Cliff's AP Biology

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13. Which of the follwing statements concerning photosynthetic pigments(chlorophylls a and b, carotenes, and xanthophylls) is correct? A. the Rf values obtained from a achromatographic analysis are the same for these moelcules B. The wavelength of light absorbed is the same for these molecules C. The molecules have the same molecular weight D. The molecules have the same solubility in chromatography solvents E. The molecules absorb energy by boosting electrons to higher energy orbitals


19. Which of the following describes a single population? A. A group of bacteria all of the species Bacillus Subtilis B. All insects occupying three hectares of farmland C. An exact count of 315 animals in a fenced plot of land D. All the birds counted in one day by census takers in the US E. all the animals and plants on an isolated island


21. Duchenne's muscular dystrophy i inherited as a sex-linked recessive allele. From whom does a male with this disease inherit the defective allele? A. Only his mother B. Only his father C. The mother or the father, but not both D. It is impossible to determine with certainty using only the given information


26. Which of the following best describes the pattern of punctuated equilibrium in evolution? A. Speciation events occur relatively rapidly. B. Small changes that accumulate over long periods of time lead ot the formation of a new species and the extinction of the old species. C. small changes that accumulate over long periods of time lead to the divergence of one species into two or more species. D. Speciation occurs when random changes accumulate ober long periods of time. E. Geographic isolation is the predominant mechanism of speciation.


28. The main function of water in photophosphorylation is to A. provide electrons which are energized by light energy B. Facilitate the movement of pigments into and out of the chloroplasts C. provide the necessary oxygen for the photosynthetic process D. supply the energy required for photosynthesis E. maintain the integrity of the chloroplast membranes.


35.A recessive trait appears in 81% of the individuals in a population that is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. What percent of the population in the next generation is expected to be homozygous dominant? A. 1% B. 9% C.18% D. 19% E. 81%


40. All of the following can be found in plasma membranes of eukaryotes EXCEPT: A. cellulose B. phospholipids C. oligosaccharides D. proteins E. cholesterol molecules


46. When oxygen is unavailable, a yeast cell can obtain ATP through A. glycolysis B. by breaking down carbon dioxide C. through oxidative phosphorylation D. by substituting carbon dioxide for processes requiring oxygen E. by breaking down water to obtain small amounts of energy


69. Primers that initiate DNA replication consist of A. RNA nucleotides B. DNA nucleotides C. Okasaki fragments D. DNA polymerase E. nucleosomes


71. Four genes A,B,C,and D occur on the same chromosome. Use the following crossover frequencies to determine the order of the genes on the chromosome. A-D: 5% B-C: 15% A-C: 30% C-D: 35% B-D: 50% A. BCAD B. CBDA C. BACD D. CDAB E. CBAD


72. Products of the Krebs cycle include: A. ATP, NADPH, FADH2, CO2 B. ATP, NAD+ FAD, CO2 C. ATP, H2O, O2 D. ADP, CO2, H2O E. NADH, FAD+, CO2


82. A devastating blizzard dramatically reduces the size of a population and results in the disappearance of several alleles from the gene pool A. Genetic drift B. Coevolution C. Character displacement D. Sexual selection E. Kin selection


9. Both viruses and prokaryotes contain A. Nucleic acids B. Ribosomes C. A plasma membrane D. A protein coat E. A peptidoglycan wall


A dialysis bag is filled with a solution of 0.4M glucose and 0.4M sucrose and is placed in a beaker containing a solution of 0.2M fructose, 0.2M glucose, 0.2M sucrose. The dialysis tubing allows fructose and glucose to pass through, but not sucrose. 94. When the dialysis bag is placed into the beaker, there will be a net movement of A. glucose from the dialysis bag into the beaker solution B. Sucrose from the dialysis bag into the beaker solution C. fructose from the dialysis bag into the beaker solution D. glucose from the beaker solution into the dialysis bag E. sucrose from the beaker solution into the dialysis bag


12. Which of the following is MOST responsible for the movement of water up a tall tree? A. adhesion B. Capillary action C. Guttation D. Osmosis E. Sunlight


18.Which of the following structures are found in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells? A. Cell membrane and chloroplasts B. DNA and ribosomes C. Cell walls and a nuclear envelope D. Flagella and endoplasmic reticulum E. Golgi complex and mitochondria


2.ATP is required for all of the following except: A. active transport by transport proteins B. facilitated diffusion C. microtubule movement within flagella D. sodium/potassium pump E. protein synthesis


29.Hemophilia is inherited as a sex-linked recessive trait. If a woman whose father has hemophilia marries a man without hemophilia, what is the probabliity that their child will be a boy with hemophilia? A. 0% B. 25% C. 50% D. 75% E.100%


3.DNA replication occurs during A. Anaphase B. interphase C. Metaphase D. prophase E. telophase


48. A bacteriophage is a A. bacterium that attacks viruses B. virus that attacks bacteria C.bacterium that attacks eukaryotic cells D. parasitic bacterium E. parasitic eukaryotic cell


49. Which of the following cellular bodies contain enzymes for breaking down macromolecules? A. Desmosomes B. Lysosomes C. Nucleosomes D. Peroxisomes E. Ribosomes


53. Two sympatric species of pine trees release their pollen during different months. This is an example of A. Habitat isolation B. temporal isolation C. behavioral isolation D. mechanical isolation E. geographic isolation


58. The frequency of individuals better able to survive in a new habitat increases in a population over time. The best explanantion for this is A. mutation B. natural selection C. genetic drift D. gene flow E. the founder effect


74. A man and a woman have blood types A and B respectively. Both have one parent with O blood type. What is the probability that the man and woman have a child with O blood type? A. 0% B.25% C. 50% D. 75% E. 100%


questions 88-89 refer to a cell with a diploid chromosome number of 8 89. How many chromosomes would be present in each daughter cell at the end of telophase II of meiosis? A. 2 B. 4 C. 8 D. 16 E. 32


111. What is the relationship between migration distance (in an electrophoresis gel) and DNA fragment size? A. migration distance is independent of DNA fragment sixe. B. Longer DNA fragments travel a greater distance than shorter fragments C. Migration distance is inversely proportional to the fragment size. D. Migration distance is directly proportional to the fragment size E. The heavier the fragment size, the greater the migration distance


34. When ATP is produced in mitochondria, all of the following occur EXCEPT: A. Water is formed from oxygen, electrons, and hydrogen ions B. NADH is converted to NAD+ and H+ C. protons are punped out of the mitochondria D. An electro chemicla gradience is established across mitochondrial membranes E. A pH gradient is established across mitochondrial membranes


39. Which of the following carries the code that determines the sequence of monomers in a protein? A. rRNA B. tRNA C. mRNA D. the large ribosome subunit E. DNA polymerase


52.In peas, a dominant allele(R) produces a round pea shape, while a recessibe allele(r) produces a wrinkled shape. At a second locus on a different chromosome, a dominant allele (Y) produces yellow seeds, while a recessive allele (y) produces green seeds. If a cross between two pea plants produces 1/4 wrinkled seeds and 1/2 yellow seeds, which of the following represents the parental genotypes? A. RRYY x rryy B. RrYy x rryy C. RrYy x Rryy D. RrYy x RrYy E. Rryy x Rryy


57. The size of a population of mice on an isolated island has remained constant for 50 years. What is the average number of offspring that each breeding pair produce during their lifetime that survive to reproductive maturity and reproduce? A. 0 B. 1 C. 2 D. 10-20 E. more than 20


62.An experiment to replicate the production of organic molecules in an environment similar to earth's environment before life appeared would require all of the following EXCEPT: A. Ammonia gas B. Carbon dioxide gas C. oxygen gas D. ultraviolet light E. water vapor


67. In C3 plants, the enzyme that incorporates CO2 into an organic molecule is A. helicase B. PEP carboxylase C. RuBP carboxylase D. Carboxypeptidase E. Pyruvate decarboxylase


75. A hormone involved in the maintenance of blood sugar levels A. Cellulose B. Glycogen C. Glucagon D. guanine E. phospholipid


80. Two species of finches living on separate islands have beaks of the same size. on one island where both species live together, beak sizes are different A. Genetic drigt B. Coevolution C. Character displacement D. Sexual selection E. Kin selection


84. All of the following are true about the molecule above(ATP) except: A. The molecule releases energy and forms ADP and Pi B. High-energy bonds are located at positions A and B (phosphate bonds) C. A polymer made of these molecules is an energy storage molecule in cells D. The molecule can provide energy for muscle contraction E. part of this molecule describes the structure of an RNA nucleotide.


10. A cell contains four pairs if homologous chromosomes represented by A1/A2, B1/b2, c1/c2, d1/d2. Which of the following represents the chromosome makeup of a gamete derived from this cell? A. A1A2B1B2BC1C2D1D2 B. B1B1C1D1 C. A1A2B1B2 D. A1B2C2D2 E. A1C1C2D1


109.According to the graph, relative CO2 uptake increases as O2 concentration decreases. This can best be explained by which of the following? A. O2 is not necessary for photosynthesis B. As O2 concentration decreases, CO2 increases C. As O2 concentration increases, Co2 decreases D. O2 competes with CO2 for RuP carboxylase activity E. A higher concentration of O2 causes an increase in the relative Co2 uptake.


11. Which of the following is an anabolic reaction? A. ATO +H2O -> ADP + Pi B. Cellular respiration c. Startch +n(H2O) -> n(C6H12O6) D. CO2 + H2O-> C6H12O6 + O2 E. glycolysis


15. In an effort to clone a human protein, material from a a human cell is introduced into bacteria. Which of the following human materials are needed for this procedure? A. The segment of DNA coding for the protein's mRNA transcript B. the rRNA and the tRNA used during the translation of the protein C. The protein's mRNA trnascript found in the nucleus D. The protein's mRNA found in the cytoplasm E. the introns removed from the protein's unprocessed mRNA transcript


42. Turner syndrome occurs in humans whose cells are missing the Y chromosome. All of the following are true about Turner syndrome EXCEPT: A. A turner syndrome zygote results when a sperm missing a Y chromosome fertilizes a normal egg B. A turner syndrome zygote results when a normal sperm bearing an X chromosome fertilizes an egg missing an X chromosome. C. During meiosis, nonkisjunciton occurs to produce one of the gametes used to form the Turner syndrome zygote. D. Barr bodies form in the nuclei of Turner syndrome individuals E. The zygote has 45 chromosomes


5. The lac operon A. Is found in eukaryotic cells B. Codes for the sequence of amino acids in lactase C. Regulates the translation of mRNA D. Regulates transcription by turning in or off a repressive protein E. Regulates DNA replication by turning in or off the production of an inducer protein


76. A nitrogen base found in DNA A. Cellulose B. Glycogen C. Glucagon D. guanine E. phospholipid


83. In many species, males and females look different A. Genetic drigt B. Coevolution C. Character displacement D. Sexual selection E. Kin selection


93.A change in the DNA sequence from ATCAGTC... to ATCAAGTC A. polyploidy B. Deletion C. substitution D. Frameshift mutation E. Inversion


A dialysis bag is filled with a solution of 0.4M glucose and 0.4M sucrose and is placed in a beaker containing a solution of 0.2M fructose, 0.2M glucose, 0.2M sucrose. The dialysis tubing allows fructose and glucose to pass through, but not sucrose. 96. Which of the following processes occurs during the 24 hr period after the dialysis bag is put into the beaker? A. Diffusion and plasmolysis B. Facilitated diffusion and osmosis C. osmosis and active transport D. Osmosis and dialysis E. Osmosis and plasmolysis


questions 88-89 refer to a cell with a diploid chromosome number of 8 88. How many chromosomes would be present in a cell at anaphase of mitosis? A. 2 B. 4 C. 8 D. 16 E. 32


110. In the graph above, a relative CO2 uptake less than zero is an indication that A. more CO2 is being consumed in the leaf than the leaf is absorbing from the growth chamber atmosphere B. More CO2 is being absorbed from the growth chamber atmosphere than is needed by the leaf C. the plant is a C4 plant D. the plant is a CAM plant E. cellular respiration is taking place in the leaf cells


22. Which of the following is a function of the Golgi complex? A. Protein synthesis B. Ribosome synthesis C. DNA replication D. Ca2+ storage in muscle cells E. Modifying and packaging of proteins and lipids into vesicles


4. Adenine, a nitrogenous base, is found in all of these except: A. RNA B. DNA C. ATP D. cAMP E. amino acids


45. A severe storm forms a new river that divides a population of mice. After 500 years, a drought causes the river to dry up, allowing the two populations of mice to mix. Mating between mice from the two populations does not yield any offspring. This is an example of A. hybridization B. Adaptive radiation C. balanced polymorphism D. sympatric speciation E. allopatric speciation


61. All of the following are end products of the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis EXCEPT: A. NADPH B. ATP C. O2 D. H+ E. C6H12O6


64.If A represents a dominant allele and a represents the recessive allele, what are the genotypes of parents that produce 300 progeny with the dominant trait and 100 progeny with the recessive trait? A. AA x AA B. AA x Aa C. AA x aa D. Aa x aa E. Aa x Aa


73. Which of the following correctly describes plasmids? A. they are composed only of RNA B. they are composed of RNA and protein C. They are DNA segments in the chromosomes of bacteria D. they are the DNA cores of viruses E. They can be transferred between bacteria during conjugation


81. In an ant colony, sterile sisters are workers who maintain the nest and provide care for their reproducing mother, the queen A. Genetic drigt B. Coevolution C. Character displacement D. Sexual selection E. Kin selection


92.A change in the gene sequence from ADCBEF... A. polyploidy B. Deletion C. substitution D. Frameshift mutation E. Inversion


A dialysis bag is filled with a solution of 0.4M glucose and 0.4M sucrose and is placed in a beaker containing a solution of 0.2M fructose, 0.2M glucose, 0.2M sucrose. The dialysis tubing allows fructose and glucose to pass through, but not sucrose. 95. After the dialysis bag is allowed to remain in the beaker for 24 hours A. the solution inside the dialysis bag will be hypo tonic relative to the solution outside the bag B. the concentration inside and outside the dialysis bag will be equal for each solute, C. the volume of the water in the beaker will increase D. The dialysis bag will become flaccid E. The dialysis bag will become tugid


25. A transcription of the DNA sequence CCCGGAATT would produce which of the following sequences in mRNA? A. CCCGGAATT B. GGGCCTTAA C. AAATTCCGG D. UUAACCAA E. GGGCCUUAA


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