Columbia Music Hum Midterm

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1 melody + accompaniment


1- organization of time in music; 2- a pattern of beats and pulses; 3- refers to values or length of a note or series of notes.


Frequency; measure in Hz


How fast or How slow (rate) the speed of the pulse


Loud or soft; volume


Solid ending at the end of a phrase. In the case of mozart, question and answer, antecedent and consequent.


a group o 2 or 3 beats. Weak and strong beats in a measure. Ex: Vivaldi's "Spring" Strong on 1 & 3, weak on 2 & 4


a repeated melodic shape played at successively higher or lower intervals. A sequence helps with modulation between keys. Bach loves them.

functional harmony

a series of rules about consonance and dissonance that pushes the music forward through a series of tension and release


a setting for 4-6 voices of a poplar love poem Madrigalism- excessive use of things identified with madrigals--especially word painting.

Chromatic Scale

all 12 notes, black and white keys, all 1/2 steps in an octave (terrible for directing melody). Chromatic scale not used by itself in many pieces--usually utilized for color. Derive diatonic scales from chromatic scale.


based on tonic (usually in title of song) (also typically begins and ends with that note. 2) Over-arching line that our ears are drawn to. Ex: Mozart's "Symphony No 40 in G minor" Pitch: low --> high interval


distance between two notes in terms of frequency


doubling or halving or a frequency. A = 220 Hz A = 440 Hz A = 880 Hz


getting louder


getting softer


grouping of measures over time

Conjunct Motion

means our melody move in steps or small intervals

Disjunct Motion

melody moves in leaps or large intervals


more than one note/melody at the same time Ex: Josquin's "Ava Maria" (pre Council of Trent)


more than two notes per syllable Ex:Anonymous "Viderunt Omnes"


note around which the scale is based.

Diatonic Scale

one tonic at bottom, one at top of scale--7 notes in the diatonic scale. The 8th being tonic repeat.


pitch that we think is musical. In the 'west' we desire clarity of tone. This usually means a frequency with fewer obvious overtones mixed in.


placing emphasis on 2 and 4 instead of 1 and 3. Ex: Chuck Berry "Rock and Roll Music"


plaing emphasis on a weak beat or weak part of beat--usually unexpected and throws you off. Ex: Stravinsky's "Rite of Spring" -much more difficult syncopation.


prayer in Latin set to music for 4-6 voices


relationship between melodies in a piece.


representation of reality in art--imitation 1. poetry and music are twins...general mood, contrast 2. poetry is older twin 3. music is the hand maid of poetry

Imitative Polyphony

same or similar melodies following in succession with some overlap


series of pitches, plus rhythm--that forms a recognizable unit Ex: chant doesn't really have rhythm Ex: Mozart--changes, but sticks with same time.


simultaneous sounding of 2 or more notes


smaller units of melody with clear endings


smallest recognizable unit of melody.

down beats

strong beats


theme repeated in whole or in part throughout a movement

Concerti Grosso

tutti + concertino (small group of soloist)

Terraced Dynamic

type of dynamics popular in Baroque- either or loud or soft

Beats and Pulses

underlies most music. Can have weak or strong sense of pulse. Ex: weak: Gregorian Chant Ex: strong: Rock & Pop Beats are normally divided into groups of 3 or 2 (or more). Ex: Vivaldi's "Spring" groups of 2 Ex: Austin Pitre's "Opelous Waltz" groups of 3 Ex: David Brubeck's "Take 5" groups of 5


weak or weak parts of beats


wide/narrow Ex: narrow: Gregorian Chant Ex: wide: Opera


Written representation of musical notes c: 1000 A.D. Ex: Hildegard of Bingen

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