COMM 451 Midterm

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Erin is surprised when her supervisor at work announces that there will be layoffs. She wants others in her office to think she already knew about the layoffs, though, so she hides her surprise. Which display rule is Erin enacting?


With respect to the connections between emotion and personality, which of the following statements is NOT true?

Introverts react more strongly to positive stimuli than do extraverts

Research has identified frequent commonalities among emotionally abusive adults. Which of the following is NOT one of those commonalities?

Low self-esteem

Research has identified several health benefits associated with affection. Which of the following is NOT among them?

Lower body mass index (BMI)

Regarding the relationship between reliability and validity, which of the following statements is true?

Measures cannot be valid unless they are also reliable

Which of the following is an example of an extrinsic influence on emotion regulation?


Tia has many close friends who provide her with love, support, and positive emotion. As a result, Tia does not react in an overly stressful way when she encounters problems in her life. This stress-protective effect of positive emotion is explained by the:

Buffering hypothesis

Ontogeny is best defined as what?

Change over time in the characteristics of an individual organism

According to research, most sex differences in emotion are differences in:

Emotional expression

This idea says we feel uncomfortable "faking" an emotion display when we know that it doesn't match our genuine emotion.

Emotive dissonance

We have noted that emotional intelligence encompasses four specific competencies. Which of the following is NOT among them

Express emotions appropriately

In therapy, Ron claims that "My wife is obsessed with making sure I go to the dentist every four months like clockwork. She's crazy!" Which of the following responses from his therapist would constitute a reframing of Ron's claim?

"Your wife cares enough about you to make sure you're healthy"

Aristotle believed that emotional appeals can be effective at persuasion, and he called them:

Appeals to pathos

All of the following positive emotions would be considered extrinsic EXCEPT:


According to research, children begin monitoring and regulating their emotions at approximately what age?

2 years

Having been raised in a strict religious environment, Bryan is very susceptible to "guilt trips" that others induce in him. In contrast, Gail is relatively immune to guilt. According to Differential Emotions Theory, Bryan and Gail differ from each other in their:

Activation threshold

The stress hormone cortisol is released by this endocrine gland.

Adrenal gland

Which of the following constitutes plagiarism?

All of the above

According to research, the two vocal characteristics that vary the most as a function of emotion are:

Amplitude and fundamental frequency

Especially when chronic, this emotion predicts exaggerated physiological responses to stressors.


A selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, or SSRI, is an example of which type of treatment for emotion disorders?


Regarding the conscious experience of emotion, which of the following statements is true?

Appraisal of the reaction as a specific emotion is required

Watching commercials depicting animal abuse and neglect makes me sad, so whenever one comes on TV, I pick up a magazine and start reading it instead of paying attention to the commercial. Which emotion regulation strategy am I using?

Attentional deployment

Blake's mom is constantly telling him that if he doesn't quit smoking, he's going to die a painful death. These statements make Blake worry, so he decides to quit smoking. In this scenario, what is the connection between emotion and health?

Blake's emotion is motivating him to engage in a health-promoting behavior

According to this hypothesis, experiencing positive emotions such as joy helps us be more creative and pay better attention.

Broaden and build hypothesis

Regarding the development of children's facial expressions of emotion, all of the following statements are true EXCEPT:

Children born blind generally do not develop the facial expression associated with disgust

This is the act or process of acquiring knowledge, including perception, intuition, and reasoning.


Spencer is seeing a therapist for depression. His therapist is trying to help Spencer change inaccurate thoughts and disrupt his maladaptive behavioral patterns. Which type of therapeutic approach is the therapist using?

Cognitive-behavioral therapy

Psychologist John Gottman has identified this as one of the most corrosive emotions in intimate relationships and a prime warning sign for divorce.


Maris knows that to measure romantic love, she can assess either subjective perceptions or objective indicators. Which of the following is an example of a subjective perception?

Degree of agreement with the statement "I love my romantic partner very much"

The evolutionary purpose of this emotion is to protect us from contamination.


An ongoing question has been whether emotional intelligence should be classified as a form of intelligence, or as something else (such as a skill). Those who argue that EI is not a form of intelligence tend to point out that:

EI can be improved through training, whereas a person's level of intelligence is usually stable over time

This is the body's response to any event that enhances or inhibits its goals.


The organizationally prescribed display of feeling is known as:

Emotion labor

Different views explain the relationship between words and emotions. Which of the following explanations reflects the Core Meaning view?

Emotion words invoke certain universal connotations

James comes from a culture in which gender role expectations for women and men are very similar. Based on that information, we would accurately describe his culture as:


Whenever Drew gets excited, he speaks in a voice that sounds higher than normal. Which vocal property of his voice is changing in response to his arousal?

Fundamental frequency

Sadness and grief are similar, but separate, emotional experiences. Regarding the differences between them, which of the following statements is true?

Grief encompasses more emotional dimensions than does sadness

In North Korea, Communist Party officials have great wealth and authority, whereas the average citizen has very little. This is characteristic of a:

High-power-distance culture

Jamie and Keith have a variety of "pet names" for each other that they use to communicate their love. Pet names are best described as an example of which form of affectionate communication?

Idiomatic expressions

Chantel feels both guilty and ashamed about certain aspects of her past. Regarding the relationship between guilt and shame, which of the following statements is true?

In shame cultures, what matters is what other people think of you, not what you think of yourself

One of the distinctions between virtuous pride and hubris is that:

In virtuous pride, the self and the object of pride are separate

Emotional abuse has certain characteristics, according to lecture. Which of the following is NOT among them?

It occurs in an independent relationship

Ekman argues that humans display six basic emotions. Which of the following is NOT among them?


The word "emotion" shares Latin roots with which of the following terms?


Darwin claimed that phylogeny is driven by which process?

Natural selection

Successful emotional appeals often focus on generating this type of emotion, specifically.


This is best defined as "the tool we use to measure something."

Operational definition

This is one of only two facial muscles that is not actually attached to the skull.

Orbicularis oris

Last week at a meeting, Maria's manager paid her a compliment in front of everyone present, and Maria immediately blushed. Which of the following statements is true about blushing?

People who blush are more trustworthy than those who don't

The emotion cascade includes all of the following components EXCEPT:

Physiological arousal

Lee's hair stands on end when she gets scared. This is an example of which physiological response?


In lecture, we identified four major brain structures. Which of the following is NOT among them?

Prefrontal cortex

This principle states that facial expressions of emotion are part of a more complete behavioral response directed at managing whatever is causing the emotion.

Principle of serviceable habits

Victoria is known to be egocentric, manipulative, aggressive, and even hostile in her interactions with other people. On which of Eysenck's three factors would she likely score high?


We have said that fear and anxiety prompt activity in the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. Which of the following is an example of HPA axis activity?

Release of cortisol

According to Witte's Extended Parallel Process Model, a persuasive message must include the claim that the recommended course of action would successfully deal with the problem. Which message component is being described here?


To encourage his roommate Lisa to lose weight, Tom tells her how happy she would feel if she exercised more. Lisa doesn't feel she has the ability to exercise more, however, because of how busy her schedule is. In this case, Tom's emotional appeal will likely fail, because Lisa lacks:


Many emotions have specific action tendencies. When Mario feels surprised, which action tendency is activated?


Ethan feels calm, tranquil, and peaceful whenever he sits in church. We would identify his emotional state in that situation as:


Cross-cultural consistency in encoding and decoding are both highest for this emotional cue.


Judgments, evaluations, thoughts, and culture are key components of which approach to emotion?

Social cognitive

Regarding brain neurons, which of the following statements is true?

Some neurotransmitters experience reuptake at synapses

Jealousy is a secondary emotion composed of all of the following EXCEPT:


When Tim tells Kate about the grief he is experiencing over the loss of his job, Kate is concerned for his well-being even though she doesn't understand or share his feelings. Which emotional state is Kate having?


Women and men differ from each other in all of the following ways, EXCEPT:

Their level of intelligence

According to linguistic research, which of the following statements is true?

Treatment with Botox slows the ability to process emotional language

Regarding laughter, which of the following statements is FALSE?

Unvoiced laughs elicit more positive affect among hearers than voiced laughs

According to the somatic markers hypothesis, this is the brain structure responsible for somatic states from secondary inducers (e.g., "I think of a snake and I feel fear.")

Ventromedial prefrontal cortex

According to developmental psychology, when in a child's life do primary emotions such as joy, interest, surprise, anger, and fear begin to appear?

Within the first six months

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