Comm 315

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When parties in conflict begin to stonewall, it means that they __________________________.

withdraw from the interaction

Josh is talking with his Dad. Josh tells his Dad that keeping up with school and the new job is tough. Which of the following statements would be a confirming response from Josh's Dad?

"Wow, Josh. From what you're telling me, I can easily see how that would be tough to balance."

In long-term committed relationships, when it comes to attitudes and values,

"birds of a feather flock together" is truer than "opposites attract."

Chapter 10 & 11


Chapter 12


Chapter 15


Chapter 7 & Listening


Chapter 8


Chapter 9


Chapter 9 cont.


Chapters 1 & 2


Chapters 13 & 14


Chapters 3 & 4


Chapters 5 & 6


Interracial/Foeman & Nance


Samovar/Hofstede Reading


Match the stages in Foeman and Nance's model to their corresponding descriptors.

1) Racial Awareness 2) Coping 3) Identity Emergence 4) Maintenance

According to research, about ________ of men and _________ of women in college are virgins.

11%, 13%

During this week's lecture when we were covering Attachment Theory, we watched a video of a study of caregivers and children. Initially, only ___________ percent of the children in the study had a secure attachment style. At the end of the study, after the caregivers had received parenting training, ______________ perecnt of the children had a secure attachment style.

15, 70

LaShonda and Demond are in a relationship. For every 7 contributions Demond makes, he gets 21 benefits. LaShonda would have to receive _______ benefits for every 6 contributions for this relationship to be considered equitable.


According to the textbook, research on interpersonal communication began contributing to the study of personal relationships in the

1960s and 1970s

According to the Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network, in the United States, someone is sexually assaulted every _____ minutes.


Studies suggest that approximately __________ of the meaning of a given interaction is interpreted from nonverbal behavior.


According to research presented in the textbook, approximately what percentage of couples in the U.S. fall into the rapid involvement group?


Which of the following situations illustrates a couple struggling with the dialectic of revelation-concealment?

A couple deciding whether to tell friends that they are having relationship trouble

As discussed in the clip surrounding Julie Chen's eyelid surgery I asked you to watch, who asked her to have eyelid surgery?

A famous agent she wanted to be HER agent

Ravi and Misty are putting up their Christmas tree. Ravi wants a star on the top, but Misty wants a bow on the top. After much back and forth from the two, Misty says, "I demand a bow." Ravi says "Fine. Let's put a bow." In this example, to resolve the conflict, Ravi uses ________________.


Which state was the last to remove its anti-miscegenation law from its books?


If we accept the matching hypothesis as true, and we all agree that Javier is a "9 out of 10" in terms of physical attractiveness, then, according to this theory, Javier will be most likely attracted to a person who is _____________.

Also considered a 9 out of 10

______________ laws are laws that forbid mixed race marriages.


Emilio grew up with parents who overstimulated him, which made him defensive. As an adult, he prefers interpersonal distance, doesn't trust others, and doesn't want much intimacy in his relationships. According to Ainsworth, Emilio would be labeled as having which attachment style during childhood?


Cognitive valence theory proposes that the process of intimacy exchange begins with _________


Which of the following statements reflects a person using logical reasoning to initiate sex?

Brenna says to Abraham (who is a little nervous about the possibility of STIs), "It would be safe if we both got tested for STIs before we decided to have sex."

In Something New, Kenya is a(n) _______________________________ .

CPA at a financial firm

Which of the following is NOT one of the cognitive valencers in Andersen's Cognitive Valence Theory?


Jerome and Breon want to order a pizza. They each want about half a pizza to fill them up. Jerome wants pepperoni, but Breon wants a cheese-only pizza. After a little discussion, Jerome says, "Why don't we order from somewhere where we can get a large pizza with 1/2 cheese and 1/2 pepperoni?" Breon agrees. In this example, Jerome and Breon are both using __________________ .


Which of the following statements about cultural patterns is NOT true?

Cultural patterns are often limited to a particular context within a culture.

"You cannot step twice into the same river, for other waters are continually flowing in" is a metaphor for which characteristic of culture?

Culture is dynamic.

As discussed in the lecture, Dun (2010) introduced several turning points that occur in relationships between new parents and their own parents (the grandparents). Which of the following was NOT one of the turning point categories identified by Dun?


Alex and Erika have been in a relationship for 15 years. Both of them describe their relationship as being happy and satisfying. One day while trying to make plans for the weekend, Erika snaps at Alex, saying that Alex's ideas sound uninteresting and uncreative and that they might as well just stay home. Based on the quality of their relaionship, how is Alex most likely to explain Erika's insulting behavior?

Erika isn't usually so critical. She is probably having a bad day because of all the stress at work.

Jeff falls in love quickly and the initial stages of his dating relationships are usually intense and passionate, with high levels of self disclosure. According to the textbook, which of Lee's styles of love best characterizes Jeff?


Max travels by plane on a business trip even though he is terrified of plane rides. As he anxiously sits through take-off, he becomes aware of his attraction to the woman sitting next to him and begins to talk with her. What led to Max becoming more attracted to this woman than he would normally have been?

Excitation transfer

Which of Knapp's stages is characterized by extended small talk?


Which source of power is included in both Wilmot and Hocker's RICE Currencies AND French and Raven's Bases of Power?


In the assigned reading about Friends with Benefits study by Hughes, Morrison, and Asada (2007), which of the following was NOT a category of rules reported in the open-ended question?


T/F: According to conflict research, men and women have an equal tendency to stonewall.


T/F: According to the Sternberg Love Triangle Theory, throughout the course of a relationship, manifest intimacy is likely to increase but then reach a plateau as a relationship develops.


T/F: At one point in history, 45 out of 50 states had anti-miscegenation laws.


T/F: Behavior sent with intention, but not interpreted by the receiver is termed unattended behavior.


T/F: Collectivist cultures value independence over interdependence.


T/F: Expectancy Violations are, by definition, perceived negatively.


T/F: Interracial relationships are less common than they used to be.


T/F: Mass media carries images and stories that contribute to a sense of identity, but it does not influence values or beliefs.


T/F: Men enjoy sexual intercourse more than women.


T/F: Most dating breakups are mutual rather than the decision of just one of the relational partners.


T/F: Most divorces are initated by husbands.


T/F: Most of the research on interracial couples prior to the 1990s dealt with communication inside the relationship itself.


T/F: Paralanguage is a form of verbal communication.


T/F: People from Italy and the U.S. reported higher levels of demand-withdraw than did people from Brazil.


T/F: Power exists independent from any specific context.


T/F: The most common reason for termination of dating for both men and women is conflicting sexual attitudes.


T/F: When considering the demand-withdrawal pattern, men are more likely to do the demanding, and women are most likely to do the withdrawing.


T/F: White Male/Black Female relationships are more common than Black Male/White Female relationships.


In the documentary Killing Us Softly 4 by Jean Kilbourne, which of the following is NOT an argument she makes?

Females are not sexualized until they reach age 16, but then, the sexualization is relentless.

Sharon is gorgeous. Her teachers assume she'll be a good writer, too. What concept would explain this assumption?

Halo Effect

________________ is a physical process, while _____________ is a dynamic, transactional mental process.

Hearing, Listening

According to Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck, many Hindus believe that __________________.

Human beings are subject to nature.

When deciding the tendency of human nature, Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck organized cultures into three categories which include all of the following EXCEPT ___________________.

Human beings derive their goodness from nature.

The metaphor "kiss of the porcupines" refers to which of the following statements?

Humans have the need to be social with one another, but they often harm each other in their closeness

In the clip you watched about Fair and Handsome skin cream featuring Bollywood stars, what is the message that is sent?

If you want to attract women, it's better to have light skin than dark skin.

Which of the following is NOT listed as one of the Top 10 reasons people gave for divorcing in the Amato & Previti (2003) study?


Foeman and Nance's Coping Stage includes a sub-stage called _______________ .

Insulating, Negotiating, Turning to each other, ALL OF THE ABOVE

Chloe and Aidan have known one another for several years, but gradually they've begun to get closer and have moved their relationship to a romantic level. They've begun to attend parties together, host get-togethers, and often finish one another's sentences. What stage of Knapp's theory of coming together would best characterize Chloe and Aiden's current relationship?

Integrating stage

You have a roommate. Although you obviously know each other a bit, you don't necessarily identify as best friends. Sometimes you hang out and watch tv. The relationship is nice. The authors would categorize this relationship as a/an _________________ relationship.


Your friend Sinaya is trying to get a job at Wonkaland Candies. As it turns out, you used to work at Wonkaland Candies. You are still on very good terms with the hiring supervisor. Sinaya finds out about this relationship. According to Wilmot and Hocker, which power currency do you have in this situation?

Interpersonal Linkages

Which of the following is the best example of using surveillance as a response to jealousy?

Jason scrolls through the call log on his girlfriend's cell phone to see who she called.

According to your text, which of the following is the best example of an indirect and unilateral strategy of breaking up?

Just walk out the back, Jack.

Match each category of nonverbal communication to its corresponding descriptor.

Kinesics = Body movements, such as posture or positioning; Oculesics = Eye contact/ Eye Gaze; Haptics = Use of touch; Chronemics = Use of time

During my lecture on Politeness Theory, which of the following Face-Threatening Acts did I mention had happened to me?

Knocking children down during a ski lesson

Which of the following is the best example of a compensatory restoration response to jealousy?

Kristen makes herself especially attractive when around Terry.

Which of the following does the text recommend doing after ending a relationship?

Let any new relationship evolve slowly and naturally.

Which of the following is a good tip for dealing with conflict?

Let your partner speak, Put yourself in your partner's place, Don't jump to conclusions, ALL OF THE ABOVE

In order to overcome the criticism that the his work had a strong Western bias, Hofstede created the dimension of ____________________________________.

Long and Short-Term Orientation

What was the name of the Supreme Court case in 1967 that ruled anti-miscegenation laws unconstitutional?

Loving vs. Virginia

Anika considers herself to be a very athletic person. After a game one day, her coach congratulates her on her performance during the game. However, she hears some of her teammates saying that they think she is not very athletically skilled. Which instance(s) of feedback is Anika likely to attend to?

Mainly her coach's feedback--we attend to feedback that is consistent with our own perception of our identity.

_______________ is the combination of eros and ludus.


______________ tend to use more abstract language, while _____________ tend to use more concrete examples.

Masculine communicators; feminine communicators

According to the evolutionary hypothesis discussed in your textbook, men and women react differently to emotional sexual infidelity because ______________

Men and women have different priorities related to mating and parenting.

According to the double shot hypothesis, men and women react differently to emotional and sexual infidelity because

Men believe women are emotionally connected to people they have sex with, whereas women believe men can have sex without being emotionally connected.

Which of the following statements about sex differences is TRUE according to your text?

Men report boredom as a reason for breaking up more often than women do, Women report lack of autonomy as a reason for breaking up more than men do, Women report inequity as a reason for breaking up more than men do, ALL OF THE ABOVE

Mia: I'm so bummed. I totally bombed my organic chemistry test. Steve: Nah. Don't stress. I know you. You will bounce back. How would characterize Steve's response to Mia? It is ______________________________ .

Moderately person-centered

According to Politeness Theory, which of the following is an example of appealing to someone's negative face?

Mom, I know you and Dad are busy, but if you have time, do you want to come see me in our community play?

Altman and Taylor's Social Penetration Theory is often modeled using which food?


Jack and Jill are having an argument. Jack doesn't want to tell Jill about everyone he has dated in the past, but Jill says she deserves to know. Which dialectic are Jack and Jill arguing about?


Which of the following statements best describes the liking-disclosure hypothesis?

People disclose more when they like someone.

Joni met Stacy online through a mutual friend on Facebook. They really hit it off and wanted to meet up for coffee, so they did! This is an example of a _____________ .

Pinocchio relationship

Which of the following is NOT one of the types of jealousy mentioned in your textbook?


Match each category about the timing of sexual activity to its corresponding descriptor.

Rapid Involvement = Sexual intimacy precedes psychological intimacy as sex occurs early in the relationship; Gradual Involvement = Levels of sexual intimacy increase as the relationship develops; Low Involvement = Couple waits until they are engaged or married; Delayed Involvement = Couple waits until they are a committed couple

Intimate relationships are defined by

behavioral interdependence, repeated interaction, emotional attachment, and need fulfillment.

The notion that your close relationships are "collections" of all the communication episodes that you've had with your partner over time refers to which of the following principles of relational communication?

Relationships emerge across ongoing interactions.

In the assigned reading about Friends with Benefits study by Hughes, Morrison, and Asada (2007), how was the data collected by the researchers?

Researchers surveyed 143 students from a large midwestern university.

Which of the following scenarios is demonstrating a person who has Communication as a power currency?

Robert is very persuasive. The design team has a great product, but they're not sure how to market it. Robert helped design the letter to the company they're trying sell their product to! He's powerful!

For the discussion board, we watched Everybody Loves Raymond and discussed issues of ownership and permeability. Which of the following is NOT one of secrets that was shared during the episode?

Robert used to date Amy's best friend.

You take your car in to get serviced. The attendant comes out and gets information from you about your car's mileage and the type of service you would like. In this scenario, you have a/an ________________ relationship with the attendant.


During the lecture on Turning Points, I had you watch a clip showing a passionate turning point that was a couple's first kiss! Whose first kiss did we watch?

Ross and Rachel

Which of the following is the best example of trying to protect negative face?

Sam doesn't want to feel obligated to go to his girlfriend's house for Thanksgiving.

Lamont and Jessica have been dating for 6 months. The holidays are approaching, and they are starting to debate where to spend them. All they know is wherever they are, it will be together. Their families are pressuring them to come home, but Lamont and Jess just aren't sure. Which dialectic are they struggling to negotiate?


Put the steps of the listening process in the correct order.

Selecting, Attending, Understanding, Responding, Remembering

I talked in the lecture about where we get our information about relationships, including in the list the mass media. I showed the class examples from which of the following magazines?

Seventeen, Glamour, and GQ

According to Knapp's coming apart stages, when communication is at a standstill a couple is likely in the ______________ stage.


Which of the following were listed as "supposed motivations" for why people entered interracial relationships as discussed in the research?

Status marrying, trading race for money and vice versa, Rebelling against parents, making a statement, Curiosity in experimenting sexually with a racialized other, "Jungle Fever", ALL OF THE ABOVE

______________________ has been defined as verbal and nonverbal behavior produced with the intention of providing assistance to others perceived as needing that aid.

Supportive Communication

Samovar, Porter, McDaniel, and Roy reported the results of study that sought to understand the influence of culture on our perceptions. US and Mexican children were shown two images simultaneously--one to each eye. What did the researchers find?

The US children reported seeing the ballgame, while the Mexican children reported seeing the bullfight because each picture fit within their perspective of their respective cultures.

Which of the following is not a power principal discussed in our text?

The more abundant the sources, the greater the power struggle

Which of the following statements is NOT one of the principles of equity theory?

The most satisfying relationships occur when both partners in the relationship believe that they are overbenefitted.

How did Foeman and Nance carry out their study?

The researchers conducted interviews in public and private settings as participant-observers.

Tim receives 30 benefits for every 15 contributions he makes to his relationship with Sarah. Sarah, on the other hand, receives 25 benefits for every 5 contributions she makes. According to equity theory, ____________.

Tim is underbenefitted and Sarah is overbenefitted

Which of the following is the best example of symmetrical message exchange?

Tom says, "Take out the trash," and Jake says, "Take it out yourself."

T/F: According to conflict research, women tend to criticize more than men.


T/F: According to the 2010 census, there are over 2 million interracial marriages.


T/F: Constantly asking for another chance with one's ex is a form of ORI.


T/F: Culture is shared.


T/F: Females are more likely to have expressive friendships that involve using emotionally charged nonverbal and verbal communication.


T/F: For several decades, people in the US have subscribed primarily to a relational orientation through the practice of serial monogamy.


T/F: In Hall's Proxemic Zones, Intimate Zone falls between touch to 18 inches.


T/F: In the lecture we watched for this week entitled "Asking for It," the speaker spent several minutes soliciting responses from the audience around the topic of "does no ever not mean no" and "does yes ever not mean yes."


T/F: John Bowlby's Attachment Theory emerged from a curiosity about how children dealt with separation from the mothers during WWII in Europe.


T/F: Kenya and Brian's first date was a blind date.


T/F: Loving and liking are related, but qualitatively different.


T/F: Low-uncertainty avoidance means the people of a given culture are not threatened by different people and ideas and are more tolerant of the unusual.


T/F: Many cultures have a strong but unfair bias toward finding lighter skin more attractive than darker skin.


T/F: Our identities provide us with a hierarchical structure of who we are.


T/F: Proximity has an effect on to whom we are attracted.


T/F: Research suggests that individuals with the pragma love style tend to use direct opening lines when meeting potential partners.


T/F: STIs are on the rise in the people aged 55 and above in the US.


T/F: Studies suggest that around 50-60% of close relationships follow a nonlinear developmental path.


T/F: Texas once had an anti-miscegenation law.


T/F: The last state law outlawing interracial marriages was removed from the books in the year 2000.


T/F: The least common kind of relational disengagment strategy is indirect and bilateral.


T/F: When conducting their study, Foeman and Nance talked to over 309 individuals, logging more than 70 contact hours.


According to Hofstede's rankings, the three most individualistic countries at the time of his study were _______________________________ .

USA, Australia, and Great Britain

According to the reading for this week, dominant cultural patterns like material aquisition, equal opportunity, and progress/change are associated with what country?

United States

Which of the following statements about unrequited love is false?

Would-be lovers typically report experiencing more negative emotions than the person in the rejecting position.

When the primary caregiver is inconsistent and has personal problems that impede her or his ability to be a good parent, a child is most likely to end up with a/an ______________________ attachment style.


According to class lecture, the "Natural Movement" is

a movement that celebrates natural hair in the black community--hair free from relaxers.

Research on the intergenerational transmission of divorce has shown that children of divorces couples are ______ to get divorced than are children of non-divorced couples.

about 1.5 to 2 times more likely

Which of the following strategies would be classified as active according to uncertainty reduction theory?

asking a friend to find out if someone you are interested in is already dating someone else

Cariann is approached yet again by the same male colleague who tells her that he thinks she is "really pretty" and that they "need" to go out soon. In response, she tells him, "I am not interested in you that way, and your behavior is inappropriate and unprofessional." According to the research discussed in the text, her response is best characterized as being _______________.


Talking about the future of the relationship falls under the maintenance behavior called ______________ .


Metaphors about relationships "fading into the sunset" and being "a wonderful gardent that is slowly turning into an empty lot" suggest that a relationship is following the general pathway to relational endings called _____________ .


A(n) ________________ is a perceptual process of assigning reasons or causes to another's behavior.


One day at the grocery store, you notice a child and her mother in the cereal aisle. The child is pulling her mother toward a certain box of cereal. When her mother says, "No, you can't have that cereal because it is too sugary," the girl stamps her feet, cries, and pouts. Which of the following verbal power ploys best describes the one the child is using to influence her mother?

aversive stimulation

If your friend pretends not to see you stumble over your own feet as you walk down the street together and you don't say anything either, which corrective facework strategy is being employed?


In the exploratory affective exchange stage, ________________________________________ .

breadth increases before depth. Valence is mostly positive.

The difference between catastrophe theory and stage models of relationship dissolution is that

catastrophe theory proposes that relationships may end suddenly rather than moving through stages

When Ken wants to talk about their relationship, Madelyn changes the subject and engages in small talk. According to Knapp's model, Madelyn's communication pattern best fits the _____________ stage.


Ravi and Marie are talking. He says, "I'm going to send money back to my family. I want them to be ok." Marie says, "Don't be silly! You have to start thinking of yourself!" Ravi says, "I don't see it that way. I am because THEY are." Hofstede would say that Ravi is most likely from a __________ culture.


Read the following conversation and then answer the question. Marissa: You've been on the phone for an hour—get off! Nicole: Okay. Marissa: Now! [ tells her friend she will call her later and hangs up.] Marissa: Thank you. Nicole: Ask a little more nicely next time. Consider the first pairing of messages in this conversation. Marissa says, "You've been on the phone for an hour--get off!" and Nicole says, "Okay." This message pairing is an example of _______.


According to Waldron and Kelley's research, _________________ is most likely when a transgression is serious.

conditional forgiveness

When you give a ____________ response, you validate the other person.


Brenna and Jacob have been married for two years. Brenna is Christian and Jacob is Jewish. Though they have made peace between themselves, they have struggled with how to best express their faith when family members come over to celebrate. Both want to celebrate the traditions that are part of their religion, so they come up with original ways to decorate their home, such as hanging traditionally Jewish symbols on a small Christmas tree. The dialectical tension that Brenna and Jacob are dealing with is


The negative spiral sequence characterized by one partner wanting to talk about an issue, while the other continually avoids the issue is ________________.


According to your textbook, the most intense hurt feelings arise when a partner's words or actions communicate ___________________ .


Affectionate Communication can be _________________________________.

direct and verbal, direct and nonverbal, indirect and nonverbal, ALL OF THE ABOVE

Cupach and Spitzberg gave four reasons why pursuers continue to use obsessive relational intrusion behaviors when the person to whom they are attracted does not return their interest. Which of the following is NOT one of these reasons?

direct rejection strategies

Which of the following is most likely to cause a relationship breakup?


Cecilia has a positive model of herself but negative views about others. She exemplifies which of Bartholomew's attachment styles?


When someone wants something of value that someone else has, he or she is experiencing _________.


Which of the following is a primary appraisal of a jealousy-producing situation?

evaluating the existence or strength of the threat

When Raymond and Debra are practicing active listening with their child, she ______________________________________ .

explains that she didn't want to give her giraffe away to her little brothers yet

Scott is feeling dissatisfied in his relationship. Although his girlfriend often joins him in his weekly rock climbing and has hinted to him that she wants to spend the rest of her life with him, she never says "I love you" or hugs him in public. Scott is dissatisfied because he is overvaluing his own love way, which can best be described as

expressive love

Evidence that some women are fine without sex, while others are highly sexual is compatible with the notion that the female sex drive is more _________ than the male sex drive.

flexible, adaptable, and responsive

Initially, Amy was attracted to Naomi due to her skill in flirting and her desire to try new things--the exact opposite of Amy's own shy personlity. Recently, Amy has discovered that Naomi often flirts with other women and makes plans to be with them. Now, instead of endearing it's irritating. This exemplifies _____________ .

fatal attraction

According to the ____________________, people who are distressed about a problem or who think about a problem a lot are much more likely to reveal thoughts and feelings about the problem than are those who are not experiencing anxiety about an issue.

fever model of self-disclosure

Culture is learned through ________________ .

folktales, art, mass media, ALL OF THE ABOVE

Ian has an anxious ambivalent attachment style, which of the following behaviors or emotions would be uncharacteristic of him?

freely exploring a new environment

The way we would greet a potential boss and try to impress her/him by discussing ideas of ethics and company loyalty illustrates which aspect of Goffman's dramaturgical perspective?

front-stage behavior

Communication in which most of the message is already in the receiver and very little is in the coded, explicitly transmitted part of the message reflects which of Hall's orientations?

high context

In Altman and Taylor's Affective Exchange stage, communication is characterized by ________ .

high depth and breadth

According to Hofstede's theory, beliefs that "power and authority are facts of life," "people are not equal in the world," and "everyone has his/her rightful place" reflect _______________________ .

high power distance

The term relative power refers to

how much power a person has in comparison to her or his partner

The valence of self-disclosure refers to __________________________________ .

how positive or negative the self-disclosure is

NBC reported that a neurosurgeon in Arizona started teaching an elective medical school course at a horse farm in order to teach his students ______________________ .

how to have a better bedside manner with patients

In the movie Something New, Brian is a _______________________________ .


The concept of ______________ refers to the idea that we sometimes like people who are similar to us in arbitrary ways, such as having similar names or being born during the same month.

implicit egotism

Paul jokingly asks his wife if she'd like to have five children. If Paul's comment is designed to see if his wife really might consider having five children, his comment would be classified as the secret test called

indirect suggestion test

Sergio compliments his coach on his "good judgment, his "ability to see beyond what happens on the field" and his "knack for motivating players" in an effort to prevent himself from being cut from the team. Which verbal power ploy describes Sergio's comments best?


Which of the following is NOT one of the attribution categories discussed in the lecture?

intentional vs. unintentional

People weigh costs and rewards in the _____________ phase of Duck's dissolution model


Which of the following maintenance behaviors do male friends use (with other males) more than female friends use (with other females)?

joint activities

In Rawlin's work on dialectics in friendships, the ______________ dialectic refers to being able to accept a friend for who he or she is versus feeling free to offer criticism and advice.


One day at your job, you discover that one of your coworkers has told another coworker about your romantic relationship with a colleague. When you find out what happened and approach him about it, he says, "Everyone would have found out eventually anyway. It's not that bad." Which of the following remedial strategies has your coworker used?


If you were trying to predict who would be in the "demanding" versus "withdrawing" position during a conflict episode, which piece of information would be most helpful?

knowing which person was seeking compliance or change.

According to the research cited in the text (Blumstein & Schwartz, 1983), which of the following relationships are most likely to break up?

lesbian couples

On again, off again relationships are characterized by

less approval from their social networks, less positivity, less love, ALL OF THE ABOVE

The authors of your textbook report research showing that, compared to heterosexual couples, lesbian couples are likely to have __________ sex.

less frequent

Which of the following is NOT one of Hofstede's value dimensions?

locus of control

Holding hands best illustrates ____________________ within Sternberg's model.

manifest intimacy

Shelly invites Farooq to get some lunch. They decide on 11 AM to get an early start. Shelly arrives at 10:55 and waits, but doesn't see Farooq. Eleven o'clock comes and goes. Around 11:20, Shelly calls Farooq's phone. He informs her that he is just leaving the house and would be there soon. Shelly was furious! Hall would say Shelly is probably from a _____________ culture.


Heather is listening to Jennifer. Jennifer says, "I got a C on my test. I'm really disappointed because I thought I did better than that." Heather says, "I got a C one time. It was a long time back, and I was really disappointed because I totally did not deserve it. Let me tell you waht happened." Heather is engaged in which poor listening habit?


Research has shown that in dating and marriage relationships, women are ___________________________ .

more likely than men to initiate breakups

Robert is nuts about Genevieve; however, Genevieve doesn't feel the same way about him. In fact, she has told him several times, in no uncertain terms, that she is NOT interested. Robert still decides to send her flowers on her birthday. In this situation, the receiving of the flowers would be a ______________ expectancy violation for Genevieve.


According to the authors of the textbook, __________ is a richer source of power messages than ______________.

nonverbal communication, verbal communication

Uncertainty reduction theory predicts that people reduce uncertainty by

observing others, manipulating the environment, asking questions, ALL OF THE ABOVE

Although some see them as categories, the textbook authors mention that the cascade of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse begins when _____________________________________________.

one person complains or criticizes the other

Read the following conversation and then answer the question. Marissa: You've been on the phone for an hour—get off! Nicole: Okay. Marissa: Now! [ tells her friend she will call her later and hangs up.] Marissa: Thank you. Nicole: Ask a little more nicely next time. In the converation above, Nicole's line, "Ask a little more nicely next time." is a ______________________ .

one-up message

In Lee's Love Styles, which of the following styles is not considered a primary love style?


Which of the following is a technique used in active listening?

paraphrasing, clarification, perception checking, ALL OF THE ABOVE

During a party for a mutual friend, Mike spots Alex. Mike observes that Alex does not have any people around her who seem to be romantic partners, she is a college student like himself, and she appears to be relatively outgoing. He has the host of the party casually ask if she's met his friend Mike. After Mike sees Alex smile at him, he approaches her and begins to make small talk. Which of the following uncertainty reduction strategies does Mike employ in this scenario?

passive, active, interactive, ALL THE ABOVE

According to relational goal pursuit theory, __________ .

people expend energy to develop or re-initiate relationships to the extent that they perceive a relationship is desirable and attainable.

Transgressions occur when _________ .

people violate rules in their relationships

According to the text, _________ refers to an individual's ability to influence others to do what the individual wants, as well as an individual's ability to resist the influence attempts of others.


Bob loves Jennifer. Jennifer is just the type of woman Bob always hoped to find as a romantic partner. Bob had to date around for a long time before finding her, so at first he was slow to invest emotionally. Now, however, Bob thinks that Jennifer is the right choice for him. She has all the qualities he has been looking for—she is patient and intelligent, and would be a good mother. Under which of Lee's styles of love do Bob's feelings best fit?


Research suggests that men and women identify with different love styles. Several studies have shown women from the United States and Portugal score higher than men on ______________ .


According to Predicted Outcome Value Theory, people are likely to seek more information when they

predict that future interactions with a person will be rewarding.

On a normal basis you come home from school and find your housemate's socks on the floor. One day, however, you come home and find the floor free of socks. Which of the following types of expectancies have been violated?


Reba says to Kevin, "Look. If you don't want to sleep with me, there are plenty of men who do. I'm tired of waiting for you to be ready. You can either decide to make our relationship sexual, or I'm gone." To his credit, Kevin says, "I understand. Bye, Reba." Reba used a sexual initiation strategy called _________________.

pressure and manipulation

Leah tells Brayden that she "just wants to be friends" when she actually wants to end the relationship altogether. What disengagement strategy has Leah used?


Sebastian is sitting in Dr. Wilson's Interpersonal Class on Wednesday afternoon. He went out to the Dixie Chicken last night. Although he is sitting in class, he is mentally still in his pajams in his dorm room. Because he is not rude, Sebastian still acts as though he is listening (though he's not!). He nods his head and laughs when everyone else does. Sebastian is engaged in __________________.


Michelle talked to her boss about getting a salary increase. He said, "Well, let's see if we can work something out, Michelle. How about you join me for a weekend trip--just the two of us?" What form of sexual harrassment is the boss exhibiting?

quid pro quo

Daisy Coleman was a 14-yr-old teenager who snuck out of the house to attend a party with highschoolers in a small town in Missouri. While at the party, Daisy was allegedly drugged, raped, and then driven home and left on her front porch in freezing temperatures. Her mother found her in the morning. Charges were filed against the alleged rapists. However, in the media, the alleged rapists were portrayed as victims who "lost promising futures," while Daisy was painted as a "wild child who made poor choices and had it coming to her." This scenario, particularly as it relates to Daisy, is known as ____________________________. (By the way, this is a true story. Google it after the test.)

rape myth acceptance

Annabelle believes that Gordon has committed a relational transgression, but Gordon insists that he has "done nothing wrong" and that Annabelle is "making something out of nothing." Gordon's is using the strategy called


Michael and Bernadette believe that sexual intercourse is a way of expressing love and affection as well as for developing greater intimacy. This implies that they have a ___________ orientation toward sexuality.


________________ occurs when people's positive images of their partners and their relationships start to fade.

relationship disillusionment

In the research Dun (2010) conducted on Turning Points in relationships between adult children who recently became parents and their parents, Dun discovered a category labeled "Communication." Which of the following is NOT one of the types of communication Dun included in this category?

reputation talk

In the Identity Emergence stage of Foeman and Nance's model, couples begin to develop behaviors that are self-sustaining using the strategies of ____________ and ____________.

rethinking, reframing

Research suggests that the most lying occurs in relationships between __________________ .

romantic partners

Most children can be characterized with which type of attachment style?


Attachment theory is based on the idea that early interactions shape our working models of __________ and __________. These models combine to form the foundation of our attachment style.

self, others

A/an _________________ occurs when an expectation exists that something will happen, and a person behaves in a way (often unconsciously) that actually makes it more likely that the anticipated event will occur.

self-fulfilling prophecy

The time at which teenagers begin to distance themselves from their parents to develop an individual identity apart from the family structure is referred to by scholars as

separation and individuation

According to research cited in the text, men use _________ to display intimacy more than do women.

shared interests and activities

According to Duck's phase model of relational dissolution, relational repair becomes less probable when relationships reach the _________ phase.


John and Tammy have been having problems for a while. When John finds out that Tammy had an affair, he thinks to himself, "I mean it! Thsi time we are breaking up!" This cognitive threshold would push John into which stage of Duck's model of relationship dissolution?

social phase

A person who has a high visual dominance score __________ .

spends more time looking while speaking than looking while listening.

If people engage in gunnysacking, it means that they ________________________________.

store up many small issues over time, ultimately bringing them all up during one conflict

According to research, the #1 activity that middle school and high school girls would hate to have to give up is _______________.

talking on the telephone

The assimilation effect occurs when

the attention that physically attractive people get rubs off on their friends.

According to the research, there are several elements that affect the severity of a Face-Threatening Act. Which of the following is NOT one of these elements?

the esteem levels of the receiver and the sender

In collectivistic cultures, people are more concerned about ________________ .

the face of the other(s)

Research reported in your textbook suggests that people are most likely to forgive their partner for engaging in sexual infidelity when

the partner discloses the information on her or his own

The principle of least interest means that

the person who cares the most has the least power.

You have just been hired as a consultant for a large company to analyze some project teams and to report on how power is distributed within them. On your first day, you immediately notice that one person is late to the meeting and is dressed a little more casually than the others. In the discussion, this person is the one who initiates the topics, seems to interrupt, and closes the meeting. Based on which principle of power would you say that this person is more powerful than the others?

the prerogative principle

Communication accommodation refers to

the process in which people's verbal and nonverbal behaviors become more similar or different to those around them.

Maureen and Michael are platonic cross-sex friends. Maureen's boyfriend gets jealous when she spends a lot of time with Michael , and Michael constantly has to explain to everyone that he is not interested in Maureen in a romantic way. The challenge Maureen and Michael are dealing with is ______________.

the public presentation challenge

According to research cited in the text, forgiveness is most likely when

the relationship was previously rewarding

Which of the following is the biggest disadvantage when it comes to detecting deception in close relationships?

the truth bias

The models that form the basis of attachment styles are known as "working models" because

they are relatively stable, yet can be changed by new experiences

According to research cited in the textbook, partners in __________ relationships are likely to use blatant power strategies such as verbal aggression and constraints on each other and are not very likely to be diverse in their use of influence strategies.

traditional and unequal

The extent to which people within a culture are made nervous by situations which they perceive to be unstructured, unclear, or unpredictable reflects the cultural orientation toward _________________ .

uncertainty avoidance

During the Racial Awareness Stage of Foeman and Nance's model, partners in interracial relationships deal with ______________________________ .

understanding their attraction and becoming sensitive to their partner's racial experience.

Jessica and Melinda are playing basketball. Jessica is nervous because of how good Melinda is. Jessica says to Melinda, "Okay, but my leg has been acting up, so I don't know how this will go." In what type of preventative facework is Jessica engaging?

verbal self-handicapping

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