,Chinese 28
Paintings with these flowers are easy to find on:
fans, umbrellas, bags, and more.
The personalities these four plants exhibit are traits that are admired in Chinese culture. Artists like to pair poems with pictures of the:
Japanese plum, orchid, bamboo, and chrysanthemum.
Chrysanthemums signify that however harsh and unfavorable the environment is, a person needs to:
have a strong will and courage to do the right things.
Orchids come in just about every color besides:
blue and black.
Because the plum blossoms appear in winter, before any other plants, they are said to represent:
courage and perseverance in the face of adversity. They are also symbolic of nobility in Chinese art.
The blossoms of the Japanese plums range in color from white to:
yellow or red.
These four flowers are known as the "four gentlemen", and they are said to represent the essence of:
Chinese painting.
A person represented by bamboo should also be:
open-minded, like how the bamboo is hollow inside.
The chrysanthemum thrives in the fall when other plants are dying, so it is celebrated for its:
persistent personality.
Bamboo's long life makes it a symbol of longevity, and its height and strength often represent a:
person who has morals and will stand on their principles.
Cymbidium are elegant and delicate flowers that grow in:
remote valleys.
Cymbidium, also known as orchids, represent:
spring (in Chinese paintings).
Bamboo is the "gentleman" that represents:
There are four plants that appear time and time again in Chinese paintings:
the Japanese plum, orchid, bamboo and, chrysanthemum.
Orchids are believed to be clean and pure, and they symbolize:
the intellectual who is not vicious or involved in dishonest schemes.
Japanese plums are nicknamed "winter plums" because:
they flower in late January or February when it's still cold.