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Choose the expense below that is considered a fixed cost A. rent for the building B. administrative supplies C. clinical supplies D. power and light bill


Choose the word that depicts cognitive development A. memory B. standing C. talking D. walking


The CPT manual is revised A. every year B. 2 years C. 4 years D. 6 years


When the new patient presents with the insurance identification card, what step will provide the medical office reimbursement of a claim? A. verification of the patient's benefits B. confirming the patient's demographics C. making a copy of the front and back of the card D.providing the patient with a copy of the superbill


A group of tissues is known as A. a cell B. an organ C. an organism D. a body system


Choose the instrument that will grasp tissue A. hemostat B. alligator forceps C. retractor D. tenaculum


Provide the meaning of the prefix dys-. A. Normal, good B. Painful, difficult C. Backward, behind D. Through, across


Select the instrument used when testing hearing A. percussion hammer B. tuning fork C. otoscope D. ear speculum


Select the supply that is needed to begin performing a papanicolaou examination A. cytology brush B. lubricant C. ayre spatula D. vaginal speculum


Select the term that provides the patient a chance to clarify a statement or correct misinformation. A. Paraphrasing B. Summarizing C. Clarifying D. Reflecting


Select the type of test that is most commonly performed in the chemistry department of the laboratory A. cholesterol B. glucose C. electrolytes D. coagulation


Sonya Blies wants to be a universal blood donor for her friend who was in a motor vehicle accident. Sonya must possess which type of blood to be a universal donor? A. AB B. O C. A D. B


The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that reusable thermometers be disinfected using which method? A. rinsing the thermometer with soap and warm water after each use B. using a 1:100 bleach solution C. running the thermometers through an autoclave cycle after each use D. using a 1:10 bleach solution


The body plane from front to back that separates the body into right and left portions is known as A. transverse section B. sagittal section C. cross section D. longitudinal section


The calculated dose of a medication was 6 cc. the order was for an intramuscular (IM) injection, but this amount seems suspicious. What should the medical assistant do next? A. administer the medication after asking if the patient has any allergies B. ask the physician for clarification on the ordered amount C. ask another health-care professional to verify that you have the correct amount D. give the medication intramuscularly using a large-gauge needle


The patient is in insulin shock and is unconscious. What is the next step regarding treatment? A. give the patient orange juice B. get the patient transported to the hospital C. do not give glucose because the patient is diabetic D. take vitals and monitor the patient


The physician wishes to bill for the supplies used during a procedure. Which coding system should the billing agent use? A. relative value scale (RVS) B. Health Care Financing Administration Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) C. Resource-based relative value scale (RBRVS) D. diagnosis-related groups (DRGs)


The physician's DEA registration must be renewed every ___ years A. 2 B. 3 C. 6 D. 9


The prefix ad- means A. away from B. toward C. around D. before


The prefix supra- means A. Below B. Above C. Before D. After


The standard medical record is generally organized A. according to legal standards B. according to the physician's preferences C. in the same manner in every health-care facility D. according to the office manager's preference


The subject line in a letter should be placed on the __ line below the inside address. A. second B. third C. fourth D. sixth


This ICD-9-CM convention means A. not a principle diagnosis B. new code C. unspecified code D. code deleted


To assure that the proper testing and the proper color-top tubes are used before the blood draw, the medical assistant should A. identify the patient prior to blood draw B. review the laboratory requisition or order prior to the draw C. prepare the color-top tubes in order prior to the draw D. ask the patient which tests the physician ordered


To avoid a false positive result during collection of fecal matter for occult blood testing, the patient should A. avoid collecting the sample from the first bowel movement of the day B. avoid vitamin c and iron supplements 2 days prior to collection of the stool C. avoid fiber in the diet 4 days prior to the collection D. avoid any physical activity and discontinue regular medications


To process data, you must have __ that tells the computer what to do with the data. A. software B. a program C. information D. application software


To start chest compressions, the rescuer must be positioned A. over the patient's head B. at the victim's left or right side C. over the patient's body vertically D. wherever there is room


What part of the eye refracts, or bends, light rays? A. sclera B. cornea C. retina D. conjunctiva


Which ECG lead is considered bipolar? A. V4 B. II C. aVF D. aVR


Which storage device is least likely to used today? A. USB flash drive B. Floppy disk C. Hard disk D. CD


Which type of instrument is used for cutting bandages? A. mayo scissors B. dressing scissors C. surgical scissors D. stitch scissors


Which type of physical therapy modality delivers electrical current transcutaneously? A. electrotherapy B. TENS C. chemical hot pack D. heating pad


Which type of resume emphasizes specific skill sets? A. chronological resume B. functional resume C. lawyer drawn resume D. targeted resume


You are assisting with a surgery that involves the use of extreme cold. What is the name for this type of surgery A. microsurgery B. cryosurgery C. electrosurgery D. laser surgery


A statement sent to the patient to collect monies owed on regular cycles until the debt is collected is called A. the billing process B. collecting a co-pay C. the billing cycle D. collecting what the insurance company did not pay


A third-degree burn would appear as A. red, edematous ,wet, shiny, or blistered B. red and dry with no blisters C. black, charred, brown, yellowish, or white D. clear vesicles


Agglutination testing is linked to A. chemistry testing B. hematology testing C. serology testing D. microbiology testing


Match the body part to the popliteal artery A. arm B. groin C. leg D. head


Select a disease stage A. cellular B. chemical C. declining D. inflammatory


The prefix peri- means A. Near B. Before C. Around D. After


The value on the pH scale shows that a solution has a pH of 3. This value indicates A. alkalinity B. a trace element C. acidity D. neutral pH


The ventral cavity or space includes A. the cranial, spinal, pelvic, and thoracic cavity B. the cranial and thoracic cavity and the diaphragm C. the thoracic, abdominal, and pelvic cavity and the diaphragm D. the pelvic, spinal, and cranial cavity and the diaphragm


The worker's compensation chart belongs to the A. patient B. physician C. employer D. worker's compensation division


There are three incoming calls and the medical assistant must prioritize them in the order of importance. This process is referred to as A. sorting B. prioritizing C. triaging D. prepping


Understanding what to do regarding preparedness, prevention, and fire safety is the responsibility of all health-care employees. As the office manager you believe that instituting the following policy benefits all of the employees A. requiring each employee read the policy manuals regarding safety issues B. informing employees that you will tell them what to do in case of an emergency C. conducting regular mandatory in-service meetings with drills regarding various safety scenarios D. e-mailing each employee a copy of instructions for all emergencies and their roles


Watching a patient's body movements, such as facial expressions, gestures, and movements, during assessments can say alot about the patient's feelings. Which term describes this nonverbal style of communication. A. Proxemics B. Paralanguage C. Kinesics D. Adapting


What does the abbreviation KUB stand for? A. Kidney, urethra, bladders B. Kidney, urethra, bladder C. Kidney, ureter, bladder D. Kidney, urine, bladder


Which entity sets rules and regulations regarding laboratory safety? A. OSHA B. The Joint Commission C. CLIA D. ADA


Which is the most accurate way to determine a patient's hemoglobin? A. CLIA-waived testing B. capillary stick C. blood analyzer D. venous blood


Which is the most appropriate use for computers when dealing with clinical issues in the medical office? A. printing patient walkout statements B. accessing a patient's medical facts regarding patient conditions C. accessing a patient's medical record D. creating clinical information brochures for patient education


White blood cells (WBC) A. prevent blood loss B. make up 48% of the total blood C. destroy pathogens D. carry oxygen


Who has ownership of the information in the patient's medical record? A. the physician B. the medical facility C. the patient D. the legal system


Who is responsible for setting fees in the medical office? A. insurance company B. government C. physician D. office manager


Who or what is responsible for the safety and efficacy of all new drugs regardless of the source of the drug? A. DEA B. Controlled Substances Act of 1990 C. FDA D. Pure and Food Drug Act of 1906


You must perform an intramuscular (IM) injection using thick penicillin. The patient inquires whether the procedure will hurt. Which of the following is the correct response from the medical assistant? A. "no, the injection and the medication do not hurt" B. "I assure you that it will only hurt a little and will be very fast." C. " The needle will feel like a little bee sting and the medication will burn slightly" D. "You should not worry; I give excellent injections and no other patients complain"


You must place a business call to New York. Which time zone is correct for New York? A. Atlantic B. Mountain C. Eastern D. Central


You must prepare for a meeting. The copies to be distributed must be copied double-sided in order to save paper. What is the copier feature that can accomplish this called? A. collate B. sort C. duplex D. scan


A curved pair of scissors may have A. S blades B. S/s blades C. S/s, b/b blades D. S/s,b/b, or s/b blades


Monitor resolution is measured in A. dot pitch B. brightness C. contrast D. pixels


Mrs. Merez is a 72 year old female patient who has been diagnosed with hardening of the arteries. What term will the physician use in the documentation? A. atherosclerosis B. aneurysm C. varicose veins D. arteriosclerosis


Ms. Mouch had a diagnostic test that revealed coronary atherosclerosis. Choose the test that helps determine this result A. EEG B. EGK C. QRS D. ECG


Which of the below is a mineral? A. niacin B. thiamine C. folate D. selenium


Which term refers to the body's forehead? A. nasal B. temporal C. cranial D. frontal


"The thing has been decided" is the doctrine of A. res judicata B. subpoena duces tecum C. res ipsa loquitur D. stare decisis


A bacterium called Pseudomonas aeruginosa stimulates the lung cells to produce very thick mucus, which is the ideal environment for bacteria to grow. Choose the disorder to which this bacterium is linked. A. Cystic fibrosis B. Multiple sclerosis C. Hodgkin's disease D. Atherosclerosis


A charge is also known as a A. debit B. credit C. payment D. asset


A female who has cessation of menses has A. amenorrhea B. dysmenorrhea C. menstruation D. menorrhagia


A function of the nervous system is to A. detect changes and feel sensations B. move the body in different directions C. create homeostasis D. provide hair growth


The patient is asymptomatic during the ECG recording and you notice normal sinus rhythm. What should you do? A. continue recording B. notify the physician C. call 911 D. check the ECG leads


The patient is being asked questions about her menstrual cycle. Identify the correct element A. history B. physical C. examination D. plan


Which of the following codes employs the use of a modifier? A. 99214-21 B. 524.3 C. V690 D. E0421


The medical receptionist needs to be hands free when answering the telephone and assisting with callers. Which piece of equipment is needed? A. touch-tone telephone B. telephone headset C. digital telephone D. cellular telephone


The most accurate blood pressure is taken with the A. thigh cuff B. mercury sphygmomanometer C. child cuff D. aneroid sphygmomanometer


The most accurate method for taking a patient's temperature is to use the A. axillary route B. rectal route C. oral route D. temporal route


The most recent collection method for the (PAP) test is A. smearing the cells on a glass slide B. wet preparation C. self testing D. smearing the cells on a cardboard slide


The pH of a patient's urine reads 7.0. Which of the choices below represents this number accurately? A. the patient's urine is acidic B. the patient's urine is neutral C. the patient's urine is alkaline D. the patient's urine is clear


The patient and the physician did not want their dispute to go to court, but during this process, the patient did not agree with the mediator about the dispute with the physician. These parties are involved in what process? A. Mediation arbitration B. Nonbinding arbitration C. Contingency arbitration D. Binding arbitration


The patient comments to Dr. Franklin that the medical assistant is wonderful in the way she handles the patients, stating that she has great tact and genuine concern. Which term describes what this medical assistant is showing? A. integrity B. diplomacy C. courtesy D. responsibility


The patient denies any problems with her back. In what part of the history and physical should this statement be written or typed? A. present illness B. review of systems' C. prior medical history D. present complaint


The patient has a respiration rate of 48 breaths per minute. This patient is A. an adult B. an infant C. a newborn D. a child


The patient has been placed on amoxicillin 250 mg per day for 10 days. What education is important regarding self-administered medications? A. the patient should be instructed to stop the antibiotic when he is feeling better B. the patient should be told that the medication won't work, unless it is taken and finished as prescribed by the physician C. the patient should be given written instructions about the side effects and be allowed to make the choice to continue the medication or not D. the medical assistant should alert the patient as to type of medication that has been prescribed


The patient has been taking a prescription drug for an extended period of time and feels the drug is no longer effective. Which term represents this effect? A. toxic effect B. tolerance C. cumulative effect D. contraindication


The patient has developed a rather large, deep decubitus ulcer wound due to the lack of circulation and inability to walk while bedridden. The physician has decided to allow the wound to granulate on its own without closure for now. Which type of wound healing does this refer to? A. first intention B. second intention C. third intention D. fourth intention


The patient is being seen for a fractured bone. Until the physician can examine the extent of the fracture, what can be done for the patient? A. splint the fractured area using a casting material B. stabilize the injured area using a pillow for patient comfort and apply ice C. keep the injured area above heart level D. have the patient lie down and prop the injured area


The patient is calling a specific physician's office in a large multi-practice setting. The call is connected and provides a greeting and options for connecting to specific departments. What type of phone system is this? A. answering system B. automated routing system C. answering machine D. electronic data system


The patient is scheduled for a thoracentesis. Which body system will the CPT code be found in? A. Lymphatic B. Musculoskeletal C. Cardiovascular D. Respiratory


The patient is to be fitted for axillary crutches. The crutches are fitted according to A. the patient's height B. the patient's armpit height C. the patient's gait D. the patient's leg length


At what point should the processing time start on the autoclave? A. when the chamber is loaded B. when the autoclave has reached the desired temperature C. when the water reservoir has been checked D. when the spore testing has been received


At which point does systolic pressure occur? A. during the cardiac cycle B. during ventricular contraction C. during constriction of veins D. during ventricular relaxation


COBRA provides A. additional insurance benefits for patients who already have primary insurance through employment B. continuous coverage for an employee who has left employment and has a preexisting condition C. primary and secondary insurance for patients with Medicare D. insurance that is paid for by the government for the patient with a preexisting condition


Cardinal signs are also called A. height and weight B. vitals C. anthropometric signs D. baselines


Choose a clinical medical office software feature A. the software can take a patient's chief complaint and store it B. the software can create a virtual chart for the patient C. the software will let you know when the patient has arrived in the office D. the software will update the patient's medication on its own


Choose a common assessment question asked of the patient prior to obtaining a temperature. A. "what do you believe your temperature is?" B. "have you had anything to drink or eat in the past 30 minutes?" C. "do you feel you are sweating or hot?" D. "have you taken any medications today?"


Choose the body position in which the patient lies flat on the back with the arms by the sides A. prone B. supine C. sims D. sitting


Choose the childhood vaccination that is administered at birth A. Rota B. HepB C. PCV D. DTap


Choose the collection method that will provide an adequate sample in which to perform any type of urine testing A. properly labeling the specimen container before giving it to the patient B. checking the volume of urine before the patient leaves the office C. performing tests on the urine within 30 to 60 minutes of collection D. gently stirring the specimen to release sediment from the bottom of the collection device


Choose the common side effect associated with barium studies A. nausea B. constipation C. vomiting D. diarrhea


Choose the device that connects the computer to e-mail A. Mouse B. Modem C. Processing unit D. Input unit


Choose the factor that would interfere with the result when using a pulse oximeter A. the examination atmosphere is room temperature B. the patient is wearing nail polish C. the probe was not sanitized before use D. the patient is wearing a jacket, vest, and shirt


Choose the form the physician must complete to register for a DEA number A. form 222 B. form 224 C. form 226 D. form 228


How many spaces below the letterhead should the date of the letter appear? A. 1 to 2 spaces B. 2 to 4 spaces C. 3 to 4 spaces D. 4 to 6 spaces


How often should an individual receive the tetanus booster A. every year B. 10 years C. 20 years D. 30 years


How will you respond to a patient who is bleeding profusely from a serious laceration to the left lateral arm? A. apply a tourniquet above the laceration B. apply pressure to the nearest pulse point and on the laceration C. call ems prior to any emergency treatment D. apply pressure to the laceration only


Humans need to be fueled for energy and proper nutrition intake. Choose the term that represents this fuel A. nutrients B. carbohydrates C. minerals D. vitamins


Identify the correct Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirement for public buildings A. restroom doorways must be 46" wide B. tactile signs must identify restrooms C. entrance doors must be 52" wide D. ramps and elevators must be available to first and second floors only


Identify the parts that are found in the upper respiratory system A. bronchial tubes and alveoli B. pharynx and larynx C. diaphragm and intercostal muscles D. pleural membranes and respiratory muscles


Identify the term that describes a procedure that records the velocity of blood flowing through blood vessels. A. Fluoroscopy B. Doppler ultrasonography C. Contrast studies D. Magnetic resonance imaging


Identify the type of thermometer that poses a safety hazard A. digital thermometer B. glass thermometer C. chemical thermometer D. tympanic thermometer


If a patient has a weight of 150 lb and a height of 65", the patient's body mass index (BMI) is A. 20.14 B. 24.96 C. 26.24 D. 28.69


If a patient has appendicitis, in which abdominal quadrant is the discomfort located? A. left lower quadrant B. right lower quadrant C. left upper quadrant D. right upper quadrant


If you must move a patient to perform lifesaving measures, which technique is used for a patient with a suspected head or neck trauma? A. side roll B. logroll C. bedroll D. backroll


Immunizations reported as part of the medical record are classified as A. present history B. past medical history C. social history D. demographic information


In phase II of the korotkoff sound the quiet and muffled sound will often disappear. This is know as A. diastolic pressure B. auscultatory gap C. pressure modification D. optimal pressure


In preparation for a venipuncture or capillary stick, the medical assistant must A. blow on the alcohol for quicker drying time B. allow the alcohol to air-dry C. wipe the alcohol off with dry gauze D. fan the alcohol with your hand for quicker drying time


In the event of an office emergency, what is critical element in assisting with quick responses regarding patient treatment? A. knowing who to call regarding the emergency B. knowing where the emergency equipment is located C. knowing who to ask for further instructions so treatment can be initiated quickly D. knowing where the PPE equipment is located so you can start emergency care


In this defense, the physician will claim that the patient was aware of the risk. A. Statute of limitations B. Assumption of risk C. Contributory negligence D. Comparative negligence


In which type of infection will patients experience alternating periods of being symptomatic? A. acute B. latent C. chronic D. optimum


Items wrapped in cloth or muslin that have been in the autoclave have a shelf life of A. 90 days B. 28 to 30 days C. 2 weeks D. 6 months


Knowing how many patients the medical office must see to generate adequate income to cover expenses is known as A. variable costs B. cost ratio C. collection ratio D. balancing


Litigation is another word for A. tort B. lawsuit C. trial D. statute


Manual or computerized appointments should be A. displayed at the front desk for everyone to see B. copied and distributed in the front office, physician's office, laboratory, and surgery department C. displayed in the physician's office D. displayed in the break room for everyone to see


Many common diagnostic tests require the use of contrast media, dietart restrictions, and preparatory actions for the patient. Which test does not require any dietary or medication restriction? A. upper GI series B. MRI C. IVP D. lower GI series


Many patients become egocentric during illness. What does this mean? A. The patient reverts to early level of development. B. The patient becomes self-centered. C. The patient displays hostility. D. The patient becomes uncooperative.


Marie is an RMA for Dr. Smithe. The morning started off with a very angry and upset patient. The patient was almost abusive to Marie. Marie got upset but took a step back and decided to think before she spoke because she realized her temper was rising and she did not want to say anything wrong or hurtful to the patient. Which statement describes Marie's actions? A. Marie was courteous B. Marie was tactful C. Marie was reactive D. Marie was accurate


Match the terminology below to fit the description of "a pathogen that can grow and reproduce only after infecting a host cell." A. bacteria B. virus C. fungus D. protozoa


Patients whose oxygen is being delivered at a rate greater than 5 or 6 L/min should wear a A. nasal cannula B. facial mask C. one-prong system D. nasal mask


The medical receptionist has scheduled six pulmonary function tests beck to back each Wednesday. What type of scheduling does this represent? A. double booking B. cluster booking C. wave scheduling D. stream scheduling


The patient questions why the medical assistant is taking his pulse by listening to his heart with a stethoscope. Choose the correct terminology for this assessment A. radial pulse B. apical pulse C. femoral pulse D. carotid pulse


The patient underwent an excision of an ovary A. vaginapexy B. oophorectomy C. perineoplasty D. salpingocele


The patient was diagnosed with a malignant disorder of the lymph nodes. Choose the statement that correctly describes the condition A. this patient is in early stages of AIDS B. this patient has Hodgkin's disease C. this patient has severe allergies D. this patient should be scheduled for a tonsillectomy


The patient was placed on bed rest and antibiotics and is to return to the office to follow up in 7 days. Which part of the chart note is this? A. subjective B. plan C. objective D. assessment


The patient's pulse pressure (PP) was 68. Which of the following is normal and acceptable range for PP A. 20 to 40 B. 30 to 50 C. 40 to 60 D. 50 to 80


The pegboard system is also referred to as the A. day sheet system B. write-it-once system C. ledger system D. banking system


The physical therapist explains tot he patient that the goal is to be able to move her arm closer to the midline. Which action of the muscle is the physical therapist describing? A. extension B. adduction C. abduction D. flexion


The physician disagrees with the denial of the insurance claim. What can be done to try and get the insurance carrier to pay for the service? A. resubmit the claim as it is B. go through an appeals process C. have the patient call and tell the insurance carrier the service was medically necessary D. call the insurance carrier and tell them they were incorrect in the processing


The physician has asked for a business letter to be mailed. Choose the correct size envelope. A. No. 8 B. No. 10 C. No. 12 D. No. 14


The physician is looking for a specific medical journal that addresses a specific topic online. What is the best way to find this information? A. an advance search B. a literature search C. a general search D. a professional search


The physician ordered tests for which yellow, light blue, plain red, and lavender collection tube tops are needed. In what order should the tubes be used? A. lavender, plain red, yellow, and light blue B. yellow, light blue, plain red, and lavender C. plain red, light blue, yellow, and lavender D. light blue, yellow, plain red, and lavender


Working together as a team helps to provide top-quality patient care, and individuals within the team will discover that. A. one individual will receive all the credit. B. team members develop respect for one another C. each team member will receive a bonus D. each individual who participates in the team has personal feelings.


Which of the following terms represents a change to a patient account that is not a charge or a payment? A. description B. adjustment C. proof of posting D. disbursement


Which of the following types of printers provides high-quality documents but may be more expensive to use than other types of printers? A. Dot matrix printer B. Laser printer C. Ink-jet printer D. Scanner printer


Which of the following would be covered under personal injury on the premises? A. the patient who was found to have gauze in the surgical site upon examination during the follow-up visit B. the patient who fell as she was getting ready to sit on the examination table and injured her head C. the patient who was given the wrong medication and experienced an allergic reaction D. the patient who accidentally broke the office chair but did not get injured


Which of the following would contain information regarding how often an employee is evaluated? A. policy manual B. personnel manual C. procedure manual D. human resource manual


Which organization has recommendations for promoting good body mechanics and good ergonomic workstations? A. Joint Commission B. OSHA C. CDC D. ADA


Which part of the microscope allows the user to increase or decrease the amount of light admitted by decreasing or increasing the aperture? A. condenser B. diaphragm C. light source D. objective lenses


Which part of the patient education process involves the use of information gathered during the assessment phase to determine how the patient's learning needs are met? A. Documentation B. Planning C. Implementation D Evaluation


Which patient education process lets you know that the teaching plan is working? A. documentation B. evaluation C. implementation D. planning


Which piece of equipment is used first when removing a cast? A. cast saw B. cast cutter C. cast spreader D. casting scissors


Which quality is one of the most sought after by employers? A. Being accountable B. Being a team player C. Being on time D. Being independent


Which question should be asked to all female patients regardless of their age when there is going to be exposure to radiation? A. "are you claustrophobic?" B. "is there any chance your pregnant?" C. "when was the last time you had an x-ray performed?" D. "do you have any questions prior to the x-ray?"


Which route of medication will allow the quickest absorption rate? A. intramuscular B. intravenous C. intradermal D. sublingual


Which scenario qualifies a patient for benefits from the Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs (CHAMPVA) A. a patient who also has Tricare B. the spouse of a veteran who has a disability rating C. the surviving spouse of a military member who is still active D. an active duty soldier


Which scenario warrants a same-day appointment? A. an adult who states he is profusely bleeding on his first finger B. a child with a temperature of 103.6F C. a 36-year-old female with discomfort in her chest D. a 77-year-old male who complains of back pain and dysuria


Which solution may assist the illiterate patient in understanding the instructions for procedure preparation? A. using slang and medical language so the patient can understand the instructions B. using simple language and reading the instructions to the patient C. facing the patient so he can read your lips and facial expressions D. providing written materials written at college level


Which statement conveys that the patient has multiple blisters? A. The patient presented with multiple bullas. B. The patient complained of multiple bullae. C. The bullaes were painful. D. The bullus were swollen and red.


Which statement is true of postage meters? A. the can be purchased at a fairly inexpensive price these days B. postage meters can be rented or leased only from the post office C. postage meter services must be paid for 1 year in advance D. the medical office pays for the meter and not the postage


Which statement is true regarding the statute of limitations for retaining a patient's medical record? A. medical records should be kept for 10 days B. each health-care provider should know the statutes in his or her practicing state C. it is up to the patient to determine how long the record is kept D. medical records should be kept indefinitely


Which statement regarding debt collection is true? A. the Fair Debt Collection Act is a federal law that states you can threaten a patient B. you may call patients from 8:00 am to 9:00 pm to remind them of overdue accounts C. you may call the patient regarding an overdue account if the patient has filed for bankruptcy D. you may contact the patient at his or her place of employment even if the employer objects


Which statement will enhance the patient's understanding of the medication being prescribed? A. instruct the patient to read the insert provided by the pharmacy, then call the office with any questions B. explain considerations, adverse effects, or special instructions about the prescribed medication C. ask the patient if the medication will interfere with any other medications being taken D. provide an instructional video about the medication and its benefit


Which strategy should be used to improve communication with a patient who is sight impaired? A. Make sure any information provided is in braille. B. Let the patient know what you will be doing and alert the patient before touching him or her. C. Write everything down and have the communication interpreted for the patient. D. Treat the patient the same as everyone else.


Which system software is known as a utility program? A. firewall B. antivirus software C. automatic log off D. disk defragmentation


Which teaching strategy is appropriate for the preschooler when performing patient education? A. an educational brochure B. role play C. a video D. computer-aided instruction


Which term describes a person's inability to use language? A. dysphagia B. aphasia C. aphagia D. dysphasia


Which term describes a temperature of 104.8 F A. hypothermia B. pyrexia C. hyperpyrexia D. normal


Which term describes communication in which there is no consideration given to individual differences? A. bias B. stereotyping C. discrimination D. demeanor


Which term describes muscles with the same function or those that work together to perform a particular function? A. skeletal muscles B. synergistic muscles C. striated muscles D. antagonistic muscles


Which term describes physical space that facilitates accomplishment of work-related tasks and duties? A. ergonomics B. work flow C. productivity D. accessibility


Which term describes the diagnostic technique of listening to body sounds? A. inspection B. Auscultation C. Percussion D. Palpation


Which term means that a tumor stays in place and affects all layers of tissues? A. Dysplasia B. Carcinoma in situ C. Mutation D. Anaplasia


Which term refers to an evaluation of the necessity, quality, and effectiveness of a medical service? A. verification review B. utilization review C. registration review D. beneficiary review


Which term represents the promotion of proper function of organs and tissues? A. soluble fiber B. nutrients C. carbohydrates D. calorie


Which test is common serological test can be performed in the POL? A. cholesterol B. mononucleosis C. blood typing D. syphilis


Which tube additive is appropriate when drawing a specimen for a prothrombin time (PT)? A. Thixotropic separator gel B. Sodium citrate C. Sodium heparin D. EDTA


Which two hormones does the posterior lobe secrete? A. GH and ACTH B. oxytocin and ADH C. oxytocin and FSH D. LH and TSH


Which type of bacteria is round or spherical in shape? A. bacilli B. cocci C. spiral D. spirochetes


Which type of casting material should be used on a patient who has no mobility in the affected area? A. plaster of paris B. fiberglass C. aircast D. flexicast


Which type of equipment is used when you need to print put figures and their sum to show accuracy or to keep track of the figures already input? A. scanner B. calculator C. business machine D. computer


Which type of scheduling does not require patients to have an appointment but may cause them to wait to be seen? A. wave scheduling B. open hours C. stream scheduling D. catch up hours


Which type of scheduling system is used when patients are scheduled every 30 minutes? A. open hours B. wave scheduling C. cluster booking D. stream scheduling


Which type of skin cancer is more likely to metastasize quickly to the lungs, liver, or other vital organs? A. Squamous cell carcinoma B. Malignant melanoma C. Keratolysis D. Basal cell carcinoma


Which type of skin is the thickest on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet? A. dermis B. epidermis C. subcutaneous D. stratum corneum


Which type of software assists the medical office with efficiency and finances? A. Clinical software B. Administrative software C. Both clinical and administrative software D. Internet software


Which type of unprofessional conduct could result in a revocation of a physicians license? A. incorrect charting B. false advertising C. failure to dictate the patient note D. failure to be on time in the morning


Which vaccination requires vaccine information under the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986? A. Gardasil B. Polio C. Tuberculosis D. Hepatitis C


While on the internet, you spot a great teaching resource. You want access to the resource for future use. What will you do? A. surf B. download C. browse D. encrypt


While the patient is sitting in the reception area he falls to the floor and begins having a seizure. The receptionist notifies the medical assistant. How can the medical assistant help the patient? A. have another employee help remove the patient from the floor B. remove any nearby harmful objects and place something soft under the head C. attempt to hold the tongue with gauze so the patient does not choke D. immediately call 911 and notify the physician


An MMR vaccination should not be given to patients who are A. older than the age of 3 years B. children and have chronic coughs C. immunocompromised D. childen and have never had vaccine before


Choose the storage device that contains a small circuit board in a plastic case. A. floppy disk B. CD C. USB flash drive D. DVD


Choose the suffix that means "to crush" A. -tropic B. -tresia C. -tripsy D. -tomy


Choose the term for the largest artery of the body A. right pulmonary artery B. left subclavian artery C. aorta D. superior vena cava


Choose the term that describes the removal of part of a tumor for examination. A. Exfoliative biopsy B. Needle biopsy C. Incisional biopsy D. Excisional biopsy


Choose the term that is considered an input device when using a computer. A. monitor B. printer C. keyboard D. listing


Choose the term that is spelled correctly. A. Accomodation B. Acommodation C. Accommodation D. Accommadation


Choose the term that matches this description: malignancy of the blood-forming tissues, the lymphatic tissue, and the red bone marrow A. leukocytosis B. leukopenia C. leukemia D. leukocyte


Choose the term that refers to the crown of the head. A. Patellar B. Pectoral C. Parietal D. Perineal


Choose the term that represents how words are spoken and enunciated A. pronunciation B. expression C. diction D. courtesy


Choose the type of credentialing that must be maintained in each state in which the individual practices. A. certification B. registration C. licensure D. professional recognition


Choose the word that depicts the correct capitalization. A. Diazepam B. Bleach C. Valium D. Tissue


Darcy said the following to her supervisor: "I would like to improve my goals in the area of professionalism. I respect your opinion. Can you provide my guidance?" Which term best describes this conversation? A. Positive attitude B. Accountability C. Feedback D. Flexibility


Identify the theorist who believes that the survival value comes from instinctive animal behaviors. A. William McDougall B. William James C. Charles Darwin D. None of the above


Normal adult values for arterial oxygen saturation (SpO2) are in the range of A. 60% to 100% B. 40% to 60% C. 95% to 100% D. 85% to 95%


Olfaction can be defined as A. the sense of sight B. the sense of sound C. the sense of smell D. the sense of taste


Oliguria is defined as A. increased urine output B. the measurement of dissolved material in the urine C. decreased urine output D. the color of urine


On the 15th of every month the office sends out reminders to patients for annual screening visits. This practice is known as A. summary of care B. a business letter C. internal marketing D. external marketing


Which type of urine collection provides a sterile specimen? A. catheterized collection B. clean-catch, midstream collection C. suprapubic aspirate collection D. 24-hour collection


Which type of urine sediment is seen using the microscope on low power field? A. RBCs B. WBCs C. casts D. crystals


Who owns the workers compensation medical record for a patient who has been injured on the job? A. The physician B. The patient C. The employer D. The insurance company


With the onset of type 1 diabetes, a patient may experience an increased thirst. The correct term for this condition is A. polyuria B. polyphagia C. polydipsia D. polycythemia


Written correspondence should be professional. To assure professionalism before correspondence is sent to the appropriate person, the medical assistant should ___ these communications. A. annotate B. sort C. proofread D. scan


You are assisting the physician during a minor surgery and notice Dr. Chaing bringing the edges of the wound close together and evenly. What is this action called? A. proximation B. scar revision C. approximation D. scar line


Choose the patient education process that required gathering information about the patient's present health-care needs and abilities. A. planning B. documentation C. evaluation D. assessment


Choose the statement that best describes the cardiac cycle A. the valves do not close properly B. the ventricles contract C. a specialized group of cardiac muscles is involved D. it is the sequence of events in one heartbeat


Choose the statement that defines the term brainstorming. A. One listens to the group and does whatever the group wants to accomplish the final goal. B. Everyone except the office manager works to accomplish a common goal. C. The person who works outside the group accomplishes common goals. D. The group feels appreciated and connected as a team and works together toward goals.


Choose the statement that is correct A. patients cannot sue the employees and the physician for a slip, trip, or fall B. patients who slip,trip, or fall are not covered under the practice's liability insurance C. all employees and patients are covered under the malpractice policies D. the physician does not have to carry professional liability coverage for the employees


Choose the term that explains the following statement: " Health care employees should never let their opinions about something affect dealing with patients." A. Prejudice B. Stereotyping C. Discrimination D. Bias


Choose the term that means the presence of air in the pleural space A. emphysema B. pneumonia C. pulmonary edema D. pneumothorax


Choose the term that refers to an extreme allergic response A. allergy B. allergen C. allergic reaction D. anaphylactic shock


Choose the third step in the process of patient education A. documentation B. evaluation C. planning D. implementation


Dr. Biaz's medical assistant, Sarah has been late to work a few times. What can the office manager do during the performance evaluation that will assist Sarah in a positive way? A. Ask Sarah why she is always late to work? B. Use constructive criticism at the end of the conversation. C. Put the employee on probationary status for 90 days. D. Use constructive criticism and create a corrective action plan.


Dr. Mack request that Mr. Fowler, one of the practice's adult patients, start receiving the first of the hepatitis B vaccine series. How much will you draw to administer and what route will you use? A. 1.0 mL and IM B. 0.5 mL and SC C. 1.0 mL and SC D. 0.5 mL and IM


Of the four criteria for medical negligence, choose the term that describes how the prosecution must prove that a patient-physician relationship existed. A. damage B. direct cause C. derelict D. duty


One of the advantages of using folder labels that display the current year is that the A. The MA knows what year it is B. label identifies the year in which the patient was seen C. the patient can see the year on the medical record D. label makes it easier to remove records of active patients to inactive status


Patients with minor outstanding debt that is 120 days old are generally A. taken to court to collect the debt B. referred to the physician's lawyer C. sent to a collection agency D. sent a collection letter


Perforation of the stomach wall with leakage of gastric contents into the abdominal cavity is known as A. gastric ulcer B. vomiting C. pyloric stenosis D. peritonitis


Peristalsis can be defined as A. the stomach emptying and the mucosa appearing wrinkled or folded B. secreted mucus, which coats the stomach lining and helps prevent erosion from gastric juice C. the secretion of pepsinogen D. waves of muscular contraction that propel the contents through a hollow organ


Personal beliefs about what is right or wrong are called A. bioethics B. ethica C. ambiguity D. morals


Pick the word root for "pertaining to the eye." A. Ot- B.Otic- C. Op- D. Ophthalm-


Privilege refers to A. a commitment to act in a certain way B. acting in the best possible way C. the process of taking a lawsuit through the courts D. a special immunity that protects against legal liability


Provide the correct vaccine that requires 1.0 mL IM for an adult patient A. Pneumococcal vaccine B. Varicella vaccine C. Influenza vaccine D. Hepatitis A vaccine


Res judicata means A. intentional infliction of emotion or distress B. to bring records and or appear C. to make a malicious or false accusation D. the thing has been decided


Resolution refers to A. the number of horizontal pixels in a display device B. the completed file saved to the hard drive C. a program instruction that tells the computer what to do D. the number of horizontal and vertical pixels in a display device, such as the computer screen.


Restricted medical records are best stored in what type of filing storage system? A. electronic files B. moveable files C. circular files D. vertical files


Ringworm is a skin condition and is caused by A. a worm B. bacteria C. a virus D. fungi


Select the acronym for Social Security, Medicare, and federal income tax deductions A. FUTA B. GNA C. GNP D. FICA


Select the best way to perform an adult respiration assessment A. explain the procedure to the patient and ask the patient to breathe normally B. stare at the patient's chest and count the respirations C. measure the respirations at the same time you are taking a pulse D. continue to hold the patient's wrist but stop counting the pulse and count the respirations


Select the proper technique when instructing a patient in how to use a home nebulizer A. instruct the patient to lie down when inhaling the mist B. instruct the patient to have another individual administer the medication C. instruct the patient to hold the breath as long as possible once the mist has been inhaled D. instruct the patient to sit upright to ensure maximum lung expansion


Select the term that explains why Mr. Blain does not like the medical assistant to get to close to him or to touch him during office visit. A. reflecting B. kinesics C. therapeutic D. proxemics


Select the type of code that identifies risk factors that may affect the patient but are not an injury or illness. A. ICD-9 codes B. E codes C. CPT-4 codes D. V codes


Sonya is preparing for a surgical scrub. Choose the items that she will need A. sink, soap, scrub brush, towels, orangewood stick B. surgical soap, orangewood stick, sterile towel, sink C. surgical soap, orangewood stick, surgical scrub brush, sterile towels D. surgical scrub brush and soap, orangewood stick, sterile towels, sink


The Self-Determination Act of 1991 allows the patient the right to make health0care decisions on admission to the hospital in the form of. A. the Uniform Anatomical Gift Act B. medical durable power of attorney C. a health-care surrogate D. an advance directive


The Weber and Rinne tests are used to check A. sight B. smell C. taste D. hearing


The concept of this term can be found in the Hippocratic oath but is not taken literally because many treatments have adverse effects on the patient A. Fidelity B. Veracity C. Beneficence D. Nonmalfeasance


The heart is __ to the lungs. A. lateral B. inferior C. superior D. medial


The infant's length was 28" during the well-baby visit. Which type of physical examination technique was used? A. percussion B. palpation C. manipulation D. mensuration


Which term represents the patient's condition and recovery? A. diagnosis B. assessment C. rule out (R/O) D. prognosis


Which tests are included in a lipid panel? A. sodium, potassium, carbon dioxide, and chloride B. ALT, AST, bilirubin, and alkaline phosphatase C. albumin, bilirubin, calcium, and chloride D. LDL, HDL, VLDL, and triglycerides


Which type of check is stamped and signed by the bank to verify the amount of the check? A. money order B. traveler's check C. cashier's check D. certified check


Which type of digestion breaks food into smaller pieces? A. chemical B. contraction C. relaxation D. mechanical


Which type of insurance would cover the physician if there were a fire set accidentally by one of the employees? A. malpractice B. personal injury protection C. professional liability insurance D. property damage insurance


Which type of legally required disclosure would be reported to the health department? A. death from an unknown cause B. stillbirth cause C. death from a suspected criminal D. infectious or communicable disease


Which type of tissue holds and connects body parts, such as bones, tendons, and ligaments, together? A. Muscle tissue B. Nervous tissue C. Epithelial tissue D. Connective tissue


Which typed statement will provide an error-free report by using correct punctuation? A. The patient stated "My mother recommended this treatment" B. The patient stated: "My mother recommended this treatment". C. The patient stated; "My mother recommended this treatment." D. The patient stated, "My mother recommended this treatment."


Who has the responsibility of scheduling an interpreter for a patient who is hearing impaired and is scheduling an office visit? A. Health and rehabilitative services B. The physicians staff C. The patient's family D. The patient


You are donning sterile gloves and you have inserted one glove on your dominant hand and carefully pulled it on with your non-dominant hand. As you were putting on the other glove, you touched the outer side of the cuffed glove. What should you do? A. continue gloving B. start over because non-sterile touched sterile C. continue by slipping your fingers under the cuff of the other glove D. perform a surgical aseptic hand wash and start over


You are proofreading written correspondence. Choose the sentence with incorrect word spelling. A. The patient will achieve better results after fasting. B. The patient will receive the laboratory results tomorrow. C. The patient seemed pale in comparison. D. The patient was late four his appointment.


You are reading a letter and at the bottom you see this notation: BCC/kh. Which of the terms below describe this part of the letter? A. enclosure notation B. copy notation C. signature line D. reference notation


You must mail a package that weighs 22 lbs. What class mail is this package? A. first-class mail B. second-class mail C. third-class mail D. fourth-class mail


You received a check from the insurance carrier. How can you determine how the claim was paid? A. look at the patient ledger card to what was charged B. look at the day sheet for the service submitted date C. look at the UCR D. look at the EOB


You were asked to copy a lot of music files for the office staff and patients to listen to during a normal operating hours. Which storage device is the best for this action? A. CD-ROM B. Thumb drive C. Floppy disk D. DVD


You were recently promoted to office manager. Your first task is handling the monthly expenses, such as the mortgage, the utilities, and leased equipment. These items are known as A. assets B. accounts receivable C. charge slips D. accounts payable


Your physician likes to open her own mail. You receive a letter that reads confidential on the envelope. What should you do? A. open the mail and put it on the physician's desk B. place the unopened mail on the physician's desk C. place the letter in a safe place until you can hand the physician the mail D. know the physician's preference regarding confidential mail


Which of the following chart note formats is the most common? A. SOAP B. Plan C. CALCIUM D. Sodium


A patient is upset because the surgical procedure was not precertified. The patient and the physician assumed the procedure would be covered. The patient now has to pay for this very expensive procedure out of pocket. What should have been done prior to the procedure? A. the office should have precertified the procedure; if denied, the patient should have signed an advanced beneficiary notice (ABN) B. the patient should have signed a truth in lending agreement C. the patient should have been offered a payment schedule up front D. the office should have never assumed the insurance carrier would pay


A patient states that she is in pain and you notice her grimacing. The message from the patient is consistent. What term describes this communication? A. congruent B. receiver C. articulate D. referent


A patient was scheduled for a 10:00 am appointment. The patient was a no-show. What action should the medical assistant take? A. place NS in the patient chart B. call the patient out of concern C. no action is necessary D. place RS in the patient chart


A patient who has chronic renal failure will most likely have this treatment. Choose the correct spelling A. hemodialysis B. hemadialisis C. hemodialisis D. hemadialysis


A patient with a mental health illness verbally expresses to you that he is hearing voices. What will you do to help promote positive communication? A. orient the patient to reality B. show empathy and confirm that you are hearing voices too. C. force or demand the answers that you need D. allow the patient to continue to voice what he is hearing


A postal barcode A. facilitates automated sorting of mail at the post office B. identifies the post office to which the mail should be delivered C. identifies a specific geographic segment within a delivery area D. informs the postal service how much to charge for postage


A procedure code such as 12006* refers to A. a surgical package that does not apply B. billing separately for preoperative and postoperative services C. charges for anesthesiologist D. charges for the use of the operating system


A teaspoon of elixir is a system of measurement known as A. household B. metric C. apothecary D. dosing


A telephone with an attachment for typing messages is called A. a TTY B. a TRS C. an EMS D. a DSL


A very important patient document needs to be mailed to another medical facility and received within 24 hours. What type of service will get this document to its destination on time? A. Express mail B. registered mail C. priority mail D. certified mail


A wound that is sutured or held together and heals without granulation is known as A. first intention B. second intention C. third intention D. fourth intention


Acidosis is defined as A. a condition of excess acid in the body fluids B. a condition of decreased amounts of acid in the body fluids C. a condition of excess base in the body fluids D. a condition of decrease amount of base in the body fluids


Active artificial immunity develops when A. an antigen is purposely introduced into the body, such as in a vaccine B. the body is exposed to a pathogenic microorganism C. antibodies are developed in an animal or human and are then injected into the exposed person D. already formed antibodies are passed from mother to fetus across the placenta during pregnancy


After assessing the patient, it was documented that the patient was febrile. What does this mean? A. the patient does have a fever B. the patient is near death C. the patient does not have a fever D. the patient is normal


After rooming a patient, you get the distinct feeling that she was lacking in self confidence, weak and submissive. The patient assessment was not very effective because the patient was A. passive B. aggressive C. passive-aggressive D. assertive


An AED should be used when A. the victim is pulseless B. the victim is not breathing C. the victim is choking D. the victim has a low pulse


Any refrigerator or freezer used for vaccines must A. be dedicated to the storage of only vaccines and medications B. be located in a room with no windows or heat C. be in a room that is kept locked and away from the patient flow of traffic D. be inspected by the National Vaccine Center on a yearly basis


Aphasia means A. without language B. without swallowing C. without smelling D. without senses


As you pull the patient chart you notice the last progress notes page is full. You insert a new progress page and need to write A. the patient's name B. the patient's chart id number C. the patient's address D. the patient's date of birth


Because the accounting equation must always be equal, each transaction requires A. a charge and payment B. a service and procedure C. a payment and an adjustment D. a service and a charge


Brandon just finished rooming the patient. What will Brandon do to prevent the spread of infection and stop the infectious cycle? A. wash hands using warm water, friction, and soap B. wash his hands after he rooms the last patient C. wash his hands with hand-sanitizer for 20 seconds D. wash his hands with cool running water for 2 minutes


Choose a type of a complex carbohydrate A. fiber B. protein C. vitamin D. mineral


Choose one of the six links to patient survival regarding emergencies A. staff training B. staff location C. patient situation D. patient training


Choose the action that is most appropriate for the safekeeping of controlled substances A. keeping controlled substances in a locked cabinet away from other drugs B. storing controlled substances off site and only use when necessary C. ordering controlled substances when needed so there is no theft or abuse D. labeling all controlled substances with a bio-hazard sticker for strict identification


Choose the chart note that is legally correct. A. Pt. states, " I have a sore throat x 3 days." B. The patient claims he has a sore throat. C. C/O sore throat. D. Pt. states " I have a sore throat for three day"


Choose the chart note that was corrected legally. A. 11/2/10 Pt states, " I get dizzy when standing and short of breathe upon exertion" VO: PFT and orthostatic BP. BS was crossed out (CORR BP) (kt) and PFT performed. Pt tol well. Results attached. To Dr. for review -----K. Tate, RMA B. 10/14/10 Pt c/o burning sensation when urinating and frequent urination. VO: UA and Micro. UA & Micro performed. Results attached, to Dr. UTI. RTC x 8 d for repeat URI. Repeat UA ---- K. Tate, RMA C. 11/23/10 VO: CBC. CBC drawn. Venipuncture antecubital arm. Pt tol well. To Bayside lab. RTC x 5 d for results. Rx: Ampicillin 2500 mg, (250 mg was crossed out) 1 QID, PO, #30, 0 ref. ---- K. Tate, RMA D. 10/7/10 Pt states, " I feel (FELL/CORR) off the bike and ever since the knee has become infected" VO: C&S obtained from right posterior knee. To Bayside lab. RTC x 7 d for results. Pt to elevate affected knee and change dressing 2xd. ---K. Tate, RMA


Choose the correct American Association of Medical Assistants (AAMA) web address A. B. C. D. http://www.aama-ntl.web


Choose the correct American with disabilities (ADA) requirements for a public building. A. entrance doors must be 32' wide B. ramps longer then 6' must have one railing C. tables or counters must be 15' high D. an emergency egress does not need lighting


Choose the correct spelling for the term that means "dishonoring or defaming a person through written documents." A. libel B. libal C. lible D. liable


Choose the correct statement to describe a patient-caregiver relationship in which there is mutual acceptance, understanding, and respect. A. There is a good rapport with the patient. B. There is a good ethnic relationship C. There is good compassion between the caregiver and the patient. D. There is good communication between the caregiver and the patient.


Choose the device that is considered a computer output device. A. monitor B. mouse C. scanner D. keyboard


Choose the example that is an open ended question. A. How did you feel when the discomfort first appeared? B. Is it uncomfortable when you swallow? C. Was the swollen area inflamed? D. Have you had your tonsils removed?


Choose the food that is high in protein A. cashews B. spaghetti C. beets D. wheat bread


Choose the hormone that initiates production of sperm in the testes A. follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) B. luteinizing hormone (LH) C. testosterone D. inhibin


Choose the interviewing technique that is considered a closed-ended question A. "on a scale of 1 to 10 what is the level of pain you are having?" B. "what does the pain feel like?" C. " can you explain to me where it hurts and what it feels like?" D. "can you tell me when you first felt the pain and what brought it on?"


Choose the item that represents a peripheral connection A. mouse B. printer C. scanner D. keyboard


Choose the option that provides a service in which the copier is regularly inspected and cared for by a service company. A. service contract B. warranty C. repair service D. routine maintenance


Choose the physical need that is essential to life A. sleep B. money C. affection D. safety


Choose the sentence with the correct grammar and spelling. A. Eating before the laboratory test is performed will affect the results. B. The was a polyp found in the ileam. C. The patient excepted the terms of the agreement. D. The patient was referred to a nutrition councilor.


Choose the statement that reflects documentation that is an addition to the SOAP format. A. Focuses on the evaluation of the patient's response to interventions B. Focuses on the patient's complaint or why the patient is seeing the physician C. Focuses on any diagnostic tests D. Focuses on any unresolved problems after discharge


Choose the statement that represents an office safety hazard A. old electrical equipment has not been inspected B. electrical cords are not exposed C. spilled liquids were addressed at once D. hallways have been cleared of obstacles such as equipment or shipments


Choose the statement that represents radiation safety for the clinical practitioner A. minimize the amount of time exposed to x-rays B. ask the female patient if there is a possibility of being pregnant C. shield the patient's thyroid gland D. the patient should avoid unnecessary x-ray examination


Choose the term that describes the gums, the tissue that covers the upper and lower jaws around the necks of the teeth A. gingiva B. enamel C. dentin D. pulp cavity


Choose the term that refers to protection from infectious disease A. immunity B. antigen C. antibody D. asepsis


Choose the term that represents one of the body's defense mechanisms A. chemical B. declining C. acute D. convalescent


Choose the term that represents the importance attached to various aspects of living, such as belief, ideas, objects and relationships A. value system B. sympathy C. empathy D. standards of behavior


Choose the test that will determine coagulation A. PT/INR B. ESR C. WBC count with differential D. platelets


Choose the type of mail that should take priority A. mail marked urgent B. patient-related mail C. insurance payments D. mail from the local hospital


Choose the virus that is associated with the chickenpox A. varicella-zoster B. staphylococcus aureus C. adenovirus D. avian influenza


Conflict between coworkers in a medical office can appear at any time. What is the best way to enhance positive communication before a conflict arises? A. All office staff should have regular staff meetings. B. All office staff should send concerns by memo to the manager. C. All office staff should set their personal differences aside. D. All office staff should resolve any differences with one another.


The patient has been referred to the specialist who can perform eye surgery A. the ophthalmologist B. the optician C. the optometrist D. the otorhinolaryngologist


Correlate the best safety strategy for the patient who must ambulate with crutches A. the crutches should have well-fitted safety rubber suction tips B. underarm pads may cause irritation to the axillary area C. the patient should wear the shoes that are the most comfortable D. wooden crutches should be stored in a warm location


Describe one of the components of a semi-block style letter. A. paragraphs are indented five to eight spaces B. the subject line is typed using all capital letters C. the date, closing, and signature lines begin in the center D. there is a double space between the end of one paragraph and beginning of the next paragraph


Determine which of the selections below is a patient sign and considered part of the objective information A. witnessing the patient cough in the examination room B. noting that "Pt complains of NVD" C. noting that "Pt states, 'left leg was swollen for three days but has subsided'" D. noting "Pt complains of a sore throat x 3 d"


Diagnostic related groups (DRGs) are used to determine A. reimbursement for Medicare patients' inpatient services B. how much to charge for Medicare outpatient services C. how much to charge Medicare inpatient services D. reimbursement for Medicare outpatient services


Dr. Ling must report federal taxes paid quarterly. What is this called? A. Form 941 B. Form 942 C. Form UCT 6 D. Form 943


Dr. Mandl prescribed an inhaler with albuterol instead of a nebulizer. What was Dr. Mandl's reasoning? A. the inhaler delivers less medication than the nebulizer B. the inhaler is more expensive than the nebulizer C. the nebulizer is portable and the inhaler is not D. the nebulizer only works with a spacer


Dr. Miture prefers that vitals be documented at the time they were taken using military time, as the example below demonstrates. Based on the note, translate the time into common U.S. format ________________________________________ 07/14/12 BP check 14:30 BP: 134/88 L --------------------S. Tillmen, CMA A. 2:30 p.m. B. 4:00 a.m. C. 2:30 a.m. D. 3:30 p.m.


During mouth-to-mouth breathing, how many breaths should be given to a victim prior to watching for the chest to rise and fall? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4


During phagocytosis, which type of cell engulfs and destroys microorganisms? A. leukocyte B. erythrocyte C. platelet D. hemoglobin


Egg cells are produced in the A. ovarian follicles B. uterus C. fallopian tubes D. vagina


Elle, Dr. Cannaten's medical assistant, is willing to account for and be responsible for her own actions. Choose the term that describes Elle. A. accountable B. respectful C. dependable D. tactful


How can the medical receptionist ensure a complete, accurate record of a telephone exchange? A. proper documentation of the phone call B. proper pronunciation C. proper voicemail system D. proper call forwarding to appropriate departments


How is the prefix for the term " fast heartbeat" spelled A. Tachy- B. Tacky- C. Tackhy- D. Tacki-


How many cervical verterbrae are there? A. 7 B. 12 C. 5 D. 17


How often must the physician renew of re-register for a DEA number? A. 3 years B. 6 years C. 9 years D. 12 years


How will you advise the elderly patient whose metabolism has slowed regarding dietary concerns? A. advise the patient to decrease daily calories B. advise the patient to increase daily calories C. advise the patient to consume more fiber D. advise the patient to consume more calcium


Identify the correct spelling for a chart note that reads " when the patient coughed, the color of the __ was a greenish yellow." A. mucus B. muccous C. mucous D. muccis


Identify the office design that will assure communication privacy A. there is adequate space between the reception window and patient seating area B. the office computer screen faces the employees and the patients C. the waiting room chairs are all facing away from the reception desk D. the privacy window is shut only when someone is having a telephone conversation


Identify the term in which the suffix means " pertaining to" A. Neurotic B. Stenosis C. Acidosis D. Toxoid


If a patient is said to be in asystole, the characteristics would be described as A. rate of 0 and no pulse B. rapid rate and loss of consciousness C. dramatic hypotension and a slow thready pulse D. possible palpitations and a rate of 60 beats per minute


In scheduling a patient appointment, what piece of information will help you determine whether a patient chart already exist or one needs to be created? A. determine whether the patient is a new or an established patient B. asking the patient's name and telephone number C. asking what type of insurance the patient has D. asking why the patient needs to see the physician


In stream scheduling, A. patients are scheduled at regular intervals B. patients are scheduled for the same appointments times C. patients are scheduled every 30 minutes D. patients have the same concerns or the same procedures are being performed on several patients


Kinesics is exemplified by which of the following? A. Ms. Riter moves her arms about as she rolls her eyes. B. Ms. Riter refuses to answers any questions. C. Ms. Riter sits in silence without any movement D. Ms. Riter states the instructions back to the medical assistant.


Locate a potential concern when converting paper medical records into an electronic health record (EHR) A. Errors introduced while inputting information into EHR format B. Decreased cost of inputting all information from lengthy medical records C. Written chart notes that are legible D. Consistency in appearance and organization


Look at the diagnosis pointer on the CMS-1500 form. Choose the correct way to prepare the claim form when entering a diagnosis code E DIAGNOSIS POINTER ------------------------------------------------ A. 1. 1,2 ----------------------------------------------- B. 2. 745.39 ----------------------------------------------- C. 3. 99206 ----------------------------------------------- D. 4. 123


Managed care was originally designed to A. control costs through a contract between the provider and the insured B. increase monies paid to the provider and decrease costs to the patient C. provide services only to the smaller medical practices and hospitals D. provide services only to the larger medical practices


McKenzie Mayes, who is 7 years old, has parents who are separated. Each parents has health-care coverage. Which factor will help determine which parent's insurance will cover McKenzie? A. Mrs. Mayes has a birthday on April 23 B. The judge will decide which parent's insurance covers the child C. Mr. Mayes has a birthday on July 14 D. McKenzie has a birthday on August 16


Medical offices that use the color-coded filing system file the patient names by A. last name first, first name last B. first name first, last name last C. middle name last, last name first, first name last D. last name initial, first name last


Medicare Part B covers A. physicians' services B. hospital services C. both physicians' and hospital services D. dental, hearing, and visual services


Mick has just walked into the reception area, and you would like to provide a friendly greeting. Mick gas anacusis. What can you do to assist Mike with communication? A. touch the patient gently to gain his attention B. have the interpreter sign a greeting C. raise your voice and talk directly to the patient so your lips can be read D. write all communication on a memo pad


Monozygotic refers to A. the division of a single ovum into two after it has been fertilized. B. two ova released within a short amount of time after fertilization. C. both a and b D. fertilization of the male sperm after an ova is released.


Mr. Ratkin has severe stomach ulcers in the GI tract and the physician would like you to provide special dietary guidelines to help control the ulcers. What type of diet information will you provide to Mr. Ratkin? A. bland diet B. soft diet C. sodium- restricted diet D. liquid diet


Mrs. Trulen was advised by the physician to take ibuprofen for her mild back discomfort. Mrs. Trulen called the office and was complaining of a side effect. Which side effect is most commonly associated with this analgesic? A. abdominal discomfort B. dizziness C. rash D. headache


Ms. Kirk presents to the office with dysphonia. You are not quite sure what to do. Which of the following would be a good step in a promoting good communication with the patient? A. suggest to the physician to refer this patient to a speech therapist. B. have the patient referred to the ear, nose, throat specialist. C. refer the patient to the hospital for treatment. D. ask the patient what you can do to promote communication.


My. Bario complained of acute right leg muscle pain. Dr. Brevard prescribed a muscle relaxant and a pain reliever, which will work together to achieve the desired effect of relieving Mr. Bario of his discomfort by relaxing the affected muscle. this drug interaction is known as A. potentiation B. tolerance C. synergism D. antagonism


New patients presenting at the physician's office for the first time should be given a copy of the __ document from HIPPA. A. NPP B. PHI C. TPO D. OCR


On which form are you likely to see a diagnosis code, a procedural code, and a charge? A. router form B. day sheet C. reconciliation form D. bank statement


One of the disadvantages of electronic claims submissions is that A. the office cannot always send the needed documentation electronically, holding up the claim payment B. even when the claim is error free, the payments are still very slow C. you must have a referral to send the claim electronically D. it is very time consuming to send electronic claims


Owner's equity is A. total assets minus the liabilities B. the total monies owed to creditors C. the total monies collected from patients D. everything the physician owns


Patient documentation is most appreciated by the physician when the medical assistant A. spells terms and medications correctly and does not use abbreviations that are error-prone B. changes errors with correction fluid in the manual chart or deletes errors in the (EMR) C. charts the patient's assumptions rather than what the patient states because the patient does not always convey the chief complaint correctly D. remember a chart note from last week's patent's complaint and reenters it into the patient's chart


Pediatric examination rooms should A. be free from any loose or sharp items that a toddler may pick up B. be decorated with color so the child is not frightened by being there C. be stocked with all clinical items for preparedness D. contain childhood immunizations for ease of time management


Physicians must register with this organization to obtain a license to dispense or prescribe drugs. A. DEA B. Controlled Substances Act of 1990 C. FDA D. Pure and Food Drug Act of 1906


Physicians who prescribe or administer controlled substances must keep records for __ years. A. 2 B. 4 C. 6 D. 8


Pneumothorax is defined as A. the presence of air in the plural space B. the accumulation of fluid in the alveoli C. a bacterial infection of the lungs D. a form of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)


Prior to preparing any medication to be administered to the patient the medical assistant should A. ask whether the patient is allergic to any medications B. check the medication three times before administering it C. check the patient chart to see whether the patient has had the medication before D. ask the patient how he or she would like to receive the medication


Prostatic hypertrophy is described as A. enlargement B. inflammation C. shrinkage D. necrosis


Raw, unorganized facts presented to the computer for processing are referred to as A. data B. information C. programs D. software


Rh0negative refers to A. the absence of D antigen B. the absence of E antigen C. the presence of C antigen D. the presence of A antigen


Select the best storage method for the microscope A. covered with the nosepiece rotated to the low-power objective B. covered with the nosepiece rotated to the high-power objective C. covered with oil-immersion on the slide ready for the next use D. covered with the nosepiece rotated between the slides so it does not touch the stage


Select the correct way to end a chart note. A. the patient C/O mild HAs and a severe cough----- M. Hill, CMA B. the patient stated, " I have mild HAs and a severe cough." Hill, Certified Medical Assistant C. the patient C/O mild HAs and severe cough x3d. Mary D. the patient stated, " I 've had mild HAs and a severe cough x3d" Mary, CMA


Select the drug that comes from a plant source A. codeine B. insulin C. demerol D. humulin


Select the expense that is considered a variable cost A. an employee salary B. the mortgage C. the lease on the copier machine D. malpractice insurance


Select the question that pertains to patient safety regarding blood collection A. "are you allergic to anything that you know of?" B. "have you had anything to eat or drink in the past 24 hours?" C. "have you ever had this procedure before?" D. "where do they usually stick you?"


Select the site most common for neonates and infants when performing an (IM) injection A. rectus femoris B. vastus lateralis C. gluteus medius D. deltoid


Select the step that prepares urine for a microscopic examination A. the medical assistant pours the supernatant fluid out of the urine centrifuge tube B. the medical assistant inspects the urine for color and clarity C. the medical assistant dips a multistik 10 SG strip into the urine D. the medical assistant allows the urine to sit at room temperature for 2 hours


Select the type of condition that is classified as a fungus A. pneumonia B. chickenpox C. meningitis D. common cold


Stare decisis means A. the previous decision stands B. the thing speaks for itself C. let the master answer D. bring with you under penalty of punishment


The PPR is quickly being replaced A. EMR B. ipod C. MR D. SOAP


The Snellen test measures the patient's A. visual acuity B. auditory acuity C. color blindness D. olfaction


The amount of air in one normal inhalation and exhalation is the A. tidal volume B. minute respiratory volume C. inspiratory reserve D. expiratory reserve


The assessment part of SOAP is also referred to as A. the patient's diagnosis B. the patient's prognosis C. the patient's complaint D. the patient's diagnostic testing


The caller will not state his name or the nature. How should this call be handled properly? A. state that's it is the policy of the practice not to put the caller through unless the name of the caller and the nature of the call is known. B. put the caller through to the physician without a name or reason of call. C. tell the caller you will hang up unless the name of the caller and nature of the call is known. D. tell the caller you know it is a sales and the caller will have to call back.


The child's ability to learn depends on A. development maturity B. clear and simple explanations C. demonstrations D. allowing for questions and answers


The dorsogluteal muscle is commonly used for intramuscular (IM) injections. Which description refers to this site? A. the upper outer quadrant on the left or right buttock B. the outer muscle of the left and right leg C. the mid-lateral portion of the thigh D. the outer portion of the upper thigh near the greater trochanter


The duodenum is a part of the A. small intestine B. stomach C. liver D. large intestine


The fact that the physician may not assist in suicide is stated in the A. Hippocratic oath B. Code of ethics C. Declaration of independence D. AMA Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs


The following condition can be associated with individual with AIDS. What is the correct spelling? A. kaposi's sarcoma B. kaposis sarcoma C. karposi's sarcoma D. koposi's sarcoma


The intranet is A. a private network B. a local network C. a global network D. an international network


The key factor that the receptionist should be aware of regarding standard precautions is A. to wash hands following all patient direct contact B. to collect patients specimens and then wash hands C. to direct patients who are coughing and sneezing to go outside D. to disinfect the reception area once a week


The medical assistant needs to bill for services rendered to the patient for a radiology procedure. Which code is appropriate? A. 70020 B. 80145 C. 99198 D. 99206


The notes on each page of the patient's progress sheets within the medical records are written A. in chronological order B. where there is space C. in reverse chronological order D. behind previous entries


The number one consideration regarding emergency preparedness is A. safety B. security C. sensitivity D. simulation


The office manager has asked you to mail a cashier's check in the amount of $18,000. She has also requested that this amount of money be insured through the mail. What type of mail will you request when you get to the post office? A. registered mail B. restricted mail C. COD D. express mail


The office manager request that you check the inventory on standard business envelopes. For what size should you look? A. no. 10 B. no. 12 C. no. 14 D. no. 16


The ophthalmologist has determined that mr. lance has nearsightedness. Choose the medical term for his conditon. A. Myopia B. Amblyopia C. Presbyopia D. Exotropia


The outer ear consist of the A. ear canal B. eustachian tube C. cochlea D. eardrum


The pH range of urine is between 4.6 and 8.0. A patient who is a vegetarian will have A. more alkaline urine B. more acidic urine C. more colorful urine D. high specific gravity


The patient is being seen in follow-up postsurgery for a colostomy. Which of the following best demonstrates the patient's ability to understand patient education regarding the care of the colostomy? A. role-play B. summarization C. reflection D. feedback


The patient was given a diagnosis of epistaxis A. nosebleed B. inflammation, swelling, and redness of the gums C. inability to see in low light or at night D. swelling of one or more glands of the eye


The patient was placed on two different kinds of medication. After several rounds of treatment, the physician discovered that one of the drugs decreased the effect of the other. The physician changed the patient's prescription. Which term represents this drug interaction? A. antagonism B. synergism C. potentiation D. side effect


The patient was yelling and blaming the medical assistant for the lost (MRI) report. What type of defense mechanism was this patient displaying? A. displacement B. denial C. rationalization D. compensation


The patient's statement that "there is a serious pain in the left upper portion of my abdomen" refers to which part of the SOAP format? A. subjective information B. objective information C. assessment D. planning


The physician has asked you to write a memo to the office staff using one size and style of typeface. To what is he referring? A. font B. symbol C. character D. command


The physician prescribed penicillin for a patient with a known allergy, and the patient died as a result of this action. Which type of negligence was this? A. Malfeasance B. Nofeasance C. Misfeasance D. Nonfeasance


The physician requested that you check the patient's pulse and blood pressure in the supine, sitting, and standing postitions at various time intervals. You will record your findings as A. postural vital signs B. pulse pressure C. korotkoff sounds D. auscultatory gaps


The physician suspects that the patient has this condition because the rate of the patient's respiration is decreasing A. respiratory acidosis B. metabolic acidosis C. respiratory alkalosis D. metabolic alkalosis


The physician wants to prescribe a drug that will assist the patient with suppressing the inflammation of the enlarged bowel. Which classification of drugs is appropriate? A. corticosteroids B. immunosuppressants C. NSAIDS D. diuretics


The practice has done very well. The liabilities this month were $32,000.00. The assets totaled well over $56,000.00. This amount is considered A. net worth B. fixed costs C. reconciling D. gross worth


The prefix ab- means A. away from B. toward C. around D. before


The primary focus of palliative care is A. comfort B. nourishment C. health D. life


The smallest living units of structure and function are A. cells B. tissues C. organs D. systems


The space between each vertical line on the ECG paper represents A. 0.04 second B. 0.08 second C. 0.02 second D. 0.06 second


The statement "priority care is given to the person or persons who are more likely to receive the greatest long-term benefit from the treatment" refers to A. allocation of resources B. clinical investigation and research C. withholding or withdrawing treatment D. obstetric dilemmas


The statement, " You really look distressed. Something must be wrong," is an example of A. validation B. clarification C. reflection D. confrontation


The statute of limitations is a defense strategy that limits the time period in which an individual can sue. The statute of limitations usually begins A. when the patient has realized the injury has occurred B. when the patient takes the physician to court C. when the patent files the appropriate paperwork D. when the patient contacts his or her attorney


The subscription found on a prescription represents A. the amount to be dispensed B. the name of the medication C. the desired form of the drug D. how many refills to the patient


The supplies you ordered have arrived. What is a crucial action prior to stocking the ordered items? A. comparing the packing slip and the contents to the original order B. checking off each item as it is stocked C. checking the quantity as it is stocked D. reviewing the invoice and the prices


The surgical assistant was scrubbed, gloved, and donned with his surgical gown and is now considered sterile. He touched the sterile surgical tray. What should he do next. A. he should continue setting up the surgical tray B. the surgical tray was contaminated; the physician must start over again C. he should scrub again and put on new gloves and a gown D. he should perform a surgical aseptic hand wash and set up a new surgical tray


The trochlear cranial nerve's function is to A. move the eyeball B. contract the neck and shoulder muscles C. move the tongue D. maintain the sense of hearing


The two divisions of the nervous system are A. the central and peripheral systems B. the cervical and peripheral systems C. the peripheral and neurological systems D. peripheral and sensory system


This is a record of numbers assigned to each new patient record. A. accession log B. accession data C. accession unit D. accession guide


This term represents the ability of the eye to see objects in the distance and then adjust to a close object. Choose the correct spelling A. accommodation B. accommadation C. accomodation D. acommodation


This term represents the food passageway from the pharynx to the stomach A. esophagus B. alimentary tube C. oral cavity D. pharynx


To examine a child's ear with an otoscope the auricle is pulled A. downward and backward B. upward and backward C. backward D. to the side and backward


What are the four components used to maintain a patient account? A. day sheet, fee ticket, fee schedule, patient account ledger B. patient account ledger, a payment, fee schedule, day sheet C. day sheet, charge slip, payment schedule, patient account ledger D. patient account ledger, day sheet, payment schedule, received on accounts (ROAs)


What are the primary objectives regarding emergency assessment during a dangerous situation? A. safety and needs of the patient B. life-threatening problems and necessary care C. documentation and liability D. exposure and incident


What does an individual with hypoglycemia have? A. too much insulin B. not enough insulin C. just the right amount of insulin D. almost enough insulin, but not a sufficient amount


What education should be provided to the patient who is trying to lower bad cholesterol? A. substitute polyunsaturated fats for saturated fats B. eat meats high in protein C. eat more egg yolk, meats, and whole milk D. take more vitamins


What is a basic care guidelines to follow when handling diskettes, CDs, or DVDs? A. Never store near a magnetic field B. Write on the label after placing it on the disk C. Store in a moist area D. Handle the disk anywhere


What is an important factor to remember when it comes to good time management? A. all employees must help regardless of their assigned responsibilities B. employees should do only what is written in their job description C. the office manager should hire another medical assistant to pick up the slack D. the physician should assist with tasks that have fallen behind


What is an important factor when inserting wrapped packs or instant sealing packages into the autoclave for sterilization? A. items should be packed loosely to allow steam to flow in and around the pack B. lay each item on top of another, because stacking provides more room C. put only one packed item in the autoclave at a time to allow steam to flow D. all packs should stand vertically and up against each other to allow steam to flow


What is another reliable method or means of scheduling patient appointments instead of using the telephone? A. in person B. via the computer C. via patient access to scheduling software D. from the hospital


What is one of the primary factors that must be considered when scheduling appointments? A. availability of equipment B. when the physician takes a lunch break C. when the office staff meetings are conducted D. the scheduling matrix


What is one of the ways a response to an emergency is determined? A. the patient population B. mock events C. emergency medical services decides D. the physician decides


What is the best way to assure quality control (QC) testing regarding the autoclave? A. have written policies, perform frequent spore testing, and follow Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines B. sterilization indicator strips will tell you if the autoclave is functioning correctly C. the autoclave tape tells you that the item is sterile and to document each result D. clean the autoclave once a year to deter any build up of spores and document the maintenance in the autoclave log


What is the best way to maintain electronic medical record security? A. change computer log in codes and passwords every 30 days. B. make sure no one sees the computer from the reception area. C. store the backup disks in the office drawer D. back up the computer once a year


What is the best way to prevent damage to the keyboard while you perform routine care and maintenance? A. use an antiseptic wipe or damp, lint-free cloth to clean the keys. B. use an aerosol spray to clean the keys. C. use a liquid cleaner and lint-free cloth to clean the keys. D. use a paste or gel to clean the keys


What is the brain of the computer? A. CPU B. Hard drive C. Modem D. Keyboard


What is the dietary recommendation for a pregnant woman during her second and third trimesters? A. increase calories B. eat the same as always C. decrease calories D. eat larger meals


What is the difference between the terms pandemic and epidemic? A. pandemic refers to infectious diseases that spread from region to region B. epidemic refers to infectious disease C. pandemic occurs when more individuals than normal are infected with disease D. epidemic refers to an infectious disease that spreads from region to region


What is the ratio of compressions and breaths for two-rescuer CPR on a child? A. 15:2 B. 30:2 C. 10:2 D. 5:2


What is the symbol for sodium? A. Na B. Sd C. K D. Sod


What should you do if you are using a computerized appointment scheduler and the system goes down? A. Make a tentative appointment and then call the patient back and confirm or change the appointment once the computer is up again. B. Ask the patient to call back at a later time. C. Tell the patient you cannot make an appointment at this time. D. Have the physician make the appointment on her laptop.


What type of diet is recommended to promote healthy body weight for all individuals? A. the balanced diet B. the atkins diet C. the nutrtisystem diet D. the jenny craig diet


What will assist in ensuring that the medical office waiting room is safe and clean? A. the medical assistant should inspect the room at regular intervals daily B. the medical assistant should inspect the room weekly C. the medical assistant should wait for patients to inform staff when something is wrong D. the medical assistant should inspect the room monthly


When a specialist files a claim for a patient referred by the primary care provider (PCP), what information must be included on the CMS-1500 form? A. the referring PCP's name and NPI number B. the referring PCP's name and UPIN number C. the referring PCP's name and social security number D. the referring PCP's name and the patient's TIN number


When ordering a controlled substance, category Schedule II, the physician must complete this DEA form. A. Form 222 B. Form 224 C. Form 226 D. Form 228


When performing CPR on an infant, what is the appropriate technique for chest compressions? A. place two fingers on the breastbone B. place the palm of one hand on the chest C. place the palm of one hand on the chest and place your other hand over the hand on the chest D. place four fingers over the entire chest


When preparing a bank deposit, which of the following must balance? A. the deposit amount, the amount of cash and checks collected, and the total collected on the day sheet B. the payments collected and the amount of the deposit C. the total number of checks and cash D. the total number of payments collected on the day sheet


When preparing an envelope for mailing, the address should be keyed A. in all uppercase letters B. with the first letter of each word capitalized C. in all lowercase letters D. with a special font that is easy to read


When preparing to draw blood the tourniquet should be left on only for A. 60 seconds B. 120 seconds C. 1 second D. 180 seconds


When speaking of motivational dilemmas, a person is in a state of conflict when A. he or she has two or more competing motives B. he or she is happy and sad at the same time C. there is no conflict D. he or she eats the food most enjoyed


When using a glass oral thermometer, how long must the thermometer stay under the patient's tongue to obtain an accurate reading? A. 3 minutes B. 6 minutes C. 10 minutes D. 60 seconds


When using team effort to accomplish practice goals, which event is least likely to happen? A. an individual will rely on himself or herself to accomplish a goal B. goals are shared by the entire team C. the strategies are agreed upon D. personal sacrifices are made for the good of the team


Which abbreviation best describes "the basis or criteria for setting the physician's fee schedule"? A. UCR B. HCPCS C. CPT D. ICD


Which action may cause the computer monitor to overheat? A. paper or other items around the monitor B. a dirty screen C. a monitor that is flat and on a stable surface D. reflections from direct light


Which action will successfully assist the patient during a spirometry test? A. demonstrating and describing how to breathe prior to performing the test B. allowing the patient to lie down to promote comfort during the test C. instructing the patient to take shallow, quick breaths while blowing D. demonstrating how the patient information is placed in the computer


Which condition is an autoimmune disorder that, without treatment, affects respiratory muscles and can lead to respiratory failure and death? A. myasthenia gravis B. botulism C. tetanus D. muscular dystrophy


Which condition is sometimes referred to as humpback and results in thoracic curvature of the spine? A. Kyphosis B. Lordosis C. Scoliosis D. Spondylosis


Which condition would appear in a patient with renal insufficiency or failure? A. uremia B. ketonuria C. glycosuria D. hematuria


Which consideration should be included when preparing a pandemic plan for the medical office? A. determining how to continue with day to day operations B. conducting the planning between the office manager and the physician C. using an already prepared plan from a reliable website D. disregarding employees' responsibilities and assigning new ones during a pandemic


Which disease cannot be transmitted by routine physical contact such as handshaking, talking, or sharing pens and pencils A. HIV B. open wounds C. chickenpox D. tuberculosis


Which drug action refers to the study of drugs as they move in the body? A. pharmacokinetics B. pharmacotherapeutics C. pharmacology D. pharmacotherapy


Which field of medicine is considered a surgical specialty? A. Cardiology B. Proctology C. Dermatology D. Gynecology


Which form shows the employee's total wages and is reportable to the IRS? A. W-2 B. W-4 C. W-6 D. W-8


Which instrument is used for examining body cavities? A. dilator B. clamp C. curette D. sound


Which key on the keyboard is the only key that includes two arrows on top of each other and pointing in different directions? A. Tab B. backspace C. enter D. shift


Which method is used to estimate the percentage of burns on a patient's body? A. body surface area B. classification of burns C. a nomogram D. a ruler marked in centimeters


Which mineral would assist the patient who experiences muscle weakness? A. potassium B. iron C. calcium D. sulfur


Which of he following is considered application software? A. spreadsheet B. optical disc C. printing speed D. sound card


Which of the below constitutes an office policy? A. that patients are charged $25.00 if they do not show for a scheduled appointment B. how to charge the patient $25.00 if they do not show for a scheduled appointment C. the steps to take when the patient is a no-show D. the necessary steps to take in documenting a patient no-show


Which of the below is a consideration when preparing equipment for a surgery? A. checking equipment and supplies ahead of time for shelf-life or sterility expiration dates B. preparing the equipment and supplies regardless of the physician's preferences C. ensuring that you have three sets of all equipment in case something is dropped during surgery D. setting out multiple sizes of sterile gloves for the physician because you do not know the correct size needed


Which of the following actions is the best way to promote a good first impression when scheduling patients over the telephone? A. having a positive perception and a healthy smile B. asking patients how they are C. telling patients you appreciate them holding in advance and then placing patients on hold D. creating a greeting that conveys that you care


Which of the following activities best describes how to keep the office running smoothly? A. daily record-keeping B. quarterly maintenance of supplies and equipment C. weekly posting of payments D. reviewing the policy and procedure manuals yearly


Which of the following could be considered to have a legal implication when performing emergency care? A. performing CPR on a patient without proper certification B. performing an emergency procedure under the supervision of the physician C. performing emergency care using standard of care D. performing emergency care as a trained and certified health-care practitioner


Which of the following could represent a potentially dangerous safety hazard? A. the electrical cord on the fax machine is frayed B. the backup battery to copier is dead C. the phone line has static D. the cord on the phone has become disconnected


Which of the following diagnostic functions does a tonometer perform? A. measures the intraocular pressure and tension in the patient's eye B. measures the angle of the posterior chamber of the iris C. evaluates color deficit D. evaluates refractive errors


Which of the following findings is considered an arrhythmia? A. flutter B. stenosis C. heart murmur D. rheumatic fever


Which of the following is acceptable for release into the sanitary sewer system? A. the remainder of the patient's urine after the urinalysis has been performed B. tissue or fluid removed during a minor surgery C. expired live or attenuated vaccines D. sterile gloves contaminated and saturated with blood


Which of the following is an example of scheduling a patient using a closed-ended question? A. "I have a 3:00 on Thursday or an 11:45 on Wednesday. Which would you prefer?" B. "Which day and time would you like an appointment, r. Wallace?" C. "I have several appointments available in the next 2 weeks; what week is good for you?" D. "What do you have going on that will prevent you from coming on Thursday at 2:00?"


Which of the following is considered a medical report? A. progress note B. memoranda C. letter to attorney D. letter to a patient about discontinuance of care


Which of the following is considered an intentional tort? A. invasion of privacy B. negligence C. misfeasance D. strict liability


Which of the following is most likely to influence a patient's opinion of the practice before any treatment begins? A. the first impression of the practice's appearance B. the way the receptionist greets the patient C. the way the patient is called to the clinical area D. the way the patient is acknowledged as he or she enters the door


Which of the following scenarios will help manage the wait time for patients when the physician is running late? A. offering another appointment time to the patient and reschedule B. seeing the patients in order in which they arrived C. asking the patient to leave and come back later D. having the patients wait because the physician will catch up


Which of the following serves as an effective communication tool for patients? A. An informational booklet or pamphlet B. a policy and procedure manual C. a questionnaire regarding practice policy D. a referral to someone who knows the information


Which of the following statements is true regarding worker's compensation? A. the employer and employee must agree on the nature of the injury B. the employer can return to work with a notice of limitation statement from the physician C. if the employee was unable to work following the injury, the employee can return to work at any time once the injury as subsided D. the employee can file for workers' compensation even though her injury is not work related


Which of the following statements is true? A. A parent must get permission from the emancipated minor to access medical information concerning the child. B. Because the emancipated minor is a child, special permission to access medical record is not necessarily C. The physician can grant access to the medical record of the emancipated minor to the parent or guardian. D. The office manager can grant access to the medical record of the emancipated minor to the parent or guardian.


Which of the following structures carry blood from the arterioles to the venules? A. capillaries B. veins C. arteries D. sinusoids


Which of the following tasks is not typically performed in a medical practice management program? A. Preparing business statements and taxes for the IRS B. Maintaining employee payroll C. Posting patient transactions D. Creating appointments


Which of the following trace elements are needed for muscle contraction? A. sodium and potassium B. phosphorus and iron C. copper and iodine D. cobalt and sulfur


Which of the following will help you recognize a patient in insulin shock? A. normal or rapid respirations B. deep, labored respirations C. no respirations D. wheezing respirations


Which organs are considered accessory organs of digestion? A. liver and gallbladder B. esophagus and pharynx C. cecum and rectum D. duodenum and bile duct


Which patient will benefit from Medicare? A. the patient with Lou Gehrig's disease B. the patient with cancer C. the patient with chronic methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus D. the patient who has chronic urinary tract infections


Which pediatric dosage calculation is based on the child's age in years? A. young's rule B. clark's rule C. weight's rule D. fried's rule


Which questions differentiates the chief complaint from the present illness? A. "what brings you to the office today?" B. "does the aspirin help eliminate the discomfort?" C. "have you had these symptoms before?" D. " have you done anything differently since this happened?"


Which set of numbers has unit 1 underlined and represents a terminal-digit filing system? A. 44-23- underlined 90 B. underlined 44-23-90 C. 44-underlined23-90 D. 442-underlined 390


Which statement deals with office ergonomics? A. the chair was the appropriate height for the user B. the glare on the computer was extreme C. the desk was to high for the user D. the office staff was crowded in the reception area


Which statement describes durable power of attorney? A. Ms. Rodey wants her daughter to make her medical decisions for her in case she is unable to B. Mr. Casee had his daughter help with the completion of a living will C. The hospital is the only advocate in the case of a terminal illness D. The physician is the only advocate in the case of a terminal illness.


Which step is the most appropriate response in emergencies? A. activating the emergency medical services B. starting CPR C. administering lifesaving medications D. waiting for instructions so there is no legal implications


Which strategy should be used on a patient with dysphasia when providing that patient with information on a teaching plan and feedback is needed from the patient? A. Allow the patient time to gather his or her thoughts. B. Have the patient write the feedback on paper. C. Have another family member come to the office visit with the patient. D. Feedback and understanding are not that important at that time, because the patient can read the information at home.


Which term refers to human behavior and life? A. bioethics B. ethica C. ambiguity D. morals


Which term refers to the body's groin? A. inguinal B. iliac C. gluteal D. perineal


Which term represents a disease of a gland? A. adenopathy B. adrenal C. anorchidism D. adrenalectomy


Which term represents the physician's conclusion about the patient's condition? A. assessment B. plan of care C. R/O D. objective


Which type of drug is appropriate for a patient who displays chronic anxieties? A. diazepam B. dilantin C. sinemet D. ritalin


Which type of law is most common in ambulatory care? A. civil law B. constitutional law C. criminal law D. administrative law


Which type of skin cancer is more serious than the others? A. malignant melanoma B. squamous cell carcinoma C. basic cell carcinoma D. transitional carcinoma


Which type of tissue is the dermis layer of the skin made of? A. irregular fibrous connective tissue B. stratified squamous keratinizing epithelial tissue C. areolar connective tissue D. adipose tissue


Who is responsible for outlining eight stages of psychosocial development? A. Erikson B. Piaget C. Maslow D. Freud


Who owns Mr. Sawyer's medical record? A. The physician B. Mr. Sawyer C. The hospital D. The insurance company


Who was the forefather in medicine that invented the vaccine for smallpox? A. Edward Jenner B. Joseph Lister C. Jonas Salk D. Ignaz Semmelweiss


You are mailing the 90-day billing statements to patients today. What type of mail is this? A. first-class mail B. second-class mail C. third-class mail D. fourth-class mail


You are obtaining an ECG using a 10-lead ECG machine. The patient accidently burps while the strip is running, causing an artifact on the strip. This can be identified as a A. somatic tremor B. voluntary muscle movement C. electrical interference D. wandering baseline


You are providing instructions for a patient who is prepping for a glucose tolerance test (GFT). Which dietary instructions are correct? A. a high-carbohydrate diet for 3 days prior to the test B. a high-fiber diet for 6 days prior to the test C. a protein-rich diet for 3 days prior to the test D. a sugar-free diet for 3 days prior to the test


You are using an audiometer to test the patient's hearing. Which element is most crucial while performing the test? A. the medical assistant should be positioned to see the signal from the patient B. the medical assistant should make sure the patient is seated comfortably C. begin the test with a high frequency and watch for the patient signal D. gradually decrease the signal and watch for the patient signal for the first ear


You are wrapping a surgical pack to autoclave. What else should be placed inside the wrapped pack? A. sterilization indicator B. label with the contents of the pack C. spore indicator D. name of the patient for whom the surgical pack is intended


You have been asked to administer 1 liter of oxygen. The curved prongs of a nasal cannula should be placed A. in the nose, downward B. in the mouth, upward C. in the nose, upward D. in the mouth downward


You need to connect the printer to the computer. What will you use? A. Port B. Modem C. Cartridge D. DVD


" Surgical repair of the liver" is the definition of which term? A. Hepatopexy B. Hepatorrhaphy C. Hepatectomy D. Hepatotomy


"Ms. Benjamin, you were saying that it only hurts in the morning. Is this correct?" This is an example of what interview technique? A. paraphrasing B. reflecting C. clarification D. validation


A CLIA-waived mononucleosis test is performed using the patients A. sputum B. capillary blood C. urine D. serum


A PDA may be found on A. a touch-tone phone B. a smart phone C. a cell phone D. a handheld phone


A PPD is a first-line test that detects exposure to A. influenza B. tuberculosis (TB) C. pneumonia D. chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)


A condition caused by pregnancy-induced hypertension A. nephropathy B. eclampsia C. neuropathy D. retinopathy


A contract is valid only when A. the payment is received by the patient B. all three components have been met C. the patient enters the receptionist area for the first time D. two components have been met


A controversial area of research involves stem cells. These cells come from A. swine cells B. fetal tissue C. human skin D. equestrian cells


A faxed document that contains protected health information poses a risk of disclosure to the wrong person. What should you do to help prevent this situation from happening? A. review the fax for authenticity B. recheck the fax number before sending it C. have the office manager send the fax D. make sure the fax has the correct patient's name on it


A female patient's cancer has spread. Which term best describes her condition? A. Benign B. Metastasis C. Mitosis D. Malignancy


A high amount of C-reactive protein (CRP) in the patient's blood is representative of A. type II diabetes B. infection or inflammation C. thyroid disease D. increase in protein


A particularly obese patient with special needs presents to your office in a custom-fit large wheelchair. Which preparation will benefit the patient? A. the patient should be wheeled in the back to provide privacy B. the receptionist should notify the clinician so necessary adjustments to the routine can be made C. the physician should see the patient in the lobby because the wheelchair will not fit through any examination door D. the patient should be told that the wheelchair will not fit through the doors and to go to the hospital for ultimate privacy


A patient has taken penicillin on and off since he was a child with no side effects. The latest prescription sent the patient to the emergency department with complaints of dyspnea and a swollen face and throat. Which term represents this effect? A. contraindication B. anaphylaxis C. idiosyncrasy D. cumulative


A patient is scheduled for an appointment with the ophthalmologist's office in which mydriatic drops will be instilled into the patient's eyes. What information should be told to the patient when making the appointment for this diagnostic test? A. the patient should not be exposed to the sun for 24 hours prior to the eye test B. the patient should bring sunglasses and have someone to drive him or her home C. the patient should leave glasses or contacts at home D. the patient should stop all medication 24 hours prior to the examination


A patient is suspected of misusing a prescription drug and states he is addicted. Which treatment action will benefit the patient? A. continuing to prescribe the drug to prevent any adverse effects B. referring the patient to a treatment facility or a support group C. referring the patient to another physician who will continue to write the prescription D. discontinuing the care of this patient because it is now a liability to the practice


A patient still cannot accept a prognosis 2 weeks after being told what to expect. What is this behavior referring to as? A. Bargaining B. Denial C. Empathy D. Anger


A pregnancy test can provide results and read the human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) hormone level A. 5 to 10 days after conception B. 1 to 5 days after conception C. 10 to 15 days after conception D. 15 to 20 days after conception


A shipment of supplies is delivered but there is a note stating that the company could not ship an item at that time. What is this called? A. invoice B. back order C. purchase requisition D. vendor


A successful financial audit from the IRS is determined by A. the number of employees' paychecks presented to the IRS B. the employees being meticulous about the practice's financial records C. the accountant's ability to keep the profit-and-loss statements ready D. the physician and the accountant frequently reviewing the financial statements


A urine specimen that sits at room temperature too long before it is tested will become A. positive for ketones B. alkaline C. positive for leukocytes D. acidic


A workers' compensation claim must include A. a co-pay amount listed under the payment amount B. the first report of injury notice C. the name of the individual who brought the patient to the office or hospital D. proof that the employer premium has been paid


According to his record, Mr Sawyer has not been seen in the practice for more than 9 years. There is also a forwarding address noted on his record. What is the best scenario for handling Mr. Sawyer's record? A. The record should be moved to an inactive status B. The record should be purged C. The record should be microfilmed for future use D. The record is still active and should be filed


According to this theorist, a person undergoes a different major conflict at each developmental stage. A. Piaget B. Erikson C. Freud D. Maslow


Accounts payable or money paid out is known as A. liability B. disbursement C. proof of posting D. reconciling


After a patient's office visit and diagnostic tests, results indicate strep. What type of code is used in this situation? A. A health care financing administration common procedure coding system (HCPCS) code B. a diagnostic code C. a procedure code D. a diagnostic related groups (DRG) code


After an ear irrigation or instillation of medication, the patient should be observed for A. leakage of medication or fluid from the affected ear B. dizziness, pain, or nausea C. sores, blisters, or hemorrhage D. fever or nausea


After being assigned a room, the patient says, " I cannot go to work because I do not have any self-respect for myself. "Which of Maslow's stages describes this patient? A. self-actualization B. prestige and esteem needs C. safety needs D. belongingness and love needs


After having reconstituted ceftriaxone (recephin), the equivalent was 1 ml of solution, which was equal to 250 mg. The doctor ordered 2 cc. How many milligrams will the patient receive? A. 750 mg B. 500 mg C. 250 mg D. 1,000 mg


An ABA number on a check indicates A. the number that identifies the practice account number B. the number that identifies the bank C. the number that identifies the amount of the check D. the number that identifies routing of the check


As you are rooming Ms. Leaty she appears pasty, pale, and short of breath. She states she is not feeling well at all, when all of a sudden she falls to the floor and is unresponsive. What is the medical assistant's first consideration when emergencies occur in the physician's office? A. call 911 immediately and notify the physician B. know what your role is and work as a team member C. start CPR and ask for medications orders D. alert the physician and follow through with the emergency orders


As you returned to your facility from lunch you witnessed an angry patient verbally threatening another individual in the parking lot. What is this action called? A. Libel B. Assault C. Felony D. Battery


Assist Dr. Giovanni in choosing the correct form to register with the DEA in order to obtain a DEA number. A. Form 222 B. Form 224 C. Form 226 D. Form 228


At what age does an infant receive the first IPV? A. 1 month B. 2 months C. 3 months D. 4 months


At what age should an infant begin eating solid foods? A. 3 months B. 6 months C. 7 months D. 8 months


Choose the law that would assist an employee who believes there are unfavorable working conditions in the workplace and unacceptable minimum wages being paid. A. Family and Medical Leave act 1993 B. Fair Labor Standards Act of 1939 C. Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title VII D. American with Disabilities Act of 1990


Choose the letter format in which the date, subject line, closing, and signature are all flush right and all other lines are flush left. A. semiblock B. block C. full block D. modified block


Choose the membrane that lines the outer surface of all bones except at the joints of long bones A. tendon B. periosteum C. fascia D. muscle fiber


Choose the most abundant energy source for muscles contraction A. creatine phosphate B. glycogen C. adenosine triphosphate (ATP) D. oxygen debt


Choose the most appropriate way for all employees to understand their role regarding emergency preparation A. the office staff should attend classes at the local college B. the office should have written plan on response for all employees to follow C. a professional company should provide instructions on how to handle office emergencies D. the physician explains everyone's role when they are hired


Choose the number of quadrants located in the abdominal area. A. two B. four C. nine D. six


Choose the objectives lens on the microscope that has the highest power of magnification A. 10x objective B. oil-immersion objective C. 40x objective D. dry-immersion objective


Choose the part of the letter that briefly explains the reason or purpose of the letter. A. body of the letter B. subject line of the letter C. reference notation of the letter D. closing of the letter


Choose the patient medical record number that represents numeric consecutive filing. A. 00-05-89 B 000589 C. 000-589 D. 00-0-589


Choose the patient who should be roomed immediately and not wait in the reception area with other patients A. the patient with a suspected case of strep throat B. the patient with a suspected case of influenza C. the patient whose wound is closed and not draining D. the patient who has a rash on the forearm


Choose the piece of equipment that will monitor the patient's oxygen saturation A. oxygen tank B. oximeter C. nebulizer D. PFT


Choose the statement or principle that depicts the ethical and moral conduct that a medical assistant must follow in the AAMA Code of Ethics. A. Participate in activities to enhance the community B. Render services with respect for human dignity C. Remain loyal to your physician employer D. Practice competent medical care with compassion


Choose the statement or question that will allow more responses from the patient during the patient interview A. "did you think that was a good idea?" B. "tell me about it, but start at the beginning?" C. "did you fall or did you trip?" D. "was the pain present the minute you fell?"


Choose the statement that reflects professional guidelines for telephone use A. both the caller and receiver can use any type of tone or communication B. neither party will understand what is being stated if proper communication is not used C. the environment does not play a role in effective communication D. distractions do not affect appointment scheduling


Choose the step that assures the glucose meter is functioning properly A. high control B. calibration C. low control D. agglutination


Choose the system of measurement most commonly used to calculate drug dosages in the physician's office A. apothecary B. metric C. standard D. household


Choose the system that converts the physician's voice into digits, decodes it, and then sends the voice through the telephone lines to an individual who transcribes the information. A. Analogue B. Digital C. Dictation D. Transcription


Choose the term that means accumulation of fluid in the alveoli A. emphysema B. pulmonary edema C. dyspnea D. cyanosis


Choose the term that represents a health-care provider's responsibility to "do no harm" A. Beneficence B. Nonmaleficence C. Distributive justice D. Deontological philosophy


Choose the term that represents a woman who has never conceived a child A. primigravida B. nulligravida C. unipara D. multipara


Choose the term used for surgery in which high-frequency electric current cuts, removes, or destroys tissue A. laser surgery B. electrocautery C. microsurgery D. electromicro


Choose the term with the suffix that describes eating or swallowing. A. Dysplasia B. Dysphagia C. Dysphasia D. Dysophagia


Choose the test that determines the level or amount of a specific antibody in a patient's blood A. agglutination titer B. antibody titer C. complement fixation test D. fluorescent antibody test


Choose the type of code used to explain the medical necessity. A. ICD-9 codes B. E codes C. CPT-4 codes D. V codes


Choose the type of delivery of medications for the patient who is NPO A. buccal B. rectal C. intra-arterial D. intrathecal


Choose the types of plans that are considered managed care A. traditional insurance plans B. HMOs, PPOs, IPAs C. Medicare, CHAMPUS, and CHAMPVA plans D. HAS and HRA plans


Choose the word root that means gland? A. Actin- B. Aden- C. Andro- D. Algio-


Coordination of benefits means that A. the physician and patient coordinate health-care costs and codes B. services are coordinated between the primary and secondary patient insurances C. the secondary insurance is always filed before the primary insurance D. the codes used are coordinated between procedure and diagnostic code


How many chromosomes are found in a human cell? A. 26 B. 46 C. 66 D. 86


How many groups of tissues are there? A. two B. four C. six D. eight


Differentiate between prior history and a patient's chief complaint and choose the chief complaint A. "I had my tonsils removed when I was 16 years of age" B. " I have nausea and vomiting and can't eat a thing" C. "I take Zetia 10 mg and Crestor 15 mg" D. "I drink socially"


Dr. Bryan called and requested a letter stored in word on the office computer to be e-mailed to him because he is stuck at the hospital. What will assist you in doing this task? A. Placing the letter in the composition screen and clicking Send B. Using the attachment feature after you have composed your message C. Opening word, copying the letter, and pasting it in the e-mail's body D. sending the document directly from word


Dr. Franca returned the report to you and asked you to correct one particular sentence before the final print. " Upon auscultation the patient had BS ^ breath sounds." What does Dr. Franca want you to do? A. delete the abbreviation BS B. inset the words breath sounds C. delete the words breath sounds D. place a space between BS and breath sounds


Dr. Lance needs to send a termination of a care letter and wants a receipt for delivery so that it can be proved that the correspondence was sent. How will you handle this request? A. send the letter via Registered Mail B. send the letter via Certified Mail C. Send the letter via Restricted Mail D. Send the letter COD


Dr. Nicholas was made to appear in court and to provide a patient's original medical records at that time. What Latin phrase describes this situation? A. Respondeat superior B. Subpoena duces tecum C. Res ipsa loquitur D. Stare decisis


Dr. Patar has asked that you place the cast padding on the patient's fractured tibia, because the casting material is ready to be applied. The purpose of the cast padding is A. to keep the patient's affected area from itching B. to cushion bony area under the cast C. to prevent moisture from affecting the skin D. to prevent skin irritation


Dr. Pathar has requested you type a letter using open punctuation and that you omit the salutation. Which letter style is Dr. Pathar requesting? A. full block B. simplified C. modified block D. block


Dr. Randall was asked to speak at the local medical association. He has asked you to assist him in compiling a visual presentation using slides. What program will assist you and Dr. Randall? A. Excel B. PowerPoint C. Publisher D. Access


Dr. Seminole must match employee payroll contributions for which of the following? A. Federal and state income tax B. Medicare and Social Security C. Social Security and health insurance D. Individual retirement accounts and Social Security


During a court proceeding what is the best line of defense for a health-care provider? A. the defense attorney B. the patient's medical record C. a statute of limitations D. an appeal


During the interview with Dr. Kellee, the applicant is asked, "where do you see yourself in 5 years?" What is an appropriate response? A. "I want to be making at least three times what I am being offered now." B. "I will continue to strive to make a difference in patient lives." C. "I will strive to become the office manager" D. "I will continue my education and ask for this office to pay for it."


Electronic claims are generally sent A. through the mail B. in batches C. one at a time D. by posting


Encryption is described as A. downloading e-mail B. scrambling messages C. reading e-mail offline D. creating an address book


Entrance ramps, widened restrooms, and braille signs are just a few of the requirements of this act. A. MSDS B. ADA C. OSHA D. EEOC


Euthanasia literally means A. death B. good death C. assisted suicide D. mercy killing


Evaluation and management (E/M) code criteria are based on A. history and examination B. history, examination, and medical decision-making C. examination and medical decision-making D. modifiers, history, examination, and medical decision-making


First-class mail contains letters up to and including __ oz. A. 9 B. 11 C. 13 D. 15


From the inventory list below, choose the equipment or supplies that would be considered a capital expense A. syringes, needles, and venipuncture supplies B. the autoclave and the microhematocrit centrifuge C. sphygmomanometers and stethoscopes D. sutures, adhesive skin closures, and tincture of benzoin


Giving your full attention to patients while they are speaking and using para language describes A. interview technique B. active listening C. passive listening D. nonverbal communication


HIPPA guideline to follow when creating a paper medical record is to A. write a patient's allergies on a red label on the outside of the chart B. have no visible personal health information on the outside of the chart C. write any important information on the outside of the chart D. list severe illnesses on the outside of the chart as a reminder to the physician


HIPPA privacy principals refer to A. individually identifiable health information b. protected health information C. de-identified information D. identified electronic medical records


Height and weight are measurements that are obtained during the mensuration part of the physical examination. Height and weight are also referred to as A. baseline measurements B. anthropometric signs C. scaled measurements D. calculations


How can you recognize a mild airway obstruction during a choking episode? A. cyanosis B. wheezing between coughs C. inability to move air D. weak, ineffective cough or no cough at all


How does the agglutination test differ from the ELISA testing? A. the ELISA provides a result faster than the agglutination test B. ELISA provides an easy-to-read color change; agglutination can be hard to red C. the ELISA test will determine a patient's blood type and the agglutination test will not D. agglutination tests are more expensive than CLIA-waived ELISA tests


How long must Dr. Minyoung keep records on the ordered schedule II drugs that are dispensed from Sunshine Ambulatory Surgical Center? A. 1 year B. 2 years C. 4 years D. 6 years


Medications should be stocked and stored A. in the same location under lock and key for safety purposes B. according to the manufacturer's instructions C. in each examination room to quickly handle the physician's order D. away from light and in a refrigerator


Mia receives her paycheck from Dr. Tilford weekly. Based on this information, how many pay periods does Mia have? A. 48 B. 52 C. 26 D. 12


Microorganism can be seen A. on the patient's skin B. with a microscope C. by the medical assistant who wears glasses D. with the naked eye


Mr. Biaaz calls and is very angry. What is the best way to handle this angry patient? A. refer the call to the office manager B. remain calm and professional C. transfer the caller to the physician immediately D. tell the caller to call back when he is not angry


Mr. Builte was just instructed on a new treatment plan. When the patient understands the expected results and how to achieve the results, he is more likely to be A. content B. compliant C. caring D. comparative


Mr. Ellijay has a left leg amputation just to his knee. How will you correctly place the ECG leads? A. LL on knee, RL on calf B. LL directly above knee, RL directly above knee C. Both LL and Rl directly over the bony prominence of each knee D. both the LL and RL directly over the femoral region


Mr. Greene is a patient who was just informed he needed a colonoscopy. He must prepare for the procedure at home, which requires a couple of days of preparations and instructions. Which strategy will help assist Mr. Greene? A. having him watch a video on the preparation and what is expected while in the office B. providing written instructions on what the patient must do each day to take home C. providing the number of a support group of individuals who had to perform the same preparation D. providing the office telephone number so Mr. Greene can call if he has any questions


Mr. Haddock has been diagnosed with a condition that is characterized by the inability of the muscles to relax. What is the correct term for this condition? A. muscular dystrophy B. tetanus C. botulism D. myasthenia gravis


Mr. Kepper, your patient, is 64 years old. You have noticed muscle tremors and involuntary shaking. His accessory movements have diminished, he walks slowly without swinging his arms, his facial muscles have become rigid, his voluntary movements have become slower and more difficult, and his balance is seriously impaired. What does Mr. Kepper have? A. cerebral palsy B. parkinson's disease C. alzheimer's disease D. natural aging


Mr. Oetter's medical record is no longer in use, but the physician feels it should be kept for legal purposes. What is the term for this type of record? A. purged record B. archived record C. release of record D. legal record


Mrs. Bragg complains of chronic constipation, although she has tried many over-the-counter dietary aids. What can the physician prescribe regarding dietary needs that may assist Mrs. Bragg with better regularity? A. more carbohydrates B. more fiber C. more minerals D. more water


Mrs. Englasis, who is approaching her 70th birthday, was just diagnosed with osteoporosis. Which mineral should be included in her diet A. iron B. calcium C. potassium D. phosphorus


Mrs. Jones phones the office frantically and states that her husband has sudden weakness of the face, neck, arm, and trunk on the left side only. She also states he is having a difficult time communicating. What is Mr. Jones most likely experiencing? A. heart attack B. cerebrovascular accident (CVA) C. hyperventilation D. shock


Mrs. Kies was experiencing shortness of breath as she walked down the hallway to the examination room. Which body position on the examination table will assist the patient with her breathing while you alert the physician? A. supine B. fowler's C. jack-knife D. semi-fowler's


Mrs. Lane suspects her child has ingested a corrosive poison because the child had been playing in the garage. She and her child present to the office quiet concerned. What is the next step regarding treatment? A. induce vomiting immediately B. gather as much information as possible from the mother C. administer activated charcoal D. call the poison control center


Mrs. Rayer was not responding to the treatment of antibiotics and her Staphylococcus aureus remained persistent. Which term describes this? A. detection B. resistance C. susceptibility D. sequela


Ms. Truit is a new office manager in your medical facility. She is curious why she cannot find the employee personal records so she can review them. Assist her in finding the personal records. A. the records are in the physician's office B. the records are in Ms. Truit's office in a locked cabinet C. the records are filed with the patient medical records D. the records are filed in a separate location in the back office.


Name the specialist that treat arthritis, gout, and joint disorders. A. Orthopedist B. Rheumatologist C. Allergist D. Dermatologist


Obtaining the patient's age is considered A. review of systems information B. demographic information C. family history D. social history


Of the following options, what must happen for the practice to achieve reimbursement? A. all fields on the insurance claim form must be complete B. the diagnostic code must support the procedure code C. all types of code must be used D. the file must use only one diagnostic code and one procedure code


Other than the patient's medical record, what type of information is considered a legal document in the medical practice? A. Office memorandums and notes B. Appointment book or computerized appointment pages C. The tickler file and the petty cash disbursement log D. Notes about the patient on scratch paper or sticky notes


Otoscopes are typically used with disposable speculums. What should be done with the speculum after use with each patient? A. sanitize the speculum B. dispose of the speculum for reuse C. put the speculum through an autoclave cycle D. allow the speculum to dry and reuse it


Paper claims will process faster if A. they are sent every day B. they are completed using all capital letters C. they are attached to the patient's progress notes D. they are sent to the clearinghouse first


Patients with severe allergies to common foods such as peanuts or shellfish should be educated on how to A. perform a Z-track injection using an EpiPen with premeasured epinephrine B. perform an (IM) injection using an EpiPen with premeasured epinephrine C. perform a subcutaneous injection using an EpiPen with premeasured epinephrine D. perform an (ID) injection using an EpiPen with premeasured epinephrine


Physicians commonly use which type of computer? A. PDT B. PDA C. Laptop D. Desktop


Prodromal refers to A. a sore or wound that consist of pus B. the interval between earliest symptoms and appearance of a rash or fever C. beginning stage of an infectious disease D. when symptoms peak and the patient feels the worst


Proper nutrition and exercise are important for good health maintenance and disease prevention. How many categories exist in the latest food pyramid? A. five B. seven C. six D. eight


Provide the definition of the term arthroplasty. A. Instrument for incising a joint B. Plastic repair of a joint C. Fusion of a joint D. Incision of a joint


Proxemics refers to A. personal preference B. personal space C. personal advice D. personal conversation


Red and white cells and platelets can be counted using a A. refractometer B. hemocytometer C. chemistry analyzer D. reagent meter


Regardless of whether you are scheduling an appointment on the phone or in person, the art of handling people with tact and genuine concern is called A. empathy B. diplomacy C. courtesy D. sympathy


Rescuer fatigue is not uncommon when performing two-rescuer CPR. Which action is correct? A. switch at 3 cycles or 1 minute B. switch at 5 cycles or 2 minutes C. switch at 2 cycles or 5 minutes D. switch at 1 cycle or 3 minutes


Sanchez Rodem is performing the practicum experience. Which signed charting entry is applicable in his case? A. S. Rodem, CMA (AAMA) B. S. Rodem, SMA C. S. Rodem, RMA D. S. Rodem, MA


Select a serious consequence of giving breaths too quickly while performing mouth-to-mouth breathing A. the lungs can burst and cause death B. vomiting, aspiration, can occur C. the victim could suffocate D. there is no serious consequence because you are still saving the patient's life


Select the action that is most appropriate when using an otoscope A. santize the disposable ear speculum and place it on the otoscope B. use a new disposable ear speculum each time a patient is examined C. minimize the cost of supplies by reusing the same ear speculum D. the otoscope is a piece of equipment that does not require the use of a speculum


Select the appropriate syringe for administering 60U regular insulin and 10U of NPH insulin A. a TB syringe, which only holds 1 ml of medication B. a U-100 syringe C. a U-50 syringe D. a 3-cc syringe that measures in units


Select the assessment question that pertains to the patient's social history A. "are you taking your medications" B. "do you smoke" C. "are your parents well" D. "do you have any children"


Select the best location to store prescription pads between seeing patients A. in a locked drawer B. in the physician's pocket C. in a drawer in an examination room D. in the physician's office


Select the blood pressure that represents a patient who has hypertension A. 120/80 mm Hg B. 148/94 mm Hg C. 118/78 mm Hg D. 110/68 mm Hg


Select the consideration that is most important during the initial assessment phase of CPR A. activating EMS B. making sure the scene is safe C. asking the victim if he or she is all right D. placing the victim on a hard flat surface


Select the consideration that is most important regarding the administration of childhood immunizations by the medical assistant A. the administration of vaccines can be given to the child at any time B. the medical assistant should know all the information regarding immunizations C. it is standard practice for the medical assistant to give immunizations without pediatrician's order D. age, height, weight, and gender are factors regarding calculations of immunizations


Select the correct procedure at the beginning of the glucose tolerance test (GTT) A. a fasting blood sugar (FBS) and a urine specimen are collected prior to the patient eating sugar B. an FBS and a urine specimen are collected prior to the patient drinking liquid glucose C. a blood sugar is collected first and then the FBS and urine specimen are collected D. the patient drinks liquid glucose and then the blood sugar and urine specimen is collected


Select the employee attribute that assists in managing routine duties the best A. good personal hygiene B. good time management C. good communication skills D. good rapport with the physician


Select the information that the pediatric physician is required by law to provide regarding childhood immunizations A. recommended immunization schedule B. vaccine information sheet C. vaccine database information D. child's vaccine schedule


Select the method of preparation for the patient that will ensure a successful ECG recording A. placing the electrodes in the correct position over the patient's clothing B. making sure the patient's legs are not crossed and the arms are resting at each side C. having the patient disrobe and put on a patient gown D. informing the patient that it is normal to be scared and to not worry about breathing


Select the method that ensures all medical office employees are aware of what to do in case of any type of emergency in the facility in which they are employed A. having a staff meeting every week in your faculty B. performing mock exercises on all types of emergencies pertaining to your facility C. reading the policy and procedure manual regarding emergencies D. watching videos created created by an emergency preparedness company


Select the part of the stethoscope that is referred to as the binaurals A. diaphragm B. earpieces C. tubing D. bell


When performing the Mantoux test, how much PPD is drawn into the syringe and then injected intradermally? A. 1.0 ml B. 0.1 cc C. 0.5 ml D. 5.0 cc


Select the patient concept that should be understood by the medical assistant prior to using any method of patient education A. the amount of time the patient has to spend after the office visit B. the patient's background, level of understanding, and culture C. which stage of grieving the patient may be experiencing D. whether another member of the family should be present


Select the preliminary step for spirometry testing that will accurately calculate predicted values A. asking the patient about demographic information B. obtaining the patient's height and weight C. asking the patient whether he or she is taking any medications D. obtaining a blood pressure and a pulse


Select the proper method of urine specimen collection that will avoid contamination A. avoiding urinating directly into the urine container B. avoiding touching the inside of the container or the lid C. adding a preservative to the midstream container D. asking the patient to wear gloves during collection into the container


Select the safest way to pick up, move, or lift a heavy object A. stand as close to the object as possible and keep the object close to the body B. get the help of another person to assist with the heavy object C. work the back muscles and not the leg muscles D. pick the time up but do not make any twisting motions


Select the size of needle appropriate for a patient who is donating blood A. 21G B. 16G C. 20G D. 18G


Select the special circumstance that required specific permission from the patient to release medical record information. A. A worker's compensation case B. Reference to drug or alcohol abuse history C. A plastic surgery case D. An impending lawsuit


Select the specimen that should be collected in a sterile container for analysis A. eye drainage B. sputum specimen C. wound drainage D. urogenital specimen


Structures that allow x-rays to pass through them are A. roentigen B. radiolucent C. radiopaque D. radiosotopes


Surgical asepsis can be described as A. disinfection of pathogenic organisms after they enter the body B. destroying all pathogenic organisms after they enter the body C. sterilizing pathogenic organisms before they enter the body D. destroying all pathogenic organisms before they enter the body


Susan Kirk is a 16 yr old patient who saw the physician in order to obtain birth control. Mrs. Kirk, Susan's mother calls and wants information regarding her daughter Susan. How will you handle this request? A. Tell Susan's mom whatever she wants to know, Susan is a minor. B. Tell her you are not permitted to give out information unless authorized by Susan. C. Refer the call to the office nurse. D. Refer the caller to the doctor for information.


Susie went to find a patient file folder and it was not in the storage file. What would have assisted Susie with quick retrieval of the patient file? A. sorter B. out guide C. chart divider D. folder label


The P wave on the ECG strip should be A. after each QRS complex and upright reflection B. upright reflection and in front of the QRS complex C. downward reflection and in front of the QRS complex D. upward reflection following the QRS complex


The United States Postal Service (USPS) is A. a government agency B. an independent agency C. a union agency D. a state agency


The connective tissue membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord are called the A. dura mater B. meninges C. pia mater D. arachnoid membrane


The deeper layer of the epidermis is affected by this type of burn. A. first degree B. second degree C. third degree D. fourth degree


The doctor has asked that you perform a physical therapy modality and gait the patient. What does the term gait refer to? A. performing range-of-motion exercises B. walking the patient C. fitting the patient for a walker D. fitting the patient for a crutch


The external intercostal muscles pull the ribs A. to the right B. upward and outward C. to the left D. downward and inward


The heart and lungs are located in which body cavity? A. pelvic cavity B. thoracic cavity C. abdominal cavity D. dorsal cavity


The horizontal flat line that separates the various waves on the ECG strip represents A. a segment B. the baseline C. an interval D. the amplitude


The laboratory courier cannot pick up the collected patient urine for another 4 hours. Which method will assure specimen preservation? A. storing the urine at room temperature B. storing urine in the refrigerator C. storing the urine away from lights or windows D. storing the urine in the incubator


The legal description of professional responsibilities and duties performed by a medical assistant are described in this document. A. The Right to Practice Act B. The Scope of Practice C. The Medical Assistant Creed D. The Fair Employment Act


The lining of the uterus is called the A. myometrium B. endometrium C. peritoneum D. fundus


The mail carrier appears at the reception area and states he has specific address to which he must deliver a letter, which he verified was correct. He also states he needs a specific individual's signature and asks if that individual is present to sign. What type of mail does this postman have? A. registered mail B. restricted delivery C. certified mail D. collect on delivery


The medical assistant may be asked to schedule outside diagnostic tests prior to scheduling the patient for surgery. This is known as A. referral B. PAT C. consultation D. STAT


The medical assistant receives several multipage documents regarding the same subject matter in one envelope.The pages are not fastened together. Before placing the documents on the physician's desk, the medical assistant should A. put the date received on the documents B. staple the documents together C. condition the documents D. annotate any important words


Which method of documentation should be used for a patient with multiple problems or illnesses? A. SOAP B. POMR C. EMR D. SOAPIE


The physician prescribes alendronate sodium (fosamax) oral solution to be taken once weekly for his patient, Mrs. Tourin. Select the reason Mrs. tourin is being prescribed Fosamax A. this patient has a difficult time voiding B. this patient has postmenopausal osteoporosis C. this patient has a difficult time swallowing D. this patient is having a difficult time with her menses


The physician ran late during hospital rounds and has just arrived at the office. The waiting room has four patients. Which patient should be seen first? A. the patient with the swollen wrist B. the patient whose appointment was scheduled first C. the patient who states he has pain radiating down the left arm D. the patient who arrived before the first scheduled appointment arrived


The physician refers a patient for a diagnostic test called a PSA. Identify the body part being tested? A. Breast B. Prostate C. Uterus D. Cervix


The physician will use a ___ to collect a tissue specimen to test for cancer or other skin abnormalities A. curette B. biopsy punch C. syringe and large-gauge needle D. retractor


The presence of alkaline pH in urine would indicate A. acidosis B. UTI C. diabetes mellitus D. starvation


The primary intention of the Health Information Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA) is to A. reduce health-care cost B. promote privacy and security C. govern health-care laws D. reduce medical errors


The primary purpose of performing chest compression during CPR is to A. provide air into the patient's lungs B. keep blood flowing C. establish an airway D. keep air flowing through the extremities


The process of determining the patient's emergency and the level and timing of the care needed is called A. urgency B. triage C. acute D. immediacy


The reason a gram stain must be performed on bacteria is to A. determine the antimicrobial agent B. classify the bacteria C. establish whether it is normal flora or not D. identify which type of parasite is present


The route of medication administration is determined by A. the patient's comfort level and capabilities B. the medication's absorption and site of action C. wheat the Physician's Drug Reference (PDR) states to do with the medication D. how the pharmaceutical company orders the drug to be taken


The sender and receiver will seek __ regarding the message. A. validation B. feedback C. clarification D. paraphrasing


The symbol "Rx" found on a prescription represents A. subscription B. superscription C. pharmacy name D. inscription


The term familial represents A. social history B. family history C. current history D. medication history


The total magnification of the high-power objective on the microscope is A. 100x B. 400x C. 10x D. 1,000x


The urinary system consists of A. the urinary bladder, two kidneys, and the urethra B. two kidneys, the urinary bladder, two ureters, and the urethra C. the kidneys D. the kidneys, the ureter, and the urethra


The walls of the four chambers of the heart are made of cardiac muscle and are called the A. endocardium B. myocardium C. mediastinum D. epicardium


There are significant differences between a computer keyboard and a typewriter's keys. Which one is most significant? A. The typewriter allows changes with the use of correction fluid. B. The keyboard has additional keys, known as special keys, with special functions. C. The keyboard allows you to delete or change items as needed, D. The typewriter does not have a return key


There are victims everywhere and the scene is full of chaos, noise, and screams. During this emergency disaster, which attribute or action best serves the victims? A. asking someone immediately what can be done B. remaining calm and helping reassure the victims C. running around and assisting everyone you can D. explaining to the victims that help is on the way


There were several emergents cases at the 24-hour emergency clinic that presented at the same time. Your responsibility was to sort the patients according to the medical emergencies. This process is known as A. first aid B. triaging C. protocol D. emergency services


This stage in the human life span denotes that children become skilled in language and motor abilities A. infancy: 1 1/2 to 2 years of age B. toddlerhood: 18 months to 3 years of age C. early childhood: 3 to 6 years of age D. middle childhood: 6 to 12 years of age


This stores the computer's program and data. A. CPU B. Hard drive C. Software D. System software


This system protects internal organs from mechanical injury A. integumentary B. skeletal C. muscular D. endocrine


This technology provides secure transmission of data over the internet by means of encryption A. voicemail B. SSL C. pager D. DSL


This term means the patient has the right to do what he or she wants in the event of a terminal illness A. euthanasia B. living will C. self-determination act D. durable power of attorney


This type of fluid circulates in the subarachnoid space A. synovial fluid B. cerebrospinal fluid C. serous fluid D. amniocentesis fluid


Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 A. prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities B. protects employees from discrimination in the workplace C. regulates discrimination against workers on the bias of age D. regulates wages and working conditions


To assist a patient in maintaining an ideal weight, the medical assistant should A. advise the patient to stay on a diet B. advise the patient about portion control C. advise the patient to not eat sweets of any kind D. advise the patient to join weight watchers


To use a cable or digital connection the computer must have A. a phone B. an Ethernet port C. a USB port D. the Internet


Tracking a claim for quick and accurate payments can be done by A. searching the clearinghouse site for payment B. effectively communicating with the insurance company C. periodically reviewing the submitting date D. having the patient call to find out when the payment will be received


Triaging a call means A. placing the call in the call order number B. deciding if immediate medical attention is required C. sending the caller to the right department D. having the caller dial 911


Ultrasound cannot be used on patients with A. pacemaker B. metal implants C. osseointegrated bone D. organ transplants


Under HIPPA, prosecution results from A. having patients sign medical release of information forms B. changing dates of service to fit patient eligibility when filing claims. C. not charging insurance companies for procedures when filing claims D. using the correct identification number when filing claims


Under HIPPA, the patient has the right to request A. ownership of his or her medical record B. access to his or her medical information C. amendment of his or her medical record D. the original medical record


Upcoding is considered A. a code number that is higher than a previous code number B. a code that brings higher reimbursement than the actual service performed C. a number added to the end of a procedure code D. a number added to the end of a diagnostic code


Upon examination of the urinary bladder, the physician found inflammation there. Which term will the physician use for this condition? A. nephritis B. cystitis C. UTI D. urethritis


Upon examination with an otoscope the patient was found to have impacted ear wax. Which action will assist in softening and removing the ear wax? A. performing an ear lavage B. instilling cerumenex and performing an ear lavage C. removing the impacted wax with an alligator forceps D. retrieving the impacted wax with a curette


Urine is formed in the A. kidney B. nephron C. bladder D. glomerulus


Urine with a specific gravity of 1.090 is considered to be A. normal B. highly concentration C. below normal D. at a low concentration


Vaccines that requires temperatures ranging from 5 degree F (-15 C) should be stored A. in the refrigerator B. in freezer C. in a compartment with a cold pack D. in a special reefer unit


What action allows the office staff to manage routine duties with ease? A. preparing for patients every day B. establishing priorities C. establishing responsibilities D. preparing and performing all tasks ahead of time


What can the medical assistant do to ensure accurate results when obtaining a throat specimen for rapid strep testing? A. ask the patient what he or she has eaten is the past 3 hours B. avoid touching the patient's tongue or teeth during the swabbing procedure C. do not use a tongue blade because it is not a sterile supply D. make sure the patient has not smoked in the past 3 hours


What can you do to help protect the privacy of health information when sending medical documents through a fax machine? A. address the document to the person for whom the fax is intended B. verify you have the correct fax number before sending the document C. call the individual to let him or her know that you are faxing the document D. send the authorization for release along with the medical document


What is a major benefit of the patient information booklet? A. tells the patient about the staff B. promotes effective communication for the patient and staff C. explains the services available to the patient D. provides established office hours and telephone numbers


What is advantage in using the electronic health record (EHR)? A. decreases the amount of documentation B. increases access to the medical record C. increases medical errors D. saves money versus more costly paper medical records


What is another term for platelets? A. leukocytes B. thrombocytes C. erythrocytes D. monocytes


What is considered the normal range for heart rate in a healthy adult? A. 40 to 60 beats per minute (bpm) B. 60 to 80 bpm C. 80 to 100 bpm D. 100 to 120 bpm


What is good advice for the patient who is in the process of chemotherapy treatment? A. there are no restrictions and the patient can eat what they want to feel better B. eat light, small, frequent meals C. eat more fatty foods to help absorb the chemotherapy medication D. eat foods that are highly flavored and contain many spices


What is one considerations for Mr. Tutee, the patient, who is signing an informed consent before a surgical procedure? A. Mr. Tutee should know what day he will be discharged. B. Mr. Tutee should be told the expected results of the surgery. C. Mr. Tutee should be told what time to be at the hospital. D. Mr. tutee should be told what to bring to the hospital.


What is one of the best ways for the entire staff to communicate work issues and goals? A. send an email B. have a staff meeting C. send a memorandum D. text the issues to one another


What is one of the main advantaged of a computer monitor? A. The user can change the monitor's settings to enlarge characters in a document. B. The user can check data for accuracy as they are entered. C. All users can see the screen at the same time. D. The screens come in all sizes for the ease of the user.


What is the allotted time for the tube to stand in the rack when performing an erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) A. 30 minutes B. 1 hour C. 90 minutes D. 2 hours


What is the appropriate term to use if your patient complains of stomach pains? A. Myalgia B. Gastralgia C. Arthalgia D. Nostalgia


What is the best community resource for elderly patients who are no longer able to live independently? A. hospital B. assisted living facility C. skilled nursing facility D. long-term care facility


Which of the following terms refers to the right of individuals to self-determinations? A. justice B. autonomy C. veracity D. fidelity


What is the best method of providing the patient who is checking out after an appointment with a reminder of the follow-up appointment date and time? A. a reminder phone call the day before the appointment B. an appointment reminder card C. a tickler file reminder D. suggesting the patient put the date on a personal calendar


What is the best strategy for the medical assistant who sends form letters to patients but may need to update or change some information within the form letter from time to time? A. use a letterhead B. use a template C. use a duplex D. use a memo


What is the best way for the office to minimize the cost of equipment repairs? A. repair service B. warranty C. buying new equipment every 3 years D. examining the equipment before its purchased


What is the best way to assist in the treatment of patients who believe they may have been poisoned? A. ask the physician what to do B. keep the poison control center numbers readily available C. call the hospital and ask for assistance D. call the laboratory and ask for assistance


What is the best way to assure CLIA-waived testing is performed with accuracy and reliability? A. follow the physician's instructions regarding each special test B. read and follow the manufacturer's instructions regarding each test kit C. follow the instructions in the laboratory procedure manual D. ask a coworker the correct way to perform the test


What is the best way to find sites and information on the internet? A. surfing B. using a search engine C. performing advance search D. performing a literary search


What is the best way to protect health information on the computer? A. the user should cover the monitor so no information is shown to anyone in the vicinity B. make sure the automatic log-off response is activated in case the user forgets to log off C. use antivirus software D. make sure firewall is on


What is the best way to track a file on a patient if you do not know the first name from the last name, such as the name John Howard? A. use the out guide B. use a cross-reference guide C. use the patient surname D. use a sorter


What is the chest compression ratio for infants for a one-person rescuer? A. 15:2 B. 30:2 C. 10:2 D. 5:2


What is the first priority for the medical assistant who has encountered a bio-hazard spill? A. gather the appropriate supplies or the spill kit B. apply the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) C. cover the spill with paper towels D. apply the spill kit solution or 10% bleach


What is the microscope called when the specimen is focused on the low-power objective and the nosepiece is rotated to the high-power objective, and focused easily with the fine adjustment knob? A. monocular B. parfocal C. barrel D. binocular


What is the minimum point type font required by the post office on an envelope? A. 6-point B. 8-point C. 10-point D. 4-point


What is the most important consideration regarding the medical office examination table? A. the table is the appropriate height for the patient B. the table is sanitized after each use and the table paper is changed C. each table is equipped with a built in triage table D.each table can be moved to a semi-fowler's position


What is the most important way to conclude a telephone call? A. Thank the person for calling B. repeat important information to the patient C. ask if the patient has any question D. remember to tell the caller to have a good day


What is the patient preparation for an abdominal ultrasound? A. drinking four to six 8-oz glasses of fluid 1 hour prior to the procedure B. having nothing to eat or drink after midnight before the day of the test C. having a light meal the evening before the ultrasound and using a special bowel preparation D. having a low-fat evening meal prior to the test and emptying the bladder before the procedure


What is the primary advantage of a patient having a peak-flow meter (PFM)? A. the patient will have fewer visits to the physician's office B. the patient is able to determine the amount of medication to take on a daily basis C. the patient will not have to breathing treatments D. the patient can easily store and carry the PFM


What is the primary function of the muscular system? A. transport oxygen (o2) to muscles and removes carbon dioxide (CO2) B. moves the bones C. moves bones, at their joints, by muscles D. transmit impulses to muscles to cause contraction


What is the primary purpose of the petty cash fund? A. to purchase incidentals for the office B. to make change for patients C. to purchase stamps D. to allow money for the coffer fund


What is the primary responsibility of the medical assistant? A. to be one step ahead of the physician at all times B. to be the patient advocate at all times C. to make sure the patient receives quality health care D. to make sure the work environment is safe at all times


What is the purpose of placing a stockinette under a patient's cast? A. it is more comfortable for the patient B. it prevents the cast from sticking to the patient's hairs C. it acts as a moisture seal D. it cushions the bony areas under the cast


What is the ratio of compressions to breaths when performing one-rescuer CPR on victims of all ages except neonates? A. 15:2 B. 30:2 C. 10:2 D. 5:2


What is the recommended temperature setting when sterilizing items in the autoclave A. 220 F to 240 F B. 250 F to 270 F C. 270 F to 290 F D. 200 F to 220 F


When providing referrals to community resources, what will assist the patient the most? A. having the patient write the information on paper and B. providing the patient with information in detail in writing and making the referral C. leaving the information on the patient's answering machine and making the referral D. telling a family member or friend the information and having them make the referral


What is the rule of thumb when pouring solutions over the sterile field? A. the bottle should be 3" lower than the container B. the bottle should be high enough to avoid touching the container but not low enough to touch any other surface, including the container, or splash fluid C. the bottle should be 3" higher than the sterile field and container D. the bottle should be 1" from the container, so no splashes occur and there is no risk of it being high enough to be out of sterile field


What might the patient question if the waiting room does not appear clean? A. that the medical office does not have cleaning service B. that the clinical areas are also dirty C. that the office staff does not get paid to clean the office D. that the office staff is too busy to maintain asepsis


What patient instruction can be provided to minimize the side affects caused by radiation therapy? A. drinking milk products on the day of the radiation treatment B. eating cool, soft foods in small portions C. eating foods high in protein and carbohydrates D. advising the patient to stop medications because they may interfere with the treatment


What should happen before records or reports are filed in the medical chart? A. the physician should be notified of any report results B. the physician should sign off or initial the report and perform any necessarily actions C. the assistant should make a note in the tickler file to remind the physician about the report D. the assistant should allow the physician to hoard the record until he or she has signed off on it


What will ensure the consistency of the result on the (ECG) machine? A. the machine is set on 10STD B. the standardization has been checked C. the deflection is 20 mm high and 4 mm horizontally D. someone has verified that 10 mV of electricity causes the stylus to move


What would empower individual independence and capability in an employee? A. the employee asks questions about tasks and procedures B. the employee refers to the written procedures manual C. the employee looks up information on the world wide web D. the employee watched how other employees perform the procedure


When addressing an envelope, the return address is located in the upper left corner and A. should not exceed four lines B. should not exceed five lines C. should not exceed six lines D. should not exceed seven lines


When can personal health information be released without the patient's consent? A. when requested by a lawyer to determine the extent of the injury B. when the medical office files an insurance claim to the subscriber's insurance company C. when the patient's family member request information to assist in the diagnosis D. when the patient's friend's insurance company request information to pay the friend's claim due to the similarity of the illness


When considering the waiting room, what is the most important factor A. lighting B. safety C. cleanliness D. music


When coordinating activities pertaining to a medical emergency or disaster, which measure provides guidance for the team responding to the emergency? A. following the established protocol set in the policy manual B. designating a team captain to guide members of the emergency team C. having everyone perform their responsibilities without question D. performing the emergency care the same way it was learned in a mock code


When documenting administered vaccines, what information must be included in the medical record or pediatric vaccine administration record? A. the parent or guardian's name B. the lot number of vaccine C. the pediatrician's name D. the time the vaccination was administered


When filling out a prescription for a controlled substance, which number must beincluded? A. the physician's TID number B. the physician's DEA number C. the physician's UPIN number D. the physician's NPI number


When is it appropriate to pay an invoice or forward the packing slip to the accounts payable department? A. as soon as the invoice arrives it should be paid B. after the packing slip and the items received have been verified and quantities checked the invoice can be paid C. the invoice can be paid at any time D. it is up to the physician to decide when the invoices are paid


When is it appropriate to remove a sterilized item from the autoclave? A. as soon as the timer sounds B. when the items have completely cooled and dried C. once the autoclave has reached maximum temperature D. once you see the sterilization tape has turned color


When is the first pediatric dose of Hib given? A. at 1 month B. at 2 months C. at 4 months D. at 6 months


When mailing sharps or regulated medical waste A. the shipping box must have a red bio-hazard bag around it B. the shipping manifest must be affixed to the outside of the container C. the shipping box must be a specific size D. the shipping box must be labeled for disposal


When making corrections on the day sheet, one must A. erase the error and start over B. draw a line through the error and enter the correction on a new line C. start over with a new day sheet D. wait and see if the day sheet balances


When obtaining an arterial oxygen saturation (SPO2) reading using a pulse oximeter the probe should be placed A. on the patient's toe or calf B. on the patient's finger or earlobe C. on the patient's antecubital space D. just below the patient's fourth intercostal space


When performing a bleeding time, the filter paper should be blotted on the wound at which intervals? A. 60 seconds B. 30 seconds C. 90 seconds D. 15 seconds


When performing a chemical analysis of urine, what is the proper way to hold the chemical reagent strip against the bottle? A. hold the strip vertically on the bottle against the color blocks B. hold the strip horizontally close to the color blocks C. lay the bottle down and lay the strip on the bottle next to the color blocks D. hold the strip and use the comparison chart to view the color blocks


When performing a guaiac test you are screening the patient specimen for A. parasites B. occult blood C. fungus D. bacteria


When performing adult chest compressions, how far down can you push? A. 1" to 2" B. 1 1/2" to 2" C. 2" to 2 1/2" D. 2" to 3"


When scheduling appointments, what is the first and most important information to obtain? A. the patient's phone number B. the patient's name and the phone number from where they are calling C. the patient's reason for wanting to see the physician D. the patient's name and personal data


When should the emergency response system be activated on an unresponsive child with only one rescuer available? A. immediately B. after performing 5 cycles of CPR C. after EMS has arrived D. after one shock with an AED


When treating a patient who was injured on the job, the medical information A. can be documented in the patient's established medical record B. must be in a separate medical record in a separate location C. is given to the patient/employee to provide to his/her employer for review D. is kept in the same place all other patient records are stored


When using a capillary puncture device, the puncture must not penetrate more than A. 4.0 mm on an adult B. 2.0 mm on an infant or child C. 1.0 mm on an infant or child D. 5.0 mm on an adult


When would the patient balance in the computer system be adjusted to $0, even if the patient owes money? A. when the patient refuses to pay B. when the patient account is sent to the collection agency C. when the certified collection letter is returned D. when the collection agency tells the physician to do so


Which abbreviation means pupils are equal, round, and reactive to light and accommodation? A. PAERROLAA B. PERRLA C. PEARL D. PEARLA


Which abbreviation would you use to indicate your patient has redness in the right eye? A. OU B. OD C. OR D. OS


Which action guarantees that the physician will be able to perform a successful visual inspection using the ophthalmoscope? A. the instrument is laid out and waiting for the physician to use B. bulbs and batteries have been checked frequently and are in working order C. the instrument has been sanitized D. the electrical cord has been checked and is long enough to reach the patient


Which action is the first step in the sequence of adult CPR? A. activate EMS B. assess the victim; if no response, shout for help C. open the victim's airway and check for breathing D. give 2 breaths immediately


Which action will assist the patient in determining normal baseline values when using the peakFM)? A. using the PFM everyday as instruucted B. keeping a diary of the results and events every time the PFM is used C. obtaining the results from the physicians office D. calling the office with the results each time the meter is used


Which action would violate HIPAA when using a fax machine? A. covering or filing the received document immediately B. leaving the document on the fax machine until it can be filed C. removing it from the fax machine and laying it on the physician's desk for review D. removing it from the fax machine and giving it to the intended person


Which cells function to protect the body from infection? A. erythrocytes B. leukocytes C. thrombocytes D. hematocrit


Which classification of bones is considered to be a "short bone"? A. facial bone B. ankle C. arm D. rib


Which device is the second most commonly used input device? A. keyboard B. mouse C. scanner D. monitor


Which documentation format organizes patient data in a logical manner? A. SOAPE B. POMR C. SOMR D. PIE


Which drive uses a laser to read or write CD's and DVD's? A. Hard drive B. Optical drive C. USB drive D. Soft drive


Which drug form is most appropriate for an infant who needs an antibiotic? A. tablet B. liquid C. chewable tablet D. caplet


Which element in the patient history is relevant to heredity? A. social history B. family history C. chief complaint D. review of systems


Which emergency medication should be on hand in the physician's office for patients who have severe allergic reaction? A. nitroglycerin B. epinephrine C. diazepam D. procardia


Which entity regulates all drugs approved for patient use? A. DEA B. United States government C. FDA D. Controlled substances act


Which eye test chart is appropriate for the child who has not yet learned to read? A. snellen eye chart B. snellen object chart C. the big E eye chart D. the number chart


Which factor is considered the most critical for the patient during physical examination? A. comfort B. privacy C. testing D. positioning


Which form must be given to each newly hired employee? A. W-2 B. W-4 C. W-6 D. W-8


Which form or route of medication is appropriate for the patient who cannot swallow well? A. liquid form B. injection C. pills D. inhalation


Which hormone is secreted by the adrenal gland? A. triiodothyronine B. epinephrine C. thyroxine D. parathormone


Which injury to health-care workers is typically due to improper body mechanics? A. knee injuries B. back injuries C. shoulder injuries D. neck injuries


Which item should be disposed of in the biohazard waste container? A. the patient's adhesive bandage B. a saturated 4" x 4" gauze pad C. a sanitized vaginal speculum D. a bloody scalpel


Which item(s) should be sterilized using the cold-sterile process? A. stainless steel hemostats B. a fiber-optic endoscope C. stainless steel forceps D. 4"x4" gauze


Which items allows the medical facility to be linked together to form a network? A. Microprocessor B. Microcomputer C. Operating system D. Medical management program


Which method and site of administration is the best choice for a patient receiving iron dextran (Imferon) (IM)? A. SC at the vastus lateralis B. Z-track at the ventrogluteal C. ID at the ventrogluteal D. IM at the gluteus medius


Which of the following actions is helpful in assisting patients with their needs? A. sending the visiting nurse to assess the patient B. keeping list of community resources that can further assist the patient C. having the patient personalize information that he or she wants to learn D. referring the patient to the World Wide Web


Which of the following allows the postal service to provide faster and more accurate service due to automated equipment? A. Metered mail B. Zone Improvement Plan C. Postal meters D. Optical character reader (OCR)


Which of the following conditions is also known as swayback? A. Kyphosis B. Lordosis C. Scoliosis D. Spondylosis


Which of the following conditions warrants a separate and specific statement on the medical records release form? A. patient has influenza B. patient has HIV C. patient has H1N1 D. patient has scarlet fever


Which of the following elements is crucial regarding patient education? A. that the patient was well informed and understands the procedure or task B. that all patient education is carefully documented in the patient record C. that the patient is provided brochures and demonstrations regarding the education D. that the patient is given time to reflect on what has been stated and then allowed to ask questions


Which of the following helps to prevent disease? A. interferon B. vaccine C. epinephrine D. globulins


Which of the following is a common condition of the ear seen in children? A. otitis externa B. ititis media C. tinnitus D. otitis interna


Which of the following is a general guideline when using chemistry analyzers in the physician office laboratory (POL)? A. hire a medical laboratory technician to perform chemistry testing B. understand how to maintain, properly operate, and handle the instruments that pertain to chemistry analyzers, and follow quality control (QC) C. know the policy manual regarding the use of the chemistry analyzer D. know how the local laboratory analyzes normal results for different chemistry tests


Which of the following is a private organization that sets standards for health-care administrations? A. OSHA B. The Joint Commission C. CLIA D. ADA


Which of the following is appropriate for testing neurologic reflexes during physical examination? A. ophthalmoscope B. percussion hammer C. neuroscope D. observing whether the patient is alert and oriented


Which of the following is considered a closed wound? A. puncture B. hematoma C. laceration D. abrasion


Which of the following is considered a fire regulation compliance regarding the medical office? A. allowing fire inspectors to come when they can B. providing regular employee staff information and training C. training all new patient in fire regulation and safety in the building D. considering the building to be built to code, so no action is necessary


Which of the following is suitable for using postage meters? A. only first-class mail B. all classes of mail C. only first-and second -class mail D. all classes of mail except fourth-class mail


Which of the following is the largest unit of measure? A. MB B. GB C. KB D. CB


Which of the following is the proper use of the colon? A. Social History; The patient denies smoking or drinking. B. Social History: The patient denies smoking or drinking. C. Social History, The patient: denies smoking or drinking. D. Social History: The patient, denies smoking or drinking.


Which of the following patients is considered to have a wound of violence that must be reported to local authorities? A. the patient with a snakebite on the left foot B. a women who was beaten and presents with visible signs of abuse C. the victim of a drunken driver D. an 82 year old man who fell from his bed


Which of the following pieces of equipment allows you to reproduce a document or picture using specified radio frequencies? A. photocopier B. scanner C. digital camera D. modem


Which of the following proteins is relatively waterproof? A. melanocyte B. keratin C. collagen D. elastin


Which of the following refers to the process of determining how long a patient balance has been outstanding? A. balance due B. account aging C. accounts receivable ratio D. accounts payable


Which of the following scans the envelope using specific margins? A. the USPS B. the OCR C. the postage meter D. the expanded ZIP code


Which of the following sentences has correct punctuation? A. The patient complained of chest pain difficulty breathing, and HA. B. The patient complained of chest pain, difficulty breathing, and HA. C. The patient complained of chest pain difficulty breathing and HA. D. The patient complained of chest pain difficulty breathing and, HA.


Which of the following should be performed first when filing a paper patient medical record? A. shingling B. conditioning C. alphabetizing D. sorting


Which of the following skills usually is not part of the MA Medical Practice Act and not commonly performed by a MA? A. providing patient education B. performing IV therapy C. administering parenteral medications D. assisting with minor surgery


Which of the following symbols represents sodium? A. S B. Na C. Ca D. So


Which of the following technologies allows for continuous digital connection over the telephone line? A. modem B. dsl C. fiber-optic cable D. port


Which of the following terms has the correct spelling and denotes a plural form? A. Diagnosis B. Diagnoses C. Diagnosises D. Diagnoseses


You are assisting the physician as he puts on his sterile gown. You have no sterile gloves on. What part of the gown can you touch? A. only the card tab and tie when the physician hands it to you B. anywhere on the inside of the physicians gown C. anywhere because you are not sterile D. nowhere because you are not sterile


You are in charge of ordering and inventorying narcotic drugs. How often will you inventory the drugs? A. monthly B. daily C. weekly D. quarterly


You are placing leads and electrodes on the patient's chest. At which location will lead V4 be placed? A. fourth intercostal space at the right sternal border B. fifth intercostal space in the left midclavicular line C. fourth intercostal space at the left sternal border D. lateral to the V4 lead


You are scheduling a new patient over the telephone. Choose the policy that decreases the amount of time the patient waits after he or she arrives for the scheduled appointment A. inquiring about personal data B. telling the patient you will mail new patient information and instructing him to complete the questionnaire prior to the scheduled appointment time C. having the patient tell you the symptoms and the reason for the visit over the telephone D. telling the patient to arrive 30 minutes earlier than the scheduled time


You are typing a medical report for Dr. Rodi and the meaning of a particular section is not clear to you. What is the correct action for you to take? A. Continue typing because you are not an expert on all medical terminology. B. Ask Dr. Rodi for clarification because this situation involves more than a minor grammatical error. C. In a medical dictionary, look up the section that did not make sense. D. Ask the patient to explain what the physician was referring to.


You communicated the phoned in laboratory results to the physician. What is your role in this communication? A. you are the receiver B. you are the sender C. you provided classification D. you provided feedback


You found some great information regarding colon polyps on the Internet and would like to use it for patient education. You have stored this information on the computer's hard drive. This action is called? A. assessing B. downloading C. encryption D. transferring


You have been asked to inventory syringes. You know that the office administers 22 allergy injections a day. There are 50 subcutaneous syringes with attached needles in a box. How many boxes will you need to reorder to accommodate 20 working days? A. 6 B. 9 C. 12 D. 15


You have submitted an electronic claim. Who will perform an edit or scrub of the claim? A. the insurance company B. an insurance claim form clearinghouse C. the patient D. the billing department


You must obtain a pulse on an infant. Which pulse site is the most reliable? A. radial B. apical C. ulnar D. femoral


You must remember to contact Mr. Clarke to schedule a repeat a colonoscopy in 1 year. What is the best reminder method? A. appointment scheduler B. tickler file C. physician's outlook calendar D. manual appointment schedule


You obtained the patient's blood pressure. The result of the pulse pressure (PP) was 68. What was the patient's blood pressure? A. 160/40 mm Hg B. 160/92 mm Hg C. 140/60 mm Hg D. 170/82 mm Hg


You work for a cardiologist. Which professional organization could provide teaching materials for use with your patients? A. American Cancer Society B. American Heart Association C. National Council on Aging D. Alzheimer's Association


how many heart sounds per heartbeat can you hear? A. one B. two C. four D. six


which of the following could help the physician with a lawsuit? A. questioning the patient about his or her medical record B. making correct, clear, legible, and timely entries in the medical record C. using the medical record as a legal document D. not documenting information if you think the patient will bring a lawsuit


which of the following features allows a call to be placed on hold and retrieved from another location? A. call forwarding B. call park C. caller id D. speed dial


Alkalosis is defined as A. a condition of excess acid in the body fluids B. a condition of decreased amounts of acid in the body fluids C. a condition of excess base in the body fluids D. a condition of decrease amount of base in the body fluids


"Abnormal lateral curvature of the spine" is the definition for which terms? A. Kyphosis B. Lordosis C. Scoliosis D. Spondylosis


A backup should be performed on the medical office computer A. every month B. every two weeks C. every day D. every other day


A flexible spending account (FSA) is designed to A. be a tax-sheltered savings that can be used to pay for medical expenses. B. reimburse an employee for medical expense due to high deductibles. C. be funded by the employee and is not subject to federal or state taxes. D. allow the patient to spend health-care money whenever desired.


A locum tenens is a A. court-ordered physician B. subpoena for a physician C. substitute physician D. physician's assistant


A medical record of a patient who is no longer seeking treatment is A. an active record B. an inactive record C. a closed record D. a purged record


A method of applying medication directly to the outer layer of skin is A. intramuscular administration B. intradermal administration C. transdermal administration D. subcutaneous administration


A multidisciplinary team is composed of A. physicians only B. physicians and laboratory technicians C. physicians, nurses, and health care science care providers D. nurses and medical assistants only


A net salary is A. the gross earnings B. net salary minus Federal Insurance Contribution Act (FICA) deductions C. gross earnings minus tax and deductions D. net salary minus tax and deductions


A paraite is a A. rod-shaped bacteria B. round or spherical bacterium that can arrange itself in chains, clusters, or tetrads C. pathogen requiring another living organism in order to live D. pathogen that can grow and reproduce only after infecting a host cell


A record of monies paid is called A. the day sheet B. a bank statement reconciliation C. cash disbursement journal D. an accounts receivable ledger


After adding a diluent agent to a dry or powder multi-dose vial of medication, medical assistants are responsible for which action? A. placing the expiration date of the diluent on the vial B. placing the patient's and physician's name on the vial C. placing the initials, date of reconstitution, and the diluents used on the vial D. placing the ordering physician's name on the vial


An appointment analysis is helpful when A. the office scheduling is running smoothly and patients are seen on time B. there are enough receptionist to make the appointments C. the staff scheduling needs to be changed to meet the needs of the practice D. the physician needs more time to see the patients


An attorney phones and request the medical record of a patient, Mr Markett, to be sent to his office. What should the MA do? A. release the information to the lawyer B. ask the physician for permission to release the medical information C. phone the patient and request written consent before releasing information D. phone the patient and request verbal consent before releasing information


An infectious disease is considered A. normal flora found on a person's body, which does not cause disease B. a vector or carrier C. a communicable disease D. any object that adheres to and transmits disease


An otorhinolaryngologist A. diagnoses and treats benign and malignant tumors B. treat disorders of the colon, rectum, and anus C. diagnoses and treats disorders of the ear, nose, and throat D. diagnoses and treats disorders of the eyes, including surgery


Artifacts found in urine during microscope examination are result of A. not spinning the urine specimen long enough B. bacteria found in patient's urine C. improper urine collection D. improper mixing of the sediment at the bottom of the centrifuge tube


As the patient comes through the office door, he slips and falls in a puddle of water on the floor created by patients walking in from the rain. What is the next action to take after the patient has been assessed for any injuries? A. the patient should be sent to the emergency department B. the physician should be called STAT C. an incident report must be completed D. the triage nurse should make the next call for action


As you enter the examination, the patient is crying. What behavioral response will you provide? A. State, " you are better now so please stop crying" B. Ignore the crying and ask why the patient is seeing the doctor C. Offer to stay and/or place your hand over the patient's hand D. Ask if the patient is crying because of personal reasons


At the time of conception, __ chromosomes are organized into __ matched pairs. A. 42 and 24 B. 46 and 24 C. 46 and 23 D. 64 and 42


Blood pressure is measured in mm Hg. What does this abbreviation represent? A. milliliters of hemoglobin B. milliliters of mercury C. millimeters of mercury D. millimeters of hemoglobin


Bryan had his feeling hurt because his suggestions at the staff meeting was not implemented, whereas Lance's suggestions was. What should Bryan do? A. Avoid meetings when his opinion doesn't matter anyways. B. Do not participate or follow through with the suggested plan. C. Learn to work as a team player and put his feelings aside. D. Have the meeting extended so his suggestions can be discussed farther.


Camela runs to the front office and reports that a fire has started as a result of a faulty electrical cord. It is a small fire for now and needs to be extinguished. Choose the correct extinguisher A. class A B. class B C. class C D. class D


Capitation refers to A. a patient's share of the cost of an office visit B. a percentage of an allowed charge for which the patient is responsible C. payments from the insurance company to the physician that are paid as a flat rate per patient D. money paid to an insurer to obtain insurance


Captain Builte will celebrate his 65th birthday this year. He is a retired military captain. What will happen to his Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services (CHAMPUS) A. He will be moved to the Medicaid program B. He will be moved to the Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs (CHAMPVA) C. He will be moved to the Medicare program D. He will be moved to the HMO program


Cells make up the human body and consist of three basic parts. Identify the three basic parts. A. Mitochondrion, nucleus, ribosome B. Cytoplasm, lysosome, cytoplasm C. Nucleus, cell membrane, cytoplasm D. Cytoplasm, lysosome, cytoplasm


Certain medications are meant to be given topically. To which right of administration does this refer? A. right patient B. right drug C. right route D. right tecnique


Changing raw facts or data into useable information is A. resolution B. software C. data processing D. pixel


Characteristics that influence behavior through heredity and environment are A. multiple births B. prenatal studies, manipulation of the environment, and comparison of actual histories. C. physical and physiological traits, intelligence, and personality. D. both b and c


Checking the yes box in field 27 on the CMS-1500 forms indicates that 27. ACCEPT ASSIGNMENT? For govt claims see back YES NO X A. the check should be sent to the patient B. the patient must accept the usual, customary, and reasonable (UCR) fee provided by the insurance company C. the check should be sent to the physician D. the check will be sent to the patient and the patient will pay the physician


Choose one of the general rules of the sterile field A. getting the sterile field wet will not contaminate it B. you can talk, cough, and sneeze over the sterile field C. you should not reach over the sterile field D. when pouring solutions, the solution should be low enough to touch the sterile container


Choose the abbreviation that means " above the knee" A. ALS B. ATK C. AKA D. ABD


Choose the abdominal quadrant that houses the liver. A. left lower quadrant B. left upper quadrant C. right upper quadrant D. right lower quadrant


Choose the act or right that ensures caregivers are immune from liability suits as long as they give care in good faith? A. Patients Bill of Rights B. Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title VII C. Good Samaritan act D. Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970


Choose the action that promotes good keyboard ergonomics. A. thighs should be vertical in position B. knees should fit snuggly under the desk C. the keyboard should be placed at a lower level than the desk D. feet should be comfortable and relaxed


Choose the best practice before using any piece of equipment or supply on a patient during testing, diagnostic collection, or physical examination A. make sure anything used has been through an autoclave cycle first B. the patient should be able to inspect all equipment and supplies used C. the patient should be provided with an explanation and instructions and be allowed to ask questions D. never let a patient see the equipment and supplies that will be used because they may scare the patient


Choose the body part located inferior to the thyroid gland A. spleen B. tonsils C. thymus D. lymph


Choose the business letter format in which all information starts at the left margin on the page. A. semi-block B. modified block C. full block D. simplified


Choose the charting documentation that correctly reports all vital characteristics ________________________________________ A. 05/9/12 T: 99.0 F-0 BP: 128/84 L P: 20 L reg R: 19 reg-----------------------------------------------K. Hardy, CMA B. 05/9/12 T: 98.3 BP: 128/84 P: 20 L reg R: 19 reg --------------------------------------------------K. Hardy, CMA C. 05/9/12 T: 98.3-C BP: 140/94 L P: 26 R: 19 thready ----------------------------------------------------------K. Hardy D. 05/9/12 T: 98.3-C BP: 109/64 L P: 14 irr, R: 14 weak ---------------------------------------------------K. Hardy, CMA ________________________________________


Choose the classification of drug that will decrease pain and reduce fever A. antibiotic B. antiviral C. analgesic D. antiemetic


Choose the communication that is used mostly interoffice? A. letter B. transcription C. memorandum D. report


Choose the correct depth of compression when performing CPR on a child A. press down 1 1/2" to 2" of the depth of the chest B. press down 1/4" to 1/2" of the depth of the chest C. press down 1/3" to 1/2" of the depth of the chest D. press down 1" to 2" of the depth of the chest


Choose the correct statement A. All words in the address of the envelope should be lowercase. B. All words in the address of the envelope should be correct lowercase and uppercase. C. All words in the address of the envelope should be uppercase. D. All words in the address of the envelope should be a size 12 font.


Choose the correct statement regarding emergency preparedness A. this is not the role of the MA in ambulatory care B. there are other staff members who are trained in emergency situations C. all employees in a medical office should be prepared to respond to an emergency D. the physician handles all patient emergencies


Choose the data that would be located in the patient's demographic data portion of the medical record. A. Laboratory tests B. Progress notes C. Insurance information D. Diagnostic tests


Choose the dietary restriction that patients with high blood pressure are commonly prescribed A. protein B. calcium C. sodium D. potassium


Choose the documentation format that is the traditional system found in most medical offices. A. POMR B. SOAP C. SOMR D. SOAPIE


Choose the form that includes the total gross income for the employee for the previous year and must be provided to the employee by January 31 of each year. A. W-4 B. paycheck stub C. W-2 D. FUTA form


Choose the instrument that was used to document the following chart note. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 06/12/12 ROM at the R knee. Flexion was 24 degree, extension 160 degree--------------K. Hardy, CMA ------------------------------------------------------------------ A. walker B. cane C. goniometer D. crutch


Choose the key on the keyboard that is alphanumeric. A. @ B. ^ C. F2 D. +


Choose the latin phrase that means"the thing speaks for itself." A. respondeat superior B. subpoena duces tecum C. res ipsa loquitur D. stare decisis


Choose the most effective method for restocking clinical and administrative office supplies A. purchasing only items that offer bulk sales and save the office money B. placing an order each time a particular supply item is used C. preforming regular inventory of supplies and ordering ahead of time D. stocking items on the shelves once the supple shipment has been received


Choose the number of regions located in the abdominal area. A. two B. four C. nine D. six


Choose the organ that is not part of the digestive system A. liver B. small intestine C. spleen D. tongue


Choose the pathogen that produces spores and is harder to destroy during sterilization A. escherichia coli B. strep C. clostridium tetani D. influenza


Choose the pediatric calculation method that is based on infants younger than 2 years of age A. nomogram B. clark's rule C. fried's rule D. young's rule


Choose the statement that describes the stages of grief. A. All clients go through the same stages of grief. B. Depression is the first stage that clients experience. C. Each dying client and his or her family members have individual experience. D. Denial is the first stage that clients experience.


Choose the statement that displays constructive, honest, and open communication. A. "you are never a team player" B. "why can't you be more of a team player" C. " we were saddened when we did not see you at the team meeting." D. " we all got mad when you did not show up for the team meeting."


Choose the statement that is true about immunizations and children attending school A. all children must have immunizations as required by law B. each state is different regarding immunizations but they are mandatory C. parents have the right to refuse immunizations for their children D. children are not allowed in school if immunizations are not current


Choose the statement with the correct punctuation. A. " Your statement, explained the patient " has not come in the mail yet". B. Your statement, explained the patient "has not come in the mail yet". C. "Your statement," explained the patient "has not come in the mail yet". D. Your statement, explained the patient, has not come in the mail yet.


Define bioterrorism A. a substance such as a germ used to attack B. an attack that is announced after the release of a bioterrorism agent C. intentional use of biological agents to produce death, disease or fear D. unannounced event in which an agent is released without warning


Documentation in the source-oriented medical record (SOMR) is commonly arranged in A. chronological order B. logical order C. reverse chronological order D. years, months, and days


Documenting control sample results when performing certain laboratory tests on a log is referred to as A. quality assurance B. CLIA testing C. quality control D. proficiency testing


Dr. Batar informs the patient, Mrs. Sadie, that she needs to make a serious lifestyle change: She must lost 60 pounds. Mrs. Sadie is not comfortable with this directive and does not believe she has the capability of making this change. What can the medical assistant do to assist Mrs. Sadie? A assist the patient with acceptance B. refer to the patient to a nutrition adviser C. assist the patient with self-efficacy D. create a teaching plan


Dr. Bruke is using his stethoscope to perform a part of the patient's physical examination. Select the appropriate examination technique A. mensuration B. palpation C. auscultation D. percussion


Dr. Johnn just dictated a report regarding a patient who was referred to him by the patient's primary care physician. Which type of report will you transcribe? A. referral B. new patient C. consultation D. progress note


Dr. Korstzy asks that you obtain a pulse on the top of the patient's foot. What is this pulse site called? A. popliteal B. apical C. dorsalis pedis D. posterior tibialis


Dr. Reggae found the patient's trigger point and noted the joint symmetry to be off in that area. The doctor performed a therapeutic kneading technique in hopes that affected area would realign itself A. mensuration B. range of motion (ROM) C. manipulation D. palpation


Dr. Ritchel has asked that you administer Synthroid 2 gr PO. Each 1 gr tablet is equal to 60 mg, which is equivalent to 100 mcg. How many micrograms will be given to the patient? A. 120 mcg B. 2 mcg C. 200 mcg D. 220 mcg


Drug enforcement agency (DEA) controlled substance abuse records should be kept A. 10 years B. 7 years C. indefinitely D. according to state statues


Explain the primary reason the medical assistant should not wear jewelry or have long or acrylic nails when assisting with or caring for patients A. jewelry and long or fake nails can tear a whole in the glove worn to protect the employee B. it is against most employment policies as a standard in health care C. long and/ or fake nails and jewelry act as fomites D. long and/ or fake nails and jewelry could create an injury to the patient


Failure of the medical assistant to follow the state's Medical Practice Act can result in the medical assistant committing a A. fraud B. felony C. tort D. perjury


Failure to comply with an established agreement as specified in a written contract is called A. fraud B. damages C. breach of contract D. vicarious liability


Filing manual records can be time consuming. What can help to move this tedious task along? A. hiring an individual who can file all medical documents quickly B. purchasing a filing system C. using a sorter D. filing the records as they arrive or as they are created


Find the term that explains this patient's condition: The patient complains of pain and tenderness in his leg muscles A. atrophy B. myopathy C. myalgia D. hypertrophy


For adult CPR, what is the rate of compressions per minute? A. 50 B. 75 C. 100 D. 150


For security purposes, choose the best method for creating a password. A. use your DOB or phone number so you wont forget B. use the same password as the employee who just quit C. make a password unique by using a combination of letters, numbers or symbols D. share your password with colleagues so they can work in your absence


Forceps are an A. instruments for lifting tissue or bone B. instrument for exploring a cavity or canal C. instrument for holding or extracting D. instrument used to compress tissue


Four patients wait in the lobby for an x-ray. You are preparing for x-rays and want to have all the proper safety shields available. Which patient will wear a gonad shield along with a lead apron during an x-ray? A. the patient who is 82 and having a chest x-ray B. the male patient who is 51 and having a lower back x-ray C. the 15-year-old female patient who is having her left arm x-rayed D. the female patient who is in menopause


How can the medical assistant avoid violating the Medical Practice Act? A. become a credential medical assistant B. continue to maintain educational units once certified C. practice only within the scope of practice D. let the nurse perform any duties that could pose liability


How many continuing education units (CEUs) must a CMA (AAMA) earn every 5 years to recertify? A. 40 B. 50 C. 60 D. 80


How many liters of blood does the average individual have? A. 6 to 8 liters B. 8 to 10 liters C. 4 to 6 liters D. 2 to 4 liters


How many times should the breathing maneuver for a spirometry test be performed? A. one B. two C. three D. four


Hyperpnea is reported as A. fast and deep breathing with anxiety B. normal breathing C. an increase in the rate and depth of breathing D. a decrease in the rate and depth of breathing


Identify a preventable error when applying a blood pressure cuff that could alter the patient's results A. always using the proper size cuff B. never taking blood pressure over clothing C. taking the blood pressure on the right side D. positioning the chest piece properly


Identify the accounting equation below A. Equity=liabilities+assets B. Assets=liabilities-equity C. Assets=liabilities+equity D. Liabilities=assets-equity


If the patient has control over life support, feeding tubes, and ventilators, then the patient can be referred to as A. having a durable power of attorney B. having a health-care surrogate C. having a living will D. having a last will and testament


If you have the patient repeat what was heard, the patient is A. reflecting B. summarizing C. paraphrasing D. clarifying


Immunizations and viruses are constantly changing. Chose the immunization that is the most current and is not yet listed on the adult immunization schedule A. H1N5 B. H5N1 C. H1n1 D. H2N1


In a form of written communication from a gastroenterologist's office you notice a misspelled word. Choose the correct form of this commonly misspelled word. A. hemmorrhoid B. hemmorhoid C. hemorrhoid D. hemorhoid


In a male, the urinary bladder is superior to the A. urethra B. uterus C. prostate gland D. kidney


In large facilities the patient may call and be connected to; a recorded voice that provides options to specific departments. What is this feature called? A. voice mail B. answering service C. automated routing D. computer routine


In reviewing the operative report on one of the patients, you read that Mrs. Creole had a severe bleed out during surgery and was treated for shock. What type of shock was caused by the bleeding? A. anaphylactic B. cardiogenic C. hypovolemic D. neurogenic


In typing a medical report, you see the physician has marked () or (/) on a page. What does the physician want you to do? A. insert a hyphen B. move to the left C. insert parentheses D. close up the space


Jon's physician complimented him on being reliable and trustworthy and stated how much that means to any employer. Choose the term that fits the physician's compliment. A. courteous B. flexible C. dependable D. respectful


Kaposi's sarcoma is a type of cancer seen in which condition or disease? A. Hepatitis C B. Hodgkin's disease C. AIDS D. Leukemia


Kate Ling was just seen by the family practice physician, Dr. Patel. Dr Patel would like Mrs. Ling to have a computerized axial tomography (CAT) with contrast of the abdomen. Dr. Patel has asked that you assist the patient by setting up this appointment. This process is called A. consultation B. PAT C. referral D. specialist


Kies Medical Supply Company has a promotion this month. If you order 8 or more items, you will receive a 10% discount. the item you want to order costs $10 each. How much will the 8 items cost? A. $88 B. $108 C. $72 D. $102


Mail that is stamped using a postage meter is called A. stamped mail B. computer mail C. metered mail D. special mail


Match the term to this definition: a connection or joining of vessels such as artery to artery or vein to vein A. valve B. diffusion C. anastomosis D. filtration


Medical assistants that earn the RMA credential do so by passing an examination offered by A. ABHES B. CAAHEP C. AMT D. AAMA


Medical facilities receive journals such as the Journal of the American Medical Association and other publications. What classification of mail are these items? A. fourth- class mail B. third-class mail C. second-class mail D. first-class mail


Mr. Haddock has suffered a cerebrovascular accident (CVA) in the left frontal lobe, where is his paralysis likely to occur? A. left side of the body B. upper portion of the body C. right side of the body D lower portion of the body


Mr. Kenny is a construction worker who was working on a building across the street from your office. There has been an emergency and Mr. Kenny was brought to your office by another construction worker. This patient is soaked with blood and his pants are saturated. Mr. Kenny appears to have a severe laceration of the left femoral artery and is bleeding profusely. Select the category of emergency equipment and supplies that will benefit the patient A. assorted syringes, glucagon, gloves, IV catheter, IV fluids B. PPE, oxygen and tubing, endotracheal tube, sterile gauze, tourniquet C. PPE, oxygen, bandage scissors, sterile gauze, sterile water D. morphine, nitroglycerin, sterile gauze, oxygen, blood pressure cuff, stethoscope


Mr. Lawson is about to turn 65 years old and is displaying anxiety about having to change his insurance to Medicare. He states he does not understand what has to be done. What services are available to assist him with his anxiety? A. State legislature for help with resources for state aid B. Veterans Benefits Administration for help with health care C. Local department of social security and health services for legal and social assistance D. retirement communities for elderly persons with health related issues


Mr. Sassie is having a sebaceous cyst removed. The physician has asked you to pass him hemostat. What is the proper way to hand off the instrument? A. there is no standard, so it can be handed off in any fashion B. hold the handle and pass the tip off into the physician's fingertips C. hold the tip and extend the handle toward the physician D. ask the physician his preference each time he requests an instrument


Mrs. Rock, one of your patients, inquired about purchasing her medications online to save money. What advice can you provide? A. Tell Mrs. Rock it is fine to purchase medication from another country online. B Tell Mrs. Rock she can purchase medications online without prescription. C. Tell Mrs. Rock to buy medications only from sites with VIPPS certification. D. Tell Mrs. Rock the physician prefers her not to get her medications online.


Ms. Jackson is 64 years old and has a difficult time assuming the lithotomy position for her yearly papanicolaou (PAP) test and pelvic examination. Which other position may improve the patient's comfort and provide the examination position the physician needs? A. knee-chest B. sims C. dorsal recumbent D. prone


Ms. Rathem states that most oral medications irritate her stomach. The physician has prescribed an enteric-coated tablet. What advice should the medical assistant give? A. cut the tablet in half so it will absorb into the bloodstream faster B. crush the tablet and mix it with applesauce to alleviate stomach irritation C. swallow tablet whole with water and do not crush or cut it D. dissolve the tablet in the mouth with water before swallowing


On which criterion is the size of a needle and syringe used to administer a medication based? A. the standard size a student is taught in the educational setting B. the size that minimizes the patient discomfort the most C. the type of injection and the size of the patient D. the size that the physician prefers


One of the most frequent reasons a claim is denied is that A. the patient's services are covered by the plan B. the patient is identified as a covered person under the plan C. the completed claim form is not accurate D. the coding is appropriate for the services provided


One provision of HIPPA is the Unique Identifier Rule. What is the new 10 digit and Medicaid Services (CMS), called? A. Employer identification number (EIN) B. Medicare identification number (MIN) C. National provider identification number (NPI) D. Tax identification number (TIN)


Out of the three chemical substance determined in urine testing, which substance is the most reliable indicator of kidney functioning? A. pH B. urea C. creatinine D. uric acid


Part of Phyllis's treatment plan was to hold ice on the surgical incision for 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off each day. Phyllis tells the medical assistant she could not hold ice on the wound because she had to babysit her granddaughter. Choose the correct defense mechanism. A. displacement B. denial C. rationalization D. compensation


Passive natural immunity develops when A. an antigen is purposely introduced into the body, such as in a vaccine B. the body is exposed to a pathogenic microorganism C. antibodies are developed in an animal or human and are then injected into the exposed person D. already formed antibodies are passed from mother to fetus across the placenta during pregnancy


Pathophysiology is the study of A. body structure B. how the body functions C. disorders of functioning D. structure and function


Patients who have RBCs that contain the Rh factor are known as A. Rh-negative B. anemic C. Rh-positive D. a universal donor


Phyllis's hips hurt at the end of the day and she is very fatigued. She believes these issues are due to the office files being so high that she has to strain to retrieve and return medical records. What would assist this employee in the future? A. workplace accessibility B. work flow C. ergonomics D. better office space


Preparing an envelope correctly allows the postal service's optical character reader (OCR) to A. read the bar codes B. pick up special notations on the envelope C. sort the mail D. distribute the mail


Radiography is A. the generation of a visual image from the echoes of high-frequency sound waves. B. the production of an image of the distribution of radioactivity in tissues after internal administration of a radioactive substance C. the use of x-rays passed through the body to make a visual record D. the use of x-rays to examine deep structures


Refer to the component of a letter that is placed on the third line below the inside address and written as "Re" followed by the letters subject A. body of the letter B. salutation C. subject line D. identification line


Removing microorganisms using chemicals, heat, or ionizing radiation is referred to as A. disinfection B. cleaning C. sanitization D. sterilization


Res ipsa loquitur is defined as A. let the master answer B. a treatment performed incorrectly C. the thing speaks for itself D. withdrawing treatment


Respondeat superior is a form of A. abandonment B. gross negligence C. vicarious liability D. malfeasance


Respondeat superior is defined as A. the records have been subpoenaed B. the patient must pay for services and the physician must provide services. C. the physician must supervise the medical assistant D. the physician does not have to make restitution


Roe vs Wade was a court decision that dealt with A. the fetus's right to life outweighing woman's right to privacy B. physician-assisted suicide C. a woman's right to obtain an abortion in any state D. prohibiting abortion in the second trimester


Select the WHO pandemic phase in which the influenza outbreak has adapted to humans well and we are now under a pandemic alert A. phase 2 B. phase 3 C. phase 5 D. phase 6


Select the action that promotes a well-maintained examination room A. each examination room should always have a patient roomed for the physician B. each examination room should be disinfected and restocked at the end of the day C. the medical assistant should check the schedule ahead of time to anticipate needed equipment or supplies for each examination D. each examination room should contain reading material or educational pamphlets for the patient to read during wait time


Select the correct ratio for decontaminating equipment and supplies as required by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) housekeeping standards A. 20% sodium hypochlorite and 1% water B. 8 parts bleach and 2 parts water C. 10% solution of sodium hypochlorite D. 9 part water and 1 part bleach


Select the item that will assist you and the patient when using or teaching a patient how to use a mobility assistive device A. nonslip shoes when the patient is walking B. solid and sturdy carpeting C. a gait belt D. a hoyer lift


Select the piece of equipment that is most helpful to the physician during visual inspection in areas of the body that can sometimes be hard to see A. penlight B. flashlight C. head light D. gooseneck lamp


Select the safety teaching consideration most important to a patient with a wheelchair A. instruct the patient to use the brakes when sitting on an upward or downward hill B. instruct the patient to buy new wheels at the beginning of each year C. instruct the patient to use the brakes before each attempt to stand and to fold the foot rest up D. instruct the patient to check the battery each time the wheelchair will be used


Select the second time the medication should be checked when preparing a medication for administration A. after the dose has been given B. when removing the drug from the shelf or storage area C. before pouring or drawing it D. before returning it to the shelf or storage area


Select the site most commonly used to perform a venipuncture A. surface of the arm, posterior to the elbow B. surface of the arm, anterior to the wrist C. surface of the arm, anterior to the elbow D. surface of the arm, posterior to the wrist


Select the task performed postsurgery and prior to autoclaving the instrument again A. the instruments are washed with soap and warm water B. the instruments are scrubbed and washed to remove any access debris C. sharps are removed from the surgical tray first, then scrubbed D. instruments are put directly into the stainless steel lubricant for soaking


Select the technique that will best minimize exposure for the medical assistant against ionizing radiation during medical imaging A. standing behind the lead wall or barrier when taking the x-ray B. wearing a dosimeter badge under the lapel of the laboratory coat C. wearing a lead apron shield when standing behind the lead barrier wall D. wearing the dosimeter badge under the lead apron


Select the test that will determine if the patient's diabetes is at an acceptable level A. hematocrit B. GTT C. hemoglobin A1c D. FBS


Select the universal sign for choking A. both hands grasp the chest and neck B. one hand grasps the front of the neck C. both hands grasp the front of the neck D. one hand grasps the front of the neck and chin


Small outpouchings through weakened areas of the intestinal wall are called A. diverticulosis B. diverticulum C. diverticula D. diverticulitis


Start with the anal canal and correctly align the parts of the colon A. transverse, descending, ascending, and sigmoid B. descending, ascending, sigmoid, transverse C. sigmoid, descending, transverse, ascending D. sigmoid, ascending, descending, transverse


Storage of vaccines is most appropriate if the medical assistant A, stocks the vaccines in alphabetical order for ease of retrieval B. maintains a well-lighted storage area in which to work C. ensures the maintenance of the cold chain D. uses vaccines only 1 month after the expiration date


Sue, Dr. Brin's MA, is answering the phone. Choose the statement that is correct. A. "Good morning, Dr. Brin's office. This is the office nurse. How may I help you?" B. "Good morning, Dr. Brin's office. This is Sue. How may I help you?" C. Good afternoon, Dr. Brin's office. This is Sue. the doctor's medical assistant. How may I help you?" D. " Good afternoon, Dr. Brin's office. How may I help you?"


The CMA (AAMA) who works for Dr. Chandra is certified in advanced life support and emergency skills. Which certification does she possess? A. BCLS B. CPR C. ACLS D. PALS


The Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services (CHAMPUS) was revised in 1993 to help lower cost options to patients through A. Medicare B. Medicaid C. Tricare D. workers' compensation


The ___ is the weight-bearing bone of the lower leg A. femur B. fibula C. tibia D. patella


The ability of a medication to produce a desired effect is called A. indication B. action C. efficacy D. systemic effect


The accountant was almost late in filing the practice's tax return. You have been asked to mail the return, but you are afraid it may get delayed in the mail and you will be blamed if it does not arrive on time. What is the best way for you to prove the time and date that the letter was mailed? A. restricted delivery B. registered mail C. certificate of mailing D. special handling


The act of highlighting or underlining important information when reading letters and medical correspondence is known as A. conditioning B. proofreading C. annotating D. sorting


The amount of blood pumped by a heart ventricle in 1 minute is known as A. venous return B. stroke volume C. cardiac output D. starling's law of heart


The antibiotic prescribed is white and very thick and is meant to be given intramuscularly (IM). it is not meant for IV use. Select the administration site most appropriate for a medication of this type A. deltoid B. dorsogluteal C. ventrogluteal D. vastus lateralis


The bladder of the blood pressure cuff should be long enough to encircle A. 40% of the arm B. 60% of the arm C. 80% of the arm D. 100% of the arm


The blood chemistry test ALT and AST assess A. diabetes mellitus B. thyroid function C. liver function D. acid-base balance


The blood test that checks for kidney function is A. a hepatic panel B. a lipid panel C. a basic metabolic panel D. an electrolyte panel


The concept of motivation first entered psychology in the form of A. aggression B. biological needs C. instincts D. emotions


The database in the patient medical record history includes A. family history B. social history C. initial laboratory findings D. review of systems


The designation of a health-care surrogate is known as A. a living will B. a legally required disclosure C. a durable power of attorney for health care D. an emancipated minor


The doctor has ordered an antibiotic whose average adult dose is 250 mg per day. What would the dosage for this medication be on a child who has a length of 120 cm and weight of 40 kg? The child's body surface area (BSA) is 1.2 A. 172 mg/day B. 127 mg/day C. 173 mg/day D. 137 mg/day


The electronic medical record (EMR) software allows the health-care provider to A. input just the patient's demographic B. input all administrative and financial transactions C. input all administrative, financial, and clinical information D. input just the patient's diagnostic test results


When mail is received, the first action by the medical assistant is to A. sort and prioritize B. open and sort C. open,sort, and prioritize D. prioritize and dispense


The example below of the back of a check is what type of endorsement? --------------------------------------------------------------- ENDORSE HERE FOR DEPOSIT ONLY TILFORD FAMILY PRACTICE --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- DO NOT SIGN/WRITE/STAMP BELOW THIS LINE. FOR FINANCIAL INSTITUTION USAGE ONLY. -------------------------------------------------------------------- A. special endorsement B. security endorsement C. restrictive endorsement D. blank endorsement


The feature protects a computer network from unauthorized access on its own network. A. antivirus software B. a secure password C. firewall D. audit control


The front office uses eight boxes of professional letterhead each month. How many boxes will you need to order for an entire year? A. 106 B. 76 C. 96 D. 86


The functional units of the lungs are air sacs called A. parietal pleura B. visceral pleura C. alveoli D. bronchioles


The human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) detection and immunoassay testing for pregnancy is based on which concept? A. quantitative B. reactive C. qualitative D. trace


The imaginary flat surfaces that separates two portions of the body or an organ is known as a A. position B. section C. plane D. cavity


The inflammatory response is what kind of body defense? A. mechanical defense B. chemical defense C. cellular defense D. infection defense


The level of appropriate care to patients that is legally required of any practitioner with the same education and training is considered A. reasonably prudent care B. a legally required level of care C. the standard of care D. personal and professional care


The main computer memory is referred to as the A. CPU B. AMD C. RAM D. ALU


The medical assistant represents the physician as a A. plaintiff B. defendant C. agent D. expert witness


The medical record contains two main types of patient information. What are they? A. review of systems and personal information B. laboratory results and clinical information C. personal information and clinical information D. present illness and personal information


The most important factor to consider in medical office design should be that it A. look modern and appeal to the patients and the staff B. promote comfort and efficiency for staff, patients, and the physician C. promote comfort and safety for staff, patients, and the physician D. include a break room and a reception area


The most important type of software is A. system software B. program software C. operating software D. window's software


The office emergency is over and the patient has been sent to the emergency department in stable condition. What is the next step? A. sanitize the area used while assisting in the emergency B. call the patient's family members and let them know the patient has been sent to the ER C. document the actions that took place during the emergency D. resume normal business and continue to see patients


The office manage cannot assume that the employee read and/or understood the office policy and procedure manual. What can the office manager do to avoid any negative situations that might result if the employee has not read the manual? A. have the employee read the manual out loud in front of her B. have the employee cite his or her understanding of each policy and procedure C. have the employee sign a statement indicating that he or she has read and understood the manual D. have the employee watch a generic video on policy and procedure


The patient has farsightedness. Which term will be documented? A. presbyopia B. myopia C. hyperopia D. diplopia


The patient insist on filing his own insurance claim. What will you provide the patient to assist him in filing the claim? A. a receipt of payments for the charges occurred B. a walk-out charge slip C. a copy of the superbill D. an insurance form


The patient places her arm on her hips to accept an injection in the deltoid. Which type of consent is this? A. informed consent B. standard consent C. implied consent D. written consent


The patient who says, "This is not happening to me" during a terminal illness is considered to be in what stage of grief? A. anger B. bargaining C. denial D. acceptance


The patient will be asked to remove any jewelry prior to taking an x-ray because A. the jewelry will interfere with the positioning of the patient B. the jewelry might get lost or stolen C. the jewelry is radiopaque D. the jewelry may get stuck on the lead apron and break


The person conducting the interview wants to know how the applicant responds to stress. Which question will the interviewer ask? A. "Describe a previous situation where you worked as part of the team." B. "What are your greatest weakness?" C. "Describe a time when you were overwhelmed and were pressed for deadlines." D. "How will you contribute to this organization?"


The person who brings a lawsuit to the physician is A. the defendant B. committing perjury C. the plaintiff D. the agent


The physician explains to Sandra that she needs to elevate her foot. Which action of the muscle is being described? A. plantar flexion B. pronation C. dorsiflexion D. supination


The physician has ordered a white blood count (WBC) differential. What will the laboratory results show? A. a complete blood count (CBC) showing the percentage of the erythrocytes B. a CBC showing the percentage of the hemoglobin C. a CBC showing the percentage of the leukocytes D. a CBC showing the percentage of the hematocrit


What caution should be considered when dealing with patients who have depression? A. Patients need counseling and medications B. a patient will display fear, anxiety, and or hostility C. a person who is depressed can be suicidal D. try to reassure the patient everything will be all right


The physician has recommended chemotherapy to his patient. The physician has asked the medical assistant to give the patient information on several facilities that offer chemotherapy treatment. The patient is not sure of the recommendation and wants a second opinion. What will the medical assistant do? A. Ask the physician if he can send the patient for a second opinion. B. Send the patient to the physician who works downstairs and is part of the same medical corporation. C. Provide the patient with several names and numbers to contact for the second opinion. D. Report the patient to the patient's insurance company.


The physician notes that Mr. Benz's lesion contains a large portion of dead tissue. Which term will the physician use to describe the condition of this tissue? A. Scirrhous B. Hypoplastic C. Necrotic D. Hyperchromatic


The physician requested an additional 20 copies of the agenda and attached documents after the meeting. She has requested that all pages be placed in the correct order and each set clipped together. Which photocopier features would serve this purpose and save time? A. duplexing and sorting B. scanning and sorting C. sorting and stapling D. collating and sorting


The physician whose practice is located in Florida, request that the medical assistant place a call to a specialist in California. The medical assistant places the call at 12:00 pm. What time is it in California? A. 11:00 am B. 1:00 pm C. 9:00 am D. 2:00 pm


The prefix epi- means A. Around B. Above or under C. Upon or over D. Above or excess


The purpose of insufflating during a sigmoidoscopy is to A. move bowel movements not discarded during patient preparation B. assist in collecting a biopsy specimen C. allow for better visualization D. help the patient have less flatus after the procedure


The reorder point is A. the quantity of an item that should be ordered B. the cost per quantity of the order C. the number of items remaining D. the specific item you must order


The report function of the billing software includes A. the HCFA-1500 form B. the patient demographic information C. the CMS-1500 form D. the patient insurance information


The specific hereditary makeup of one individual is A. heredity B. DNA C. genotype D. phenotype


The suffix -dynia means pain. Choose the suffix that has the same meaning. A. dys- B. -pathy C. -algia D. -dipsia


The surgical role of the medical assistant is to A. tie the sutures and provide postoperative care B. have the patient sign the surgical consent form C. prepare the room, assist the physician, and provide postoperative care and instructions D. all of the above


The term contraindication refers to A. the reason the physician prescribes the drug B. the interaction between two drugs that work together C. a condition in which a drug should never be used D. a situation in which the patient should monitor the drug


The term to describe information that the patient states is A. evaluation B. assessment C. subjective D. objective


The test used by physicians to evaluate how the body breaks down a concentrated amount of glucose over a period of time in one day is known as A. fasting blood sugar test B. blood sugar test C. glucose tolerance test D. glycosylated hemoglobin test


The treatment for epistaxis is to A. have the patient lie down and hold pressure on the nostrils B. hold ice over the nostrils C. have the patient sit upright, lean slightly forward, and put pressure high on the nostrils D. have the patient stand while pressure is applied high on the nostrils


The type of blood that can be given to any patient with any type of blood is A. A B. B C. O D. AB


There is a telephone call for the physician, but the physician is not in the office to receive the call. What is the right action? A. Ask the caller to call back at a later time. B. Give the caller the physician's cell phone number. C. Take an official message for the physician to review when he or she returns. D. Try to assist the caller even though the caller wants to speak with the physician.


This act has been expanded to include sexual harassment. A. Good Samaritan Act B. Fair Labor Standards Act of 1939 C. Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title VII D. Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990


This displays the information sent by the CPU A. DPI B. Modem C. Monitor D. Program


This item converts video output into electronic signals. A. Hard disk B. Power supply C. Video card D. Sound card


This organ is located in the lymphatic system A. brain B. lung C. spleen D. blood


This term describes the means of conveying messages. A. feedback B. referent C. channels D. decoding


To care for an individual, or to educate or train that individual is A. impending B. absurdity C. nurturing D. perspective


To ensure a resume and cover letter are professional in nature, you should A. use a fancy font B. use expensive paper C. proofread the document D. include your picture


Trenton is four years old. Upon observation in the pediatric examination room, you suspect that he is abused. What should you do about your suspicions? A. report the concerns to local authorities B. contact the National Childhood Injury Act hotline C. report the concerns to the physician D. contact the Department of Health and Human Services


Triage the following incoming calls and choose the call that takes priority. A. A patient complaining of bleeding from the rectum B. a patient who is angry because of receiving 4 bills not owed by the patient C. a parent who's 2 yr old has a temp of 103.4 D. a patient who thinks he is having an allergic reaction to a bee sting


Tunica media is described as A. the outer layer of the artery B. the inner layer of the artery C. the middle layer of the artery D. the inside of the artery


What does the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) require regarding the disposal of regulated medical waster (RMW) and biohazard waste? A. biohazard waste and RMW can be disposed of in the trash receptacle outside the medical office as long as the office can provide disposal documentation B. biohazard waste and RMW must be separated and disposed of in two different locations C. the medical waste service must provide a tracking and incineration record to the medical office D. the office manager generates a tracking record concerning the manner in which the biohazard and RMW is disposed of


What is collected along with the blood sugar sample at different time intervals when performing a glucose tolerance test (GTT)? A. blood B. saliva C. urine D. stool


What is essential for new employees if they are to understand the rules of the medical office? A. informational booklet B. personnel manual C. policy and procedure manual D. new hire informational booklet


What is the best way to handle angry caller? A. Tell patients you won't speak to them until they calm down. B. Put the call through to the physician. C. Calm patients and assure them you want to help. D. Tell patients you will not be disrespected or yelled at.


What is the best way to store large volumes of inactive patient files? A. On a CD B. On a DVD C. Using microfilm D. Using a backup system


What is the correct spelling of another term for "blood pressure cuff"? A. Shygmomanometer B. Sfigmomanometer C. Sphygmomanometer D. Sphgmomanometer


What is the correct treatment for syncope? A. placing the patient in a prone position and keeping the legs pointed downward B. administering water and cold compresses to the neck and forehead C. placing the patient in a supine position with the legs elevated D. placing the patient in a chair and leaning the head backward


What is the definition of arthrocentesis? A. Crushing of a joint B. excision of a joint C. Puncture of a joint D. Surgical fixation of a joint


What is the description of thoracic surgery? A. Repairs the pancreas and gallbladder B. Repairs the liver and heart C. Repairs structures within the rib cage or chest wall D. Repairs all organs


What is the first step in the event of a bloodborne pathogen exposure? A. complete the incident report immediately B. send the health-care employee to the counselor C. wash or flush the exposed area immediately D. identify the source individual


What is the most important aspect of patient education? A. Having the patient be knowledgeable about health-care issues and conditions B. Evaluating medical literature and resources C. Documenting patient education and outcomes D. Knowing the patient's learning domains


What is the primary advantage of using computers? A. The cost are reasonable B. They are designed for multiple uses C. Tasks are performed with speed and accuracy D. You can view medical reports quickly


What is the primary reason for performing first aid? A. to keep the patient from going to the hospital B. to free the medical office from liability C. to reduce pain and suffering for the patient D. to free the physician from any liability


What is the proper way to initiate sending a bioterrorism agent and the laboratory requisition form to a reference laboratory? A. place the laboratory requisition form next to the specimen container B. do not place the patient name on the laboratory requisition form C. do not wrap or attach the requisition form to the specimen container D. do not place personal information regarding the patient on the laboratory requisition


What is the symbol for potassium? A. mm Hh B. PT C. K D. Na


What should a medical assistant do to communicate effectively when dealing with patients who have cultural differences? A. ensure there is an interpreter present for the office visit. B. role-play all treatment plans so the patient understands what was stated. C. be familiar with various cultural norms. D. make sure everything is written down for the patient to review at a later time.


What term is used to describe a method of stimulating business with existing patients through mailings? A. business letter B. transcription C. internal marketing D. dictation


What treatment will be provided to the patient who presents to your office with second-degree burns? A. administration of IV fluids and electrolytes B. prescription for antibiotics C. a burn cream or antibiotic ointment and nonstick sterile dressings D. keeping the wound clean and dry and without using a dressing


What type of pulse is obtained using a stethoscope? A. radial B. femoral C. apical D. brachial


What type of word processing function occurs when the Enter key is pressed? A. bold B. highlight C. return D. delete


What year was the ZIP + 4 code introduced? A. 1967 B. 1980 C. 1983 D. 1987


When a patient contract is not properly terminated by the physician, the patient may sue the physician for A. noncompliance B. defamation C. abandonment D. fraud


When an individual jogs, muscles contract and bring about movement. Jogging is a good example of which kind of exercise? A. isometric B. antagonistic C. isotonic D. synergistic


When assessing the patient prior to the collection of Papanicolaou (PAP) smear specimens, which question is necessary because of what the patient's answer may mean concerning the cervical cells? A. "have you been on any progesterone therapy?" B. "are you taking any birth control?" C. "are you taking any estrogen therapy?" D. "are you childbearing?"


When is sterile item considered contaminated? A. any item below the breast line and above the waist B. any item below the head and above the waist C. any item below the waist or above the head D. any item between the waist and head


When mail is received it is generally processed according to the A. medical assistance's preference B. supervisor's preference C. physician's preference D. medical records clerk's preference


When performing a head tilt-chin lift you must A. place one hand on the patient's cheek and pull back to tilt the head back B. place both hands on the patient's forehead and push with your palm to tilt the head back C. place one hand on the patient's forehead and push with your palm to tilt the head back D. place one hand on the patient's chin and tilt upward to tilt the head back


When performing a surgical scrub, the forearm and hands must be A. pointed downward toward the sink drain B. pointed horizontally toward the faucet C. pointed upward toward the ceiling D. pointed toward each other, hand to hand


When should the inside address on a letter on a letter not be placed four spaces down from the date? A. when using letterhead envelopes B. when using a standard size envelope C. when using a window envelope D. when using more than one name on the envelope


When taking a message what essential information is needed? A. Name of the caller, time, date, reason for call, and name of the person who will be given message. B. Name of caller, date and time, number where caller can be reached, and reason for call. C. Name of the person who will be given the message, reason for the call or concern, phone number where caller can be reached and what's the best time to call, name of the caller, date and time of call. D. Name of the caller, name of the person who will be given the message, reason for the call or concern, the caller's phone number, and the date and time of call.


When would the medical assistant use brackets on the manual day sheet? A. when posting a charge B. when posting a payment C. when posting a check identified as non-sufficient funds (NSF) D. when posting an insurance adjustment payment


Where can evaluation and management codes be found? A. in the ICD-9-CM; numbers that begin with 99 B. in the CPT manual; numbers that begin with 00 to 01 C. in the CPT manual; numbers that begin with 99 D. in the ICD-9-CM; numbers that begin with 90 to 99199


Which ECG limb lead does not record any electrical activity from the heart? A. right arm B. left arm C. right leg D. left leg


Which abbreviation refers to the maximum volume of air exhaled after one second during spirometry testing? A. FVC B. FEV C. FEV1 D. FVC1


Which cells contain the protein hemoglobin? A. stem cells B. white cells C. red cells D. platelet cells


Which classification of drugs should never appear on a prescription to a patient due to the fact that there is no real medicinal purpose to the drug? A. schedule II B. schedule V C. schedule I D. schedule IV


Which collection method should be used for patients with delicate veins? A. winged infusion set B. evacuation method C. syringe method D. microhematocrit


Which component of the computer serves as the permanent memory inside the computer? A. RAM B. MB C. ROM D. VDT


Which cranial nerve is responsible for our sense of smell? A. oculomotor B. facial C. olfactory D. optic


Which device will measure a patient's lung capacity but with less detail than pulmonary function testing? A. nebulizer B. metered-dose inhaler C. peak-flow meter D. metered-dose inhaler with spacer


Which diagnostic tool can measure how much and how fast air is pushed out of the lungs? A. nebulizer B. oximeter C. spirometer D. bronchodilator


Which e-mail feature can alert the physician of a STAT patient issue? A. adding your signature to outgoing e-mails so the physician knows it is the office. B. placing STAT in the subject line so the physician knows it's important. C. flagging the message with "high importance" D. using a red font when composing the e-mail message


Which factor is most important when dealing with special communication challenges? A. Identifying what the communication challenge is B. Contacting a family member who should provide more information C. Having patients feel a part of the process regardless of their condition D. Knowing that comprehension does not matter as long as the information has been communicated.


Which hematology test can me measured using a microhematocrit centrifuge? A. hemoglobin B. platelets C. hematocrit D. erythrocyte sedimentation (ESR)


Which imaging technique reveals more about soft tissue than simple radiography does? A. Single photon emission tomography (SPECT) B. Positron emission tomography (PET) C. Computed tomography (CT) D. Ultrasonography


Which instrument will assist the physician in viewing the patient's retina? A. otoscope B. snellen C. ophthalmoscope D. ishihara


Which instrument will the physician use to examine areas of the patient's larynx and throat? A. laryngoscope B. tongue blade C. laryngeal mirror D. penlight


Which is the most commonly fractured bone in children? A. trochlea B. scapula C. clavicle D. glenoid fossa


Which key allows the user to capitalize a letter without holding down the CAPS lock key? A. Ctrl B. insert C. ^shift D. Num lock


Which keys are used to control the movement of the cursor? A. function keys B. lock keys C. navigation keys D. modifier keys


Which layer of the skin is considered the second layer? A. fascia of muscle B. subcutaneous tissue C. dermis D. epidermis


Which of the below are capable of producing disease? A. nonpathogens B. antibody C. pathogen D. antigen


Which of the below is considered a physical component of urine? A. glucose B. protein C. clarity D. leukocytes


Which of the following actions is considered a reflex of the respiratory system? A. snoring B. laughing C. yawning D. crying


Which type of physical therapy (PT) treatments uses high-frequency sound waves? A. cryotherapy B. transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) C. ultrasound D. range of motion


Which of the following actions promotes good ergonomics when viewing the monitor? A. positioning the monitor to reflect bright light B. positioning the monitor by a window so the user can see well C. placing the monitor in front of the user at arm's length D. keeping the eyes focused on the computer to avoid eyestrain


Which of the following agencies or organizations mandates standard precautions? A. CDC B. WHO C. OSHA D. CMS


Which of the following allows a computer program to perform math computations and logical operations? A. CPU B. EMR C. ALU D. GB


Which of the following hormones is responsible for ovulation? A. FSH B. ACTH C. LH D. TSH


Which of the following is a disorder of the adrenal cortex? A. diabetes mellitus B. grave's disease C. cushing's syndrome D. giantism


Which of the following is a safety precaution when using postage meters? A. wearing loose clothing and jewelery, and having long hair is acceptable B. the medical assistant may disassemble the machine for repairs C. read the operating guide to understand all safety guidelines D. cover ventilation slots to avoid overheating


Which of the following is an example of osmosis? A. Exchange of gases in the lungs or body tissues B. White blood cells engulfs bacteria C. Absorption of water by the kidneys or small intestine D. intake of sugar by most cells


Which of the following is an example of something that is received on account? A. the patient pays his co-pay immediately following an office visit B. the office manager pays the office supply invoice C. the receptionist opens a piece of mail containing a patient's personal check D. the receptionist opens mail that is an invoice for a bill owed


Which of the following is considered a legally required disclosure? A. vitals B. blood work C. death D. surgery


Which of the following is considered a processing function? A. scanning B. printing C. classifying D. using a monitor


Which of the following is considered a prophylactic drug? A. amoxicillin B. advil C. hepatitis B vaccine D. compazine


Which of the following is considered alphanumeric in nature? A. 47901 B. K&NKJ C. K4N1KJ D. KNKJ


Which of the following is considered an outgoing call in the medical office? A. The patient phones the office to request a medication refill. B. The hospital calls the office to provide a laboratory report on an in-hospital patient. C. The medical assistant calls the office supply company to place an order. D. The nurse calls to ask about a patient's discharge order.


Which of the following is used to mark the ECG paper? A. a pen B. a marker C. a stylus D. an ink jet


Which of the following items make shingling an easy task? A. two-way tape B. paper clips C. mounting sheets D. staples


Which of the following measures the clarity of the images on the monitor screen? A. resolution B. pixels C. dot pitch D. picture element


Which of the following parts receives blood from the lungs? A. right atrium B. right ventricle C. left atrium D. left ventricle


Which of the following patients or clients would be filed first alphabetically? A. Patrick J. Hardy B. Kris A. Hardy C. Lillian Hardee D. Hardy Insurance Company


Which of the following represents a safety issue to the patients in the waiting room? A. carpet free from defects that could cause trips and falls B. hallways that are free from boxes, equipment, or clutter C. exposed and frayed electrical cords D. broken furniture that has been repaired for the safety of the patient


Which of the following represents the meningococcal vaccine? A. PCV B. IPV C. MCV4 D. MCVC


Which of the following structures carry blood from the heart to the capillaries? A. arterioles B. veins C. arteries D. venules


Which of the following supplies will allow Mary to secure the patient documentation inside the medical record file folder? A. divider B. tab C. fastener D. paper clip


Which of the following term best describes a situation in which a physician provided an "incorrect treatment"? A. Nonfeasance B. Infeasance C. Malfeasance D. Misfeasance


Which of the following types of insurance is designed for families with low income or limited resources? A. Medicare B. CHAMPVA C. Medicaid D. Workers' compensation


Which of the following will assure that a wound specimen collected is not contaminated with normal skin flora? A. the medical assistant applies sterile gloves to both hands B. the medical assistant swabs the infected area and any purulent discharge C. the medical assistant cleans and decontaminates the surrounding area of the wound D. the culture swab collection tube is activated by squeezing the bottom of the tube


Which part of the microscope is used to obtain an approximate focus quickly? A. Diaphragm B. Condenser C. Course adjustment D. Fine adjustment


Which pathogenic microorganism is considered a bacterium? A. trichomonas vaginalis B. candida albicans C. escherischia coli D. varicella-zoster


Which position is used in certain surgeries to displace abdominal organs into the chest wall for better visualization? A. sims B. prone C. trendelenburg D. lithotomy


Which response is most appropriate for the infant who is responsive but needs relief from choking? A. perform a blind finger sweep and check the airway B. begin CPR, open the airway, and look for the obstructing object C. deliver 5 back slaps while holding the infant prone of your forearm D. perform chest thrust, then deliver 5 back slaps


Which rule is mandated by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration? A. Sinks should be mandated level for the physically challenged patient to use comfortably. B. Drug screening of employees is necessary for the safety of the patients. C. Material Safety Data are used in the workplace. D. Technical standards must be established to outline the physical requirements of the job and duties performed.


Which salutation is correctly written? A. Dear Dr. Wayne B. Dear Doctor James Wayne, M.D. C. Dear Doctor James Wayne D. Dear Doctor Wayne


Which site is most appropriate for a subcutaneous injection administered by the patient? A. lower lateral leg B. middle section of the back C. lateral side of the upper leg D. upper outer portion of the arm


Which structures make up the female reproductive system? A. paired ovaries, single uterus and vagina, and external genital structures B. paired ovaries, fallopian tubes, and single uterus and vagina C. paired ovaries, fallopian tubes, single uterus and vagina, and external genital structures D. paired ovaries, fallopian tubes, and external genital structures


Which substance is used to visualize the heart during a nuclear medicine procedure? A. Gallium B. Iodine C. Thallium D. Techetium


Which suffix means " to crush"? A. -trophy B. -tresia C. -tripsy D. -tomy


Which surgical specialist repairs disorders of the face and mouth? A. Cosmetic and reconstructive surgeon B. Vascular surgeon C. Maxillofacial surgeon D. Neurological surgeon


Which system is best for filing non-patient related files? A. numeric filing system B. geographic filing system C. subject filing system D. alphabetic filing system


Which system is responsible for returning tissue fluid to the blood and for protecting the body against foreign material? A. immune system B. integumentary system C. lymphatic system D. vascular system


Which term best describes " destruction by burning"? A. Fulguration B. Cryosurgery C. Electrocauterization D. Exenteration


Which term defines a formal gathering of information during which the individual who has received a subpoena must answer the questions? A. subpoena duces tecum B. plaintiff C. deposition D. perjury


Which term demonstrates patient understanding of the overall plan of treatment? A. planning B. assessment C. evaluation D. objective


Which term describes a fibrous connective tissue membrane that covers individual skeletal muscles and certain organs? A. tendons B. periosteum C. fascia D. muscle fibers


Which term describes an outside influence that arouses a type of emotional response? A. Cynicism B. Stress C. Stressor D. Repression


Which term describes communication within an office or with another department in the same facility? A. Letter B. Facsimile C. Memorandum D. Composition


Which term describes how a cell engulfs and destroys microorganisms, other foreign antigens, and cell debris? A. filtration B. osmosis C. phagocytosis D. diffusion


Which term indicates an incision into the thyroid? A. thyroiditis B. thymoma C. thyroidotomy D. thyroidomegaly


Which term means "towards the back"? A. ventral B. medial C. dorsal D. lateral


Which term represents a single-sugar compound and is the simplest sugar? A. Oligosaccharide B. Disaccharide C. Monosaccharide D. Polysaccharide


Which term represents the recognition of a health-care professional's license to practice by a state other than the state that granted the license? A. Reciprocation B. Recipient C. Reciprocity D. Recidivist


Which term would indicate that the examination room is clean and free from infection? A. surgical asepsis B. disinfection C. medical asepsis D. sanitization


Which terms describe the imaginary plane when the body is facing front and is vertical A. Transverse or cross-sectional plane B. Midsagittal or medial plane C. Frontal or coronal plane D. Sagittal or lateral plane


Which transcribed sentence is correct? A. The patient's carcinoma is stage four. B. The patient's carcinoma is stage 4. C. The patient's carcinoma is stage IV. D. The patient's carcinoma is stage IIII.


Which type of cancer is the most common? A. Teratoma B. Sarcoma C. Carcinoma D. Adenoma


Which type of communication is considered an informal type of correspondence? A. mail B. memo C. e-mail D. letter


Which type of examination allows the physician to palpate internal structures of the pelvic cavity? A. papanicolaou (PAP) and pelvic B. anoscope with obturator C. bimanual D. vaginal speculum


Which type of filing storage is most commonly used for color-coded files? A. vertical files B. moveable files C. open-shelf lateral files D. electronic files


Which type of hormonal medication would appear as an absence on the results of a female PAP smear? A. progesterone B. HCG C. estrogen D. testosterone


Which type of insurance plan offers the most flexibility to a patient? A. IPA plan B. PPO plan C. Indemnity plan D. Flexible spending plan


Which type of law deals with issues of a citizen's welfare and safety? A. international law B. constitutional law C. criminal law D. administrative law


You are seeking a way in which you can receive a record of the date and time your facility's tax return was delivered to the recipient. What is the best way to confirm the date and time the letter was delivered? A. registered mail B. special handling C. signature confirmation D. restricted delivery


You are sending correspondence that needs the word confidential to appear on the envelope. Where will you place the word confidential? A. left-hand side, four lines below the return address B. right-hand side, two lines below the postage C. left-hand side, two lines below the return address D. right-hand side, two lines below the postage


You are taking the Ms. Roy's BP and the sound has become softer and fainter with a muffled quality. Which category or phase of the Korotkoff sound are you hearing? A. phase I B. phase II C. phase IV D. phase V


You are typing an operative report and notice a word that does not look right. Correct the word by choosing the correct spelling. A. absess B. abcess C. abscess D.abcsess


You came across a billing situation and were not sure what to do. Which section of the policy manual will assist you? A. Mission statement B. Human resource section C. Administrative section D. Clinical section


You have been given an order of 1 cc of medication. Select the container to which 1 cc of air must be added before drawing the 1 cc of medication A. ampule B. cartridge C. MDV D. SDV


You have been instructed to perform by certain standards in a given emergency situation. What does this instruction refer to? A. policy B. procedure C. protocol D. preference


You have completed the rough draft of a letter to be sent to the physician's lawyer. What is the next step? A. have the office manager condition the letter B. have the physician annotate the letter C. have the physician proofread the letter D. have the office manager index the letter


You have drawn specimens for complete blood count (CBC) and a lipid profile and must send the specimens to the laboratory. Choose the elements critical for proper labeling on the vacutainer tubes A. patient's name, name of test, the date, and the physician's address B. date, name of patient and test, and the physician's name and address C. date, name of patient and test, patient's date of birth, and the physician's name D. patient's name and address, patient's date of birth, name of test, and time


You have taken a new position in a pediatric practice and you want to develop food communication and rapport to build trust and confidence. Which strategy will assist you? A. speak directly to the parents or guardian. B. wait until the child is of speaking age and then speak directly to the child. C. always have direct eye contact at the child's level, regardless of age. D. the physician will communicate subjects of importance.


You must contact the Higher Achievement Psychotherapy Center to refer a patient. What is most important when communicating with this other facility? A. Providing the patient's name and insurance information B. Making the referral date convenient for the patient C. Maintaining patient confidentiality, confirming patient consent, and being nonjudgmental D. Making sure the person to whom you are speaking is qualified.


You must schedule the patient for a mammogram. Which special instructions will you provide to the patient for this radiographic examination? A. the patient should have nothing to eat or drink 12 hours prior to the procedure B. the patient should not wear a bra with underwire present C. the patient should not wear deodorant, lotion, or powder D. the patient must arrive 1 hour prior to the appointment time


You posted a check from the patient's insurance company. Between the insurance payment and the previous patient payment, there is now a credit on the patient's account. The medical assistant must now A. process a debit balance B. perform an accounts receivable procedure C. process a credit balance D. keep the money on the account for the next time the patient comes in


You received four faxed sets of data. Choose the set that takes priority. A. letter of correspondence from the physicians accountant B. a patient's laboratory result C. a patient's STAT laboratory result D a hospital request for a patient's order


You received multiple patient reports. One report is a full size sheet of paper and the others are all different sizes. What is the best way to present this information in the patient's chart. A. conditioning B. sorting C. shingling D. indexing


Your patient is bedridden. Eventually the patient's muscles decrease in size because of lack of use. Which term describes this condition? A. hypertrophy B. myalgia C. atrophy D. myopathy


a roundworm is a microorganism classified as a A. protozoa B. bacteria C. metazoa D. virus


A capillary tube should be disposed of in A. a sharps container B. the biohazard container C. the regular trash bin D. a puncture-resistant sharps container


A disorder in which the pituitary gland secretes excessive amounts of human growth hormone (HGH) during childhood and results in an abnormally large adult is A. hyperpituitarism B. goiter C. graves' disease D. gigantism


A fracture in which the bone splits longitudinally is known as A. impacted B. comminuted C. compound D. greenstick


A medical assistant who is accountable for his or her actions will. A. admit to errors and take corrective actions B. hide an error and say nothing C. correct an error and hope no one finds out D. admit an error immediately to the appropriate individual and take corrective measures if needed.


A system administrator is the person who A. performs the backup of the computer daily B. maintains the service agreement C. performs the audit controls D. is responsible for maintaining the computer system


A very dear patient has been told the treatment he has been receiving is not working and that he is now terminally ill with little time left to live. It is normal for the medical assistant to feel sad during this time. In what way can you focus on positive communication? A. Allow yourself to pity the patient and situation during communication. B. Provide a great deal of sympathy during conversation. C. Do not address this topic during conversation. D. Focus any conversation on empathy.


Active natural immunity develops when A. an antigen is purposely introduced into the body, such as in a vaccine B. the body is exposed to a pathogenic microorganism C. antibodies are developed in an animal or human and are then injected into the exposed person D. already formed antibodies are passed from mother to fetus across the placenta during pregnancy


After the insurance company paid its portion of a bill, the patient still owed $20.00. You received the personal payment from the patient in the mail today. This payment is known as A. collection ratio B. accounts payable C. cost ratio D. accounts receivable


An (IM) injection is meant to be given at what angle during administration? A. 15-degree B. 45-degree C. 75-degree D. 90-degree


An abnormal lateral curvature of the spine is A. osteoporosis B. lordosis D. kyphosis D. scoliosis


An individual is considered morbidly obese if his or her body mass index (BMI) is A. 30 or greater B. 20 or greater C. 10 or greater D. 40 greater


An ordered blood culture should be drawn in a A. red top tube B. lavender top tube C. green top tube D. yellow top tube


Because policy and procedure manuals are inspected by authorities, which of the following is the most important factor to include? A. the practice mission statement B. equipment used in procedural tasks and how to use the equipment C. the names of the employees who are on the policy and procedure committee D. the date the policy was written and the date the policy was revised


Can the medical assistant verbally deny an appointment for a patient who chronically fails to keep scheduled appointments? A. No. It is illegal to deny a patient an appointment. B. Yes. The patient was negligent. C. Sometimes. It is up to the office manager to decide. D. Yes, but written certified termination of care letter must also be sent.


Choose the answer that contains all the standard elements for an office visit memorandum. A. heading, date, to, from, subject B. subject, body, date, to , from, subject C. body, date, to, from, subject, sincerely, heading, copy D. heading, date, to, from, subject, body, copy


Choose the component that describes the internet A. everyone has access to the internet B. all physicians' offices share information with one another on the internet C. it is a private network to which everyone has access D. the only individuals with access to a practice's internet are those affiliated with the practice


Choose the definition for colectomy A. Surgical joining of the colon to the cecum B. Surgical puncture of the colon to relieve distention C. Surgical formation of a passage between two portions of the colon D. Surgical excision of part of or the entire colon


Choose the factors that affect bone growth and maintenance A. exercise and stress B. heredity C. nutrition D. all of the above


Choose the fracture that is most common in children A. impacted B. comminuted C. spiral D. greenstick


Choose the instrument the ophthalmologist or optometrist would use to determine increased intraocular pressure in the patient's eye A. tonometer B. ophthalmoscope C. otoscope D. gonioscope


Choose the major paired groups of lymph nodes A. submaxillary and cubital nodes B. popliteal and iliac nodes C. mesenteric nodes D. cervical, axillary, and inguinal nodes


Choose the microorganisms that are classified as animal parasites A. fungi B. viruses C. bacteria D. protozoa


Dr. Minyoung is an anesthesiologist and works for Dr. Plitau, who is a gastroenterologist. They both perform services at the Sunshine Ambulatory Surgical Center. For Dr. Plitau to perform a colonoscopy, Dr. Minyoung puts the patient under light sedation with Demerol. The Demerol needs to be reordered. Choose the correct statement regarding ordering this Demerol A. Demerol does not need a Federal Triplicate Order Form DEA 222 B. Demerol is a schedule III drug C. Demerol needs to be ordered on a Federal Duplicate Form DEA 222 D. Demerol needs to be ordered on a Triplicate order form DEA 222


Dr. Tilford is retiring and closing his practice. What must the practice do? A. Inform the patients that he will no longer be able to assist them. B. Inform the patients that the practice is closing and explain how patients can get their records. C. Phone the patients and tell them the practice is closing and for them to come pick up their medical record. D. Inform the patient in writing that the practice is closing and provide instructions on how to retrieve their record.


Dr. Wright always comes across as clear, professional, and articulate. What type of communication pattern is this? A. passive B. aggressive C. passive-aggressive D. assertive


Examination of the gallbladder and bile ducts is called A. cholecystography B. arthrography C. arteriography D. cholangiography


Free as to condition or unlimited in power is A. psychosomatic B. perspective C. conflict D. absolute


Giving a patient free samples of drugs from the medical office to take home it is known as A. administering B. courtesy C. prescribing D. dispensing


How many lines down from the top of the envelope should the recipient's address be placed? A. 8 spaces and left justified B. 12 spaces and right justified C. 10 spaces and centered D. 12 spaces and centered


How many major stages of development does the theorist Piaget have? A. one B. two C. three D. four


How will you pack hinged instruments for autoclaving? A. hinged instruments are closed and the handle faces the opening side of the pack B. hinged instruments are slightly open and the handle faces the opening side of the pack C. hinged instruments are closed all the way and inserted in a single pack D. hinged instruments are open, the handle faces the opening side of the pack, and any sharp points are covered in gauze


Identify the term in which the suffix means " condition of" A. Physiology B. Physician C. Embolus D. Acidosis


Identify what increases work productivity A. work flow B. ergonomics C. accessibility D. physical space


Improper collection technique during a throat swab for Streptococcus pyogenes could result in A. a positive result B. a negative result C. a false-positive result D. a false-negative result


In Maslow's hierarchy, human needs for survival are primary. At what level in the hierarchy lies the need for safety? A. fifth B. fourth C. third D. second


In which section of the policy and procedure manual would you find information on incident reporting? A. Organizational structure B. Clinical procedures C. Infection control D. Quality improvement (QI) and risk management


John is 42 years old and requires dialysis. Which government insurance can assist John with coverage? A. Point-of-service HMO B. Indemnity plan C. Open-ended HMO D. Medicare


Juan Bentae was found to have a vitamin B12 deficiency. Which type of anemia does this patient have? A. iron-deficiency anemia B. hemolytic anemia C. aplastic anemia D. pernicious anemia


Knowing the proper medication site and using the correct procedure when administering a drug describes which of the medication drug rights? A. right dose B. right drug C. right route D. right technique


Mr. Huddelston, age 87, has presbyacusis, a common hearing impairment in elderly patients. He is in denial and it is difficult to communicate with him. Which action would be most effective in assisting this patient? A. Using short sentences with short words. B. Using notepads or demonstration as needed. C. Suggesting a family member come to each office visit. D. Suggesting a hearing aid or amplifier device.


Mr. Ramsey presented to the emergency department and was diagnosed with a myocardial infarction (MI). Choose the term for what may have caused the heart attack A. dysrhythmia B. tachycardia C. heart murmur D. ischemia


Mr. Tungate has been working in the yard all day. He presents with skin irritation, burning of his skin and eyes, and itching all over. Vitals reveal abnormal readings for respiration and pulse. What type of poisoning has occurred? A. injected poison B. inhaled poison C. ingested poison D. absorbed poison


Mrs. Caberet arrives at the office looking flushed and pale. before she approaches the reception desk she states she feels she needs to sit down. As she attempts to sit, she falls to the floor. You are well versed and certified in CPR and are trained in all emergency equipment. After immediate assessment, it is determined that this patient is in cardiac arrest. Choose the action that will benefit her the most. A. alert the physician and ask for instructions B. obtain the AED, begin using the AED, and await instructions for medications C. wait for the team captain to provide instructions as to what to do next D. start CPR, then use the AED and continue CPR until the situation is resolved or emergency medical services arrives


Name the condition that is considered to be an autoimmune disease A. arthritis B. osteoarthritis C. osteoporosis D. rheumatoid arthritis


Name the instrument used to expose by separating a wound and holding back organs and tissues. A. Hemostat B. Clamp C. Forceps D. Retractor


Now the copies must be arranged in correct sequencing as they are being copied. This is the copier's __ feature. A. duplex B. sort C. scan D. collate


Of the following cells, which are considered granular leukocytes? A. eosinophils, basophils B. lymphocytes C. neutrophils D. eosinophils, baophils, and neutrophils


The infection process or cycle has five stages, choose the correct order for the cycles. A. reservoir host, means of transmission, susceptible host, means of entry, means of exit B. reservoir host, means of exit, means of transmission, susceptible host,means of entry C. reservoir host, means of entry, means of transmission, means of exit D. reservoir host, means of exit, means of transmission, means of entry, susceptible host


The most suitable type of patient education material is written using A. technical and specialized medical language B. only English words C. medical jargon D. language at a sixth-grade reading level


The nose consists of A. all bone B. all cartilage C. bone and cartilage D. bone and cartilage and covered with skin


The outer covering of the cell is called the A. cytoplasm B. nucleus C. chromosome D. cell membrane


The part of the brain that regulates vital body functions is the A. ventricles B. pons C. midbrain D. medulla


The passage of medication through a surface or opening of the body during administration is know as A. excretion B. metabolism C. distribution D. absorption


The patient complained of painful lesions in the genital area, which are a sign of A. syphilis B. gonorrhea C. chlamydial infection D. genital herpes


The patient complains of dysuria. The physician wants a urine specimen that is concentrated. Which type of testing will you instruct the patient on? A. clean-catch, midstream testing B. 24-hour collection testing C. random testing D. first-morning testing


The patient has complained of nausea and vomiting for several days. The physician will most likely prescribe or administer A. an antacid B. an antidiarrheal C. a laxative D. an antiemetic


The patient was called Mrs. Rodrez. What does this form of address signify? A. empathy B. openness C. friendliness D. respect


The patient's fever fluctuated between high to normal to below normal. How would you report this finding? A. continuous B. flextinuous C. remittent D. intermittent


The physician does not want to use a postage meter. What other methods of purchasing postage can you recommend that will save the medical office time? A. assigning a medical assistant to physically visit the post office and purchase stamps B. having your local courier sell you stamps when he or she delivers the mail C. asking the physician's wife to purchase and deliver needed postage D. purchasing postage and other postal services via the computer


The physician has asked a medical assistant to assist with an intra-artcular injection. The assistant must prepare the site for the physician to perform the injection A. the CMA (AAMA) will prepare the left carotid artery B. the RMA will prepare the space within the spinal mininges C. the RMA will prepare a vein near the antecubital space D. the CMA (AAMA) will prepare a joint space on the shoulder


The physician orders 500 mg of penicillin IM. When checking the stocked shelf of medications, you discover that the dose you have is penicillin 250 mg. You must calculate the quantity needed for the patient. This calculation method is known as A. fractional equation method B. clark's rule C. ratio and proportion method D. the formula method


The physician wants a pulse from the patient's dorsalis pedis artery. Which site will be used? A. thumb side of the wrist B. top of the thigh C. back of the knee D. top of the foot


The physician who fails to monitor the patient's blood glucose level, causing the patient to go into a diabetic coma, is considered to have committed what type of negligence? A. Malfeasance B. Nofeasance C. Misfeasance D. Nonfeasance


The policy manual benefits A. the patients B. the employees C. the physician D. everyone involved in the medical office


The practice of pronouncing words is called A. clarify B. speed C. pronunciation D. enunciation


The prescription was written for Crestor 5 mg/T 1 QD HS PO. Select the terms that you will use to describe to the patient how he or she will take the medication A. one 10 mg tablet every day in the morning by mouth B. one 5 mg tablet every other day in the evening by mouth C. one 5 mg tablet every day at bedtime as needed D. one 5 mg tablet every day at bedtime by mouth


The primary function of the integumentary system is A. the correlation of immunity B. to connect the subcutaneous tissue to the skin to and the muscles C. to provide waterproof stratum corneum D. to prevent the entry of many harmful substances and acts as a protective layer


The pulse oximetry display states 97 SpO2% which is how the results would be recorded in the patient chart. What is being measured? A. saturation of the arterial oxygen B. power on self-test C. the patient pulse rate D. saturation of the peripheral oxygen


The third injection of the hepatitis B series should be given at what time interval? A. 6 weeks after the first injection B. 6 weeks after the second injection C. 3 months after the second injection D. 6 months after the first injection


The type of acquired immunity in which there is production of one's own antibodies and a vaccine stimulates production of those antibodies and memory cells is called A. active, natural immunity B. passive, artificial immunity C. passive, natural immunity D. active, artificial immunity


The verbal order was for a strep test procedure. You must obtain a specimen from the patient's throat for strep testing. You will need to swab the A. tonsils and larynx B. crypts and tonsils C. tonsils and adenoids D. crypts, tonsils, and larynx


There are many strategies for dealing with difficult patients. Which of the following is not the best strategy? A. validating the patient's feelings B. trying to move toward a solution C. acknowledging the patient's concern D. allowing the patient to continue to vent


Which term is defined as " a weak portion of an arterial wall that bulges out"? A. phlebitis B. atherosclerosis C. arteriosclerosis D. aneurysm


There are multiple components to the patient teaching plan. Which component identifies the goals and outcomes? A. Teaching methods and tools B. Procedure explained or demonstrated by the health-care provider C. Procedure explained or demonstrated by the patient D. Learning objectives


This common skin disorder is classified as a bacterial infection caused by streptococci or staphylococci A. fever blisters B. warts C. eczema D. impetigo


This condition is caused by the same virus that causes chickenpox A. bell's palsy B. syphilis C. cerebral palsy D. shingles


This helps to provide a safe environment for employees regarding blood borne pathogens. A. Clinical Laboratory Improvements Amendment of 1988 B. The Joint Commission C. Fair Labor Standards Act of 1939 D. Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970


This term describes the visual display of information on the monitor screen. A. Dot pitch B. Pixels C. Resolution D. Softcopy


This term relates to guidelines that minimize the risk of disease transmission A. personal protective equipment B. bio-hazardous waste precautions C. exposure control D. standard precautions


This term represents the health-care professional who does not have to renew a license, certification, or registration in each state in which he or she practices. A. recitation B. recision C. reciprocation D. reciprocity


To achieve the best possible results using a spirometer, the patient should be instructed to A. blow into the mouthpiece very softly and for a short period of time B. stand and blow into the mouthpiece as hard and aas long as the patient can C. sit and blow softly into the mouthpiece for as long as the patient can D. sit and blow into the mouthpiece as hard and as long as the patient can


To calculate payroll withholding using the combination method, you must A. use the combined tables found in the newspaper B. use the tax table found in the IRS publications C. use the figures that are provided to you by the office manager D. use the combined tables found in the IRS publications


Today is January 12, 2012. A new shipment of supplies needs to be stocked on the storage shelves. Which item will be rotated along with current supplies and used first? A. depo-medrol; expiration date: 02/16/12 B. penicillin, expiration date: 03/16/12 C. CLIA-waived Streptococcus test kit; expiration date: 03/12/12 D. sterile surgical gloves;shelf-life, 30 days


Unfortunately, when checking the obituaries in the office you found that your patient Mr. Desai had died. You checked Mr. Desai's account and there was a rather large balance. How will you attempt to collect the debt? A. Call the family and inform them Mr. Desai still owes the physician money B. send a bill to the executor of the will C. send a bill to the estate of Mr. Desai D. file a claim with the probate court toward the estate


Unhealthy coping strategies that prohibit successful communication are called. A. giving advice B. communication patterns C. interpersonal variables D. defense mechanism


Voice tone, volume, pitch, and range refer to A. non-language B. clarification C. message D. para language


What does a histologist study? A. Infection control B. Nutrition C. Respiratory function D. Cells and tissues


What is comparative negligence? A. The physician's claims that the patient was aware of the risks B. The length of time during which the patient can file suit C. The prohibition of suits against any veteran's hospital D. The award of damages based on a percentage of the contribution to the negligence


What is one of the most important aspects about an instruction manual for office equipment? A. it explains how to operate the equipment B. it provides information on how to contact the manufacturer C. it gives detailed instructions on the names of the parts of equipment D. it includes user guidelines for proper care and maintenance


What is one of the preoperative roles of the medical assistant regarding surgical informed consent? A. to explain the risks and benefits of the surgery B. to ask the patient to take the informed consent home and research the procedure, sign the consent, have the family's review the consent, and mail it back to the office C. to make sure the family members have read and signed the informed consent D. to make sure the patient understands the procedure and its risks and benefits and to ensure that all questions have been answered by the physician, ordered laboratory test are completed, and the consent has been signed


What is the medical assistant's primary role as a health-care provider? A. to provide the patient with additional resources B. to be one step ahead of the physician at all times C. to render service with confidence D. To be a patient advocate at all times


What is the most important aspect of maintaining liability coverage? A. policies contain ample coverage in all areas of liability B. policies are reviewed frequently in case coverage needs expanding C. policies are reviewed frequently to assure no lapse in coverage D. policies are reviewed frequently and paid on time to avoid a lapse in coverage


What is the primary cause of improper functioning of the computer? A. computer placed on a flat surface B. a loose or disengaged cable C. computer placed in direct sunlight D. exposure to environmental contaminants


What will provide the best protection and safety regarding office equipment? A. routine inspection of office and clinical equipment B. regular staff meetings in which equipment is discussed C. assigning a staff member to review the policy and procedure manual D. having a quality improvement (QI) plan that mandates frequent inspection of all equipment.


Which term refers to the body's upper arm? A. axillary B. deltoid C. cervical D. brachial


When can the original physical medical record be released? A. when the patient gives consent B. when an attorney request the medical record C. when the physician deems it necessary because it is owned by the physician D. when the medical record is subpoenaed by a court of law


When preparing the examination room each morning, which preparation step will assure the otoscope and ophthalmoscope are in good working condition? A. checking the batteries each morning to ensure the instruments are working correctly B. turning on the instrumentation panel attached to the wall C. wiping the instrumentation with alcohol wipes and turning the instrument on D. checking the bulbs and batteries and making sure the power supply is on


When reviewing patient transcription you noticed many errors. Choose the sentence that is grammatically correct. A. The patient are responding to treatment B. The patient was responding to treatment C. The patient is responding to treatment D. The patient is responding to treatment.


When setting the appointment matrix or appointment guidelines, whose preferences come first? A. the patient's B. the laboratory personnel C. the office manager's D. the physician's


When you answer the phone and use the words such as please and thank you, you are using A. pronunciation B. enunciation C. jargon D. etiquette


Where are blood cells produced? A. veins and arteries B. tissues and organs C. heart and brain D. bone marrow and lymphatic tissue


Which action will ensure a correct weight using either the adult or pediatric weight scale? A. the scale should be balanced each time a patient is to be weighed B. the scale should be disinfected after each patient use C. the patient should remove his or her shoes each time a weight is taken D. the office should schedule professional calibration of each scale annually


Which affirmative defense strategy is used when the physician admits to negligence? A. statute of limitations B. assumption of risk C. comparative negligence D. contributory negligence


Which common skin disorder is caused by streptococci or staphylococci? A. warts B. fever blisters C. eczema D. impetigo


Which female hormone promotes maturation of ovarian follicles? A. progesterone B. follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) C. luteinizing hormone (LH) D. estrogen


Which name is given to a drug first? A. the trade name B. the pharmacology name C. the generic name D. the chemical name


Which of the following PHI can be disclosed by the medical office without the patient's permission? A. home care reports and health history information B. consent forms and HIPPA forms C. insurance information and diagnostic reports D. the medical practice's treatment, payment, and operation information


Which of the following describes artificial active immunity? A. does not involve antibodies and is programmed in one's DNA B. inject performed antibodies after presumed exposure C. antibodies acquired from another source D. a vaccine stimulates production of antibodies and memory cells


Which of the following factors are reflection of various aspects of physical development? A. height, weight, motor abilities, brain development B. health-related issues, motor abilities, brain development C. thinking, intellectual capabilities, height and weight D. health-related issues, brain development, motor abilities, height and weight


Which of the following is the document that describes the total amount of deductions the employee claims? A. W-2 B. withholding certificate C. payroll journal D. W-4


Which of the following is the most common form of a contract? A. expressed contract B. informed contract C. standard contract D. implied contract


Which of the following is the smallest device that will save files? A. floppy disks B. compact disks C. zip drive D. flash drive


Which of the following statements is true? A. the patient is always insured B. the subscriber does not have to have an ID number C. the guarantor is not always financially responsible D. the subscriber can also be insured


Which of the following terms is spelled correctly? A. Cholocystitis B. Myolitis C. Myocardiem D. Proteinuria


Which of these terms describes a "rounded projection"? A. plate B. process C. meatus D. condyle


Which organ is a major organ involved with drug metabolism? A. pancreas B. kidneys C. gallbladder D. liver


Which part of the pharynx is a passageway for air only? A. laryngopharynx B. parapharynx C. oropharynx D. nasopharynx


Which specialist limits practice to the aging population? A. Gastroenterologist B. Gynecologist C. Oncologist D. Gerontologist


Which statement explains the type of negligence called misfeasance? A. Treatment delayed or not attempted at all. B. Incorrect treatment. C. Right treatment but the wrong physician. D. Incorrectly performed treatment.


Which statement is true of an emancipated minor? A. the parents are responsible to pay for services rendered. B. the guardian is responsible to pay for services rendered. C. the emancipated minor's spouse is responsible to pay for services rendered. D. the emancipated minor is responsible to pay for services rendered.


Which term and its suffix mean "condition of"? A. leukemia B. hemostasis C. hypoxia D. leukocytosis


Which term describes a progressive wavelike movement or waves of contraction that push undigested material such as food through the colon? A. Peristone B. Peristasis C. Peristaltic D. Peristalsis


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