Coaching Jan Term Test 1

Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!

what championship is hardest to win

repeat championship

What's the difference between intensity and emotionalism?

-If you let your emotions take over, you will be outplayed, do not make a fool of yourself -Intensity is being locked in and making the right decisions while being very serious

regard to team culture might not be more complex than by alter by....


what should be coaches perspective in winning

striving to win

component in communication that coaches are least professiant

struggle with listening well

what did George ALlen give to .....

team chemistry, toughness and guts

Al Pacino and chris O'donnell (courtroom scene)

that's called integrity, that's called courage

most important 5 in the game

the ones that end the game

Give some examples of HOW a successful team culture is created.

• Establish team tradition (ex: University of Hawaii war dance) • Have basic operating procedures • Manage information • Culture must suit the nature of the sport • Power, influence, and status • Leadership style of the coach

What routines are good examples of how to practice moral behavior? P. 55

• Fulfill obligations • Dependable • Forgiving • Truthful • Trustworthy • Obey laws

What are Wooden's views on the relationship between "emotionalism" and consistency?

• He fears emotionalism, thinks it destroys consistency • Consistency in high performance and production is a trademark of effective and successful organizations and those who lead the team

What are the 6 moral values from the Athletes' Character Code? Chart p. 50

• Honesty • Responsibility • Caring • Respectfulness • Fairness • Be a good citizen

How does the philosophy of life (created with Dr. Bing) weave in to your coaching philosophy?

• Know where you are going • Reach full potential • Crafting a mission • Use natural strengths • Check your compass daily

What are some other qualities of successful coaches? P. 38 AND slides

• Knowledge of the sport • Motivation to succeed • Empathy • Humility

What are actions that leaders do? P. 32

• Leaders provide direction; they set goals by having a vision of the future • Leaders build a psychological and social environment that is conducive to achieving the team's goals • Leaders instill values, in part by sharing their philosophy of life • Leaders motivate members of their group to pursue the goals of the group • Leaders confront members of the organization when problems arise, and they resolve conflicts • Leaders communicate

What are the three dimensions of communication?

• Receiving messages and sending • Verbal and nonverbal messages • Content and Emotion

Why are some coaches poor listeners?

• Too busy commanding that they never give others a chance to speak • Assume they know it all

List a few ways of how you can communicate with a positive approach.

• Being cooperative • Knowledgeable • Reliable • Friendship • Being positive

Ron Rivera (Panthers Coach) and Mike Ditka ('85 Bears) had team mantra good team has family etc answer is tremendous character

(good team has good family good family has character?)

key to development to coaching philisophy

knowing yourself

What is your favorite definition of character from the slides and from the text?

•The sum of your habits •What you are in the dark •Like a tree and reputation its shadow. The shadow is what we think and the tree is the real thing •Helping young people to know what's right, instilling the desire to do what's right, and guiding them in the process of doing what's right

What is a coaching philosophy comprised of?

1. Major objectives (the things you value and want to achieve) 2. Your beliefs or principles that help you achieve your objectives

What are the three major objectives of coaching?

1.) To win 2.) To help young people have fun 3.) To help young people develop

What percent of communication is nonverbal?

75%/93 majority


Act of aggression by someone or a group with the intent of harming a person either physically or psychologically. Bullying is towards a victim, usually alone


Any action or situation created by a group to intentionally produce mental or physical discomfort embarrassment, harassment, or ridicule among those wishing to join the group.

Why should coaches have a coaching philosophy?

Coaching is a challenging profession with many difficult decisions and ethical dilemmas. A well-developed philosophy helps you make these difficult decisions and coach more successfully. Without a well-developed philosophy you may find yourself lacking direction and readily succumbing to external pressures

what do great coaches focus on.......

False/ dont worry about coach turning against you

Did John Wooden consider being called a "cold fish" a good or bad thing? Why was it good or bad?

Good thing. It means he controls his temper.

What did General Norman Schwarzkopf do to connect with his troops?

He shook every hand of the every troop on Christmas day. Essence is he spent the time to walk slowly through the crowd and listen to all of them and shake every hand. Method is I'm gonna go look each of them in the eye.

What was Coach Wooden's advice when it came to the media? P. 175

His advice is to ignore it because when you allow it to affect you (whether good or bad), the results are detrimental to the team.

Do you agree or disagree with using the philosophy from the fictional story on page 171? Why?

I agree because when a participant knows exactly what the penalty is for a particular act, they can measure the risk against the reward (and can decide the risk is worth it. By keeping the penalty unknown, they can't determine if the risk is worth the reward because they don't know what the penalty is. But nothing is scarier than the fear of the unknown.

Specifically how can emotionalism cause damage within a team? P. 110

It takes over common sense, makes you do things not logical (Example: being angry at a boy's dad and cutting the kid when he should have made the team).

What is the Law of the Lid?

Leadership ability determines a person's level of effectiveness

How do your objectives tie in with your philosophy?

Objectives are cornerstones for coaching philosophy. Every decision you make and every behavior you display should be based.... first on what you judge is best for your athletes, second on what may improve the athlete's or team's chances of winning. What you do in difficult situations will be determined in large measure by your coaching objectives, which are an essential part of your coaching philosophy. One of the most important decisions you will make as a coach concerns the objectives you seek to achieve with your athletes.

What are society's objectives? P. 18

Our society offers sports programs primarily to help young people develop physically, psychologically, and socially. But as you strive to achieve this long-term objective, society also encourages you to achieve the secondary and short-term objectives of winning and having fun. Despite the focus on development, representatives of our society indicate they value winning over development and well-being of athletes by rewarding only the winners rather than recognizing all participants equally.

What does self-awareness have to do with creating a coaching philosophy?

Self-awareness allows you to arrive at the conclusion that you want or need to become more competent in some facet of your life because your athletes are more likely to become what you are than what you want them to be. You have to be aware of who you are because it has a huge influence on who your athletes will become.

What were some of Bill Hicks' takeaways from having played under Wooden? P. 177

That Wooden strengthened the team through his harsh strict philosophy, treated everyone the same and taught them to do it the correct way

What is the best way to motivate athletes?

The best way to motivate athletes is by using "a carrot." Even withholding a properly selected carrot can become a most forceful punishment and powerful motivator, denial creates desire. Strongest motivators are not materialistic, but intangible. There is no better carrot than approval from someone you respect (examples: acknowledgement, pat on a back, praise).

What are the three coaching styles? How are these distinguished from objectives?

Three coaching styles: 1.) Command More dictatorial 2.) Submissive Very detatched/uninvolved 3.) Cooperative Share decision making with athletes

Chapter 4 Why is character education an essential duty of coaches?

To avoid youth violence, illicit drugs, theft, cheating, suicide, abuse, disrespect for authority, peer cruelty, hazing.

What are some ways that you personally can improve your own emotional maturity? (see "The Leader's Example" on p. 112-113)

Try to be dependable and show emotional constraint

Is it common/not common for player to lead league and win championship


Wernerd Airhart said great coaches are those who act as human beings that ask players to do something extraordinary?

Unreasonable human beings

What did Bill Bradley say about the coach's role? P. 46

Value based, to develop players for the future (working, pro, moral decisions)

How do you deal with athletes whose self-esteem is tied to winning and losing

Your success as a coach is strongly related to your self-esteem, to how you value yourself. If you have confidence, you will help develop confidence in those around you. If you feel worthy as a person, you will recognize worth in others. If you care about your self, you will more likely care about others.

How would you describe Eric's Thompson style

aggressive intense motivational etc (find your why)

administrators, parents,coaches, athletes ...compatability of objective?

athletes and coaches

who influences player development

coaches school family

What are the percentages of John Wooden's verbal communication to his teams at UCLA? P. 95

• 75% specific instructions to players • 12% requests to hustle • 7% praise • 6% scolds

productive to be an emotional leader


Simon Sinck taught us how to inspire people using _______.

golden circle

bill wash: what made his coaching style unique?

he was unpridictable

To lead yourself use your head to lead others use your ______


lead yourself use head, lead others use______


simmon taught us

how to inspire(why, how) - golden circle

other word for hardwork


john maxwell leadership is synomous with...

influence. `

alpachino court room scene called

integretity- courage

john maxwell.. law of lid... mcdonalds resturant...mary croc....

law of lid - good leader will make you better

What does Maxwell assert?

leadership is synonymous with influence (opportunity to lead)

Danger of command style is you can affect the motivation of an athlete


Did Maxwell say who you are is who you attract?


any personal coaching objectives are there as long as they can be achieved w/o compramising the well being of athletes


coaches must often make decsions b/w victory and long term decisions? true or false


danger in command style can effect motivation of athlete?


maxwell magnitism to who you are is who you attract


benefit personal side to your players?

trust/ shows that you care

common or uncommen to lead the league in scoring and


great coaches are those that act like...

unreasonable human beings

john wooden ficitional story about the cowboy who someone stole his horse in texas

walk home

do something on christmas day to connect w the trooops...

walk slowly through the troops listen to them shake all their hands

When is good sportsmanship most likely to be demonstrated? P. 25

when winning is kept in perspective.

3 objectives for a coach

winning developing having fun

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