COMM 1100 terms (midterm)
situational audience analysis
factors such as the size of the audience, the physical setting for the speech, and the disposition of the audience toward the topic, the speaker, and the occasion
incremental plagiarism
failing to give credit for particular parts of a speech that are borrowed from other people
gaining the desired response from the audience
the same letter or sound at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words.
the tendency of people to be concerned primarily with their own values, beliefs, and well-being
the use of identical grammatical structures for related words, phrases, or clauses in a sentence or a paragraph.
Patchwork plagiarism
when a writer copies material from several writers and rearranges that material with no attempt to acknowledge the original sources.
An expressive delivery is especially important when using Blank______ examples in a speech.
Facts on File and World Almanac are examples of:
In addition to factoring in the audience size and physical setting of a speech, a or an _______ audience analysis also considers how the audience feels about the speech topic.
The nervousness and anxiety you feel at the start of your speech is a normal consequence of your body's production of:
critical thinking
The process of identifying weaknesses in other people's speeches to prevent you from having the same weaknesses is one element of:
authorship, sponsorship, and recency
What are the criteria for evaluating Internet documents
What is believing that your group or culture is superior to all other groups or cultures called
Metaphors make implicit comparisons, whereas similes make explicit comparisons.
What is the primary difference between metaphors and similes?
When an example gives a human face or perspective to an abstract idea, it is said to Blank______ the idea.
Aristotle's Rhetoric
Which is the most important ancient work on public speaking still followed by speakers today?
specialized research resources
Wikipedia,, and World Factbook are all examples of:
a person or thing that is the direct opposite of someone or something else.
patchwork plagiarism
a speaker or writer pirates from around 2-3 sources
a statement or endorsement given by someone who has a logical connection to the topic and who is a credible source.
Which two methods are used to create rhythm in a speech?
arrangement of words choice of words
When speakers paraphrase, they:
do not need to provide a source for facts that are widely known
incremental plagiarism
occurs when someone includes quotes, passages, or excerpts from other works in their assignment without properly citing the original source.
Global plagiarism
stealing your speech entirely from another source and passing it off as your own
the action of repeating something that has already been said or written.
the means by which a message is communicated