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Honolulu Star-Advertiser p.154 SSD

In the book, Click Here to Start, for what newspaper did Clark Kent say he worked?

Jew's fillings and jewelry p.296 SSD

In the book, Click Here to Start, from where did the gold in the falcon come?

Gave him an incorrect part from The Portrait of a Lady so that he would know something was wrong p.261 SSD

In the book, Click Here to Start, how did Isabel tip off Ted's dad when they were being kidnapped?

It meant go for broke p.298 SSD

In the book, Click Here to Start, how did Ted figure out 540 to open the panel and find the falcon?

looked at the history on Ted's computer p.295 SSD

In the book, Click Here to Start, how did Ted's dad figure out where to find the kids once he figured out something was wrong?

Isabel called the newspaper he said he worked for and he did not work there p.154 SSD

In the book, Click Here to Start, how did the kids figure out Clark Kent was a phony?

intelligent and excited p.56 SSD

In the book, Click Here to Start, how is Isabel Archer described in The Portrait of a Lady?

Little Tokyo p.110 SSD

In the book, Click Here to Start, in what area of LA was Uncle Ted's store located?

Her dad gets her the complete Charles Dickens set she has been wanting p.39 SSD

In the book, Click Here to Start, on what condition was Isabel willing to come help the boys go through Great Uncle Ted's apartment?

In the walkthrough there is a green colored book that is not visible in his game p.62 SSD

In the book, Click Here to Start, what "glitch" does Ted encounter when trying to get through the bookshelf part of the puzzle?

alloys p.50 SSD

In the book, Click Here to Start, what analogy did Ted's dad make to make Ted feel better about his parents' mixed race marriage?

The Konami code symbols p.166 SSD

In the book, Click Here to Start, what are the symbols written in the paper found in the remote control?

Henry James p.122 SSD

In the book, Click Here to Start, what author does Ted's dad really like and teach?

Dizzy Dean p.22

In the book, Click Here to Start, what baseball pitcher did Great Uncle Ted tell Ted to look up when he got home?

cheese puffs p.102 SSD

In the book, Click Here to Start, what can Isabel eat and still have miraculously clean hands?

$80,000 for Harvard p.29 SSD

In the book, Click Here to Start, what di Great Uncle Ted add to his will for Lila?

made a comic book of the kids' adventures p.301 SSD

In the book, Click Here to Start, what did Caleb do for the rest of the summer?

Amazing Adventure #1 p.301 SSD

In the book, Click Here to Start, what did Caleb name his comic?

The contents of his apartment p.29 SSD

In the book, Click Here to Start, what did Great Uncle Ted leave in his will for Ted?

that he got stuck on the 13th floor p.112 SSD

In the book, Click Here to Start, what did Mr. Yamada think was a bad omen at the hospital?

donate it to the Japanese American National Museum in LA and 442nd Veterans Club in Honolulu and the US Holocaust Memorial Museum p.296 SSD

In the book, Click Here to Start, what did Ted decide to do with the gold?

Read the Maltese Falcon p.301 SSD

In the book, Click Here to Start, what did Ted do over the summer since he didn't get to use his laptop?

the remote control p.167 SSD

In the book, Click Here to Start, what did the Konami code open?

Nazi falcon p.296 SSD

In the book, Click Here to Start, what did the media call the falcon?

the punch bowl p.25 SSD

In the book, Click Here to Start, what do the call the national cemetery in Honolulu?

Great Uncle Ted's lighter p.102 SSD

In the book, Click Here to Start, what do the kids end up trying to give to Mr. Yamada?

Someone broke in p.96 SSD

In the book, Click Here to Start, what do the kids find out has happened to the apartment when the Goodwill men arrive?

The Dewey Decimal System p.76 SSD

In the book, Click Here to Start, what doe Isabel know by heart that shocks Ted?

Uncle Peter's comic books p.288 SSD

In the book, Click Here to Start, what does Caleb find to add more weight to the boxes in the storage room?

Father p.102 SSD

In the book, Click Here to Start, what does Isabel call her dad?

Shee guy mass p.238 SSD

In the book, Click Here to Start, what does Mr. Yamada say to Ted as he is being rolled away on the gurney?

melts it with Uncle Ted's lighter p.142 SSD

In the book, Click Here to Start, what does Ted do to damage the circuit breaker in the hospital?

turns off the monitors at the nurse's station p.140 SSD

In the book, Click Here to Start, what does Ted do with the circuit breakers in the hospital?

matchbook from the old store p.92 SSD

In the book, Click Here to Start, what does Ted put aside to give to Mr. Yamada?

The 5 bags of rice they found earlier that day in Great Uncle Ted's apartment p.59 SSD

In the book, Click Here to Start, what does Ted recognize first when he enters the apartment in the Game of Ted?

fold laundry p.14 SSD

In the book, Click Here to Start, what does Ted's mom do when she needs to calm down?

Fudgie the whale p.285 SSD

In the book, Click Here to Start, what does fake Stan say instead of cursing?

bump key p.263 SSD

In the book, Click Here to Start, what does the fake Stan use to get into the storage facility gate?

earthquake p.280 SSD

In the book, Click Here to Start, what does the group think happens just as fake Stan is getting the velvet drawstring bag at the storage facility?

rice patty beside the mountain p.105 SSD

In the book, Click Here to Start, what does the name Yamada mean?

they were returned to their rightful owners p.296 SSD

In the book, Click Here to Start, what happened to the jewels in the falcon?

to own a copy of Amazing Adventure #1 p.49 SSD

In the book, Click Here to Start, what is Caleb's dream for his future?

Spade and Archer p.171 SSD

In the book, Click Here to Start, what is Isabel surprised to find out is the name of the first chapter in The Maltese Falcon?

bonsai p.106 SSD

In the book, Click Here to Start, what is Mr. Yamada working on when the kids first meet him?

His mom's scrubs p.138 SSD

In the book, Click Here to Start, what is Ted wearing when he breaks into the hospital?

the Purely Provence catalog p.15 SSD

In the book, Click Here to Start, what is Ted's dad's comfort item?

The Portrait of a Lady p.122 SSD

In the book, Click Here to Start, what is Ted's favorite writing of Henry James?

a knife p.249 SSD

In the book, Click Here to Start, what is douk douk?

walkthrough p.20 SSD

In the book, Click Here to Start, what is it called in an escape game where you give up and get to see the steps of getting out of the room?

codicil p.28 SSD

In the book, Click Here to Start, what is the addition Great Uncle Ted made to his will called?

liquor store p.53 SSD

In the book, Click Here to Start, what kind of store did Great Uncle Ted own?

Itchy knee sand, she go p.161 SSD

In the book, Click Here to Start, what mnemonic dis Uncle Ted teach Ted's mother to remember the first five letters of the Japanese alphabet?

The Maltese Falcon p.168 SSD

In the book, Click Here to Start, what old paperback was in the wooden box?

She's too perfect p.35 SSD

In the book, Click Here to Start, what really bugs Ted about Isabel the first time he meets her?

His boss's daughter is going to help them p.33

In the book, Click Here to Start, what surprise does Ted's dad spring on Caleb and Ted as he lets them out to check out Great Uncle Ted's apartment?

11:45 p.136 SSD

In the book, Click Here to Start, what time does the hospital clock say in the game that lets Ted know when he has to go there?

library card and lip gloss p.208 SSD

In the book, Click Here to Start, what two items from Isabel's room and bathroom does Ted use to unlock the doors to Mr. Archer's study?

Escape the room games p.5 SSD

In the book, Click Here to Start, what types of games does Ted prefer over shooting games?

a scientist at a prestigious lab p.185 SSD

In the book, Click Here to Start, what was Great Uncle Ted before he opened the liquor store?

Confiscate his laptop for 2 months p.299 SSD

In the book, Click Here to Start, what was Ted's punishment for sneaking out at night and using his mom's ID?

the symbol of the Nisei Brigade of which Uncle Ted was a member p.110 SSD

In the book, Click Here to Start, what was on the lighter the kids tried to give Mr. Yamada?

his hospital room number p.116 SSD

In the book, Click Here to Start, what was the 1405 written on Uncle Ted's lighter?

remote control p.147 SSD

In the book, Click Here to Start, what was the black rectangle Ted was searching for in the hospital room?

Shakespeare's Sonnets p. 79 SSD

In the book, Click Here to Start, what was the green jacketed book that Isabel had taken home?

Go for Broke p.166 SSD

In the book, Click Here to Start, what was the motto of the 442nd regiment?

He's always cold p.103 SSD

In the book, Click Here to Start, what was the result of Mr. Yamada being in the Amache internment camp?

a small silver coin with a sheaf of wheat, a shield, and the word Italia on it p.67 SSD

In the book, Click Here to Start, when Caleb, Isabel, and Ted return to the apartment the second day, what do they find on the bottom of the last rice bag?

TED Terrific Elder Dating p.157 SSD

In the book, Click Here to Start, when Ted was trying to show Isabel and Caleb the online game of his life, an advertisement for what website came up instead?

check the ceiling p.286 SSD

In the book, Click Here to Start, where does Ted always have to remind Caleb to look when he's playing escape games?

Isabel had taken it home to read p.79 SSD

In the book, Click Here to Start, where was the missing green jacketed book from the bookshelf?

The son of a Monument Man looking for a valuable piece of art from the war p.183 SSD

In the book, Click Here to Start, who does the fake reporter end up being?

Denis Markell p. cover SSD

In the book, Click Here to Start, who is the author?

Goering, Hitler's man who watched over the stolen loot from the Jews p.270 SSD

In the book, Click Here to Start, who made the Maltese falcon that fake Stan thought Uncle Ted had?

a rogue antiques dealer p.296 SSD

In the book, Click Here to Start, who was the fake Stan actually?

to go to nursing school p.9 SSD

In the book, Click Here to Start, why did Ted's mom move from Hawaii to California?

to wear when she cleans house p.138 SSD

In the book, Click Here to Start, why does Ted's mom keep scrubs at home?

Her dad is holding her captive to keep her away from the boys p.200 SSD

In the book, Click Here to Start, why doesn't Isabel answer her calls or texts all of a sudden?

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