Clin Lab Tets Tubes
purple top
Additive: EDTA Mode of action: forms calcium salts, removing calcium from blood Uses: hematology and blood bank cross-matching, requires full draw and 8 inversions to prevent coltting
dark blue top
Additive: EDTA Mode of action: has no contaminating metals Uses: test for trace elements such as zinc, copper, lead, mercury; toxicology
yellow top
Additive: acid-citrate dextrose (ACD) Mode of action: complement pathway inactivation Uses: HLA tissue typing, paternity testing, DNA studies
yellow and black top
Additive: broth mixture Mode of action: preserves microorganisms Uses: microbiologic identification of aerobes, anaerobes, fungi
black top
Additive: buffered sodium citrate Mode of action: forms calcium salts to remove calcium Uses: westergren sedimentation rate, requires full draw
light green top (plasma separating tube-PST)
Additive: lithium heparin Mode of action: lithium heparin acts as an anticoagulant; plasma is separated with PST gel at bottom Uses: chemistry
red top
Additive: none Mode of action: clots naturally with serum being separated by centrifugation Uses: chemistry, immunology, serology cross-matching at blood bank
gold top
Additive: none Mode of action: gel at bottom separates blood from serum during centrifugation Uses: chemistry, immunology, serology
pink top
Additive: potassium EDTA Mode of action: forms calcium salts Uses: immunohematology
white top
Additive: potassium EDTA Mode of action: forms calcium salts Uses: molecular/PCR and bDNA testing
light blue top
Additive: sodium citrate Mode of action: forms calcium salts to remove calcium from blood Uses: coagulation tests (PT, PTT), full draw required
light gray top
Additive: sodium fluoride, potassium oxalate Mode of action: antiglycolytic agent, preserving glucose up to 5 days Uses: measure glucose, requires full draw
light brown top
Additive: sodium heparin Mode of action: inactivates thrombin and thromboplastin; contains nearly no lead Uses: measuring serum lead
green top
Additive: sodium heparin or lithium heparin Mode of action: inactivates thrombin and thromboplastin Uses: measures lithium level (add sodium heparin), or measures ammonia (use either additive)
orange top
Additive: thrombin Mode of action: quickly clots blood Uses: STAT serum chemistries
tubes with no additives
red, gold tops
purple, dark blue tops
which tubes have EDTA as an additive?
pink, white tops
which tubes have potassium EDTA as an additive?
light blue, black tops
which tubes have sodium citrate as an additive?
light brown, green tops
which tubes have sodium heparin as an additive?
purple, light blue, light gray, black tops
which tubes require a full draw?
purple, light blue, black, pink tops
which tubes use form calcium salts to remove calcium?