CMN 368 Exam 2 UIUC

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Why do sons disclose to their fathers about sex?

-Attempts to elicit his support/bond -Daughters care less about paternal bond

What populations are targeted for sex ed and why?

-Children/adolescents -Parents -At-risk adults -Elderly, incarcerated men, etc. ESPECIALLY ADOLESCENTS

Know the characteristics of the hyperpersonal model.

-Disclose more -Disclose quicker -Reciprocity -Reduced cues

What are some problems with sex education?

-Effectiveness (we are falling short in the U.S) -Recollection (3 month average remembrance) -Educators: Students have a hard time identifying with their educator. (these people often do not have the desire or training to teach) ----They do not consider culture, demographics, etc.

Why do children prefer to talk about sex with their mothers?

-Historically woman was in the home and more accessible -More direct communication with mother -Greater investment in the maternal than the paternal relationship -Sexual orientation disclosure (mothers more supportive)

Know the characteristics of signaling theory.

-Rooted in biology and Darwin's sexual selection -We signal (communicate) to potential mates that we are the best options -In online dating, both males and females are competing and signaling -Identities are adjustable online -We use signals (user IDs, language) to establish our identities online -It is relatively easy to manipulate these signals to falsely represent ourselves

What are the three types of sex appeals?

1) Blatant: Overt sexual or erotic imagery or language to attract attention. Viewer associates images with sex. Sex is being depicted in the ad. (like the skittles ad) Ex. Skittles ad, "my secret to perfect skin? I swallow" ad o 2) Suggestive: Hints at the sexual or erotic, without an explicit appeal to sex. Hinting at sex. Ex. Axe cleaning balls commercial (there isn't actual balls in the ad, but we know what they're talking about), Durex ad with a guy with a long skirt (hinting that he has a big penis) o 3) Symbolic: Language or imagery that mimics something erotic or sexual in nature. Nothing overly sexual about them, but there might be some symbolism or something (it hints sexualization in our minds). Ex. Gucci belt ad with guy holding belt out with no shirt on.

How many internet users have engaged in cybersex?

Between 33-60% of internet users have had cybersex

What are the goals of these programs? *NOTE: we talked about each of these programs in detail.

1. Abstinence only GOAL: no sex till marriage -Focuses only on abstaining from sex until marriage -Teaches about morals but not condom use etc. - ineffective because there is no information (so kids are unprepared) and Cognitive dissonance and psychological reactance (AKA if you tell someone not to do something, it makes them want to do it more) 2. Information Based GOAL: Provide students with facts -info about safe sex (learn info but don't really engage to develop skills) --- there are assumptions that kids will be able to apply these skills but this is not true 3. Prevention-Based GOAL: Emphasizes dangers and risks of sex -Ex. show birthing video -Fails to enhance negotiation skills (comm with sex) - doesn't account for context in which sex really occurs

What are the three types of formal sex ed programs in schools?

1. Abstinence-only 2. Information-based 3. Prevention-based

What are some of the principles for effective sexual education in schools?*

1. All people should have access to sex education 2. All students enrolled in sex education need and deserve respect 3. Students need to be accepted where they are 4. Students learn as much or more from each other as from their educator 5. Adopt a positive approach to sex education is the best approach 6. Honest information about sex is essential 7. All sexual orientations and gender identities must be acknowledged 8. Sex education must be rooted in the concept of consent. 9. Sex education must be sensitive to the needs of students who have a history of trauma 10. Students must learn that sex is more than just intercourse

Know the factors that make online dating attractive.

1. Anonymity: they know a little info but not a lot, you choose what they know 2.Asynchronous - you don't have to communicate in real time with partners - sending messages, and you can respond whenever you want - if at all 3. Self-presentation: you can present yourself however you want, in the most positive and attractive light 4. Editability - we can change the info that we put out there

Know how mother-child communication about sex influences sexual behavior.

1. Coercive behavior and love withdrawal → early sexual debut (when bad relationship with mom and she is threatening of you) 2. Positive communication with mother → delayed sexual debut and lower rates of sexual behavior 3. Positive communication with mother → healthier romantic relationships for child into early childhood

What verbal and nonverbal behaviors should parents use when talking to their children about sex?

1. Verbal communication -Informal, friendly -Attentive, receptive -Mutual interactive communication -Use of humor/sarcasm -Customize message 2. Nonverbal -Communication/Behavior -Should serve as a role model -Appropriate use of non-verbals

What are some ways of increasing sex ed effectiveness?

1. method of giving the information - reciprocity - message tailoring - Complementary methods 2. Content covered - Cover a wide variety of topics - Avoice threats - portray sexuality as positive and healthy aspect of life - humor

Why is it important for parents to talk to their children about sex?

A child is less likely to [if the parents have open comm about the topic]: - Less likely to have sex at a young age - More likely to practice safe sex - More comfortable discussing sexuality/issues with parents A parent can: -Reduce negative peer influence -Influence sexual scripts

Know the different motivations for sexting by relationship type (committed, casual sex, and cheating relationships).

Committed relationship: Flirtation, long distance issue Casual Relationship: partner asked me to, initiating sexual encounter Cheating Partners: wanted covert communication, boredom

Know the issues that are important to consider with gendered sexual communication: covert affection, language differentiation, naming practices.

Covert Affection: Nonverbal communication behavior that refers to different ways that we show each other affection Naming Practices: Expectations we have for titles (like Mr., Mrs., Etc.) and in the absence of other information --Ex. people tend to call male professors Dr. or Professor, and their female professors Ms. or by their first name Language Differentiation: We have different and often unfair terminology for men and women Ex. To be a man ---We say tough, hard, etc. Ex. To be a weak man ---We say pussy, weak, he's a bitch

What is the cultivation hypothesis? Be able to recognize examples of the cultivation hypothesis.

Heavy exposure to TV will create beliefs about society based on TV's portrayal of society Ex. hispanics seen as bad on TV so we may think all hispanics are bad

Know Kunkel's "sex on TV" findings. 3

His study measured how much sex (sexual behavior and talk) was actually on TV Findings: 1. Sex (heterosexual sex) is pervasive on TV 2. Risks and responsibilities are rarely addressed 3. Homosexuality is rarely addressed

How are men objectified in advertising?

Hunkvertising, but isn't how women are objectified

How do parents talk to their daughters about sex? Their sons?

Daughters: - commonly discuss the negative consequences of sexual activity - Lack of communication on contraceptives Sons: - Fear appeals - Sexual assault - Consent

Know the definition of digital deception and catfishing.

Digital Deception: The intentional control of information in a technologically mediated message to create a false belief in the receiver of the message Extreme Digital Deception/Catfishing: Someone who pretends to be someone they are not using social media to create false identities, particularly to pursue deceptive online romances

How are men and women portrayed on TV?

Look at notes -More male role models -men are smarter, more powerful, more rational -Women are in the home -Women are much younger than males, more likely to be married, more attractive than males

What some male sexual scripts? 4

Male Sexual Scripts: 1. Men should not have (or at least they should not express) certain feelings 2. Men are in charge 3. Men always want sex and are ready for it 4. All physical contact leads to sex

From the "Be a Man" clip: what are the myths of masculinity?

Men are taught that their masculinity is something that they have to prove and can also be taken away -Characteristics of toxic masculinity (3 characteristics) 1. Should suppress their emotions and not show them 2. Should show his dominance 3. Aggressive sexuality

Know the reasons why people have cybersex and the consequences.

Reasons: 1. It is another way to experience psychological or physical pleasure 2. It is an alternative to satisfying a sexual desire when one does not have a partner 3. It is a potential way to develop a relationship or to find an offline partner Consequences: 1. Relationship dissolution 2. Loss of trust with relational partner 3. Addiction

what do we know about how parents and adolescents talk about sex: what is their recall of talking about sex? What topics do they discuss the most? The least? What are some tips for parents for talking about sex with their children?

Recalling: Mothers tend to remember talking about sex with their children more than children recall talking about sex Topics most discussed: Morals, pregnancy, relationships Least discussed topics: Homosexuality, infidelity, peer pressure Tips: -Get on the same page -Timing is everything -Teens prefer to discuss sex with peers -Utilize popular media

Know the definitions and characteristics of sex and gender.

Sex is... 1. biological 2. inherent 3. born Gender is... 1. Social, psychological, cultural traits generally associated with one sex or the other 2. Learned 3. We can choose

Know what sexting has been linked with.

Sexting is linked with sexual addiction at times. (engaging in sexting can make you prone to sexual addiction)

What is isolated cybersex?

Sexual activities performed by an individual through technological means that do not include other users Ex: reading erotic stories while masturbating (watching porn)

What is social cybersex?

Sexual activities performed by an individual through technological means that involves interaction with other users that could be sexual Ex: reproducing fantasies on chat/webcam Ex: online emotional relationships

What is the relationship between teen pregnancy and exposure to sexual content on TV?

Tv and teen pregnancy very related -Lower probability of pregnancy for 2 parent families -Heightened probability of pregnancy for African American teens and teens with deviant behavior

What is "hunkvertising?"

Using men in advertisements to sell the products. They are targeted at women. However, the idea is that these ads are not to the detriment of men in the way women are in ads.

What is a sexual script?

What we believe are the norms for sexuality in our given culture -this comes from family many times

How do sociodemographic, gender, and early dating influence communication about sex between parents and children?

Sociodemographics •Example? So if a family is from a very conservative background they may not talk about sex. Also maybe in terms of income, etc. Gender Examples? Girls communicate more with parents than boys. Early dating Examples? children who date young, sexual debut earlier.

Who is Dr. Elders? Why is she significant in talking about sex ed?

Surgeon General 1993 Advocated against abstinence-only programs Instead promoted masturbation...Why?--Because HIV/AIDS crisis was rampid She was asked to step down from her position within a year.

What are some examples of public health campaigns?

Television, Commercials, websites, print sources, etc. --Normally these campaigns promote sexual health (on diseases, etc.)

What are some examples of sexual scripts?

how people behave, likely outcomes of actions, what happens in the world

What is social cognitive theory?

theory of behavior change that emphasizes the interactions between people and their environment. focuses on how we interpret and respond t your external events?????????????????????????????? Learning by observing others Ex. little boy watches doll get beat up and so he beats up doll

What is the "Juno Effect?" What are sex appeals?

Like in the movie Juno, teens think that if they get pregnant at a young age, everything will work out great in the end (like it did for Juno)

What are the factors involved in delaying a child's sexual debut? (6 factors)

1. Parental monitoring -knowing who your kids are with, where they are, etc. 2. Engagement in family activities 3. Parental support and connectedness 4. Parental trust 5. Family Structure 6. Quality of relationship

Know and be able to recognize the three classifications of online sex information users.

1. Recreational user -Use the web occasionally -Few negative consequences 2. Compulsive user -Sexually compulsive traits -Negative consequences as a result 3. At-risk user -No sexually compulsive traits before the internet

Know the background information on sexual education.

1. Sex Ed is more widespread than before 2. Sex Ed is occurring earlier in life 3. Pessimism is prevalent over sex education today because people ask... -Does formal sex education work? -Is it effective? -Is it the role of schools to teach sex ed?

Female sexual scripts? 4

1. Sex is good and bad ---If you are in a committed relationship then sex is good, but it is bad if it is just casual sex 2. Sex is for men 3. Men should know what they want 4. Women are the nurturers

What are some characteristics of comprehensive sexual education? 3

1. Should Teach through experiential activities 2. Should address media and peer pressure 3. Enhance communication skills

What does it mean to be transgender? Cisgender? What is gender conformity? Gender non-conformity?

1. Transgender— a term to describe people whose gender identity differs from their birth sex Ex. Was born a male, and identifies their gender as female 2. Cisgender- a term to describe people whose gender identity corresponds to their birth sex Ex. So my sex is a girl, and I identify as a girl 3. Gender conformity— behavior and appearance that conforms to the social expectations for one's gender Ex. I have my nails done, put on a dress and makeup and I identify as a female-- this is gender conformity because people associate these kinds of things with females 4. Gender non-conformity— Behavior and appearance that are considered a-typical for you gender

How many teens and young adults are sexting?

20% of teens 31% of young adults

Know the characteristics of peer sex ed programs. What are some examples of these types of programs?

They are IMPORTANT and EFFECTIVE However, peer sex ed can only serve as a SUPPLEMENT not a REPLACEMENT

What do we know about sexual education in Illinois schools?

-Illinois senate voted in favor of comprehensive sexual education. This ends abstinence only-sex ed in some schools -Schools can still refuse to teach sexual education -Parents can still opt out of having their children participate in the program -Schools cannot offer abstinence-only sex education

What are the minimum national standards for sexual education in schools? (3)

-Information must be medically accurate and age-appropriate -Schools are not required to have sexual education -Educators do not have to be certified- they can choose their curriculum

What are the dilemmas involved in using sex appeals in advertising?

1. Distraction from the main message 2. Men and women often react differently to sex appeals 3. Often only target men. Can defend by saying "you have a dirty mind". Can be banning ads"

What are some techniques that parents use to talk about sex with their children? Are they effective? Why or why not?

1. Dominate the conversation -come in with an agenda and talk the whole time 2. No talk -avoid conversation altogether 3. Fear appeal -scare adolescents into abstinence or safe sex 4. Story telling -provide examples from own life 5. yelling/lectures -make assumptions about child's sexual behavior Not effective

Know the five theories of gender and communication. Be able to identify their characteristics.

1. Male Dominance Theory 2. Different Cultures 3. Different Skills Theory 4. Minimal Differences Theory 5. Social Roles Theory

What are some recommendations for "safe sexting?"

1. No sharing -with others after partner sends to you. Laws in place 2. No minors 3. Consent

What are some reasons why parents and children do not talk about sex?

Both answered: Reluctant Embarrassed Avoidance Considered private

What does the term "sexual debut" mean?

First sexual experience??? First intercourse??? not necessarily first sexual experience, but it is when they are first aware (i think?)

Know the three characteristics for a Triple-A Engine.

Theory about why the internet appeals for sexual use 1. Accessibility 2. Affordability 3. Anonymity

What do we mean by gender identity?

a person's internal, personal sense of being a man, woman, or someone outside the gender binary (gender fluid, gender queer, non-binary)

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