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OTJ 11: How can I use social media for professional networking?

-linkedin, FB, Twitter, Youtube, Instagram, snapchat, vimeo, etc.

What are the Characteristics of new media

-potential for social interaction -Digital -Allow information exchange and communication -Typically involve networking -enable globalization -barriers from time and space

progress report has 4 short sections

Background Work completed Evaluation of work Completed Summary

periodic report

a document designed to communicate specific info on a routine basis to concerned stakeholder

What are the strategies for approaching a professor to work on research?

-(good e-mail format, also consider visiting their office hours) -introduce yourself -state your interest in conducting research -explain why you want to work with them! -attach your resume and/or one page research summary -thank them for their consideration -proofread and send

OTJ 16: What are some strategies to make your resume tell/sell your story? To perfect your cover letter?

-Customize your resume to the particular job or position -Select key words and phrases to incorporate in your resume. -Explain or show how your past job performances made a difference to the company. -Use action words to describe what you did or can do. -Do not write lengthy paragraphs detailing what you have done. -Omit all unnecessary information. -Don't list every single job you ever had, such as babysitting experiences - unless they're relevant to the target position. how to make your resume perfect (1) is easy to read (2) quickly sells your credentials (3) is tailored to the specific position for which you are applying. cover letter -Tell your story briefly, using the language of the employer -Address your letter (Dear, Ms. Jones) -develop an introduction that catches their attention -construct the body of your letter (special projects, awards, accomplishments) -close your letter effectively

What are the goals of business writing?

-Determining your objectives and audience. -Compiling facts, supporting data, and other research materials. -Developing a logical organizational structure. -Writing a draft of the document. -Revising the document until it is clear and concise.

Assess the strengths and weaknesses of the available media

-First, does the medium allow for instant feedback? When the message may be unclear or equivocal, instant feedback is important because it allows communicators to more quickly arrive at shared understanding. -Second, does the medium allow the communicator to send multiple cues—such as facial expressions, tone of voice, and verbal inflection? When communicators detect such cues, they are better able to determine whether their messages are being perceived accurately. -Third, does the medium allow communicators to use natural language, similar to what they would use in a face-to-face conversation? E-mail allows communicators to be fairly conversational, while text messaging relies on a lot of acronyms and symbols. The more ambiguous or complex the message is, the more important it is to engage in normal, natural conversation. -Finally, does the medium have personal focus and qualities? Messages are always transmitted and interpreted more accurately and clearly when communicators can express emotion and feeling.

Factors that influence ability to get along at work and examples of each

-Norms: define what is acceptable in terms of your behavior ex:when and where workers assemble for staff meetings -Roles: Define our job ex: boss, supervisor, manager -Ranks: define our position ex: Some members have more authority, power, prestige, income, skills, and education. -Controls: Regulate our behavior -Social controls, then, consist of the administration of positive and negative sanctions to maintain the pattern of social organization

What is the appropriate tone, style, and layout for Memos: Brief and concise written internal communication

-There is a single, simple format for memos. -They are headed by four basic elements: to, from, date, and subject. -The body of the memo, then, contains the information that you need to communicate. You should state the objective of your memo in the first sentence and then provide the content that your readers need. Here are some guidelines for the presentation of content in memo form: ☑ Memos should be used for communicating about a limited number of topics. ☑ Memos should be organized in such a way that avoids confusion or oversight. ☑ Use signposts to make your points noticeable: -Use numbers or headings to differentiate the issues in the memo. -Develop paragraphs deductively, so that the main point appears in the first sentence and each subsequent sentence in the paragraph is related to the first. -Use bullet points to summarize lists and make them visually eye-catching. For example, instead of "In tomorrow's meeting, we will discuss contract negotiations, summer casual dress code, the new travel reimbursement policy, and the performance appraisal schedule," create a bullet list to present these items. -Be sure to create all lists using parallel structure; they should be similarly constructed sentences that start with a similarly constructed phrase.

How do you select the right medium for work-related communication?

-What are my goals? What do I want to accomplish? -Who is my intended audience? What is the nature of our relationship? -What are the strengths of the medium? What are the weaknesses? Is it a medium where you can provide feedback. If you can get feedback is it going to be prompt. Think about how many cues you can send at once, will you be able to send multiple cues. How natural is this communication medium -What are my organization's norms for media use? What level of media "richness" is required?

What are the learning outcomes important to employers (Table 15.2)?

-ability to effectively communicate orally -ability to work effectively with others in teams -ability to effectively communicate in writing -ethical judgement and decision-making -critical thinking and analytical reasoning skills -ability to apply knowledge and skills to real-world settings

How do you find and successfully apply to a graduate program that's right for you?

-ask yourself: what do you want out of graduate school? -research programs -use your resources! -Attend a graduate fair/ make a campus visit

What are the receiver responsibilities for listening

-be effortful and active -consider the physical and social context of the message -give the source a fair hearing -provide the source with feedback -manage your own responses and reactions

What is the appropriate tone, style, and layout for Letters: Evaluating formal written communication

-clarity and brevity -they are an opportunity for you to communicate a specific point to a specific person. -know who will be reading the letter and why -Your letter writing style may range from informal (when writing to a close associate) to formal and restrained (e.g., when addressing a new client; writing a "cold" sales letter; writing to someone you don't know; or when working in fields that are characterized by formal communication norms, such as law or health).

What are communication strategies to get along with your boss

-determine what is important to him or her -find ways to help your boss be successful, efficient, and productive -allow your boss to mentor you -be sensitive to timing and moods -try mirroring/matching your boss's work style -identify your boss's standards for performance

What undergraduate experiences will help distinguish you on the job market?

-experiential learning: hands on learning outside of the traditional classroom -internships -immersive experiences: living in a different environment whether it's in the US or abroad out of the country -service learning and volunteerism: During a class you dedicate class time to help or volunteer for a certain program -independent research: pair up with a faculty that conducts research. You can help them with their research or design your own research -study abroad: -alternative breaks: going somewhere during winter break or spring break to help a good cause

What is misemployment and why is it problematic?

-happens when people work at jobs that do not match their skills or their interests—when people are working at the wrong jobs. They do not enjoy going to work, the are not productive at their jobs, and are frequently absent.

How should you follow up in an interview

-jot down some notes about your conversation with the interviewer -Write a brief, professional thank-you note within 24 hours of the interview. A handwritten or printed note on high-quality, professional stationary or a notecard sent through the regular mail is always better than an e-mail.

What are the communication competencies in Table 15.1 and what are examples of each?

-oral communication skills The process of verbally expressing information or ideas. ex: Communicate effectively in interpersonal, group, or public settings. Communicate effectively across various channels (e.g., face-to-face and mediated interactions). Actively listen. Ask good questions. Be persuasive. Articulate and express ideas. Obtain relevant information. -written communication skills The process of expressing information or ideas using the written word. Determine appropriate tone and writing style for an audience. Write with brevity and clarity. Create/edit written reports. Write using plain language. -critical thinking skills The objective analysis and evaluation of an issue in order to form a judgment Understand the logical connection between ideas. Interpret and apply information to a given problem. Connect various pieces of information to influence a decision. Evaluate the credibility and utility of information as it relates to a given problem or issue. -data analytic skills The ability to utilize data to test a hypothesis, support decision-making, or challenge assumptions. Collect reliable and valid data in ways consistent with the scientific method. Analyze data using both descriptive and inferential statistics. Interpret findings to offer conclusions and make recommendations. -organizational skills The ability to effectively coordinate mental and physical tasks to meet demands in a set time frame. Effectively time manage. Allocate resources (e.g., money, labor) to achieve a task. Be a leader. Adapt in the face of crises or unexpected circumstances

What are some common interview questions?

-tell me about yourself -what would you say are your 2 greatest weaknesses -how do you handle stressors on the job -what are you short and long term goals -what type of work environment do you prefer -why should we hire you -why do you want to work here? -why are you leaving your current job

why do business communicators write brief reports?

-to keep interested parties updated on projects -to document progress -to guide decision making -to justify expenditure of money or other resources

What are the sender responsibilities for listening

-understand the message before you communicate it -determine the best delivery method -assess the messages appropriateness for a given context -design the message with the listener in mind -consider the possible implications of the message

What is the Importance of good relationships in the workplace

-we spend a lot of time at work -pleasant work relationships are better than unpleasant ones -much of our work requires us to collaborate with others -close personal relationships often evolve from work relationships

What are the General rules for answering interview questions

1) listen carefully to the question 2) pause before answering 3) If you do not know the answer, be honest and say so 4) Avoid tangents. 5) Provide concrete examples 6) Be confident and stay calm

guidelines for brief reports (6)

1. determine the scope of your report and its objectives before you begin to write 2. consider the nature of your readers and why they will be reading your report 3. use the report as an opportunity to let your readers know what you are doing and why it's valuable 4. write objectively, accurately, and concretely 5. use a consistent scheme of lists and italicized, boldfaces, and underlined text to emphasize important info 6. find out if your organization or department has a style guide or standard template for reports

what are the steps to creating a business document?

1. determine your objectives and audience 2. compiling fact, supporting data, and other research materials 3. developing a logical organizational structure 4. writing a draft of the document 5. revising the document until it is clear and concise

what undergrad experiences will help distinguish you on the job market?

1. experiential learning - study abroad experiences, alternative breaks, volunteering 2. internships 3. immersive experiences 4. independent research

strategies for blogging

1. express an opinion 2. write wit your readers in mind 3. provide useful links 4. use a headline that attracts attention 5. pay attention to keywords 6. develop an upbeat, conversational writing style 7. write like you talk 8. keep it simple and brief 9. promote your blog

Use blogs to...

1. promote your products, services, and ideas 2. obtain consumer feedback 3. showcase your ideas and products visually 4. develop communication relationships with your customers and prospective customers 5. engage in informal convo with your readers 6. publicize events 7. provide links to tools, resources, or other content that might be of interest to your readers 8. journal an event 9. encourage sharing of your content on social network sites where it will get heightened exposure

checklist for preparing a formal report

1. use logical paragraphs to keep your report organized 2. use internal previews, summaries, and signposts

what is the the 8-step listening plan

1.) be mindful of your self-talk 2.)mentally prepare to listen 3.)concentrate; commit to listening 4.)look like you are ready to listen 5.)encourage the other to talk 6.)search actively for meaning 7.)stay actively while listening 8.)suspend judgement 9.)be prepared to be amazed

What is the best way to interview job candidates?

1.) prepare your interview 2.) facilitate the conversation 3.) conclude on a positive note and follow through

What is the best way for job candidates to interview?

1.)Prepare for the Interview 2.)Pay Attention to the Basics 3.)Make a Good First Impression 4.)Sell Yourself 5.)Check for a Good Fit 6.)End the Interview 7.)Follow Up after the Interview

What is the appropriate tone, style, and layout for Brief Reports: Updates on organizational issues

Brief reports are documents designed to provide information about day-to-day operations to internal and external business stakeholders -Determine the scope of your report and its objectives before you begin to write. -Consider the nature of your readers and why they will be reading your report. -Use the report as an opportunity to let your readers know what you are doing and why it's valuable -Write objectively, accurately, and concretely -Use a consistent scheme of lists and italicized, boldfaced, and underlined text to emphasize important information. -Find out if your organization or department has a style guide or standard template for reports.

What are examples that count as new media

E-mail, websites, video conferencing, VOIP & Skype, web conferencing, mobile phones, virtual learning communities, e-learning, text messaging and IMs, social networking sites, virtual organizations

What is the appropriate tone, style, and layout for Formal Reports: In-depth accounts of business issues

Elements of Formal Reports -Title page: Identifies the name of the report, authors' names and titles, date of submission, and sometimes the person or entity who will receive the document. -Transmittal letter: Overviews the contents of the report and transfers the report to its readers. -Table of contents: Lists the major headings and subsections within the body of the report, along with the page numbers where they can be found. -Executive summary or abstract or synopsis: Delivers a business case efficiently and briefly by establishing the need or problem, recommending a valuable solution, and providing substantiation for the solution.16 If the report is delivered electronically, use the linking functions in ---Microsoft Word so that readers can click and move quickly to relevant areas of the report when reading the executive summary. -Introduction: Provides background on the problem, primary objectives of the report, sources and methods of data collection, and preview of the report's structure and contents. -Body: Delivers a logical presentation of your findings. Serves as a rationale for your conclusions and recommendations in the next section. -Conclusion and recommendations: Provides a summary of your findings, and recommendations based on the findings. No new data or findings appear in this section. -Appendices: Contain information that supplements or supports the content of your report but that would be unnecessarily distracting to the reader if presented in the body of your report. Examples of material typically presented as appendices include questionnaires, interview forms, and other exhibits. -Bibliography: Lists, alphabetically, the sources cited in your text. Rely on a style guide for attributing sources and preparing your bibliography. For more information on the two most widely used style guides, the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) and the Modern Language Association's MLA Handbook,

How is social media writing different from other forms of strategic business writing?

How to Reach Your Readers through Social Media -Make sure your status updates and tweets have a clear point. You have just a sentence or two to say something meaningful to your readers. Make them count. -Balance self-promoting messages with ones your readers will find useful or entertaining, and never resort to clickbait. Don't use social media sites solely as personal billboards. Similarly, avoid annoying clickbait that may be of little value to your followers. Clickbait is a pejorative term that refers to sensational, provocative online content (e.g., provocative headlines that leave the reader wanting more or attention-grabbing photos) shared with the intent of arousing reader interest, and drawing them to your website to generate traffic and/or online advertising revenue. Unlike valuable content, clickbait is typically inaccurate, hyperbolic, or inconsistent with what the headline promised.21 For example, the shared content on Facebook that reads something like "You'll never believe . . ." or ". . . and you won't want to miss what happens next" baits you to click through to a website that generates revenue for the site owner based on the number of clicks. You may have noticed that when you fall victim to clickbait, what you find on that website after clicking is rarely relevant or satisfying. -Consider a creative strategy such as "recurring status updates." By building a narrative, telling an ongoing story, and referring back to previous updates, you can build interest and buzz for something new. -Be careful to not overdisclose. Although social media offer a way for you to create relationships with professional colleagues and clients, make sure that you maintain professional boundaries in your online writing. -Keep your online friends and followers wanting more. Don't post too often. Provide your readers with something they can use or think about. -Post a question to start a conversation. This strategy, when effective, fulfills all the promises of using social media for business purposes. -Follow the rules. Social media communities have unwritten cultural rules that you must follow to be successful on those sites

What are the questions the interviewee should not ask at the end of an interview

In contrast, unsuccessful applicants use closed-ended questions and ask about miscellaneous or irrelevant issues such as "What holidays do we have off?"

How younger people tend to miscommunicate with older people and vice versa

Interestingly, older people are often perceived as underaccommodative in their encounters with younger people, whereas younger people are perceived as overaccommodative with their elders. Either way, the potential for intergenerational miscommunication is high.

What is the Definition of new media

Is a term that encompasses the digital or networked information and communication technologies that have emerged since the later part of the twentieth century. rather than technology, is the most accurate description for the kinds of communication media you'll find in the contemporary workplace

What are the steps to creating a business document?

Step 1: Determine Your Objectives and Audience Step 2: Compile Facts, Supporting Data, and Other Research Materials Step 3: Develop a Logical Organizational Structure Step 4: Write a Draft of the Document Step 5: Revise the Document until It Is Clear and Concise

What is the appropriate tone, style, and layout for blogs

Strategies for Blogging -Express an opinion. Blogs differ from formal reports and other objectively written, dispassionate forms of business writing. People read blogs because they represent the ideas and viewpoints of a person—not a corporation, marketing department, or lawyer. Your own opinion will stimulate comments and online conversation among your readers, and that's a good thing.19 -Write with your readers in mind. Throughout this book, we have stressed that business communication is really all about the receiver. Every business message needs to target its intended audience in a meaningful way. Readers will be examining your blog for an answer to the question, "What's in it for me?" Make sure you give them one.20 -Provide useful links. Within your blog, embed links to other Web-based material that supports your post and that readers may find interesting. Anything your readers find interesting or useful will enhance the value of your blog to them and, as a result, enhance their loyalty to you and your products or services. -Use a headline that attracts attention. Your blog post's headline should be clear, interesting, and relevant to its content. Here are some good resources for how to write headlines: Sure-Fire Headline Formulas and How to Write Attention-Grabbing Headlines. -Pay attention to keywords. Think about the kinds of keywords that people interested in whatever (e.g., products, services, ideas) you have to offer use Then include those liberally throughout your blog to increase the likelihood that readers will find your blog when they use search engines. This is referred to as search engine optimization (SEO), and you can learn more about it by clicking here. -Develop an upbeat, conversational writing style. Remember, blogs are about developing "friends" for your products, services, and ideas. So, while paying attention to grammar and spelling and keeping your post brief, write much like you'd write to a friend. -Write like you talk. Yes, despite what your English composition instructor taught you, when you're blogging, it's fine to use expressions like "Go figure," "Gotta love it," and "Seriously?!" In fact, this informal and friendly conversational style will make your blog more enjoyable to readers. However, keep in mind the demographics (such as age and gender) of your target readership as you decide the appropriate tone of your language. -Keep it simple and brief. Contemporary business audiences are busy and easily distracted. You have a very short amount of space and time to capture your readers' attention. Most bloggers recommend that posts should be 250 words or less. Sentences should be short and concise so that readers don't have to spend time determining what they mean. -Promote your blog. Share it on social media, send it to your e-mail list, comment on other blogs and link back to your own, participate in discussion forums where you can refer to your blog when your content would be valuable to other forum members, and syndicate it on LinkedIn or one or more industry-specific websites.

What are the different types of accommodation

You can choose to converge (to show liking) You can choose to diverge (to show dislike or to communicate distance) You can choose to increase or decrease perceptions of Attraction Status Agreement similarities

What are digital natives

You grew up with digital technologies like computers, the Internet, mobile phones, streaming video, and digital music. If you were born between 1980 and 1997, you would be a part of the famous Millennial generation—America's largest as of 2015.2 You are the heaviest users of the Internet, cell phones, and social media; 55% of you have shared a selfie on social media (in comparison to only about 26% of Americans overall).

what is the role of self-talk in listening

Your self-talk also influences how you process information. Being mindful of how your self-talk influences your ability to process information can help you become a better listener.

Content Management Systems (CMS)

allow users to create and edit their digital content easily

What are the questions the interviewee should ask at the end of an interview

ask open-ended questions such as.. "What is the overriding management style of this organization?" "What's a typical working day like?"

purpose of BRIEF reports

documents designed to provide information about day-to-day operations to internal and external business stakeholder

what are example that don't count as new media

film, television, newspaper

What are the characteristics that distinguish good listeners from poor listeners

good listeners look like they are listening and understand that listening is an active process that takes effort -put maximize attention, comprehension, and retention -put your full concentration on the communicator -use your arms and body orientation to communicate receptivity -use facial expressions to communicate interest

What are digital immigrants

having to learn the habits, language, and customs of life in a digital age. Regardless of your generation or how much of a digital native you are, you will need to be prepared for a technology-intensive workplace and be prepared for the challenges that accompany it

What is the Communication Accommodation Theory

helps us understand how to interact with people who are different from us. ex: when talking to a child, we speak more slowly with simple words

2 types or report

progress report & periodic report

What is Work-family border theory

provides a contemporary view of the workplace environment that does not separate the work domain from one's personal life. This theory views work and life as two separate domains with permeable borders that individuals move in and out of throughout any given day. People become border crossers as they move from work to home and back again. These domains overlap considerably for workplace romances, making the distinctions between work life and personal life arbitrary and less meaningful.


regularly updated websites maintained by individuals or organizations written in an informal, conversational style

What are confirming messages

reinforce a person's value

Formal research reports

report the status of a complex problem or business issue and approach the solution of the issue in a logical, evidence-based fashion

examples of periodic report

sales-volume data market research results customer service stats safety data for the week, month or quarter

how is social media writing different from other forms of strategic business writing?

social media writing is more informal and playful, edit it

What are the Consequences of negative workplace relationships

stress, inability to coordinate tasks, employee turnover

what is the nature of romantic relationships at work

they are frowned upon because the company doesnt want to have liability with sexual harrasment or bitter breakups.

elements of formal reports

title page transmittal letter table of contents executive summary or abstract or synopsis intro body conclusion and recommendations appendices bibliography

progress report

to inform someone, usually your manager, of your progress on a specific project

tone of blogs

tone that encourages response and interaction from its followers

what are disconfirming messages

undermine or attack a person's self-worth.

OTJ 5: What is work-life balance? What are the dangers of focusing too much time/energy on your job? As a working professional, how can you maintain balance?

work-life balance refers to your efforts to deal with both career and non-work related pursuits such as pleasure, leisure, family, and spiritual development. the dangers -fatigue, energy, and/or illness -compromised social life -family conflict -problems at work how to maintain balance -disconnect whenever possible -manage your time carefully -Utilize employer benefits and options that may relieve some of your imbalance. -resist guilt -communicate clearly and skillfully -Protect your weekends or days off whenever possible. -set time aside for yourself -engage yourself -Create 'rules' for yourself. -Build a support network

what are the documented benefits of internships?

you can gain work or service experiences related to your major or career goal - In terms of your academic studies, internships have been shown to help students perform better in their coursework across various subjects, including business, art, and social sciences.

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Chapter 1: An Introduction to the Human Body

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Chapter 16: Disorders of Brain Function

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