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Severity Rate

# of days lost x 200,000 / Person hours worked


Benefit- Cost / Cost x 100

Tactical Decision

Deciding what to do in circumstances that are immediate and where a mistake is unlikely to have a major impact on the business

Demand-Pull Inflation

Demand for goods and services is greater than supply. Cost of goods are high

Models of EI

Mayer-Solovey, Goleman, Bar-On

Customer appraisal

Seeks evaluation from both external and internal customers


Selective reinforcement of behaviors that gradually approach the desired response

Theory Y

The assumption that employees are creative, enjoy work, seek responsibility, and can exercise self-direction

Theory X

The belief that employees are basically lazy and need constant supervision.

Book Value

The cost of a fixed asset minus accumulated depreciation

Performance management

The process of creating a work environment in which people can perform to the best of their abilities

Straight piece rate

The same specified sum of money is paid for each piece produced regardless of how many pieces are produced

Division of Labour

The specialisation of labour where the production process is broken down into separate tasks

Standard Deviation

The square root of the variance of the distribution of data points. Most common measure of how much the data is spread out

Reaction to change

The stages - Denial - Resistance - Exploration - Commitment

Standard Error of Measurement

The standard deviation of test scores you would have obtained from a single student who took the same test multiple times

Cause and Effect (Fish Bone Diagram)

The tail are the causes (people, materials) and the head is the effect

Relationship capital

The value derived from an organization's relationships with customers, suppliers, and other.

Vertical transfer

Transfer from trainee level to the organizational level


Way an organization groups jobs to coordinate work.

Summary dismissal

When a nonunion employer terminates an employer without notice because the employee has committed a serious breach of contract

Constructive Dismissal

When an employer commits a fundamental breach of contract, the employee can treat the breach as a termination


a Weblog - an online journal, diary, or serial published by a person or group of people

short-term disability plan

a benefit plan crediting a number of days to be used as sick leave

long-term disability insurance

a benefit plan providing the employee with an income in the case of long-term illness or injury

authorization card

a card signed by the employee that indicates his or her willingness to have the union act as his or her representative for purposes of collective barganing

boundaryless career

a career that spans several organizations and or industries

Paradigm shift

a change from one way of thinking to another

job code

a code that uses numbers, letters, or both to provide a quick summary of the job and its content

comparative evaluation methods

a collection of different methods that compare one person's performance with that of coworkers

diversity committee

a committee entrusted to oversee diversity efforts, implement processes, and serve as a communication link

open-door policy

a company policy that encourages employees to address their problems to higher levels of management


a company's ability to keep employees


a condition that exists when a department or employer has a greater proportion of members of a protected class than are found in the employer's labour market

health and safety committee

a group consisting of representatives of the employer and employees that meets regularly in order to reduce accident rates

competency model (competency framework)

a list of competencies required in a particular job

reactive human resource strategy

a management approach wherein decision makers respond to problems rather than anticipate them

pay secrecy

a management policy not to discuss or publish individual salaries

Critical Incident Appraisal

a manager collects employee performance information by keeping a record of unusually favorable or unfavorable occurrences in an employees work.


a method of estimating future employment needs by matching employment growth with some index, such as the ratio of production employees to sales

ranking method

a method of evaluating employees that ranks them from best to worst on some trait


a number of tools (coaching, feedback, team building) used to achieve goals

human resource development (HRD)

a part of human resource management that integrates the use of training and employee and career development efforts to improve individual, group, and organizational effectiveness

merit raise

a pay increase given to individual workers according to an evaluation of their performance

rate range

a pay range for each job class

job sharing

a plan whereby work is spread among all workers in a group to reduce the extent of layoffs when production requirements cause substantial decline in available work

human resource accounting

a process to measure the present cost and value of human resources as well as their future worth to the organization

human resource planning

a process used to determine future human resource requirements by anticipating future business demands, analyzing the impacts of these demands on the organization, and making decisions on how to effectively acquire and utilize firms' human resources

bridging progam

a program of study involving courses designed specifically to provide individuals with skills and knowledge required for entry into an occupation or a higher-level educational institution. it supplements learning outside a juristiction or at another institution and may consist of workplace training and occupation

career management

a series of formal and less formal activities, designed and managed by the organization to influence the career development of one or more employees

selection process

a series of specific steps used by an employer to decide which recruits should be hired

business ecosystem

a series of tightly knit intercompany relationships, allowing a business to attain a competitive advantage

benefit audit

a system to control the efficiency of a benefit program

talent management

a systematic attraction, identification, development, engagement/retention, and deployment of those individuals with high potential who are of particular value to the organization

behaviour modelling

a training technique in which trainees are first shown good management techniques then asked to play roles in simulated situation , and finally given feedback regarding their performance


a type of incentive system that compensates workers for each unit of output

production bonuses

a type of incentive system that provides employee with additional compensation when they surpass stated production goals

industrial union

a type of local union that includes the unskilled and semiskilled workers at a particular location


a type of server program that allows multiple users to contribute to a Web site

managing diversity

ability to manage individual employees with different cultural values and lead teams made up of diverse employees

Union Acceptance

accept the inevitability of a union

job enlargement

adding more tasks to a job to increase the job cycle and draw on a wider range of employee skills

temporary-help agencies

agencies that provide supplemental workers for temporary vacancies caused by employee leave, sickness, etc

error of central tendency

an error in rating employees that consists of evaluating employees as neither good nor poor performers even when some employees perform exceptionally well or poorly

human resource audit

an examination of the human resource policies, practices, and systems of a firm (or division) to eliminate deficiencies and improve ways to achieve goals


an instrument used to guage and record an individuals hearing

virtual organization

an operational domain of any organization whose workforce includes a significant portion of remote workers

learning organization

an organization that has an enhanced capacity to learn, adapt, and change

multinational enterprise (MNE)

an organization that has operations and subsidiaries around the globe

paternalistic human resource strategy

an organizational strategy in which some minimal degree of training and competency-building through training, job rotation, etc. is done with the objective of achieving flexibility of staffing and task assignments and maintain workforce stabilities

compliance strategy

an organizational strategy whose focus is on achieving labour efficiencies through control over labour costs, use of temporary or contingent workforce, and maximum control over processes and using it as a key competitive weapon

Activity Based Budgeting

anticipated cost of a particular activity such as a project or program. Advantage is an organization can assess activities that make the greatest contribution to the bottom line

flex schedules

any type of variation in traditional work schedules

Appreciative Inquiry (AI)

art of asking questions to strengthen positive potential

medical evaluation

assessment of health and accident information of a job applicant through self-reports or physical exam by company medical personnel


assisting employees to find jobs with other employers

alumni associations

associations of alumni of schools, colleges, or other training facilities

Halo Bias

attributes such as looks, athleticism, achievements - good or bad, influence the interviewer

human rights compliance audits

audits of hiring, placement, and compensation practices, to ensure compliance with human rights legislation

staff authority

authority to advise, but not to direct, others

Context Bias

candidate is assessed in the context with others - i.e. all are poor

variable costs

change in direct proportion to a change in activity

Job Analysis

collection of information related to a job to determine its duties, tasks etc. Lead to job description


collection of tasks and responsibilities performed by an individual

360-degree performance appraisal

combination of self, peer, supervisor, and subordinate performance evaluation

upward communication

communication that begins in the organization and proceeds up the hierarchy to inform or influence others

Absolute Rating Scale

comparing candidates to a standard selection criteria. Creating more validity

human resource experiment

comparison of impact of a treatment on experimental and control groups in real-life settings, while controlling for effects of extraneous factors

incentive pay

compensation that is directly tied to an employee's performance and/or productivity

management inventories

comprehensive reports of available management capabilities in the organization

Criterion-related Validity

degree of a selection process test that compares test scores with non-test criterion i.e. job performance

Delegation of Authority

degree of authority vested in others - central and decentral

in-group collectivism

degree to which a society feels loyal toward their family or other collective groups

Employee Involvement

degree to which employees influence how their work is organized and done

power distance

degree to which people are separated by power and authority

humane orientation

degree to which societies focus on altruistic behaviour and generosity

Graphic Rating Scales

either numerical (1 to 5) or descriptive (Poor to Excellent)

Work Sharing

employees reduce their hours and share work with other employees instead of being laid off. In return employees get EI benefits

Task force

employees tasked with making recommendations

Survivor Syndrome

employees who are kept after there has been downsizing. They have feelings of guilt, anger, betrayal, mistrust

Contingent Workforce

employees who are not full time or part time

Contract Law

employment contract, there must be an offer, acceptance, and consideration


estimates of future resource needs and changes


full- or part-time labour performed at the employee's home or on the move with the assistance of technology

Hard objectives

goals an organization intends to achieve

Soft objectives

goals of social conduct for an organization

phased retirement

gradual phase into retirement with loss or reduction of pension benefits

Job design

greater skill variety, increased task identity and improved feedback

affected class

group of Ees or applicants who have experienced and continue to experience the loss of employment oppotunities


group of related activities and duties


groups bargain and compete for a share of the power

job families

groups of different jobs that are closely related by similar duties, responsibilities, skills, or job elements

Mechanistic Organization

high degree of specialization and many layers of managment

Workforce Modeling

how and organizations human capital needs would change as a result of unexpected change

job design

identification of job duties, characteristics, competencies, and sequences taking into consideration technology, workforce, organization character, and environment

contact control

identifying and limiting te ways employees come into contact with hazerdous situations


in HR an error that occurs when unimportant or unvalid behaviours ir attributes are incorporated into job description

Compensable factors

include knowledge, skills, responsibility, effort, and working conditions - all of which can be expressed in monetary terms


individual knowledge, skills and bhaviours that are critical to successful individual or corporate performance

Locus of Control

individuals belief about internal vs external control over shaping their life

grapevine communication

informal communication within an organization that arise from normal social interaction


information about the current skills, knowledge adn prespectives and environment of individuals in an organization (specifics of what a person does now)

Solvency Ratios

information on the organization's ability to meet its long-term obligations

strategic human resource management

integrating human resource management strategies and systems to achieve overall mission, strategies, and success of the firm while meeting needs of employees and other stakeholders


interests of the individual and society are one

organizational policies

internal policies that affect recruitment, such as "promote-from-within" policies

unstructured interviews

interviews using few if any planned questions to enable the interviewer to pursue, in depth, the applicant's responses

exit interviews

interviews with departing employees to gauge their impressions of a firm's strengths and weaknesses, especially relating to HR systems and policies


job seekers who arrive at or write to the human resource department in search of a job without prior referrals and not in response to a specific ad

Three types of resources

land labour capital

Situational Leadership - Directing

leader gives direction to employees with little ability

Situational Leadership - Coaching

leader seeks input with employees who have some ability

Situational Leader

leadership that is flexible in their approach

Accommodative learning style

learners who feel and do with hands on new experiences

Workplace HAzardous MAterials Information (WHMIS)

legislation that requires suppliers to label all hazardous products and provide a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) on each

Employment Regulation

legislature passed laws intended to protect employees from unfair practices in the workplace


length of the worker's employment, which may be used for determining order of promotion, layoffs, vacation, etc

enterprise-wide systems

link an organization's entire software application environment into a single enterprise solution

income statement

list of transactions that have increased or decreased the equity during a period of time

balance sheet

listing of all assets, liabilites, and equity at a point in time

Operating Budget

lists all the anticipated expenses and income for a specific time period

Task Inventory Anaylsis

managers make up a list of tasks/activities that make up the performance of a specific job at a particular organization

Rand Formula

mandatory to pay union dues as a condition of employment, even if they are not union members

KPI (Key Performance Indicator)

measure key business objectives

Student-Centered Instruction

methods of teaching that shift from teacher to student and where students become more active and responsible


mid-point of the scores/data

Pay Range maximum

midpoint + (midpoint - minimum)

Line Item Budgeting

most typical in HR. Each expense item (wages, benefits) is a line item in the budget

attribution theory

motivation theory that asserts that people often act without understanding their motives and afterwards attempt to attribute motives to their behavior.

Economic Value Added

net operating profit after taxes minus the firm's cost of capital in dollar terms

Growth Strategies - Global

new markets for same products internationally

alternate work arrangements

nontraditional work arrangements (e.g., flextime, telecommuting) that provide more flexibility to employees, while meeting organizational goals

Risk Management Strategies - Acceptance

not changing the plan to deal with risk

HR Effectiveness

outcome or impact of an HR program


owner's stake in the company


pay based on the number of items processed by an employee in a given time period i.e. hours of work per day

severance pay

payment to a worker upon permanent separation from a company

Defined benefit pension

payout if the form of a monthly amount based on a formula of the employees monthly salary at retirement

defined benefit pension plan

pension contributions are collected and invested, company guarantees that a certain level of pension will be available to the employee

Range spread

percentage difference between the grade minimum and maximum wage

Union Shop

person must join the union when hired

part-time employees

persons working fewer than the required hours for categorization as full-time workers and who are ineligible for many supplementary benefits offered by employers

Data Mining

practice of examining large databases in order to identify patterns and trends

Whole Learning

practicing a behavior or task in it's entirety


professionals who provide expert advice and counsel in a particular area

mentoring programs

programs encouraging members of disadvantaged groups (e.g., women) to work with a senior manager who acts like a friend and guide in achieving career success

personality tests

questionnaires designed to reveal aspects of an individual's character or temperament

alteration ranking

rating method usedin job evaluation where the rater is asked to select the best and worst employees from a list of all employees and rank them accordingly

Profitability Ratios

ratios that measure the rate of return a firm is earning on various measures of investment

direct mail recruiting

recruitment targeted at specified population segments or regions using a variety of means


reducing employment to improve efficiency, productivity, and competitiveness

Risk Management Strategies - Mitigation

reducing the probability of a risk

old age crisis

refers to the social (health care) and organizational (new workplace ergonomics) challenges of jobholder by a specialist

fixed costs

remain at the same level even through activity rises or falls

duty to accommodate

requirement that an employer must accommodate the employee to the point of "undue hardship"

High division of Labour

responsibilities are divided so that each worker is responsible for a small range of tasks

record analysis

review of past company records as part of an HR audit

compliance approach

review of past human resource practices to determine if they conform to formally stated policies and legally defensible standards

Salary compression

salaries paid to inexperienced employees bump up against those paid to experienced employees. Often in union environments

False Negative

selection technique that identifies an applicant DOES NOT possess a skill, when in fact they do

False Positive

selection technique that identifies an applicant DOES possess a skill, when in fact they do not

Restructuring Strategies - Divestiture

selling a part of the organization that makes products and services for another organization. Adds high $$ value

Restructuring Strategies - Liquidation

selling off assets cheap and laying off employees


senior employees kickout junior employees due to layoffs based on seniority

old boys' network

set of informal relationships among male managers providing increased career advancement opportunities for men and reinforcing a male culture

Risk Management Strategies - Transference

shift risk to 3rd party

Hawthorne Effect

short-term improvement in an employee caused by attention given to the work


skill, knowledge, and behaviours that distinguish high performance in abroad role, function, or level of the organization


someone who offers informed career guidance and support on regular basis

benevolent employer

someone who will vry the conditions f the job and modify their expectations of the employee in keeping with her or his limitations.

cost leadership strategy

strategy to gain competitive advantage through lower costs of operations and lower prices for products

job analysis

systematic study of a job to discover its specifications, skill requirements, and so on, for wage-setting, recruitment, training, or job-simplification purposes

transnational teams

teams composed of members of multiple nationalities working on projects that span several countries

self-directed work teams (groups)

teams of workers without a formal, employer-appointed supervisor who decide among themselves most matters traditionally handled by a supervisor

appraisal bias

tendency to allow individual differences such as age, sex, race to affect the appraisal rating they receive

blue collar workers

term used to describe plant workers (production and maint) as compared to office workers

wrongful dismissal

terminating an employee without just cause or without giving the employee reasonable notice or compensation in lieu of notice

equal pay for work of equal value

the principle of equal pay for men and women in jobs with comparable content; based on criteria of skill, effort, responsibility, and working conditions; part of the Canadian Human Rights Act

equal pay for equal work

the principle or policy of equal rates of pay for all employees in an establishment performing the same kind and amount of work, regardless of sex, race, or other characteristics of individual workers not related to ability or performance

recruiter habits

the propensity of a recruiter to rely on methods, systems, or behaviours that led to past recruitment success

critical incident report

the rater records statements that describe extremely effective or ineffective behaviour related to performance


the sequence of and balance between jobs in an organization needed to produce the firm's goods or services

work practices

the set ways of performing work in an organization

Human capital

the skills and knowledge gained by a worker through education and experience

labour market analysis

the study of a firm's labour market to evaluate the present or future availability of different types of workers


the study of theory and techniques of psychological measurement such as aptitude tests

computer-based training (CBT)

the use of computers to facilitate the training process

performance management

the use of performance data to effect organizational culture, systems, and processes, set goals, allocate resources, affect policies and programs, and share results

advanced standing

the waiving of requirement to complete a course or unit of coursework

adjudication framework

this documentation outlines the policies used to determine the medical eligibility of applicants for CPPP disability benefit


those individuals who add value to the organization and can positively impact organizational performance


time between informing and employee in writing and when they are terminated


trainer created course that requires participant involvement


training employees to perform operations in areas other than their assigned jobs

diversity training programs

training programs aimed at importing new skills to motivate and manage a diverse workforce

Balance Scorecard - Learning and Growth

turnover rate, absenteeism

Conflict Model

union and management in constant competition


use of an outside party to asist the company and union to come to a mutual satisfactory collective agreement. hopefully solved by comprmise or voluntary agreement.


use of an outside party to investigate a dispute between the employer and the union and impose a settlement

virtual reality

use of modern computer technology to create a 3D environment

Diagnostic Feedback

use of surveys and interviews to resolve issues


used for identity and behavior within an organization

validity generalization

using validity evidence accumulated for other jobs or applicant populations to guide employment test choices until local validation study results can be acquired

flex hours

variable start and stop times


weakening in force or intensity of a sound in relation to the distance from its source

Criterion Deficiency

when a test does not measure everything that is important, such as the essential skills required to do a job


when an investment is expected to be recouped

Decentralized structure

when decision making involves a number of individuals and individual employees are responsible for making decisions in areas in which they have expertise.


when enough contribution margin has been made to cover all fixed costs

Distributive Bargaining

when one side wants to get more out of the other side. i.e selling a car


where are we going

Transaction Accounting

where expenses and revenues are recognized when they occur and not when the cash flows in or out

Integrative Bargaining

win/win approach where both parties gain in a better outcome

full-time employees

work 37.5 to 40 hours in a workweek

Union Removal

working to eliminate unions where they exist

reference letters

written evaluation of a person's job-relevant skills, past experience, and work-relevant attitudes

Matrix Organization

An organization where project team members answer to both a functional manager and a project manager.

Career Stages - Decline

65+ - Retirement

Contract FOR service

Between an employer and contractor

Job Grading

Non-quantitative whole job method that involves grouping jobs of the same/similar worth for determining appropriate rates of pay

Extended Medical & Dental Plans

Not taxable benefits

Balance Scorecard - Financial

Profit, cash flow, ROI

Descriptive evaluation

Provide information that describes the trainee once he or she has completed a training program


Refers to the degree or persistent effort that one directs towards a goal

Cumulative Trauma

Repetitive, work-related motions that damage muscles, tendons, joints, or nerves.

Hot stove rule

Rule is discipline that can be compared with a hot stove - gives warning, is effective immediately, enforced consistently and applies to all in an unbiased way

Net Working Capital

Current Assets - Current Liabilities

Working Capital

Current Assets - Current Liabilities

Human Resources and Skill Development Canada (HRSDC)

Federal agency that provides programs and services for employers and present and potential employees

Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

Federal law enacted in 1982, guaranteeing individuals equal rights before the law

Canada Labour Code

Federal law regulating labour relations under federal jurisdictions

Employment Equity Act

Federal law to remove employment barriers and to promote equality

Insured Costs

Fixed cost such as WCB assessment, fire and vehicle insurance

Intrinsic Rewards

From within and ones enjoyment with their work i.e. job autonomy, job feedback

Formal learning

Structured and planned by the org. Examples - Workshops, classrooms, E-Learning

Descriptive Statistics

Ways of describing a set of data. Three common measurements are the mean, median and mode.

relocation programs

a company-sponsored benefit that assists employees who must move in connection with their job

brown lung

a disease of the lungs characterized by a narrowing of the lungs airway attributed to the inhalation of dust and other particles in the workplace


a new standard that arises from the past practices of either the company or the union. Once a precedent results from unequal enforcement of disciplinary rules, the new standard may affect similar cases in the future

shared responsibility model

a newer approach to safety in the workplace that assumes the best method to reduce accident rates relies on the cooperation of the employer and the employees (who may be represented by a union)


a provision in employer-provided retirement plans that gives workers the right to a pension after a specified number of years of service

Utility Analysis

a quantitative decision making technique used to assess the usefulness of an initiative. Helps evaluate the impact of something

Construct Validity

a test/assessment measures a particular trait (IQ)


a type of decision making by consensus often used by the Japanese; literally, "bottom-up decision making"

craft union

a type of local union composed of workers who possess the same skills or trades. These unions are composed of workers who possess the same skills or trades; these include, for example, all the carpenters who work in the same geographical area

Just cause

The employer must document and prove serious misconduct or incompetence on the part of the employee

line authority

authority to make decisions about production, performance, and people


average of the data points

attitudes toward government

basic assumptions about the role of government in business and society, including desirability of a welfare state with a key interventionist role for the government

behavioural description interviews

behavioural description interviews attempt to find out how job applicants responded to specific work situations in the past

contributory plans

benefits that require the employer to contribute to the cost of the benefit

people equity

how organizations measure and manage their human capital to maximize its value

workplace diversity

includes important human characteristics that influence employee values, their perceptions of self and others, behaviors, and interpretation of events

Leading indicator

indicates performance that will occur in the future

downward communication

information that begins at some point in the organization and feeds down the organization hierarchy to inform or influence others


information that helps evaluate the success or failure of an action or system

First Impression Bias

initial characteristics create a good impression on the interviewer, who unconsciously leads the interview to support that impression.


legally enforceable rules developed by governmental agencies to ensure compliance with laws that the agency administers

Union Resistance

limit the spread of unionization to other areas of the orgnization

replacement summaries

lists of likely replacements for each job and their relative strengths and weaknesses

Massed Practice

little or no rest between repeat performances of a skill in a short period of time.

Team Development Stages - Forming

look to leader for direction


loss of employees due to their voluntary departures from the firm through resignation, retirement, or death

Focused Niche Strategy Low cost

low cost product, select customers

Low cost provider

low price, lots of customers - Walmart


machine that attempts to measure a person's honesty by assessing body reactions. Often called a lie detector

knowledge management

making use of employees' knowledge

On-the-job Training

most common training method used

internal equity

perceived equity of a pay system in an organization

reverse culture shock

returning home after having been accustomed to another culture. Also called re-entry shock

ability tests

tests that assess an applicant's capacity or aptitude to function in a certain way

Tort Law

that division of law that covers acts that result in harm to another, accident or on purpose, any wrongful act

organizational culture

the core beliefs and assumptions that are widely shared by all organizational members


the elimination of coverage of specific category of benefit services (vvision care, prescription drugs) the employer opts out of certain services with one vendor and contracts another to deliver them


the normal separation of employees from an organization because of resignation, retirement or death

predictive analysis

the process of selecting, exploring, analyzing, and modelling data to create better business outcomes

job performance standards

the work performance expected from an employee on a particular job

Actively - disengaged employees

unhappy employees who go out of their way to spread unhappiness

Application Grievance

we agree on the words, just disagree how they are applied

Frequency Rate

# of lost time injuries x 200,000 / Person hours worked

Maslows Hierarchy of Needs

(level 1) Physiological Needs, (level 2) Safety and Security, (level 3) Relationships, Love and Affection, (level 4) Self Esteem, (level 5) Self Actualization

Pay range spread

(maximum - minimum) / minimum

Part Learning

breaking a list of items into shorter lists

burden of proof

burden placed on the employer as a result of a claim of discriminatory treatment to provide a verifiable legitimate and no discriminatory reason for any employment action taken which may have resulted in adverse teatment of a member of a protected group

Cost-Push Inflation

caused by an increase in labour and materials = decreased supply of goods

cultural challenges

challenges facing a firm's decision makers because of cultural differences among employees or changes in core cultural or social values occurring at a larger societal level

Risk Management Strategies - Avoidance

change the plan to eliminate risk

Behaviourally Anchored Rating Scale (BARS)

compare candidates performance to specific behaviour that are anchored to numbered ratings. Best rating system, but most costly

return on investment

compares reported accounting profit that the investment is expected to yield with the investment that has been made

Comparative Rating Scale

comparing one candidate to the next


comparing one's own quality and production standards with those of industry leaders


comparing the KPIs of one organization to the KPIs of other organizations and adopting the best ones

workers' compensation

compensation payable by employers collectively for injuries sustained by workers in the course of their employment

employee assistance program (EAP)

comprehensive company program that seeks to help employees and their family members overcome personal and work-related problems


concurrent use of two or more job analysis technique (e.g., interviews and observation)


consolidation of a large number of pay grades into a few "broad bands"


contracting tasks to outside agencies or persons

Corporate Governance

corporation's executive staff and board of directors in ensuring that the firm has the right controls in place to meet the goals of the firm's stakeholders.

Two-tiered Pay

cost cutting measure where the salary range for new employees is lower than that of existing employees in the same job

Lagging Indicator

describes past performances

Job Involvement

employees do not need external rewards, they get enough motivation from the job itself

Vestibule Training

A training course or class that simulates or mimics the actual job function. Off-the-job training conducted in a simulated environment.

Relationship building role - Compromiser

Admitting error

Focal appraisal programs

All employees are reviewed at the same time of the year, enables managers to compare employees

Performance appraisal

An annual process designed to help employees understand their roles, objectives, expectations and performance successes

Centralized Structure

An organizational structure in which there are several levels of authority, a long chain of command, and a narrower span of control.

Progressive discipline

Application of corrective measures by increasing degrees

Peer appraisal

Appraisal by fellow employees, compiled into a single profile for use in an appraisal interview

Manager/Supervisor appraisal

Appraisal done by an employee's manager and reviewed by a manager one level higher

Self appraisal

Appraisal done by the employee being evaluated, typically prior to the performance interview


Behavior directed at gaining power and controlling the behavior of others

Contract OF service

Between an employer and employee

Labor Relations Code

Between employers and unions, deals with bargaining rights

Career Stages - Establishment

24 to 44 - establishing oneself through work

Change Management - Kurt Lewin

3 Stages - Unfreeze - Change - Freeze

Career Stages - Maintenance

45 to 64 - Improving position *Heart of Career*

Yellow Dog contracts

Contracts created by employers that force employees to agree not to join a union or participate in any union activity as a condition of employment

Four Fold Test

Control Test Ownership of Tools Chance of profit and risk of loss Organization test

Formative evaluation

Evaluation conducted before or during instruction to facilitate instructional planning

Content theories

Focus on the kinds of needs people have and the conditions in which they will be motivated to satisfy their needs

Positive discipline

Focuses on early correction of employee misconduct, employee takes responsibility for correcting the problem

Structural capital

Formal systems and relationships that allow ees to communicate, solve problems and make decisions

Managing Performance Problems

Gap analysis, contingency management, performance contract

Fiscal Policy

Gov't adjusts taxes and spending to affect the economy

Nominal group technique

Group of individuals who meet face-to-face to forecast ideas and assumptions and prioritize issues.

comparative approach

HR audit approach comparing one firm's (or division's) HR practices with another firm (or division) to uncover areas of poor performance

Negligent Hiring

Hiring of an employee who the employer knew or should have known, based on a reasonable pre-hire screening of the employee's background, posed a risk to others in the workplace.

Needs Analysis

How an organisation decides how many and what type of workers it should employ.

Certified Human Resources Professional (CHRP)

Human resource practitioner, formally accredited to practise, who reflects a threshold professional level of practice

Training Needs Analysis

Identifies specific skills needed to improve performance

Monetary Policy

Interest rates and money in circulation is controlled by the country

Employee Engagement

Job satisfaction, work motivation, organizational identification

Common Law

Judge made law, legal precedents created through the courts i.e - negligent misrepresentation, unjust dismissal, due diligence

Employment Equity

Legislation in place to eliminate discrimination against the 'four target' groups. These groups are Aboriginals, Women, people with disabilities, and visible minorities.

Focused Niche Strategy Differentiation

Luxury goods and services

Blooms Taxonomy

Made up of three beliefs - Cognitive - Affective - Psychometer

Balance Scorecard - Customer Measures

Market Share, complaints

Liquidity Ratios

Measures the ability of a firms current assets to current liabilities to meet its short-term debts (e.g., current ratio & acid test ratio)

Relationship building role - Harmonizer

Mediating conflict

Trend Analysis

Method that uses old data to make projections

Worker traits inventories

Methods used to infer employee specifications from job analysis data; commonly included in the job analysis literature.

Pay range minimum

Midpoint / 1+(.5 x spread)

Employment Standards Act

Minimum employee entitlements and the limit on the max number of hours of work permitted

Mass Interview

Multiple candidates are interviewed all at the same time. Can be stressful for the candidates

Type of Structures - Modular

Order different parts from external/internal providers and assemble them in house

Wrongful Hiring

Organization misrepresents a position to a candidate who accepts the position

Public Sector Employers Act

People employed by the national, regional or local government

Systemic Discrimination

Policies or practices by an organization that appear to be neutral, but do in fact discriminate individuals

Cash Flow Statement

Provides information about when cash comes into a business and when cash will be spent.

Human Rights Code

Provincial legislation that protects and looks after everyone's freedom from discrimination

Descriptive Analysis

Quantitative descriptions of a set of data. Can include certain measures such as mean, median, standard deviation, percentiles.

Point Factor

Quantitative method where a number of compensable factors are defined in the job and an overall point value is created

Four levels of training evaluation

Reaction, Learning, Behavioral and Results

Recency effect

Recall is strongest for items at the end of a list.

Team appraisal

Recognizes team accomplishment rather than individual performance, encourages people to work collectively

Informal learning

Spontaneously and unstructured. Examples - Mentoring, Coaching, lunch and learns

Distributed Practice

Technique in which items to be learned are repeated at intervals over a period of time.

cultural forces

challenges facing a firm's decision makers because of cultural differences among employees or changes in core cultural or social values occurring at the larger societal level

demographic changes

changes in the demographics of the labour force (e.g., education levels, age levels, participation rates) that occur slowly are usually known in advance


characterized by firms that are staffed by host country managers and are typically decentralized and autonomous operations

job analysis questionnaire

checklists that seek to collect information about jobs in a uniform manner

job analysis schedules

checklists that seek to collect information about jobs in a uniform manner

third culture kids (TCK)

children who accompany their parents on global work assignments and become familiar with more than one culture

host country national (HCN)

citizen of a country of a foreign subsidiary, hired to work at a subsidiary located in their home country

third country national (TCN)

citizen of a country other than the parent country

parent country national (PCN)

citizen of the country where the headquarters is located

allowable earnings

clients total earnings from all work in a calendar year that is equal to or less than the disability basic exception

Extrinsic Rewards

come from outside the job i.e. benefits, promotion, pay

Deferred profit sharing plans

company profits credited to each employees account and payable at retirement, termination or death'

Type of Structures - Virtual

create partnerships in various locations

competitive advantage

creating an environment in which people are open to new ideas, responsive to change, and eager to develop new skills and capabilities

culture shock

cultural disorientation causing stress and the inability to respond appropriately

Situational Leadership - Supporting

daily decisions and tasks given to strong employees


data point that occurs most often

Leading Indicators

data that reflects current conditions and a sign of things to come

Lagging Indicators

data that reports something that has already changed or following a trend

applicant tracking systems (ATS)

databases of potential candidates that enable a good match between job requirements and applicant characteristics and also enlarge the recruitment pool


date when an employee can receive the monetary benefit from the stock option


date when an employee can start to exercise their stock options

institutional collectivism

degree to which institutions want individuals to integrate into the larger structure, even at the cost of individual freedom

uncertainty avoidance

degree to which people are consistent and seek structure in their lives

Range Overlap

degree to which the maximum rate of a lower grade overlaps the minimum rate of the next higher grade

transition matrices

describe the probabilities of how quickly a job position turns over and what an incumbent employee may do, over a forecast period of time, from that job situation, such as stay in current position, move to another position within a firm, or accept another job in another organization

Cash Budgeting

detailed estimate of cash inflows and outflows incorporating revenue, expenses and capital

employment equity programs

developed by employers to undo past employment opportunity in the future. Called affirmative action programs in the United States

employment tests

devices that assess the probable match between applicants and job requirements


difference between the highest and lowest data points

Broad Differentiation

different products from competitors, lots of customers (i.e. Apple with innovative products)

Strategic HR Management

direction the company wants to take to reach its goals and stay competitive.

corrective discipline

discipline that follows a rule infraction

Formative Evaluation

discussion or interview that provides data about the training program


displacement of employee from their jobs by more senior employees when a firm needs to layoff or dismiss workers.

Binding Arbitration

disputing parties must listen to the arbitrators decision and cannot appeal the decision

Zero Based Budgeting

each department starts form zero every year and must justify every item in the budget, rather than simply adjusting the previous year's budget amounts

graphic rating scale

each employee is rated according to a scale of individual characteristics

economic challenges

economic factors facing Canadian business today, including global trade challenges and the challenge to increase one's own competitiveness and productivity levels

economic forces

economic factors facing Canadian business today, including global trade forces and the force to increase one's own competitiveness and productivity levels

secondary dimensions of diversity

education, status, language, and income levels

shorter workweek

employee scheduling variations that allow full-time employees to complete a week's work in less than the traditional five days

contrast error

employee's evaluation is biased either upward or downward because of comparison with another employee just previously evaluated

Wrongful Dismissal

employees employment contract has been breached. Terminated based on discrimination or retaliation


employees have greater control and ownership of their work and situation

adverse selection

employers selection practices or policies that result in discriminatory or unfavourable treatment to members of protected groups.

Indirect/Adverse Discrimination

employers selection practices that result in discriminatory or unfavourable treatment toward a member of the 'four target groups'

integrity tests

employment tests that measure an applicant's honesty and trustworthiness

Supplemental Unemployment Benefits (SUB)

enabling employees to receive top-ups for things like maternity leave

Summative Evaluation

end of session questionnaire that provides data about the effectiveness of the training

Equity Legislation

equal opportunity for groups that have been discriminated against

global HR planning

estimates employment needs and develops plans for meeting those needs from the available global labour force and the viability of MNEs in their ability to align their workforce with the supply for global talent

behaviourally anchored rating scales (BARS)

evaluation tools that rate employees along a rating scale by means of specific behaviour examples on the scale

employment references

evaluations of an employee's past work performance and job-relevant behaviours provided by past employers

buddy systems

exist when an experienced employee is asked to show a new employee around the job site, conduct introductions, and answer the newcomer's questions

Growth Strategies - Organic

expanding client base/products


expenses related to attracting recruits


experts grouped together to accomplish a project or program


extending past rates of change into the future

performance orientation

extent to which society recognizes and rewards performance

working conditions

facts about the situation in which the worker acts. Includes physical environment, hours, hazards, travel requirements, and so on, associated with a job

Pay Equity

fair compensation for women compared to that of men


financial expression of the business plan

relocation assistance

financial or other assistance to help expatriates move to the new work destination

Type of Structures - Hollow

focus on the core competencies and outsource the non-core competencies


focuses on how assertive people are in society and the degree to which they are confrontational

Markov analysis

forecast of a firm's future human resource supplies, using traditional probability matrices reflecting historical or expected movements of employees across jobs

in-house complaint procedures

formal methods through which an employee can register a complaint

communication standards

formal protocols for internal communications within an organization to eliminate sex/gender, racial, age, or other biases in communications

business agent

full time paid employee of a union local whose duties involve handling grievances, helping to enforce the collective agreement, assist with organizaing etc.

paradigm shift

fundamental change in a paradigm, e.g., shift from paper filing systems to electronic information storage and retrieval

human resource information system (HRIS)

gathers, analyzes, summarizes, and reports important data for formulating and implementing strategies by HR specialists and line managers

employee objectives

goals set by HR department to assist employees to achieve personal goals that will enhance their contribution to the organization

employee goals

goals to assist employees to achieve personal goals that will enhance their contributions to the organization

flexible budget

goes up or down as the level of production activity rises or falls

Canada Labour Code

governs organizations in a Federal aspect. The objective of the code is to facilitate production by controlling strikes & lockouts, occupational safety and health, and employment standards (min hrs work, holidays)

support groups

groups of employees who provide emotional support to a new employee who shares a common attribute with the group (e.g., racial or ethnic membership)

learning principles

guidelines to the ways people learn most effectively

Relationship building role - Encourager

helping a team member, cheerleaders

educational institutions

high schools, technical schools, community colleges, and universities where applicants for job positions are sought

gender differentiation

how society views differences in gender roles and affords higher status to certain roles

Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

human rights that are guaranteed to everyone in Canada

Impact analysis

identifying the potential consequences of change or what needs to be modified to create change

compensatory approach

in a compensatory approach, a higher score on a predictor may compensate a low score on another

due process

in a disciplinary situation, the following of proper, established rules and procedures, and giving employees the opportunity to respond to allegations


in a job context, independence - having control over one's work and one's response to the work environment

multiple cutoff approach

in a multiple cutoff approach, scores are set for each predictor and each applicant evaluated on a pass-fail basis

subjective approach

in a subjective approach, the decision maker looks at the scores received by the various applicants on predictors and subjectively evaluates all of the information and comes to an overall judgement

bonus plan

incentive pay plan which awards employees compensation in addition to their base salary for achieving individual or group performance an d productivity goals

total reward model

inclusion of everything employees value in an employment relationship

Job enrichment

increased responsibility/control/variety are built into the job

labour shortage

insufficient supply of qualified talent to fill the demand for labour

video interview

interview approach that uses solicited videos of a candidate's answers to provided questions

panel interview

interview using several interviewers

interviewee errors

interviewee mistakes such as boasting, not listening, or lack of reparation that reduce the validity and usefulness of an interview

situational interviews

interviews that attempt to assess a job applicant's likely future response to specific situations, which may or may not have been faced by the applicant in the past. In this type of interview, the interviewer describes situations likely to arise on the job and important for effective job performance, and then asks the applicant what he or she would do in such situations

structured interviews

interviews wherein a predetermined checklist of questions usually asked of all applicants is used

glass ceiling

invisible, but real obstructions to career advancement of women and people of visible minorities, resulting in frustration, career dissatisfaction, and increased turnover

realistic job preview (RJP)

involves showing the candidate the type of work, equipment, and working conditions involved in the job before the hiring decision is final

Discretionary Effort

is the difference between the maximum effort one can bring to a task and the minimum effort needed simply to get by

stress-producing interviews

job interviews that use a series of harsh, rapid-fire, questions to upset the applicant and learn how he or she handles stress

Internet recruiting

job recruitment using the Internet

job identity

key part of a job description, including job title, location, and status

stages of an interview

key phases in an employment interview: interview preparation, creation of rapport, information exchange, termination, and evaluation

task significance

knowing that the work one does is important to others in the organization or to outsiders

Situational Leadership - Delegating

leader assists when needed. Employee is highly competent

Convergent learning style

learners who do and think and apply ideas and theories

Divergent learning style

learners who feel and watch and view things from a different point of view

just cause

legal grounds for termination such as employee misconduct or incompetence


management action to encourage compliance with organization standards

Containment Model

management grudgingly accepts the union

business continuity planning

management process that seeks to identify potentail threats and impacts to the organization and provides a strategic and operational framework for ensuring the organization is able to withstand any disruption.


measure of stability or dependability over repeated applications of a measurement procedure. Scores are free from random errors

break even analysis

measure used to determine the approx sales volume required to cover the costs associated with using a particular product or service

paper-and-pencil integrity tests

measures of honesty that rely on written responses rather than observations

knowledge workers

members of occupations generating, processing, analyzing, or synthesizing idea and information (such as scientists and management consultants)

Delphi Method

method of group decision making and forecasting that involves experts on a particular subject to make decisions

natural justice

minimum standards of fair decision making imposed on persons or bodies acting in judicial capacity

Corporate Strategies

mission/vision and values of the organization and the plan. Should we be in business and what should we be in

interviewer errors

mistakes like biases and domination that reduce the validity and usefulness of the job interview

mixed interviews

mixed interviews are a combination of structured and unstructured interviews


monetary, nonmonetary, or even intangible incentives used by a firm to attract recruits


moral compass to determine what is right and wrong

Engaged Employees

more passionate about their jobs. Work harder and rewards help motiviate


movement of an employee from one job to another that is relatively equal to pay, responsibility, and organizational level

job rotation

moving employees from one job to another to allow them more variety and to learn new skills

biological agents

natural organisms or substances that pose a risk to humans

collective bargaining

negotiations that take place between a labour union collectively representing the employees of an industry and the employer in drawing up a mutually acceptale labour management agreement

Canada Labour Relations board

not less than 4 no more than 8 members -determining the appropriate barganing units -decisions as to unfair labour policies -failure to bargain in good faith

Termination without cause

notice is given (or pay in lieu). Not related to misconduct and usually severance is given

Span of Control

number of subordinates a supervisor has

Job Enlargement

number of tasks increase with loss of control

Summative evaluation

occurs at the end of the teaching-learning episodes to judge the value of the present teaching-learning experience

constructive discarge

occurs when a manager or supervisor or employer makes working conditions so unbearable or abusive that a reasonable person believes that resignation is the only appropriate action to take.


occurs when a member of an organization treats an employee in a disparate manner because of that person's sex, race, religion, age, or other protective classification

career plateau

occurs when an employee has reaaches the highest position she can possibly obtain within an organization and has no furute prospect of being promoted due to lack of skills, corporate restructuring

Balance Scorecard - Internal Processes measures

on-time delivery, inventory turnover

Social Exchange Theory

people choose behaviours that lead them to their self interests. Benefits outweigh the costs

Expectancy Theory

people motivated by desirable things they expect they can achieve

Equity Theory

people will be motivated when they perceive that they are being treated fairly

external equity

perceived fairness in pay relative to what other employers are paying for the same type of work

home-country evaluations

performance appraisals carried out by an expatriate's home office

host-country evaluations

performance appraisals carried out by an expatriate's local (or host) office

evaluation interviews

performance review sessions that give employees feedback about their past performance or future potential

computer-interactive performance tests

performance tests using computer simulations that can measure skills, comprehension, spatial visualization, judgement, etc

unfair labour practices

practices by management such as interfering with or discriminating against employees who undertake collective action. Unions may also commit unfair labour practices

Biographical Information Blank

pre-selection questionnaire where applicants provide information on their personal backgrounds and experiences


prevents a party from making an allegation that contradicts what the party had previously stated Once a person or company waives a known right, the waiver cannot be reversed.

supplemental unemployment benefits (SUB)

private plans providing compensation for wage loss to laid-off workers

Inferential Statistics

procedures used to draw conclusions about larger populations from small samples of data and plotted on a scattergram

Force Field Analysis

process for analyzing the reasons for and against a change. Helps communicate the reasons behind your decision. Easier to reduce restraining forces


process of aquiring control of another corporation by purchase of stock exchange


process of bringing a new employee into the organization. Helps lower turnover, increase productivity/morale and fewer injuries

Job Evaluation

process to establish the internal worth of jobs

flexible benefit programs

programs that allow employees to select the mix of benefits and services that will answer their individual needs. Also known as cafeteria benefit programs

orientation programs

programs that familiarize new employees with their roles, the organization, its policies, and other employees

Long-Term Disability (LTD)

provides 50-70% of employees income. It is a taxable benefit if the employer pays the premium, not taxable if the employee pays

Public Service Staff Relations Act (PSSRA)

provides federal public servants with the right to either opt for compulsory arbitration or strike


provides three types of benefits - retirment inccome -survivor/ death benefits payable to deendants regardless of age at time of death -disability benefits availabel to those who make contributions to the plan

Canadian Occupational Projection System (COPS)

provides up to 10-year projection of Canadian economy and human resource needs

pulse survey

pulse surveys are used to assess periodically the opinion of an organization's employees

career plateauing

reaching a temporary flat point on the advancement continuum during one's career

diversity management

recognition of differences among employees belonging to heterogeneous groups and creating a work environment in which members of diverse groups feel comfortable

employee referrals

recommendations by present employees to recruiter about possible job applicants for a position


reduces the value of future cash flows based on: interest rate and how far into the future we have to wait


reducing the number of salary grades and ranges into a few wider levels. Assists in flattening a large hierarchical organizations and creates more flexibility

Restructuring Strategies - Turnaround

refocusing efforts on an existing product/service.

management rights

rights that provide management with the freedom to operate the business subject to any terms in the collective agreement. They often include the right to reassign employees to different jobs, to make hiring decisions, and to decide other matters important to management

Flow Charting

shows the logical steps that must be performed in order to document procedures

Selection Ratio

shows the number of hired employees to the number of applicants

Transition Matrix

shows the probabilities of how quickly a job position turns over and what an employee may do

societal objectives

societal priorities (e.g., lower pollution levels) that HR department targets while setting own objectives and strategies

statement of cash flows

sometimes called the statement of changes in financial position


standards of education established by professional authorities have been met

mission statement

statement outlining the purpose, long-term objectives, and activities the organization will pursue and the course of their future

Book Value Plans

stock option plans where the purchase price of the option is based on the book value of the company

global talent management

strategic integration of resourcing and development at the international level, which involves the proactive identification, development, and strategic deployment of high-performing and high-potential employees on a global scale

Workforce reduction

strategies to reduce employees by - early retirement, layoffs, terminations

focus strategy

strategy to gain a competitive advantage by focusing on needs of a specific segment(s) of the total market

differentiation strategy

strategy to gain competitive advantage by creating a distinct product or offering a unique service


stressful working conditions that can directly influence the health and safety of employees

Delphi technique

structured communication method developed as an interactive forecasting method which relies on a panel of experts

nominal group technique

structured meeting that identifies meeting that identifies and ranks problems or issues affecting a group

Pygmalion effect

students perform better or worse than other students simply because they are expected to do so by their superiors

wage and salary surveys

studies made of wages and salaries paid by other organizations within the employer's labour market


studying, evaluating and pssibly implementing the best practices of comparable organizations in an effort to improve the organizations own performance

skills inventories

summaries of each nonmanagerial worker's skills and abilities

Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRC)

supervises the implementation and adjudication of the Canadian Human Rights Act

mailed questionnaires

surveying employees using standardized questionnaires to collect information about jobs, working conditions, and other performance-related information

attitude survey

systematic assessment of employees' opinions about various work-related factors typically using a questionnaire

job evaluations

systematic process of assessing job content and ranking jobs according to a consistent set of job characteristics and worker traits

Life insurance & Critical Illness & Accidental Death

taxable benefits if paid by the employer, but not taxable benefits if paid by employee

Team Development Stages - Performing

team has a shared vision, high degree of autonomy

audit team

team responsible for assessing the effectiveness of the human resource function

Team Development Stages - Norming

team roles clear and decisions are made

Team Development Stages - Storming

team tries to establish self

drug tests

test that include whether a job applicant uses marijuana, cocaine, or other drugs. A growing number of employers have instituted drug testing as a part of the selection process. Substance abuse in the workplace costs employers billions of dollars each year

performance tests

test that measure the ability of job applicants to perform the job for which they are being hired

differential validity

test validation process aimed at discovering the validity of a test for various subgroups, e.g., females and members of visible minorities

graphic response test

tests that attempt to measure an applicant's honesty by measuring body responses

knowledge tests

tests that measure a person's information or knowledge

psychological tests

tests that measure a person's personality or temperament

aptitude tests

tests that measure an individuals aptitude or potential to perform a job provided the proper training is given

attitude tests

tests that seek to learn the attitudes of job applicants and employees about job-related subjects

common law

the accumulation of judicial precedents that do not derive from specific pieces of legislation


the act of a company or institution taking a function once performed by employees and outsourcing it to an undefined (and generally large) network of people in the form of an open call

startup costs

the additional costs associated with a new employee because the new employee is typically less efficient than an experienced worker; the new worker also requires additional supervisory time

recency error

the appraisal is based largely on an employee's most recent behaviour rather than on behaviour throughout the appraisal period

affective commitment

the attachment one feels towards an organization based on postive feelings


the automatically controlled operation of a process, system, or equipment by mechanical or electronic devices


the average difference between what is expected (the mean) and what actually occurs

assumption of risk

the belief that a worker knows and accepts the risks of a particular position and accepts them as part of a job

performance standards

the benchmarks against performance is measured

Final Offer Arbitration

the best offer put forth by the employer and union and an arbitrator decides

Knowledge Compilation

the body of knowledge acquired as a result of learning

global mindset

the capacity to scan the world with a brand view, to value diversity, and to appreciate change

future orientation

the degree to which people are willing to delay rewards

Convergent Validity

the degree to which two measures of constructs that theoretically should be related, are in fact related

Net Present Value

the difference between an investment's market value and its cost A project has an initial cost of $27,400 and a market value of $32,600. What is the difference between these two values called?


the discussion of a problem with an employee, with the general objective of helping the worker resolve the issue or cope with the situation so that he or she can become more effective

careless worker model

the early approach to safety in the workplace, which assumed that most accidents were due to workers' failure to be careful or to protect themselves. Even if training was provided to make workers more aware of the dangers in the workplace, this approach still assumed accidents to be mainly the worker's fault

construct validity

the extnt to which the test or other assesment and deemed necessary to perform the job successfully

task identity

the feeling of responsibility of pride that results from doing an entire piece of work, not just a mall part of it

Big 5 personality dimensions

the five abstract dimensions representing most personality traits: conscientiousness, agreeableness, nuroticism, openness to experience and extroverrsion. (CANOE)

educational attainment

the highest educational level attained by an individual worker, employee group, or population

base wage rate

the hourly or mothly rate paid for a job preformed it is solely a base rate and des not include any benefits overtime or incentives


the identification of candidates from a pool of recruits who best meet job requirements using tools such as application blanks, test, and interviews

strategic human resource development

the identification of needed skills and active management of employees' learning in relation to corporate strategies

environmental considerations

the influence of the external environment on job design. Includes employee ability, availability, and social expectations

human resource management

the leadership and management of people within an organization using systems, methods, processes, and procedures that enable employees to optimize their contribution to the organization and its goals

Opportunity Cost

the loss of potential gain that might have been achieved by making a different investment

EBITDA (Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization)

the money, in cash, made by an organization from it operations

attribution process

the perceptual process of deciding whether an observed behaviour or event is caused largely by internal or external factors

casual employment

the practice of hiring employees on a as need basis either as a replacement for pernament employees who are on absences or to meet employers additional staffing needs during peak business times

employee leasing

the practice of outsourcing job functions, such as payroll, to organizations specializing in the field

hot-stove rule

the principle that disciplinary action should be like what happens when you touch a hot stove: it is with warning, immediate, consistent, and impersonal

performance appraisal

the process by which organizations evaluate employee job performance


the process by which people adapt to an organization

employee development

the process of enhancing an employee's future value to the organization through careful career planning


the process of finding and attracting capable applicants to apply for employment


the process of integrating and acculturating new employees into the organization and providing them with the tools, resources, and knowledge to become successful and productive

succession planning

the process of making long-range management development plans to fill human resource needs


the process of posting all job openings internally so that current employees may be allowed to opportunity to apply for vacant positions prior to the employer seeking other candidates through external measures.


the process of using a few observable characteristics to assign someone to a preconceived social category

career planning

the process through which someone becomes more aware of their interests and needs, motivations, etc

organization character

the product of all the organization's features - people, objectives, technology, size, age, unions, policies, successes, and failures

performance measures

the ratings used to evaluate employee performance


the ratio of a firm's outputs (goods and services) divided by its inputs (people, capacity, materials, energy)

selection ratio

the ratio of the number of applicants hired to the total number of applicants

co employment

the relationship between a professional employer organization or employee leasing firm and an employer based on a contractual sharing of liability adn responsibility for employees


the settling of a dispute between labour and management by a third party. An arbitrator may be selected from a list provided by the appropriate ministry of labour, or the parties may agree to the selection of an arbitrator. The arbitrator's decision is final and cannot be changed or revised, except in such cases as corruption, fraud, or a breach of natural justice

Delphi technique

the soliciting of predictions about specified future events from a panel of experts, using repeated surveys until convergence in opinions occurs


the straight line that best fits the data points on a scatter diagram


the strength of relationship between two variables


the study of relationships between physical attributes of workers and their work environment to reduce physical and mental strain and increase productivity and quality of work life


the total depletion of physcial and mental resources caused by excessive striving to reach unrealistic work related goals

Bargaining Agent

the union representing the employees that is recognized by the Labour Relations Board

progressive discipline

the use of stronger and stronger penalties for repeated offences

assumption of risk

the worker accepting all the customary risks associated with his or her occupation. For example, workers may be instructed to protect themselves from special hazards such as heat extremes or molten and sharp metal

international human resource management (IHRM)

the worldwide management of talent from a staffing perspective, including HR support across countries and employment of different nationals


The extent to which a test measures, with accuracy, what it is supposed to.

Task Analysis

The process of breaking a complex skill or series of behaviors into smaller, teachable units


Third Country National (TCN) or Host Country National (HCN) employee who relocates from foreign subsidiary or joint venture to the parent company


Why do we exist/What we do

Equal pay for equal work

Women doing the same job as a man, gets the same pay

cafeteria plan

a benefit plan which allows employees to choose between one or more qualified benefits

defined benefits (DB) plan

a benefit plan whose benefits are defined by a formula based on age and length of service, with the employer assuming responsibility for funding

defined contribution (DC) plan

a benefits plan based on the amounts contributed by the employer and the employee, the final pension depending on amounts contributed, investment income, and economic conditions at retirement

guaranteed annual wage (GAW)

a benefits plan by which an employer assures employees that they will receive a minimum annual income regardless of layoffs or a lack of work

halo effect

a bias that occurs when an evaluation allows some information to disproportionately affect the final evaluation


a brief listing of an applicant's work experience, education, personal data, and other information relevant for the job

Capital Budget

a budget that outlines expenditures for real estate, new facilities, major equipment, and other capital investments

job application form

a company's form completed by a job applicant indicating their contact information, education, prior employment, references, special skills and other questions pertaining to the position

corporate social responsibility (CSR)

a company's sense of responsibility towards the community and environment in which it operates

audit report

a comprehensive description of HR activities, containing commendation for effective practices and recommendations for improving ineffective practices


a condition of mental, emotional, and sometimes physical exhaustion that results from substantial and prolonged stress


a condition that exists when a department or employer has a lesser proportion of members of a protected class than are found in the employer's labour market

behaviour modefication

a conscious attempt to change or eliminate an individuals undesirable behaviour by specifying expected behaviour and reinforcing and rewarding the desired behvaiour

dual-income couple

a couple whose partners both have their own careers

needs assessment

a diagnosis that presents problems and future challenges that can be met through training and development

focus group

a face-to-face meeting with five to seven knowledgeable experts on a job and a facilitator to collect job and performance-related information

manager self-service (MSS)

a feature of an HRIS that allows managers to view and access their employee's records and add relevant information

employee self-service (ESS)

a feature that allows employees to access and view their own records and make changes where applicable

Pension Benefits Standards Act

a federal act regulating pension plans in industries under the jurisdiction of the Government of Canada

Canadian Human Rights Act

a federal law prohibiting discrimination

human resource plan

a firm's overall plan to fill existing and future vacancies, including decisions on whether to fill internally or by recruiting from the outside

work arrangement

a firm's use of work hours, schedules, and location to ensure that the goals of the organization and the needs of the employees are optimally met


a flexible work arrangement in which employees are allowed or encouraged to work at home or in a satellite office closer to home


a focus on the regions in which organizations operate

laboratory training

a form of group training primarily used to enhance interpersonal skills

job ranking

a form of job evaluation in which jobs are ranked subjectively according to their overall worth to the organization

point system

a form of job evaluation that assesses the relative importance of the job's key factors in order to arrive at the relative worth of jobs

job grading

a form of job evaluation that assigns jobs to predetermined job classifications according to their relative worth to the organization


a form of on-the-job training in which junior employees learn a trade from an experienced person

suggestion systems

a formal method of generating, evaluating, and implementing employee ideas

employment interview

a formal, in-depth, face-to-face, or more recently, a phone or video conference between an employer and a job applicant to assess the appropriateness of the applicant for the job under consideration

grievance procedure

a formalized procedure for resolving disputes if the parties have a disagreement regarding the interpretation of a term of the collective agreement.. A grievance is a complaint by an employee or employer that alleges that some aspect of a collective agreement has been violated. Labour legislation typically requires that a grievance that cannot be resolved between the parties can be submitted to an arbitrator or arbitration board whose decision is final and binding

contract (or contingent) worker

a freelancer (self-employed, temporary, or leased employees) who is not part of the regular workforce and is paid on a project completion basis

Quality Circles

a group of employees that meets regularly to consider ways of resolving problems and improving production in their organization.

employee handbook

a handbook explaining key benefits, policies, and general information about the employer

360-degree career development

a holistic approach to career development that considers approach to career development that considers all career development functions

application blank

a job application form

weighted application blank (WAB)

a job application form in which various items are given differential weights to reflect their relationship to criterion measure

key job

a job that is similar and common in the organization and its labour market - for example, accountant, tool-and-die maker

bona fide occupational requirement (BFOR)

a justified business reason for discriminating against a member of a protected class. Also known as a bona fide occupational qualification (BFOQ)


a key attribute of a selection device that indicates its accuracy and relationship to job-relevant criteria


a knowledge, skill, ability, or characteristic associated with superior job performance

collective agreement

a labour contract that addresses a variety of issues such as wage and benefits, hours of work, working conditions, grievance procedures, safety standards, probationary periods, and work assignments. Usually negotiated between the local union's bargaining committee and the human resource or industrial relations department

Autocratic Leader

a leader who has control and makes decisions with little or no consultation with others


a less formal training experience than an apprenticeship, coaching generally involves a supervisor or manager providing a model for a new employee to observe and emulate

career development

a lifelong series of activities undertaken by individuals in their pursuit of a career

staffing table

a list of anticipated employment openings for each type of job

competency matrix

a list of the level of each competency required for each of a number of jobs

constructive dismissal

a major change in the terms of employment contract that results in an employee resigning


a major technological change allowing the processing of vast amounts of data at great speeds, enabling organizations to improve efficiency, responsiveness, and flexibility in operations

proactive human resource management

a management approach wherein decision makers anticipate problems and likely challenges and take action before a problem occurs


a managerial outlook that focuses on creating a global network and follows a strategy that integrates and is dependent on the global firm's strengths

Canada Pension Plan (CPP)

a mandatory, contributory, portable pension plan applicable to all employees and self-employed persons in Canada, except those working for the federal government

balanced scorecard

a measurement system that translates and organziaations strategy into a comprehensive set of performance measures

on-the-job training (OJT)

a method in which a person learns a job by actually performing it


a method of convincing an employee who is about to resign to stay in the employ of the organization, typically by offering an increased wage or salary

forced distributions

a method of evaluating employees that requires rater to categorize employees

flexible retirement

a novel approach to optimizing the talent of recent retirees, thus extending their contributions and continuing their engagement in organizational activities

skill- or knowledge-based pay

a pay system based on the skills or knowledge that an employee has (in contrast to the more common job-based pay)


a person in an organization who can create career development opportunities for others

Closed Shop

a person needs to be a part of the union before they are able to be hired


a person who is on a short-term assignment and engages in frequent travel without relocation

pay equity

a policy to eliminate the gap between income of men and women, ensuring salary ranges correspond to value of work performed

Meta Analysis

a procedure for statistically combining the results of many different research studies

Organization Analysis

a process for determining the appropriateness of training by evaluating the characteristics of the organization

Employment Insurance (EI)

a program to help alleviate the monetary problems of workers in Canada during the transition from one job to another

red-circled rae

a rate of higher pay than the contractual, or formerly established, rate for the job

contrast error

a rater bias occurring when a rater compares employees to each other rather than to a performance standard

recency effect

a rater bias that occurs when the rater allows recent employee performance to sway unduly the overall evaluation of the employee's performance

Leniency or strictness error

a rating error in which the appraiser tends to give all employees unusually high or low ratings

comparative rating

a rating method that determines ratings by making comparisons between the individuals being rated.

content validity

a rational approach to validation that examines the extent to which the selection device includes elements of the job domain

construct validity

a rational approach to validation that seeks to establish a relationship to a construct, attribute, or quality related to job performance

job description

a recognized list of functions, tasks, accountabilities, working conditions, and competencies for a particular occupation or job

compressed workweeks

a reduction in the number of days per week in which full-time work is performed, but not in the number of weekly hours

rating scale

a scale that requires the rater to provide a subjective evaluation of an individual's performance


a scheduling innovation that abolishes rigid starting and ending times for each day's work


a selection device's ability to yield consistent results over repeated measures. Also, internal consistency of a device of measure

Cost / Benefit Analysis

a simple, quantitative approach for deciding whether to go ahead with a decision, weighs the pros and cons


a standard used as the basis for comparison, criteria based on external sources used for job comparison and performance measurement

assessment centers

a standardized form of employer appraisal that relies on several types of evaluation and multiple assessors

compensation records

a study of wages, benefits, and services can show whether they are fair and competitive

profit-sharing plan

a system whereby an employer pays compensation or benefits to employees, usually on an annual basis, in addition to their regular wage, on the basis of the profits of the company

employee attitude/opinion survey

a systematic method of determining what employees think of their organization

central tendancy

a tendancy to rate all employees in the middle of the scale

leniency bias

a tendency to rate employees higher than their performance justifies

strictness bias

a tendency to rate employees lower than their performance justifies

situational judgment test

a test that places an applicant in hypothetical scenarios and asks them to indicate how they would respond from a list of alternatives

Content Validity

a test/ assessment that samples the behavior that is of interest (such as a driving test that samples driving tasks).

Expedited Arbitration

a third party makes a decision without a formal hearing. Not usually precedent setting decisions


a training technique that requires trainees to assume different identities in order to learn how others feel under different circumstances

Managerial Grid

a two dimensional grid for appraising leadership styles. Concern for production VS concern for people

biographical information blank (BIB)

a type of application blank that uses a multiple-choice format to measure a job candidate's education, experiences, opinions, attitudes, and interests

social (reform) unionism

a type of unionism that tries to influence the economic and social policies of government at all levels. In practice, union leaders pursue such objectives by speaking out for or against government programs

union shop

a union security provision in which employers may hire anyone they want, but all new employees must join the union within a specified period

local union

a union that provides the members the revenue, and the power of the union movement. For most union members and industrial relations practitioners, the most important part of the union structure. Historically, the two major types of local unions were craft and industrial unions

Normal distribution

a very important probability distribution, also known as bell-shaped curve. The frequency is highest near the mean value and decreases toward each extreme end of the range


a view in which managers use a home country standard as reference for managing activities

learning curve

a visual representation of the rate at which one learns given material

collective agreement

a written agreement between the employer and the union representing its employees valid from a period of one to three years, covering rates of pay, hours of work and conditions of employment etc...

job specification

a written statement that explains what a job demands of jobholders and the human skills and factors required


achieving maximal output with minimal input

preventive discipline

action taken prior to an infraction to encourage employees to follow standards and rules

job enrichment

adding more responsibilities and autonomy to a job, giving the worker greater powers to plan, do, and evaluate job performance


advertisements in a newspaper, magazine, etc, that solicit job applicants for a position

want ads

advertisements in a newspaper, magazine, etc. that solicit job applicants for a position

core dimensions of diversity

age, ethnicity and culture, sex/gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, and capabilities

professional search firms

agencies, that for a fee, recruit specialized personnel by telephone and, at times, recruit from a computer

Relationship building role - Gate Keeper

all members express ideas and no one interrupts

provincial human rights laws

all provinces have their own human rights laws with discrimination criteria, regulations, and procedures

Work redesign

altering jobs to increase both the quality of employees' work experience and their productivity

Commuted Value

amount of money that needs to be set aside in a defined pension plan in order to have sufficient funds when the employee retires

global human resource management (GHRM)

an IHRM process that view HRM in a global context as one that contributes to organizational capabilities

Hazardous Products Act

an act whose primary objective is the protection of consumers by regulating the sale of dangerous products

productivity records

an analysis of records on production, absenteeism, wastage, and labour costs can identify and improve productivity levels

similar to me error

an appraiser inflated the evaluation of an employee because of a mutual personal connection


an approach to collecting job- and performance-related information by direct observation of jobholder by a specialist

blended learning

an approach to learning that blends different technologies or that blends technology and other approaches in the learning process. may include just abot anything books, classroom instruction, hands on experience, online self paced instruction.


an attribute of jobs wherein the worker has the opportunity to use different skills and abilities, or perform different activities

Attribution Bias

an attribute/skill in an area (playing chess) which results in the interviewer falsely attributing a skill (strategic planning)

safety and health records

an audit of safety and health records can find past or potential violations and suggest ways to eliminate them

grievance records

an audit of these can detect patterns in employee grievances

audit of managerial compliance

an audit to review how well managers comply with HR policies and procedures and labour laws

predictive validity

an empirical approach to validation that correlates predictor and criterion scores

concurrent validity

an empirical approach to validation that measures the predictor and criterion scores concurrently

international commuter

an employee who frequently commutes from a home country to a place of work in another country, typically on a weekly or biweekly basis

frequent flyer

an employee who travels with increasing frequency on international business trips to accomplish a specific task

anti nepotism policy

an employers policy that restricts the employment of two or more family members at the same time

strategic plan

an identification of a firm's mission and objectives and its proposals for achieving those objectives

Scanlon Plan

an incentive plan developed by Joseph Scanlon that has as its general objective the reduction of labour costs through increased efficiency and the sharing of resultant savings among workers


an index that indicates how an individual's or a group's salary relates to the midpoint of their relevant pay grades


an individual who is sent on an assignment outside the home country for a period of time

occupational injury

an injury resulting from a workplace accident or from exposure involving an accident in the work environment

balanced scorecard

an integrated organizational performance measuring approach, looking at organizational learning and innovation, financial management, internal operations, and customer management


an internal computer network that is generally accessible only to individuals within an organization

National Occupational Classification (NOC)

an occupational classification created by federal government, using skill level and skill types of jobs

Boundary less

an organization whose design is not defined by, or limited to, the horizontal, vertical, or external boundaries imposed by a predefined structure.

organizational goals

an organization's short- and long-term goals that the HR department aims to achieve

Canadian Labour Congress (CLC)

an organization, with a membership of more than 3 million, that represents many unions in Canada. It has five main functions: (1) representing Canada at the International Labour Organization, (2) influencing public policy at the federal level, (3) enforcing the code of ethics set out in its constitution, (4) providing services (such as research and education) for its member unions, and (5) resolving jurisdictional disputes among its member unions

commitment strategy

an organizational strategy that attempts to forge a commonality of interest between the organization (often symbolized by the management) and its employees

collaborative strategy

an organizational strategy that relies on highly skilled contract labour to supply the needed specialized by hiring them on an "as-needed" basis or retaining them on an "on-call" basis

administrative control

an organizations invlvement in the safety training rotation of employees, environmental sampling ad medicl surveillance to protect individuals

cost-benefit analysis

analysis undertaken to assess the cost-effectiveness of a project or program

blind ad

and add that does not provide specifics of the employer

occupational illness

any abnormal condition or disorder, other than one resulting from occupational injury, caused by exposure to environmental factors associated with employment

adverse action

any act by an employer that results in people being deprived of equal employment opportunites

systematic discrimination

any company policy, practice, or action that is not openly or intentionally discriminatory, but has an indirect discriminatory impact or effect

asynchronous learning

any learning event delivered after the original life event


any material or process that shields people from the negative effects of stress

autonomous work groups

any of a variety of arrangements that allow employees to decide democratically how they will meet their group's work objectives

adaptive branching (adjustive device)

any ofthe several techniques used in scheduling to accomodate individual differences (such as bypassing material you already know)

Management Rights

any rights not bargained away in the agreement are retained by management

change agent

anyone who possesses enough knowledge and power to guide and facilitate the organiational change effort


applicability of training to job situations; evaluated by how readily the trainee can transfer the learning to his or her job

noncomparative evaluation methods

appraisal methods that evaluate an employee's performance according to preset data, and not by comparing one person's performance with that of coworkers

employee log

approach to collecting job- and performance-related information by asking the jobholder to summarize tasks, activities, and challenges in a diary format


approach to collecting job- and performance-related information by face-to-face meeting with jobholder, typically using a standardized questionnaire


trainer led course where participants are presented with questions


trainer led course with lectures and presentations, followed by questions

skill-building training

training employees in interpersonal skills to correctly respond to cultural differences at the workplace

awareness training

training employees to develop their understanding of the need to manage and value diversity

vestibule training

training opportunities that utilize simulated workstations so that new employees can learn about their job without interfering with activities at the actual workstation

action learning

training technique by which management trainees are allowed to work full time, analyzing and solving problems in other departments

Balanced Scorecard

transforms an organization's strategic plan from an attractive but passive document into the "marching orders" for the organization on a daily basis. It provides a framework for performance measurements, and helps planners identify what should be done and measured.

defined contribution plan

trustee collects the correct contributions from the employees and employers and invests them profitbaly, pension is based on fund performance

Concurrent Validity

type of criterion related validity that measures of how well a particular test correlates with a previously validated measure

Collusion Model

union and management conspire for inappropriate goals

Policy Grievance

union complains saying the employer failed to act on a policy and therefore is a violation of the agreement

closed shop

union security clauses that require all employees to be union members in godo standing before they may be hired(usually only construction and longshoring industry)

Job Control

union takes control of a job by defining everything about it so only those in that job can do it

business unionism

unionism whose mission is to protect workers, increase their pay, improve their working conditions, and help workers in general. Recognizes that a union can survive only if it delivers a needed service to its members in a businesslike manner


unions use one contract settlement from another employer as precedent for theirs. Essentially using leverage for a better contract

sexual harassment

unsolicited or unwelcome sex- or gender--based conduct that has adverse employment consequences for the complainant

Career Stages - Growth

Baby to 14 - Development

Matrix structure

Combines functional and divisional chains of command to form a grid with two command structures

Baby Boomers

1946 - 1964


Act that governs the collection, usage and storage of personal information

Non-engaged employees

only do the minimum, no extra effort

Q12 by Gallup

12 questions that belong to four categories that are related to employee engagement - Basic needs, teamwork, management support, growth

Career Stages - Exploration

15 to 24 - Trying things out

Gen X

1965 - 1978

Gen Y

1979 - 2000

Halo Effect

A cognitive bias in which judgments of an individual's character can be affected by the overall impression of the individual

Critical Incident Technique

A job analysis technique which is used to develop behavior descriptions of a job by analyzing incidents representing poor through excellent performance in each area of a job

Union avoidance

A labor relations strategy in which management tries to prevent its employees from joining a union, either by removing the incentive to unionize or by using hardball tactics

Wrongful dismissal

A lawsuit filed in court by an employee alleging that he or she was dismissed without proper or contractual or reasonable notice


A measure of distribution of employees within their pay range calculated by dividing the mean base pay by the midpoint of the pay range.

Consumer price index

A measure of the overall cost of the goods and services bought by a typical consumer

Markov Analysis

A method of forecasting internal labour supply that involves tracking the pattern of employee movements through various jobs and developing a transitional probability matrix

Error of central tendency

A rating error in which all employees are rated average

Programmed Decision

A repetitive decisions that can be handled by a routine approach

Balance Sheet

A report showing all assets, liabilities, and retained earnings and shareholder equity

Income Statement

A report showing the revenue, expenses, and income (or loss) of a business for a specific period of time.

Weighted Application Banks

A special type of application form that uses relevant application information to determine the likelihood of job success. More factual, verifiable information

Change Management

A structured approach to change in individuals, teams, organizations and societies that enables the transition from a current state to a desired future state

Cost-benefit evaluation

Comparison of the cost of training in monetary terms to the benefits of training in non-monetary terms

Cost-effectiveness evaluation

Comparison of the monetary cost of training to the benefit of training in monetary terms

The Canadian Charter or Rights and Freedoms

Canada's most important law because it can render invalid any laws that are inconsistent with its provisions. The rights and freedoms Canadians believe are necessary in a free and democratic society

cultural mosaic

Canadian ideal of encouraging each ethnic, racial, and social group to maintain own cultural heritage, forming a national mosaic of different cultures

Panel Interview

Candidates are assessed by multiple interviewers. Efficient

Successful project management includes

Clear objectives, good plan, lots of communication, controlled scope, stakeholder support


Collection of charts and components - real time snap shot of metrics and the most important KPIs

Job ranking

Common non-quantitative whole job evaluation method that ranks all jobs in the organization in order of importance or worth

online service delivery

EAP services available to employees through the Internet and by intranet

Good Turnover

Employee leaves the company and is a benefit because it frees up money OR a bad employee quits the organization

Competency Based Analysis

Employees jobs defined in terms of their duties and tasks in order to be successful in their job

Bad Turnover

Employees who are valued leave the organization. Can be due to a number of factors - not given enough money, responsibility, promotions

operational metrics

assessing the efficiency and effectiveness of programs and services, short term impact

strategic metrics

assessing the linkage between HR programs and services and the organization's strategic goals, long term impact

effectiveness metrics

assessing whether the right things are being done, doing the right things

efficiency metrics

assessing whether things are being done right, doing things right

Criterion Contamination

assessment measures factors other than those it was designed to measure

management-by-objective (MBO) approach

assessment of HR functions and systems by comparing actual results with stated HR objectives; requires an employee and superior to jointly establish performance goals for the future. Employees are subsequently evaluated on how well they have obtained these objectives

audit of employee satisfaction

assessment of employee satisfaction with a variety of work-related matters and the implications for HR practices and systems

diversity audits

audits to uncover underlying dimensions, causes, interdependencies, and progress-to-date on diversity management matters

functional authority

authority that allows staff experts to make decisions and take actions normally reserved for line managers

labour relations boards (LRBs)

board set up in the federal and provincial jurisdictions to administer labor relations legislation. They have the power to determine: (1) whether a person is an employee for the purposes of the law; (2) whether an employee is a member of a trade union; (3) whether an organization is an appropriate bargaining agent for bargaining purposes; (4) whether a collective agreement is in force; and (5) whether any given party is bound by it

Restructuring Strategies - Bankruptcy

cannot pay creditors, everything gets sold

HR Efficiency

capacity to process HR management processes accurately and on time

authorization cards

cards signed by workers to join a union. Depending on the jurisdiction, a union may be certified either on the basis of card signatures or as a result of an election

Emotional Intelligence

care about their employees and don't display power over their employees.

Union suppression

use hardball tactics by management to create difficult situations for workers to unionize

incremental budget

use last year's budget as a baseline, adjust as needed


use of a neutral third party to help settle a labour-management dispute. Often a mediator will meet separately with each bargaining team, especially when the negotiations take place in a hostile environment

Organizational Development

use of behavioural science concepts, principles and research, decision making to improve health, performance and well being

computer-assisted interviewing

use of computers to electronically profile job candidates and screen new hires


use of government-appointed third party to explore solutions to a labour-management dispute. Less formal than mediation. In most provinces, no strike action is permitted before a conciliation effort has been made. Conciliators are appointed by the federal or provincial minister of labour, at the request of either one or both of the parties involved, or at the discretion of the ministers. A conciliator is requested to submit a report to the minister within a specified time period. If conciliation fails, strikes or lockouts can legally commence


use of preprinted questionnaires (or email) to gauge employee attitudes on a variety of work and company-related matters

Action Research

use of surveys, focus groups and performance data to create change programs to resolve issues

Critical Path Analysis

used to identify the minimum length of time needed to complete a project. Where you have slack...where you need to speed up

Yield Ratios

used to indicate the percentage of applicants that proceed to the next stage of the selection process

Affinity Diagram

used to organize ideas and data, aka - mind mapping


using operant conditioning to teach a complex response by linking together less complex skills

Best Cost provider

value for the money by satisfying expectations on quality/features/performance/service will beating price expectations. Westjet

cultural norms

values and norms that determine behaviours of individuals and groups in different cultures

Uninsured Costs

variable cost such as production loss, replacement worker wages, committee costs

attitudes toward work

variety of work-related assumptions and values including the role of work in a person's life and the role of women and diverse groups in organizations

work options

various and flexible alternatives to the traditional workplace or the traditional 40-hour work week

replacement charts

visual representation of who will replace whom when a job opening occurs

reasonable accommodation

voluntary adjustments to work or workplace that allow employees with special needs to perform their job effectively

blind ads

want ads that do not identify the employer

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