Chip/Jesus Lines: 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee
Cue--Barfeé: See you next year.
(throw bag)
Cue--Panch: Yes, and you got omphaloskepsis
But are those rated at the same level of difficulty?
Cue--Chip: Omphaloskepsis. Panch: Yes.
Can that also be pronounced OmPHALoskepsis?
Cue-- Mitch: comforting eliminated spellers and frustrated educators across the nation.
Charlito Tolentino overcame his adolescence and over time came to appreciate his distraction, which others didn't find unfortunate at all.
Cue--Panch: Cow.
Come on!
Cue--Panch: Your word is Tittup.
Definition, Please.
Cue--Rona: Alright, we'll talk about the entrance fee later. Take your seat.
Hey Marcy? Don't be nervous. Just watch what I do.
Cue-- (Marcy spells phylactery) Rona:Slam dunk from Park
Hey, you were at nationals? Remember me?
Cue--Marcy: I knew [you were Asian]! Hi!
Cue--Rona: Marcy Park is new to our county, having placed ninth in Nationals last year, as a representative of Virginia.
I had no idea! Wow! Marcy's the one to beat.
Cue--Mitch: (sung) LIFE IS PANDEMONIUM
I said two Ts. I won last year!
Cue--Panch: Why would you want to do that?
I'd rather not say?
Cue--Panch: You can either take your turn now or forfeit.
I'll take my turn now.
Cue--Marcy: How are you?
I'm alright. Is that your prayer? for a more difficult word?
Cue--Marcy: Well it was, but now that you're here can I ask for something better?
I'm here for you now Marcy. C'est pour toi que je suis ici. Say Portwa Cou Ja-swi Eesi
Cue--Panch:Chip! Chip! Chip!
I'm sorry, is it my turn to spell.
Cue--Marcy: Jesus
Cue--(Marcy spells Qaumaqam.) Panch:Mr. Tolentino
Marigold...Marigold Coneybear...That's a really lovely sweater, Marigold.
Cue--Panch: Your word is [Mexican]
Mexican?! That's so easy!
Cue--Mitch: I'm here to give comfort. Let's go.
Mrs. Peretti, can I have one more chance? Please?
Cue--Panch: No, you said "T-I-T-U-Oh wait, tw...
No, but I wasn't sure if you heard both Ts. I obviously know how to spell it!
Cue--Marcy: Dear Jesus, can't you come up with a word harder than that?
Of course I can, my child.
Cue--Marcy: Would you be disappointed in me if I lost?
Of course not. But Marcy? I also wouldn't be disappointed in you if you won.
Cue--Panch: Yes, they are both level one words.
Cue--Panch: It can. It'd be wrong.
Omphaloskepsis. O-M-P-H-A-L-O-S-K-E-P-S-I-S. Omphaloskepsis.
Shut up.
Cue--Panch: I'm sorry, the correct spelling is T-I-T-T-U-P, tittup.
That's exactly what I said!
That's not fair! I got it right! I can't get out on a word I spelled right!
Cue--Panch: horses' hooves; tittup, tittup, tittup.
Tittup: T-I-T...U...Oh wait two Ts, you heard both, right? T-I-T-T-U-P, Tittup.
Cue--Rona:A rare break in concentration from Mr. Tolentino.
Um, can you skip me for now and ask me two in a row later?
Cue--Panch: Omphaloskepsis
Wait a second, didn't [that guy] just get [Mexican]?
Cue--Marcy: Jesus, I was wondering, what would happen if I didn't win today?
What do you think would happen?
Cue--Marcy: You're saying it's up to me then?
Yes. And also, this isn't really the sort of thing I care very much about.
Cue--Barfeé: If you hadn't already been eliminated!
You know something, BarfEE, I may have lost, but you're the biggest loser here!
Cue--Panch: Tittup