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Comet Temple

"peep impact" -shot a refridgter-shaped item at the comet at the comet and watched it explode


-comet that hit Jupiter -broke into 21 pieces and hit jupiter in 21 places -impact spots were size of Earth

why is the greenhouse effect important to Earth

-keeps Earth warm without it Earth would be 330F colder planet would be covered in ice

what are the gases

H2O- water vapor CO2- carbon dixode CH4-Methane N2O- Nitirous Oxide

where are comets mostly found

Kuiper Belt -disk shaped region past Neptune Oort Cloud -spherical region surrounding solar system


National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Well-known comet

Shoemaker-Levy-9 Comet Temple Haleys Comet


balls of ice, dust, rocks,and gas -orbits are elliptical -when they pass sun some ice evaporates -streams of gas and dust form a bright tail


chunk of rock or dust in space before it enters Earths atmosphere; moon craters formed

Haleys Impact

last seen in 1986 passes us every 76 years

meteor shower

many meteors that appear to come from same region sky


meteor that survives its passage through atmosphere and strikes ground

asteroid belt

region of the solar system between Mars and Jupiter


rocky objects revolving around the sun that are too small and numerous to be plants


small bits of matter heated by friction to a vapor as it falls into Earth's atmosphere

Global Warning

theory that increasing CO2 in atmosphere will raise Earths average temp.

Greenhouse Effect

trapping of heat near a planets surface by certain gases in the atmosphere

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