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The "systematic arrangement of symbols to create meaning in the mind of another" is known as

Women exhibit discomfort at the small space they are allowed by others

Which of the following statements about distance is FALSE?

behavioral flexibility

"The ability to alter behavior in order to adapt to new situations and to relate in new ways when necessary" is a definition of


"You need to remember this because it will be on the quiz." What type of lecture cue is this statement?

Lecture cues

The phrases "This will be on your quiz Friday" and "The second type of listening is..." are examples of

Impression management

If Anu was unable to control his communication in a way that presented an "idealized" version of himself, he would be lacking in

impression management

If Anu was unable to control his communication in a way that presented an "idealized" version of himself, he would be lacking in

using a separate column in your notes.

One of the suggestions for being a better listener in the workplace is to "plan for nuggets." The strategy recommended for doing this involves

understand another person and his or her message more accurately

Perception checking is a skill that helps us


The same bottom-feeding fish known as bullheads in Minnesota are called catfish in Ohio. This language phenomenon is classified as

Reveal information to others as they reveal information to you

What is one strategy for appropriate self-disclosure in interpersonal relationships?


When a person leans forward and has a positive facial expression, he or she is exhibiting the concept of

critical thinking.

When you analyze the speaker and the situation to make judgments about the message presented, you are engaging in


When you do not listen well because you are daydreaming, it is because of

Intrapersonal communication

When you look at yourself in the mirror and decide that you need to comb your hair, you are using what context of communication?

checking your understanding or perception of the speaker

When you paraphrase the speaker's message and intent, ask questions, or invite corrections, you are

Selective retention

When you remember how wonderful your mother was but forget how often she made you feel inadequate, then you are exhibiting the perception concept called

one between two or more people who exhibit affection toward each other

Which association is NOT part of the textbook definition of interpersonal relationships?

She is shy, and he likes to speak for both of them

Which of the following is a good example of a complementary relationship?

can only hold five to nine "bits" of information on average

Which of the following is a limitation of short-term memory?


The concept that suggests that your roommate is more likely to become your friend than a person ten blocks away is known as

perceptual constancy

The idea that our past experiences lead us to see the world in a particular way that is difficult to change is called

Supportive communication

The opposite of defensive communication is

The two people talking in the row ahead of me kept me from catching very much of his lecture.

Which of the following is an example of a physical distraction to listening?

The sound of firecrackers filled the nighttime air

Which of the following is an example of hearing rather than listening?

My Shih Tzu chews on everything. Does yours do that as well?

Which of the following is an example of indexing?

The road appears dangerous for ordinary travel.

Which of the following is an inference?

because it is figure and the rest of the class is ground

Which of the following would be the reason an individual looking at a class picture might see his or her own face first?


A person groups stimuli into meaningful units during which part of perception?

Factual distraction

A person who gets so involved in the particulars that she misses the main point is demonstrating an example of a

a symmetrical relationship

A relationship in which the two people are very similar is called

inclusion, affection, and control.

According to William Schultz, three interpersonal needs that are satisfied through interaction with others are

are based on comparisons to ourselves

According to the textbook, first impressions

an illustrator

As the woman shaded her eyes with her open hand on her brow, she said, "Wow, is it ever bright out here." The nonverbal cue here is

Dyadic communication

Carmella and Jésus are sitting in a coffee shop having a friendly conversation. What descriptor of their communication interaction is most accurate?

have more efficient working memory

Children with higher levels of language development are more likely to


Communication begins with the

Short term memory

Dante was walking across campus in a hurry. On the way he saw his friend Aarav, who he hadn't seen in quite some time. Dante stopped and told Aarav his cell phone number and told him to call him later. Just a few seconds after Dante left, Aarav already had forgotten the number. This would be because the information only went as far as Aarav's


Dialogic communication is best described as

empathic listening adds the goal of understanding.

Empathic listening differs from active listening in that


Erving Goffman's theory of self-presentation is based on what type of perspective?

Disclosure might be avoided for a variety of reasons.

Grayson doesn't talk about his parents' divorce with his girlfriend because it is still a painful subject to discuss. What factor affecting self-disclosure can be identified here?


If I notice that Heng and Yolanda are often together and I "fill in" my inference that they are now lovers, then I am illustrating the concept of perception called

arrive and leave late; arrive and leave on time or early

In reference to chronemics, polychronic people might ________, whereas monochronic people might ________.


In relationships, formalized patterns of actions or words that are followed regularly and are indicators of relational uniqueness are called

nascent friendship

In which stage of how friends develop do people think of themselves as friends and begin to establish their own private ways of interacting?

Mass context

James is at home watching a politically oriented discussion show on cable TV. One of the commentators is making arguments that are faulty, which makes James very angry. But James cannot express that to the commentator on TV. James is feeling the frustrations of which context of communication?


Juan, who is majoring in political science, is giving a speech in class about the Electoral College. During his speech, he often talks very intimately about the legal functions and rules of the Electoral College. Justin ultimately bores his audience and does not get a very strong grade. What error might Justin have committed with his language usage?

paralinguistic features.

Kelly is listening intently to her friend, Sheri, talk about her boyfriend who is leaving for a year to serve in the Army. Kelly says "mmm-hmm" during the conversation to show Sheri that she is listening. She is communicating using

ageist language

Language that puts down people for being young or old is


Li, Sarena, and Elini are having an in-depth conversation about a previous relationship that was abusive. Each of the women is participating equally. What type of descriptor most accurately describes this conversation?


Rashi and Anita marry because they are of the same cultural background. This is most likely what type of relationship?

friends with benefits

Relationships in which the two people are not romantically involved but have a sexual relationship are called

Nonverbal code

Saying "uh huh" to indicate you understand is using what is classified as a


The component of communication that consists of facial expressions, words, and phrases is the

media convergence

The accumulation of various types of mass communication (radio, television, newspapers, Internet, etc.) into one medium is called


The term that refers to the arrangement of words is


Tinnitus is something that would be most likely to affect your

affect display

Two men are arguing at the bar when the smaller one says something unkind about the other's mother. The bigger fellow glares straight ahead at his opponent. He is using a nonverbal signal that is best described as being an

intimate space

Upon walking into a crowded bar on a Friday night, Daniel begins to get uncomfortable because it is so crowded. There are many people very close to him and some even bumping into him as they pass. These people are in Daniel's

one between two or more people who exhibit affection toward each other

Which association is NOT part of the textbook definition of interpersonal relationships? a. one between two or more people who are interdependent b. one between two or more people who have interacted for some period of time c. one between two or more people who use some consistent patterns of interaction d. one between two or more people who exhibit affection toward each other


Which of the following activities does NOT occur in perception?

sounds with meaning and words without meaning

Which of the following are NOT paralinguistic features?

You are able to use what you know to apply standards to what you hear and decide the merits of the message

Which of the following best exhibits critical thinking?

Your language shapes your perception.

Which of the following best typifies the meaning of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis?

Close proximity

Which of the following body movements would most likely be used to indicate liking?

We each have developed language without the influence of our age, gender, or personality

Which of the following does NOT accurately describe what we mean when we say that language is personal?

Words have inherent meaning

Which of the following does NOT mean that "words are arbitrary"?


Which of the following does NOT relate to the term process?


Which of the following does NOT relate to the term public communication?

Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy in the first trimester.

Which of the following examples best depicts the denotative meaning of a word?

People who conform to current styles seek to be accepted and liked.

Which of the following findings is true of the relationship between dress and personality?


Which of the following is NOT a component of communication?


Which of the following is NOT a context of communication?

Adopt an ethnocentric perspective.

Which of the following is NOT a strategy for improving intercultural communication?

Use evaluative, nondescriptive comments.

Which of the following is NOT an effective means of using verbal communication when listening?

Our country is more of a banquet than a melting pot.

Which of the following is NOT an example of a cliché?

present eating habits

Which of the following is NOT cited in the book as one of the three reasons differences in perception occur?


Which of the following is NOT included in the study of proxemics?

The receiver responds with a return message.

Which of the following is not necessarily part of the process of listening?

My hometown is Isle, Minnesota, population 409

Which of the following is the best example of concreteness?

I am an honor student and president of the student body.

Which of the following is the best example of how role affects perception?

She immediately spotted the guy with the earring who looked so much like someone she had known before.

Which of the following is the best example of selective attention?

Active listening and empathic listening are exactly the same thing

Which of the following statements about active listening is FALSE?

The meaning of a word does not change once it is included in the dictionary

Which of the following statements about language is FALSE?

Men value touch more than women do

Which of the following statements about touch is FALSE?


Which of the following terms is NOT part of the definition of communication?

mental distractions such as daydreaming

Which of the following would NOT be an example of an identity factor that affects perception?


Which of these statements is an example of euphemism?

stability and change

Which relational dialectic involves tensions surrounding the need for consistency in a relationship as well as "newness and novelty"?

American workers get higher pay for less work than most people in the world.

Which statement below is NOT an example of ethnocentrism?

egocentrism and personal bias

Which two concepts seem most closely related?


Which type of facial expression will likely receive the most attention?


Which type of need can only be fulfilled through interpersonal interaction?


Which type of nonverbal communication occurs when you send the same message both verbally and nonverbally?


Which type of nonverbal communication occurs when you send the same message both verbally and nonverbally?

A person of the same race

With whom are you most likely to stand the closest?

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