CIS 1323 Access Quiz
Embedded macro
A command button; available only in the database object in which the button control was created.
record validation
A rule applied at the table level rather than at the field level; allows you to restrict values in one field based on the value of another field in the same record.
A text file that includes multiple data fields may separate the fields with a specific character; usually commas, tabs, semi-colons, and spaces.
locked files
Access files saved with the ACCDE format; the design of existing database objects is locked—users can create new database objects, but they cannot change the design of existing ones.
Validation Rule property
Access will evaluate the expression when the user leaves the record, and if the expression is false, the record cannot be saved and a message is displayed
Validation Rule property
Access will judge the field value when the user leaves the field, and if the data violates the field validation rule, a message is displayed.
Allow users to input data through a friendly interface.
Inner join
By default, tables linked in a one-to-many relationship have _____; This means that when a simple query is created, only records that include matches in both tables will be displayed.
Calculates the average numerical value, ignoring null values.
Standard Deviation
Calculates the statistical standard deviation for numeric field types only.
Calculates the statistical variance for numeric field types only.
Calculates the total of all the numerical values in the column.
Contains a single table. Good for maintaining a running list of changes to the database.
Contains one table and two forms for data entry. Good for a to-do list or parts of a larger project.
Contains one table and two forms for data entry. Good for tracking email addresses and login information for Web site or network users.
Contains one table and two forms for data entry. Good for tracking technical support issues or project-related problems.
Contains one table, one query, three forms, and four reports. Good for storing names, addresses, and phone numbers for customers, vendors, students, employees, or any similar group of people.
Counts the number of items in the column. Count works for any data type.
Display database information for printing or viewing on-screen. They do not allow data entry; they are read-only.
Each column in the table represents a specific data value called
Each row in the table contains all the data for a
Extract data from a table or related tables.
Local join
If you edit the join property from Query Design view.
Global join
If you edit the join property from the Relationships window; it will apply throughout the database.
Table Analyzer
If you find the same data repeating in different records, that data should be pulled out of the table and stored in a separate table linked to the original table through a lookup field. Creates separate, related tables in your database.
cascading options
Instead of preventing updates or deletions, you can set relationship options to delete or update the related records in the secondary table.
Datasheet view
Queries open in __________ showing the record set that matches the query criteria; for a query does not allow you to modify fields. When entering records in a table, you must use __________.
Summary queries, total queries, or aggregate queries
Queries that calculate summary values.
Returns the largest numerical value.
Returns the smallest numerical value.
Store all the database data.They are the essential building blocks of the database.
Datasheet view
Tables open in __________ where you can enter, sort, and filter data. From Datasheet view you can also add new fields and modify some field properties.
SELECT statement
Tells Access which fields to include in the query, how the data are related for purposes of the query, any criteria for selecting records to include in the query, and how the query results should be ordered.
SELECT clause
The first clause in the SELECT statement is always the ___________. This defines the fields included in the query. Each field name is separated by a comma. While not always necessary, it is good practice to include the table name with the field name.
innermost sort
The last sort level.
The process of splitting up a single table into separate, related tables
FROM clause
The second clause in the SELECT statement; It defines how records are selected to include in the results.
Data bar
The second type of conditional formatting displays a colored data bar representing the value of the record compared to other records. Generally, records with higher values have longer data bars.
Front-end file
Then the original tables are removed from the database and replaced with links to the new file.
form application part
These application parts are essentially form templates. They provide a blank form with a preset layout and placeholders for labels and other controls.
right outer join
This means that all records from the "many" side of the relationship will be included in the query, whether or not there is a corresponding match in the "one" table.
left outer join
This means that all records from the "one" side of the relationship will be included in the query, whether or not there is a corresponding match in the "many" table.
Format property
To ensure that data appear uniform.
Using OR
To find records that meet any of the conditions, enter the criteria on separate rows in the query grid: Enter the first criterion in the Criteria row. Enter the second criterion in the or row (the row immediately below the Criteria row). When using an or construction with multiple fields, make sure that each criterion is on its own row.
Using AND
To find records that meet two or more conditions in different fields, enter each of the criteria in the Criteria row. To find records that meet more than one condition in the same field, enter both criteria separated by the word AND in the Criteria row.
Performance Analyzer
To index a foreign key field, view the table in Design view, and change the field's Indexed property to Yes (Duplicates OK). ______________ tool can do this for you and suggest other changes to optimize the database and speed up performance.
ACCDE file format
To prevent users from making unwanted changes, save a secure copy of the front-end database
form Property Sheet
Use the _____________ to set the record source and other form properties.
Sort levels
When applying the sort commands, sort the innermost sort first and the outermost sort last. You can have as many sort levels as you want, but remember to begin with the innermost sort and work your way out.
image control
When you add a photograph or illustration to a form, the image is stored in an ____________. Note that when you add an image using an _________ , it is not added to the Image gallery.
Structured Query Language
When you create a query in Design view, you are generating programming code in a language called _____________.
record source
When you start a new blank form from scratch or from an application part, the first thing you should do is set a table or query as the _______ for the form.
field validation rule
When you want to limit the content that can be entered in a field, but a value list lookup field would be too restrictive
You display a subset of records that meet the filter criteria. AutoFilter displays a list of all the unique values in the field. This feature is available for table, queries, and forms.
a file with predefined settings that you can use as a base to create a new database of your own.
a form within the form.
a new report from scratch, the default page orientation
a report within a report; can display records from another report, table, or query when a relationship exists between data in the main report and subreport
parameter query
a type of select query that allows the user to provide the criteria. You specify the field or fields that the query will use to limit the records in the results just as you would if you were entering the criteria yourself, but you don't specify the exact criteria.
a_______ is a collection of data.
Append query
add (append) records to an existing table by copying records that meet the query criteria and pasting them into the specified table.
Stacked layout
adding a field to a blank form places two controls
Default Value property
adds a preset value to the field.
lookup field
allows the user to select data from a list of items; presents values from a field in another table or a query. Whether you begin with a new field or modify the data type for an existing field, the process using the Lookup Wizard is the same.
Navigation form
allows you to group together all the forms and reports a user might need within a single form object.
Record Source
an interface to the underlying table or query.
calculated control
an unbound text box control that contains an expression (a formula).
page header section/ page footer section
appear at the top and bottom of every printed page in the report
report header section/ report footer section
appear only at the very beginning and the very end of the report.
Group Footer section
appears below each group in the report; is not displayed automatically unless you add totals to the groups using the Totals option.
Conditional formatting
applies formatting to data based on rules you define; The first type of conditional formatting applies a defined format to individual field values when certain conditions are met. The conditional formatting rule can compare the field to a specific value or compare the field to the value of another field.
are conditions that the records must meet in order to be included in the query results. Each field data type takes a certain type of ______.
Object dependencies
are created when the data for a database object or a field come from another database object.A form or report is dependent upon the table or query used as its record source. A table that includes a lookup field to another table is dependent upon that table. Queries are dependent upon the tables from which they draw fields.
Unbound controls
are not connected to field data directly.
One-to-many relationship
are the most common.
automatically assigned its value by Access.Database users cannot edit or enter data in an _________ field. ___________ are often used as a primary key if no other unique field exists in the table.
Short Text
can hold up to 255 characters; used for short text data or numbers that should be treated as text.
can reference fields, mathematical operators, and functions. You can type the formula directly in the query grid or you can use the Expression Builder to build the formula.
characters asterisk (*) and question mark (?) and the "like" construction in the query criteria to find inexact text matches. The * _______ replaces any string of characters. The ? wildcard replaces a single character.
Split form
combines the convenience of a continuous Datasheet form with the usability of a Single Record form displaying one record at a time. Both formats are displayed and work together, so when you navigate records in one section, the other section synchronizes.
comma-separated values. May be saved as a file with the .cvs extension.
Back-end file
copies all the tables from your database into a new Access file.
backing up a database
create a copy of it and preserve the data at a certain point. At any time you can open the backup and restore your data from an earlier stage.
Database Splitter
creates a database application with two separate files—a front end and a back end.
defines how records from two related tables are returned in a query
display field data
Currency format
displays a $ symbol before the number and two digits to the right of the decimal place.
Calculated field
displays a value returned by an expression (a formula).
select query
displays data from one or more related tables or queries, based on the fields that you select.
Single Record form
displays on record at a time.
Comma Style format
displays the , symbol within the number and two digits to the right of the decimal. This is the same as selecting Standard from the Format list.
label control
displays the name of the field to the left of a bound text box control displaying the field data.
Percent format
displays the number as a percentage, so .05 displays as 5, and 5 displays as 500. It does not display the % symbol in the table.
Format field property
does not affect the data stored in the table; it only controls the way the data are displayed to the end user.
desktop database
does not require Sharepoint
Compact & Repair tool
eliminates these unnecessary database objects for optimum efficiency.
Referential integrity
ensures that related database records remain accurate.
Stand- alone macro
exists independently of a specific database object. It can be run directly from the Navigation Pane, or it can be called from a control in a form or a report just like an embedded macro.
outermost sort
first sort level.
placeholder characters
followed by the same number of digits with an optional letter at the end as defined by the remaining __________ .
Input mask
forces users to enter data in a consistent format by preventing data entry that violates the rules defined by the input mask format
input mask
forces users to enter data in a consistent format; are only available from the Design view Field Properties pane.
Database Documenter
generates the database document.
Multiple Items form
has a similar layout displaying multiple records at once. Is more flexible than a Datasheet form because you can modify the layout and design of a ________ form.
holds a numerical value. The default number is described as a long integer, a number between -2,147,483,648 and 2,147,483,647.
Long Text
holds text and numbers like a Short Text field, except you can enter up to 65,535 characters in a _______ field. Can be formatted using Rich Text Formatting.
tabular layout
in which the data are arranged similar to a table with the label controls at the top of each column.
literal text
included every time a record is entered; must be enclosed in quotation marks; is entered automatically during data entry. The user cannot delete or edit it.
report Detail section
includes the controls for the report data. The report Page Header section appears above the Detail section, and the report Page Footer section appears below the Detail section.
is a custom set of programming commands written in the Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) programming language.
relational database
is a group of tables related to one another by common fields.
is a unified color and font scheme; when you apply a theme to a form or report, you update the look of all the database objects at once. A database can have only one theme applied at a time.
Bound control
is connected to the field.
Group Header section.
is repeated above each group in the report; if you are not going to use it you can hide it.
Design view
is used to modify the structure of the database object. When you are working with an object in _______, you see only the structural elements of the object, not the data.
Field Size property
limits the number of characters that can be entered in a text field.
Access web apps
online databases that require a Sharepoint server.
ORDER BY clause
optional and defines how records in the results are sorted.
WHERE clause
optional and defines the query criteria.
organizes the report into sections (groups) by the value of a specific field. Can make a long report much easier to follow; allows you to add group-specific headers and footers where you can calculate totals for each group.
organizes the report into sections (groups) by the value of a specific field; can make a long report much easier to follow; allows you to add group-specific footer sections where you can display totals for each group.
Action queries
perform an action on the records that meet the query specifications
list box control
presents users with a list of options to choose from. Use when the list of values to choose from is short and all the values can be shown without scroll bars in the box.
Relationship Report
prints the relationships exactly as they are displayed in the Relationships window.
Quick Start application parts
provide a table template that you can use to start building a database.
Form view
provides a user-friendly interface for entering data. If the form is formatted similar to a table, it will open in a special form Datasheet view. You cannot change the form layout or formatting from these views.
command button control
provides a user-friendly way to interact with the form. Can be added to the form from Layout view or Design view. This skill focuses on using Design view where you have more control over the placement of the control.
Relationships window
provides a visual representation of the relationships in your database.To open the Relationships window, on the Database Tools tab, in the Relationships group, click the Relationships button.
Quick Start field types
provides an easy way to add address fields and other common field groups to your table.
combo box control
provides users with a combination data entry control—users can type the data in the text box at the top of the control or they can expand the list and select a value. Mimics the list in table Datasheet view; can also be used as a navigation device; use when the list of values is very long or when a user might want to type the value to find instead of scrolling through the list of values.
Update action query
queries change (update) records that match the query criteria.
Make Table query
queries create (make) a new table by copying records that meet the query criteria and pasting them into a new table.
Find Duplicates
query is useful for finding records that may have been entered more than once or for scenarios such as finding all employees who live in the same city (duplicates in the city field) or locating customers who may have duplicate appointments on the same day (duplicates in name and date fields).
Tab order
refers to the order in which controls are activated by pressing the Tab key. Always keep in mind how your users will work with the form, and verify that the tab order is a natural progression.
Delete query
remove (delete) records that match the query criteria.
Datasheet form
reproduces the exact look and layout of the table datasheet as a form.
control layout
restricts movement of controls to the layout rows and columns ensuring that controls align with one another.
report Property Sheet
sets the record source and other report properties. Properties are grouped into four tabs: Format, Data, Event, and Other. The All tab displays all the properties in a single list.
linked tables
share a common list of customers or employees, it makes more sense to maintain the data in one database and then create __________ in the other databases.
Report view
shows a static view of the report. You cannot change the layout or formatting of the report from Report view.
stores a Web address or e-mail address. Can be active and set to open the computer's default e-mail program or Web browser populated with the data from the ________ field.
OLE Object
stores a graphic or file as part of the database. It is maintained in Access 2013 for backward compatibility with databases created prior to Access 2007. In general, you should use the newer Attachment data type instead.
stores a numerical value that is displayed as a date and time. The format in which the date and/or time displays is controlled by the Format property; allows you to sort the field by date.
stores a numerical value with a high degree of accuracy (up to four decimal places to the right of the decimal). Access will not round the values stored in _________ fields, regardless of the format in which the value displays.
stores a true/false value as a -1 for yes and 0 for no. Yes/No fields can display the words Yes/No or True/False or a checkbox.
stores an internal pointer to the data to make it easier for the application to find it. Primary key fields are indexed automatically. To index a foreign key field, view the table in Design view, and change the field's Indexed property to Yes (Duplicates OK).
stores files as attachments to records; can be images, Word documents, or almost any other type of data file.
Crosstab query
summarizes data in a format similar to a spreadsheet. Values for one field are listed in the first column of the datasheet as row headings; values for another field are listed across the top row as column headings. A value is calculated at the intersection of each row and column.
primary key
the main table contains a ______ field that is included as a field (the foreign key) in the secondary table.Contains data unique to that record. The basis for relationships between tables.
text box control
the most common type of control; controls can display text, numbers, dates, and similar data.
data entry form
the only action available to a user is adding a new record.The existing records in the table are not visible. Database users do not need to know how to add a new record to a form, because the form opens with a new, blank record ready for data entry.
form header/ report header
the section directly above the detail section where the data are displayed.
Find Unmatched Query Wizard
to create a query that shows records from one table that have no corresponding records in another table.
to print sideways on the page if your report contains multiple columns of data.
Calculated Field
uses an expression (a formula) to calculate a value.
Report Wizard
walks you step by step through the process of creating a report. Allows you to combine fields from more than one table or query and gives you more layout and design options than using the basic Report button from the Create tab.
Form Wizard
walks you through the steps of creating the form, including selecting fields and a layout. You can use the ____ Wizard to create a form combining fields from multiple related tables.
query grid
where you specify which fields to include in the query.
Validation Text property
you can customize the message to tell the user in plain language why the values in the record were not allowed.
Validation Text property
you can enter a message to tell the user in plain language why the entered value was rejected.
Total row
you can quickly calculate an aggregate function such as the sum or average of all the values in the column.