Comm 2200 final exam review

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By which a message is communicated

Because a listener's _________ can never be exactly the same as a speaker's, the meaning of a message will never be exactly the same to a listener as to a speaker.

Frame of reference

As explained in your textbook, what are the characteristics of an effective statement of specific purpose?

Full infinitive phrase, express as a statement not as a question, avoid figurative language, limit the purpose statement to one specific idea.

The three basic issues of persuasive speeches on questions of policy are _______________ , _______________ , and _______________ .

Need, Plan, Practicality

According to your textbook, when is it appropriate to cite an abstract of a magazine or journal article in your speech rather than locating and reading the full article?

Never appropriate, always cite the full article


The messages, usually nonverbal, sent from a listener to a speaker.

What is the burden of proof, and what does it mean for a persuasive speaker who advocates a change of policy?

The obligation facing a persuasive speaker to prove that a change from current policy is necessary.

When making a preparation outline, why is it important to state main points and subpoints in full sentences?

To ensure that you develop your ideas fully

A ________ is a sentence or two that lets the audience know that a speaker has finished one point and is moving on the next.

Transition statement

Identify two steps a speaker can take to avoid ethnocentrism in her or his speech.

Try to put yourself in their place and to hear your message through their ears. Be alert of how cultural factors might affect how listeners respond.

Explain the three criteria given in your textbook for using language clearly.

Use familiar words, choose concrete words, eliminate clutter.

Establishing _______________ in a speech introduction is a matter of getting your audience to perceive you as qualified to speak on the topic.


When you use a(n) _______________ ending, the speech builds in force until it reaches a zenith of power and intensity in the conclusion.


According to your textbook, what is the difference between expert and peer testimony?

expert testimony is from recognized experts in their fields. peer testimony is from ordinary people with first hand experience or insight on a topic.

What are the five of the guidelines discussed in your textbook for preparing visual aids?

keep them simple, prepare them in advance, make them big enough, use fonts that are easy to read, use color effectively,

What are the various kinds of graphs discussed in your textbook?

line graph, pie chart, bar graph

The _______________ provides a lead-in from the introduction to the body of the speech.

preview statement

What is "clutter" in a public speech? Why is it a barrier to effective speechmaking? How can it be combated?

Discourse that takes many more words than are necessary to express an idea

Topical order

Divide the speech topic into subtopics

At what stages in speech preparation should a speaker be concerned about being audience-centered?

Every step of the way, even choosing a topic.

According to your textbook, the three basic kinds of supporting materials are _______________ , _______________ , and _______________ .

Examples, statistics, & testimony

incremental plagiarism

Failing to give credit to particular parts of a speech that are borrowed from other people.

Spatial Order

Follow a directional pattern.

As explained in your textbook, what are the characteristics of an effective central idea statement?

Full sentence, not in the form of a question, avoid figurative language, should not be vague of overly general.

What are the four major objectives of a speech introduction?

Get the attention & interest of audience. Reveal the topic of the speech. Establish your credibility+goodwill. Preview the body of your speech.

What are three types of plagiarism discussed in your textbook?

Global plagiarism, patchwork plagiarism, incremental plagiarism

What is the difference between hearing and listening?

Hearing is just simply hearing sounds and listening is actually comprehending and making sense of those sounds.

Explain why each of the following is an important factor in demographic audience analysis: age; gender; sexual orientation; religion; group membership; racial, ethnic, or cultural background.

Helps gauge the importance of those features to a particular speaking situation.


How recent is the information?

According to your textbook, when quoting an Internet document during a speech, what information should the speaker include in the oral citation?

Identify him or her and the name of the web site

According to your textbook, when quoting an expert during a speech, what information should the speaker include in the oral citation?

Identify his or her credibility.

Identify the four methods of delivery discussed in your textbook.

Impromtu, exemporaneous, manuscript, memorized.

Why does it often pose a barrier to speakers who are addressing audiences of different, racial, cultural, or ethnic background from the speaker?

In comparison to the values, beliefs, and customs of other groups or cultures, which we tend to think of as "wrong" or "unnatural"

Identify and explain the three types of credibility discussed in your textbook.

Initial Credibility-before he/she speaks. Derived Credibility- produced by whats said during speech Terminal Credibility- cred of speaker at the time

What are the three most important factors to consider when determining an audience's disposition toward a speaker's topic?

Interest, Knowledge, Attitude


Interference is anything that impedes the communication of a message.


Is the author identified? his or her qualifications? Expert on topic? biased or unbiased?


Is the sponsoring organization impartial enough enough to cite in your speech. Is its objective in its research and fair-minded in its statements? economically unbiased?

Why is determining the specific purpose such a vital step in the process of preparing a speech?

It states not only what the speaker wants to say but also what the speaker wants the audience to know as a result of the speech. It helps keep the audience at the center of your attention as you prepare your speech.

What does it mean to say that a public speaker should be "audience-centered"?

Keeping the audience foremost in mind at every step of speech preparation and presentation.

According to your textbook, what is the main value of using expert testimony in your speeches?

Lend credibility to speeches

Appreciative listening

Listening for pleasure or enjoyment.

Critical listening

Listening to evaluate a message for purposes of accepting or rejecting it.

Empathic listening

Listening to provide emotional support for a speaker

Comprehensive listening

Listening to understand the message of a speaker.

Causal order

Organize main points to show cause-effect relationship

A detailed outline for the planning stage of a speech is called a _______________ outline.


_______ Delivery involves practicing your speech until you know it very well without trying to memorize the exact wording you will use on the day of the speech.

Rehearsing the speech.

When you use a _______________ question in the introduction of a speech, you expect the audience to answer mentally rather than out loud.


In a speech outline, main points are identified by _______________ , while subpoints are identified by _______________ .

Roman numerals... capital letter


The person who is presenting an oral message


The person who receives the speaker's message

What does it mean to say that people are "egocentric"?

The tendency for people to be concerned above all with their own values, beliefs, and well-being.


The time and place in which speech communication occurs.

If given the main points of a speech, you should be able to supply the general purpose, specific purpose, and central idea for the speech.


What tips does the text suggest to increase the effectiveness of statistics used in your presentation?

Use statistics to quantify your ideas, use stats sparingly, identify the sources of your stats, explain your stats, round off complicated stats, use visual aids.

What is the difference between using language accurately and using language clearly?

Using the proper words vs speaking clearly/immediately comprehensive

A _______________ is a search engine that combines Internet technology with traditional library methods of cataloguing and assessing data.

Virtual Library

Mental imaging in which a speaker vividly pictures himself or herself giving a successful presentation is called ________.



Whatever a speaker communicates to someone else

Explain two reasons why it is important from an ethical standpoint for public speaker to be fully prepared for each speech.

You have an obligation to yourself and the listeners. Better speech and not wasting the time of the listeners.

What is reasoning from specific instances? Illustrate your answer with an example of reasoning from specific instances.

You progress from a number of particular facts to a general conclusion

Sloppy _______________ is the failure to form particular speech sounds crisply and distinctly.


What is meant by "spare brain time"? Explain how it affects the listening process.

average talking rate is 120-150 wpm but the brain can process up to 400-800 wpm. It interrupts the listening process by allowing the brain to think of other things

What are the five of the guidelines discussed in your textbook for presenting visual aids?

avoid the chalkboard, display them where they can be seen by everyone, avoid passing out a handout, talk to audience, explain clearly & precisely

How we use eye contact, body movement, gestures, and other physical motions to communicate is the subject of an area of study known as _______________ .

body language

According to the textbook, what are the 6 guidelines for effective informative speaking?

don't be too technical, personalize your ideas, relate the subject directly to the audience

What is the difference between reasoning from principle and reasoning from specific instances? Give an example of your own choosing of both kinds of reasoning.

principle progresses from a general principle to a specific conclusion

According to your textbook, no matter what other methods of gaining attention you use in a speech introduction, you should always _______________ .

relate topic to auidence

The two major functions of a speech conclusion are to _______________ and to ____________

signal the end........ reinforce central idea

What does your textbook recommend you should do to relate the subject directly to your audience in an informative speech?

speak in personal terms ex. you, your devote an equal amount of time to each main point

What are the four methods discussed in the text for reinforcing the central idea in a speech conclusion?

summarize speech, end with quotation, make dramatic statement, refer to intro

Identify and explain the four criteria given in your textbook for using language effectively.

using language, accurately, clearly, vivdly, appropriately

A _______________ occurs when a speaker fills the silence between words with sounds such as "um," "er," and "uh."

vocalized pause

When you experience stage fright, your body is producing extra _____, a hormone that is released into the bloodstream in response to physical or mental stress


The __________ is a one-sentence statement that sums up or encapsulates the major ideas of a speech.

Central Idea

What are the two factors of speaker credibility discussed in your text? How does each affect the success of a persuasive speech?

Character & Competence. Knowledge of the subject and well being of the audience.

According to your textbook, what three questions should you ask when evaluating statistics?

Are the statistics representative? Are statistical measures used correctly? Are the statistics from a reliable source?

Identify the five steps of Monroe's motivated sequence and explain what a speaker should do in each step.

Attention, need, satisfaction, visualization, action

Identify and explain the three criteria discussed in your textbook for assessing the soundness of documents found on the Internet.

Authorship, Sponsorship, Recency

Identify and explain the four criteria for inclusive language discussed in your textbook.

Avoid the generic "he", avoid the use of man, avoid stereotyping jobs and social roles by gender, use names that groups use to identify themselves

A(n) _______________ is a summary of a magazine or journal article, written by someone other than the original author.


Internal Preview

A statement in the body of the speech that lets the audience know what the speaker is going to discuss next.


A very brief statement that indicates where a speaker is in the speech or that focuses attention on key ideas.


A word or phrase that connects the ideas of a speech and indicates the relationship among them


A word or phrase that indicates when a speaker has finished one thought and is moving on to another

What is a reference work? Identify and explain three of the kinds of reference works discussed in your textbook.

A work that synthesizes a large amount of related information for easy access by researchers. Encyclopedias, yearbooks, quotation books, biographical aids.

According to your textbook, what are the five major factors to consider in situational audience analysis?

Size, Physical setting, and the disposition of the audience toward the subject, the speaker, the occasion

What role does the speaker's credibility play in the success or failure of a persuasive speech? Identify and explain two specific steps a speaker can take to boost her or his credibility when speaking to persuade.

Sociability, dynamism. physical attractiveness, perceived similarity between aduience + speaker.

What is causal reasoning? Illustrate your answer with an example of causal reasoning. Explain two pitfalls speakers should avoid when using causal reasoning in their speeches.

Someone tries to establish the relationship between cause & effects

Identify and briefly explain the seven elements of the speech communication process.

Speaker, Message, Channel, Listener, Feedback, Interference, Situation

What does your textbook mean when it recommends that you personalize your ideas in an informative speech?

Speakers present their thought in human terms that relate to the experiences of audience members.

A _______________ outline should include cues for delivering the speech.


Chronological order

Speeches arranged chronologically follow a time pattern

Global plagiarism

Stealing a speech entirely from a single source and passing it of as one's own.

Patchwork plagiarism

Stealing ideas or language from two or three sources and passing them off as one's own.

What is ethnocentrism?

The belief that one's own group or culture is superior to all other groups or cultures.

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