A split-complementary color scheme uses the colors on either side of the complement.
A triadic color scheme uses three colors that are evenly spaced, forming a perfect triangle on the wheel.
An analogous color scheme uses colors that are next to each other on the wheel, like reds and oranges or blues and greens.
Complementary colors are opposite each other on the wheel; for instance, blue and orange or the classic red and green.
Hue is the easiest one; it's basically just another word for color. In the example below, you might describe the hue as coral pink or light red, depending on your interpretation.
Color basics
Let's start at the beginning with a refresher on the basics. Remember learning about primary and secondary colors in school? Then you already have some knowledge of color theory.
Saturation refers to intensity—in other words, whether the color appears more subtle or more vibrant. Highly saturated colors are brighter or richer. Desaturated colors have less pigment and therefore less oomph.
Tetradic color schemes form a rectangle on the wheel, using not one but two complementary color pairs. This formula works best if you let one color dominate while the others serve as an accent.
The easiest formula for harmony is monochromatic because it only uses one color or hue. To create a monochromatic color scheme, pick a spot on the color wheel, then use your knowledge of saturation and value to create variations.
Value has to do with how dark or light the color is, ranging from black to white. As you can see below, this gives us many different shades, from a deep reddish brown to a light pastel pink.