Cog Psych Final

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Match the number to the correct term for the modal model of memory above.

1 - Sensory Memory 2 - Short Term Memory 3 - Long Term Memory 4 - Rehearsal 5 - Recall 6 - Attention

Match the number on Baddeley's model above to the correct term

5 Correct match: Long-term memory 2, 3, 4 Correct match: Phonological loop, visuospatial sketchpad, or episodic buffer 1 Correct match: Central executive

Which of the following examples illustrates a form of communication that does not adhere to the specialization characteristic of a true language?

A bird tucking it's leg up to signal it's time to sleep and also regulate body temperature

Which of the following is an example of the segmentation problem?

A toddler who pronounces "chicken noodle" as "chickenoodle"

Carina is solving the following problem: A salesman bought a hat for $7, sold it for $8, bought it back for $9, and sold it for $10. How much profit did he make? Carina creates an equation to represent the problem, X = -7 + 8 -9 + 10, and solves for X. What problem solving strategy is Carina using?


My toddler is coming up with a definition for a dog. He says dogs have hair, four legs, and are adorable. What is the weakness in using this kind definitional of approach to categorization?

All items within a category don't necessarily share the same features (there are hairless dogs and dogs with 3 or fewer legs)

Dana is buying a present for her parents. She knows they need new home décor and is imagining what they have in their house. Dana decides to not buy them a soap dispenser because she remembers seeing one in their bathroom last time she visited. Next time she goes to their house she goes to the bathroom and sees that in fact, there is no soap dispenser. What kind of error did Dana make?

An error based on her schema for what is typically in a bathroom

Isabelle wants her two friends to guess how much her new phone cost. One of Isabelle's friends, Liam shouts out "$3,000!" Her other friend, Marc, follows-up with "$2,800?" Isabelle says their both way off. What cognitive bias may have led Marc to guess $2,800 after Liam's $3,000?


Marco is a kindergarten teacher. One of his goals is to make sure each of his students knows their phone numbers. He has them repeat the phone number over and over again until it is memorized. Which of the following model best describes Marco's assumptions about the transfer of information from STM to LTM?

Atkinson & Shiffrin's Modal Model of Memory

Which of the following is NOT a unique feature of true languages?


There have been frequent protests in the city of Moedale over the past few months. The local news only reports instances of violence or property destruction that happen during the protests, but does not report instances of peaceful protesting. Even though statistically the majority of protests have been peaceful, the general public believes the protests have been violent. What heuristic is responsible for this perception?

Availability Heuristic

Based on what we know about knowledge categorization via the sentence verification technique, which of the following sentences would participants respond to the slowest?

Basil is an ice cream flavor

Koby is so tired of listening to Stephen talk he covers his ears to block out the sound. What type of processing is Koby stopping by covering his ears?

Bottom-Up Processing

James is playing a game at a baby shower where he has to taste baby food and guess the main ingredients. James takes a bite of a mysterious orange goo and knows it is sweet, but can't identify exactly what is in it. What challenge to perception or sensation is this related to?

Challenge of Interpretation

Nikki is visiting Bahrain and trying to navigate the local train system. Nikki is new to reading Arabic, and is having trouble separating out each letter in a word to read it. What challenge of perception or sensation is this related to?

Challenge of Organization

Wes is trying to find his favorite green sweater. He looks in his closet, which consists of disorganized green clothing items, and cannot locate the sweater. What challenge to perception or sensation is this?

Challenge of Selection

Tasha is stargazing and hoping to see a comet. Unfortunately, the night sky is so bright from the moon and nearby buildings she cannot detect the light coming from the comet. What challenge to perception or sensation is this?

Challenge of Sensation

Which of the following is NOT an example of prosody?

Choosing a more complex word when speaking to an advanced audience

Even though seat and suit both begin with S, we move our mouth differently when saying the s in each word! This is an example of:


Feraz is taking an online course. He decides that every time he studies and takes tests for his online classes he will light a vanilla scented candle. What effect is Feraz trying to take advantage of?

Context-dependent memory

Yasmine, your study group member, tells you that she thinks working memory is simply activated long-term memory. Based on her opinion, you decide she is a fan of

Cowan's Embedded Process Theory

You're at a conference and go to a talk about working memory. The presenter emphasizes the role of attention in working memory processes. What model of memory do they likely believe?

Cowan's Embedded Process Theory

Jack is figuring out what to have for dinner at a restuarant. He has to choose between 3 different options. What is Jack's dilemma an example of?

Decision Making

Elaine accidentally said, "I'm going to my apart," instead of "I'm going to my apartment." What speech error is this an example of?


Which model is depicted below?

Deutsch and Deutsch's Late Selection Model

Eleanor loves cognitive psychology so much, she wants to make an experiment. Which of the following ideas best fits with the modern field of cognitive psychology and its scope?

Do people who see violent events have an accurate memory of it?

Gianna is studying for her cognitive psychology exam. To remember different types of memory she finds examples of each type from her favorite TV shows. What type of encoding strategy is Gianna using?

Elaborative encoding

Zeph tells you a long story about a time he went to the beach as a child. What type of memory is Zeph using to tell you the story?

Episodic Memory

Which of the following best represents early selection?

Eugenio is able to pick out his sister's voice at a party just from hearing its tone.

It is possible for humans to multitask and perform at a high level on both tasks.


Jim wants his kids to help with doing the laundry. He excitedly tells them, "Wow! It's laundry day. Sorting and putting the laundry in the wash is so fun. I'm lucky I get to do it." His young kids start begging to help with the "fun" of laundry. What bias did Jim take advantage of?


Which theory of perception emphasizes bottom-up processing?


Oliva is trying to mix a specific paint color. She adds some blue, then yellow, then light blue, but the color isn't looking right. She keeps adding new colors to the mixture to get the color she wants when in reality she needs to scrap what she's done and start over or take away some of the paint. What heuristic is Oliva following?


Which of the following best represents a selective attention task?

Horatio purposely ignores his noisy cat while taking an online test.

Connie Cortex is excited to receive information and rehearse it actively! But, Connie can't begin rehearsing until ______ directs the information to her.

Hortence Hippocampus

Shaquille is creating a new cookie recipe. He knows he wants to make something caramel-y, and he experiments with uses all kinds of ingredients and baking methods to invent his new recipe. Inventing a new cookie like this is an example of which of the following?

Ill-defined problem

Which of the following is evidence for Gregory's Theory of perception?

Illusions exist, perception can be ambiguous

Consider this problem: How can you throw a ball as hard as you can and have it come back to you, even if it doesn't bounce off anything? There is nothing attached to it, and no one else catches or throws it back to you. You'll likely discover the answer through which process?


You meet a researcher who studies how people recognize and identify objects. What process of perception or sensation do they study?


Consider the following quote by William James: "Everyone knows what attention is. It is the taking possession by the mind, in clear and vivid form, of one out of what seem several simultaneously possible objects or trains of thought. Focalization, concentration of consciousness are of its essence. It implies withdrawal from some things in order to deal effectively with others" (pp. 381-382). Which portion of the quote best represents the limited capacity of attention?

It implies withdrawal from some things in order to deal effectively with others.

What is a difference between problem solving and judgements/decison making?

Judgements/decision making rely more on intuition than problem solving

Caitlyn and Ursula are on a long road trip. Both of their phones are out of battery and they have no way to charge them. Caitlyn is in charge of navigating but can't quite remember the route. Ursula tells her to just imagine the map in her head and make a mental overview of the route. Based on her instructions to Caitlyn, Ursula most likely agrees with ______ view of mental imagery.


Terrance is completing a serial memory task. He is able to recall the items at the beginning of the list and the end of the list well, but struggles to recall the items in the middle of the list. The reason Terrance can remember the items at the beginning of the list well is that they are successfully stored in


Match the real-life task with the buffer with the appropriate buffer in Baddeley's Multicomponent Model that would process it.

Listening to a bedtime story Correct match: Phonological Loop Keeping track of steps in a recipe Correct match: Central Executive Viewing abstract art Correct match: Visuospatial Sketchpad Processing the order of events at a birthday parth Correct match: Episodic Buffer

Gabriel and Harrison are discussing creativity. Gabriel argues that creativity is personal, and each person is creative in their own way when then solve problems, make food, come up with their own ideas. Harrison disagrees and says that true creativity is rare, and something that only famous inventors and scientists posess. What kind of creativity is Gabriel arguing in favor of?

Little-c creativity

Which of the following best represents a divided attention task?

Mariah is looking for her keys while talking to her boss on the phone.

Which of the following examples best represents top-down attentional selection.

Marshall decides to watch a single bird in a flock of birds to see where it goes.

Aliens are planning an invasion of the planet Earth. They want to inject a virus into humans that will slow them down so that Earth can be conquered more easily. What part of the brain should the aliens target to accomplish their evil goals?


Which of the following examples best represents bottom-up attentional selection.

NOT Marshall decides to watch a single bird in a flock of birds to see where it goes.

Dr. Patterson believes that the underlying representations used in cognition are a common code of concepts and meaning that can be used to create images and propositions. What kind of representation does Dr. Patterson believe in?

NOT Propositional

George wants to know how well people remember the events surrounding the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. In March, he has participants write a detailed description of their experiences. George then asks them to recall those events again at 6, 12, and 18 months later. George is using ______ to investigate memory.

NOT accuracy

Alexander is interested in understanding how people organize their memories. He has participants read a sentence, such as "A bird is a horse," and then indicate whether the statement is true or false. If Alexander is interested in the time between when the sentence appears on the screen and when the participant makes a response, Alexander is measuring the ______ of the participant's response.

NOT latency

Gabrielle is interested in studying perception. She has participants listen to the Hamilton soundtrack while changing the volume. Gabrielle wants to know how small a change she can make in the volume before her participants notice it. In this example, Gabrielle is using ______ to understand the perception of sound.

NOT reaction time

Belladonna believes that she can study something once, and it will be stored in her memory immediately. While this can occasionally happen, the principle of ______ suggests that the brain takes time to change while storing memories.

NOT retrieval

Doctor Horrible wants to commit a crime in a way that decreases the likelihood that he will be remembered by witnesses. There's just one problem--he can't wear a mask because of an underlying health condition. His evil henchman has taken cognitive psychology and has a great idea! The henchman suggests

NOT shining a really bright light to interfere with witness' vision.

Danica and Jayden are studying. Jayden is having a hard time remembering the type of categorization network that uses hidden units. Danica reminds him that ______ use(s) both hidden and input units to represent categorization processes.

Neural Networks

Which of the following best represents a spatial attention task?

Norman keeps track of where a coin is hidden in a magic trick.

The gestalt principles of organization are related to which step in the process of perception?


Dawson took a test in his chemistry class. As he was taking the test, he recognized a lot of key terms and figured he answered about 90% of the problems correcly. When he got the test back, he only got 65% of the problems right. What bias is this an example of?


Bonnie likes using flashcards to study. When she uses flashcards, she practices them until she is able to remember what is on the back of each card accurately. Then she practices a few more times. What encoding strategy is Bonnie using?


Mark is visiting a restaurant in the Netherlands. A server greets him and begins speaking Dutch. Mark can hear everything the server is saying perfectly, but has no idea what the meaning of their words are. What process isn't interpreting the words of the server?


Tina can smell her roommate cooking. As the odor wafts into her room, she immediately recognizes it as chocolate chip cookies and rushes into the kitchen so she can get a fresh cookie from the oven. What process did Tina use to identify the smell of what was being cooked?


Rhonda is conducting a study that has participants recall different lists of words that vary by how similar they are in terms of sound and meaning. Her participants will be exposed to the following lists phonologically similar words (man, mat, can, map, cat); phonologically dissimilar words (e.g., pit, day, cow, pen, sup); semantically similar words (huge, big, wide, large, tall); and semantically dissimilar (wet, soft, old, late, good) words. Based on what you know about the phonological similarity effect in STM, which list will participants remember the worst?

Phonologically similar

Dr. Davidenko wants to understand how he categories his students faces. He takes pictures of all his students faces and uses an algorithm to create an 'average student face.' He then says that all new faces he sees will be judged to be his student based on how similar the new faces are to his average student face. What categorization approach is he using?


Henrietta is an expert in dog breeds approved by the American Kennel Club. When she travels to a dog show in England, she is delighted to encounter some unfamiliar breeds. Because she is so expert, Henrietta uses a(n) ______ to categorize the new breeds.


Dr. Roe always reads off his slides during lecture. This means he's saying the same words that are written on his slides. What effect is increasing cognitive load for Dr. Roe's students during lecture?

Redundancy Effect

Which type of heuristic is rooted in stereotypes?


Which step of the perceptual process is most strongly associated with attention?


Ming-Li is participating in an experiment. She puts on headphones and listens to something different in each ear. Then she is asked to verbally repeat only what she hears in her right ear. She is able to do this while completely ignoring the information in her left ear. In this example, Ming-Li is demonstrating

Selective Listening

Recalling facts to answer questions on this practice quiz is an example of what kind of memory?


Allen went swimming in a cold mountain lake during fall. The water was so cold his toes went numb and now he can't feel them at all. What process is being inhibited by the overexposure to cold?


Irene's friends have a surprise for her. They tell her to close her eyes and place a blindfold over them. Which process is the blindfold inhibiting?


You meet a researcher who studies human olfaction and how many odor molecules need to be in the air for a person to detect and smell them. What process of perception or sensation does this researcher study?


If someone completes the serial recall task and shows NO recency effect, what part of their memory system is most likely responsible for the poor performance?

Short Term Memory

If someone completes the serial recall task and shows NO recency effect, what part of their memory system is most likely responsible for the poor performance?

Short Term memory

Ethan is conducting a study where participants are shown a list of letters (ex: 1 5 7 2 3 8 2 0), then the letters are taken away and the participant must recall them 2 seconds later. What type of memory is Ethan testing?

Short term memory

Kelsey is conducting a memory experiment. Her participants study a list of bird names and then recall the list. She adds a 10-minute delay between the study period and the recall test to prevent the participants from using their ______ memory to rehearse the test questions.


You design an experiment where participants need to complete a serial recall task. As participants do the serial recall task, they must also do a secondary task simultaneously. Which of the following secondary tasks would interfere the most with serial recall of words?

Singing a song

Which of the following is an example of a well-defined problem?

Solving 4x + 6 = 12

Which of the following is an example of intrinsic cognitive load?

Solving a complex calculus problem with many interacting parts

Which of the following is an example of the working backward heuristic?

Solving a maze by starting at the end

Houston is an actor who will play the role of B. F. Skinner in an upcoming musical. He's having a little trouble bringing the character to life, so his director suggests trying to act out one of the fundamental assumptions Skinner held. Which of the following should Houston pick to act out?

The mind is unmeasurable--stick with observable behavior.

You're listening to a live stream of a lecture when the connection starts to drop out. As you listen, you know the bad connection is making it so you can't actually hear parts of certain words, but you can still understand the overall meaning of the lecture. Your ability to still understand what is being said is an example of:

Top-Down Processing

Dubaku and Amalia are watching clouds together. Dubaku thinks one cloud looks like a gazelle. Amalia thinks the same cloud looks like a birthday cake. This difference is likely due to ______ processing.


The phonemic restoration effect is an example of...

Top-down processing

DeAndre is testing the models of selective attention. He has participants listen to speech in headphones and asks them to pay attention only to the sounds on the right. Even so, participants are able to report hearing their names' in the left ear. Which model of selective attention can best account for this outcome?

Treisman's Attenuation Model

Michael is solving the following problem: A salesman bought a hat for $7, sold it for $8, bought it back for $9, and sold it for $10. How much profit did he make? Michael guesses a bunch of different values to see if they work. For example, he guesses 3 and checks his answer by subtracting what the hat sold for and adding what the hat was bought for (3-10+9-8+7) and seeing whether he gets 0. Eventually, he reaches the correct answer of 2. What problem solving strategy did Michael use?

Trial and Error

Which of the following best represents late selection?

Ursula attends to her teacher's voice in a noisy classroom because she follows the meaning of the teacher's statement.

Patrick can't stop thinking about the argument he had this morning with his roommates. He re-imagines the argument and envisions different ways it could have gone, including a great comeback he wished he used then. Patrick is using his ______ memory to imagine the new argument ending.


Which type of memory distinguishes between visuospatial and verbal information?

Working Memory

In a COVID-free future, Hyrum is walking down the Hall of Flags during the changes of classes. It is noisy and full of people. Even so, he is able to notice his friend, Marcyne, call his name. This is an example of the ______ effect.

cocktail party

Hermione and Harry were in a bizarre magical accident involving unicorns, a time turner, and pudding. Now, Hermione can draw a detailed picture of a dragon, but when she sees a picture of a dragon, she calls it a cucumber with wings. Harry is also having problems--he can recognize and describe pictures of Hedwig (his owl), but he can't draw her at all! Because you've taken cognitive psychology, you realize that Harry and Hermione are demonstrating a ______, which indicates imagery and perception rely on _____ neural mechanisms.

double association; different

What effect that increases cognitive load is present in this question? i. modality effect ii. split attention iii. imagination effect iv. guidance fading


Mariah loves studying in her kitchen because her mom cooks such tasty food. Her mom uses her phone to time dinner and plays a duck quaking sound when the clocking time is completed. A strange thing happened to Mariah during her last calculus exam--her instructor set a timer for the exam, and when it went off, it was the same duck quacking sound! Mariah's mouth started to water as she turned in the calculus exam. Her salivation response is due to her ______ memory.


Marcline wants to figure out (once and for all!) which theory of mental imagery is correct. She asks you for advice. Because you are familiar with the experimental support for mental imagery, you advise her to use all of the following EXCEPT the ______ task.

lexical decision

Danielle wonders if her memory will ever fill up so that she can no longer store new memories. Her professor responds that only ______ memory is potentially limitless in storage.


Heston and Yancy are studying for their cognitive psychology exam. When Heston is baffled by the idea of long-term potentiation, Yancy clarifies. He says, "Long-term potentiation is when

neurons for the memory are strengthening their connections."

Norberto has been granted the magical power to create an alien being. He wants to create one that can process a lot of visual information very quickly, but he doesn't have any extra eyes to add to his creation. Instead of adding more eyes, he could modify the ______ lobe of its brain.


Hannah is wondering how she can record the activity of only one neuron. Her mentor, Dr. Washington, suggests using

single cell recording

Two aliens are visiting Earth and exploring all the interesting new animals. They have spent six months trying to understand birds, but have begun arguing about what to do with the ostrich. The first alien suggests that building a tree of nodes and properties can efficiently organize this new creature. The second alien disagrees, suggesting they program their ship's computer to learn the most efficient organization structure for them. In this argument, the SECOND alien most agrees with ______ approach to knowledge representation.

the connectionist

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