COM 252 Ch. 1-6 Mid Term

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T/F A low-context culture relies heavily on subtle, often nonverbal cues to maintain social harmony.


T/F A type of communication that is competent in one setting will be competent in another.


T/F Each of us enters the world with a strong sense of identity


T/F Gender refers to biological characteristics of a male or female


T/F High self-esteem guarantees interpersonal success.


T/F In today's high-tech workplace, oral and written communication skills aren't as important as they once were.


T/F Lean mediated channels are a disadvantage for communicators who want to manage the impressions they make.


T/F Masspersonal posts are well suited as a primary means of communicating with the people close to you about important topics.


T/F Millennials tend to have a greater desire to make social connections at work than previous generations.


T/F People adopt the same impression management strategies across situations.


T/F Race is a biological designation scientifically determined by physical traits, cultural traits, and ancestry.


T/F Shared narratives should be accurate to be powerful.


T/F Social penetration theory is most often applied to the difference between the perspectives of privileged social groups and people who have less power.


Asking for __________ helps address ambiguous language, which consists of words and phrases that have more than one commonly accepted definition.


Whereas we may evaluate others critically, we tend to judge ourselves more generously. Social scientists use two theories to explain this phenomenon: self-serving bias and __________.

Fundamental attribution error

Items in the __________ area of the Johari Window become public primarily through self-disclosure.


The Korean language has separate terms for "older brother," "oldest brother," "younger sister," "youngest sister," and so on. Which cultural dimension does this reflect?

High power distance

Which culture generally considers deviant people and ideas dangerous?

High uncertainty avoidance

Which alternative to self-disclosure seeks a desired response from someone, often to spare this person from embarrassment?


You immediately feel a bond with a stranger wearing a shirt with your school's name and mascot. This sense of kinship is common among __________.

In-group members

Partners in a satisfying relationship are likely to view each other more benevolently than accurately. This tends to occur at which stage of the perception process?


Which communication concept recognizes that one person is a member of various co-cultures?


You are careful not to criticize your manager to a coworker who is likely to share your opinion with others. Which guideline for disclosure are you following?

Is the risk of disclosing reasonable?

Which of the following statements best describes the relationship between loneliness and online social interaction?

It's hard to say whether loneliness leads to a preference for online social interaction or vice versa

Which factor characterizes masspersonal communication?

Large audience

Which theory explains why bilingual speakers seem to think differently when they change languages?

Linguistic relativity

Reba feels comfortable making suggestions to her manager. Reba is likely part of a ___________ culture.

Low power distance

Your friend asks you what you think of her new ride. You don't like it, but you tell her that it's a definite upgrade from her last car. This response balances your desire to be honest with your desire to __________

Maintain positive face

Which term refers to how individuals use mediated communication to reach large audiences in ways that forge and sustain personal connections?

Masspersonal communication

When considering communication channels, what should you use to increase the chances of your message being heard?


You get up early eager to greet the day, but you know better than to attempt breakfast conversation with your mother, who barely utters a word before 10 a.m. Being either a "morning person" or a "night person" illustrates which influence on perception?


One person's act of self-disclosure increases the odds that the other person will reveal personal information in an act of __________.


In the classroom, people barely notice Isaac's wheelchair. They are too busy trying to keep up with his quick wit and expert debating skills. But when he is in public, people often focus on his chair. Which concept does this illustrate?


At a restaurant where a crowd is enjoying happy hour, you focus on your friend, filtering out all the other noise. This occurs in which stage of the perception process?


What do scholars call the relatively stable set of perceptions you hold of yourself?


Which of the following qualities distinguish interpersonal relationships from less personal ones?

Self-disclosure and intrinsic rewards

Using a physical environment to influence how others view us is known as a choice of __________.


Which is an example of synchronous communication?

Skype call

A member of Generation Z, Kristen dates, sleeps, and hangs out with friends less than her mother did when she was a teen. According to research on trends in technology use, which device is most likely to blame?


Which is an example of nonverbal communication whose meaning remains constant across cultures?


After seeing the latest fashion trends on Instagram models, you immediately decide that you need to lose 15 pounds by summer. These feelings are likely a result of which phenomenon?

Social comparison

In a research study, women identified which activity as the one that contributed more to a satisfying life than virtually any other?


Which communication theory would be most relevant to research that examined the intersection of sex, race, and socioeconomic status with respect to the impact of the coronavirus pandemic?


T/F Adaptability is so important that competence researchers call it "the hallmark of interpersonal communication skills."


T/F At about 6 or 7 months of age, infants begin to recognize "self" as distinct from surroundings.


T/F Both sign language and spoken language are symbolic in nature.


T/F Competent communicators are multifaceted people with a variety of roles and identities- all of which are legitimately "you".


T/F Even good times in a close relationship can leave you tired.


T/F Members of co-cultures develop unique patterns of communication and connection.


T/F Most Americans have fairly high self-esteem and rate themselves as generally "above average."


T/F Open-mindedness is especially important in intercultural work teams.


T/F Perception checking signals an attitude of respect and concern for the other person.


T/F Research suggests that whether they mean to or not, communicators often see the world through a gendered lens—and women are often perceived and treated unfairly.


T/F Roommates who had positive initial impressions of each other are likely to have positive subsequent interactions due to confirmation bias.


T/F Self-monitoring is an asset for communicators


T/F The more weak-tie relationships you have, the happier you're likely to feel.


T/F There's nothing wrong with generalizations about groups as long as they are accurate.


T/F Those who identify as multiracial report greater self-esteem, well-being, and social engagement than multiracial people who identify with only one group.


T/F Tweets sent from mobile devices, compared to those sent from desktop computers, tend to be more negative in their wording and content.


Which is the best definition of communication?

Using messages to generate meanings

Balancing the demands of being a first-string quarterback and an "A" pre-med student reflects which characteristic of impression management?

We strive to maintain a multifaceted identity

You spend all your free time on Instagram and Facebook while neglecting meaningful face-to-face interaction with friends and family. You have become caught up in a cycle of __________ that leaves you feeling isolated.


Any type of communication occurring via a technological channel is a form of __________ communication.


Alberto won't work overtime in the hope of getting a raise or promotion. He's more concerned about spending time at home with his family. Alberto is likely from a(n) __________ culture.


A perception check needs three parts to be effective


When you learn that your English instructor also writes romance novels under a pen name, your perception of her changes. This is due to which influence on perception?

Access to information

Mallory, who uses a wheelchair, requested a cubicle closest to the office elevator and speaks openly about her disability with colleagues. Which strategy is she employing at work?


At 55, Julia is applying for a supervisor's position in a technology company where the management team is all in their 30s. What type of interview might she prefer in this situation?

An online interview that may minimize the perception of differences due to gender, social class, race or ethnicity, and age

If your online habits are creating problems in your life and you feel you cannot control your internet use, what should you do?

Balance mediated and face time

The TV show The Voice uses "blind auditions," where an artist performs behind a screen. This is to avoid which of the following perceptual tendencies?

Being influenced by our expectations

Your romantic partner of 10 months broke up with you in a text message, failing to consider the importance of which element of communication?


You note with concern the interviewer's frown as you explain why you left your last job. This scenario demonstrates which principle of communication?

Communication is transactional

After an awkward get-together with the in-laws, you respond to your spouse's criticism about your comments at dinner by noting your glowing student evaluations as a professor. This scenario illustrates which principle about communication competence?

Competence is situational

Someone you knew from high school but lost touch with many years ago posted their wedding anniversary photo on Facebook. How should you respond?

Facebook Like

Which activities do scholars recommend to combat loneliness?

Creating positive self-talk and volunteering

Most job interviews and first dates are clear examples of which characteristic of impression management?

Deliberate impression management

When you're with your friends, your language is colored with slang that you don't use with your parents. Which strategy does this illustrate?


What do we call the affective dimension of empathy?

Emotional contagion

At an outdoor café in France, you hear an American ask, "Why doesn't everyone just speak English?" This question reveals which attitude?


What did Nelson Mandela mean when he said, "Where you stand depends on where you sit"?

No one perceives the world exactly as you do

What is impression management?

The process whereby you attempt to influence others' perceptions of you

Your online dating profile is fantastic, far more favorable than even a friend would create for you. This unrealistically positive self-appraisal illustrates which characteristic of the self-concept?

The self-concept is subjective

You disclose your political views in rewarding discussions with close friends, but when you share these opinions with your neighbors, arguments ensue. Which principle of communication does this contrast illustrate?

There's no single "ideal" or "effective" way to communicate

You can readily imagine a number of different reasons for why people do the things they do, and your friends appreciate your empathy, which is related to __________.

cognitive complexity

Janelle considers herself a survivor of domestic abuse rather than a victim, a term she prefers for its __________ meaning.


On a __________ level, users hit Like to communicate "I agree with your post" or "I found that amusing." On a __________ level, it can mean "I support you," "I appreciate you," or even "I'm sorry."

content; relational

The communication term "environment" is also called _______.


You are non-Native, yet you wore a Native American headdress to Burning Man. This is arguably an act of __________.

cultural appropriation

For the first few weeks after transferring from a fine arts program to an engineering major, you felt confused, depressed, and lonely. What do scholars call this rocky adaptation period?

culture shock

A nurse is updating your medical history at the hospital before you see the doctor. What do social scientists call your interaction with the nurse?


Competent communication is the ability to achieve goals in a manner that is both __________ and appropriate.


Turning __________ into a __________ facilitates goal achievement.

have to; want to

Your blind date arrived at the restaurant a half hour late, and you were not impressed by the conversation that followed. Your early appraisal colored your subsequent perceptions of her due to the __________ effect.


"We" language can help build a constructive communication climate and develop verbal __________.


Mediated communication is ________ than most face-to-face communication.


The __________ of social media messages, especially when communicators aren't well acquainted, can promote __________ communication.

leanness; hyperspersonal

The first communication models characterized communication as a ________ process.

linear and one-way

Sociologist Erving Goffman compared facework to being a _______.

playwright or actor

High-context cultures tend to value and emphasize ____________.

straight talk

"I'm sorry" can mean different things to a Japanese and an American speaker due to cultural differences in __________.

verbal codes

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