CHP 7 & 8 Anatomy

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Paranasal Sinus is superior to the nasal sinus

(just an observation)

Some functions of the facial bones.

-Provide attachment sites for the facial muscles -Protect the entrances to the digestive and respiratory systems -Form the face

Which are functions of cranial bones?

-Surround and protect the brain -Provide attachment sites for several jaw, head and neck muscles

The metopic suture usually fuses and is gone by what age?

2 years

Which two structures form the junction of the clavicle and scapula?

Acromion Acromial end

What features on both the maxillae and mandible house the teeth?

Alveolar processes

Which feature of the sacrum marks the site of articulation with the os coxae of the pelvic girdle to form the sacroiliac joint?

Auricular surface

The sternoclavicular joint is an articulation between the sternal end of the________and the large flattened end of the sternum called the________

Blank 1: clavicle Blank 2: manubrium

Passageway for internal carotid artery

Carotid canal

Passageway for olfactory nerves

Cribriform foramina

Which part of the ethmoid bone acts as an attachment site for the falx cerebri, a cranial dural septa that helps to stabilize the brain?

Crista galli

Passageway for spinal cord

Foramen magnum

Passageway for mandibular branch of the trigeminal nerve

Foramen ovale

Which bone helps to form the cranium of the skull?

Frontal Bone

The right and left halves of this cranial bone are united by the metopic suture, which fuses and disappears by age 2.

Frontal bone

What structure is between the orbits of the eyes and superior to the bridge of the nose?


Which part of the rib articulates with the bodies of the thoracic vertebrae?


Which part of the palatine bone articulates anteriorly with the palatine process of the maxilla to form the hard palate?

Horizontal plate

Which bone associated with the skull is an attachment site for tongue and larynx muscles?


Identify the auditory ossicles housed within the petrous part of the temporal bone.

Incus Malleus Stapes

Which opening in the petrous part of the temporal bone acts as a passageway for nerves and blood vessels supplying the inner ear?

Internal acoustic meatus

Which facial bone helps to form the medial wall of the orbit?

Lacrimal bone

Which suture forms the boundary between the occipital bone and the parietal bones?

Lambdoid suture

Which secondary curve of the vertebral column develops as a child learns to stand and walk?

Lumbar curvature

Which bone forms the lower jaw?


Which bones contain alveolar processes?

Mandible Maxillae

Which bones articulate at the mandibular fossa to form the temporomandibular joint?

Mandible Temporal bone

The suprasternal notch is located on which part of the sternum?


The bump you feel posterior to your ear lobe on your lateral skull corresponds to which structure of the temporal bone?

Mastoid process

Which bones contain the paranasal sinuses?

Maxillae Ethmoid Sphenoid Frontal

Which areas of the skull are formed in part by the ethmoid bone?

Medial wall of orbit Roof of the nasal cavity Floor of the cranium

What structure unites the left and right sides of the developing frontal bones in the skull soon after birth?

Metopic suture

Which are parts of the ethmoid bone that increase airflow turbulence in the nasal cavity to allow air to be properly moistened and cleaned by the nasal mucosa?

Nasal conchae

Which structure is located within the lacrimal groove?

Nasolacrimal duct

The intervertebral discs are composed of which structures?

Nucleus pulposus Anulus fibrosus

Which cranial nerve passes through the cribriform foramina in the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone?

Olfactory nerve (CN I)

Which passageway in the sphenoid bone allows the optic nerve (CN II) to enter the brain?

Optic canal

Which cranial nerve passes through the optic canal of the sphenoid bone?

Optic nerve (CN II)

Which are facial bones?

Palatine and lacrimal bones

Which bone forms the posterior portion of the hard palate?

Palatine bone

Which part of the maxillae helps to form the majority of the hard palate?

Palatine process

The coronal suture forms the boundary between the which bones?

Parietal bones Frontal bone

Carotid canal

Passageway for internal carotid artery

Foramen ovale

Passageway for mandibular branch of the trigeminal nerve

Cribriform foramina

Passageway for olfactory nerves

Foramen magnum

Passageway for spinal cord

Which part of the ethmoid bone helps to form the nasal septum?

Perpendicular plate

Which part of the temporal bone houses the sensory structures of the inner ear?

Petrous part

What are the functions of the pectoral girdle?

Promotes upper limb mobility Provide attachment sites for muscles

Which of the following are functions of the vertebral column?

Provides vertical support for the body Helps to transfer axial skeletal weight to the lower limbs Houses and protects the spinal cord

The clavicle is ______-shaped.


Which suture lies along the midline of the cranium between the parietal bones?

Sagittal suture

Which structural feature is absent in the first cervical vertebra, the atlas?

Spinous process

Which structure of the vertebra is able to be palpated through the skin of the back?

Spinous processes

Which suture forms the articulation between the parietal and temporal bones?

Squamous suture

What is the name of the palpable horizontal ridge formed by the articulation of the manubrium and body of the sternum commonly used as a landmark for the second rib?

Sternal angle

Which of the following are clavicular joints?

Sternoclavicular Acromioclavicular

Which thin, pointed projection of the temporal bone serves as an attachment site for several hyoid and tongue muscles?

Styloid process

Which is a passageway for the facial nerve?

Stylomastoid foramen

Which are parts of the ethmoid bone?

Superior nasal conchae Crista galli Middle nasal conchae

Which statements describe the false ribs?

They indirectly articulate with the sternum through shared costal cartilages. They articulate with the thoracic vertebrae.

What are the lateral projections on both sides of the vertebral arch?

Transverse processes

What passes through the transverse foramina of the cervical vertebrae?

Vertebral arteries

Which part of the vomer contributes to the nasal septum?

Vertical plate

The main function of the coccyx is to act as a(n) ______.

attachment site for muscles and ligaments

The thick spinous processes of lumbar vertebrae provide extensive surface area for the attachment of ______.

back muscles

The maxillae contain infraorbital foramina,which are passageways for ______.

blood vessels and nerves

A person experiencing pain in their neck and upper limb, along with muscle weakness in the upper limb, may have a herniated disc in the ______ region of the vertebral column.


The vertebrae that have small bodies, short bifid spinous processes, and transverse foramina within their transverse processes are called ______.


Transverse foramina are only found in ______.


The zygomatic bones are commonly called ______.


The clavicular notches of the manubrium articulate with the ______.


The most inferior portion of the vertebral column is the ______.


Along the lateral walls of the nasal cavity are two scroll-shaped bones called inferior nasal


The frontal bone and parietal bones are connected by the ______.

coronal suture

the _____________ fossae along the floor of the cranial cavity contain depressions for parts of the brain, grooves for blood vessels, and numerous foramina.


Sutures are immovable joints forming the boundaries between the ______.

cranial bones

The three curved depressions in the floor of the cranial cavity are called the ______.

cranial fossae

The axis (C2) contains a prominent process called the ______, which acts as a pivot for the rotation of both the atlas and skull.


The crista galli of the ____________ bone acts as a point of attachment for the falx cerebri.


The olfactory nerves (CN I) pass through the cribriform foramina in the cribriform plate of the ______.

ethmoid bone

Which bone in the skull helps to form the floor of the cranium, the roof of the nasal cavity, and the medial wall of the orbit?

ethmoid bone

The coccyx projects more inferiorly in ______.


The atlas is the name for the ______.

first cervical vertebra

The largest foramen in the skull, visible on an inferior (basal) view, is the ______.

foramen magnum

The spinal cord enters the cranial cavity through the ______.

foramen magnum

The palatine processes of the maxillae unite with the horizontal plate of the palatine bones to form the ______.

hard palate

The sacral canal terminates in an inferior opening called the sacral __________________which represents an area where the laminae of the last sacral vertebra failed to fuse.


An exaggerated lumbar curvature often caused by the added abdominal weight associated with pregnancy is known as "swayback" or ______.


The mandibular foramen acts as a passageway for the blood vessels and nerves that innervate the ______.

inferior teeth

The internal jugular and vagus nerve pass through the ______.

jugular foramen

The small, paired _________________bones help to form part of the medial wall of the orbit


The opening in the lacrimal bone that provides a passageway for the nasolacrimal duct is the ______.

lacrimal groove

Which view of the skull clearly shows the squamous suture between the parietal and temporal bones?


The largest vertebrae are


Which type of vertebrae have thick, oval shaped bodies, and short, thick, and blunt spinous processes?


The bone of the lower jaw is the


The foramen, located on the medial wall of the mandibular ramus, that allows blood vessels and nerves to supply the inferior teeth is called the ______.

mandibular foramen

The temporal bone and mandible articulate to form the tempormandibular joint at the ______.

mandibular fossa

The orbital process of a palatine bone forms a small part of the ______.

medial floor of the orbit

The part of the mandible that forms the point of the chin is the ______.

mental protuberance

The bridge of the nose is formed by the______bones


Which of the following bones are often fractured by blows to the nose?

nasal bones

The perpendicular plate and vomer come together to form the ______.

nasal septum

The mastoid process is an anchoring site for muscles of the ______.


The lambdoid suture forms the boundary between the

occipital and parietal bones

The ear ossicles are found in the ______.

petrous parts of temporal bones

The dorsum sella is the ______ border of the sella turcica.


_________________curves are the thoracic and sacral curves.


The thoracic and sacral curvatures of the vertebral column, which develop to accommodate the thoracic and abdominopelvic viscera, are classified as ______.

primary curves

The glenoid cavity is a depression on which bone?


what houses the pituitary gland?

sella turcica

The cavity of the shoulder is ______, which permits a wide range of movement of the arm.


The lateral and flat surface of the temporal bone is the ______ part.


A thin, pointed process located in the posterioinferior surface of the temporal bone is called the

styloid process

The brow ridges are known at the _____.

superciliary arches

an immovable joint forming the boundary between cranial bones.


The cervical region of the vertebral column contains 7 vertebrae.


The right and left maxillae unite to form the___________ jaw.


Vertebra C7 is also called the _____.

vertebra prominens

The vertical plate of the ______ articulates with the perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone to form the nasal septum.


The fusion of the temporal process of the zygomatic bone and the zygomatic process of the temporal bone forms the ______.

zygomatic arch

Which bone helps to form the face?

Zygomatic bone

Which facial bone helps to form the cheek and lateral part of the orbit?

Zygomatic bone

Which structure of the clavicle is the most lateral?

acromial end

When do secondary curves of the vertebral column appear in an individual?

after birth

Each articular process of a vertebra has a smooth surface called a(n) ______.

articular facet

The maxillae, ethmoid, frontal, and sphenoid bones contain air-filled chambers known as the_______________sinuses


The ascending posterior regions of the mandible are known as the ______.


The thoracic cage consists of the ______.

ribs sternum thoracic vertebrae

Which type of vertebrae start to fuse together shortly after puberty and are completely fused between ages 20 and 30?


In the sacral region of the vertebral column, the vertebral canal is known as the ______.

sacral canal

The articulation between the right and left parietal bones is formed by the ______.

sagittal suture

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