College of Business FAQs

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Is there a fraternity/sorority affiliated with business?

Alpha Kappa Psi is a professional fraternity that recruits students who have an interest in business (do not have to be a business major)

How many of the COB classes are taught by professors, instructors, TA's?

Classes are taught by professors, who have a PHD or Instructors who have at least a Masters degree and experience in the industry. Some instructors have a PHD, but not necessarily in the field in which they teach. TA's/student workers who are upper-classmen that have taken the course before and will help with grading and tutoring sessions.

Does OSU have resources for students who are undecided?

OSU's University Exploratory Studies Program (UESP) is the academic home for students who have chosen to explore their options before declaring a major. Here, students will work with highly qualified advisors who will help them discover the best academic journey for their future while also fulfilling Baccalaureate Core requirements.

What are the programs offered in Weatherford?

The programs that are offered in Weatherford and Poling are the "Austin Entrepreneurship Program" (AEP) and the "Living Learning Community"(LLC). Both of which are great experiences that have been designed to give you the tools as a freshmen to be prepared for the business world.

Where should I live? What are the off-campus housing options?

There are definitely affordable options. Additional roommates also help cut the cost of rent. We will be having future events/opportunities where you will be able to connect with other transfer students. They are thinking about housing too, so you are not alone.

Where can I learn about what classes I have taken are equal to at OSU?

Transfer guides are available on the COB website. They will tell you for each community college which classes satisfy which requirements. There are also transfer credit tables for AP and IB classes taken in high school.

How many students currently attend the College of Business at OSU?

3500 undergrad and 500 graduate students

What kinds of companies come and table at Austin Hall?

A wide variety of companies table within Austin Hall on career fair days. Each event is different but on average you will see tech companies, finance companies, and of course marketing. Each will be looking for different majors to fill in the open positions that they have.

Do I have to live in Weatherford or Poling? Why?

All incoming pre-business students at Oregon State are strongly encouraged to reside in either Weatherford or Poling all during their first year of studies. A portion of the first year experience takes place outside the classroom and the living-learning communities provide opportunities for interaction, socialization, professional development and mentorship on a daily basis. Students living at home are exempt from this recommendation and those who wish to live elsewhere will be allowed to apply for an exception. Those not living in either Weatherford or Poling will have additional assignments to cover concepts discussed within the living-learning community

What is Benny's Beaver Closet?

Benny's Business Closet was started in the BA161/162 class as a class project. 5 women students decided to start the closet and Sandy initially was thinking that it would be located in Weatherford and available to College of Business students only. However, the 5 women were more ambitious that that, and realized that the students across campus often are unable to obtain affordable professional attire; it is not just an issue central to the College of Business. Therefore, these women reached out to the OSU Career Development Center (CDC) and the closet will now be available to all OSU students and will be housed in the CDC in Kerr. COB students will still help man the closet when it is open during weekly hours (TBD) and as part of the 161/162 class series during this coming year, new students will hold a larger sale in Spring 2017 which will include either a fashion show or a "how to dress professionally" type educational component.

Does it make a difference if I start in XX major then change to business later?

Changing your major part way through your education can affect your graduation date depending on different variables, but it doesn't have to. If you switch into business, there is a high likelihood that you have some baccalaureate core classes and as these are the same for all majors you will not need to repeat these. However, there are business requirements you may not have that you need to complete. It all depends on when you switch, what kinds of classes you took before you made the switch, how many classes you need after you switch, and how many classes you take per term

What is the average class size?

Class sizes fluctuate depending on a number of variables. The further a student moves into his/her major, the smaller the classes tend to be. A typical class will sit 30-70 students, while larger lecture halls have the ability to seat up to 400 students. Lecture classes typically allow for personalization through labs and small group sessions, called recitations, which tend to be about 20 students in size. Only 17% of our classes seat over 100 students. Austin hall is the home to the College of Business and includes one 250 seat auditorium, one 65 seat class room, and eight 48 seat classrooms.

How is college different than high school?

College is different than high school in so many ways. i. You are responsible for your own learning. There is so much less hand holding in college than there is in high school. Take responsibility to go to your classes and do your homework because no one else will. ii. There is a lot more freedom to make your own choices in every aspect of your life. This again can be a good thing and bad. Do what you can to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Don't let the fact that there is not one telling you how to live mean that you don't follow any rules. Make a dedication to yourself to get the most out of your college experience. iii. There are more people, opportunities, and open doors than you have ever experienced before. Explore your options and really immerse yourself in the OSU culture!

How is college different than high school?

College is more independent. You are expected to be in charge of yourself and stay on top of everything. Your teachers are there as a resource but not there to keep you on track to graduate.

I've heard that OSU is a "party school", are there ways that I can meet new people without partying?

Corvallis is a college town, so there are many opportunities for students to engage in a variety of social activities on or off campus. While there is a party scene at every college, there are also many safe and fun events and clubs on campus that happen throughout the year such as Damn Jam, intramurals, Mock Rock, etc. OSU encourages students to make the best decisions for themselves.

What is the track for Merchandising Management?

Current plans include developing two tracks for MM - a Design track and a Business track. The track a student selects will be dependent upon their ultimate career goals. The first year curriculum for both tracks is expected to be very similar.

What are OSU's policies concerning marijuana?

Despite Oregon voters' recent adoption of a law permitting the possession and use of recreational marijuana by adults over 21, the use, possession and distribution of marijuana is still prohibited on any Oregon State campus, facility and at all official university activities. Medical marijuana is also prohibited. (Because we are a federally funded institution and must follow federal law to maintain those funds.)

How late are Dixon and Legacy Park open for?

Dixon hours: Mon-Fri 6am-12am, Sat 9am-10pm, Sun 10am-12am. Legacy Park hours: Mon-Fri 6am-11pm, Sat 9am-10pm, Sun 10am-11pm.

When can I apply to Pro-School?

For Business majors, you can apply to pro-school after your sophomore year of college as long as you have completed the Pre-Business Core requirements and have taken at least 90 credits. For Design majors, you can also apply to pro-school after your sophomore year as long as you have completed the Pre-Design core requirements.

What are the requirements considered to be a transfer student?

For domestic U.S. students who have completed a minimum of 36 quarter (24 semester) graded, transferable credits from a regionally accredited college or university.

How are the Honors classes different from the regular class?

Honors classes are different in that they are smaller (12-20 students per class), and tend to be more discussion based and more interactive. Honors classes are not meant to be more difficult at all. They are taught by a recommended faculty member, they are never taught by a teaching assistant.

Is there an advantage to taking honors classes?

Honors classes are smaller and usually taught by a better professor. In addition, students who prefer more hands-on, interactive learning would benefit from Honors courses.

Will honors classes help me get a better job?

Honors faculty members tend to prefer working with Honors students or students in their honors classes when doing research or for job recommendations. In this way, Honors students may get beneficial jobs out of an Honors class

Do Honors students live somewhere else?

Honors students can live in any residence hall on campus, but they do have the option to live in our two Honors designated residence halls. West Hall is for only Honors students and is very popular, this is called the Honors Living Learning Community. We also have a wing of Sacket Hall reserved for Honors students.

What if I am being chased on campus and no one else is around?

If you feel like you are in danger there are many options for you to take. One is to push one of the Emergency Blue Light System buttons to alert someone that you need help. Someone will respond within 90 seconds. This will call someone in to your location to come and help you within minutes. The other option you have is to use OSU's Alert System which is a system that allows you to call or text about any emergency situations you may be are in.

What college is Merchandising Management under?

Merchandising Management has moved from the design school to the College of Business. This is because Merchandising Management is similar to a business degree since you are taking similar business courses.

What are OSU's policies concerning alcohol?

OSU is committed to inform students regarding the consequences associated with underage drinking and drinking to excess at any age. Numerous programs exist on campus. The consumption of alcohol is permitted in individual residence rooms for students 21+. The consumption of alcohol is not permitted in public and common areas. In the State of Oregon it is illegal to possess or consume alcoholic beverages if you are under the age of 21. It is also illegal to provide alcoholic beverages to anyone under 21 or to anyone (regardless of age) who is visibly intoxicated. campus

What are OSU's most popular majors?

OSU offers over 200 academic programs for our undergraduate students. Currently, the most popular undergrad majors are Business Administration, General Science (specifically for health-related fields), Exercise and Sport Science, Human Development and Family Sciences, Biology, Liberal Studies, Mechanical Engineering, Psychology, Education and Computer Science.

What are OSU's most popular majors?

OSU offers over 200 academic programs for our undergraduate students. It would be difficult to narrow it down to a few. Currently, the most popular majors among undergraduates are Business Administration, General Science (specifically for health-related fields), Exercise and Sport Science, Human Development and Family Sciences, Biology, Liberal Studies, Mechanical Engineering, Psychology, Education and Computer Science.

What kind of safety services do you offer?

OSU offers several safety services: Public Safety escorts, SafeRide, Blue Light Emergency System, and OSU Alerts (texts, calls, and emails).

What is student athlete life like?

OSU provides many services for their student athletes: Sport Specific Academic counselors for one-on-one support (help you with studying, arranging tutors, will also travel with teams to provide academic support); priority registration; Beth Ray Center for Academic Success Center which has a computer lab, several open study areas and study rooms; BEST Bridge Summer Program helps student athletes transition to the academics at OSU

Does OSU participate in the Western Undergraduate Exchange program (WUE)?

Oregon State University NO LONGER participates in the WUE program. Most WUE programs have limited slots with a very select list of majors that are eligible for the program. Oregon State offers two large out of state scholarship programs in the Provost and Tuition Grant which compare very favorably to WUE in terms of the monetary value. All eligible out of state students will be considered for the Provost and Tuition Grant programs. Unfortunately, Oregon State University is not part of any tuition reciprocity agreement or WUE program at this time. Students who come from Washington (CA, ID) are classified as non-residents and will be required to pay the out-of-state tuition costs. However, Oregon State has increased funding in terms of financial aid assistance to non-resident students. There are also several scholarship opportunities for out-of-state students.

What are the laptop requirements for COB Design Programs?

Please refer to the SDHE Laptop Policy:

What percent of your graduates have jobs in their field when they graduate?

Right now we don't have accurate data for this. I could tell you what percentage of students who returned the survey have jobs in their field, but it is not an accurate reflection of everyone who graduated (talk more about CSC and how students can engage with them). Among OSU graduates, 71% work in occupations directly related to their undergrad degrees (

What is "rush" week?

Rush week is also known as recruitment week, open house, house tours, "rounds", or preferences for Greek life.

How do I transfer over my classes from my old school?

See your advisor. A transcript is necessary

If I change from a business major in the middle of my freshman year, do I have to leave my dorm?

Students changing majors is a natural part of the college process. We would never ask a student to change their living situation because they changed majors.

What is the Innovation Management double degree?

Students in the IMDD program will gain expertise in developing new ideas and inventions and will learn how to take these ideas through the innovation and commercialization process. The IMDD curriculum is anchored in business basics such as accounting and marketing and supplements the technical skills developed in the primary major. Graduates are prepared to be more productive and innovative members of an organization. Business majors may not add the Innovation Management Double Degree. Only non- Business majors are eligible for this credential.

What is the Innovation Management double degree?

Students in the IMDD program will gain expertise in developing new ideas and inventions and will learn how to take these ideas through the innovation and commercialization process. The IMDD curriculum is anchored in business basics such as accounting and marketing and supplements the technical skills developed in the primary major. Graduates are prepared to be more productive and innovative members of an organization. Business majors may not add the Innovation Management Double Degree. Only non-Business majors are eligible for this credential.

What is the Austin Entrepreneurship Program?

The Austin Entrepreneurship Program at Weatherford Hall is a living-learning environment for undergraduates which offers entrepreneurship courses, hands-on experience and the opportunity to explore business ideas. The program's mission is to instill students with the belief that they can change the world with confidence and the skills needed to do so through: Active engagement, mentoring, work experience, professional development An opportunity for student entrepreneurs to create, grow and manage their own company outside a traditional classroom environment through access to university resources and a hands-on innovation lab Working in the field as social entrepreneurs to create change locally, nationally and internationally.

How will the Career Success Center help me find a job?

The Career Success Center (CSC) is an excellent resource to all College of business students. Students can set appointments at any time to work one on one with trained career advisors on resumes, cover letters, job search strategies, interviewing, and much more. They have multiple resume and professional workshops, host mock interviews with companies, and take students on Travel Friday trips to visit and tour companies in the NW. The CSC also publishes a Career Guide book and works with students on a 4 year career development plan.

Why should I start here rather than a community college, especially since it's free?

The Oregon State community provides an experience like no other. Getting to know your peers and professors is a huge part of being a student. The college experience and exposure to new ideas and new people are reasons that attending the university and immersing yourself in the culture provides a huge benefit to students. Students at OSU learn so much more than what is taught in the classroom, they discover new passions, bond with new friends, and become more independent. If monetary concerns are an issue, OSU and the COB provide multiple scholarships to students to help mitigate the cost of tuition. There are also duel enrollment options for students who would like to take some of their classes at a community college and some of their classes with OSU.

Why should I start here rather than a community college, especially since it's free?

The Oregon State community provides an experience like no other. Getting to know your peers and professors is a huge part of being a student. The college experience and exposure to new ideas and new people are reasons that attending the university and immersing yourself in the culture provides a huge benefit to students. Students at OSU learn so much more than what is taught in the classroom, they discover new passions, bond with new friends, and become more independent. If monetary concerns are an issue, OSU and the COB provide multiple scholarships to students to help mitigate the cost of tuition. There are also duel enrollment options for students who would like to take some of their classes at a community college and some of their classes with OSU.

What advice do you have for staying engaged after freshman year?

The purpose of innovation nation is to provide opportunities for students to interact with each other and to explore opportunities for personal and professional growth on campus. Students are encouraged continue their involvement in extracurricular activities - including clubs, study abroad, work closely with the career success center, stay connected with their advisor, attend alumni and professional development events, and to seek opportunities to mentor younger students throughout their time at OSU.

Student Engagement Team

The student engagement team is in Weatherford/Poling. They have an open door policy, and are there to help and mentor students with challenges (social/academic). They teach the BA 160 course series, so they are with the students all three terms. There are four engagement activities the students are part of: cultural comp, health & wellbeing, career exploration, and college preparedness.

What kinds of clubs and organizations are there on campus? Where can I find these clubs at?

There are many different clubs and organizations that are available on campus to all students. The great part about our clubs is the diversity that there is among them. We have a club on almost any topic you can think of, and if there is not one on the subject you are always more than welcome to start one up. To find all the clubs there is a web link that has the full list, you can also go to the Student Experience Center on campus to get more information on specific details.

How do I get a job on campus?

There are many resources for getting a job on campus. Jobs@OSU is a centralized job posting service for campus jobs. Beaver Careers is an excellent job and internship database that is exclusively for OSU and students can customize searches to find the right job for therm. We also have the Career Success Center which is more than happy to assist students with resumes, cover letters, and finding jobs and internships. We are the only college to have our own Career Success Center. Students may also visits the university wide Career Development Center. Beyond these resources, the number one way to get a job on campus is to apply!

Will I not get to take classes in Austin Hall till I am a sophomore?

This may be true at other universities. This is not the case here though, the College of Business at OSU is unique. We ensure that your first term here you get on have experience in business classes.

What is the average class size?

Typical class size is 30-70

How many students currently attend the College of Business at OSU?

We have around 3500 undergrad students and 500 graduate students.

What minors are available in the College of Business?

We have one minor: Business and Entrepreneurship Minor. It is one of the most popular minors on campus. If you are a business major, you cannot minor in business.

When will I take my first business class?

With Innovation Nation, our first year experience for all freshmen, students are in BA 160 fall term... the first term they are in college! This is followed by the rest of the 160 series in winter and spring terms.

My friend and I want to live together but I am a business major and they are an engineer. Can we still live together?

Yes you both can still share a room even though you are different majors. The student that is the non-business major will need to go to the housing department and fill out an appeal so that they may live in the COB dorms.

Can I graduate in four years?

Yes you can graduate in 4 years. You need minimum of 180 credits to graduate with a bachelors.

As a COB student can I live in another dorm?

Yes you can. It is strongly recommended that you do not live in another dorm since these dorms have been tailored to enhance you education into the Business and Design fields. You are however able to put in an appeal with the housing department to live in another dorm on campus. You are still expected though to take part and be a member of the LLC community

If I have a disability or need an emotional support animal can I bring them to live with me in the dorms?

Yes you can. What you will have to do is have the animals registered nationally as a service animal as well as register with the campus disability office. After that you will talk to housing to have arrangements made for you and your companion to live in the dorms. There is also no extra cost for bringing a service animal with you

Can I get a job on campus as a freshmen?

Yes! Jobs on campus are a great idea because they know you are a full-time student so they are very accommodating and flexible with your schedule.

Is OSU a safe campus?

Yes, Corvallis was recently voted the safest small city in America by Farmers Insurance. OSU has the lowest reported crime rate among PAC-12 campuses. One of the top priorities at Oregon State University is the safety of students, faculty, staff, and guests. 24-hour law enforcement and safety patrols on campus by Oregon State Police and Oregon State's Department of Public Safety. Off-campus law enforcement and safety patrols are handled by the Corvallis Police Department

Does OSU have any type of recreational sports for the general population to do?

Yes, OSU does have sports that are available for the general student population to participate in. Most sports are available, just depending on the season. If you wish to make a team of your own with friends that is an option, you can also sign up by yourself and be placed on a random team for the season. There is more information on specifics on the OSU Intramural Sport website.

Is it a bike friendly community?

Yes, The League of American Bicyclists has recognized OSU as a Gold-level Bicycle Friendly University, one of only 12 universities in the US that has achieved this level. story/league-american-bicyclists-names-osu-gold-level-bicycle-friendly-university

Can I live in Weatherford as an upperclassmen?

Yes, however Weatherford is a COB living-learning community catered towards first year freshmen. While there may be a few upperclassmen living in Weatherford, most choose to live in the upperclassmen residence halls or off-campus.

Does it make a difference if I start in XX major then change to business later?

Yes, if you change majors it can have an effect on your graduation date. It is solely dependent upon what major you started in, and which one you are changing into.

Can freshmen have cars?

Yes, just know that a spot is not guaranteed near your place of residence.

Can I get an internship during college?

Yes, some are local and working with the CSC will help you find one that fits your goals. Others are during the summer.

Can I study abroad?

Yes, studying abroad can be an excellent part of the OSU College of Business experience. Most students study abroad in the fall or spring of their junior or senior year. There are university wide level study abroad options, however we promote the College of Business study abroad which also gives students the International Business degree option which is a second or third degree for students. The great thing about COB exchange is that students pay in state tuition to go abroad. We also have study tours that are shorter and often over the summer as well as DHE abroad programs.

Are there tutoring services to assist students?

Yes, there are different tutors available for different classes that are all available for free in Austin Hall.

Are there tutoring services to assist students?

Yes, there are many different tutoring services for students. At the university level there is tutoring at the library, the Writing Center, Math Learning Center, and Academic Coaching. At the college level there are varying tutoring resources by class and often teaching assistants will hold tutoring hours. Students are also always welcome to their professor's office hours if they are in need of any assistance.

Can I study abroad?

Yes, within the College of Business we have our own program for studying abroad called the "Arthur Stonehill Exchange".

Can I join a Fraternity/Sorority my first term at OSU?

Yes, you are able to join a Greek Life Organization your first term while attending OSU. Every term there is something called "Rush" week in where all the organizations will do tabling events to get to meet all of the prospective new members. During this week each house puts on events for people to tour their houses, eat food, play games, and many more bonding activities so that you can make a decision on which house best fits you.

Can I graduate in four years?

Yes, you can graduate in four years - make sure you see your advisor early and often! To earn a degree with OSU you must have a minimum of 180 credits and fulfill all degree required classes for your major as well as satisfy baccalaureate core class requirements. Average credit enrollment per term is 15 credits. This keeps you on track to graduate in four years. Please note that classes that don't receive a passing grade are not considered earned credits and will not count towards the 180. Some degree programs may require more than 180 credits.

Does COB have Honors classes?

Yes. We offer different business courses each term. In the past, we have offered BA 465H Systems Thinking and Practice, BA 407H Managing Technical Innovation, BA 260H Intro to Entrepreneurship, BA 352H Managing Individuals and Team Performance, and BA 390H Marketing. pus=corvallis

What makes your program stand out above other universities?

a. Innovation nation, the living/learning community for first-year pre-business students i. When it is time to declare your major, you will feel confident in your choice. You'll know what each major is, the skills needed to be successful, and the career opportunities upon graduation. The first year is spent familiarizing our freshmen with each major - you will meet recent graduates as well as professionals who are successful in their fields. b. Our own Career Success Center focused on professional development, internship and job placement. c. Focus on innovation and entrepreneurship d. You are focused on getting to college, we are focused on how we can prepare you for your career upon graduation. e. Design thinking, or solution-focused thinking, a formal method for practical creative resolution of problems and creation of solutions. The philosophy of design thinking is incorporated into several aspects of student life within the College of Business at Oregon State University. In the BA 160, 161 and 162 course series, students identify a problem and build a solution, company or social entrepreneurship venture to address the issue. f. Collaboration with industry and industry professionals. This includes Fridays in Austin, case studies from real companies, internships, and so on.

How does MECOP work with the College of Business?

a. There are four disciplines in which MECOP works with: Accounting/Finance, Information Systems, Marketing, and Project Management b. About MECOP: Internships Info:

Why is there a pro school? What is it?

a. All incoming students to the College of Business are admitted as pre-business or pre-design majors. During your first 90 credit hours of coursework, you will take baccalaureate core requirements as well as the innovative BA 160, 161 and 162 series. After completing 90 credit hours of coursework including the business core, you are eligible to apply to professional school. Admission to professional school is competitive and the requirements vary by major. Those who meet the requirements will be admitted to pro-school regardless of the size of the applicant pool (this is only true for business - design takes the top 25 students). Students are encouraged to collaborate regularly with their advisor, especially as they get closer to completing 90 hours of course credit.

Why can't I apply to pre-Apparel design?

a. Based on feedback from our faculty, advisory board and employer partners, we are rethinking the curriculum behind the pre-apparel program, so admissions for new students are on hold. In the meantime, students are encouraged to apply to the Pre-Merchandising major, as the bacc core requirements for the two majors are very similar. b. We are unsure of when the program will be offered again, as our timeline will depend on a revamp of the program.

Pro-School Eligibility

a. Be a current OSU Pre-Business major. b. Reach 90 credits by the end of application term (junior standing). c. Have completed, or are registered to complete, all remaining Pre-Business Core requirements in the application term. d. Have grades of C- or better in all Business Degree Program Coursework, including any transfer courses that satisfy business program requirements. (If you are currently repeating a course with a grade below C-, you are not eligible to apply. e. Have grades of C- or better in all Business Degree Program Coursework, including any transfer courses that satisfy business program requirements. [If you are currently repeating a course with a grade below C-, you are not eligible to apply.

What is the difference between Honors College and the Dean's Academy?

a. Both the Dean's Academy and the OSU Honors College are for academically outstanding students. The Honors College is a highly competitive university-wide program for the most academically talented students; meeting minimum eligibility criteria does not necessarily guarantee acceptance. The Dean's Academy is for College of Business students only and all students who meet eligibility criteria are accepted. All Honors College students in the College of Business are automatically accepted into the Dean's Academy. Dean's Academy students who excel are encouraged to apply to the OSU Honors College. b. INTERNAL NOTE: The College of Business Dean's Academy is not a competitor to the OSU Honors College, nor is it a College of Business version of the OSU Honors College experience. It should not be described to prospective students as an Honors or Honors- like experience or in any other way that positions the Dean's Academy as an alternative to the OSU Honors College. For questions about the HC, please refer students to them so they can best describe the benefits of the HC experience. We support the Honors College and will continue to add more and more honors sections in the College as we grow the number of honors students. It is our hope that the College of Business Dean's Academy becomes a pipeline for business students ultimately successfully applying to the OSU Honors College. Dean's Academy students who excel will be encouraged (but not required) to ultimately apply to the OSU Honors College. The Honors College is a highly competitive university-wide program for the most academically talented students. The Dean's Academy is for College of Business students only and all eligible students will be accepted (this inherently includes all Honors College students)

Does the Accounting major give you enough credits to sit for the CPA exam?

a. In addition to earning an Accounting degree, students must also have completed 225 quarterly credits of coursework (i.e. the equivalent of 5 years). Since a bachelor's degree in Accounting requires 180 quarterly credit hours, many students pick up the additional credits by choosing our Accounting Information Systems Option or by electing to double- major in another discipline, such as Finance or International Business. There is no requirement that the additional 45 credits be earned in a business discipline. b. See major sheet for AIS. c. Something else to keep in mind is the timing of when students can sit for the CPA exam. In Oregon, students must demonstrate that they have earned all 225 quarterly credits before applying to sit for the CPA exam. In Washington, there is a provision which allows students to sit for the CPA exam if they expect to meet the 225 quarterly credits within one hundred eighty days of taking the exam, which means that students can take the exam while still enrolled in classes. There is no requirement for students to sit for the CPA exam in the state where they earned their accounting degree.

Does the Accounting major give you enough credits to sit for the CPA exam?

a. In addition to earning an Accounting degree, students must also have completed 225 quarterly credits of coursework (i.e. the equivalent of 5 years). Since a bachelor's degree in Accounting requires 180 quarterly credit hours, many students pick up the additional credits by choosing our Accounting Information Systems Option or by electing to double-major in another discipline, such as Finance or International Business. There is no requirement that the additional 45 credits be earned in a business discipline. b. See major sheet for AIS. c. Something else to keep in mind is the timing of when students can sit for the CPA exam. In Oregon, students must demonstrate that they have earned all 225 quarterly credits before applying to sit for the CPA exam. In Washington, there is a provision which allows students to sit for the CPA exam if they expect to meet the 225 quarterly credits within one hundred eighty days of taking the exam, which means that students can take the exam while still enrolled in classes. There is no requirement for students to sit for the CPA exam in the state where they earned their accounting degree.

What college is Merchandising Management under?

a. Merchandising Management has moved from the design school to the College of Business. This is because Merchandising Management is similar to a business degree since you are taking similar business courses. b. Business and Entrepreneurship minor is built in.

COB Dean's Academy Qualifications

a. Must be a First Time Freshmen attending the Corvallis campus b. Incoming first-year students need a 3.75 cumulative un-weighted high school GPA or 1820 on the SAT or 27 on the ACT. c. Top reasons why students join: Dean's Academy students enroll in designated smaller classes with fellow Dean's Academy students, allowing you to engage in deeper discussion with your professors and peers. Dean's Academy courses use enriched curriculum that promotes personal engagement, intellectual involvement and a sense of community. Dean's Academy students get pre-admission directly into the College of Business professional school and their desired business major. Dean's Academy students get invitations from the Dean to attend exclusive opportunities to attend forums, seminars, and events featuring thought leaders in business. Dean's Academy students get exclusive career development events that help them grow their professional network for internships and job-hunting.

What scholarships are available, and what is the criteria, are they GPA or need based?

a. The COB offers numerous scholarship to new and continuing students. Fortunately, students fill out one application and it automatically applies to all the COB scholarships you are eligible for. Many are based on achievement and consider GPA. College of Business Advising Scholarships Please visit our Financial Aid and Scholarships website to learn more. b. Our Scholarship Management System will sort out scholarship that you are eligible for. c. OSU University Scholars Program

Does OSU have an online business degree?

a. Yes, we have a Business Administration degree through E-campus. b. Supply Chain and Logistics Management is an online option for Business Administration.

If I am in another living-learning community, where do I live? (i.e. Honor's College or another major/college with a living-learning community)

a. You go through an appeal process b. COB students that do not are not living in Weatherford/Poling are required to do "Reflection Pieces", as a means of making sure they have the same opportunities of discussion/participation in the LLC community c. More students have appealed to live in Weatherford/Poling than out d. Students that do not live in Weatherford/Poling will have limited access to Weatherford/Poling

Why can't I apply to pre-Apparel design?

a.Based on feedback from our faculty, advisory board and employer partners, we are rethinking the curriculum behind the pre-apparel program, so admissions for new students are on hold. In the meantime, students are encouraged to apply to the Pre-Merchandising major, as the bacc core requirements for the two majors are very similar. b. We are unsure of when the program will be offered again, as our timeline will depend on a revamp of the program.

What resources does OSU have that deals with sexual assault? a. OSU is a national leader in the "It's on Us" campaign to address sexual violence. OSU has numerous response, support and education programs and require education for all first-year students and all athletes. b. OSU has "Sexual Assault Response and Prevention Alliance" which provides resources and information hoping to create an environment that is free from sexual violence. c. "Center Against Rape and Domestic Violence" has a 24/7 hotline with trained advocates that take the calls (one of our Greek life organizations has a philanthropy for CARDV). d. OSU offers legal support for students if they choose to press charges. e. Parents and students can receive additional information from OSU's Dean of Students office.

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