Civil Rights Movement: Martin Luther King, Jr.

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1. buses 2. restaurants 3. restrooms 4. cabs 5. drinking fountains 6. schools

6 places/things separated by race


Malcolm X never went anywhere without _______

intellectuals and heads of state

Malcolm X's intelligence & range of knowledge permitted him to engage in conversations with what type of people (2)

Mississippi Freedom Summer

Summer of 1964 became known as _______ when a diverse group of civil rights advocates tried to register black voters in Mississippi

his house was bombed

although MLK did not believe in violence, how was he attacked during the boycott

Brown vs. Board of Education

case which stated that separate could never be equal

4 college students went inside of the whites-only store & demanded to be served

describe the event of the Lunch Counter Sit-ins

Jimcrow Laws

doctrine of separate but equal that created two unequal societies: whites & blacks

De Jure Segregation

eliminated legal segregation & the knocking down of barriers to African American voting & participation in political process

he believed in the power of love & non-violent resistance

how did Gandhi influence MLK

was shot on balcony waiting to go to dinner (assassinated)

how did MLK die

his followers came to his house with guns & knives but he told them to save their weapons & they'd protest non-violently

how did MLK react to his house being bombed

they made segregation on buses unconstitutional

how did the Supreme Court aid MLK's cause during the boycott

road in black taxi cabs

how did the blacks get to work during the City Bus Boycott

whites swarmed into lunch counters in big groups & abused the blacks

how did the whites respond to the Lunch Counter Sit-ins

381 days

how long did the City Bus Boycott last


how many Selma Marches did they have

over 1 million copies

how many copies of MLK's "Letter from Birmingham Jail" were published

12-15 hours

how many hours did Malcolm X spend reading when pursuing his education in prison

3,200 marchers

how many marchers participated in the 3rd Selma March

54 miles

how many miles was the 1st march of the Selma Marches

600 marchers

how many people marched in the 1st Selma March

39 years old

how old was MLK when he died

shot while in convertible

how was John F. Kennedy killed

Brown vs. Board of Education

in 1954, the supreme court outlawed segregation in schools through what landmark case

Rosa Parks

in 1955, a black woman named _______ was arrested after she refused to move to the black section in the back of a public bus in Montgomery, Alabama which led to a massive boycott as 17,000 blacks refused to ride city buses

legally separated the races

in order to maintain white supremacy, freed blacks in the South were subjected to a series of laws that did what

Voting Rights Act

legislation designed to stop the persistent discrimination of voting in the South (ended literacy tests)

civil disobedience

non-violent protest

led the marchers in prayer & returned to the chapel

on the 2nd Selma March, what did MLK do to avoid another Bloody Sunday


on the 2nd Selma March, who were the marchers greeted by again

Watts Race Riot

one of the worst race riots in American History; blacks used violence against the police & the whites in their black neighborhood; caused other riots

public transportation

one year after Rosa Parks refusal to move and bus boycott, a federal court struck down Alabama's laws segregating _______

affirmation action

policy that gave special consideration to women & minorities to make up for past discrimination


refuse to buy a good or use a service

De Facto Segregation

segregation in act if not in law, such as restrictions on where blacks were allowed to live & work

- 9 young African American students volunteered to enroll in Central High School - Arkansas Governor Orval Faubus opposed integration - National Guard was called to blocks students way - Faubus refused to follow President's order - President Eisenhower sent federal troops to escort the 9 students to and from school all year

summarize Little Rock Nine (5 key points)

- James Meredith wanted to attend an all-white University - Governor Ross Barnett opposed integration - James received protection from Federal Marshals - riots took place all night - James became a student at University the next day

summarize the Integration of the University of Mississippi situation with James Meredith (5 key points)

1. afros 2. black berets 3. black leather jackets

the Black Panther's style included what 3 things

housing, education, & employment

the Black Panthers represented the anger and frustration facing persistent discrimination in _______, _______, &_______


the Brown decision encouraged African Americans in the South to challenge _______ laws in their own way

1. pay pole tax (blacks couldn't afford) 2. literacy test (blacks were educated enough to pass) 3. grandfather clauses (if your grandfather voted before 1860, then you could vote but blacks weren't allowed to vote back then so none of their grandfathers voted)

what 3 things required ("blockers") kept blacks from being able to vote

start using his brains

what advice did Malcolm X take from a fellow prison inmate

Ebeneezer Baptist Church

what church was MLK's funeral held in


what city did the City Bus Boycott take place in

Dallas, Texas

what city was John F. Kennedy killed in

Malcolm X

what civil rights leader opposed MLK

SCLC- South Christian Leaders Conference

what conference elected Martin Luther King to be their president

Voting Rights Act

what did President Lendon B. Johnson sign after the 2nd Selma March

banned poll tax

what did the 24th amendment ban

Federal protection

what did the 3rd Selma March have that was different from the 1st & 2nd marches

Bloody Sunday

what did the events that happened on the 1st Selma March become known as

clubs, pistols, & chains

what did the klansmen (KKK) beat the black freedom riders with

the Capital in Montgomery

what did the marchers in the 3rd Selma March successfully reach

lowered their prices to the cost it would be to ride a bus

what did the taxi cabs do in order for the blacks to be able to afford the cabs

Congress of Racial Equality

what does CORE stand for

Interstate Commerce Commission

what does ICC stand for

loss of identity

what does the "X" symbolize in Malcolm X's name

Black Panthers

what group challenged the economic structure

Nation of Islam

what group was Malcolm X a spokesman for

they were beat & arrested

what happened to the freedom riders upon arrival in Montgomery, AL

they were attacked & beat with clubs and tear gas by the police (80 injured)

what happened when the marchers reached the Edmund Pettus Bridge for the 1st Selma March

Voting Rights Law

what law eliminated the literacy test & other 2 "blockers"

when he was put as leader of the Montgomery boycott association

what marked the beginning of MLK's rise as the primary figure in the Civil Rights Movement


what store did the Lunch Counter Sit-ins happen in

to defend blacks who disobeyed the law of segregation peacefully

what was MLK's message in "Letter from Birmingham Jail"

-wanted integration -wanted to be American -"dream"

what was MLK's views on civil rights

-no integration (whites will lead) -believed blacks were victims of Americanization -"night mare"

what was Malcolm X's views on civil rights

by burning them with lit cigarettes

what was one way the whites abused the blacks participating in the Lunch Counter Sit-ins

to present their voting rights & police brutality

what was the goal for the 1st Selma March

blacks were required by law to give up their seats if white section was full

what was the law that Rosa Parks disobeyed on the bus

to desegregate bus stations

what was the main goal of the freedom riders

to demand that the whites serve them or else they wouldn't leave

what was the purpose of the Lunch Counter Sit-ins

to coordinate civil rights (the protest) throughout the South

what was the purpose of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)

she was thrown into jail; arrested

what was the result of Rosa Parks disobeying the law on the bus

freedom riders

what were the 2 interracial groups sponsored by CORE that boarded buses in Washington DC & headed South called

-freedom -African American jobs -voting rights for blacks

what were the three purposes of MLK's "I Have a Dream" speech

Memphis, Tennessee

where did MLK die

Washington DC

where did MLK give his "I Have a Dream" speech


where did Malcolm X say his power came from

sat in the first row of the black section behind the white section

where did Rosa Parks sit on the bus

Selma to Montgomery

where did the 1st march of the Selma Marches start and end

Robert Kennedy

which presidential candidate & former U.S. Attorney General was assassinated in California on June 5, 1968

James Earl Rae

who assassinated MLK

klansmen (KKK)

who beat the black freedom riders with clubs, pistols, & chains when they arrived in Montgomery, AL

Governor Alaskama

who in the capitol did the marchers in the 1st Selma March want to present their goal of voting rights & police brutality to

President Lendon B. Johnson

who passed the Civil Rights Act in 1964

President Lendon B. Johnson

who signed the Voting Rights Act in 1965

Lee Harvey Ozwald

who was John F. Kennedy assassinated by

his own people

who was Malcolm X assassinated by on February 21, 1965

James Meredith (a veteran)

who was involved in the Integration of the University of Mississippi (Ole Miss)

John F. Kennedy

who was killed on November 22, 1963

to help his reading & writing skills

why did Malcolm X copy a dictionary

she was exhausted from working all day; her feet hurt

why did Rosa Parks object to giving up her seat on the bus

he assumed they'd be arrested & he didn't want to go back to jail

why was MLK not present in the 1st Selma March

burglarizing houses

why was Malcolm X arrested and imprisoned

bus lines were empty

why was the City Bus Boycott a success

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