Cog Psych Chapter 1

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Lorraine is conducting an experiment in which she eats an apple and attempts to analyze her experience. What technique is she using?


Psychology is sometimes viewed as a merging of ____.

philosophy and physiology

When compared to the population, a ____ does a good job of reflecting many of the characteristics of the population.

representative sample

_____ is a cross-disciplinary approach that uses ideas and methods from cognitive psychology, cognitive neuroscience, AI, philosophy, linguistics, and anthropology.

Cognitive science

____ is the belief that most human behavior explains how people think.


Brian was playing a game of three truths and a lie with some of his friends. The goal of the group is to identify the lie. Brian observed that the bigger the lie, the more the person would scratch his/her face. He thought that if he plotted amount of scratching by severity of lie that there would be a relation. Brian is thinking of what type of study?


Which type of study simply looks for a statistical relationship between two or more variables without manipulating the variables of interest?


Which individual supported the rationalist view and largely rejected the pure empirical view?


Which researcher examined the impact of rehearsal on memory using himself as a subject?


Who is known for the development of the concept "modularity of the mind"?

Jerry Fodor

Santiago says that in order to understand cognitive processes, we need to look directly at the brain to see how it functions. Ayami disagrees and says that we need to look at how people perform on various cognitive tasks. This disagreement is an example of the theme of ____.

biological versus behavioral methods

Which major theme of cognitive psychology relates to whether the brain should be studied through methods like sophisticated imaging techniques or should focus on measurable performance like how many items from a list can be recalled?

biological versus behavioral methods

Elma, an automobile factory worker, learns how to install a car air conditioner by watching a fellow worker install the part. The knowledge Elma has just acquired is ____ acquired knowledge.


Which approach emphasizes observable evidence as the means to acquiring new knowledge?


Theresa, the assistant principal of a middle school, often finds herself dealing with accusations of wrongdoing made by one student against another. When she does so, she will not accept circumstantial evidence. Instead, Theresa allows only evidence that she can see, or "hard," observational evidence, to be used in deciding whether a student has violated rules. Theresa could be referred to as a(n) ____.


Associationism is a school of psychology that examines ____.

how elements of the mind become linked to each other to result in learning

Gestalt psychology has most greatly influenced, specifically, the study of ____.


Erica is conducting experimental research in which she is looking at the effect of type of music on intellectual development. What is the dependent variable in this example?

intellectual development

Wilhelm Wundt's idea of ____ involved looking inward at the contents of one's consciousness.


The idea of the modularity of the mind was also stated, albeit in different terms, by Franz Joseph Gall, a(n) ____.


Which technique for studying the brain occurs after the death of the individual, and relates function prior to death to observable brain features after death?


Yaun participates in an experiment in which he sees various stimuli on a computer screen. After the experiment, Yaun is to provide feedback about what he thought was going on cognitively. This is an example of ____.


Skinner's argument included the idea of operant conditioning, which refers to his belief that ____.

the strengthening or weakening of behavior, depending upon the presence or absence of reinforcement or punishment, explains all human behavior

Which of the following is LEAST consistent with the purpose of functionalism?

the study of an organism independent of its environment

Christia is in the process of developing a research idea. She currently is reviewing various ____, which consists of explanatory principles for the phenomenon of interest.


Part of dialectic thinking includes a(n) ____, where a statement of belief is proposed


Erica is conducting experimental research in which she is looking at the effect of type of music on intellectual development. What is the independent variable in this example?

type of music

Pragmatism concerns itself most directly with the ____.

usefulness of knowledge

A rationalist ____.

uses logical analysis to understand the world and people's relations to it

The ____ theme of cognitive psychology relates to whether one should use carefully controlled experiments or use natural observations.

validity of inferences versus ecological validity

Which major theme of cognitive psychology looks at the extent we use highly controlled experiments versus naturalistic techniques?

validity of inferences versus ecological validity

Rationalism is to ____ as empiricism is to ____.

theory; observable evidence

The landmark experiment in which dogs salivate at the sight of the person who feeds them provides an example of ____.

classically conditioned learning

The philosopher who believed that the route to knowledge is throught thinking and logical analysis was


A philosopher who largely rejected acquisition of knowledge by empirical means was ____.

Rene Descartes

Which example is most analogous to the goal of structuralism?

Scientists look at each piece of a jigsaw puzzle in order to understand the whole puzzle as assembled.

Which of the following is a legitimate criticism of behaviorism?

The behavioristic principles did not explain language learning well.

Karl Lashley's work in biological psychology led him to work with which key issue that deals with the location of individual cognitive processes in the brain?

The brain as an organizer of behavior

Which behaviorist was willing to look inside the "black box?"

Tolman for his work with mazes

A leader in guiding functionalism toward pragmatism was ____, whose chief functional contribution to the field of psychology was his landmark book, Principles of Psychology.

William James

A cognitive psychologist is LEAST LIKELY to study whether ____.

a group of people present affect how much is given to charity

The goal of structuralism was to understand the "content" of the mind by ____.

analyzing perceptions into their constituent parts

Part of dialectic thinking includes a(n) ____, where a counterstatement to previous beliefs emerges.


Santiago and Ayami disagree on the direction of their research lab. Santiago is simply interested in a particular phenomenon and wants to study it for the pure sake of knowledge; Ayami, however, wants to be able to take what is learned and use it in practical settings. Their disagreement is an example of ____.

applied versus basic research

Which major theme for cognitive psychology relates to whether research should focus on fundamental cognitive processes or focus on practical uses for the knowledge that results from the experiment?

applied versus basic research

When developing a ____ computer system, the goal is to have a system that demonstrates intelligent processing of information.

artificial intelligence (AI)

Immanuel Kant ____.

believed in an integration of rationalism and empiricism

An empiricist ____.

believes that knowledge is acquired through experience and observation.

Of the following, a pragmatist would most likely support the study of knowledge that ____.

can be used to help people become better educated

Mrs. M has difficulties with managing relationships. She is paranoid about anything that is said and often interprets comments as an attack on her or her family. These symptoms and others are studied by a therapist for years and then written up to help others understand her particular constellation of symptoms. This is an example of a ____.

case study

With _____, researchers program computers to imitate a given human function or process, or to solve a problem in the same way a human would.

computer simulations

A(n) ____ is left uncontrolled in an experiment. Such a variable could contribute to difference in performance making it difficult to interpret the results of the experiment.

confounding variable

James was interested in a new study technique and whether it would have an impact on the retention of information when compared to a traditional study method. James had the experimental group, with the new study technique, study psychology, while the other group, with the old technique, studied Greek. In this example, the type of material (psychology versus Greek) would be an example of (a) ____.

confounding variable

Karpicke (2009) developed a task in which participants had to learn and recall Swahili-English word pairs. After subjects first recalled the meaning of a word, that pair was either dropped, presented twice more in a study period, or presented twice more in text periods. Subjects took a final recall test one week later. Which research method was used here?

controlled laboratory experiment

In an experimental design, what is often the outcome or the variable that is being measured (e.g., score on a test)?

dependent variable

The school of thought that focuses on answering the question of "What do people do and why do they do it?" is called ____.


Bill, an interior designer, believes that it is not enough to just place furniture in a room to create an aesthetically-pleasing tableau. He wants to know how the people who will live in the room will use the room and the furniture and objects in it and why they will use it the way they do. Bill's approach seems most similar to the way ____ view understanding the mind.


Which technique for studying the brain occurs while the individual is alive, and specific cerebral damage is conducted to see the effects on function?

in vivo

In an experimental design, what is often the variable of interest that is being manipulated?

independent variable

Lequoia decides to conduct a study at the mall. She watches people at the mall for very specific behavior and simply keeps track of the number of times the behavior occurred for various groups. This is be an example of ____.

naturalistic observation

Which theme of cognitive psychology relates to the relative contributions of our genetic inheritances and our surrounding environments?

nature versus nurture

The "law of effect" states that a stimulus will tend to produce a certain response over time if the ____.

organism is repeatedly rewarded for that response

Which type of research is interested in identifying which parts of the brain and what specific brain activity are associated with particular cognitive tasks?

psychobiological research

In a ____, every individual in the population of interest has an equal chance of being selected for an experiment.

random sample

Which approach emphasizes logical analysis as the means to acquiring new knowledge?


Which theme of cognitive psychology relates to how we discover truth about ourselves and the world, through the use of reason and logic or through observing and testing what we can sense?

rationalism versus empiricism

Descartes is best described as having been a(n) ____.


John Watson, the founder of radical behaviorism, was an American psychologist who ____.

rejected some aspects of functionalism, but at the same time drew heavily from the functionalists

After conducting an experiment, the means for the two groups are not identical which may suggest a difference between the two groups. However, in order to be sure, you need to analyze the experimental results in terms of the likelihood that the result simply occurred by chance. This is called ____.

statistical significance

Dorothy conducted an experiment in which there was a 20 point difference between the experimental and control group. The statistical test suggests that this result did not occur simply by chance. Dorothy's results are said to have (found) ____.

statistical significance

Dr. Rubiosa studies the formation of internal representations of abstract ideas while Dr. Collingswood focuses on how internal representations interact and affect each other and how they affect cognition. Which major theme does this illustrate?

structure versus processes

The ____ theme of cognitive psychology relates to whether we should focus on the content of the human mind or should focus on the processes of human thinking.

structures versus processes

The combination of rational with empirical methods so as to get the "best of both worlds" represents, in dialectical terms, a(n) ____.


Locke believed that all knowledge is gained empirically, beginning at birth, when our minds are a blank slate, or ____.

tabula rasa

Ecological validity refers to the degree to which lab data hold true when altered to account for ____.

the degree to which data gathered in a lab will apply outside the lab, given the influences of the environment on cognitive activity

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