Christian Beliefs Final

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according to bruce shelley, in the early 1600s of New England the denominational theory of the church insisted that the true church should be identified with one single ecclesiastical structure


according to bruce shelley, martin luther and john calvin didn't see eye to eye on the four central protestant beliefs


according to bruce shelley, the God of the deists has sometimes been called the candlemaker God


according to bruce shelley, the czech reformer John His was eventually burned at the steak for his assertion that the pope was the head of the church and not christ


according to bruce shelley, the english methodists always remained closely aligned with the Anglican church


according to bruce shelley, the oxford movement in the early 1800s had to do with the need for the church of england to recognize that its authority actually came from the state


according to bruce shelley, the society of Jesus founded by Ignatius Loyola and approved by pope paul III in 1540 was also known as the Franciscan order


according to wayne grudem, generally speaking an ordinance of the church is seen by most protestants as actually conferring saving grace to the participant


according to wayne grudem, one of the lesser known metaphors that describes the church is the lamp stand where we are the oil and christ is the light


according to wayne grudem, under the aspects of conversion true saving faith for an individual includes knowledge of who christ is, personal approval of that knowledge, and personal election by God


according to wayne grudge, Christ's suffering for us is sometimes referred to as his "active obedience"


according to bruce shelley, the world anabaptist means:


according to wayne grudem, Christ's propitiation has to do with:

removing the wrath of God from us that we deserved

according to wayne grudem, a pretribulational view means

that christ will return before the great tribulation

according to bruce shelley, the great awakening in the early days of america had to do with

the crucial development of christianity in america with the first in a long history of rivals

according to bruce shelley, the American revolution of the 1770s inspired other radicals in europe which eventually brought about

the french revolution

according to wayne grudem, the signs of christs return include all of the following except

the fulfillment of elijahs return

according to wayne grudem, the word paedobaptism means:

the practice of baptizing infants

according to bruce shelley it was george whitfield who was the father of modern mass evangelism in America


according to bruce shelley, as christian missionaries pioneered the new world one of the early dilemmas they faced was whether the natives should be won to the holy faith by love or by force


according to bruce shelley, in 1409 there was a moment in time when the roman catholic church had not 2, but 3 claimants to the papacy ( chair of peter )


according to bruce shelley, the first protestants to attempt to reach distant peoples with the gospel were the pietists


according to glorification is the final step in the application of redemption


according to wayne grudem for christians death is not seen as punishment


according to wayne grudem there are many liberal protestant churches that are in fact false churches today


according to wayne grudem, after his ascension, christ received glory and honor that had not been before as the God-man


according to wayne grudem, common grace does not save people


according to wayne grudem, in postmillennialism christs return occurs after the millennium where the church age is seen as ushering in the millennial reign of christ


according to wayne grudem, it could be said that our sanctification in christ is more subjective in nature as we cooperate with the holy spirit in our christian growth, where as justification is more objective in nature and entirely God's work in us


according to wayne grudem, it was the reformer john calvin who helped frame the protestant view of the elements of communion being seen as a symbolic and spiritual presence of christ


according to wayne grudem, the gospel accounts maintain that not even jesus himself knows the hour of his return


according to wayne grudem, theologically, it is safe to say that both the father and the son participated in the resurrection.


according to bruce shelley, throughout the three sessions of the council of trent from 1545-1563 everything the protestant reformation stood for was:

vigorously and violently rejected

according to wayne grudem, the first element of the ordo salutis is regeneration


according to wayne grudem, atonement is the work Christ did in his:

life and death to earn our salvation

according to wayne grudem, the latin phrase ordo salutis simply means

order of salvation

according to wayne grudem, all those who are truly born again:

will by God's power most certainly preserve to the end

according to bruce shelley, in 1521 pope leo X declared that martin luther was a heretic and worthy of excommunication because of his views on justification by faith alone


according to bruce shelley, in the 1700s Count von Zinzendorf sang of the souls relation to christ in viv, almost erotic images


according to wayne grudem, in the ordo salutis we play no active role whatsoever in the work of regeneration


according to bruce shelley, in 1870 the first vatican council declared the the pope had full authority but could still be fallible in his judgements and pronouncements


according to bruce shelley, in receiving a papal bull from the roman catholic church the great reformer martin luther was referred to as:

a wild boar

according to bruce shelley, the great missionary david livingstone served primarily in:


according to bruce shelley, in the early 1300s it could be said that boniface VII was a pope that:

all of the above: - proclaimed a jubilee to celebrate the new centenary of christs birth - appears before the pilgrims in imperial robes crying " i am caesar. I am emperor" - had a papal crown that contained 48 rubies, 72 sapphires, 45 emeralds, and 66 pearls - kept 2 priests busy night and day raking together infinite money

according to bruce shelley, during the age of reason, ben franklin believed that questions about dogma seemed unimportant and hardly worth fretting about. what was immensely more important was:


according to bruce shelley, the Jesuits of the 17th century mad many allowances for sinful human nature thorugh forgiveness without contrition. critics of this view called it:

cheap grace

according to wayne grudem, under the doctrine of conversion what two things must come together for salvation

faith and repentance

according to wayne grudem, there are at least 10 pieces of evidence in the New Testament that Jesus had a physical body after the resurrection. Which of the following is not considered evidence for Jesus' physical body after the resurrection: - he took bread and broke it - he ate a piece of broiled fish - mary thought he was the gardener - he walked on water - he invited thomas to put his finger out to touch his hands and put out his hand and touch his side

he walked on water

according to bruce shelley, through a movement during the 1700s in england, what became later known as the methodist movement was founded by:

john and charles wesley

according to bruce shelley, one of the earliest reformers who was intent on having latin bible translated into the english language was:

john wyclif

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