Civil Society and Social Capital

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What sort of political culture would help support democracy? That is, what attitudes and behaviors would we hope to see among democratic citizens?

-Tolerance -Active participation -High level of interest and information -Varying support for the state, the regime, and the government.

Shively ch 8


To what extent does the US meet each of these key requirements, according to Shively?

1. Tolerance 2. active participation 3. High level of interest/ information 4. Support for the state

What can a civil society include?

Can include religious orgs, political movements, professional societies, NGOs, social groups etc.

Active participation

Citizens must take concrete political actions to exercise their authority over government. Least, vote in elections. They should write to representatives, serve in citizen committees, etc.

Varying support for the state, the regime, and the government

Democracy requires that the government maintain authority over the people. Citizens must (1) Identify with and support the state; (2) retain an abstract support for the regime, the rules/ procedures that certain individuals into gov. positions, but (3) remain skeptical about the particular individuals currently holding those positions.

Support for the state requirement

For the most part, U.S citizens trust their government but remain skeptic. This balance is hard to maintain.

High level of interest and information

If citizens don't know/aren't informed of whats going on they will not be useful or effective. Citizens must be well informed in order to have an impact.


If groups are to present their opinions, it is reasonable for people to have tolerance for diversity. w/o this democracy would not function well.

Social Capital definition

Involves connections among individuals- social networks and the norms of reciprocity and trustworthiness that arise from them

How did the story from lecture about people stranded on a train illustrate a difference in political culture?

It showed how people are willing to come together and help one another in a time of crisis.

Tolerance requirement

Most agree that minorities have the right to express their opinions freely. However, people think conventional political participation should be banned for those whole they think are wrong or dangerous.

High level of interest/ information requirement

Some may think they are more informed than they actually are. However, small percentage can name those in congress and keep up with events.

Active participation requirement

The U.S citizens fall short in this category, and some say they are more active than they actually are. 50.2% voted in the election, and 17 % of them worked with others to solve a local problem.

Political socialization definition

The learning of political values and factual assumptions about politics

What are the most important "agents of socialization"?

The various sources of learning are what we call the agents of socialization. (We must learn about politics from someone/ somewhere).

Political Culture definition

a polity's political ideals and operating norms. What people believe, value, and do. -A product of both the collective history of a political system and the life histories of its members.

Why do we see differences in values and culture between countries or regions?

o different economic contexts, histories, and levels of development o religious and ideological traditions o international influences • colonial history, neighbors, alliances o continuities over time via socialization • families, schools, media and pop culture, political parties and interest groups

Why does social capital matter to democracy?

o forms the basis for an active civil society o facilitates coordination and communication o groups amplify individual voices o people learn social and organizational skills and gain efficacy o people develop habits of cooperation and public spiritedness: "I" becomes "We" o makes one's reputation matter: People are less likely to be opportunistic or corrupt

How can an active civil society help prevent totalitarian state control?

o provides COUNTERBALANCE to the state o the RIGHT KIND of civil society makes democratic politics work

How are people with high social capital likely to act differently than those who lack it?

o they have skills and confidence o norms of mutual responsibility o social trust in others making them more likely to cooperate and follow laws o more philanthropy o highest educational performance o low murder rates o low levels of teen pregnancy o low tax evasion o less economic inequality

Efficacy definition

the ability to produce a desired or intended result

Civil Society definition

the part of society that is organized and active but largely independent of gov markets.

Provides COUNTERBALANCE to the state

• a realm in which people can critique the state , mobilize opposition and defend rights • reality check outside gov propaganda • both require communication and social trust

The RIGHT KIND of civil society makes democratic politics work

• must be rich in SOCIAL CAPITAL, or networks of voluntary associations (clubs, unions, churches, NGOs, sports teams, choirs, volunteer groups, etc.)

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