COMM 2020 Final Exam

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Of the hints for creating effective visual aids I said the most important is


During your lecture on informative and persuasive speaking, I presented which of the following as examples of metaphors and analogies?

1) Stick to a gunfight 2) Safety Net

During our discussion of the interpreting stage of listening, we discuss IA Richards definition of rhetoric, "the study of misunderstanding and its' remedies". I then shared two ways Richards offered to try and remedy possible misunderstandings specifically specialized quotation marks and?

750 word vocabulary for ESL speakers

The mental acceptance that something is true even if you cant prove it

A belief

Daeontology is best described as

A central authority or set of rules

Richard Weaver defined tyrannizing image as

A culture's center of authority which represents the cultural ideal or vision of excellence to which the society strives

During our discussion of language style I showed you a video clip of what as an example of onomatopoeia

A fight scene from batman [Pow!]

During our discussion of the speech itself I said that each block in the body of the speech should contained

A headline and cited authority

When discussing the review of main points, I told you to view it as

A preview plus

Which element of the introduction can be properly skipped?

A reason to listen to the speaker

During our discussion of public speaking in classical education, we have discussed Protagoras who famously said, man is the measure of all things. This reveals that Protagoras probably believed in?

A subjective view of reality

Language that describes intangible concepts that are difficult to picture


Help and devotion are examples of

Abstract words

All of the following were identified as ways to reduce communication apprehension except..

All of the above

During our lecture on informative and persuasive speaking I presented which of the following as an example of presence

All of the above

The four rules for the use of statistics include all the following except

All of the above

Your outline on informative and persuasive speaking identifies all of the following types of inartistic evidence except

All of the above

According to the lecture outline on informative and persuasive speaking a speaker presents an experts opinion as a form of supporting material, they should provide the audience with

All of the above [ name of expert, qualifications, brief citation of where you could find the info.]

All of the following the were offered as hints for the use of visual aids for a speech except

All of the above [Use visual aid, avoid distractions by covering it up, specifically referencing it, allow audience time to process the information]

During our discussion of delivery, we discussed the verbal elements of delivery and defined all the following as examples of slang.

All of the above: flex, turn-up and fleek

Repetition of consonents is: IE - Peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers


The stylistic device that repeats consonant sounds


You should begin a presentation with a

An attention getting device (like a short story or quotation)

The social science perspective assumes?

An objective view of reality [Scientific is objective, opposed to rhetorical]

When JFK said, "ask not what your country could do for you, but what you could do for your country" is an example of


Remember the old maxim live to fight another day

Aristotle's Golden Mean

Katrina sat down to organize her speech on the history of the Vatican city. She decided the best way to cover her material was to order the events in history. This represents what type of action associated with Cissaro's 5 canons of rhetoric?


A speaker supports a point by sharing a story of a family that lost a child in an automobile accident after the car was hit by a distracted driver, a man talking on his cell phone. This is an example of

Artistic proof

The stylistic device that repeats vowel sounds


A feeling of approval or disapproval of a person, group, idea or event


Aristotle said epideictic speeches are about praise and ___


When we discussed Daeontology, we looked at Emanual Kant who said his notion of ___is a single self evident principle of reason that mandates an action

Categorical imperative

Walter Fisher believed that stories can be evaluated using the twin test narratives of

Coherence and Fidelity

What did we add to the model of communication that we discussed that said preexisting knowledge, biases, beliefs and prejudices impact the communicative process?

Comparison fields

Which of the following is not a part of Kenneth Burke's pentad?


John Smith recently heard that certain cultures outside the US practice female circumcision. He wants you to pass a bill censuring this practice and forbidding trade with any country that does so. He wants you to write a bill including a brief memo on the ethical implications of such an action

Cultural relativism

The 10 commandments exemplify's which of the normitive ethical theories?


Mom said, I don't care where you go or who you associate with..some things are right and some are wrong, period

Daeontology [A central set of rules]

With regard to effective delivery as an advocate, your lecture outline discusses the importance of ___, variety and the extemporaneous method


What kind of information describes general audience characteristics like age, gender, marital status and so on...


Of the goals for the use of visual aids discussed in class, I said the most important goal is

Emphasis [remember the goal of your visual aid is to share with your audience the 1 or 2 things you want them to remember down the road]

During our lecture on presentation aids I identified two goals for the use of a visual aid and they are

Emphasis and increased understanding

The four types of communication apprehension identified in class by McCroskey include all of the following except.


We revisited Aristotle's three modes of proof

Ethos, pathos, logos

Which states of listening includes listeners considering the message and making value judgements about the speaker and her message?


When we talked about active listening I shared with you a clip from which of the following TV series?

Everybody loves Raymond

Applied ethics

Examine specific controversial issues

In the outline on special occasion speaking, I once again referenced Lloyd Bitzer's rhetorical situation and the 3 components of it are

Exigence, audience, set of constraints

During our discussion of the elements of a speech introduction, I said a joke or a rhetorical question is a particularly effective way to begin a presentation


The three ultimate or uncontested terms identified during our discussion of Richard Weavers tyrannizing images were god, devil and ideologic


Stephen Touleman suggests that people begin their analysis of an ethical dilemma by identifying an accepted first principle that will then guide the result (T/F)

FALSE ; [Touleman does not believe in that first principle, instead he believes we should look at all different types of cases before creating a conclusion that is not set in stone]

I suggested that an effective visual aid slide should have no more than 15 words on it (T/F)

FALSE [3-5 word maximum]

Just like informative and persuasive speeches, epideictic speeches require detailed preview statements (T/F)

FALSE [Could you imagine doing that at a wedding?]

In order to avoid distractions, the best time to distribute handouts is before the speech starts (T/F)


Tapping your foot while giving a speech is an example of an emblem and forming a V with your middle finger as a peace sign is an example of an adaptor.

False [It's the opposite]

Plato felt anyone is capable of seeking and knowing the truth.

False [only the philosophers could]

The interpretive or rhetorical perspective on communication theory often focuses on finding universal laws of human behavior.

False [scientific approach]

In its discussion of values as a psychological characteristic of a given audience, your text defines terminal and instrumental values. I identified what as terminal values?

Freedom, quality, happiness and security

During that same lecture I described used which metaphor to describe the appropriate process for crafting an effective position statement

Genie in a bottle

Utilitarianism is best described

Good and evil are judged according to the consequences of acts. Good acts produce the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people

What did I identify as instrumental values?

Honesty, independence and responsibility

The broad categories of proof discussed in class

Inartistic and artistic

Reasoning by example is a form of:

Inductive reasoning

I shared an example of a computer generated presentation aid regarding the popularity of certain baby names. This year the most popular baby name appears to be


When we talked about Kenneth Burkes dramatism, I shared an example of focusing on an agent. The person who performed the act by showing you a clip of a movie with which well known character?

James Bond

During our discussion of delivery I showed you a clip of what as an example of manuscript delivery?

Jesse Jackson reading from Dr. Seuss Green Eggs and Ham

Aristotle's 3 modes of proof are:

Logos, pathos and ethos

In our ethics lecture, we discussed the idea of a subjective perspective of reality and so I talked about Protagoras of Abdura who said what

Man is the measure of all things

When we talked about the Shannon Weaver model of communication I specifically referenced the phrase, "The medium is the message" a quote I attributed to...

Marshall McKlewin

During our discussion of trait anxiety, I shared with you a clip from which of the following T.V. series?


The 5 ways to organize your informative speech identified in your lecture outline include all of the following except


During the lecture on ethics, we discussed Artistotle. Specifically I shared with you that Aristotle believes that things that are true and things that are just have a

Natural tendency to prevail over their opposites

A state in which an unsatisfied condition exists


these audience members consider themselves objective and open to new infromation

Neutral audience

According to the lecture on informative speaking the goal of informative speaking is to impart a set of information in a

Neutral fashion

I.A. Richards defined the proper meaning of superstition as the mistaken belief that words have inherent meaning. In other words, I.A. Richards believes that words do not have meaning in and of themselves, instead they have meaning..

Only when placed in context

During a lecture on communication apprehension I identified several well-known persons who suffer from high levels of C.A. include all of the following except..*

Payton Manning

An involuntary audience is usually made up of

People who are different in a variety of ways

During our discussion on metaethics we discussed the notion of Philosopher Kings. A concept I attributed to


During our discussion of Plato, Aristotle and Protagoras of Abdura we discussed their views of reality. I specifically stated

Plato believes in an objective reality and Protagoras believes in a subjective view of reality

The four parts of a speech include an attention getter, reason to listen, purpose statement and ____.

Preview of main points

Who among the following taught their students that knowing both sides of an argument is the only way to determine which side they should believe?


An advocate is a person who

Publicly supports a cause or policy

A clear/simple sentence in the introduction of a speech that specifies exactly what your speech is going to be about

Purpose statement

The Shannon Weaver model of communication includes all of the following except?

Resource code

Transitions with what device did we use?

Review Preview [now that I talked about X, I move on to Y]

Burke stated we are all filled with an innate drive towards perfection or what he called finishedness and he called this

Rotten with perfection

In this stage of listening, listeners select or ignore one or more stimuli from a multitude of stimuli continually bombarding them.


Describe the terrain of Texas (Bush's in Midlands). This organizational pattern would be?


Casuistry was a model developed by

Stephen Touleman

According to his golden mean theory, Aristotle said that virtues are good habits that we acquired that regulate our emotions arguing that most virtues fall at a mean between more extreme character traits (T/F)


As discussed in class, psychographics measures attitudes, beliefs, behaviors and motivations


During our discussion of ethics, I shared with you seven tenets of a code I use. One of them is to add silence as a potential ethical response to a given situation. I stated that silence both actual and electronic can help create a space for more thoughtful reflection (T/F)


During our discussion of presentation aids, I suggested audio video clips should be no longer than 15-30 seconds


One of the big distinctions in class between informative and persuasive speaking is that in persuasive speaking the speaker does not just represent themselves, but others(T/F)


One suggestion I offered in class when we talked about persuasive presentations is to avoid the 6th sense form of organization, which is a form of organization where a speaker does not reveal her stated purpose until almost the end of the speech


The definition of ethics I shared with you included a decision making process based at least in part on a shared vision of group benefits and responsibilities (T/F)


During the lecture on audience analysis, I shown you a video clip from a TED talk by Johanna Blakely, where she argued

Taste communities create a more accurate picture of a given audience than a traditional demographic AND women dominate the social media sphere

During that same lecture I stated the goal of a good position statement in a persuasive speech is to

Tell your audience exactly what you want from them in one clear and simple sentence

Burkes notion that the language we know and use creates a filter that we look through as we view reality, which effects each of our perceptions is called..

Terministic screen

Quintillian defined rhetoric as..

The art of speaking well

Aristotle define rhetoric..

The faculty of discerning at any given stage the available means of persuasion

In my personal code of ethics I discussed all the following ethical tenets except

The importance of clear and simple codes for behavior [We try to simplify the world so much that we don't accept how complex it could be]

Richard Weaver believed that truth resides in

The metaphysical dream

According to the lecture on Aristotle, the motive proof ethos addresses?

The speaker

When we talked about analyzing your audience, we discussed two audiences identified by Chaim Perelman, which one sets the standard for truth?

The universal audience

During the lecture on visual aids, we watched a featured video by Hans Rossling which features a unique and visually striking representation of the lack of correlation between religion and family planning. Additionally, Rossling shared with the viewers the idea that

The world population will likely increase and remain steady at 10 billion

In the lecture on organizing a speech I said the three components of a conclusion are the ___ , review of main points and artistic ending.

Theme statement

The theory discussed in class that says audience remembers best what they hear first and last is?

Theory of recency and primacy

According to your text, the number one reason your speeches fail to meet their goals is because speakers fail to analyze their audience carefully enough


During a lecture on CA I stated it is important to practice your presentation aloud to get an actual idea of the amount of time you will need and to see if there is stoppers you may encounter.


In class I applied the socratic method as the method discovering truth by engaging in a dialogue consisting of questions and responses.


Richard Vatz felt that rhetoric defined and creates reality, an idea that represents the complete opposite of Bitzers rhetorical situations.


One of the problems noted in the interpretive stage of listening is that listeners often assume they understand & fail to ask questions for clarification.

True [It's a common phenomenon]

This audience has a short attention span and could be a real challenge to the speaker

Uninterested audience

Which of the following is the best example for an opening sentence for a speech?

Use best judgement on exam. This should be a very straight forward Q [startling statistic or short narrative]

All of the following were provided as tips for speaker to use during a Q and A period, except

Use humor as a device to deflect hard of embarrassing questions

An alien race just landed in your backyard. Their planets representatives just offered to give us a pill that will make us all happy and healthy and live for 500 years. It has no side effects and is not addictive. In exchange they want us to give one person, any one person of our choice, and that one person will be taken back to their planet and featured on torture show....


During our discussion of language style I showed you a video clip of what as an example of alliteration

V is for Vendetta

Deep seeded principles that serve as personal guidelines for behavior


In any special occasion speech, you should include something in your introduction that invokes the common ___


With regard to the use of color in a visual aid, all of the following were suggested guidelines

You should avoid school and team colors, avoid confusing colors, DO use primary colors and limit the number of colors you do use

In class we defined research as..

a disciplined inquiry that most study in a planned manner

Kenneth Burke defined rhetorical form..

by work has form as long as one part of it leads the reader to anticipate another part to be gratified by the sequence

Instead of worrying about looks or impressions, it's best to?

concentrate on getting your message across

Apple and smile are examples of

concrete words

The syllogism is an example of inductive reasoning.


Voluntary audiences tend to be


Justin gave a speech explaining why the tax code should be changed, quoting economists who argue that capital gains tax is suppressive and several other academics. These studies constitute..

inartistic evidence [so it is not a pathos, or artistic proof; not an emotional thing]

Which stage of listening includes listeners supplying meaning for the message they have seen, heard or felt?

interpreting stage

The lecture outline on presentation aids suggests all of the following is hint for effective visual aids

limit yourself to one idea per visual aid, use it to emphasize most important points, round off numbers, cite authority

Which of the following is not a basic stage of listening?


As discussed in class, an ithomeme is a rhetorical syllogism based on doxa. A doxa is:

opinions and beliefs that people hold about how the world is

Involuntary audience members are usually made up of

people who are different in a variety of ways

During our discussion of the Shannon Weaver model of communication, we talked about noise. All of the following are examples of noise:

physical noise, accent and anxiety

John runs over to your house red faced and obviously upset and he wants to borrow your shotgun cause he wants to shoot his no good cheating wife......even though you know its a lie, you tell him his gun is at the repair shop.

situational ethics


skiing in Steamboat

These classical greeks travel from city state to city state as paid teachers of rhetoric and persuasion.


Which of Cissaros five canons deals with word choice?


One of the phrases I repeated in class with regard to audience analysis is don't preach to the choir. This is in relation to what?

the friendly audience

Feeling apprehensive about public speaking is normal.


My printer is not cooperating is an example of a stylistic device of personification


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