Autonomy-Connection Issues continue relationship based on emotional feelings and experiences A. Autonomy B. Connection C. Independent-self intimate partners D. Interdependent-self individuals E. Personal commitment F. Structural commitment G. "Hook up" culture
Autonomy-Connection Issues balance this theme as "me-we" A. Autonomy B. Connection C. Independent-self intimate partners D. Interdependent-self individuals E. Personal commitment F. Structural commitment G. "Hook up" culture
Autonomy-Connection Issues consensual sexual activity, no commitment A. Autonomy B. Connection C. Independent-self intimate partners D. Interdependent-self individuals E. Personal commitment F. Structural commitment G. "Hook up" culture
Autonomy-Connection Issues consider external social and family reactions to continuing or ending relationship A. Autonomy B. Connection C. Independent-self intimate partners D. Interdependent-self individuals E. Personal commitment F. Structural commitment G. "Hook up" culture
Autonomy-Connection Issues need for privacy and personal space in a relationship A. Autonomy B. Connection C. Independent-self intimate partners D. Interdependent-self individuals E. Personal commitment F. Structural commitment G. "Hook up" culture
Autonomy-Connection Issues need for relatedness and fluid merging of personal space A. Autonomy B. Connection C. Independent-self intimate partners D. Interdependent-self individuals E. Personal commitment F. Structural commitment G. "Hook up" culture
Autonomy-Connection Issues views "me-we-they-they" juggling act A. Autonomy B. Connection C. Independent-self intimate partners D. Interdependent-self individuals E. Personal commitment F. Structural commitment G. "Hook up" culture
Cultural-Ethnic Membership Values "I" identity, personal privacy and relationship privacy Individualists Collectivists:
Cultural-Ethnic Membership Values "we" identity, family and ingroup network connection Individualists Collectivists:
Different Expectations and Expressions Individualistic or collectivisits culture? the meaning of being in love develops over long-term commitment; continue to fall in love after marriage
Different Expectations and Expressions Individualistic or collectivisits culture? a. Most individuals typically "fall in love" first, then marry b. High U.S. divorce rate due in part to exaggerated individualism c. In the United States, partners desire to "lose" themselves in romance, then struggle with desire for personal freedom
For a successful intercultural marriage, a high level of commitment is not as important as it would be with an intragroup marriage TRUE OR FALSE
In ___________ cultures, most individuals typically "fall in love" first and then either get married or move on to another dating partner.
larger layer of; smaller layer of
In comparison with the Japanese, U.S. Americans have a ______ public self and a ______ private self.
Intercultural/Interracial Romantic Relationship Development Interracial couples' four stages of "racial" awareness and awakening: announce relationship to ingroups, family a. Racial awareness b. Coping c. Identity emergence d. Relationship maintenance
Intercultural/Interracial Romantic Relationship Development Interracial couples' four stages of "racial" awareness and awakening: gradual awareness of other's/society's views a. Racial awareness b. Coping c. Identity emergence d. Relationship maintenance
Johari Window: 4 panels hidden from others a. Open b. Hidden c. Blind d. Unknown
Johari Window: 4 panels known to self and to generalized or specific other a. Open b. Hidden c. Blind d. Unknown
Johari Window: 4 panels not known to self a. Open b. Hidden c. Blind d. Unknown
Johari Window: 4 panels unknown to self, others a. Open b. Hidden c. Blind d. Unknown
One of the rewards reported by intercultural couples is the stronger, deeper relationship that results from weathering prejudice. true or false
Johari Window: 4 panels
One other way to understand self-disclosure in more depth is to check out the
Raising Secure Bicultural Children Bicultural Identity Struggles: four identity forms of bicultural children: acknowledge and synthesize both influences A. Majority-group identifiers B. Minority-group identifiers C. Synthesizers D. Dissaffiliates
Raising Secure Bicultural Children Bicultural Identity Struggles: four identity forms of bicultural children: identify with minority parent A. Majority-group identifiers B. Minority-group identifiers C. Synthesizers D. Dissaffiliates
Raising Secure Bicultural Children Bicultural Identity Struggles: four identity forms of bicultural children: identify with neither parent's cultural background A. Majority-group identifiers B. Minority-group identifiers C. Synthesizers D. Dissaffiliates
Raising Secure Bicultural Children Bicultural Identity Struggles: four identity forms of bicultural children: identify with parent from dominant culture A. Majority-group identifiers B. Minority-group identifiers C. Synthesizers D. Dissaffiliates
Self-disclosure increases _____________ , which prompts more self-disclosure
Sonya lives in the United States and has a white father and a Filipina mother. She feels comfortable with synchronizing the patterns and traditions of both the typical U.S. culture and the Filipino culture. Which identity form is Sonya practicing?
"Romeo and Juliet"
The __________________ effect: family resistance increases liking
The balance between the need for privacy or personal space and the need for relatedness describes which issue? A. Autonomy B. Connection C. Independent-self intimate partners D. Interdependent-self individuals E. Personal commitment
The more intimate the level of intercultural relationship, the less important the cultural differences True or false
Racism and prejudice
What are the two Major Obstacles within Intercultural-Intimate Conflict?
When an interracial couple reaches the relationship maintenance stage, their challenges and rewards are similar to those of other couples. true or false
_________ females encounter more racism with black husbands
Countering racism and prejudice
coping strategies include ignoring, normalizing, withdrawing, educating, confrontation, prayer, and humor
degree to which one thinks others are similar or dissimilar to oneself A. Perceived similarity B. Intergroup-interpersonal attraction C. Similarity-attraction hypothesis
Intercultural-intimate conflict
disagreement between two romantic partners due, in part, to cultural or ethnic group membership differences
facets easily shared A. Public self B. Private self
facets not usually shared. A. Public self B. Private self
in general, a female spouse is more likely to receive external pressure to conform to the culture of the male spouse, compared to the pressure on a male spouse to conform to the female true or false
includes affection, inclusion, trust, depth
indirect approach, sacrifice, attending to other's needs, desires Individualists or Collectivists
self disclosure
intentionally reveal exclusive information about self
intercultural/Interracial Romantic Relationship Development Interracial couples' four stages of "racial" awareness and awakening: hard work in facing challenges a. Racial awareness b. Coping c. Identity emergence d. Relationship maintenance
intercultural/Interracial Romantic Relationship Development Interracial couples' four stages of "racial" awareness and awakening: personal enrichment, lifestyle with greater diversity and emotional vitality, raising open-minded resourceful children
intercultural/Interracial Romantic Relationship Development Interracial couples' four stages of "racial" awareness and awakening: struggles and strategies to gain approval from others a. Racial awareness b. Coping c. Identity emergence d. Relationship maintenance
larger public and smaller private selves. A. U.S. Americans B. Japanese
low-context in initiating, maintaining, ending relationships Individualists or Collectivists
perceived cultural-racial similarity A. Perceived similarity B. Intergroup-interpersonal attraction C. Similarity-attraction hypothesis
positive relationship exists between perceived similarity and interpersonal attraction (more similarity, then more attraction) A. Perceived similarity B. Intergroup-interpersonal attraction C. Similarity-attraction hypothesis
power/dominance of a "superior" racial group over "inferiors"
relationships between individuals from different cultures that appear to be high in intimacy are perceived by others as more negative than relationships low in intimacy true or false
Intimate relationships
romantic, close family, deep friend relationships
Social penetration theory
self-disclosure progresses from superficial to deep
small public and large private selves. A. U.S. Americans B. Japanese