COMM 3345 Exam 2

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Media Class or Medium

group of carriers that have similar characteristics ex: tv, newspapers, magazines, online big part of media strategy


summary of the actions of the media it illustrates -the media to be used -the schedule for the ads -weighting (time & geographic areas) -the reach & frequency of the plan -ad sizes -the estimated costs (media buyers will negotiate final price)

Buying Print Media: newspapers

-3 Major ways of buying: 1. run of paper (ROP) 2. supplements 3. Custom Inserts

Media Strategies: Scheduling

-Continuity (covers entire purchase circle, cost efficient/discount) -Flighting or bursting (compete with competitors heavy advertising during certain time periods) -Pulsing (combines flighting & continuous by using low ads all year long with heavy ads during peak selling periods)

Buying Internet

-Emerging area and standard metric still being experimented on

TV Dayparts

-Two common ways to buy TV time: 1. buying specific programs 2. buying dayparts -buying dayparts gives TV stations flexibility so the rate generally is lower -dayparts are a good option during the summer (re-runs are being played and ad space is cheaper) -buy dayparts during the times your target audience is most likely to be watching TV

Media Strategies: Geographic Market Weighting

-add either advertising money, GRPs, or large number of ads in geographic markets where sales potentials are greater than others (BDI & CDI suggests)

Media Strategies: Heavy Introductory effort/up-front strategy

-best strategy for new product introduction (especially when competitors have strong hold in the market) -introductory period can run from 1-3 months

Cost per thousand & cost per point

-both CPP & CPM are basic evaluation tools -they drive media choices by putting all buys on an equal footing -both methods let you weigh cost of each medium based on impressions, circulation (reach) or ratings

Media Strategies: Media Mix

-combing media classes -uses the Sainsbury formula to help make decisions -build you campaign architecture: "determining the right media channel mix"

Media Mix

-cost savings -more effective in reaching objectives

cost per thousand (CPM)

-cost to deliver to 1000 people or homes CPM = (total cost / total impressions/reach/circulation) x 1000 should be reported in dollars & cents with decimals places lowest CPM is most efficient (barring other factors)

Hallmark of Lovemarks: Mystery

-draws together stories, metaphors, dreams, and symbols -adds to the complexity of relationships/experiences because people are drawn to what they don't know

The Sainsbury Formula

-easy/quick way to estimate the reach & frequency of a combination of media vehicles -it is an estimate based on probability -rough estimate: formula tends to overestimate reach and depress frequency levels -has a built in correction factor for overestimation so it is accurate enough for general media planning & marketing practitioners use it often *can be used to find the combined reach of many kinds of vehicles if the data for each is known*

Hallmark of Lovemarks: Intimacy

-empathy, commitment, and passion -close connections that win intense loyalty -without intimacy people can't feel they own a brand

Justifying Media costs & buying

-final media plan must list total budget -must show amount and % of budget allocated to each media class/vehicle, each geographic market & each time period -must justify decisions


-for media planning & buying purposes, in broadcasting a day is divided into a series of time periods that reflect different program types & audiences -these factors impact audiences related factors (reach & frequency) and price

Hallmark of Lovemarks: Sensuality

-keeps to the 5 senses (sight, hearing, smell, touch, taste)

Media Selection: Time Decisions based on factors such as:

-monthly/seasonal sales patterns -budget constraints -competitive activities -product availability -promotional events

Branding without borders (relationship to media planning)

-must be engaging with consumers -get consumers more involved through the medias you are choosing (digital is more interactive/engaging)

Three ways to create Lovemarks

-onscreen -online -in-store

Buying out-of-home

-paying for space/product -types include: 1. billboards 2. street furniture 3. transit 4. digital out-of-home 5. alternative

Buying TV/Radio Time

-perishable inventory (cost varies w/supply/demand & the planner needs to know the most current costs)

Setting priorities

-planners should do this early on to decide which elements are important or not -priorities come from the media objectives

Buying Print Media: magazines

-pricing for print media space is more stable than broadcast -categories of magazines 1. general interest (time, people) 2. women's service (Good Housekeeping, Family Circle) 3. Home Magazines (Southern Living) 4. Other


-products or services that inspire loyalty beyond reason -high in love & respect

Radio Dayparts

-radio is primarily sold in dayparts -Saturday & Sunday are less structured

What is media strategy? What does it try to achieve

-series of actions that planners take to attain media objectives -problem solving and/or making use of the opportunities -Process of analyzing and choosing media for advertising and promotional campaigns

Media Strategies: Heavy-up Scheduling

-spend more advertising money during peak or heavy buying time period -try to switch competitors consumers

Media Selection: Media Comparisons

-typically media are selected based on quantitative data that show selected media's abilities to reach target audiences -consider strengths & weakness of the media -innovative theories generated from practitioners

Effective Media Strategy

-used less daytime -for new products, used more primetime (greater increase in sales) -advertising gets current users to buy more -more GRPs, increase percentage of total incremental sales volume on TV ads -continuity counts -30 sec spots are better than 15 sec spots

Media buyer needs to know these to provide costs for buying TV/Radio time

1. geographic area/markets 2. target audience 3. commercial length 4. dayparts to be used 5. scheduled dates (bc different cost per rating for each quarter) 6. special buying instructions

Hallmarks of Lovemarks

1. mystery 2. sensuality 3. intimacy

Setting the Budget: Major budget methods used by top 100 advertisers

1. objective & task 2. affordable/subjective 3. % of sales 4. Competitive spending

5 Keys elements in Media Strategy

1. reach 2. frequency 3. continuity 4. number of markets 5. budget (within a fixed budget emphasizing one element leads to another element suffering -- think of the square diagram)

TV Dayparts

Different ways to divide the dayparts

TV subcategories

National Network TV local/spot TV syndication cable

Network TV daytime is viewed ______ than Network TV Primetime

Network TV daytime is viewed less than Network TV Primetime

Actual Sainsbury Formula

Reach = a + b - (ab) a = reach of 1st medium (as decimal) b = reach of 2nd medium (as decimal) reach = % of target exposed to either of the 2 media *written as percentages*

Buying a mix of media

Sainsbury formula

Word of Mouth has become...

WORLD of mouth -because there is a need to change how we advertise and examples of strong advertisers are Lovemarks

cost per rating point (CPP)

cost per one percent of/one rating point in a given market (typically for broadcast) CPP = (cost of commercial/rating) usually rounded to nearest whole dollar (no decimals) lowest CPP is most efficient

Media Vehicle

individual carrier within a medium/class ex: 60 Minutes, Columbus Dispatch, People, CNN big part of media selection

Considerations when selecting a Media Class

monthly/seasonal sales patterns budget constraints competitive activities product availability promotional events factors related to media objectives - scheduled dates - dayparts

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