.) Ex: swing because it is light or go to bed because it is dark out.

Transductive Reasoning

______ reports, especially from preschoolers appear to underestimate children's memory.


______: The assumption that words refer to whole objects and not to their component parts or characteristics.

Whole-Object Assumption

Evaluations of Piaget: Accuracy of ______? ______ development...lost in translation? How tasks are ______

age estimates Language presented

Couch-Potato Effect Tv used as a ______ More ______ (stronger predictor than diet)

babysitter overweight

Another strategy is to organize things to be remembered into ______.


Does ______ development precede language? Or language precede ______?

cognitive cognitive

Recall is more ______ than recognition. In recall task, children must reproduce material from ______ without having it in front of them.

difficult memory

When preschoolers are allowed to use ______ to reenact an event, their recall exceeds that exhibited when they give a verbal report of the event.


Studies have generally shown that word learning, in fact, does not occur gradually but is better characterized as ______: A process of quickly determining a word's meaning, which facilitates children's vocabulary development.


Somewhat similar to the naming explosion in the 2nd year is a '______ explosion' that occurs during the third year.


Interest Level: We pay more attention to the things that ______ us. Attention opens the door to memory.


Language and cognitive development are strongly ______.


The child is correctly applying a rule for forming the past tense of regular verbs, but applying it to an ______ verb.


Children acquire grammar rules as they learn ______


Even very young children use some simple and concrete memory aids to help them remember. They ______, ______, and ______.

look point touch

Origins of Knowledge: By 3 most children begin to realize that people gain knowledge about a thing by ______

looking at it

One common strategy is mental repetition or rehearsal: Repetition - ______, ______, or both.

mental behavioral

Even preschool children can accurately predict and explain human action and emotion in terms of ______. They are beginning to understand where knowledge comes from and they have a rudimentary ability to distinguish ______ from reality

mental states appearance

Also to ______ group together items that belong to the same category.


Preschoolers learn an average of ______ new words per day.


Two-year olds are also more likely to be ______, so 'when' is less than an immediate concern.


Types of Memory: Preschoolers' memories for activities are better than their memories for ______. Children also find it easier to remember events that follow a ______.

objects logical order

Young children begin forming scripts after experiencing an event only ______.


Usually between the ages of 3 and 4, children show knowledge of rules for combining ______ and ______ into complex sentences.

phrases clauses

Despite these accomplishments, children still show some difficulties in recognizing the difference between reality and appearances, perhaps because children of this age still have only a limited understanding of mental ______.

preoperational representation

Children's language skills grow dramatically during the ______ years.


Two of the basic tasks used in the study of memory are ______ and ______.

recognition recall

Younger preschoolers are almost as good as older ones at ______ objects they have seen but are not nearly as good at recall.


Children are capable of ______ recognition during early infancy.


When adults and older children are trying to remember things, they use ______ to help their memory.


At young ages, they tend to apply these grammar rules rather ______, even in cases that call for exceptions.


Commercials Children particularly ______ (diet, information accuracy)


Young children can also be ______ to successfully use strategies they might not use on their own.


Children's sentence structure expands to include words missing in ______ speech.


Children's first questions are ______ and characterized by a ______ pitch. Ex "more milk?"

telegraphic rising

The development of ______ proceeds at an extraordinary pace during early childhood.


It is usually toward the latter part of the third year that the ______ questions appear.


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