Civics Ch. 18 Test

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when the polls close, ballots from the various precincts are forwarded to the city or county __________________ ________ where the results are _______________.

canvassing board and counted

a campaign organization is headed by a ________________ ______________, who is responsible for overall strategy and planning.

campaign manager

the official boy that tabulates votes and certifies winners

canvassing board

allows voting at times other than election day

absentee ballot

__________________, much of which could be classified as ___________________ because it is not objective, is a key expenditure for election campaigns.

advertising and propoganda

citizens are most likely to vote for candidates who

agree with them on major issues

what propaganda technique is a candidate using if she says people should support her because the vast majority of people think she is the best candidate?


why was voting initially limited to property-owning males?

because educated white males of the time believed that voting was best left to the wealthy, white, property owning, tax paying males because they would make wiser decisions.

in close elections, the results might depend upon the official vote count and __________________ by the _________ ___________________ authority.

certification and state canvassing

every state requires that voters be U.S. _____________ and _______________ of the state for a certain period of time before being eligible to vote.

citizens and residents

voting is optional in the U.S. but it is __________________ under some authoritarian governments.


the federal ____________ ________ ensures that the entire government will not turn over at the same time.

election cycle

proposals for increasing voter turnout include shifting _____________ _______ from tuesday to a weekend and leaving the polls open longer.

election day

t/f a popular referendum is an example of indirect democracy.


registering to vote was an important part of the civil rights movement because it

gave power to african americans

direct funding, or _______ _________, is limited by regulations set out in the ____________ and its amendments.

hard money and feca

what was a major reason that president obama broke fundraising records in 2008?

his campaign websites simplified making donations

candidates d their best to portray an __________ they believe voters value, and this image may be more important than the candidate's actual ___________________.

image and qualifications

in what region of the U.S. did women first have the right to vote?

in 11 states west of the Mississippi.

voting begins with becoming __________ about the _________ and candidates that will be on the ballot.

informed and issues

other staff members handle __________ relations, finances, fundraising, advertising, opinion _________, and campaign materials.

media and polls

political parties, campaign staff, and many _________________ groups such as the league of women voters, help register voters.


requiring a photo id has been shown to most heavily reduce voting among what groups?

poor and minorities

other proposals for increasing voter turnout include a national _________________ system and easier _____________ balloting.

registration and absentee

_________________, which enrolls a voter with the local government, is required as a way to prevent _________ ___________.

registration and voter fraud

_________ _________ such as facebook can be a powerful and cost-effective campaign tool.

social media

the bipartisan campaign reform act banned the use of

soft money donations to issue groups to support specific candidiates

voters who are strongly loyal to their party typically vote a ___________ ________ ___________, choosing all candidates from their party on the ballot.

straight party ticket

the most important communication tool for a presidential candidate is ________________.


what was the purpose of the 15th amendment?

the amendment provided that no state could deprive any citizen of the right to vote on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.

what argument led to the 26th amendment, and what did this amendment do?

the basic argument that if individuals were old enough to be drafted and fight for their country, they were old enough to vote. this amendment lowered the voting age to 18 in every state.

what voting precedent was set with the 15th amendment?

the first time that the U.S. constitution told states who could vote.

how did the voting rights act of 1965 enforce the 15th amendment?

the passage of this allowed the federal government the right to regulate state-controlled election procedures to ensure the law was followed.

Requiring a literacy test before was allowing a person to vote was discriminatory because

the requirement was not applied equally to all people

in the late 1800s, discrimination against african americans who attempted to vote was most common in

the south

a farmer is most likely to be concerned with issues such as crop subsidies because

this issue directly affects the farmer

t/f a candidates image can be just as important i getting elected as personal qualifications.


t/f an effective campaign strategy must emphasize issues that are important to voters.


members of the house of representatives serve _____-year terms, senators serve ____-year terms, and presidents serve _____-year terms.

2, 6, and 4

what is the relationship between an election and voting?

an election is an orderly process for making group decisions; and voting is making a choice among alternatives in an election.

in some states, a registration form can be completed online but in other states, the actual form must be signed and mailed to the _________ ___ ____________.

board of elections

how did southern states continue to disenfranchise african american voters in spite of the 15th amendment?

by using the grandfather clause, literacy test, and poll tax.

people are required to vote

compulsory voting

the _____________________ allows each state to set rules about who can vote, but federal law and several constitutional __________________ set basic rules.

constitution and amendments

in 1908, congress first tried to limit campaign funding in order to reduce _______________.


individuals who have multiple background traits that align them with several different positions on issues or candidates are _____________________ voters.


election __________, ________ __________ for elected officials, and ballot issues all influence voter choices at the polls.

cycles, term limits

for voters who will not be able to vote o election day, some states offer ____________ _____________ during a designated time period, or one may vote by _______________ ballot.

early voting and absentee

t/f in order to be considered propaganda, an advertisement must contain false or deceptive information.


t/f one difference between an issue group and a candidate's own campaign is that issue groups are bound by the bipartian campaign reform act of 2002.


t/f one suggestion for increasing voter turnout is to have elections on a weekday.


t/f people who are for term limits for members of congress think that experience is a vital asset for a legislator.


t/f the 15th amendment stopped the use of gerrymandering to reduce the power of minority voters.


t/f while the internet and social media are vital for spreading campaign messages, television advertisements are considered ineffective.


t/f women campaigned on a national level to obtain the right tot vote following the ww2.


the _____________ ______________ ______________ (fec) was created in 1974 to administer federal election laws.

federal election commision

campaign _______ ______________, who are usually volunteers, perform a variety of tasks to make sure voters turn out to vote for their candidate on election day.

field workers

if you move to a new state, what should you check before going to vote on election day?

how long you must be a state resident before you can vote in that state

the _______________ allows voters to propose and vote on their laws or state constitutional amendments.


which of these permits citizens to place on the ballot a law containing specific penalties for the possession of illegal drugs?


the length of a presidents term in office

is twice as long as a representitive's

what key aspect of the constitution relates to voting?

it contains amendments that prohibit states from preventing certain people from voting

both the ______________ referendum and the ____________ referendum allow voters to approve or disapprove laws passed by the legislature.

legislative and popular

candidates who choose to receive federal campaign funds promise to _________ the amount their campaigns __________ to a specific amount.

limit and spend

the 26th amendment greatly increased the number of americans eligible to vote by

lowering the voting age to 18

an important goal of the federal election cycle is to

make certain that the entire government does not turn over at the same time

the national voter registration act was designed to

make the voter registration process more accessible for all people

the sheer _____________ of elections held in the united states can contribute to _______ voter turnout.

number and low

voter's election choices are driven by personal background, the degree of ________ loyalty, campaign ____________, and perception of the candidates.

party and issues

a voting district


each city or county is divided up into voting districts, or ____________, and ____________ __________ that are located within each precinct.

precinct and polling places

voting __________________ and _____________ vary from state to state, but any voter who needs hep voting is entitled to receive it.

procedures and ballots

what did the 19th amendment do?

put women's suffrage into effect nationwide. after it was passed, women did not face the cultural or legal barriers for voting that many african american's were forced to hurdle.

a popular vote to attempt to remove an official from office


people who support regulation to limit campaign spending believe that this will

reduce corruption

ballots often also contain _________________, initiatives, or __________.

referenda and recalls

ballot questions such as the legislative referendum, the popular _________________, and the ______________ allow voters to have a more direct say in their laws.

referendum and initiative

in the united states, citizens must ___________ to vote and then _________________ each time they move.

register and re-register

essay : what are the key steps required for an individual to vote?

register, you have to be a U.S. citizen and a state resident for a certain amount of time; learn about the issues and candidates; see if you are free to vote on election day, if not register for early voting or absentee ballot.

indirect funding, or ________ __________, is provided by political organizations and issue groups that are ________________ from and not _________________ with a campaign.

soft money, independent, and coordinating

opponents of campaign finance regulation argue that giving and spending money in elections is a form of _________ and so protected by the ________ amendment.

speech and 1st

which of the following events encouraged many young americans to work toward lowering the voting age?

the vietnam war

t/f if people were not allowed to vote because they could not pay a poll tax, they had been disenfranchised.


t/f most voters in early america agreed with john jay who believed only property owners should be allowed to vote.


t/f people who live in rural areas are likely to have different priorities when voting than people who live in cities.


t/f some people think that limiting campaign donations is a violation of the 1st amendment.


t/f the voting rights act of 1965 specified ways in which the 15th amendment could be enforced.


an email to ranchers stating that a candidate supports legislation that will help them with water issues is likely to get ranchers' votes because it

uses targeted advertising

what were the specific provisions of the various voting rights acts?

voter registration, sent poll watchers to prevent discrimination, got rid of literacy tests, and printed ballots in minority languages.

after the passage of the 19th amendment,

women did not face the discriminatory voting laws that african americans did

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