Ciliary Body

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connect ciliary body to lens

Outer side of ciliary body

connected to sclera and scleral spur.

Nonpigmented Ciliary Epithelium

continuous with neurosensory retina at ora serrata.

Thickness of pars plicata

due to presence of processes and ciliary muscles.

Iris sphincter/dilator derivation


Marphan's syndrome

elastin defect causes lens to waver/rock.

Parasympathetic ciliary fibers

enter eye through short ciliary nerves and go to iris sphincter or ciliary muscle.

Scleral spur

extension of sclera that goes into angle of eye. tight connection with ciliary body.

Elastic layer

main layer of bruch's membrane. continuous with elastic from ciliary muscle

Largest vessel of vascular layer

major arterial circle near iris root.

Ciliary tendon

portion of ciliary muscle that connects to scleral spur and trabecular meshwork.

Origin of Ciliary Body

posterior extension of the iris

Insertion of ciliary muscle

sceral spur

Elastic tendons

surround ciliary tendon.

Origin of ciliary muscle

sclera at the optic nerve since that's where bruch's membrane is and is carrying elastic fibers from muscle.

Pars plicata ends at...

scleral spur


secrete collagen and elastic. not in bruch's membrane.

Pigmented Ciliary Epithelium

single layer cuboidal cells continuous with retinal pigmented epithelium. at ora serrata.

Major arterial circle of iris

(MAC) derived from anastomosis of anterior and long posterior ciliary arteries. Or just long posterior ciliary arteries.

Pars plicata

(corona ciliaris) more anterior portion of ciliary body. contains major and minor ciliary processes. heads closer to lens

Pars plana

(orbiculus ciliaris) more posterior part of ciliary body. begins at ora serrata.

Contraction of Ciliary muscle

affect drainage of aqueous. during accommodation.

Intramuscular circle of ciliary muscle

anastomosis of anterior ciliary arteries

Major ciliary processes produce


Parasympathetic postganglionics

arise in ciliary ganglion and go to ciliary muscle.

Sympathetic postganglionics

arise in superior cervical ganglion and innervate arteries of ciliary body.

Both radial and circular fibers

attach anteriorly to scleral spur

Internal limiting membrane

basal lamina of NPE lines ciliary body with the vitreous and posterior champers. Give rise to zonules and fibrils.

Long and short ciliary nerves

based on how far travel in orbit.

Bruch's in pars plicata

basil lamina only


becomes anterior epithelum of iris near iris root

NPE of pars plicata

becomes posterior epithelium of iris near the iris root.

Collagen Layer

between elastic layer and basal lamina.

Bruch's membrane

between vascular layer and pigmented epithelium. in both pars plana and choroid. noncellular. 3 layers

Core of ciliary processes

blood vessels of stroma, connective tissue, malanocytes.

Inner side of ciliary body

boudned by lens zonlues, posterior chamber, and vitreous

Ciliary body sensory fibers

cell bodies in semilunar/trigeminal ganglion

Accommodation action

ciliary body move inwardy anteriorlyl to relax zonules

Innervation of Ciliary Body

ciliary nerves, long and short.

Composition of supraciliary layer

collagenous fibers, melanocytes, fibroblasts.

Basal Lamina

made from pigmented ciliary epithelium

Color of ciliary muscle


Layers of the Ciliary Body

1. Supraciliary 2. Ciliary Muscle 3. Stroma 4. Bruch's membrane 5. Ciliary Epithelium

3 layers of Bruch's in pars plana

1. elasic 2. basal lamina 3. collagen

Subdivisions of ciliary muscle

1. longitudinal fibers 2. radial fibers 3. circular fibers

Radial fibers

curve more than the eye does so does not reach pars plana.

Ciliary Epithelium

divided into pigmented and nonpigmented.

Fenestrated capillaries of stroma

filter raw material for aqueous secretion.

Blood Aqueous Barrier

formed by tight junctions between NPE. Prevent material leaked from stroma from entering posterior chamber.

Ciliary Muscle blood supply

from both MAC and Intramuscular circle.

Location of stroma

in both pars plana and pars plicata. more in plicata.

First indication of ciliary processes

indentation/folding of outer cup wall by mesodermal-lined vessels.

Dentate processes

indentions of ora serrata

Ora Serrata

junction between retina and choroid


layer of blood vessels and fenestrated capillaries.

Anterior Ciliary Body

less pigmented b/c of ciliary muscle.

Minor ciliary processes

located in valleys between major processes. pigmented valleys

Blood Supply of Ciliary Body

long anterior and posterior ciliary arteries. Drain to ciliary and choroid veins.

Connection with sclera

loose connection

Parasympathetic preganglionics

myelinated and arise in Edinger-Westphal nucleus

Sympathetic preganglionics

myelinated, arise in thoracic spinal cord

Ciliary muscle derivation

neural crest mesenchyme

Ciliary Body Epithelium derivation

neuroectoderm of optic cup posterior to future iris epithelium and anterior to future retina

Inner cup wall

nonpigmented epithelium

Supraciliary Layer

outermost layer of ciliary body. junction between ciliary body and sclera.

Divisiono of Ciliary body

pars plana par plicata

Posterior ciliary body

pigmented and marked by blood vessels and nerves

Outer cup wall

pigmented epithelium

Muscle stars

stellate arrangements of smooth muscle. give rise to elastic fibers/tendons that are continuous with elastic fibers of vessels and Bruche's membrane.

Ciliary processes blood supply

supplied only by MAC

Supraciliary layer continuous with...

suprachoroid at the ora serrata

Connection with scleral spur

tight connection with ciliary muscle in anterior pars plicata.

Longitudinal fibers

travel with curvature of the eye. insert in scleral spur. end at muscle stars.

Major processes (Color)

unpigmented/whitef since pigmented epithelial cells here no have abundant pigment.

Ciliary Muscle

within pars plicata. largest intrinsic eye muscle. Functions to cause accommodation

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