Cognition: Unit 1

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You are walking down the street and see a nice car drive by. You notice its color, movement, and shape. All of these features are processed

in different parts of the brain

The theory of unconscious inference includes the

likelihood principle

The main point of the Donders's reaction time experiments was to

measure the amount of time it takes to make a decision

People perceive vertical and horizontal orientations more easily than other orientations according to the

oblique effect

What is the typical duration of short-term memory?

15 to 20 seconds

Josiah is trying to speak to his wife, but his speech is very slow and labored, often with jumbled sentence structure. Josiah may have damage to which area of the brain?

Broca's area

What is the metabolic center of an individual neuron?

Cell body

The phrase "Pairing one stimulus with another" is most associated with which of the following?

Classical conditioning

The ability to focus on one stimulus while filtering out other stimuli is called

Cocktail party effect

The phrase "Conception within the rat's mind of the maze's layout" is most associated with which of the following?

Cognitive mapping

The branch of psychology concerned with the scientific study of the mind is called

Cognitive psychology

Determining the sequence of DNA in humans was a major scientific advance that opened the door to new ideas about illness and approaches to treatment. An individual's unique DNA sequence is similar to which of the following?


Which of the following terms does NOT reflect functional network activity in the brain?


Palmer's experiment, in which he asked people to identify objects in a kitchen, showed how _______ can affect perception.


Regarding free recall of a list of items, which of the following will most likely cause the recency effect to disappear by preventing rehearsal?

Counting backward for 30 seconds before recall

The pathway leading from the striate cortex to the parietal lobe is known as the

Where pathway

With the Stroop effect, you would expect to find longest response times when

With the Stroop effect, you would expect to find longest response times when

When conducting an experiment on how stimuli are represented by the firing of neurons, you notice that neurons respond differently to different faces. For example, Arthur's face causes three neurons to fire, with neuron 1 responding the most and neuron 3 responding the least. Roger's face causes the same three neurons to fire, with neuron 1 responding the least and neuron 3 re-sponding the most. Your results support coding.


A synapse is

the space between neurons

Gauthier and coworkers' experiment on experience-dependent plasticity showed that after extensive "Greeble recognition" training sessions, FFA neurons had a(n) ________ response to faces and an ________ response to Greebles.

Decreased, increased

A man suffering from Korsakoff's syndrome would be able to perform which of the following activities without difficulty?

Identifying a photograph of his childhood home

___________ memories are those that we are not aware of.


The neuron doctrine is

In disagreement with nerve net theory

Which of the following statements is correct?

Objects in central vision fall on the small area called the fovea

What is a key difference between dendrites and axons?

One sends information and the other receives information

Sarah has experienced brain damage making it difficult for her to understand spatial layout. Which area of her brain has most likely sustained damage?

Parahippocampal place area (PPA)

A 10-month-old baby is interested in discovering different textures, comparing the touch sensations between a soft blanket and a hard wooden block. Tactile signals such as these are received by the _____ lobe.


Which part of the brain is important for touch, pressure, and pain?

Parietal Lobe

Which part of the brain is important for touch?

Parietal Lobe

Experience resulting from stimulation of the senses and information from the senses that can help guide our actions is called


Who developed the concept of the cognitive map?


In which of the following examples of two different brain-injured patients (Tom and Tim) is a double dissociation demonstrated?

Tom has good semantic memory and poor episodic memory, while Tim has good episodic memory but poor semantic memory.

Maria took a drink from a container marked "milk". Surprised, she quickly spit out the liquid because it turned out the container was filled with orange juice instead. Maria likes orange juice, so why did she have such a negative reaction to it? Her response was most affected by

Top-down processing

According to the model of working memory, which of the following mental tasks should LEAST adversely affect people's driving performance while operating a car along an unfamiliar, winding road?

Trying to remember the definition of a word they just learned

Regarding children's language development, Noam Chomsky noted that children generate many sentences they have never heard before. From this, he concluded that language development is driven largely by

an inborn biological program

technique in which trained participants described their experiences and thought processes in response to stimuli is known as

analytic introspection

The existence of transitional probabilities adds a(n) ________ quality to learning and using language.


Have you ever tried to think of the words and hum the melody of one song while the radio is playing a different song? People have often noted that this is very difficult to do. This difficulty can be understood as

articulatory suppression

Ming is taking a memory test. She is more likely to recall the name of a popular singer if she had

attended the singer's concert last year with her boyfriend.

From a cognitive psychology perspective, memories from specific experiences in our life are defined as being ________.


Explicit memory is to ___________ as implicit memory is to ___________.

aware; unaware

Your author points out that studying the mind requires both __________ and __________ experiments.

behavioral; physiological

A person with strong ________ would likely have a deeper experience of Bayesian influence.


During a visit to the local museum, you appreciate the incredible beauty of the paintings displayed. Your ability to see the paintings as complete pictures rather than individual, disconnected dots of color, texture, and location occurs through a process called __________.


If you stand very close to a pointillist painting, all you will see are tiny colored dots. But as you step away from the painting, larger areas of color become noticeable and eventually become recognizable objects such as flowers or clouds. This is similar to which of the following?


Murdoch's "remembering a list" experiment described the serial position curve and found that memory is best for ___________ of a list.

both the first and last words

The sequence of steps that includes the image on the retina, changing the image into electrical signals, and neural processing is an example of _____ processing.


The difficulty we have in recognizing even an obvious alteration in a scene is called __________ blindness.


Attention, perception, memory, and decision making are all different types of mental processes in which the mind engages. These are known as different types of


The study of the physiological basis of cognition is known as

cognitive neuroscience

Illusory conjunctions are

combinations of features from different stimuli

Which of the following stimulus characteristics most challenges the processing capacity of short-term memory?


Which of the following adjectives has the LEAST connection to perception?


Early studies of brain tissue that used staining techniques and microscopes from the 19th century described the "nerve net." These early understandings were in error in the sense that the nerve net was believed to be


Early studies of the brain tissue that used staining techniques and microscopes form the 19th century described the "nerve net". These early understandings were in error in the sense that the nerve net was believed to be


Colin Cherry's experiment in which participants listened to two different messages, one presented to each ear, found that people

could focus on one message and ignore the other one at the same time.

Newell and Simon were among the first to use computers for artificial intelligence. Their computer program

created proofs for problems in logic

The idea that specific cognitive functions activate many areas of the brain is known as

distributed representation

Which of the following word strings all refer to the same pathway?

dorsal, where, action

Brief sensory memory for sound is known as

echoic memory

"I remember being really excited last year, when my college team won the national championship in basketball." This statement is an example of _______


As people get older, their memories of past experiences tend to have an emphasis on ________.


Neurons that respond to specific qualities of objects, such as orientation, movement, and length, are called

feature detectors

When recording from a single neuron, stimulus intensity is represented in a single neuron by the

firing rate of the action potential

Each time you briefly pause on one face, you are making a(n) ______________.


The _____ lobe of the cortex serves higher functions such as language, thought, and memory


The __________ lobe of the cortex receives information from all of the senses and is responsible for coordination of the senses, as well as higher cognitive functions such as thinking and problem solving


The __________ lobe of the cortex receives information from all of the senses and is responsible for coordination of the senses, as well as higher cognitive functions such as thinking and problem solving.


A bottom-up process is involved in fixating on an area of a scene that

has high stimulus salience

The recency effect occurs when participants are asked to recall a list of words. One way to eliminate the recency effect is to

have participants count backwards for 30 seconds after hearing the last word of the list.

When we search a scene, initial fixations are most likely to occur on __________ areas.


You are walking down the street and see a really nice car drive by. You notice many features of it: its color, movement, shape, location, and so forth. All of these features are processed

in different parts of the brain

The primary effect of chunking is to

increase the efficiency of short-term memory

Sperling's delayed partial report procedure provided evidence that

information in sensory memory fades within one or two seconds

Your text describes an "Italian woman" who, after an attack of encephalitis, had difficulty remembering people or facts she knew before. She could, however, remember her life events and daily tasks. Her memory behavior reflects

intact episodic memory but defective semantic memory.

K.C., who was injured in a motorcycle accident, remembers facts like the difference between a strike and a spare in bowling, but he is unaware of experiencing things like hearing about the circumstances of his brother's death, which occurred two years before the accident. His memory behavior suggests

intact semantic memory but defective episodic memory.

Viewpoint ________ is the ability to recognize the same object even if it is seen from different perspectives.


The task of determining the object responsible for a particular image on one's retina is called the

inverse projection problem

Neuropsychological evidence indicates that short- and long-term memories probably

involve the same brain regions.

According to Tulving, the defining property of the experience of episodic memory is that

it involves mental time travel.

A high threshold in Treisman's model of attention implies that

it takes a strong signal to cause activation

Semantic memory is to ________ as episodic memory is to ________.

knowing; remembering

Scene schema is

knowledge about what is contained in a typical scene

Suppose you are in your kitchen writing a grocery list, while your roommate is watching TV in the next room. A commercial for spaghetti sauce comes on TV. Although you are not paying attention to the TV, you "suddenly" remember that you need to pick up spaghetti sauce and add it to the list. Your behavior is best predicted by which of the following models of attention?

late selection

An oscilloscope can display "spikes" that correspond to nerve impulses in response to a certain stimulus intensity. If the stimulus intensity is decreased, you are likely to observe spikes that are

less frequent and of the same size

The saying, "If you've seen one, you've seen 'em all" best reflects which of the following?

likelihood principle

Paul Broca's and Carl Wernicke's research provided early evidence for

localization of function

Recording from single neurons in the brain has shown that neurons responding to specific types of stimuli are often clustered in specific areas. These results support the idea of

localization of function

A property of control processes in the modal model of memory is that they

may differ from one task to another

Suppose twin teenagers are vying for their mother's attention. The mother is trying to pay attention to one of her daughters, though both girls are talking (one about her boyfriend, one about a school project). According to the operating characteristics of Treisman's attenuator, it is most likely the attenuator is analyzing the incoming messages in terms of


The Stroop effect demonstrates people's inability to ignore the __________ of words.


Semantic regularity refers to the _____

meaning between properties of an object

Compared to brain-imaging techniques, ERP occurs on a

much faster time scale

Speech segmentation is defined as

organizing the sounds of speech into individual words

One of the defining characteristics of implicit memory is that

people are not conscious they are using it.

The Gestalt psychologists believe that _____.

perception is affected by experience, but built-in principles can override experience

The value that stays the same as long as there are no signals in the neuron is known as

resting potential

The layer of neurons that lines the back of the eye is called the


As the ________ of a stimulus increases, ________ tends to ________.

salience; fixation; increase

Information remains in sensory memory for

seconds or a fraction of a second

Remembering that a tomato is a fruit rather than a vegetable is an example of ___________ memory.


The predominant type of coding in long-term memory is


The type of coding that occurs in a particular situation primarily depends on the ________.


According to your text, the ability to divide attention depends on all of the following EXCEPT

task cueing YES: practice the difficulty of the tasks the type of processing being used

The cocktail party effect is

the ability to pay attention to one stimulus while filtering out other stimuli

One function of ___________ is to pull information out of long-term memory.

the central executive

Broadbent's model is called an early selection model because

the filter eliminates unattended information at the beginning of the information flow

Occipital Lobe

the first place in the cerebral cortex where visual information is received

Placing tomatoes, onions, jalapenos, garlic, cilantro, and lime juice into a blender and turning it on to produce salsa is similar to which of the following?

the focused attention stage of feature integration theory

The dramatic case of patient H.M. clearly illustrates that ___________ is crucial for the formation of long-term memories.

the hippocampus

When a sparkler is twirled rapidly, people perceive a circle of light. This occurs because

the length of iconic memory is about a fraction of a second

Transitional probabilities

the likelihood that one sound will follow another within a word.

Edgar Adrian studied the relationship between nerve firing and sensory experience by measuring how the firing of a neuron from a receptor in the skin changed as he applied more pressure to the skin. He found that

the rate of nerve firing increased as he increased the pressure

Brain-imaging techniques can determine all of the following EXCEPT

the structure of individual neurons

Which of the following do PET and fMRI have in common?

the use of the subtraction technique

At the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Symposium on Information Theory, George Miller presented a paper suggesting that

there ae limits to the human ability to process information

Which term best reflects the core concept of echoic memory?


Perceiving machines are used by the U.S. Postal Service to "read" the addresses on letters and sort them quickly to their correct destinations. Sometimes, these machines cannot read an address because the writing on the envelope is not sufficiently clear for the machine to match the writing to an example it has stored in memory. Human postal workers are much more successful at reading unclear addresses, most likely because of

top-down processing

The Stroop effect occurs when participants

try to name colors and ignore words

The perception pathway corresponds to the _____ pathway, while the action pathway corresponds to the _____ pathway.

what; where

The temporal lobe is

where signals are received form the auditory system

Anne Treisman's attenuator analyzes the incoming message in terms of all of the following EXCEPT

whether the perceptual load is low or high

The ability to manipulate information in memory temporarily while remembering something else is called

working memory

It is easier to perform two tasks at the same time if

one is handled by the visuospatial sketch pad and one is handled by the phonological loop

Temporal Lobe

primary area for hearing

Neuroimage, a journal devoted solely to reporting neuroimaging research, was founded in which year?


The effective duration of short-term memory, when rehearsal is prevented, is

15-20 seconds or less

As a result of gaps in the behaviorist paradigm, the new cognitive paradigm began to emerge in which decade?


In which year was positron emission tomography (PET) introduced and made it possible to see which areas of the human brain are activated during cognitive activity?


Which of the following statements best describes how neurons communicate with one another?

A chemical process takes place in the synapse

As pressure to the skin increased what happened to the action potential and the number of action potentials per second

Action potential's shape and height remained the same, but the number per second increased

Which of the following is NOT an example of a physical regularity in your text?

Angled orientation PHYSICAL REGULARITIES IN TEXT: -Having one object that is partially covered by another "come out the other side" -The light-from-above assumption -The oblique effect

In which of the following body parts are neurons NOT present?


Which of the following statements is the most accurate with regard to autobiographical memories?

Autobiographical memories can involve both episodic and semantic content.

Action potentials occur in the


Which of the following neural components is NOT found at the receiving end of neurons?


Verbal Behavior was written by

B. F. Skinner

Why is classical conditioning considered a form of implicit memory?

Because it involves learning an association without being aware of the reasons behind it.

What does the field of neuropsychology study?

Behavior of people with brain damage

Who introduced the flow diagram to represent what is happening in the mind?

Donald Broadbent

Which of the following is not a stage in the information processing model of memory?

Episodic memory

___________ memories are to experiences as ___________ memories are to facts.

Episodic; semantic

According to your textbook, perception goes beyond the simple receipt of sensory information. It is involved in many different cognitive skills. Which of the following is NOT one of those skills as noted by the chapter?

Experiencing neuromodulation

Ramon is looking at photos of athletes in a sports magazine. He is focusing on their body parts, particularly their chest and legs. Which part of Ramon's brain is activated by this viewing?

Extrastriate body area (EBA)

Ramon is looking at pictures of scantily clad women in a magazine. He is focusing on their body parts, particularly their chest and legs. Which part of Ramon's brain is activated by this viewing?

Extrastriate body area (EBA)

The coding of a stimulus into memory involves a change in which of the following?


You look at a rope coiled on a beach and are able to perceive it as a single strand because of the law of

Good continuation

Some perceptions result from assumptions we make about the environment that we are not even aware of. This theory of unconscious inference was developed by


Which of the following does NOT characterize the information processing (IP) approach to the study of cognition?

IP emphasizes stimulus-response relationships in cognitive processes. YES: IP traces the sequence of mental operations involved in cognition. IP depicts the mind as processing information in a sequence of stages. IP involves the use of computers as a metaphor to understand human cognition.

In the mid-20th century, the study of the mind began using which technique or model inspired by digital computers?

Information processing model

Which of the following statements is the most accurate with regard to specificity coding?

It is unlikely to be correct because there are too many stimuli in the world to have a separate neuron for each

What is a scene schema?

Knowledge of what a scene typically contains

Barbara has recently been diagnosed with a rather aggressive form of abdominal cancer. Her oncologist is interested in determining the best way to treat her so that the tumors can be eliminated. Her gastroenterologist is focused on relieving her symptoms and giving her normal digestive functioning. Barbara is also seeing a psychologist, whose goal is to help her stay calm, relaxed, and keep her anxiety as minimal as possible while keeping her spirits up. The fact that these doctors are considering Barbara's situation with different goals and from different perspectives is similar to the idea of ________ presented in your textbook.

Levels of Analysis

Which of the following is NOT a conclusion from the case of H.M., who had an operation to help alleviate his epileptic seizures?

Long-term memories are unaffected by damage to the hippocampus.

Given what we know about the operation of the phonological loop, which of the following word lists would be most difficult for people to retain for 15 seconds? a. BIP, TEK, LIN, MOD, REY b. MAC, CAN, CAP, MAN, MAP c. PIG, DOG, RAT, FOX, HEN d. SAY, BET, PIN, COW, RUG


If the brain can be considered a busy factory that takes in and processes information, which of the following would occur during the synaptic state in Stokes's working memory concept?

Machines would shut down for material resupply

Recordings from single neurons are conducted using which of these pieces of equipment?


Some neurons respond when we watch someone else do something. These are known as

Mirror neurons

Groups of interconnected neurons are referred to as

Neural Circuits

Groups of neurons or structures that are connected within the nervous system are called ________.

Neural Networks

The concept of distributed neural coding proposes that a specific object, like a face, is represented across a number of


Which substance is released when signals reach the synapse at the end of the axon?


Amhad is doing an experiment in which he has to choose between the object he has been shown previously (the target object) and another object. Choosing the target object will result in a reward. What sort of task is Amhad doing?

Object discrimination problem

How does perceptual load differ from processing capacity?

Perceptual load is individual and processing capacity is universal

According to Treisman's feature integration theory, the first stage of perception is called the __________ stage.


Positron emission tomography (PET) utilized which of the following tools?

Radioactive Tracer

If the intensity of a stimulus that is presented to a touch receptor is increased, this tends to increase the ___ in the receptor's axon.

Rate of nerve firing

Which of the following involves procedural memory?

Reading a sentence in a book

Which part of the nervous system picks up information from the outside environment?

Receptors (Not dendrites)

The demonstration in your text that asks you to visualize scenes such as an office, a department store clothing section, a lion, and a microscope often results in more details in the scene of the office or department store than the scene with the lion or microscope. The latter two tend to have fewer details because most individuals from modern society have less knowledge of _____ in those scenes.

Semantic Regularities

The demonstration in your text that asks you to visualize scenes such as an office, a department store clothing section, a lion, and a microscope often results in more details in the scene of the office or department store than the scene with the lion or microscope. The latter two tend to have fewer details because most individuals from modern society have less knowledge of __________ in those scenes.

Semantic Regularities

Which of the following is NOT an example of an implicit memory?

Semantic memory YES Procedural memory Repetition priming Classical conditioning

In the text's use of the Olympic Rings example, which Gestalt law contributes to the correct perception of five interlocking circles rather than nine separate segments?


In the text's use of the Olympic Rings example, which Gestalt law contributes to the correct perception of five interlocking circles?


Which of the following is consistent with the idea of localization of function?

Specific areas of the brain serve different functions, neurons in different areas of the brain respond best to different stimuli, and brain areas are specialized for specific functions

Before the advent of intercoms, old mansions had a sash in each room. Each sash was connected to a bell on a master board in the servants' office. When someone pulled a sash in a particular room, a bell corresponding to the room would ring on the master board, informing a servant where to go to provide assistance. This system is similar to which of the following?

Specificity coding

When Carlos moved to the U.S, he did not understand any English. Phrases like "Anna Mary Can Pi And I Scream Class Hick" didn't make any sense to him. Now that Carlos has been learning English, he recognizes this phrase as "An American Pie and Ice Cream Classic". This example illustrates that Carlos was not capable for _____ in English.

Speech Segmentation

When sound stimulates receptors in the ear, the resulting electrical signals reach the auditory receiving area in the

Temporal Lobe

Prosopagnosia results from damage to which lobe?

Temporal Lobe. Inability to recognize faces

Why is it easier to study brain tissue from newborn animals than brain tissue from adults?

The density of cells in a newborn brain is small compared with the density in an adult brain.

Which of the following is true about Bayesian inference?

The probability of an outcome is determined by the prior probability and the likelihood of the outcome

Brain-Imaging techniques can determine all of the following except?

The structure of individual neurons

Imagine yourself walking from your car, bus stop, or dorm to your first class. Your ability to form such a picture in your mind depends on which of the following components of working memory?

The visuospatial sketch pad

Which of the following is a basic principle of Gestalt psychology?

The whole is different from the sum of its parts.

According to Treisman's attenuation model, which of the following would you expect to have the highest threshold for most people?

The word "platypus"

Members of a security team are stationed on rooftops surrounding a large city plaza before a scheduled rally. Suddenly, three team members in different locations radio in to the command center, each stating that they have spotted a suspicious box on the ground with a pipe coming from the top. What enables the security team members to report seeing the same object despite being stationed on different rooftops?

Viewpoint invariance

Which of the following correctly lists types of memory from least to most complex?

Visual, semantic, episodic

When does bottom-up processing start?

When environmental energy stimulates the receptors

Imagine that lawmakers are considering changing the driving laws and that you have been consulted as an attention expert. Given the principles of divided attention, in which of the following conditions would a person have the most difficulty with driving and therefore pose the biggest safety risk on the road?

When the person is driving an unfamiliar vehicle that is more difficult to operate

Lamar has just gotten a new job and is attending a company party where he will meet his colleagues for the first time. His boss escorts him around to small groups to introduce him. At the first group, Lamar meets four people and is told only their first names. The same thing happens with a second group and a third group. At the fourth group, Lamar is told their names and that one of the women in the group is the company accountant. A little while later, Lamar realizes that he only remembers the names of the people in the first group, though he also remembers the profession of the last woman he met (the accountant). Lamar's experience demonstrates

a build-up and release of proactive interference.

Compared to the whole report technique, the partial report procedure involves

a smaller response set

On what factor do working memory and short-term memory most differ?


Frontal Lobe receives signals from

all of the senses and plays an important role in perceptions that involves the coordination of information received through two or more senses

Jason quickly scanned the map on his phone to get to his job interview, then took a left and ran down the block so he wouldn't be late. According to Stokes, Jason's ability to recall the directions as he's running is the result of ________.

an activity state followed by a synaptic state

The results of Gauthier's "Greeble" experiment illustrate

an effect of experience-dependent plasticity

Neural circuits are groups of interconnected neurons that

can result in a neuron that responds best to a specific stimulus.

The key structural components of neurons are the

cell body, dendrites, and axons

The staff working in the air traffic control tower at a busy airport can be considered a suitable metaphor for which of the following?

central executive

Which of the following would have the most semantic regularities: a. skyscraper b. forest c. toll booth d. shopping mall

d. Are the characteristics associated with the function carried out in different types of scenes. Meaning of a scene.

Peterson and Peterson studied how well participants can remember groups of three letters (like BRT, QSD) after various delays. They found that participants remembered an average of 80 percent of the groups after 3 seconds but only 10 percent after 18 seconds. They hypothesized that this decrease in performance was due to ___________, but later research showed that it was actually due to ___________.

decay; interference

Donders's main reason for doing his choice reaction time experiment was to study

decision making

When investigating the serial position curve, delaying the memory test for 30 seconds

decreases the recency effect.

Brain imaging has made it possible to

determine which areas of the brain are involved in different cognitive processes

The technique where the participant's task is to focus on the message in one ear, called the attended ear, and to repeat what he or she is hearing out loud is known as

dichotic listening

Chantal has frontal lobe damage. She is doing a problem-solving task in which she has to choose the red object out of many choices. She can easily complete this repeatedly, but when the experimenter asks her to choose the blue object on a new trial of the task, she continues to choose the red one, even when the experimenter gives her feedback that she is incorrect. Chantal is displaying


Robin lost the softball game for her team when she ran toward home and was thrown out at the plate. The coach asked her, "Why did you run? You knew it was a risky move." Robin replied, "But I heard you yell, 'Go! Go!'" The coach replied, "I was saying, 'No! No!'" Robin's ill-fated run was the result of a ________ error.


The "filter model" proposes that the filter identifies the attended message based on

physical characteristics

The fact that trees are more likely to be vertical or horizontal than slanted is an example of ____.

physical regularity

If kittens are raised in an environment that contains only verticals, you would predict that most of the neurons in their visual cortex would respond best to the visual presentation of a

picket fence

Behaviorists believe that the presentation of ____________ increases the frequency of behavior.

positive reinforcers

There are many methods for studying the physiology of the brain. _____ is the technique involving subtraction whereby brain activity is compared between baseline and stimulation measurements

positron emission tomography

The notion that every stimulus pattern is seen in such a way that the resulting structure is as simple as possible is called the law of


Funahashi's work on monkeys doing a delayed response task examined the role of neurons in the

prefrontal cortex

Reaction time refers to the time between the _______ of a stimulus and a person's response to it.


The fusiform face area (FFA) in the brain is often damaged in patients with


The primacy effect is attributed to

recall of information stored in long term memory

This multiple-choice question is an example of a ___________ test.


According to Tulving, an episodic memory is distinguished by the process of ________ it.


Which of the following terms does NOT reflect the concept of control processes?

sensory Correct: varying conscious proactive

The three structural components of the modal model of memory are

sensory memory, short-term memory, long-term memory

A person with a reduced digit span would most likely have a problem with ___________ memory.


Observations that people may actually process and manipulate information rather than simply store it for brief periods of time challenged the conceptualization of

short-term memory

uppose you're on the phone with a customer support representative who gives you a ticket number for your records. You're later transferred to a different representative who asks for your ticket number, but you've forgotten it. This probably occurred because the number was only temporarily stored in your

short-term memory

Your book discusses the memory functioning of patient H.M. who underwent brain surgery to relieve severe epileptic seizures. H.M.'s case has been extremely informative to psychologists by demonstrating that

short-term memory can operate normally while long-term memory is impaired.

Rehearsal is important for transferring information from

short-term memory to long-term memory

You are at a parade where there are a number of marching bands. You perceive the bands that are all in the same uniforms as being grouped together. The red uniforms are one band, the green uniforms another, and so forth. You have this perceptual experience because of the law of


In Donders's experiment on decision making, when participants were asked to press a button upon presentation of a light, they were engaged in a

simple reaction time task

The propaganda effect demonstrates that we evaluate familiar statements as being true

simply because we have been exposed to them before

Procedural memories are also known as ________ memories.


Parietal Lobe

skin senses--touch, temperature, and pain

Research suggests that the capacity of short-term memory is

somewhat small, holding only about seven items at one time

When conducting an experiment on how stimuli are represented by the firing of neurons, you notice that neurons respond differently to different faces. For example, Arthur's face causes three neurons to fire, with neuron 1 responding the most and neuron 3 responding the least. Roger's face causes three different neurons to fire, with neuron 7 responding the least and neuron 9 responding the most. Your results support __________ coding.


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