Civics Chapter 21

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Native Americans/Alaskan Native

2.9% of people identified as _____________________________ alone in the 2010 census.


A big difference though is that aliens can be deported, or legally _________________ to leave the U.S. The Courts have ruled that deportation is an inherent power and is not a criminal punishment, so does not require a criminal trial.

93% ; 14th

About _______ of people in the Inited States are citizens. The Constitution did not define citizenship until the writing of the _________ amendment. It begins, "All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein the reside.


Combined with the Due Process Clause of the _________ Amendment, the Federal Government is required to offer the same protections to all people in the US.


Congress passed the Chinese___________Act of 1882 to halt immigration from China. Very few from any Asian nations were allowed in the US until 1965, when US laws changed.

relocation (internment)

In response to the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor, during WWII the US government ordered about 120,000 Asian people, 2/3s of them native-born Americans, to be forcibly removed from their homes to "war_____________camps" throughout the US.

white ; one

In the Bakke Case the Court held that Bakke had been discriminated against because he was denied access to the University based on his color: Bakke was _____________. This was a case of reverse discrimination. The Court did decide that race and gender could be used as ________________ factor, but not only factor, deciding on admissions.


The 14th Amendment mentions those born in the US. Congress has defined the U.S. to include, for purposes of citizenship, the 50 states, DC, Puerto Rico, Guam, the Virgin Islands, and the Northern Mariana Islands. It also includes American ________________ and American public vessels anywhere in the world. Native Americans born to tribal members living on reservations were not citizens until 1924; they were wards of the government before that.


The 2010 Census counted 50.5 million Hispanics in the United States, making up 16.3% of the total population. The nation's Latino population which was 35.3 million in 2000, grew 43% over the decade. The Hispanic population also accounted for most of the nation's growth-56%-from 2000 to 2010, and is now the nation's largest ________________ population.

pauper ; anarchists

The Chinese Exclusion Act in 1882 targeted a specific nation, but other groups were also excluded: convicts, lunatics, ______________________, those likely to become public charges (like orphans), contract laborers, immoral persons, ________________, and illiterates.


The Equal Pay Act of 1963 and the Civil Rights Act of 1964 were all aimed at improving women's working conditions and salaries; that has not happened in most cases. Women's salaries, on average, are _________ of men's salaries for the same jobs.

Strict Scrutiny ; fundamental; compelling

The ___________________________ Test a. Some cases require a higher standard. Cases dealing with "_____________________ rights", such as 1st amendment rights, and "suspect classifications", such as those based on race, sex, or national origin. b. In this case, the State must show that some "_______________ governmental interest" justifies the distinctions it has drawn between classes of people. c. Example: Orr v Orr, 1979, said that both men and women can be eligible for alimony and there was no compelling governmental interest to keep men from also getting alimony.


The fight for women's rights began "officially" with the Seneca Falls, NY conference held in July of _______.

barring ; fathers

The first case to challenge sex discrimination was Bradwell v. Illinois, 1873,. In this case, the Court upheld a State law _________ women from the practice of law. In Hoyt v. Florida, 1961,, the court found nothing wrong with a law that required men to serve on juries, but gave women the choice of serving or not. Finally, in Reed v. Reed 1971, the court struck down a law that gave _____________ preference over mother in the administration of their children;s estates.


The first census of 1790 showed that 4 out of 5 people living in America were white. ___________________________ percent of the population were African Americans. Because of immigrants, the ethnic makeup has drastically changed.


The list of those who can be excluded from citizenship today included criminals, suspected terrorists, persons with _________________________ diseases, drug abusers and addicts, illiterates, and mentally disturbed persons who may have a threat to public safety.

Access; Service; discrimination; jobs

The main provisions of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 included: a. providing that no person may be denied ____________ to or refused _____________ in various public accommodations because of race, color, religion, national origin or physical disability; this including private businesses, such as hotels b. prohibit ____________________ in any program that receives federal funding c. forbidding employers and labor unions from discriminating in __________ related matters.


The only mention of "sex", or gender, in the Constitution in the 19th Amendment, which forbids denial of the right to vote "on account of sex."

209 ; federal

Voters in California passed proposition in ________ in 1996, which basically got rid of Affirmative Action. It was upheld by the 9th Circuit Court, and the Supreme Court refused to hear an appeal on that ruling. Prop 29 allows affirmative action only when it is necessary to satisfy some ___________ requirement. Otherwise, state and local Affirmative Action is illegal in California; other states have begun to try and get rid of it as well.

African Americans

What is the second largest racial group in the U.S?

De Facto ; busing

_____________ segregation is segregation that happens in fact. This often occurs in certain parts of cities and leads to segregated schools. Some states moved students from one district to another to desegregate schools and avoid de facto segregation in schools. This was called _____________.

Reasonable ; must ; smokers

________________ Classification a. Government must have the power to classify, to draw distinctions between persons and groups. Government ___________ discriminate at times; between criminals and non-criminals b. Government may to discriminate unreasonably. For example, cigarettes are texted, but only ______________ smokers pay that tax. The government cannot only tax certain smokers, however, but taxes all of them.


________________ can occur by court order if the person became a citizen by fraud or deception.


________________ naturalization has happened by treaty or joint resolution by Congress as new territories have been added to US jurisdiction. The inclusion of former slaves in the 14th Amendment, Native Americans in 1924, and residents of the Northern Mariana Islands in 1977 are examples of __________ naturalization. (same answer)


_________________Americans - ______ populations have suffered discrimination in the US since they first arrived in large numbers in the mis-1800s to work on the railroads and operations. (same word for both blanks)

Jim Crow

___________________ laws were those put in place to discriminate against African Americans (and sometimes other groups) and keep them separated from Whites in their use of both public and private facilities.

The Civil Rights Act of 1968 ; housing

____________________ prohibited discrimination in selling or renting ______________. This is still one of the most segregated areas in America.

The Equal Protection

_______________________ clause in the Constitution is the closest thing found to make a statement of equality. It is found in the 14th Amendment and was meant to benefit newly freed slaves.


_______________________ is the legal process by which a citizen voluntarily abandons his or her citizenship. No one can be automatically expatriated for something they have done.


________________________ aliens are those who come into the country without the proper paperwork or stay after their permitted time to be in the U.S.

Congress ; inherent

________________________ has the exclusive power to regulate immigration and decide who may or may not become a U.S. citizen. Control of the borders in an __________ power; the States have no power there.

The Civil Rights Movement

__________________________ began in the 1950s and brought attention to many areas of discrimination. Laws and Court rulings helped address the issues and correct discrimination.

Reverse discrimination

___________________________ occurs when affirmative action quotas cause majority people to be discriminated agains, and can also mean that some get special treatment simply because of their race or gender.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964

_________________________________ was the most far reaching law, and was passed after 83 days of Senate debate and filibuster that was killed.

The Immigration Act of 1990

________________________________________ increased the number of immigrants allowed each year and gave special preference to immigrants who have special occupational talents in short supply in the U.S.

De Jure

_________________segregation is segregation by law. This has been outlawed by the Supreme Court.

Separate but Equal Doctrine

established in the Plessy v. Ferguson case in 1896; ruled that facilities serving blacks could be separate as long as they were equal.


the separation of one group from another


this is the legal process by which a person becomes a citizen of another country at some time after birth. Only congress can provide for the process, not the States.


A person cannot gain or lose American citizenship by marriage. Marriage to a U.S. citizen can only _____________ the time required for naturalization.


After the Civil War ended in 1865, slavery was abolished with the ________ Amendment. However, discrimination still existed.

race; gender

Both ____________ and ______________ have been areas of discrimination in America's history.


By the 1920s, Congress passed laws to put a quota (_____________) on the numbers of immigrants allowed. The Immigration Act of 1965 ended the quota system and gave special preference to immediate relatives of American citizens or of aliens legally residing in the U.S.

strict scrutiny

Current policy makes sure that all affirmative action cases will be reviewed under __________________________, meaning affirmative action programs will be upheld only of it can be shown that they serve some "compelling government interest." Quotas giving automatic favoritism to applicants based on race were found to be unconstitutional based on the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment.

civil ; NOT

Deportation is a _____________ matter, so criminal protections , like bail, ex post facto laws, etc. do _________________ apply.


Hispanic Americans- those in this country who have a Spanish-speaking background; many prefer to be called _____________________.


For about a century after the U.S. became a nation, immigration was unregulated because land was plentiful and workers were needed. By 1890, Congress began to _________________ immigration into the U.S.

1870s ; 1950s;

From the _______ to the late _______, Congress did not pass a single piece of meaningful civil rights legislation. Many of the abuses were not known by the majority of people and many in Congress were not interested making changes in the laws at the time. Change began with the Civil Rights Movement.


In 1938, Missouri had to admit a black applicant to the all white University of Missouri law school because there was no "______________" all black law school for him to attend. (Gaines v. Canada, 1938)


In Alexander v. Holmes County Board of Education (________), the Court ruled the time for "all deliberate speed" had ended.


It may apply _____________ to accomplish the goals of inequality. (affirmative action)


It may include hiring based on the makeup of the general _________________ of an area. (Affirmative Action)


It will include steps to prevent and/or correct inequalities in __________, promotion, and benefits. (affirmative action.)


Laws have been passed to help control the problem, and ________________ to immigration law are expected over the next few years.


One is born is a citizen if they are born to at least one parent who is a citizen, and who has at some time lived in the U.S. The 14th Amendment does not define this, but__________________ has made it a part of the U.S. citizenship law since 1790, and it has never been changed.


Other cases against gender discrimination have followed, but classification by sex is _________ in and of itself unconstitutional. Laws that treat men and women differently will be overturned by the courts unless 10 they are intended to serve an "important ___________ objective" and they are substantially related to achieving that goal.

deliberate speed

Other cases followed, but Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka finally stuck down segregation in public schools, ruling that laws separating students based solely on race were no longer valid. States were ordered to make a "prompt and reasonable start" and to end all segregation "with all __________________."


Over 20 million non-U.S. citizens a year come to the U.S. as _____________________ , students, and business travelers.


Past discrimination and elimination of Indian groups is a sad part of Westward Expansion of the US. About 20% of the Native American/Alaskan Native population lives on government ____________________ areas.


Segregation in other areas of life has also been made illegal, including recreational facilities, local transportation, State ________________ and jails, mixed race marriage, and even child custody cases.


Since then, it has come to to mean that the States and their local government cannot draw __________________ disticntions between any classes of people.


Something that is ________________ is composed of a mix of ingredients.


The Hispanic populations has come to the United States mostly from __________________. Others have come from Puerto Rico, Cuba, and Central and South America.

Rational basis ; purpose ; against

The ______________________ Test a. The Supreme Court uses this test to decide if the government has denied someone equal protection under the law: "Does the classification in question bear a reasonable relationship to the achievement of some proper government _______________________?" b. Dave does not want to take the time or effort to become a licensed doctor. He challenges the law that requires certain education and licensing for someone to become a doctor. The Court will rule ______________ him because the laws are in place to protect the population from unqualified doctors. To discriminate against Fave bears a unreasonable relationship to the achievement of some proper government purpose.


The term "________________" in the Constitution refers to aliens as well as citizens.

entry ; serious ; terrorism

There are several reasons an alien my be deported: a. illegal ________________ b. conviction of any _______________________ crime, federal or State c. suspected ____________________


This is the most common way an alien becomes a US citizen. The US citizenship and Immigration Services in the Department of Homeland Security oversee the naturalization of new citizens.


With legislative changed since WWII, the Asian population was 14.6 million in the 2010 Census, and became the ________________ growing minority group at that point.


Women are a _____________ group in the US, but still suffer discrimination in many areas of life.

19th; 1920

Women did not gain the right to vote, however, until the the passage of the __________ Amendment in ________.

Affirmative Action ; 1965

a policy that requires that most employers take positive steps to remedy the effects of past discrimination. It applies to all the agencies of the Federal Government, to all the States and their local government, and to all those private employers who sell goods or services to any agency of the Federal Government. This began in ______.


immigrants are ______________(people from foreign nations) who have been legally admitted to the Us as permanent residents.

Jus sanguinis

meaning the law of the blood- concerned with whom one is born

Jus soli

meaning the law of the soil- this determines where one is born

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