Comm 100 Final

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The first time you state your main ideas to the audience is typically in the _______ .

Initial preview

People from countries with a preference for higher power distribution tend to be: A) more accepting of those in power and prefer greater power differences among people B) less accepting of those in power and prefer greater power differences among people C) more accepting of those in power and prefer lesser power differences among people D) less accepting of those in power and prefer lesser power differences among people

Less accepting of those in power and prefer lesser power differences among people

Cultures that tend to be future-oriented and value perseverance and thrift are said to have a ________ orientation to time. A) short-term B) futuristic C) long-term D) social


When two people in a relationship use nicknames, such as "my little pookie," or "snugglebuns," they are using language to: A) shape or reflect a culture B) make or break a relationship C) create experience D) create action

Make or break a relationship

Looking through your closet to find the "perfect" outfit for your job interview is an example of being influenced by your: A) material self B) social self C) spiritual self D) emotional self

Material self

Current research into the way men and women use touch during interactions reveal that: A) men tend to touch others more than women do B) women tend to touch others more than men do C) men and women tend to interpret touching behavior in similar ways D) men and women tend to interpret touching behavior in different ways

Men and women tend to interpret touching behavior in different ways

Which of the following is a good strategy when sharing something unfamiliar with the audience? A) give them plenty of details about the new idea B) challenge them to find out more information about the new idea C) relate the new information to something they already know D) gloss over it quickly to get back to more familiar territory

Relate the new information to something they already know

Susan arrives late for her date with Richard. He jumps from his chair and sarcastically says, "Glad you're here!" The relationship aspect of this message is primarily communicated by: A) The words Richard said B) Richard's sarcastic tone of voice C) The time indicated on Richard's watch D) Both B and C

Richard's sarcastic tone of voice

Jorge sees see himself as an outgoing speaker in his Public Speaking class, but when he interacts with the friends of this older brother, he sees himself as less of an outgoing person and becomes more shy and reserved. Jorge's changing view of himself is known as: A) attitude B) self-image C) value D) none of the above


When gang members develop their own special way of talking, they are using language to: A) shape or reflect a culture B) make or break a relationship C) create experience D) create action

Shape or reflect a culture

Measuring your self-worth in relationship to others who are similar to you is: A) self-fulfilling prophecy B) self-expectation C) visualization D) social comparison

Social comparison

_______ is the cognitive process in which we take into account another person's thoughts, values, background, and perspectives.

Social decentering

If the main ideas of your presentation move from one location s to another, then you are using ______ organization.


Which of the following identifies what your audience should be able to know or do at the conclusion of your presentation? A) general purpose B) specific purpose C) central idea D) supporting material

Specific purpose

Which of the following are considered "hard" evidence? A) definitions B) statistics C) analogies D) description


Self-awareness itself is NOT unique to human begins. Other animals also possess self-awareness. Which type of self-awareness is uniquely human? A) objective self-awareness B) symbolic self-awareness C) sympathetic self-awareness D) subjective self-awareness

Symbolic self-awareness

T or F Immediacy cues communicate liking, pleasure, and attraction.


T or F Including phrases such as, "The main point of this all is that..." helps reinforce ideas for the audience.


T or F Language is a system of symbols


T or F Many co-cultures may exist within a single society.


T or F Meanings are in People


T or F People from low power distribution cultures are more accepting of someone having authority over them.


T or F People from low uncertainty avoidance cultures tend to deal well with ambiguity about the future.


T or F The Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis suggests that thought is actually controlled by language.


T or F The pictures you hand on your wall, mementos on your shelves, and other things you use to decorate your space are referred to artifacts.


T or F When referring to facts that are common knowledge, it is not necessary to cite your sources.


T or F When speaking informatively, it is best to use simple ideas rather than complex ones.


T or F Words have the power to create or destroy relationships.


T or F Your emotional well-being may be influenced by how you communicate with others.


A presentation about the day John F. Kennedy was assassinated would more thank likely be organized A) spatially B) chronologically C) topically D) according to complexity


Julie goes over in her mind what she wants to say during her upcoming job interview. This is an example of _______. A) intrapersonal communication B) interpersonal communication C) impersonal communication D) presentational communication

intrapersonal communication

A small group requires at least A) two members B) three members C) four members D) five members

three members

When your nonverbal message contradicts your verbal message, other people will ten to: A) believe the nonverbal message B) believe the verbal message C) believe both the nonverbal and verbal message D) believe neither the nonverbal or verbal message

Believe the nonverbal message

The pathway through which messages pass between source and receiver is the _______. A) source B) channel C) receiver D) context


T or F A person sitting silently on a city bus and not looking at anyone else is not communicating.


T or F Effective speakers avoid being the butt of their jokes to preserve credibility.


T or F Human communication is about transmitting our sense of the world to others.


T or F In the perception process, interpretation refers to filling in missing information so that it makes sense.


T or F Nonverbal message are fairly consistent from culture to culture, with a few exceptions.


T or F Unless you are introduced by another person, you should being your presentation by telling your audience your name and what your speech is about.


T or F Verbal messages are usually more believable than nonverbal message.


T or F When using statistics for evidence, it is unethical to round large numbers.


T or F You should use only factual illustration s in your presentations.


Which of the communication cultures below emphasize connection with others and fostering harmonious relationships? A) feminine B) masculine C) individualist D) androgynous


Which of the following terms is the most abstract? A) sandwich B) hamburger C) lunch D) food


After choosing and narrowing your topic, determining your _____ is the next step in the presentation preparation process. A) specific purpose B) general purpose C) audience D) central idea

General purpose

Informing, persuading, and entertaining are the three types of: A) general purposes B) specific purposes C) central ideas D) supporting materials

General purposes

When subdividing your standard outline, you should remember to A) have only one subdivision per level B) have at least two subdivisions per level C) have at least three subdivisions per level D) keep subdivisions to an absolute minimum

Have at least TWO subdivisions per level

During a speech on global warming, Rosalinda says, "Imagine spending spring break on the Gulf Coast, but instead of going to South Padre Island, you drive to Austin, Texas." What type of support is Rosalinda using? A) description B) hypothetical illustration C) literal analogy D) opinion

Hypothetical illustration

Telling the cashier at the gas station how much you owe and then paying her is an example of ______. A) interpersonal communication B) personal communication C) team communication D) impersonal communication

Impersonal communication

When giving a presentation about a person, you should give your audience the impression that the person is a _____ and _____ individual. A) trustworthy; competent B) distinguished; significant C) worthy; intelligent D) unique; authentic

unique; authentic

In preparing a presentation of golf clubs, Rob came up with the main ideas of "woods," "irons," "specialty clubs," and "putters." Rob used which organizational patterns? A) topical B) chronological C) spatial D) problem and solution


T or F "My second point" is an example of an internal summary


If someone of high credibility, status, and attractiveness uses unexpected nonverbal behavior, we tend to: A) adjust our expectation of what is appropriate behavior B) change our behavior to meet the expectation C) think less of the person D) attempt to correct the rule violation

Adjust our expectation of what is appropriate behavior

According to the principles of adult learning, which of the following techniques would help make your presentation more memorable? A) analogy B) onomatopoeia C) inversion D) humor


Which organizational pattern would be most effective for arranging the main points of a presentation with the specific purpose, "To inform my audience how to build a low-cost bookshelf?" A) problem-solution B) cause and effect C) topical D) chronological


The meaning of a message is A) created in the heart and mind of the sender B) created in the heart and mind of the receiver C) co-created by both the sender and receiver D) determined solely by the symbols used

Co-created by both the sender and receiver

While having coffee, Elijah's eighteen-year-old sister Trinity confides in him that she just found out she is pregnant. She has just started her first year of college and wants to get her degree. Even though she and her family are fundamentally opposed to abortion, she explains that she is considering getting one. As a competent and ethical communicator, Elijah should: A) explain to Trinity the seriousness of her situation B) discuss with Trinity the moral implications of her choice C) consider how Trinity is feeling and work to understand her point of view D) set aside his beliefs and tell Trinity what she needs to hear to make her feel okay

Consider how Trinity is feeling and work to understand her point of view.

A learned system of knowledge, behaviors, attitudes, beliefs, values, and norms that is shared by a group of people is known as _____.


The type of meaning for a word found in the dictionary is: A) connotative B) denotative C) abstract D) concrete


The ability to understand and feel what another person is feeling is: A) supportive communication B) generic language C) connotative meaning D) empathy


Shawn is giving a presentation on nanotechnology. Based on the principles of adult learning, he should A) focus on how nanotechnology will revolutionize medicine in the future B) explain how nanotechnology is affecting their lives today C) discuss the theories behind nanotechnology D) review the key pioneers in the field of nanotechnology

Explain how nanotechnology is affecting their lives today

During a speech on alternative energy, Luis explains, "The American Petroleum Institute's website explains that the need for alternative energy sources are exaggerated because the current known oil supplies are expected to last for almost 100 more years." Which standard for evaluation websites did Luis most likely overlook? A) accountability B) accuracy C) objective D) date


Most of the expectation we have about how men and women should act are formed A) practically from birth B) during adolescence C) during young adulthood D) after the age of 25

Practically from birth

In her Biology presentation, Amanda focused first on widespread disease in underdeveloped parts of the country and then explained different ways that disease could be stopped. Amanda is using ______ organization.

Problem - solution

When you are describing an abstract of complex ideas to your audience, it is best to A) describe it first, then provide a model or picture as a summary B) give them as many details as possible about the idea C) cover it quickly, especially if the audience appears to be confused D) provide a model or picture first, then describe the idea

Provide a model or picture first, then describe the idea

Trinity is really angry with her girlfriend, so she refuses to sit near her while they are watching television. To communicate her anger, Trinity is relying on: A) eye contact B) haptics C) vocalics D) proxemics


A language is a system of ____ structured by ____ and ____ common to a _____ of people. A) words, experience, syntax, community B) words, grammar, rules, culture C) symbols, experience, rules, community D) symbols, grammar, syntax, community

Symbols, grammar, syntax, community

Which of the following strategies will help you manage speaker anxiety? A) thoroughly research your topic B) imagine your audience members are naked C) look over your audience members' head when speaking D) expect the worst and be happy when it does not happen

Thoroughly research your topic

Adult listeners prefer all of the following EXCEPT: A) to be observers, rather than active participants, in the learning process B) to know how information relates to their busy lives C) to receive information they can use immediately D) to connect new information to their life experiences

To be observers, rather than active participants, in the learning process

Most contemporary communication scholars agree that the _____ model of communication is the most realistic model. A) Linear B) Transactional C) Interactional D) Encoded


A dyad describes which of the communication situations? A) three friends having a conversation B) four members of a group having a discussion C) two strangers on a bus discussing their trip D) none of these are considered a dyad

Two strangers on a bus discussing their trip

When preparing a DELIVERY OUTLINE, the speaker should A) use complete declarative sentences B) include the purpose statement C) use standard outline format D) make headings grammatically parallel

Use standard outline format

Destiny gave an informative presentation in -class with the following central idea: "good study habits and time management skills are key to a successful college experience." Her instructor deducted points from her grade because Destiny's central idea: A) is not a complete declarative statement B) is not audience-centered C) used vague and abstract language D) should be a single topic

Used vague and abstract language

During times of high uncertainty, we attempt to manage our uncertainty by A) listening more and communicating less B) communicating about the same as usual, but a little more slowly C) communicating more actively and purposefully D) paying more attention to verbal messages than nonverbal messages

communicating more actively and purposefully

Even though Phillip and Tim agreed to end their argument with each other by "starting over as if it had never taken place," each still felt angry toward the other. Phillip and Tim have failed to realize that A) communication is inescapable B) communication is irreversible C) communication involves content and relationship D) communication is governed by rules

communication is irreversible

Interpersonal communication is

communication that occurs simultaneously between two people who attempt to mutually influence each other

Intrapersonal communication is

communication that occurs within yourself, including thoughts and emotions

Impersonal communication is

communication that treats people as objects, or that responds only to their roles

Human communication is

the process of making sense out of the world and sharing that sense with others by creating meaning through verbal and nonverbal messages

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