Combo with "Ielts speaking - part 2 (marriage and family )" and 13 others

Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!

Were you a good student? What are your strongest memories of you schooldays? How did you use to spend your time? How did you enjoy your students days? Did you work hard?


What are some of your responsibilities?


What are the advantages and disadvantages of riding a motorbike?


What are the advantages and disadvantages of your home town?


What are the major social problem in you home town? how can they be solved?


What are the sports facilities like in this city?


What are your hopes - ambitions for your child


What can be you benefit from reading?


What changes have taken place in your hometown?


What do you do for fun?


What do you intend to do after you finish studying?


What do you like most about your job?


What do you like most about your studies?


What do you think about the greenhouse effects?


What do you think about the impact of Western cultures on the Vietnamese traditional culture?


What do you think we can do to help those people suffering from natural disasters?


What do you usually do after work?


What do you usually do on holidays?


What does your work involve?


What exactly do you do every day?


What free-time activities are more popular with young people in Vietnam?


What is your ideal job? What do you need to do that?


What kind of TV program do you most enjoy?


What your favorites type of clothes


Where can you go in Vietnam to listen to live music?


Where did you spend you childhood?


Who does most of shopping - cooking - housework in the family?


Who is the person that has influenced you most in your family?


Who makes most of the decisions in you family, your mother or father? Why?


Why did you choose .. as your major? Do you like your major?


Why hobby would you like to take up in the future? why?


Will computers replace human teachers in education in the future? Why? Why not?


how does your home town compare with...? what;s the difference in ... between your home and ...?


what are the common problems brought about by weather conditions in this area?


what can visitors do there?


where do you see yourself in 5 years's time?


why did you choose this profession?


why do you want to do this ? and how long have you wanted to do this?


What kind of jobs do people do in your home town?

Ho chi minh city is a economic centre of whole country, therefore, except farming jobs, you can find any kind of job, such as engineer, teacher, house keeper, marketer and so on.

What are the people like in the region where you live?

I Have Lived here since I was Born. I can tell The Infrastructure here is very good.roads, bridges, hospitals, schools and universities are one of the best.

Do you like watching movie?

I do, of course, I do love watching movie; especially, animation movies. Have you ever watch Despicable me, Wall-e, or Tangle? They're amazing. I'm sorry. I'm little over the moon now.

How long have you lived there?

I have lived here since I came back from USA - you know I was in Work and Travel Program in US, around 3 years.

Can you tell me the street you live in?

I live in a small street named number 11. There's nothing special about this street except the food street nearby where you can find any kind of food and most of food stores open pretty late at night.

Useful Expressions

I remember - v-ing As far as I can remember In those days I think generally I had a/an - adj - childhood I regret - v-ng I wish I had done (could have done)

What part of the city do you live in?

I used to live in the downtown area. Unfortunately, My parents decided to move to district 6 which's considered as the suburbs of the city. The good thing is that I have my own room with a bathroom inside.

Where do you work?

I work for an English center which is located in district 6; you know; it's pretty near my house. My position is director's assistant which is quite stressful. However, it's the best job ever. I've learnt a lot from my boss and co-workers.

How have people's attitudes towards wedding ceremonies changed in Vietnam? (con.t)

In Ho Chi Minh city, people tend to combine different culture in the way of celebrating their weddings. It makes sense because most Ho Chi Minh citizens come from different areas including foreign countries.

Useful Expressions

In the winter, it is colder in ... than in... It's freezing The temperature varies greatly between day and night. It is mild all the year round, neither too cold in winter nor too hot in summer.

How has the street change in recent years?

It's used to be a quite neighbor with a few food stores. Since the cinema built, my street has been more crowded.

What is it like living here?

Living here is good for my health I think. The air is fresher; and there isn't noisy at all, especially noise from vehicle's horns. You know, those noise is extremely annoying.

Ho Chi minh city

Location: Ho Chi minh city is located in the south of Vietnam Size: Ho Chi Minh city is the biggest and most developed city in Vietnam. Population: With the immigration of people from other areas, the population of Ho Chi Minh city quite big, about 90 millions. Climate: Characteristics of the city: HCM city is a economic center of whole country. Places of interest: Importance:

Has your hometown changed a lot in recent years?

Sure my hometown has changed every single days. There are more skyscrapers.

what kind of landscape surrounds your home town?

Well, I should notice at the beginning that I'm never good at geography. Alright, just give me seconds to cast my mind back, please. Okay, if my memory is good, hcm city is surrounded by branches of rivers.

Are you married or single?

Well, If you knew me, you would never ask me this question because I always get frustrated with this sort of question. Yeah I am 27 years old and haven't got married.

Can you tell me what happens at a wedding?

Well, as far as I've seen, there are three main parts of a wedding. It depends on the specific culture though. The first ceremony is engagements, in which brooms and their families ask for the permission from parents of the brides

What are people's attitudes divorce?

Well, even people, I mean Vietnamese is more open to this problem nowadays; divorce in here is not as simple as in western countries. Divorced people usually receive critics and judgments from the society even their families or friends.

Can you describe the people in your home town?

Well, it would take me ages to describe people who live in my hometown. You may not aware that most people are living here, moved from different places, include foreigners. They are so different in the ways of livings. I'm sorry bur It's impossible to describe specific features to you.

How have people's attitudes towards wedding ceremonies changed in Vietnam?

Well, that is an interesting question. You know what everything changes over the time; especially in Ho Chi Minh, a city changes every single day.

If I visited your city, what would advise me to go and see? Are there any interesting places to see?

Well, you definitely should go to see me if you travel here. I will show you the real lives of people here. I will take you to the cu chi tunnel in which you will have the real experience of our soldiers. Moreover, you will introduce you real vietnam cuisine which isn't usually mentioned in travel books.

Where do you come from?

Well, you know, my ID card shows that I'm from Nghe An province which is actually my father's hometown. I myself think I'm from Ho Chi Minh city, the biggest and most developed city in the South of vietnam because my life is here. You know, Ho Chi Minh city.

What's your ambitions?


Does your name affects you personality?

oh yeah, you know that's a tough question, don't you? I do believe that my personalities are affected by my parents, not the name they gave me.

What skill would you like to learn in the near future? Why?


can what people wear show their personality?


In what situation will one change his name?

well, I never think about that. Okay, the first thing pop to my mind is that

And what kind of environment do you like your child grow up in?


Are there any things you don't like about your work?


Are there many rules for children in Vietnam? Has this changed very much recently?


As a parent, do you plan to do anything different for your child than your Parents did for you?


Can you describe a most important decision you have made recently?


Could you tell me something about your educational background?


Did you ever do anything to make your parents angry?


Do you always enjoy your job?


Do you have any regrets about your education?


Do you like indoor or outdoor activities?


Do you like listening to music? What kind of music do you prefer?


Do you like reading? What types of books do you usually read?


Do you prefer a big family or a small one? Why?


Do you regard it as a happy period of your life?


Do you think couples should share the houseworks or should the wife take the main responsibility?


Do you think life is very different for young people nowadays?


Do you think that you have learned at college beneficial to your future career?


Do you think the transport system efficient enough? why? why not? how can it be improved?


Do you think there'll be any change in your job when you return from abroad?


Do you think transport has changed Vietnam a lot? What are the major changes in transport?


Does your city have any historical importance? Are there any historic monuments there?


How do you celebrate an important occasion in your family?


How does you experience of your own childhood influence the way you'd like to bring up your child?


How has clothing styles changed in vietnam?


How has family structure changed in the recent decades in Vietnam?


How has the weather changed recently in Vietnam?


How long do you think you will stay in this job?


Is it good for a child to learn to play a musical instrument?


Is it possible to predict natural disasters to minimise the damage?


Is there anything you regret about your childhood, or your young days?


Please tell me something about the customs in your home town?


To what extend do you think people's personality can be influenced by the climate they have?


Were there any rules or regulations about what you should wear at school?


How is your life different from the lives of Your parents when they were at your age


Can you describe one of the popular festivals and holidays in Vietnam


At what age can people be allowed to get married in VietNam?

According Vietnamese laws, to get married, a girl must be over 18 years old and a boy must be over 20 years old. For someone who get married illegally somebody is under 18, will be arrested because of committing child sex abuse. Wow, That's harsh I know, however I completely agree with that act.

Useful words

Adolescent. discipline. lack of communication, obedient, rules and regulations, to have good manners, so spoil, well behaved

Can you tell me what happens at a wedding? (con.t)

After that, a second ceremony in which brooms bring brides to their homes, last but not least, a celebration is held in restaurants.

What kind of city is it? is it an attractive (pleasant) place for visitors?

As far as I know, Ho Chi Minh city is the economic center of my country, just like Ny of America or Sydney of Australia. I myself think it isn't a good place for traveling because most of cities have same patterns. You know, cities are crowded, pollution and noisy. I don't think HCM is an exception.

Where do you live?

At the moment, I live with my parents. It's quite comfortable and convenience living with family. But I am planning to move out to live independently. Hopefully, my parents won't be upset about this.

What about your Own Childhood? Where Did you Grow up?


What are people's attitudes divorce?(con.t)

Especially for women, they may meet many difficulties in their next marriage. As I have witnessed, my cousin met many disagreement from her fiance's parents and her weddings are still be delayed because she got divorced and has a daughter.

Do you like any sport?

Frankly, I'm not a fan of sport. However, I do go jogging with my mother in the early mornings, about 5 o'clock. You know, my mother think I need to lose my weight.

Could you tell me something about your family?

My family is a typical family. I mean nuclear family. There are 5 people in my family, my parents, two younger sisters and me. Oh, and a dog name Heo. He's 7 years old. Yeah, I'm the oldest. My sisters are students now. However they're old enough to take care themselves.

Could you tell me something about your family? (con.t)

My parents are retired now. That's good for them. You know it's time for them to do whatever they like. My father has time to take care his small farm which is out of the city, my mother goes to pagodas and visits my grandmother more frequency.

Useful expression

My work involves - v-ing My duty is to - v

Are there any pleasant places to relax at the weekends?

Of course, there are punches of places that you can go at the weekends. If you prefer to be alone in a quite place, you can go to coffee shops in district Binh Thanh or Phu Nhuan, as I usually do. If you want to have fun with family, or your friends, there are restaurants or coffee shops, both outside and inside in Cho Lon, or downtown area.

what is the most interesting (best) there?

Pardon, do you mean the city or the area I live. If you mean my city, I can tell you it is the most famous city for its delicious food and extraordinary history.

What do you think is the most serious problem in your home town?

Pollution can tell you right away, pollution is the biggest problem in my city now.

Have you ever lived in any other part of Vietnam.

Unfortunately, the answer is no. I've always wanted to spend my life in another place, besides Ho Chi Minh city but I haven't got a chance yet.

what are the main tourist attractions in you home town?

Well, I bet in travel books, you can find that museums, traditional markets and historic places are presented as the most attractive. However, it is a shame that those books never mention about old buildings which are located in district 5.

Clarified questions

Would you please speak up? I cannot hear you clearly. Excuse me, would you speak up, please. Would you please slow down until I get familiar with your accent.

What do you do to keep fit?

Wow, as you can see that, I'm little over weight. So, my mother wakes me up every morning to go jogging with her. I believe that is the way I am doing now to keep my body fit.

How did you spend your Tet Holiday?

Wow, you might not believe what I'm gonna tell you. I spent most of time for preparing Ielts test while others may enjoy their days off. However, I did visit my relatives, have fun with my family and have parties with friends but not much, as I told you before.

Do you know everybody at work?

Yeah, I can tell you right away. I know everybody at my workplace such as teachers, receptionists, administrative staffs, guards and housekeepers.

Why do you need to take the Ielts test?

Yeah, I'm obtaining Master degree in New Zealand. And I'm pretty sure that you know Ielts has always been a requirement of Master program's admission. Furthermore, it's also a motivation for me to practice English.

What do you think about fast (take-away) food?

You know, with the fast pace city as Ho Chi Minh city, take-away food or drinks seems be a good choice for someone. However, as far as I concern, fast food isn't good at all, not only about the health matters but the taste, the taste of fast food is bad.

Do you work or are you a students?


Does your home town experience any extreme weather?


What do you do during the Tet Holiday?


What is the best time to visit your home town?


What's the weather like in your home town?


Can you tell me something about your education?


what is the most popular of transport in your city?


Useful words

administration. day and night shift. high-paid job. long term security and pension.

What skill have your learned recently?


where do you work? what do you do? Could you tell me something about your job?


Useful vocabularies

advantages. disadvantages. birthplace. economic. cultural and political center. heavily pollution. international trade. main tourist attractions. to be famous for. to be well know for. within walking distance

How do you usually get around in your hometown?


Have you graduated or are you still studying?


What your favorite sport? What are rules?


what if you can't achieve your ambition?


What do you usually wear at work?


Useful expressions

benefit for - O beneficial to - O graduate - in/from my favorite subjects I prefer ... though we had many compulsory and optional courses. I've studied it for ... I began to study .. years ago


best man, right one, remarriage, spouse,

Useful words

business school short-term training course extracurricular activities sophomore self-taught examination

do you have any hobbies? what are they?


How important are sports in your life?


is that what you mainly do at weekends?


Useful words

flodd. humid. noise pollution. overcast. thunderstorm. wildlife protective zone.

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