class questions

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In his reference to the "weapons of the weak", Scott is referring to:

A form of resistance which stops short of collective violence

In Robbins' primer on capitalism (cycle of capitalist production), C' refers to:

Consumer goods (VCRs, TVs, sneakers).

According to James C. Scott, the reasons why economic development has failed include A. the authoritarian state - state using its power to impose high modern ideology and to suppress any attempt to resist such. B. economic reductionism - reducing social reality to economic factors (only) and essential ignoring institutions/behaviors. C. high modern ideology - believe that scientific and technological progress alone will meet human needs. D. All of the above.


According to the documentary Life and Debt, the IMF imposed the devaluation of the Jamaican dollar because: A.) Leaders of the institution view Jamaicans as inferior beings. B.) It wanted to increase exports from Jamaica C.) It viewed Jamaica as a small state that could not survive outside of participation in global trade D.) B and C E.) None of the above


Among the consequences of food production in a capitalist economy is A.) land that could be used to produce food is devoted to non-food crops such as cotton and tobacco. B.) what (food) is produced is determined by the number of people who can pay for it, rather than by need. C.) the type of food that is produced is determined by the desires of those who can pay for it. D.) All of the above. E.) A and B.


Conditions for receiving loans from the World Bank or the IMF include: A.) structural adjustment programs B.) reduced government spending on social services C.) reduced wages D.) all of the above E.) a and b


Under capitalism, what happens in the "black box?" A.) Since it's a black box, there is no way to know. B.) Investment (e.g. in stocks). C.) Production and consumption. D.) B and C. E.) None of the above.


What factor/s has/have threatened Guarani way of life since the 1970s?

Destruction of the rain-forest by various forces.

According to economist Amartya Sen, understanding hunger as a failure of entitlements, is useful for which of the following reasons? A. It reveals the ways in which capitalist production has eliminated hunger. B. It shows that hunger is not so much the result of low production, but inadequate distribution. C. It illustrates that entitlements do not exist in all societies. D. It facilitates appreciation of all the possible solutions to hunger. E. B and D.


States can link capitalist policies to the nation-state by/through A.) membership in the WTO. B.) signing free trade agreements. C.) the power granted by the Supreme Court D.) All of the above. E.) A and B.


The child became the chief consumer as a result of: A.) greed and competitiveness among children. B.) advice by pschologists to retailers to cater to children's interests. C.) advice by psycholgists to parents that children needed toys for relaxation and exercise. D.) All of the above. E.) B and C.


Women worldwide are particularly susceptible to contraction of HIV/AIDs because A. though their partners are monogamous they are not. B. they are against the use of condoms as they fear it'll lead to infertility. C. though monogamous, their partners are not. D. their partners resist condom use owing to decreased sensitivity. E. C and D.


Which of the following reflect/s the principles on which corporate libertarianism are based?

Efficiency is improved when functions and assets are moved from government to the private sector.

Corporate libertarianism has prevented global economic growth.


In 1400 trade was integral to the world's economy.


In establishing the frontier, invading groups and the nation-state take the ownership rights of indigenous groups into consideration.


Most people in France in teh 19th century did not speak French.


Nation-states evolved naturally out of shared language(s)/culture/religion.


The GDP measures output of a country through production by labor and property regardless of location.


The growth of cities has fostered medical advancements that have stalled the spread of infectious diseases.


True or False? According to Friedman's definition, globalization is reversible.


True or False? According to the text, in a capitalist culture, people are born with a strong desire to accumulate goods. It is this desire which drives them to work hard.


True or False? Increased technology in agriculture has decreased the need for labor resulting in higher profits which created affluence among the small farmers.


True or False? Population has grown as such a rapid pace during the past 40 years that the world cannot produce enough food to prevent famines from occurring.


True or False? The"surplus value of labor" is what the producer makes in profit by selling a commodity he/she has made.


True or false? Universities, work, and government are the institutions whose functions changed in the effort to construct the consumer. Other institutions (family, banks, culture) remained unchanged.


The mixed measure of development that combines well-being and economic factors, and is designed to shift the focus away from national income accounting to people centered matters, is

Human Development Index

A visitor returning to Malaysia after the Green Revolution would probably notice:

Massive unemployment due to the lessened need for farm workers

A non-economic (well-being) measure of development is:

Physical Quality of Life Index

Which of the below is NOT among the ways, listed by Robbins, by which capitalism helps create/increase the spread of disease?

Public policy that prioritizes well-being programs (health, sanitation, education, e.g.)

In chapter one of your text, the Navajo's curer performs an act that is referred to as


The observers who believe that globalization is limited to economic interdependence are known as ____________.


Which of the following was among the ways that luxuries were transformed into "necessities?"

The functions of certain large institutions were changed to include the promotion of consumption.

According to Robbins, the factor that was most significant in the evolution of the capitalist was the birth of finance.


Although expansion of government control is done to protect the interests of non-indigenous (invading) groups, such expansion is generally justified as being advantageous to indigeous peoples.


Between 1967 and 1977 healthcare personnel's attitudes toward disease changed from universal optimism to virtual hopelessness.


Practices such as agroforestry which are used by indigenous populations like the Guarani, sustain the environment but also make them targets for colonization


Protests in this chapter are termed "anti-systemic" because they are believed to be caused by the spread of capitalism.


The 1968 revolution was triggered by the belief that the old movements had become part of the problem rather than attaining their objectives.


The World Bank issues loans for infrastructure (roads, bridges, dams, etc.)


The characteristics of today's working-class are similar to those of the 19th century's.


True or False? Among the functions of Santa Claus in the culture of capitalism is that of masking the "ugly" side of the system.


True or False? Under capitalism, capital--the source of income--is generally not owned by workers


True or false? Women are often employed in assembly plants as they are considered to be dependable, focused, and easier to control.


Women's movements such as the Sisters of Islam have had greater success in redefining gender roles by working from within their own culture and by re-interpreting what they see as oppressive to them rather than adopting Western methods.


According to Carole Nagengast, rape, torture and homosexual assault:

are ways to create categories of punishable people.

Endemic hunger--daily insufficiencies in food--is often not acknowledged by governments,

because they're unwilling to admit they have failed to provide for their citizens.

In 1873 a depression which was felt throughout the industrialized countries of the world showed that growth and expansion of capitalism could only continue:

by expanding into and colonizing previously untouched areas of the world.

The main target/ss of advertisers is/are


In Malaysia, managers/employers contribute to community organizations, take commuter workers home by bus, and allow parents to see overtime forms, in order to

control workers as capitalism requires a disciplined (controlled) labor force.

Corporations are formed by a ____________ ______________ which, at once, allows for the use of political and economic power to acquire wealth, AND, protects corporations from liability for their actions.

corporate charter

The ideology and practice that prioritizes the rights and freedoms of corporations over those of humans is termed,

corporate libertarianism.

Which of the following is/are among the means by which the British developed a collective identity as "a people?" A.)Creating "outsiders" B.)Shared religion. C.) Colonizing and subjugating people. D.) All of the above.


Neoliberalism"is a philosophy that promotes:

decreased government regulation of the economy

Although the revolution of 1848 resulted in the overthrow of many governments throughout Europe, it failed to obtain its objectives. It did, however, ___________.

define two sets of social movements: worker movements and national liberation movements

According to scholar, Stephen Fjellman, the message given by Disney World involves a history of capitalism that does not include the negative aspects of the (capitalist) culture. This retelling of history is termed


The parable of scientific forestry is used as an example of

economic reductionism.

In France, _______________ was used to build national unity through instruction about patriotic sentiments, the benefits of the state, and why taxes and military service were necessary.


The Brazilian govnement and the military built a road and an airstrip in the 1970s and 1986 respectively, that cut through Yanomami territory and intensified gold mining. The gold rush led to the forcible removal of Yanomami from their villages. Some were killed. The story is used as an example of which of the steps by which rights to resources are transferred from indigenous groups to capitalists?

exanding the frontier.

The working class which emerged from the British economy was unlike any before it because __________.

it was mobile, segmented by various characteristics, subject to discipline and militant

The pattern by which pleasure is emphasized in order to entice both children and adults to consume, is termed


Swidden agriculture is

land intensive.

Producers recruit immigrants, put prisoners to work, and use slaves, and relocate jobs overseas to

maximize the surplus value of labor.

Robbins and Dowty assert that the real reason for the 2007 global financial crisis was

money stopped moving.

In less developed countries, modern farm methods such as damming waterways to provide irrigation:

often create environmental change that leads to disease

The believe that we are all linked in a "global village" through electronic mass media and transportation is

one of the seven consequences of the ways our experience of culture meaning and contact have changed.

Market externalities refer to __________.

positive and negative side effects of the market

The fact that males generally have more massive bones, and produce more testostorone than females reflects


Hyperglobalizers believe that ___________________ are no longer in control of their economic fates.


The movements that emerged from the revolution of 1848 all contributed to __________.

the formation of the welfare state

The film "Affluenza" is about:

the manner in which consumerism emerged, and its impact on society.

What is ethnocentrism?

the position that the way of life of one culture group is preferable to all others.

Sociology is

the study of human groups, patterns of social life, large social structures.

The "Up Your Skirt-game" video clip from InStyle Magazine was shown to illustrate

the use of fashion to help transform luxuries into necessities.

Benjamin Franklin's assertion, "Time is money," reflects which of the characteristics of 19th century workers?

their discipline

When prices for their products are too low, the Guarani stop selling. And when prices for store goods are too high, they stop buying. This fact illustrates

their independence from the larger society.

The story of the Zande Development Scheme is told to illustrate

use of technological development to forcibly incorporate indigenous groups into capitalist culture.

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AP Psych Unit 1-3 Progress Check

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