Comm 280 Final Exam Study Guide

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Difference between FDMA/TDMA/CDMA networks

FDMA-Frequency-division multiple access (FDMA)Conversation is transmitted over a dedicated frequency for each direction TDMA- Time-division multiple access (TDMA)Each conversation is broken into packets, which are sent sequentially, along with other conversations, over a single selected frequency CDMA- Code-division multiple access (CDMA)A conversation is broken into individual packets, each stamped with an identity code and sent out over a spread spectrum of frequencies

Lossy vs Lossless compression

lossless compression-, every single bit of data that was originally in the file remains after the file is uncompressed. All of the information is completely restored. This is generally the technique of choice for text or spreadsheet files lossy compression- reduces a file by permanently eliminating certain information, especially redundant information. When the file is uncompressed, only a part of the original information is still there (although the user may not notice it). Lossy compression is generally used for video and sound, where a certain amount of information loss will not be detected by most users

Legacy landline telephones- elements and architecture

microphone (transmitter)-speaker diaphragm that converts human voice to analog electric signals (sensitive to amplitude and frequency) earphone (receiver)- receives electrical signal produced by transmitter Legacy landline architecture-human sounds-> electrical signals sent over wires-> received and converted to sound waves

IPv4 vs IPv6

Both provide unique numerical IP addresses for Internet connection

Create, edit, engage framework

Create- How was the content created? File types/sizes? Edit- How should you edit the content to reach your audience? Content limitations? Engage- How do I want to engage my audience?

Digital badges

Credentials that represent skills, interests, and achievements earned by an individual through specific projects, programs, course, or activities.

Potential implications of 3D printing

Custom bike helmets, phone cases, shoes, instruments, etc.

Cloud benefits and privacy implications

-Consumers had the freedom to switch Internet Service Providers and retain their email account. -Consumers could access their email from anywhere in the world, on any device. This became increasingly important as wireless carriers introduced data-capable devices that could access the internet. -Device irrelevance....switch computers, add devices without issue. There isn't any software locally stored on the device(s). -Rapid software development/release cycles. Email functionality could be enhanced without the distribution/installation challenges associated with legacy software products. -Given Google's focus on Search (and generating Advertising revenue), Gmail was viewed as an opportunity to learn more about consumers (and collect data). -Google's terms and conditions disclosed that Gmail messages would be scanned as part of providing their services (for free). In June, 2017, Google announced that they will no longer read emails to sell targeted ads. -As consumers, are you willing to trade off your privacy in exchange for better/more relevant advertisements?

Acquisitions- who bought whom and for how much?

-In April 2015, LinkedIn acquired for 1.5 billion -In July of 2012, Microsoft acquired Yammer for 1.2 billion -In June 2016, Microsoft agreed to purchase LinkedIn for 26.2 billion in cash

Minecraft modding and educational opportunities

-Mod allows users to easily cross large chasms -Avoid enemies on lower levels -Users must have Minecraft Forge installed -Download the mod and install to activate -The concept of Modding has also been introduced as an educational tool. For $30 per year, parents can enroll their children online to learn how to mod. The LearntoModsubscription includes access to an online moddingstudio, tutorials, and a private server to test and share their mods.Youth Digital offers an online course that is specifically designed for 8-14 year-old children. Mod Design 1 provides young students with the opportunity to learn Java and create a new mod for Minecraft. -The concept of Moddinghas also been embraced by higher education. The Digital Media Academy has partnered with over 20 higher education institutions to offer a 1-week camp for kids -ages 9 to 12. Adventures in Minecraft Game Design is a 5 day summer camp that carries a minimum cost of $925 tuition fee (meals and additional e-learning modules are extra).

Mark Meeker Internet Trends data

-More than half of smartphone users are in the Asia-Pacific region -US prefers iOS, rest of the world prefers Android -Facebook is the leader in facial recognition, snapchat is 2nd (Snap grew from 2-10 billion video views/day in 1 year

Healthcare, Automotive and Airline use cases

-Recent technological and medical advancements have given hope that some of the aforementioned issues may be addressed through 3D printing. -Princeton University created a bionic ear utilizing a $1,000 3D printer. Cells were printed with the electronics and put into a petri dish for 10 weeks to allow the cells to form cartilage tissue. -In August 2015, the FDA approved the first 3D printed drug. Pharmaceutical company Apreciacan create an anti-seizure medication that can be tailored to individual patients. -A 6-year-old boy who was born with a rare birth defect was able to receive a prosthetic arm for $350 (versus $40,000 for a typical prosthetic arm). Consider the fact that this boy will need multiple arms as he grows and these costs are not typically covered by insurance plans. -Ford has been using 3D printing as part of the development of new vehicles. The process allows Ford to print a new part in just a few hours. As a result, it can experiment with more radical and innovative design concepts. -GE Aviation was the first to receive FAA approval to use a 3D printed part in an airplane and has invested heavily in additive manufacturing research. The market is expected to grow to $3.3 billion by 2022. -Divergent 3D has created a 3D printed chassis for their Blade supercar. The goal is to reduce the adverse environmental impacts of producing new cars. The Blade offers a 720-horsepower engine and only weighs only 1,388 pounds (thanks to a carbon fiber body). The Blade can run on gasoline ornatural gas. -Rolls-Royce has recently completed a test flight with 3D printed parts. Rolls-Royce has estimated that 3D printing has sped up parts manufacturing by one third. It is reasonable to expect that commercial airplanes will utilize 3D printed parts in the near future.

Wireless transition from analog to digital

-The FCC held PCS (personal communications services) spectrum auctions in 1995. PCS operated in the 1900 MHz band. By comparison, cellular operated in 800 MHz. -Sprint PCS marketed their new offering as a "clear alternative to cellular". Better call clarity was also highlighted with their "hear a pin drop" campaign. -Motorola invents Motorola Integrated Radio System (MIRS) to convert analog dispatch systems to digital service. MIRS became iDEN(Integrated Dispatch Enhanced Network) -In 1991, O'Brien obtains a waiver from the FCC to use the new technology to integrate his SMR licenses....Fleet Call is born and is soon renamed Nextel.

LoRa and RPMA

2 network alternatives specifically addressing coverage for Enterprise IoT devices: 1. Low Power Wide Area Network (LoRa)- wireless battery IoT devices supported 2. Random Phase Multiple Access (RPMA)- claims better coverage, security, and lower deployment costs than LoRa

3D printing materials and benefits

3D printing utilizes a process called "Additive Manufacturing ". Additive Manufacturing will utilize 3D design data and component materials to construct an object in layers. Since Additive Manufacturing constructs objects in layers, it utilizes less material than subtractive manufacturing (cutting, drilling, etc.). Component materials include: metal (gold, silver, titanium, steel), plastic, porcelain, wax, even chocolate and sugar! As component material is applied, it can be heated (via light/laser) to form the shape of the desired object. Alternatively, a material may be applied warm and solidify into a shape as it cools.

Digital Assistants

Alexa, Siri, etc.; collect lots of metadata; Data ownership goes to who? Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA)

New social media companies- who are they and why should we care?

Bubbly- a growing social networking company based in India; create voices posts with filters and effects, app has surpassed 500,000 downloads Heard- system reputation, performance, and feedback signals to match content to users, users can attach badges and profile info on each post or comment Line- free voice and video calls anytime, anywhere, store messages, photos, and videos, over 600 million worldwide users We<3it- select images and videos with the heart button, develop a personal canvas, very popular with millennial women Wanelo- access to 550,000 stores, big brands and boutiques, search and follow favorite stores, direct to consumer model for buyers and sellers

LTE Advanced and carrier aggregation

Carrier (Channel) Aggregation-enables a network operator to combine up to 5 channels (up to 20 MHz each) to create a 100 MHz channel, thereby creating faster data rates. Network operators typically do not posses 100 MHz channels therefore channel aggregation is needed to achieve faster data rates. Advanced Antenna Techniques-adding antennas to MIMO configuration to increase data rates and capacity. The 3GPP standard has approved 8x8 MIMO configurations (have fun antenna team). HetNets-heterogeneous network where large macro-cells are used with small cells (pico, femto) to increase network capacity and performance. 20MHz+10MHz+10MHz tri-band configuration -Support speeds up to 300 MbpsLTE Advanced -Achieved a connection speed of 5 gigabits per secondover the air -250 times fasterthan today's LTE standard connection -Keep in mind, actual deployment speeds never mirror the lab environment -Estimate for commercial deployment is 2020

Telephone switch hierarchy

Class 1-primarily a collection point for international calls Class 2-primarily used for interstate and/or long distance calls Class 3-primarily used for calls outside the geographical boundary of Class 4 connections Class 4-for calls between two local exchanges who aren't directly connected Class 5-the local exchange or end office that serves as the connection point to the customer and provides the dial tone

Gaming market and modding

Consistent with the theme of providing players with a canvas to use their imagination, some games allow players to modify the game. Moddingallows users to create game modifications to enhance the user experience.

Container, Compression, Codec

Container- Bundles the audio and video files into one package -Chapter information, subtitles, language support, and metadata -Executable commands run to deliver various content types Compression- Similar to audio, lossyand lossless options (though file sizes indicate lossyis most common) -Blu-ray film is less than 50 Gigabytes -Two-minute 4k movie trailer is over 160 Gigabytes Codec- Similar to telephony, a codec is a coder/decoder for audio & video content -Compresses and decompresses audio & video content as needed -Incorrect codec use can lead to compatibility issues

the technology shift from 3G to 4G

Development Vacuum-the success of the iPhone liberated handset manufacturers to develop new features, with limited carrier input. Facetimefor example, was a feature that surprised AT&T and quickly overwhelmed their network. Video-video emerged as the preferred content type. The large, consumer-generated video files also proved to be troublesome for carrier networks. Screen Sizes-smartphone screen sizes increased, generating larger photo and video files that were oftentimes uploaded to social media sites. Device Types-Apple followed up the iPhone was another successful product launch -the iPad. Handset promotions-offer price discounts on the new handsets that operate on the new network. New products-new products can sometimes entice subscribers to upgrade their handset and renew their contract (with new terms). Bundled packages-smartphones with required data plans made bundled family plans appealing and cost effective for many consumers.

Badging benefits/considerations

Digital Badges provide links to demonstrate evidence of a particular skill/competency (take a look at the awesome WordPresssite I built in COMM 280). Digital Badges provide the opportunity to create a more comprehensive view into an individual's skills & talents. How much of a story does your resume reallytell about who you are? You never know what skills & talents might pique the interest of a prospective employer. Digital Badges are portable and accessible anywhere there is internet access. Scalability and portability are significant user benefits (does anyone print resumes anymore?) One of the tremendous benefits of the Internet is the ability for individuals to gain access to information. We no longer live in a society where geographic borders limit your ability to learn. Digital Badges allow you to reflect knowledge gained from anywhere/anyone in the world. The Internet also facilitates global collaboration opportunities as an individual increases their number of Digital Badges. Consider an area of the world with human resource constraints and appreciate how Digital Badges can help address those staffing challenges. We are moving to a knowledge economy where skills and knowledge are highly valued. With regards to Badge Issuers, how can credibility be established to validate the merits of the Digital Badge? What systems need to be established for Badge Issuers and how can an individual have confidence that their Digital Badge has value? Similar to credibility, how can an individual have confidence that a Digital Badge offered from multiple Badge Issuers has a consistent set of tasks, performance metrics and overall rigor? Mozilla has done an exceptional job making progress with regards to Digital Badges. However, will their open standard be adopted globally or will individuals need to assess multiple, competing technology standards before adopting a solution? The security of the Internet and cloud-based content has already been discussed at length. How can Digital Badge repositories (like Mozilla Backpack) ensure that consumer data is safe and secure? The more information disclosed by an individual increases the risk (and potential hacker value) of a data breach.

Enterprise social media apps

Dropbox, google drive, box, youtube, Facebook, pinterest, twitter, ted talk, linkedin, yammer

Cloud-based products

Dropbox-Shared files that are accessible across multiple devices -Data is securely transferred via SSL and stored using 256-bit AES (Advance Encryption Standard) encryption -Powerful administrative tools to add/remove users, create folders, password reset and restricted sharing Evernote- Everything you write (project plans, meeting notes, etc.) stays with you everywhere you go -Simplifies knowledge sharing and project collaboration -Powerful search allows users to easily find documents, text and images -Google Docs Salesforce- Became the global leader in providing cloud-based, Customer Relationship Management (CRM) solutions -The Salesforce1 platform provides the underlying foundation for Sales Cloud, Service Cloud and other mission critical enterprise applications

Facebook dominance- how have they evolved?

Facebook completed two strategic acquisitions: (1) Instagram in 2012 for $1 billion (2) WhatsApp in 2014 $19 billion. As an aside, SnapChatreportedly turned down a $3 billion offer from Facebook in 2013. By mid 2017, consider the massive scale and global reach of the Facebook community: -2 Billion Facebook Users each month -2 Billion Messages sent each month -250 Million Instagram stories each day

Consumer Social Media companies

Facebook, IG, WhatsApp, Twitter, Vine, Snap, Google+


General Data Protection Regulation; The GDPR includes the following principles: What data can we process and under which conditions?For how long can data be kept and is it necessary to update it? Purpose of data processing. Can data be processed for any purpose? Can we use data for another purpose? What information must be given to individuals whose data is collected? How much data can be collected?

Google Project Glass (renamed Aura) and Ivy Ross

Google's Project Glass provides another interesting example of the unique content generating opportunities that exist with emerging technology. Google Glass began in 2012 and was made available for purchase in 2013 ($1,500 price tag). In January 2015, Google made the decision to stop selling Google Glass. While many skeptics concluded this was a failed venture, there are a number of indicators that suggest Google will return with a much stronger product offering. Google acquired Nest in 2014 for $3.2 billion. Tony Fadell(Nest CEO) joined the Google executive team and led the Google Glass team (renamed Aura). Fadellannounced his resignation from Google on 6/3/2016. Ivy Ross joined Google in 2014 from Art.comand will be the head of the Aura development team. Ross has been promoted and is now the VP, Design for Hardware products. After Amazon abandoned the smartphone market, Google hired a number of their engineers to work on the Aura team.

Half/Full Duplex and Multiplex communication

Half Duplex- one-way communication (walkie talkies) Full Duplex- Two-way communication, transmit & receive simultaneous talking & listening Multiplex- Multi-way communication, multiple transmits and receipts on the same wire

Consumer impact- the 4 areas of consumer impact

How does the transition from analog to digital (IP) networks impact consumers? Has this transition made life easier or more complex (or a little of both)? While some may debate the various positive and negative elements of this transition, both sides would likely agree that the change has impacted consumers in the following ways: -More choices/competition -More complexity -Increased opportunities -Increased innovation

Telephony impact- from landline to VoIP

IP networks have also impacted how businesses and consumers place a phone call. Gone are the days of rotary phones, switchboard operators, and the AT&T monopoly. The transition from analog to digital has eroded the number of landline subscribers and introduced new competitors.

IoT connected devices and security implications

In 2020, it is projected that there will be 7.6 billion people and 50 billion IoT connected devices; average U.S. household of 4 has 2 laptops, 4 smartphones, 1 game console, WiFi router, connected stereo system, 2 iPads, Apple TV or other Security researchers discovered a large "botnet" which infected home appliances and delivered more than 750,000 malicious emails. David Knight at Proofpoint stated that botnets are already a major security concern and the emergence of "thingbots" could make things much worse. There have been multiple instances where a hacker has breached an IP-based baby monitor. Once the system has been breached, the hackers have made comments to people in the room.

Cambridge Analytica

In March 2018, Christopher Wylie conducted an interview with The Guardian to expose the details of the Cambridge Analytica data breach. The interview highlights the inherent vulnerabilities of Facebook data, the dangers associated with "third party apps", and the reality that millions of people had their Facebook data exposed without their knowledge or consent. The data was collected through an app called thisisyourdigitallife. The app collected information from test-takers' Facebook friends. Wylie told the Observer: "We exploited Facebook to harvest millions of people's profiles. And built models to exploit what we knew about them and target their inner demons."Although it was initially believed that 50 million users were exposed, that number was later revised to 87 millionFacebook users.


Infrastructure as a Service. A cloud computing technology useful for heavily utilized systems and networks. Organizations can limit their hardware footprint and personnel costs by renting access to hardware such as servers.

Internet/Technology impact- from DSL to balloons

Internet connectivity has changed dramatically with the transition from analog to digital (IP) networks. Technology has evolved beyond DSL/ASDL lines and modems and can now provide internet connectivity via a network of balloons. There is no longer a need to route data over voice networks as ISPs now offer a digital connection to subscribers.

IoT- what is it and what are the opportunities?

Internet of Things; the interconnection via the Internet of computing devices embedded in everyday objects, enabling them to send & receive data Estimated economic impact of IoT until 2025= between $2.7 and $6.2 trillion; healthcare, automotive, public sector are greatest factors

Internet adoption stats

Internet traffic has increased 5x in 5 years - From 2000-2016, internet usage for 65+ has gone from 14% to 64% -Not graduated high school stats: 19%-68% -college grad stat: 78%-98% - <$30,000/ year income stats: 34%-79% - >$75,000/year income stats: 81%-98%

Image, Audio, Video formats

JPEG(Joint Photographic Experts Group) Strengths -24-bit color, up to 16 million colors -Great for high detail images -Widely used and accepted -Mac, PC compatibility Weaknesses -Significant data loss during compression (lossy) -Cannot be animated -Does not support transparency GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) Strengths -Supports small animation effects -Supports transparency -Maintains image quality during compression (lossless) -Widely supported format Weaknesses -8-bit color, only 256 colors -Colors outside the pallet are matched, creating blotches -Old format (introduced in 1987) BMP (Bitmap) Strengths -Can support 32-bit color, over 4 billion colors -High image quality -Works well with Windows software (Microsoft developed) Weaknesses -Generates huge file sizes -Not viable for web usage -Does not compress well -Microsoft developed TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) Strengths -Can support 24-bit color -Popular in the printing and publishing industry -Supports lossy and lossless compression -Mac, PC compatibilityWeaknesses -Typically generates large file sizes -Requires ample space for file storage -Published by Adobe, it is a sophisticated format that can be complex for users PNG (Portable Networks Graphics) Strengths -Specifically designed for web usage -Considered a replacement for GIF -Supports transparency better than GIF -Lossless compression Weaknesses -Does notsupport image animation -8-bit color, only 256 colors -Not a good choice for large images -Challenges with Internet Explorer browsers WAV (Waveform Audio Format) -Developed by Microsoft as the standard audio file for PCs -Sample rate equivalent to a CD (44.1kHz, bit depth of 16 bits) -Consumes roughly 10MB of data per 1 minute of music -Lossless AIFF (Audio Interchange File Format) -Developed by Apple as the standard audio file for Macs -Sample rate equivalent to a CD (44.1kHz, bit depth of 16 bits) -Consumes roughly 10MB of data per 1 minute of music -Lossless MP3 (MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3) -Sample rate of 128 -320 kbps -File size is roughly 1/11 the size of a CD file -Lossy AAC (Advance Audio Encoding) -Sample rates and file sizes are similar to MP3 -Standard format for Apple devices -Considered to be superior to MP3 at lower & higher audio frequencies -Lossy

4G technologies- WiMAX and LTE

LTE-Long Term Evolution. LTE became the technology standard developed by the 3GPP, a GSM standards group. WiMAX-Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access. WiMAXbecame the technology standard developed by IEEE (802.16e) and the WiMAXForum.

Global poverty data

Level 1 (less than $2/day- $730/year maximum)- 1 billion people Level 2 (less than $2-8/day- $2,920/year maximum)- 3 billion people Level 3 (less than $8-32/day- $11,680/year maximum)- 2 billion people Level 4 (more than $32/day- over $11,680/year)- 1 billion people

How does a wireless device connect to a network?

Listens for SID (system identification code assigned to each carrier by the FCC), provides SID to phone, phone sends registration request then receives frequency info from MTSO, MTSO sends location info as well as frequency info to cell tower

Millennials and user generated content

Most important social networks in the US: 1-IG 2-Twitter 3- Facebook 4- Snapchat User generated content sources -Drones -GoPro -iPhone Content consumption sources -iPhone -TV -Xbox/PS4 -Fridge

Mozilla's OpenBadges initiative

Mozilla Open Badges are not proprietary -they use free software and an open technical standard Open Badges have important data built in that links back to the issuer Individuals can earn badges from multiple sources, both online and offline Open Badges are portable and can be collected within the Mozilla Backpack

GoPro story and implications for traditional media companies

Nicholas Woodman epitomizes what is possible in life when you work hard and pursue your passions. A former surfer and self-described adrenaline junkie, Woodman successfully turned his passions into a multi-billion dollar business. After a failed startup venture called Funbug, Woodman spent 5 months surfing around Australia and Indonesia. He wanted a way to chronicle his trip so he strapped a camera to his arm with rubber bands. This experience served as the inspiration to start GoProin 2002. -Follow your passion-"I feel like in a world where we all try to figure out our place and our purpose here, your passions are one of your most obvious guides". -Fear failure-"I was so afraid that GoProwas going to go away like Funbugthat I would work my ass off". -Obsess over your product-"I moved back in with my parents and went to work seven days a week, 20 hours a day". -Learn to sell -"I can sell anythingI totally believe in". -Evolve or die-"We're confident in our ability to innovate and have products that people will be excited about".

Transition from analog to IP networks

Over the course of the semester we have discussed a wide range of topics relating to technology, ranging from landline telephones to 3D printing. A significant point of emphasis throughout the semester has been the radical changes (and opportunities) that have emerged as a result of the transition from analog to digital (IP) networks.

Why has the internet been successful and vulnerable?

Ownership- no single person, entity, or gov runs the internet Scalability- No single point of failure or approval Simplicity- IP address uniquely identifies devices online, Domain Name System (DNS) changers URL name to IP address Openness- Open protocols make it easy to leverage, communication and trust

what are the core elements of the internet and what do they do?

Physical Layer- wired: cable , DSL, ethernet wireless: cell phone, satellite, WiFi Transport Layer- How the info will be transmitted; DNS, TCP/IP Application Layer- the apps used by businesses and consumers; Email, IM, Facebook, Twitter, etc. Content Layer- the actual content that is transmitted; text, image, audio, video

Thought-provoking internet initiatives

Project Loon- Introduced by Google in June 2013; designed to connect people in rural areas/ fill gaps by allowing them to connect a balloon network from phones & LTE devices OneWeb- Founded in 2012, their plan is to design and build 720 low earth orbit satellites to enable affordable internet access to everyone thru a coverage footprint Facebook's initiative to provide internet access to 2/3 of the world's population at affordable prices

Landline limitations

Propagation Delay-the actual time is takes for a signal to travel long distances causes a noticeable delay from transmitter to receiver Attenuation-the signal quality is diminished over long distances Impedance-the measure of total opposition that a circuit presents when alternating current (AC) is applied. Talker/ Listener Echo-when a reflection occurs during transmit or receive functions Bandwidth-the maximum data rate for an analog network is 33.6 Kbps (56 Kbps modems utilized DSL connections at the ISP). At that data rate, how long would it take to upload/download a 5 MB file? Traffic Patterns-voice traffic tended to be symmetrical (full duplex conversation). In addition, voice demand patterns were fairly consistent and easy to predict (daytime versus nighttime usage). Conversely, internet traffic was asymmetrical, with somewhat unpredictable patterns and bursts of demand. Binge-watching became a term used to describe a subset of Netflix subscribers who streamed video nonstop for hours. Geography-the concepts of LATA, Local Loop, and the Telephone Switch Hierarchy didn't align well with the global reach of the internet

Concept of spectrum reuse

Range-the range of a cell tower is approximately 10 miles. No Coverage Gaps-the use of a hexagon grid structure allowed carriers to provide seamless coverage and minimize dropped calls. Minimize/Reduce Interference-by utilizing non-adjacent cells, frequency interference was minimized. Because cell phones and base stations utilize low-power transmitters, the same frequencies can be used in non-adjacent cells. Because cell phones and base stations utilize low-power transmitters, the same frequencies can be used in non-adjacent cells

AWS Virtuous Circle

Reduced prices= more customers= more AWS usage = More infrastructure= economies of scale = lower infrastructure costs

Video impact- who are the disruptive innovators?

Revisit our discussion relating to audio and video content creation and recall the disruptive impact associated with the transition from analog to digital networks. The video industry is also in the midst of radical change. The way in which video is created, distributed and consumed is changing, disrupting the traditional (commercial-based) revenue models employed by legacy television networks.

Robbie Crawford Arts

Robbie Crawford provides another fascinating story to illustrate how emerging technologies can provide an opportunity to pursue your passions. Crawford is a former professional surfer who suffered a knee injury but never lost his passion for the ocean. In 2010, he purchased a GoProcamera and began capturing images of breaking waves. He is widely regarded as one of the top surf photographers in the world.

VoIP- benefits, use cases, limitations

Save Money-reduces local and long-distance charges due to IP delivery of signal (versus PSTN) Simplified Network-businesses can utilize/manage one network for voice and data communications Scalability-it is very simple to add/remove additional devices to the network Portability-easy to take phone system's features with you Global-your ability to communicate is no longer constrained by geography. Anyone with an internet connection is a potential communication partner. PC-to-PC-a scenario where two PCs connected to the internet would leverage audio capabilities within the device and initiate a VoIP phone conversation. PC-to-Telephone-a scenario where a PC would dial a telephone (IP or analog) and initiate a VoIP conversation. Telephone-to-Telephone-a scenario where two telephones (IP and/or analog) initiate a VoIP conversation. Voice Quality-insufficient bandwidth and dropped packets (due to burst periods) can adversely impact the quality of the voice signal. Power Requirement-VoIP calls require a power source. Traditional landline phones (not cordless) will still function properly when there is a loss of power. 911-one of the most common complaints with VoIP is that there isn't native E-911 access due to its global nature (remember our discussion on phone number elements?) National Security-some have expressed concern that calls/information can be hacked and therefore pose a risk to national security.

The impact smartphones have had on application development

Simplicity-it was very easy to send/receive text messages. In addition, message length was limited to 140-160 characters therefore it didn't take long to send/receive a message. Ubiquitous-all data-capable handsets supported text messaging. Once inter-carrier messaging was implemented, text messages could be sent to virtually anyone. Native-all data-capable handsets supported text messaging out of the box. As such, users did not have to download anything to their device. In marketing speak, there were no barriers to entry.

Wireless spectrums and network elements

Spectrum-what spectrum position(s) are needed in order to provide wireless services in a given market? Population density and topography are two key considerations. Network-how should a network be constructed to provide the best coverage/reliability? Authentication-how should the network authenticate devices and users on the network, acknowledging that the users will be mobile? Handoffs-how should the network transition a user from one base station to another without impacting voice/data quality or performance? Roaming-how should the network connect with other networks (competitors) to account for gaps in coverage? Base Station(cell site) -provides a wireless signal by utilizing a transceiver and antenna. The base station transmits/receives wireless signals for a carrier. Base stations operate from 869 MHz to 894 MHz. Mobile Device-receives signal base station signal and transmits from 824 MHz to 849 MHz. Channel-the pair of transmit signals (base station and mobile device) form the channel. Why do you think transmit/receive pairs are needed? MTSO-Mobile Telephone Switching Office. Behaves similar to the the Central Office in a PSTN. As such, the MTSO is the heart of the cellular network. MSC-Mobile Switching Center. Responsible for routing the mobile calls (mobile to mobile and mobile to landline). Billing information is typically captured by the MSC. Control Channel-only carries cellular system data. Primarily responsible for call setup. There is a forward and reverse control path between the base station and handset to set up the call. Voice Channel-paired frequencies that handle the call traffic (voice and data). Similar to the control channel, the voice channel has a forward and reverse path.

what is the difference between circuit and packet switched networks?

The initial circuit switched networks required manual intervention to facilitate a phone call between two parties; Circuit switched networks evolved to reduce manual intervention but still lacked efficiencies. In a data packet: Header- includes instructions, originating address, packet number and length Text- the body of what's in the packet Trailer- error detection, message complete

Creating personalized content

gaming streams, audio recording software

FTC recommendations to address IoT challenges

Three key challenges: -ubiquitous data collection- personal info, habits, location, and physical condition -potential for unexpected uses of consumer date that could have adverse consequences (does the data accurately reflect who you are?) -heightened security risks Three key steps: - adopting "security by design", engaging in data minimization, notice and choice for unexpected uses

3D design software and Maker Commons

Tinkercad is an innovative 3D design and 3D printing tool that allows users to create new design concepts and bring them to life using 3D printers; founded in 2011 and acquired by Autodesk in 2013; Penn State Media Commons introduced Maker Commons, an initiative to enrich the teaching and learning experience

Implications of mobile phone usage/ Leading global apps and characteristics

Top global apps by usage: 1- Facebook 2- WhatsApp 3- Messenger 4- IG Top global by session numbers: 1- KakaoTalk 2. WhatsApp 3- We Chat 4-VK -6+ of top 10 most used global apps are messaging apps -significant app sessions -smartphones never leave sides of teens -very high levels of social media connectivity daily


Twitch users can chat with other streamers while the game is in progress, add interactive elements; acquired by Amazon in 2014 for $970 million

VoLTE and its unique product capabilities

VoLTE-Voice over LTE. Routing voice traffic over an IP network, similar to VoIP but with a mobility element. -Scalable/Reliable. Even with the proliferation of smartphones, placing a voice call still remains a central element of the user experience (and carrier revenue). It is essential for a carrier to offer a high-quality voice experience to millions of subscribers. -Efficient. With many LTE deployments, voice traffic was still routed over 3G (even 2G networks). Similar to the transition from circuit-switched to packet-switched, migrating voice traffic to LTE offers efficiency gains for carriers. Lower Power Consumption -the reduction in power consumption during inactive periods could result in a 40% power savings. Interactive Services-since voice is treated like any other data application and consumes little bandwidth, additional data traffic (messaging/video) can be sent to utilize available bandwidth. HD Voice -the best voice quality available, allowing wireless phone calls to rival the landline experience. Video Calling-initiating a video call directly from the contact list (Facetime, can you hear me now?). Call Switching-instantly switch from a voice-only call to a voice and video call.

The difference between HSPA + OFDMA

While AT&T and T-Mobile initially marketed their HSPA+ networks as 4G, the reality was that the underlying network technology was still 3G (until they deployed LTE). OFDMA-Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access. OFDMA uses two-dimensional resource scheduling (in time and frequency) to dedicate an overlapping but non-interfering frequency range to each user so that multiple users can be supported in the same time slot. Important to note that both LTE and WiMAXutilize OFDMA technology

Legacy software development/limitations

ex. of a consumer purchasing a Dell computer then having to buy a separate updated of Microsoft Office from Best Buy -The software development cycle (how long it takes to develop a new software release) is controlled by Microsoft. As a result, consumers must wait for Microsoft to complete their development process.Legacy Limitations -There are multiple products contained within the Microsoft Office suite. As a result, the coordination of development cycles across multiple product lines (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, etc.) complicates the overall development timeline. -Development of one product could be adversely impacted for the good of the overall release. The result could be a lack of new features/product enhancements for a specific product. -The software is physically distributed and loaded onto the computer. As such, upgrades across the consumer base are inconsistent and version control becomes a challenge.

What are the benefits of using a pack switched network?

packet switches (routers) play an integral role in transferring packet data from an originating address to a destination address; packets are evolved at Node 1 and prioritized Node 2, the data flows from Node 2 are interleaved to maximize the utilization of the network; compared to circuit switching, packet switching offers scalability and resource utilization benefits, node 1 can also scale to handle numerous connections

Artificial Intelligence

system collects data online to assist with tasks

Freemium business model

the basic features of a product or service are provided free of charge, but the user must pay for premium services such as advanced features or add-ons.

Net neutrality

the principle that Internet service providers should enable access to all content and applications regardless of the source, and without favoring or blocking particular products or websites.

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