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Beneath a blanket of sediments, oceanic crust is primarily composed of two rocks, ____________. A. granite and diorite B. gabbro and basalt C. sandstone and shale D. slate and gneiss

B. gabbro and basalt

Wegener's idea of continental drift was rejected by American geologists because ____________. A. his English was too poor to be understood by them B. he could not conceive of a valid mechanism that would cause continents to shift positions C. he had relatively little evidence supporting the existence of a supercontinent D. the apparent fit of continental coastlines is blurred when the margins are defined by the edges of continental shelves rather than at sea level

B. he could not conceive of a valid mechanism that would cause continents to shift positions

At a subduction zone, the downgoing (subducting) plate ____________. A. is always composed of continental lithosphere B. is always composed of oceanic lithosphere C. may be composed or either oceanic or continental lithosphere

B. is always composed of oceanic lithosphere

If we mentally align the continents to fit Wegener's concept of Pangaea, evidence of late Paleozoic glacial deposits ____________. A. is more difficult to explain than in the modern continental configuration B. is much more readily explained than in the modern continental configuration C. makes very little sense in either the Pangaea configuration or the modern configuration

B. is much more readily explained than in the modern continental configuration

The magnetic field of Earth in the geologic past is ____________. A. unknown, but it is assumed to have been identical to today's B. known to have been constant through geologic time, due to remnant magnetization of iron-rich minerals in rocks C. known to have experienced numerous polarity reversals, due to remnant magnetization of iron-rich minerals in rocks D. known to have been constant through time, on the basis of theoretical calculation

B. known to have been constant through geologic time, due to remnant magnetization of iron-rich minerals in rocks

At a divergent plate boundary, two opposed plates ____________. A. move toward one another B. move away from one another C. slide past one another

B. move away from one another

Continental coastlines that occur within the interior of a tectonic plate are called ____________. A. internal margins B. passive margins C. active margins D. inert margins

B. passive margins

Marine magnetic anomaly belts are widest when and where ____________. A. continents are joined to form supercontinents B. sea-floor spreading rates are relatively rapid C. sea-floor spreading rates are relatively slow

B. sea-floor spreading rates are relatively rapid

Oceanic lithosphere thickens away from the mid-ocean ridge primarily due to ____________. A. the addition of new crust due to hot-spot volcanism B. the addition of new crust due to sedimentation C. the addition of new lithospheric mantle as a result of cooling D. reasons that geologists cannot determine at present

B. the addition of new crust due to sedimentation

Regions of the sea floor with negative magnetic anomalies were formed during times when Earth's magnetic field ____________. A. was exceptionally strong B. was exceptionally weak C. had normal polarity D. had reversed polarity

B. was exceptionally weak

Fluid magma is also known as what type of magma


5 categories of renewable energy

Biomass, Wind, hydropower, solar and geothermal

Birds, bats, and wind turbines

Birds of pray die from collision( 140,000-328,000 birds) and 600,000-800,000 bats dies each year from low pressure causing rapid expansion of lung tissue and rupturing capillaries (lung explosion)

Anatomy of wind turbines

Blades, pitch systems, break, yaw drive, yaw motor, tower, low speed shaft, gear box, generator, high speed shaft, controller, wind and, with anemometer or the cup things

Large blobs of lava that are thrown out of the volcano


What comes out of volcanos? Pyroclastic material like ____ and _____

Bombs, ash

Which of the following is true about chemical enregy

Breaking bonds releases energy

Waste-to- energy power plants

By abs generate 230 million tons of solid wate = to 750 million barrels of oil. If burned at 20% efficiency, could produce 7% of us electrical needs . However we only burn .5% of waste. Why? It is cheaper to construct land fills and more profitable to construct fossil fuels power plants. 15-25% ash content. Ash shipped to landfills

A lithospheric plate consists of: A. the crust alone. B. the lower mantle. C. the crust and the uppermost part of the mantle. D. the crust and the entire upper mantle.


According to the Principle of Uniformitarianism, . . . A. the future is the key to the present. B. a uniform layer of sediment once covered the entire Earth. C. physical processes observed today also happened in the past, at comparable rates, and are responsible for the geologic features that we see. D. all rock layers start out with roughly the same orientation.


An ore deposit that forms when hot fluids containing dissolved ore minerals circulate through rock is called . . . A. a magmatic deposit. B. a secondary enrichment deposit. C. a hydrothermal deposit. D. a residual mineral deposit.


At a __________ , continental crust is being stretched apart; as a consequence, the crust becomes _______ and volcanoes erupt. A. trench / shorter B. trench / longer C. rift / thinner D. rift / thicker


Evaporites are a type of _______ sedimentary rock. Examples can consist of ______ and/or ______ ? A. organic / coal / black shale B. biochemical / plankton shells / clay C. chemical / gypsum / halite D. clastic / quartz / feldspar


In a continental _______ , you find extensive exposures of ________ metamorphic rock. A. shelf / Cenozoic B. platform / Paleozoic C. shield / Precambrian D. all of the above


In the upper crust of a continent, the geothermal gradient is about . . . A. 350° - 400°C per km. B. 150° - 200°C per km. C. 20° - 30°C per km. D. 1° - 5°C per km.


In which of the following tectonic settings is magma formation not likely a consequence of decompression melting? A. mid-ocean ridge B. rift C. convergent plate boundary D. hot spot


Oil and natural gas rise into oil traps because . . . A. they boil, under the conditions found in the source region, and therefore are forced upwards. B. they flow in all directions once formed, and some happens to end up in the trap. C. hydrocarbons are less dense than water, so they are relatively buoyant and float above water. D. Bogus question: oil and gas stay within the source rock, so that to pump them out, drillers must penetrate the source rock.


The basic reaction that takes place in a nuclear power plant is ________ . If the fuel rods get too hot, they can cause a _________ . A. fusion / meltdown B. fission / supernova explosion C. fission / meltdown D. fusion / nuclear explosion


The dominant gas in the atmosphere is ______ . The density of the atmosphere ______ with increasing elevation. A. oxygen / decreases B. carbon dioxide / increases C. nitrogen / decreases D. oxygen / increases


The fundamental unit of the most common mineral class on Earth is . . . A. the sodium-chlorine cube. B. the sulfate (SO42-) anionic group. C. the silicon-oxygen tetrahedron. D. the carbonate (CO3) anionic group. E. the silicon-iron pyramid.


The point on the surface of the Earth that lies directly above the place where a slip on a fault occurs is the ____ . A. hypocenter B. focus C. epicenter D. all of the above


The seven principal classes of minerals are distinguished from each other based on . . . A. their color. B. their crystal form. C. their chemical composition. D. their hardness.


Using radiometric dating of _________ , geologists conclude that the Earth is about _________ years old. A. rocks in central Canada / 3.2 billion B. rocks from Australia / 542 million C. fragments of meteorites / 4.57 billion D. the Moon's surface / 4.57 million


What is the relationship between the coastlines on the east side of the Atlantic and those on the west side? A. There is no relationship. B. They are identical. C. Continents on the east side could fit snugly against those on the west. D. Their wave, current, and tidal energy are the same.


Which is the correct sequence of seismic waves that will be recorded at a distance from the epicenter? ← first to arrive last to arrive → A. S-waves / surface waves / P-waves B. Surface waves / P-waves / S-waves C. P-waves / S-waves / surface waves D. Bogus question: all seismic waves travel at the same velocity.


Which of the following is NOT a manifestation of physical weathering? A. Roots pry a crack open. B. Rock breaks apart through the formation of joints. C. Water reacts with minerals and breaks molecules apart. D. Salt crystals grow between grains and push the grains apart.


Which of the following lists foliated metamorphic rocks in the correct sequence? ← finer coarser → A. schist / slate / phyllite B. phyllite / schist / slate C. slate / phyllite / schist D. hornfels / slate / schist


Which of the following statements about Earth's magnetic field is correct? A. The polarity stays constant through time--i.e., north is always north. B. The position of the dipole wanders around the Earth's surface and was at the equator about 1 million years ago. C. The polarity of the magnetic field reverses every now and then. D. The polarity of the magnetic field reverses periodically; reversals occur once every 700,000 years.


Which of the following statements concerning the forces that drive plate motions is correct? A. Plate movement occurs primarily because of simple convection cells in the mantle. B. Movement of oceanic currents causes the underlying plates to move. C. Ridge-push and slab-pull forces have the greatest influence on the velocity of plate motion. D. Plates move in response to centrifugal force caused by the rotation of the Earth.


Which statement represents the favored geological theory describing the formation of the Earth? The Earth... A. condensed like a giant ice crystal directly from gases formed during the big bang. Then it was captured by the gravitational pull of the Sun. B. was a moon of Jupiter, knocked into its present orbit by a collision early in the history of the solar system. C. formed by the coalescence of planetesimals that occurred in a ring orbiting the Sun.


The average thickness of continental lithosphere is about ____________. A. 30 km B. 60 km C. 150 km D. 10,000 km

C. 150 km

The oldest sediments on the ocean floor are about ____________ years old. A. 50 thousand B. 4 billion C. 200 million D. 2.5 million

C. 200 million

Currently, most geologists ____________. A. continue to reject continental drift B. agree that continental drift occurs, but they still do not understand why it occurs C. agree that continental drift occurs; the mechanisms that drive drift are at work in the ocean basins and upper mantle and were unknown in Wegener's time D. agree that continental drift occurs; the mechanisms that drive drift are at work in the lower mantle and outer core and were unknown in Wegener's time

C. agree that continental drift occurs; the mechanisms that drive drift are at work in the ocean basins and upper mantle and were unknown in Wegener's time

The youngest sea floor occurs ____________. A. along passive margins B. along active margins C. along mid-ocean ridges D. randomly over the entire ocean basin

C. along mid-ocean ridges

The theory of plate tectonics ____________. A. incorporates continental drift but not sea-floor spreading B. incorporates sea-floor spreading but not continental drift C. incorporates and explains both sea-floor spreading and continental drift D. does not incorporate sea-floor spreading or continental drift

C. incorporates and explains both sea-floor spreading and continental drift

Marine magnetic anomalies result from sea-floor spreading in conjunction with ____________. A. global warming B. magnetic storms on the surface of the Sun C. magnetic polarity reversals D. apparent wander of the magnetic poles

C. magnetic polarity reversals

Concentrated solar power (CSP)

Concentrates irradiance into smaller area to run heat engine , parabolic dishes, troughs or flat panel mirrors concentrated energy on fluid

Casing and cementing an oil well prevents which of the following

Contamination of aquifers perforated by the well, inward collapse of the well, controlled release of fluid pressure (aka blowout)

Choose the FALSE statement

Continental glaciers create spectacular scenery filled with horns, arêtes, cirques, and truncated spurs - Mountain (alpine) glaciers, not continental glaciers, produce horns, arêtes, cirques, truncated spurs and other spectacular features (pg 529)

Which is the correct order of adjectives describing magma composition? ← more silica less silica → A. felsic / intermediate / ultramafic / mafic. B. ultramafic / mafic / felsic / intermediate. C. intermediate / felsic / mafic / ultramafic. D. felsic / intermediate / mafic / ultramafic.


Which of the following phenomena will cause melting to produce magma? A. removal of volatiles (H2O and CO2) from the rock B. increasing pressure, while the temperature stays constant C. Bogus question: the crust floats on a layer of perpetually molten rock, so there is no need to melt rock to "produce" magma D. transfer of heat from a hot magma into surrounding wall rock


Which of the following phrases correctly completes the following sentence? During metamorphism, ________ . A. glass changes by first melting and then solidifying B. rock reacts with air and water at the Earth's surface C. sediment undergoes compaction and cementation D. a protolith undergoes change in the solid state


Which of the following processes happens at the axis of a mid-ocean ridge? A. Molten rock intrudes the crust, and lava erupts at the surface. B. Vents in the sea-floor spew out hot, mineral-saturated water. C. Stretching force (tension) causes the crust to break and slip on faults. D. All of the above. E. None of the above.


Which of the following statements about Wegener's reconstruction of late Paleozoic Pangaea is true? A. Areas glaciated during the late Paleozoic were all in the northern hemisphere. B. Areas that were deserts in late Paleozoic were all in polar regions. C. Areas that were coal swamps in late Paleozoic were all at high (polar) latitudes at that time. D. Areas glaciated during the late Paleozoic laid over the south polar region at the time.


Which of the following statements about a hot-spot track is correct? A. All of the volcanoes making up the track have erupted at roughly the same time. B. The track is perpendicular to the direction that the plate on which the volcanoes form is moving. C. Hot spot tracks are parallel to deep ocean trenches. D. The youngest volcano of the track occurs at one end of the track.


Why is the runoff water that comes from mines commonly acidic? A. Most rain is acidic, so the runoff from mines is acidic. This is no different than the runoff from other areas. B. Many ore minerals are carbonates and, when crushed to a powder during mining, produce acid. C. Ores are mostly precipitated in limestone, and limestone reacts with acid. D. Many kinds of ore minerals are sulfides, and these react with water to form dilute sulfuric acid.


Current atmospheric concentrations are

351-450 ppm

While working on a stream in your field study area, you find that the channel width is 20 meters, the channel depth is 2 meters, and the velocity is 1.2 meters/second. What is the discharge of this stream?

48 m3/s

Shells oils experimental oil shale facility requires 300 kWh of heating energy to produce a bernal of oil. If 1 kWh = ~4 MJ and there are ~6 GJ of energy in every barrel of oil, calculate the energy return of investment (EROI). The answer is closeted to


Blocks and bombs (>__ mm) become _________

64, agglomerate

Power plants burning fossil fuels are guilty of emitting what percentage of total SO2 and NOx respectively, into the atmosphere each year in the US


What % of energy US was derived from Fossil fuels


the greatest earthquake ever recorded by seismographs occured in 1960 in chile and measured..

9.5 on the seismic moment magnitude scale

A large, cone-shaped volcano consisting of alternating layers of ash and lava is a(n) ____________. A. stratovolcano or composite volcano B. shield volcano C. cinder cone D. ignimbrite


A mechanical seismograph consists of a pen attached to a suspended weight, and a rolling drum with paper attached. During an earthquake: A. the weight stays fixed in space, while the drum and paper move. B. the drum and paper stay fixed in position, while the weight bounces about. C. both the drum and the weight bounce about.


According to the big-bang theory . . . A. everything that now comprises the Universe started at a single point about 13 billion years ago. B. our Sun is what remains after the explosion of a much bigger star. C. the Universe will end in a huge explosion 5 billion years from now. D. the Universe is rapidly shrinking and will ultimately collapse to become a single explosive point.


According to the geocentric model of the universe: A. the Earth lies at the center of the universe. B. the Earth orbits the center of the Universe C. the Earth and all planets orbit the sun. D. all objects in the Universe are in a fixed position.


All else being equal, which building would more likely survive a large earthquake? A. one whose foundation is built on an exposure of granite bedrock B. one built over a reclaimed swamp, so that the foundation lies over layers of wet clay C. one built over recent deposits of wet sand, which were buried in turn by compacted clay


Analysis of rocks on the Earth and on the Moon suggests that the Moon. . . A. formed early in the history of the solar system as a result of a collision between a protoplanet and the Earth. B. was a large comet captured by Earth's gravity. C. was pulled out of the Earth, before the Earth had differentiated, by gravitational attraction of a passing large object.


Approximately how much of the Earth's surface is covered by ocean? / What is the average depth of the ocean? A. 70% / 4.5 - 5.0 km B. 30% / 30 - 45 km C. 50% / 12 - 15 km D. 90% / 100 - 150 km


Biochemical limestone can consist of . . . A. coral mounds and/or calcite shell fragments. B. quartz sand grains on a beach. C. deposits of clay. D. deposits of plankton shells composed of silica.


Coal forms from ______ that accumulates in a(n) ______ depositional environment. A. plant material / reducing B. plankton bodies / oxidizing C. plant material / oxidizing D. plankton bodies / reducing


If you find an outcrop of coarse-grained igneous rock, you are probably looking at . . . A. slowly cooled magma in a large pluton that formed deep in the crust. B. a frozen lava flow that cooled quickly at the Earth's surface. C. a rapidly cooled magma in a very thin dike. D. a layer of pyroclastic debris.


In which of the following pairs of terms does the second term represent the type of process that happens at the first term? A. mid-ocean ridge / sea-floor spreading B. convergent boundary / plates move apart C. transform boundary / plates move together D. mid-ocean ridge / subduction


Sedimentary rocks formed through cementation of formerly loose grains of sediment derived from weathering of preexistent rock are called _______ sedimentary rocks. A very fine-grained example, which typically splits into thin sheets, is called ________ . A. clastic / shale B. biochemical / conglomerate C. chemical / coal D. clastic / sandstone


The chemicals that make up oil and natural gas are derived from . . . A. the bodies of dead plankton and algae. B. accumulations of woody plants and mosses. C. the bodies of land animals (mainly dinosaurs). D. accumulations of shells.


What defines the location of plate boundaries? A. The location of abundant earthquake epicenters. B. High-mountain belts. C. The coastlines of continents. D. Bogus question: plate boundaries are simply drawn along lines of latitude.


What does pyroclastic debris consist of? A. fragments of solidified lava erupted into the air from a volcano B. solid large masses of glass C. rivers of lava that flow down the side of a volcano D. a type of intrusive igneous rock


What is the difference between foliated and non-foliated metamorphic rocks? A. The former display preferred orientation and/or compositional banding, whereas the latter do not. B. The former have bigger grains than the latter. C. The former are heavier than the latter. D. The former have a greater variety of minerals than the latter.


What is the difference between sediment and sedimentary rock? A. Coherence: sediment consists of loose grains, sedimentary rock consists of a solid aggregate. B. Location: sediment occurs at the Earth's surface, whereas sedimentary rock only occurs underground. C. Temperature: the former is hotter than the latter. D. Grain size: the former has bigger crystals than the latter.


When Wegener compared rock units now exposed on different continents bordering the Atlantic Ocean, what did he discover? A. Fossils of identical land-dwelling species occur on continents that are now separated from one another by the ocean. B. There is no relation between mountain belts on the eastern margin and those on the western margin. C. Precambrian crustal blocks have not been truncated by oceans. D. Glossopteris fossils occur only in Africa.


When we say that a material is "crystalline" we mean that internally . . . A. atoms are distributed in an orderly arrangement. B. atoms and/or clusters of atoms are arranged randomly. C. atoms are arranged strictly in microscopic cubes. D. the material occurs only in crystals with nicely formed crystal faces.


When we say that metamorphic rock #1 is "higher grade" than metamorphic rock #2, we mean that . . . A. rock #1 was subjected to higher temperatures than rock #2. B. rock #1 was subjected to lower temperatures than rock #2. C. rock #1 has more foliation than rock #2. D. rock #1 has more dark-colored minerals than rock #2.


Where is the heat flow of oceanic crust the greatest? A. Along the axis of the mid-ocean ridges. B. At the floor of the deep-ocean trenches. C. Along the coast of an ocean basin. D Along the equator.


Which of the following is the correct sequence of eras within the Phanerozoic? ← oldest youngest → A. Paleozoic / Mesozoic / Cenozoic B. Mesozoic / Paleozoic / Cenozoic C. Cenozoic / Mesozoic / Paleozoic D. Mesozoic / Cenozoic / Paleozoic


Which of the following minerals has a metallic luster? A. pyrite, a mineral that looks like brass B. quartz, a mineral that looks like glass C. feldspar, a mineral that looks like porcelain D. halite, a mineral that looks grey or white, and glassy


Which statement about the distribution of earthquakes at convergent plate boundaries is correct? A. Hypocenters occur in the Wadati-Benioff zone, down to a depth of about 670 km below the surface. B. Hypocenters occur only in the downgoing plate. C. Epicenters occur only on the seaward side of the trench. D. Hypocenters occur only in the upper 15 km.


Why can't continental crust be subducted? A. It is too buoyant and can't sink into the asthenosphere. B. Continental crust is denser than the asthenosphere. C. Bogus question: continental crust can be subducted, just like oceanic crust.


Why isn't a typical outcrop of granite considered an ore deposit? A. It does not contain a high enough concentration of valuable metals. B. It contains only four major minerals. Ore deposits have a greater variety. C. It doesn't have a uniform color. D. Granite is an intrusive rock, so all exposures of granite are underground. Ore deposits occur only in exposed outcrops. E. Grain size: the former has bigger crystals than the latter.


What was the initial cause of the FUkushima Daiichi nuclear power plant disaster in 2011

A 9.0 magnitude earthquake and subsequent tsunami cutting power to cooling systems

At transform plate boundaries ____________. A. earthquakes are common, but volcanoes are absent B. volcanoes are common, but earthquakes do not occur C. both earthquakes and volcanoes are common

A. earthquakes are common, but volcanoes are absent

All basalts younger than 700,000 years old ____________. A. have normal magnetic polarity B. have reverse magnetic polarity C. are found on the ocean floor very far from mid-ocean ridges D. are found on the continents

A. have normal magnetic polarity

16. The age of oceanic crust ____________ with increasing distance from a mid-ocean ridge. A. increases B. decreases

A. increases

At a subduction zone, the overriding plate ____________. A. is always composed of continental lithosphere B. is always composed of oceanic lithosphere C. may be composed of either oceanic or continental lithosphere

A. is always composed of continental lithosphere

Unlike the lithosphere, the asthenosphere ____________. A. is relatively weak and flows readily B. has a density similar to the core C. varies in thickness from place to place D. is relatively cool

A. is relatively weak and flows readily

Continental lithosphere ____________. A. is thicker than oceanic lithosphere B. contains more mafic rocks than oceanic lithosphere C. is denser than oceanic lithosphere D. contains no crustal material, consisting solely of lithified upper mantle

A. is thicker than oceanic lithosphere

Marine magnetic anomaly belts run parallel to ____________. A. mid-ocean ridges B. fracture zones C. continental coastlines D. continental shelves

A. mid-ocean ridges

At a convergent plate boundary, two opposed plates ____________. A. move toward one another B. move away from one another C. slide past one another

A. move toward one another

Under geoengineering, examples of solar radiation management and CO2 removal, respectively are

Atmospheric aerosols, ocean fertilization

Annual average wind speed maps

Average wind speed needed for large scale wind her nation 7-15 mph minimum very common

According to Wegener's hypothesis of continental drift, all continents were once attached and formed a single land mass that he called ________ . He thought that this land mass survived until about the middle of the _________ Era. A. Rodinia / Paleozoic B. Pangaea / Mesozoic C. Baltica / Cenozoic D. Laurentia / Paleozoic


All ores consist of native metals distributed in a matrix of the host rock. A. true B. false


If a volcano is erupting a gassy, felsic magma, then it is more likely to be __________. A. an "effusive" eruption (i.e., lava flows dominate) B. an explosive eruption C. Can't be answered with information provided: eruptive style does not depend on composition or gas content.


In the Atlantic Ocean, where does the youngest oceanic crust occur? A. Along the coastlines of the continents. B. Adjacent to the mid-ocean ridge. C. There is no set rule -- young ocean crust has a nearly random distribution.


Is the temperature the same everywhere inside the Earth? A. Yes. The temperature of the Earth is constant throughout. B. No. The temperature increases with increasing depth. C. No. The temperature decreases with increasing depth. D. No. The temperature increases, then decreases, then increases, then decreases (etc.) in a periodic way with increasing depth.


Metamorphism of sandstone produces ________ , whereas metamorphism of limestone produces __________ . A. shale / granite B. quartzite / marble C. veins / foliation D. conglomerate / dolomite


On a _________ fault, the hanging-wall block slips down the surface of the fault, relative to the footwall. If the fault displaces the ground surface, a _________ develops. A. reverse / fault trace B. normal / fault scarp C. strike slip / fault trace D. reverse / fault scarp E. Bogus question: faults are always entirely underground and cannot offset the Earth's surface.


Physicists have concluded which of the following concerning element formation? A. All elements now in existence formed during the big bang. B. Hydrogen and helium formed during the big bang, but heavier elements formed later, through fusion reactions in stars, including supernova explosions. C. Fission reactions in stars split larger atoms to form smaller ones. D. Supernova explosions produced most of the new hydrogen that formed long after the big bang.


The Earth produces a ___________ that shields the planet from _____________ . A. radiation sphere / comets B. magnetic field / solar wind C. heat plume / asteroids


The chemical formula of quartz is SiO2. This means that if you analyze a piece of quartz, you will find that . . . A. the piece contains equal parts of sodium and chlorine. B. the piece contains one silicon atom for every two oxygen atoms. C. the piece contains a random mixture of silicon and oxygen atoms. D. the piece contains a great variety of different elements.


The complete geologic column is represented by the strata exposed in the immense walls of the Grand Canyon. (Hint: Geologists have identified several unconformities in the Grand Canyon.) A. true B. false C. possibly D. There is insufficient data to tell.


Today, ______ provides over 80% of the world's energy. A. hydroelectric power B. fossil fuels C. nuclear energy D. solar energy


Tsunamis can be caused by . . . A. earthquakes in continental rifts that occur inland. B. earthquakes at subduction zones. C. large hurricanes.


Volcanic ash consists of __________. An avalanche of hot ash flowing down the flanks of a volcano is known as a(n) ____________. A. cobbles of basalt / ash fall B. tiny shards of glass / pyroclastic flow C. marble-sized cinders / lahar D. blocks of rhyolite / debris flow


What is the difference between magma and lava? A. Composition: the former contains more magnesium and iron than the latter. B. Location: the former is molten rock underground whereas the latter is molten rock at the Earth's surface. C. Temperature: the former is hotter than the latter. D. Grain size: the former has bigger crystals than the latter.


What measurable clue(s) indicate that a particular volcano may erupt in the near future? A. The heat flow measured on the surface of the volcano decreases. B. The volcano changes shape as the magma chamber fills. C. The number of earthquakes beneath the volcano decreases. D. both A and C


When a magnetometer is towed over a positive marine magnetic anomaly, . . . A. the measured magnetic field is weaker than expected. B. the measured magnetic field is stronger than expected. C. the sea floor is shallower than expected. D. the sea floor is deeper than expected.


When we say that the Redwall Limestone, exposed in the Grand Canyon, correlates with the Monte Cristo Limestone, exposed near Las Vegas, we mean . . . A. both units have exactly the same rock type but different fossils. B. both units were deposited at approximately the same time. C. the Redwall was deposited on top of the Monte Cristo. D. the Monte Cristo was deposited on top of the Redwall.


When we say that the ruins of the Roman forum are older than the towers of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, we provide an example of . . . A. numerical age. B. relative age. C. uniform age. D. absolute age.


Which of the following processes does NOT lead to the formation of a mineral or minerals? A. Precipitation from an aqueous solution. B. Instantaneous freezing of molten rock. C. Slow cooling of molten rock. D. Precipitation from concentrated gases. E. Slow diffusion through a solid.


Which of the following statements is FALSE ? A. The mantle is composed almost entirely of solid rock. B. The crust floats on a subterranean "sea" of magma. C. The mantle is composed of rock, whereas the core is composed of metal. D. The outer core is liquid and the inner core is solid.


Which statement about the distribution of earthquakes on Earth is correct? A. Earthquakes are evenly distributed around the globe. B. Earthquakes occur in discrete belts, along plate boundaries. C. Earthquakes occur exclusively in the interiors of plates. D. Earthquakes are randomly distributed around the globe.


Why did most geologists initially oppose Wegener's hypothesis of continental drift? A. Wegner could not explain the distribution of fossils. B. Wegner could not explain how or why continents move. C. Wegner could not explain the distribution of climate belts of the past. D. Bogus question: geologists all over the world immediately accepted Wegener's hypothesis.


With existing technology, it is possible to predict earthquakes to within a few days. A. true B. false


Sea-floor spreading is driven by volcanic activity ____________. A. in the middle of abyssal plains B. along mid-ocean ridges C. at the edges of continental shelves D. along fracture zones

B. along mid-ocean ridges

Most of the pushing force that drives plate motion is produced ____________. A. at mid-ocean ridges B. at subduction zones C. at collision zones D. in the interiors of continental plates

B. at subduction zones

When two bodies of continental lithosphere are pushed together at a convergent boundary, the result is ____________. A. subduction B. collision and mountain formation

B. collision and mountain formation

Mid-ocean ridges are ____________. A. convergent plate boundaries B. divergent plate boundaries C. transform plate boundaries

B. divergent plate boundaries

The apparent polar-wander path obtained from magnetite crystals in basalts on the North American continent is now interpreted to be the result of ____________. A. wandering of the geomagnetic north pole B. drifting of the North American continent

B. drifting of the North American continent

Magma composition of volatiles

H20 CO2 SO2

Environmental concerns associated with win include

Hazards related to rare earth element mining and processing

Which is NOT an erosive glacial feature?

Drumlin - A drumlin is a teardrop-shaped pile of sediment that is deposited beneath the distal end of a continental glacier. It is reworked till and therefore a depositional feature. At first glance it looks similar to a roch mountonée, a teardrop-shaped bedrock feature formed underneath a glacier by physical weathering/erosion of bedrock (pg 529)

Based on the geologic definition of a mineral, which of the following is a mineral, or is composed of minerals? A. a DVD B. an asphalt shingle on a roof C. sugar crystals in a sugar cube D. molten candle wax E. the ice making up a snowflake


Imagine a mountain stream whose fast-moving water has carried away all grains except for well-rounded pebbles, cobbles, and boulders. If such stream gravel were lithified, it would turn into . . . A. shale. B. siltstone. C. arkose. D. breccia. E. conglomerate.


What phenomena can cause the mineral assemblage in a protolith to change into a metamorphic mineral assemblage? A. a change in pressure B. a change in temperature C. shear stress D. infiltration by supercritical fluids E. all of the above


Which of the following processes contribute to lithification? A. compaction and consolidation (removal of water and air between the grains) B. cementation by minerals precipitated from groundwater C. formation of joints D. churning by subsurface organisms E. both A and B


Which response best explains the absence of volcanoes and earthquakes at a passive continental margin?

Earthquakes and volcanoes are rare due to the distance from any active boundaries.

Which of the following responses provides the best reason for why the asthenosphere is not capable of storing elastic energy?

Elastic energy can only be stored in cold, brittle rocks.

Which of the following is NOT an example of an environmentally significant oil spill resulting from an offshore oil well blowout?

Enbridge spill, Kalamazoo watershed, 2010

Which of the following is true about coal ranks?

Energy density increases with increasing rank, water content decreases in increasing rank, the amount of ash decreases with increasing rank,

Renewable energy

Energy derived from sources that can be regenerated on human timescales

Types of biofuels

Ethanol= product of biological fermentation of plant sugars and starches (corn and sugar cane) Biodiesel= chemically oxidized fats and oils ( mostly soybeans by other plants and animals) Advanced biofuels= experimental fuels derived from algae or cellulose component of energy crops Celluloid= fibrous,s trustful component of plants that is low in nutritional quantity Rudolf Diesel and ford made cars to be able to run biodiesel and ethical and in 1970, clean air act and oil crisis made them serious

TRUE or FALSE: carbon monoxide results from incomplete combustion of fossil fuels due to presence of excess oxygen


TRUE or FALSE: results from open air experiments indicate an additive effects in which plant biomass increases at a higher rate with both increased CO2 contractions and evaluated temperatures than with wither condition alone


TRUE or FALSE: chemical weathering of silicate minerals (e.g., CaSiO3) via sulfuric acid removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere

FALSE there is no carbon

all discovered faults ARE or ARE NOT likely to experience earthquakes in the next few hundred years




T or F: anthracite is Called smokeless due to its high water content


T/F? All lithospheric plates are approximately the same size and contain a combination of oceanic and continental crust.


TRUE or FALSE: power density estimates can not be used to compare the quality of fossil fuels and wind every because no mass is consumed when converting wind energy to elctricity


True or False: Plutonic rock does not solidify at depth


True or false: bombs do not partially solidify in the air


Glacial striations running northeast to southwest indicate that the glacier that produced them was moving from northwest to southeast

False - Glacial movement is parallel to the direction of striations, not perpendicular (pg 523)

On average, polar glaciers move faster than temperate glaciers, and continental glaciers move faster than mountain glaciers

False - Just the opposite is true. Temperate glaciers, which usually are wet-bottomed, move faster than dry-bottomed polar glaciers, and mountain glaciers move faster than continental glaciers (pg 520)

Studies of long-term climate changes show a gradual warming of Earth since mid-Cretaceous times, ending abruptly with the appearance of ice sheets in the Arctic one Mya

False - Studies show a long-term cooling and the appearance of ice sheets two to three million years ago (pg 540)

Varves are rides of glacial drift deposited in tunnels of water flowing under a glacier's base

False - This question describes eskers. Varves are seasonal pairs of thin layers of sediment, one silt and one clay, laid down in glacial lakes (pg 529)

TRUE or FALSE: in lecture 28 we used a simple two box model of the earth to test the hypothesis that modern global warming is due to an enhanced greenhouse effect. THe hypothesis was supported by the observation that the stratosphere is warming at the same rat as the lower trophosphere


Why is the composition of freak fluids relatively unknown to the public?

Federal regulations do not currently require companies to disclose the composiition

Which is NOT a contributing factor to inertial against transitioning against fossil fuesl

Financial contributions to political campaigns by fossil fuel companies

Magma of shield volcanos


Température (T) makes magma more _____, _____ viscosity

Fluid, lower

Igneous rock

Forms from solidification for molten rock (magma)

What is produced water (aka production I water)?

Frack fluid that returns to the surface during and after frack treatments

What is produced water (aka productionwater)?

Frack fluid that returns to the surface during and after frack treatments

Which of the following events allows rocks on either side of a fault to rebound elastically, causing an earthquake?

Friction along the fault plane is overcome.

Being energy independent form foreign oil in the US could benefit the economic growth by effectively doubling the annual growth rate in ----


Choose the TRUE statement (Glaciers)

Glaciers can grow smaller by melting, sublimation, or calving - Ablation is wasting away; glaciers at high latitudes can reach to the sea; the position of the toe moves back, but the ice never does; and loess is fine-grained material transported by wind (pg 520)

Compositionally in plutonic rock we have (decreasing silica):

Granite, diorite, and gabro

Mt. Rushmore is made up of ______, a _______ type of rock

Granite, plutonic

WHcih of the following explains the gaps in the infrared emissions spectrum of the earth?

Greenhouse gases, such as water vapor, ozone and CO2, absorb significant amount of energy at those infrared wavelengths

Indicates life expectancy, adult literacy and school enrollment and quality of life

Human development index of UN

Whihc of the following provides a detailed record of earths climate over the past 800,000 years?

Ice cores from arctic ice sheets

Which of the following is NOT a type of mountain (alpine) glacier?

Ice shelf - An ice shelf originates from a continental glacier that extends into the sea; the other glaciers are located along the mountain crest, in the valleys, in cirques, and along the adjacent plains (pg 518)

Why does the wave height of a tsunami increase as the tsunami enters shallow water?

In shallow water, the energy of the tsunami must be contained within a smaller water column.

Choose the option that best completes the following sentence: Beneficial uses of coal ash...

Include cement products, include structural fill, may lead to groundwater contaminatioin

Choose the FALSE statement. Sediment deposited in glacial environments

Includes a mix of fine-grained sediment and sand called erratic till - Till is unsorted sediment of all sizes carried on the ice. Erratics are cobbles and boulders carried on the glacier and dropped when the ice melts (pg 527)

The increase in the number 3.0 magnitude earhques in the us from 21 in the year 2000 to 100+ per year after the year 2000 is coincided with what?

Increase in deep disposal well injections

Anthropogenic oil spills have a detrimental impact on wildlife and ecosystems by

Increasing carcinogenic materials, like PAHs into the environmnet

What is one benefit of using results from ensembles of climate models to predict climate change?

Individual models may produce systematic errors in their predictions whereas averages calculate from ensemble results provide more reliable predictions of climate change.

What is composite (stratovolcano composed of)

Interbedded lava flows and pyroclastics

Surface irradiance by latitude

Irradiance varies within an order of magnitude across different latitudes Dan regional climates, during summer, peak is at 30 degrees latitude where there are deserts

Average solar insolutation and irradiate

Irradiance= rate of energy (power) reviewed per unit area 239 w/m2. SOlar isolation = amount of ENRGY received 5.7 kWh/m2/day

Glacial ice

Is bluish in appearance - Ice is less dense, or it wouldn't float; salt doesn't fit in the crystal lattice; and ice's albedo (measure of light reflectivity) is high (pg 516)

Choose the option that best completes the following sentence. Passage of the TItle IV of 1990 clean air act amendments was important, because

It showed how successfully a cap and trade system combined with new emission reduction technology could work

Smallest quantity of energy


"Cooked" organic matter is the precursor to oil and natural gas is:


"Cooked" organic matter that is the precursor to oil and natural gas is


Which term has nothing to do with glaciers?

Lag deposits - Lag deposits are desert deposits left behind when wind has blown away finer sediment (pg 524)

Which is most destructive and most deadly volcanic phenomenon


_______ move down stream ________ and volcanic _______, often leaving destructive results

Lahars, valleys, slopes

Rare earth elements

Lanthanides series elements that are found in small quantities across the world, difficult to separate from each other and occurs with radioactive elements, lanthanum, neodymium, dysprosium

Cinder cone volcano is composed from pyroclastic material mainly _____sized fragments


Structure of caldera

Large collapse structure

caldera has _____ volumes of material erupted ______

Large, rapidly

Fluid magma of shield volcanos produces

Lava fountains

Under increasing heat and pressure, the formation of conventional petroleum proceeds in a prescribed order as follows

ORganic remains, kerogen, oil, natural gas

Which of the following is (area) evidence used in class to argue the natural climate forcing S are not responsible for modern global warming?

Observed modern warming of 1C per century is 2-5 magnitude faster than temperature change associated with tectonic forcing

Enviro issues of solar

Occupy large area, impact desert wildlife, water usage fro cooling and steam production, manufacturing is not clean, carbon debt (land use change and installation CO2 emissions) energy payback time 2 years or more

Choose the TRUE statement

Narrow, steep-sided, deep inlets of seawater may be fjords - Icebergs form by calving; today, 10% of land is ice-covered, while in the Ice Age 30% was ice-covered; and pluvial lakes were far from glaciers and existed because of wetter climate conditions (pg 526)

Which of the following energy resources has the highest energy density

Natural gas vs other fossil fuels

What is the largest contributer to hydrocarbons "leaked" into the ocean

Natural seeps

Choose the FALSE statement. Continental glaciers

Never reach seas or oceans - The Antarctic ice sheet is a huge continental glacier. Portions of it extend far into the salty Southern Ocean, forming floating ice shelves hundreds of miles across (pg 518)

Which of the following is a result of LOHAFEX fertilization experiment?

No significant increase in transport of organic carbon from surface waters to the deep ocean

NOt in my backyard

Noise pollution of smaller ones, aesthetic pollution, lower property values, fear of eminent domain, also wind farms require extensive access roads

Which of the following is a difference between point source and non point source emitters of airborn pollution

Non point source emitters are widely distributed while point source emitters are localized

Compare numerical age and relative age.

Numerical Age: the age of a feature given in years Relative Age: the age of one feature with respect to another.

Based on the various scenarios in the 2012 energy outlook publication, the international energy agency prediction suggests that a peak in global oil production

Should officer after 2035 in the new and current policies scenarios, should occurs in 2020 in the 45o scenarios (aka know the climate change target scenarios), May occur for reasons other than a deadline in availability of hydrocarbon resources

Liquid portion of Magma composition

Silica tetrahedra + variety of cations

Plutonic rock can form

Sills, dikes, batholiths, andstocks

Cinder cone volcano is ____ in size


Pahoehoe lava texture

Smooth ropey texture

IN part of the country where areas of photochemical smog often occurs, why does the peak concentration of ozon occurs in the afternoon between noon and 3pm?

Solar UV radiation is necessary to produce ozone and the sun is highest on the horizon during the early afternoon

Choose the option that best completes the following statement: the glacial-interglacial cycles over the past 800,000 years have a periodicity of 100 thousand years. This, along with other lines of evidence, suggest that changes in ----, caused by milankovitch cycles, are the initial force causing these cyclical changes in Earths climate

Solar irradiation

Choose the FALSE statement. During the Pleistocene Ice Age

The New York City area was an outwash plain - The are of New York City was under approximately 250 m (approximately 825 feet) of ice in the Pleistocene Ice Age (pg 516)

What is a major advantage of generating electrical power with nuclear energy very generating electricity with coal?

The size of uranium mining industry and its environmental impacts is much smaller than the coal mining industry

When dry sediment accumulates, the angle of repose represents what property of the deposit?

The steepest angle at which those sediments can accumulate and remain stable.

Under expected climate change, how will warmer surface waters in high latitude oceans affect the ocean carbon sink (i.e. The physical ocean carbon pump)

The warmer ocean water at the poles will weaken ocean convection currents and decrease transport of dissolved CO2 into the deep ocean

Identify the FALSE statement (fjord)

Valley glaciers whose terminuses extend into the sea are called fjord glaciers (A fjord is a steep, narrow, deep valley formed when sea level has risen compared to the land surface, after a glacier has excavated a valley to give it a U-shaped bottom. This is a postglacial landscape, not a glacier. (pg 523)

According to Milankovitch, which of the following is a contributing factor to ice-age cycles?

Variations in the shape of Earth's orbit - All of Milankovitch's ideas involved aspects of Earth's movement around the sun (pg 538)

Volcanic spine

Very steep vertical sided lava

Volatiles (dissolved gases) trapped in rock when its solidified produces what type of texture

Vesicular texture

Composite volcanos have very _____ pyroclastic eruptions and _____ outpouring

Violent, lava

Environmental impacts of biofuels

Volatil organic S is higher in sugarcane ethanol Becasue it evaporates more readily than gasoline. Nitrogen oxide emissions higher in all of them dues to nitrogenous fertilizer Increase indirect emissions of NOx and volatile organic compound, many have larger carbon fossil fuels through land use change, during ethanol industry growth, corn becomes more expensive

Which type of rock is solidified at the surface

Volcanic rock



Identify the FALSE statement. New York City

Was covered by the Cordilleran ice sheet of the Pleistocene - New York City was covered by the Laurentide ice sheet of the Pleistocene (pg 534)

Which of the following responses are examples of how water can promote mass wasting?

Water can saturate sediment, reducing the integrity of the slope and allowing it to move. When water is added to weathered particles, the mass of the sediment is increased, which can cause slope instability. Waves and streams can undercut banks and cliffs, causing them to fail.

Which of the following is not a potential environmental and or health hazard related to fracking sand mines?

Water foul mortality in tailing ponds

Areas in which human activities use a significant amount of available water are called:

Water stress areas

Does granite magma have low or high concentration of SiO2


What type of viscosity does magma of stratovolcanos have


WHich of the following may prevent large-scale future oil shale development in the western U.S.?

Water stress issues especially with projected population growth, low EROI (energy return) of oil shale production, oil shale produces of up to 47% more greenhouse gas than conventional oil production

Sticky magma

Higher viscosity

Colorado RIver Delta and hydropower

Hoover Dam. Led to finial freshwater reaching Colorado river delta over 6 year life span. Salt flat water then saltier away from sea and further back into river

Choose the FALSE statement (Ablation)

When the rate of ablation equals the rate of accumulation, the glacier retreats - When the rates are equal, the toe remains fixed. When the rate of ablation exceeds the rate of accumulation, the glacier retreats. (pg 520)

Volcano is fed by small amounts of magma through fissures from main magma chamber

Why cinder cones are small and short lived

The amount of meandering that occurs in a stream influences the gradient in which of the following ways?

With more meanders, the stream gradient decreases.

. An artesian well is one that __.; a. induces an upward flow of groundwater without any pumping; b. has its intake sited within the saturated zone of an unconfined aquifer; c. has its intake sited within the unsaturated zone of an unconfined aquifer; d. has its recharge area at an elevation below sea level; ;


23. Hard water results from relatively high concentrations of dissolved __.; a. calcium and magnesium; b. francium and cesium; c. sodium; d. potassium; ;


A dry well will result whenever the base of the well is above the water table.; a. true; b. false; ;


A layer of rock or sediment with exceptionally low permeability is termed a(n) __ in hydrogeologic contexts.; a. aquitard; b. confined aquifer; c. unconfined aquifer; d. unsaturated zone; ;


An ordinary (water-producing) well will result whenever the base of the well extends below the water table.; a. true; b. false; ;


Extensive pumping of fresh groundwater from a coastal aquifer can induce __.; a. saline intrusion; with time the well will start to deliver saline water; b. saline expulsion; with time the freshwater/saline water interface within the aquifer will be pushed downward and seaward; ;


Perched water tables occur __.; a. above the regional water table, within permeable rock or sediment; b. above the regional water table, within impermeable rock or sediment; c. below the regional water table, within impermeable rock or sediment; d. below the regional water table, within permeable rock or sediment; ;


The majority of large cave and karst systems have resulted from __ etching into __.; a. carbonic acid; limestone; b. ascorbic acid; dolostone; c. phosphoric acid; shale; d. sea water; rock salt; ;


Unconsolidated sediment typically has greater porosity than the lithified rock that forms from it.; a. true; b. false; ;


Water flowing from hot springs __.; a. contains more dissolved minerals than water flowing from cool springs; b. contains fewer dissolved minerals than water flowing from cool springs; c. is never hotter than 40°C, so it is always safe to bathe in; d. only occurs in regions of active volcanism; ;


Well-sorted sediments typically have __ porosity compared to poorly sorted sediments.; a. greater; b. less; c. approximately the same; ;


A global awareness of a need to decrease the amount of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) occurring in the atmosphere came about in the 1970s and 1980s. Observation of which of the following conditions led to this awareness?

a decrease in the amount of ozone over Antarctica in September to October every year

Which feature would you expect to find at the mouth of a submarine canyon? alluvial fan a deep sea fan beach delta talus slope

a deep sea fan

a tsunami is

an earthquake-generated sea wave that can sometimes destroy coastal cities thousands of kilometers from its source

. In groundwater, __.; a. dissolved ions are rarely, if ever, found; b. calcite (in limestone) is more soluble than quartz (in sandstone); c. minerals may be dissolved but will never precipitate out of solution; d. precipitation may take place but only if the mineral in question is undersaturated; ;


. In unfractured rock and sediment, water molecules usually take a __.; a. straight path; b. wandering path; c. circular path; ;


. Land subsidence is likely whenever __.; a. groundwater is used nonrenewably from aquifers composed of rock; b. groundwater is used nonrenewably from aquifers composed of sediment; c. groundwater is used renewably from aquifers composed of rock; d. groundwater is used renewably from aquifers composed of sediment; ;


A periodic explosive eruption of steam and water from within the ground up through; the surface is termed a __.; a. flowing artesian well; b. geyser; c. spring; d. recharge area; ;


Bioremediation of contaminated groundwater involves __.; a. introducing laboratory-cultured viruses that can dissolve the plume; b. pumping oxygen and nutrients into a contaminant plume to help local bacteria metabolize the plume; c. pumping out the contaminated groundwater and using it to irrigate genetically modified crops; ;


Freshwater lakes are always discharge areas.; a. true; b. false; ;


If groundwater is clear, it can be assumed that it is drinkable.; a. true; b. false; ;


Most dissolution of bedrock to form caves takes place __.; a. above the water table; b. just below the water table; c. greater than 10 m below the water table; ;


Pumping vast quantities of water locally __.; a. raises the local water table; b. lowers the local water table, forming a cone-shaped depression; c. lowers the local water table, forming a cylindrical depression; d. does not affect the water table; ;


Rock or sediment with water-filled pores, wherein upward percolation is blocked by an overlying, impermeable layer, is termed a(n) __.; a. aquitard; b. confined aquifer; c. unconfined aquifer; d. unsaturated zone; ;


Topography dominated by depressions formed by the collapse of caves is termed __.; a. valley and ridge; b. karst; c. horst and graben; ;


Unless it has recently rained, there is no water within pores in the unsaturated zone.; a. true; b. false; ;


Which coast represents an active continental margin?

the west coast of South America

how many seismic stations are necessary to find the epicenter of an earthquake


How are tsunamis generated?

through displacement of the seafloor under water

Which parameter best defines the primary difference between weather and climate?


Which of the following is not among the elements of weather?

time of sunrise and sunset

earthquakes that occur in a band called a wadati benioff zone can be used to

track the motion of subducted oceanic lithosphere

When considered by weight percent, what is the principal source for the majority of primary pollutants in Earth's atmosphere?


Which of the following gases is most abundant in basaltic lavas?

water vapor

Which of these areas of the United States would you expect to have the highest occurance of seismic activity


Which of the following phenomena is not an example of how humans have contributed to disruption of the atmosphere?

wind turbines

Besides its immense size, what else is unusual about Carlsbad Caverns in southeastern New Mexico? a. The caverns are within a deposit of rock salt rather than limestone. b. Geologists think the system was produced by sulfuric acid rather than carbonic acid. c. The caverns were formed within the span of just a few days in 1937. d. Although there are conduits to the surface, the caverns do not host a population of bats

b. Geologists think the system was produced by sulfuric acid rather than carbonic acid.

If an intrusive igneous rock is unfractured, it serves as a (an) ____________ in local hydrogeology. a. artesian well b. aquitard c. aquifer d. perched aquifer

b. aquitard

Rock or sediment with water-filled pores, wherein upward percolation is blocked by an overlying, impermeable layer is termed a (an) ____________. a. unsaturated zone b. confined aquifer c. unconfined aquifer d. aquitard

b. confined aquifer

Land subsidence is likely when ____________. a. the water table changes b. discharge lowers the water table c. the Ca and Mg content of groundwater increases d. groundwater recharge occurs

b. discharge lowers the water table

An artesian well is one that ____________. a. has intake sited within the unsaturated zone of an unconfined aquifer b. discharges groundwater at ground surface without pumping c. has its recharge area at an elevation below sea level d. has its intake sited within the saturated zone of an unconfined aquifer

b. discharges groundwater at ground surface without pumping

Groundwater: a. can precipitate minerals but only if the ions that would form the mineral in question are undersaturated in the water b. dissolves calcite and limestone c. can contain dissolved minerals but can never precipitate minerals out of solution d. rarely if ever contains dissolved ions

b. dissolves calcite and limestone

The city of Venice, Italy, has largely submerged beneath the sea because of ____________. a. None of the above are correct; Venice was built underwater during the Middle Ages. b. extensive nearby groundwater mining and sediment compaction c. polar ice caps melting due to global warming d. tectonic forces related to the gradual, ongoing collision of Africa and Europe

b. extensive nearby groundwater mining and sediment compaction

If groundwater is clear, it can be assumed that it is drinkable. a. true b. false

b. false

Unless it has recently rained, there is no water within pores in the unsaturated zone. a. true b. false

b. false

Well-sorted sediments typically have ____________ porosity compared to poorly sorted sediments. a. less b. greater c. approximately the same

b. greater

Most dissolution of bedrock to form caves takes place ____________. a. greater than 10 m below the water table b. just below the water table c. above the water table

b. just below the water table

Sinkholes are a concern primarily for residents whose dwellings are constructed atop ____________. a. granite b. limestone c. shale d. sandstone

b. limestone

The majority of liquid fresh water within Earth exists in ____________. a. rivers and streams b. pores within rock and sediment c. lakes d. atmospheric clouds

b. pores within rock and sediment

Groundwater mining refers to ____________. a. legal squabbling over groundwater rights ("It's mine!") b. pumping out water faster than it can be replenished by recharge c. prospecting an area to find a suitable spot for a well d. acid drainage from mines polluting groundwater

b. pumping out water faster than it can be replenished by recharge

Extensive pumping of fresh groundwater from a coastal aquifer can induce ____________. a. saline expulsion; with time the fresh water/saline water interface within the aquifer will be pushed downward and seaward b. saline intrusion; with time the well will start to deliver saline water

b. saline intrusion; with time the well will start to deliver saline water

A dry well will always result whenever the base of the well is above the water table. a. false b. true

b. true

Unconsolidated sediment typically has greater porosity than lithified rock that forms from it. a. false b. true

b. true

In which of the following lava types would you expect to see the development of pahoehoe?


which type of fault does NOT have a fault trace

blind fault

earthquake waves that pass through the interior of earth are termed

body waves

generally, which type of earthquake waves travel fastest

body waves

What do we call pyroclastic material, ejected during a volcanic eruption, composed of incandescent lava that is greater than 64 millimeters (2.5 inches) in diameter?


body waves include

both S- and P- waves

faulting and earthquakes are examples of

brittle behavior

A body of permeable rock or sediment that possesses a water table is termed a(n) __.; a. aquitard; b. confined aquifer; c. unconfined aquifer; d. unsaturated zone; ;


Any place where groundwater naturally flows outward at the surface of Earth is termed a __.; a. flowing artesian well; b. geyser; c. spring; d. recharge area; ;


As a rule, groundwater always flows from areas __.; a. of greater elevation to those of lesser elevation; b. of greater permeability to those of lesser permeability; c. of greater hydraulic head to those of lesser hydraulic head; d. near streams to areas beneath mountain ranges; ;


Dissolution of grains in the burial environment produces __.; a. primary porosity; b. primary permeability; c. secondary porosity; d. a reduction in primary porosity; ;


If a material is porous, it __.; a. will be permeable as well; b. will be impermeable; c. may be permeable or impermeable; ;


In a humid climate, the topography of the water table __.; a. is unaffected by local surface topography; b. precisely mimics the topography of the ground surface; c. is a subdued (less steeply sloping) mimic of surface topography; d. is an exaggerated (more steeply sloping) mimic of surface topography; ;


Material through which water readily flows is termed __.; a. fluent; b. porous; c. permeable; ;


Primary porosity may be reduced by the __.; a. compaction of grains; b. cementation of grains; c. Both A and B are correct.; d. None of the above is correct.;


Sinkholes are a concern primarily for residents whose dwellings are constructed atop __.; a. sandstone; b. shale; c. limestone; d. granite;


The elevation of the water table __.; a. is a constant for a given area so long as the topography remains the same; b. may rise during times of drought and sink during rainy periods; c. may rise during rainy periods and sink during droughts; ;


The majority of Earth's liquid freshwater exists in __.; a. lakes; b. rivers and streams; c. pores within rock and sediment; d. atmospheric clouds; ;


The relationship governing the rate of groundwater flow was discovered by __.; a. Alfred Wegener; b. Isaac Newton; c. Henry Darcy; d. Charles Richter; ;


Which statement about recharge areas is INCORRECT?; a. They typically are elevated with respect to neighboring areas.; b. They are regions of relatively high precipitation.; c. They are the same as discharge areas.; d. They are areas where water infiltrates the sediment from above.; ;


Primary porosity may be reduced by ____________. a. compaction of grains b. cementation of grains c. A and B are both correct. d. None of the above are correct

c. A and B are both correct.

The relationship governing the rate of groundwater flux was discovered by ____________. a. Isaac Newton b. Alfred Wegener c. Henri Darcy d. Charles Richter

c. Henri Darcy

Topography dominated by depressions formed by the collapse of caves is termed ____________. a. valley and ridge b. horst and graben c. Karst

c. Karst

Perched water tables occur ____________. a. below the regional water table, within permeable rock or sediment b. below the regional water table, within impermeable rock or sediment c. above the regional water table, within permeable rock or sediment d. above the regional water table, within impermeable rock or sediment

c. above the regional water table, within permeable rock or sediment

The majority of large cave and karst systems have resulted from ____________ etching into ____________. a. sea water; rock salt b. phosphoric acid; shale c. carbonic acid; limestone d. ascorbic acid; dolostone

c. carbonic acid; limestone

If a material is porous, it ____________. a. will be permeable as well b. will be impermeable c. may be permeable or impermeable

c. may be permeable or impermeable

Material through which water readily flows is termed ____________. a. fluent b. porous c. permeable

c. permeable

Dissolution of rock produces ____________. a. primary permeability b. primary porosity c. secondary porosity d. a reduction in primary porosity

c. secondary porosity

Which list correctly orders the three types of subsurface water from shallowest to deepest? a. groundwater, soil moisture, vadose zone water b. soil moisture, groundwater, vadose zone water c. soil moisture, vadose zone water, groundwater d. groundwater, vadose zone water, soil moisture

c. soil moisture, vadose zone water, groundwater

Any place where groundwater naturally flows out of the surface of Earth is termed a ____________. a. recharge area b. flowing artesian well c. spring d. geyser

c. spring

A body of permeable rock or sediment, in which the water table resides, is termed a (an) ____________. a. aquitard b. unsaturated zone c. unconfined aquifer d. confined aquifer

c. unconfined aquifer

In unfractured rock and sediment, water molecules usually take a ____________. a. circular path b. straight path c. wandering path

c. wandering path

Which gas in Earth's atmosphere has a significant role in the heating of the atmosphere?

carbon dioxide

Water in the hydrologic cycle readily moves from the land to the oceans through several pathways. How does the vast majority of water get from the ocean to the land surface?

clouds and precipitation

a coiled aoring would be useful in illustrating a

compressional wave

Moving off the east coast of North America, identify the sequence of environments you would encounter as you move deeper into the Atlantic Ocean.

continental shelf, continental slope, continental rise, abyssal plain

Which is not one of the three broad zones describing the ocean floor? continental slope mid-oceanic ridge continental margin deep-ocean basin

continental slope

Earthquakes occurring at depths up to 700 km (435 mi) are associated with which of the following plate boundaries?

convergent boundaries

medium and deep focus earthquakes occur along

convergent plat boundaries only

What type of plate boundary are most tsunamis associated with?

convergent plate boundaries

earthquakes are likely to occur along

convergent, divergent, and transform plate boundaries

Groundwater __.; a. does not affect the porosity of the rock and sediment through which it flows; b. uniformly increases porosity due to dissolution of grains; c. uniformly decreases porosity due to deposition of minerals into pores; d. may increase or decrease porosity through dissolution or deposition; ;


If a material is highly permeable, it __.; a. must be porous; b. cannot be porous; c. must be fractured; d. must either have substantial porosity or be fractured; ;


Permeable rock or sediment between the water table and the land surface represents a(n) __.; a. aquitard; b. confined aquifer; c. unconfined aquifer; d. unsaturated zone; ;


The rate of groundwater flow through a body of rock or sediment depends __.; a. only on the slope of the water table locally; b. only on the porosity of the rock or sediment; c. on the slope of the water table and the porosity of the rock or sediment; d. on the slope of the water table and the permeability of the rock or sediment;


Which statement about recharge areas is NOT true? a. Recharge areas are regions of relatively high precipitation. b. Recharge areas typically are elevated with respect to neighboring areas. c. Recharge areas are areas where water infiltrates the sediment from above. d. Recharge areas are the same as discharge areas

d. Recharge areas are the same as discharge areas

If a material is highly permeable, it ____________. a. must be porous b. cannot be porous c. must be fractured d. must either have substantial porosity or be fractured

d. must either have substantial porosity or be fractured

The rate of groundwater flow per unit area through a body of rock or sediment depends ____________. a. only on the porosity of the rock or sediment b. only on the slope of the water table locally c. on the slope of the water table and the porosity of the rock or sediment d. on the slope of the water table and the permeability of the rock or sediment

d. on the slope of the water table and the permeability of the rock or sediment

Rock or sediment between the water table and the land surface represents a (an) ____________. a. unconfined aquifer b. confined aquifer c. aquitard d. unsaturated zone

d. unsaturated zone

the quantity of offset that occurs along a fault is termed


how can damage and injury be minimized in areas prone to seismic activity

earthquake zoning, egnineering controls and warning systems

In terms of dollars, which type of weather event caused the most damage in the United States between 2004 and 2006?


the point within earth where an earthquake takes place is termed the

hypocenter (focus)

on december 26 2004 a magnitude 9 earthquake generated a tsunami that devastated coastlines on the

indian ocean

long term prediction of earthquake behavior

is based on past activity, works on assumtion that past activity in a spot means future activity, and includes the notion of seismic gaps, places where an earthquake is overdue

sandy substrate is susceptible to

liquification during an earthquake

earthquakes are a result of

lithosphere plate movement

Which of the following choices does not directly affect stream velocity?

location of the drainage divide

In considering a move to a place that is unfamiliar to you, what information about weather and climate would be most useful?

long-term climate data

according to the moment magnitude scale (Mw), a magnitude 8 earthquake would be 1,000 times greater than a..

magnitude 5 earthquake

At which of the following tectonic settings would you expect to find volcanoes producing significant amounts of very fluid, high-temperature lavas?

mantle plumes

aftershocks following a major earthquake

may continue for days after the initial earthquake mostly much smaller than the original earthquake may occur on same fault as original earthquake or different fault

which earthquake intensity scale assesses the effects of an eathquake on humans and human made structures

mercalli scale

which earthquake severity scale varies from locality to locality for a single earthquake

mercalli scale

Which specific gas is most abundant in Earth's atmosphere?


if during an earthquake, a footwall slides upward relative to a hanging wall, the fault is termed


movement on a fault

occur without generating earthquakes

all else being equal, an earthquake that strikes in eastern USA would produce shaking that would be felt

over a greater distance than one on the western USA

Which gas in the atmosphere is vital to virtually all life that exists on Earth?


Which is not one of the variable components of Earth's atmosphere?


Which component of Earth's atmosphere is not a primary pollutant?


surface waves

produce most of the damage to buildings during earthquakes

In which of the following lava types would you expect to find the greatest percentage of gases?


In which of the following types of lavas would you expect to find the greatest production of pyroclastic material?


Which earthquake severity scale measures the amplitude of deflection of a seismograph pen, standardized to an idealized distance of 100 km between epicenter and seismograph?

richter scale

which earthquake severity scale takes vibration caused only by the s waves into account when estimating the size of an earthquake

richter scale

what geological settings would you expect to produce seismic activity

rift valley, basin, and collisional mountain belt

which earthquake severity scale takes into account the type of rock that has been fractured

seismic moment magnitude scale

vertical motion seismographs record earthquakes through the production of a squiggly diagram called


geologists who specifically study earthquakes are called


During the 1906 San Francisco earthquake, the Pacific Plate moved 4.7 meters (15 feet) north relative to the North American Plate. Which of the following types of stress was exerted on the rocks during this earthquake?

shear stress

When sediment accumulates, the angle of repose can be increased by changing which of the following conditions?

slight addition of water to the sediment

seismic retrofitting is the process of

strengthening existing buildings and structures

periods of intermittent sliding on a fault as a result of the release of stress during episodes of displacement, followed by stress buildup to the point that the fault is reactivated is termed

strick slip behavior

If a fault is nearly vertical in orientation and the two walls of rock on opposite sides slide past one another horizontally, the fault is termed

strike slip

At which of the following tectonic settings would you expect to find volcanoes producing the highest volumes of pyroclastic material?

subduction of an oceanic plate under a continental plate

Acid rain in the northeast, which accelerates the weathering of rock and the deterioration and corrosion of paint, is caused by the reaction of oxygen, water, and which of the following substances?

sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide

Which of the following rivers is the largest river in North America?

the Mississippi River

virtually all of the deaths attributed to major earthquakes have resulted from

the collapse of buildings

if, during and earthquake, a hanging wall slides upward relative to a footwall, the fault is termed thrust if

the fault is shallow

if, during and earthquake, a hanging wall slides upward relative to a footwall, the fault is termed reverse if

the fault is steep

ash (< 2 mm) becomes _____


What is the order of gases of air born pollutants

VOCs, then PANS then Ozone

Basics of semiconductors and photovoltaic cells

Semiconductors- material with electrical properties between conductor and insulator. Silicon is one and 2end most abundant elements on earth. Add "impurities' and create N-type and type semi conductor. With solar energy- photons can exite or eject electrons from p type semiconductor to N type semiconductor generating unidirectional flow of electrical storage. Not very efficient at converting. 33% theoretical but actual 25% and expensive

Volcano that generally covers large areas and has broad inverted shield shape


Produces large volume of basaltic lava

Shield volcano

Sizes of volcanos largest to smallest

Shield, composite, cinder cone

Types of volcanos

Shield, composite, cinder cone, caldera

Cinder cone volcano has short or long life span


How does unconformity develop? Describe the differences in the three kinds of unconformities.

-Strata are not deposited continuously at a location. Unconformity is an interval of non-deposition and/ or erosion. -An unconformity forms whenever the land surface does not receive & accumulate sediment. Angular :-forms where rocks were either folded or tilted by faulting before being uplifted and eroded. -(Cuts across the underlying layers; the layers below have a diff orientation from the layers above.) Noncomformity: unconformity at which sedimentary rocks overlie intrusive igneous rocks or metamorphic rocks The igneous metamorphic rocks must have cooled, been uplifted, and been exposed by erosion to form the substrate on which new sedimentary rocks were deposited Discomformity: Layers of sediment are deposited, Sea level drops and an erosion surface forms; (recently deposited beds become exposed for some time. During this time no new sediment accumulates & some preexisting sediments get eroded away. Sea level rises and new sedimentary layers accumulate over the old. -Even though the beds above & below the disconformity are parallel, the contact b/t them represents an interruption in deposition.

How many people running on 100% efficiency treadmills at a rate of 7.5 MPH would it take to match the elctricity generated by the us ?

1 billion runners

An earthquake occurs with an epicenter in the town of New Madrid, Missouri, in the interior of the North American Plate. Where might the hypocenter of this earthquake plausibly be found

10 km south of new madrid

On average, how many damaging earthquakes occur each year?


Lapilli (_,___ mm)


The current price of crude oil is

20- 40 $

Which of the following climate conditions would most likely allow glaciers to form?

A heavy snowfall in winter coupled with relatively cool summers - Glaciers need lots of snow that doesn't all slide or blow away when it falls or melts away in the summer (pg 516)

Which is NOT a contributing factor to the onset of major ice ages?

A high concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere - Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas whose presence traps heat close to Earth's surface (pg 538)

Volcanos can have _____ of gases or ______ gases

A lot and little

How is ozone produced in Earth's atmosphere by combustion of petroleum products?

A reaction occurs between nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds when exposed to sunlight near Earth's surface.

What is the benchmark crude oil price?

A reference price used when buying or selling crude oil

THe US energy economy shows 2 major transformations over its history, including:

A transition from wood dominated economy to a coal dominated economy

Within the sea floor, the rate of heat flow is greatest ____________. A. along mid-ocean ridges B. along fracture zones C. at the edges of ocean basins D. in the center of abyssal plains

A. along mid-ocean ridges

Most of the pulling force that drives plate motion is produced ____________. A. at mid-ocean ridges B. at subduction zones C. at collision zones D. in the interiors of continental plates

A. at mid-ocean ridges

Subduction zones are ____________. A. convergent plate boundaries B. divergent plate boundaries C. transform plate boundaries

A. convergent plate boundaries

Under the theory of plate tectonics, the plates themselves are ____________. A. discrete pieces of lithosphere at the surface of the solid Earth that move with respect to one another B. discrete layers of lithosphere that are vertically stacked one atop the other C. composed only of continental rocks, which plow through the weaker oceanic rocks D. very thick (approximately one-quarter of Earth's radius)

A. discrete pieces of lithosphere at the surface of the solid Earth that move with respect to one another

The primary difference between lithospheric and asthenospheric mantle that gives rise to numerous divergent patterns of physical behavior, is ____________. A. physical state (the lithosphere is solid, and the asthenosphere is liquid) B. chemical composition (the lithosphere is mafic, and the asthenosphere is felsic) C. temperature (the lithosphere is cooler than the asthenosphere) D. chemical composition (the lithosphere is felsic, and the asthenosphere is mafic)

A. physical state (the lithosphere is solid, and the asthenosphere is liquid)

Regions of the sea floor with positive magnetic anomalies were formed during times when Earth's magnetic field ____________. A. was exceptionally strong B. was exceptionally weak C. had normal polarity D. had reversed polarity

A. was exceptionally strong

As compared to a slowly spreading mid-ocean ridge, a rapidly spreading ridge is ____________. A. wider B. narrower C. more silicic in lava composition

A. wider

How fast can pyroclastic flow downwards

About 100 mph downslope

Glacial polish is caused by the

Abrasion of bedrock by sand grains of rock or mineral - Glacial polish forms when predominantly sand-sized particles of rock or mineral embedded in glacial ice are carried along the bottom of a glacier flowing over a bedrock surface (pg 524)

Natural occurring ----- do not have the acidic neutralizing capacity to prevent detrimental effects of acid depositions, such a s nutrient ----

Acid soils; leaching

What is PM2.5

Airborn particulate matter that has a diameter of 2.5 microns or less

What is burial diagnesis

All the chemical and physical changes experienced by sediment as it buried under the earths surface

Choose the TRUE statement (all)

All the possible answers are correct - pg 516


All the possible answers are correct - pg 538

Recent studies of ice ages

All the possible answers are correct - pg 538


All the possible answers are correct - pg 538

In what part of a glacier is ice flow typically the fastest?

Along the surface and away from the sides - The fastest flow of ice in a glacier occurs near its surface and away from the sides because the sides and bottom encounter friction with adjoining and underlying geologic materials (pg 520)

How do geologists obtain an isotopic date? What are some of the pitfalls in obtaining a realistic one?

An isotope is an atom of a chemical element whose nucleus has the same atomic number but which has a different atomic weight. What this means is that an isotope can be thought of as a different version of a standard element on the periodic table. Due to its difference though, isotopes are atomically unstable, and prone to change into other, more stable elements. This process is referred to as radioactive decay. The rate at which radioactive decay occurs is that particular isotope's half-life. Read more: How Do Geologists Use Half-Life to Date Rocks? |

Continental ice sheets today are found only in

Antarctica and Greenland - Antarctica and Greenland are both covered by continental glaciers (pg 520)

Due to rapid cooling, volcanic rock is fine grained producing what type of texture

Aphanatic texture

Choose the FALSE statement. Drumlins

Are asymmetric along their length, with their gentler slope upstream - The gentler slope of the drumlin is its downstream side

Pyroclastic rock composition

Ash, lapilli, blocks, and bombs

Where has contributed the most to growth in global energy consumption in the past 30 year?


Tectonic plates might consist of ____________. A. continental lithosphere only B. oceanic lithosphere only C. oceanic or continental lithosphere or a combination of both D. either oceanic or continental lithosphere, but not both

C. oceanic or continental lithosphere or a combination of both

At a transform plate boundary, two opposed plates ____________. A. move toward one another B. move away from one another C. slide past one another

C. slide past one another

Segments of the mid-ocean ridge system are offset. Between the offset segments we observe ____________. A. a second series of ridges, perpendicular to the main set B. deep-ocean trenches C. transform faults D. None of the above is correct.

C. transform faults

The Wadati-Benioff zone is a belt of earthquakes found ____________. A. within an otherwise stable continental interior B. within an overriding plate at a subduction zone C. within a downgoing plate at a subduction zone D. along mid-ocean ridges

C. within a downgoing plate at a subduction zone

Production of ethanol and biodiesel

CORN ETHANOL BIOFUEL:Corn flour, liquefied, heated, mixed with enzymes to break down starches, cooled and mixed with more enzymes to crate sugar from starches, fermented to make 8-12% ethanol, distilled to ~95% ethanol and mixed with molecular sieves that absorb remaining water, ethanol mixed with small volume of gas and transported to ethanol gasoline blending facilities. Takes 3-5 days. 25 kg corn = 10.6 liters theall SUGARCANE: do not have to convert starches. Takes 15 hours however 25 kg = 2.1 liters

These can form either in shield volcanoes or stratovolcanos


Intermittent wind energy and storage

Can be intermittent or unpredictable . Strange through flywheels, batteries and compressed air

CHoose the option that best completes the following sentence: A phase diagram fro methane hydrates...

Can be used to predict the distribution and occurrence of mehtane hydrate deposits in ocean sediment

Benefits of biofuels

Carbon neutral, reduces airborn pollutants such as carbon monoxide, particulates and sulfur dioxide, helps reduce crude oil imports, boosts farm profits, creates jobs

Choose the option that best completes the following sentence: Agricultural studies involving greater incorporation of organic carbon into soils reveal ---- effect, suggesting that the terrestrial carbon resovoir may reach its capacity in the near future.

Carbon saturation

The fracking water cycle has 5 general stages including

Chemical and wastewater treatmetn

PLot described in class demonstrates as important aspects of global warming and climate models. The dark black line in the plot indicates the temperature anomaly trend since about 1880. Model results are represented by light gray and dark gray areas showing their associated ensemble of results

Climate models reproduce the observed warming only if they include anthropogenic foreign and natural forcing S (e.g. volcanic emissions and changes in solar radiations)

As developing nations continue to experience economic growth we should expect to see growth in global energy consumption. Most common source of energy


Which of the following is NOT a reason that power plants operate below their theoretical thermodynamic efficiency when supplying electricity to the grid?

Cogeneration leads to a net loss in efficiency when heating the buildings with excess steam

Large classic cone shaped volcano (add second name in parenthesis)

Composite (stratovolcano)

Which volcano is located adjacent to the Pacific Ocean (ring of fire) (only add volcano)

Composite volcano

Compressed air storage

Compressed air storage-during non peak energy hours, use power to compress and pump air into underground chapter, released air is reheated by recuperation and mixed with fossil fuels and combustion to turn generator turbine. up to 66% less natural gas needed.

Choose the option that best completes the following sentence: In a light water nuclear reactor, water serves as both ------ and ------

Coolant and moderator

Biofuels and water stress

Corn ethanol and soy biodiesel use more water than oil sands, conventional oil, coal to liquids and gas to liquids. High water stress states out of the top 10 ethanol producers, expansion of ethanol production strongest negative impact on states which irrigate for corn. Global warming expected to increase water stress, may have unimagined negative effects, most common mitigation scenario for one of best cases RCP4.5, 17x more energy crops and 42% greater water stress of us

Plutonic rock

Crystallized at depth

A light year represents: A. a year that has fewer days than a normal year. B. the time it takes light to orbit the sun once. C. the time it takes for light to travel from the sun to the earth. D. the distance that light travels in one year.


A magnitude 4 earthquake results in ground motion that is ______ the ground motion that occurs during a magnitude 2 earthquake, and releases approximately _____ the amount of energy. A. 2X / 4X B. 2X / 2X C. 4X / 100X D.100X / 1000X


If sea level rises, so the shoreline migrates inland, a ______________ has occurred. A. migration B. regression C. accumulation D. transgression


In order for a rock to be a good reservoir rock, from which oil can be pumped, it must have . . . A. high porosity. B. low permeability. C. high permeability. D. both A and C


Keeping in mind the shape of magnetic field lines in space around the Earth, which of the following is true? A. Averaged over time, magnetic inclination is constant everywhere on the Earth's surface. B. Magnetic inclination is approximately 45° at the equator and 0° at the poles. C. Magnetic inclination is approximately 90° at the equator and 45° at a latitude of 45°. D. Magnetic inclination is approximately 0° at the equator and 90° at the poles.


Mafic lava erupted at a submarine volcano will produce __________ . A. an aa flow B. a cinder cone C. a pahoehoe flow D. pillow basalt


Metamorphism due to heat alone, without differential stress, is called . . . A. regional metamorphism. B. dynamic metamorphism. C. dynamothermal metamorphism. D. contact metamorphism.


Natural gas is _____ volatile than oil, and consists of _____ hydrocarbon molecules. A. less / longer B. less / shorter C. more / longer D. more / shorter


Pillow basalts form . . . A. by the intrusion of mafic magma at great depth in the crust. B. by extrusion at high elevations on large continental volcanoes. C. by intrusion of felsic magma at shallow depth in the crust. D. by extrusion under water.


Studies of sea-floor bathymetry demonstrate that . . . A. the ocean floor is a vast plain, all at the same depth. B. mid-ocean ridges, up to 15 km high, divide each ocean basin in half. C. the axis of a mid-ocean ridge can be drawn as a continuous straight line, with no interruptions or offsets. D. deep-ocean trenches, the deepest of which have a depth of about 11 km, border chains of active volcanoes.


The '49ers started by mining placer ores. They did this by . . . A. drilling wide holes. B. tunneling deep underground. C. using picks and shovels to dig out ore-bearing veins in open-pit mines. D. panning the gravel in streams.


The character of a lava flow depends on the viscosity of the lava erupted. _____ lava is less viscous than _____ lava and thus flows out as a _________. A. rhyolitic / basaltic / thin sheet B. basaltic / rhyolitic / mound or dome C. rhyolitic / basaltic / mound or dome D. basaltic / rhyolitic / thin sheet


The key evidence that the Universe is expanding is: A. the blue shift of light from nearby stars. B. the red shift of light from nearby stars. C. the blue shift of light from distant galaxies. D. the red shift of light from distant galaxies.


The process of erosion does NOT include which of the following? A. glacial ice plowing sediment away from its original depositional setting B. gravity-driven tumbling off a cliff C. removal of debris by wind or running water D. precipitation of cement


To produce oil from kerogen, the following condition must be met: A. the rock must be saturated with salt. B. the rock must be completely dry. C. the temperature must be greater than 400°C, and at a depth of greater than 25 km. D. the temperature must be between about 90° and 150°C.


What is the difference between a "passive continental margin" and an "active continental margin"? A. Earthquakes happen frequently at a passive margin but not at active ones. B. Wide continental shelves occur at active margins but not at passive ones. C. Crust is much thicker at a passive margin than in the interior of a continent. D. Passive margins are not plate boundaries, whereas active margins are.


In the terminology of plate tectonics, an active margin is ____________. A. synonymous with "subduction zone" B. a 5-mile radius surrounding an active volcano C. a continental coastline that coincides with a plate boundary D. anywhere on Earth where earthquakes are especially frequent

D. anywhere on Earth where earthquakes are especially frequent

Wegener proposed continental drift after he observed evidence from fossils, glacial deposits, and the fit of the continents that suggested all of the continents were once A. aligned north to south along the prime meridian during the late Cenozoic B. aligned east to west along the equator during the late Mesozoic through the Cenozoic C. combined to form a supercontinent (he termed Rodinia) in the Proterozoic D. combined to form a supercontinent (he termed Pangaea) in the late Paleozoic through the Mesozoic

D. combined to form a supercontinent (he termed Pangaea) in the late Paleozoic through the Mesozoic

The thickness of oceanic lithosphere is ____________. A. uniformly 100 km B. greatest at the geographic poles and least near the equator C. greatest near the mid-ocean ridges and thins out away from the ridges D. least near the mid-ocean ridges and thickens away from the ridges

D. least near the mid-ocean ridges and thickens away from the ridges

Every plate boundary can be recognized by ____________. A. the presence of active volcanoes B. the presence of an earthquake belt C. a deep chasm which can be seen from space D. none of the above

D. none of the above

The mid-ocean ridges are elevated above the surrounding sea floor because ____________. A. ridge rocks are hot and therefore of relatively low density B. the lithospheric plates are thickest at the ridges so they stand up taller C. rising ocean currents leave a vacuum above the ridge D. ridge rocks are mafic, whereas the ocean basin crust consists of ultramafic rock

D. ridge rocks are mafic, whereas the ocean basin crust consists of ultramafic rock

IMpoundmnt hydropower

Dam + reservoir creates a steady supply of water for generating electricity. Some wate is let through the middle bottom to turn turbine which powers electrical generator.

There are water quality and water usage issues related to Canadian oil sand operations, included

Decades-long settling of fine sediments and bitumen in tailings pond. NOT contamination of surface waters during in SITU or high water stress in canada

Dams and hydrologic modification

Decrease river velocity behind dam increases sedimentation rates while eddies at front increase erosion rates, stratification and buildup of organic material leads to greenhouse gas emissions. Starved of nutrients and sediment down river. Lower temps behind dam wall and shocks the system once on other side.

The amount of GHG emissions of oil sand operations

Depend on the extraction process and the bitumen pathway used by a company, can be equivalent to some GHG emissions of some conventional oil operations, are greater for in situ operations than ex situ

Which of the following is TRUE about oil sand bitumen pathways?

Did it pathways includes diluting bitumen with natural gas condensations. NOT synthetic crude sweet and sour stuff

Ex situ extraction of bitumen from oil sands may involve

Dilution of bitumen with a naphtha hydrocarbon mixture, generating bitumen via aeration, mixing with hot water (50C)

Which of the following is TRUE about wastewater related to conventional and unconventional hydrocarbon production?

Disposal of wate water underground is regulated by the safe drinking water act, millions of gallons of frack fluid and/ or production water are disposed each year in CLass II wells as designated by the EPA, PRoduction water can contain salt content that exceed sea water concentration by 10 times


Dissolved gases

Describe two different methods of correlating rock units. How was correlation used to develop the geologic column? What is stratigraph formation?

Lithologic: geologists correlate formations between nearby regions based on similarities in rock type Fossil: correlates units over broad areas, we must rely on fossils to define the relative ages of sedimentary units. Geologic Columns: By correlating rocks from locality to locality at millions of places around the world, geologists have pieced together a "composite" stratigraphic column. (Represents the entirety of Earth History) Largest Subdivisions: Hadean, Archean, Proterozoic, & Phanerozoic Eons. (Zoic - means life) Phanerozoic means "visible life" & Proterozoic means "earlier life" Archean Eon: The earliest life, bacteria & archea, appeared. Phanerozoic Eon: organisms w/ hard parts (shells & skeletons) became widespread, so there are abundant fossils from this Eon. Precambrian time, only small organisms w/ no shells existed (hard to find) Phanerozoic Eon is subdivided into eras Oldest to Youngest: Paleozoic (ancient life) Mesozoic (middle life) Cenozoic (recent life) Divides Further: era into periods into epochs Geologists now give the age range of fossils species in terms of the periods & epochs of the geologic column, & can use fossils alone to determine the relative age of sedimentary rocks. How to determine Numerical Age Radiometric Dating: (techniques developed to provide insight into the numerical ages of rocks) These techniques are based on the measurement of radioactive elements in rocks (the science of dating geological materials in years.) Growth Rings: develop in trees, travertine deposits, and shelly organisms. Rhythmic Layering: develops in sedimentary accumulations and glacier ice. Counting rings in trees or layers in sediment The growth rate of trees The organic productivity of lakes and seas The sediment supply carried by rivers The growth rate of chemically precipitated sedimentary rocks The growth rate of shell-secreting organisms The layering in glaciers

Do basaltic magmas have low or high concentration of SiO2


Which of the following is a characteristic of Wyoming coal?

Low sulfur, minimum amount of overburden

Fluid magma

Lower viscosity




Magma at the surface of the earth

What are proxy data in the context of studying Earths ancient climate?

Measurements taken from natural records of earths climate in the past, climate data derived from sources such as plankton and leaves of plants, data interperated from understanding of how climate change impacts chemical and physiological processes

Unconventional sources of hydrocarbons include

Meghan's hydrates and the Marcellus shale

Shield volcano has _____ eruptions


Solid portion of magma composition

Mineral crystals that have already begun to form

Associated with pyroclastic material: what are lahars

Mixture of volcanic debris and water

Food vs. fuel arguments

Moral hazard, those who use biofuels are those who can afford to use biofuels are protected financially from the rise in food prices. 160 million bushels of corn lost to biofule that could have been used for food or livestock feed. Some corn is being taken away from food purposes and repurposed to fuel

High silica content

More difficulty for magma to flow

The concept of distributing massive amounts of nutrients, such as soluble iron, in ocean waters to stimulate plankton growth and carbon transport to ocean depths is called what?

Ocean fertilizaiton

The temperature and pressure conditions between 3 and 6 km depth that produce hydrocarbons arre termed the

Oil window

Which of the following statements is TRUE about the response to the deep water horizon spille?

Only 25% (1.25 million barrels) of the oil released is currently accounted for

Which of the following statements is true about the response to the deep water horizon spill?

Only 25% (1.25 million barrels) of the oil released is currently accounted for

Choose the option that best completes the following sentence: The historical (~1880- present) increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations is correlated with a large negative excursion in atmospheric carbon isotopes. THis correlation suggests that the major source of historical carbon dioxide emissions is

Organic Carbon. NOT heavy carbon isotopes

Under increasing heat and pressure, the formation of conventional petroleum proceeds in a prescribed order as follows

Organic remains, kerogen, oil, natural gas

Choose the answer that best completes the following: in coal mining regions, acid mine drainage is the result fo

Oxidation of sulfur emissions bearing minerals (pyrite) in coal

which type of earthquake has the highest velocity


Which ocean is associated with most tsunamis?

Pacific Ocean

Composition of lava can contain

Pahoehoe, aa, block lava, domes, and spines

Under increasing heat and pressure , the formation of coal deposits by ranked proceeds in this order

Peat, lignit, sub-bitumen S, bitumen S, anthracite

Choose the FALSE statement (Environments)

Periglacial environments are areas around the edges of glacial environments that have permafrost but no covering of ice (pg 534)

Which of the following terms is defined as the connectivity between open spaces (I.e. Pores) in rocks?


What kind of texture does plutonic rock have

Phaneritic texture

Which of the following is NOT a type of additive in frack fluids?

Phosphorous fertilizers. Guar gum, biocides and citric acid are ingredients

Aa lava texture

Rough spiny texture

Identify the FALSE statement

Roughly half of a floating block of ice lies below the surface of the water - A full 80% of an iceberg lies below the surface (pg 522)

Which rock type below is a typical oil reservoir rock characterized by high porosity/ permeability?


Describe the Principles that allow us to determine the relative ages of geological events.

Physical Principles The Principle of Uniformitarianism- Physical processes we observe operating today also operated in the past (at roughly comparable rates). (Physical processes do not occur at "exactly" the same time.) Superposition- Sequence of sedimentary rock layers. (Layer below = older than one above.) Original horizontality- When layers of sediment are originally deposited, they are fairly horizontal. (When we see folds & tilted beds, we are seeing the consequences of deformation that postdates deposition) Original Continuity - Sediments generally accumulate in continuous sheets. Cross-Cutting Relations -If one geologic feature cuts across another, the feature that has been cut is older. Inclusions- If an igneous intrusion contains fragments of another rock, the fragments must be older than the intrusion. (The fragments in sedimentary layers are inclusions. The rock containing the inclusion must be younger than the inclusion.) Baked or Chilled Contacts- An igneous intrusion "bakes" (metamorphoses) surrounding rocks. The rock that has been baked must be older than the intrusion.

Due to slow cooling, crystals are clearly visible

Plutonic rock, phaneritic texture

What observations have been made based on data from the three 5.0+ magnitude earhquakes in the Wilzetta oil field, Oklahoma in 2011

Pore pressure due to wastewater injection did not completely dissipate over time

What observations have been mad3e based on data from the three 5.0+ magnitude earthquakes in the Wilzetta oil field, Oklahoma, in 2011

Prove pressure due to waste water injection did not completely dissipate over time

A denser-than-air mass of ash-rich volcanic debris flowing downslope

Pyroclastic flow

During then hydro lick fracturing process, which of the following is NOT typically injected into fractures?

Quartz sand from Wisconsin. However steam, prompopants and organic chemicals are





What does the process of radioactive decay entail?

Radioactive isotopes are unstable: after a given time, they undergo a change (RAD) which converts them into a diff element. In these reactions, the isotope that undergoes decay is the PARENT ISOTOPE, while the decay product is the DAUGHTER ISOTOPE. To measure how long it takes for half of a group of isotopes to decay The ratio of parent-to-daughter isotopes changes with the passage of each successive half-life.

Whcih is one reason that hydroelectric dams and their associated reservoirs have a finite lfiespane?

Reduced capacity of the reservoir due to accumulation of sideman behind dam?

Anthropogenic oil spills have a detrimental impact on wildlife and eco stems by

Releasing carcinogenic materials, like PAHs, into the environment

Choose the option that best completes the following sentence: Enhanced chemical weathering using olivine group minerals may involve...

Releasing pulverized olivine in the ocean to react with dissolved CO2, Pumpint CO2 enriched solutions to subsurface olivine-Rick rocks, Expanding current olivine mining efforts by 12,500

In the peak oil concept, oil production declines after the peak because

Remaining oil becomes more difficult and expensive to extract

Compositionally in volcanic rock we have:

Rhyolite, andesite, and basalt

Which of the following are TRUE regarding the transportation fo dilbit crude?

Spill clean-up is more difficult due to exaporation of volatile diluents and subsequent settling of dense bitumen

Viscosity is

Stickiness of magma

Why do volcanos behave differently? _____ and ______ lava

Sticky and fluid

Scientists can determine the direction of movement of continental glaciers by looking at glacial

Striations - Striations, gouged by material on a glacier's bottom, are parallel to its direction of motion (pg 531)

Carbon debt, land use change & biofulex

Substantial co2 released into atmosphere by converting land to biofuel crop. "Until the carbon debt is repaid, biofuels from converted lands have greater GHG impacts than those of the fossil fuels they displace"





TRUE or FALSE: One of the necessary steps in the formation of a conventional oil reservoir involves a source rock entering the oil window, which are depths in the subsurface where temperatures are 225*C or higher


Run-of-the-river hydropower

Takes some river water and diverts it to generator and puts it back out down river, minimal flooding but smaller energy compasisty (1-50 MW compared to 100 MW to 225. GW). Joseph dam and Johnny days dam

Choose the FALSE statement (Tarn)

Tarn is rocky material that has been carried along and deposited by the ice of a glacier - This is a definition of till; a tarn is a lake in a cirque (pg 524)

Which type of moraine can a glacier have only one of?

Terminal - Only the end moraine extending farthest from the glacier's origin is also a terminal moraine; end and recessional moraines mark temporary halts of the glacier's advance; and several laterals (along the sides) and medials (down the middle) may be present (pg 527)

What are the 3 major reservoirs of carbon besides the atmosphere?

Terrestrial plants/ soil, the deep ocean and lithosphere

Choose the FALSE statement. Permafrost

That thaws and refreezes produces a pentagonal or hexagonal ground surface pattern called columnar joints - This pattern is simply called patterned ground. Columnar jointing does produce polygonal shaped surface patterns, but this is a volcanic phenomenon caused by cooling lava. (pg 534)

The amounts of Plankton and other microscopic shelled marine organisms affect

The concentration of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide - Plankton and the other organisms remove carbon dioxide from ocean waters, thus keeping it from returning to the atmosphere and making room for more of the gas in the waters (pg 538)

What is reclamation debt in the context of surface Mining?

The consequence of higher rates of land disturbance relative to rates of reclamation activities

What is reclamation debt in the context of surface mining?

The consequence of higher rates of land disturbance relative to rates of reclamation activities

Which statement below explains why the "conveyor belt" analogy of a glacier is misleading?

The conveyor belt shown above receives material at only point, whereas the glacier receives additions material along its entire length - The analogy of a conveyor belt as a glacier nicely demonstates lateral transport of solids to an end point, and it is easy to visualize the formation of and end moraine. A shortcoming of this analogy is that it does not show the input of rock and other material into an alpine glacier along its sides (leaving lateral moraines), as well as commonly into an alpine or continental glacier along its bottom

How can the epicenter location of earthquakes at an oceanic-oceanic convergence zone be used to determine which plate is being subducted?

The epicenters will be located on the plate that is not being subducted.

Relationship between concentration ration and energy efficiency of CSP

The higher the concentration ratio, the higher the concentration of direct sunlight. SOlar tower seems like the best

Silica SiO2 content

The higher the silica content the more polymerization you will have

When considering the movement of water on Earth within the hydrologic cycle, which of the following choices is responsible for driving this process?

The hydrologic cycle works because water exists on Earth in solid, liquid, and gaseous states.

What carbon reservoir has the largest capacity for storing atmospheric carbon

The lithosphere

The process do hydronic fracturing or "fracking" in source rock (i.e. Black shale) is necessary to produce natural gas and oil because:

The porosity and permeability of the Rock is low, the pores are not well connection and fracturing connects them, and connections between pores will close unless proppants are used.

How does the Principal of Fossil Succession allow us to determine the relative ages of Strata?

The predictability of fossil distribution which allows geologists to arrange fossil species in a progression from older at the bottom to younger at the top, (The sequence contains a definable succession of Fossils (A,B,C,D,E,F), that the range in which a particular species occurs may overlap with the range of other species, and once a species becomes extinct, it does not reappear higher in the sequence. (With the Principle, we can define the relative ages of strata by looking at fossils.)

The depth of a crevasse is limited by

The pressure at which ice begins to deform plastically - Crevasses are limited to about 60 m (200 ft) in depth, because ice at that depth is under sufficient pressure to recrystallize so that the glacier deforms plastically instead of brittly, allowing it to flow rather than crack (pg 520)

Studies of assemblages of microscopic marine plankton and their oxygen isotope ratios suggest that

There were many more episodes of Pleistocene glacial advances and retreats than previously thought - Studies of plankton and isotope ratios have allowed scientists to subdivide the major Pleistocene glaciations they first recognized. The Pleistocene Ice Age began 2.5 to 3.0 Ma during the Pleiocene; there have been four or five major ice ages in Earth's history; and the maximum decrease of average temperatures was 13 degrees C (pg 537)

Which statement best explains the formation of seamounts?

They represent volcanoes situated over mantle plumes that have since moved away from their source of magma and subsided.

Block lava

Thick flow made up of large angular blocks

When sticky magma loses its gases it formes

Thick flows, domes, and spines

Volcanic dome

Thick, dome shaped lava

Landfill gas

Third largest source of anthropogenic methane in the US at 18%. Bacterial and fungal decomposition of MSW produces mixture of methane and CO2. High temps and acidic water mean a lot of leachat. Some is collected and flared t opt event explosion. some used for energy. 621 facilities at a 2,000 MW capacity

Will Sumatra experience another tsunami like the destructive one of December 2004?

This is likely, because Sumatra is near many ocean trenches.

Earthquakes with a deep focus are most often associated with which of the following tectonic settings?


True or False: The use environmental protection agency classifies coal ash as a non hazardous waste and has established rules for coal ash disposal similar to those for household garbage


True or false: Bombs tend to be roundish in shape due to spinning in the air.


True or false: caldera structure has the volcano collapse into partially empty magma chamber


True or false: cinder cone volcano usually parasitic to shield and stratovolcano


True or false: fluid lava cannot build steep slopes


True or false:Lava fountains are low non explosive eruptions


Radiometric dating of glacial deposits and fossils has made the traditions chronology of four glaciations in the United States (Wisconsinan, Illinoian, Kansan, and Nebraskan) obsolete

True - Geologists now believe there were 20 to 30 different glacial advances during the Pleistocene Epoch, and the traditional four were probably the largest (pg 539)

Glaciers are analogous to metamorphic rocks because both involve the recrystallization of preexisting material in the solid state

True - Glaciers and metamorphic rocks are analogous in that both result from the solid-state recrystallization of preexisting material (pg 516)

Fast-moving portions of glaciers are called ice streams; episodes of fast movement of entire glaciers are called surges

True - Ice streams and glacial surges are correctly defined in the question (pg 520)

Kettle holes form when blocks of ice calve off the toe of a glacier, become buried in till, and then melt

True - Kettle holes do form in the manner described (pg 529)

Ice melts under pressure, refreezes when pressure subsides, and thus can pluck rock fragments from the land it passes over

True - Rocks are incorporated into glacial ice when ice melts and then refreezes around rocks. Bedrock plucking forms roches moutonnées by this process (pg 531)

Why do ships at sea tend not to notice tsunamis?

Tsunamis in deep water have small wave height and long wavelength.

What is a tsunami?

a series of water waves that travel away from a fault in all directions at high speed

What type of drainage pattern would you expect to find developing on rocks that have been folded and exposed by differential erosion over time?

a trellis drainage pattern

An impermeable layer of rock or sediment is termed a (an) ____________ in hydrogeologic contexts. a. aquitard b. unconfined aquifer c. confined aquifer d. unsaturated zone

a. aquitard

Hard water results from relatively high concentrations of dissolved ____________. Select one: a. calcium and magnesium b. francium and cesium c. sodium d. potassium

a. calcium and magnesium

Water flowing from hot springs ____________. a. contains more dissolved minerals than water emanating from cool springs b. is never hotter than 40°C, so it is always safe to bathe in c. only occurs in regions of active volcanic eruption d. contains less dissolved minerals than water emanating from cool springs

a. contains more dissolved minerals than water emanating from cool springs

Freshwater lakes are always discharge areas. a. false b. true

a. false

A periodic explosive eruption of steam and water from within the ground up through the surface is termed a ____________. a. geyser b. flowing artesian well c. spring d. recharge area

a. geyser

In a humid climate, the topography of the water table ____________. a. is a subdued (less steeply sloping) mimic of surface topography b. precisely mimics the topography of the ground surface c. is unaffected by local surface topography d. is an exaggerated (more steeply sloping) mimic of surface topography

a. is a subdued (less steeply sloping) mimic of surface topography

Pumping vast quantities of water locally ____________. a. lowers the local water table, forming a cone-shaped depression b. raises the local water table c. lowers the local water table, forming a cylindrical depression d. does not affect the water table

a. lowers the local water table, forming a cone-shaped depression

Groundwater ____________. a. may increase or decrease porosity through dissolution or deposition b. uniformly decreases porosity due to deposition of minerals into pores c. does not affect the porosity of the rock and sediment through which it flows d. uniformly increases porosity due to dissolution of grains

a. may increase or decrease porosity through dissolution or deposition

The elevation of the water table ____________. a. may rise during rainy periods and sink during droughts b. may rise during times of drought and sink during rainy periods c. is a constant for a given area so long as the topography remains the same

a. may rise during rainy periods and sink during droughts

As a rule, groundwater alwaysflows from areas ____________. a. of greater hydraulic head to those of lesser hydraulic head b. of greater elevation to those of lesser elevation c. of greater water pressure to those of lesser water pressure d. near streams to areas beneath mountain ranges

a. of greater hydraulic head to those of lesser hydraulic head

Bioremediation of contaminated groundwater involves ____________. a. pumping nutrients into a contaminant plume to help local bacteria metabolize the plume b. pumping out the contaminated groundwater and using it to irrigate genetically modified crops c. introduction of laboratory-cultured viruses that can dissolve the plume

a. pumping nutrients into a contaminant plume to help local bacteria metabolize the plume

An ordinary (water-producing) well is likely to result when the base of the well extends below the water table. a. true b. false

a. true

Which of the following conditions is associated with high infiltration rates?

abundant vegetation permeable soil gentle slopes

faults that have moved recently or are likely to move in the future are referred to as


As stress is applied to rocks and deformation occurs, which of the following terms best characterizes the energy that is stored in the process?

elastic energy

the point on earths surface directly above the point where an earthquake occurs is termed


a surface along which rock on opposed sides is offset by earthquake induced slip is called a


the intersection between a fault plane and the ground surface is called the

fault trace

Most earthquakes are the result of movement along which of the following features?


Which weather-related phenomenon resulted in the most fatalities during the 30-year interval between 1977 and 2006?


The point within Earth from which earthquake wave energy radiates is known by which of the following terms?


Which of the following is both a daily need and directly tied to weather patterns?

food and water

a primary force opposing motion on all faults is


Which of the following locations contains the most water in Earth's hydrosphere aside from the oceans?


When considering mass wasting, which of the following factors is most influential in the downslope movement of weathered particles?


In the hydrologic cycle, water that falls on land in the form of precipitation returns to the ocean in which of the following pathways?

groundwater flow streams runoff further precipitation

at any point along the surface of an oblique (nonvertical fault), the

hanging wall lies vertically above the footwall

short term predictions of earthquake behavior

have been largely unreliable

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