Commercial Chapter 1 - Basic Aerodynamics
5163-1 - A load factor of 1.2 means the total load on an aircraft's structure is 1.2 times its: - Gross weight -Load limit -Gust factor
- Gross weight
5196 - Stall speed is affected by: - Weight, load factor, and power -Load factor, angle of attack, and power - angle of attack, weight, and air density
- Weight, load factor, and power
5199 - The angle of attack of a wing directly controls the:
-Distribution of pressures acting on the wing
5214 (Refer to Figure 3) - How much altitude will this airplane lose in 3 miles of gliding at an angle of attack of 8 degrees? - 400 feet - 880 feet - 1,320 feet
- 1,320 feet
5180 (Refer to Figure 2) - Select the correct statement regarding stall speeds. The airplane will stall: - 10 knots higher in a power-on 60 degree bank with gear and flaps up than with a gear and flaps down - 25 knots lower in a power-off, flaps-up, 60 degree bank, than in a power-off, flaps-down, wings-level configuration -10 knots higher in a 45 degree bank, power-on stall than in a wings-level stall with flaps up
- 10 knots higher in a power-on 60 degree bank with gear and flaps up than with a gear and flaps down
5222 (Refer to Figure 4) - What increase in load factor would take place if the angle of bank were increased from 60 degrees to 80 degrees? - 3 Gs - 3.5 Gs - 4 Gs
- 4 Gs
5156 (Refer to Figure 4) - If an aircraft with a gross weight of 2,000 pounds was subjected to a 60 degree constant attitude bank, the total load would be: - 3,000 pounds - 4,000 pounds - 12,000 pounds
- 4,000 pounds
5221 (refer to Figure 4) - What is the stall speed of an airplane under a load factor of 2 Gs if the unaccelerated stall speed is 60 knots? - 66 knot -74 knots -84 knots
- 84 knots
5221-1 (Refer to Figure 4) - What is the stall speed of an airplane under a load factor of 2.5 Gs if the unaccelerated stall speed is 60 knots? - 62 knots - 84 knots - 96 knots
- 96 knots
5224 - To produce the same lift while in ground effect as when out of ground effect, the airplane requires: - A lower angle of attack - the same angle of attack - a greater angle or attack
- A lower angle of attack
5154 - Airplane wing loading during a level coordinated turn in smooth air depends upon the: - Rate of turn -Angle of bank -True airspeed
- Angle of bank
5205 - In small airplanes, normal recovery from spins may become difficult if the: - CG is too far rearward and rotation is around the longitudinal axis - CG is too far rearward and rotation is around the CG -Spin is entered before the stall is fully developed
- CG is too far rearward and rotation is around the CG
5206 - Recovery from a stall in any airplane becomes more difficult when its: - Center of gravity moves aft -Center of gravity moves forward -Elevator trim is adjusted nosedown
- Center of gravity moves aft
5157 - While maintaining a constant angle of bank and altitude in a coordinated turn, an increase in airspeed will: - Decrease the rate of turn resulting in a decreased load factor - Decrease the rate of turn resulting in no change in load factor - Increase the rate of turn resulting in no change in load factor
- Decrease the rate of turn resulting in no change in load factor
5152 - Load factor is the lift generated by the wings of an aircraft at any given time: - Divided by the total weight of the aircraft - Multiplied by the total weight of the aircraft - Divided by the basic empty weight of the aircraft
- Divided by the total weight of the aircraft
5193 - Which is correct with respect to rate and radius of turn for an airplane flown in a coordinated turn at a constant altitude? - For a specific angle of bank and airspeed, the rate and radius of turn will not vary -To maintain a steady rate of turn, the angle of bank must be increased as the airspeed is decreased -The faster the true airspeed, the faster the rate and larger the radius of turn regardless of the angle bank
- For a specific angle of bank and airspeed, the rate and radius of turn will not vary
5198-1 - An aircraft airfoil is designed to produce lift resulting from a difference in the:
- Higher air pressure below the airfoil's surface and lower air pressure above the airfoil's surface
5977 - What is the best indicator to the pilot of the load factor on the airplane? - How firmly the pilot is pressed into the seat during a maneuver - Amount of pressure required to operate the controls - Airspeed when pulling out of a descent
- How firmly the pilot is pressed into the seat during a maneuver
5155 - In a rapid recovery from a dive, the effects of load factor would cause the stall speed to: - Increase - Decrease - Not vary
- Increase
5229 - What changes in airplane longitudinal control must be made to maintain altitude while the airspeed is being decreased?
- Increase the angle of attack to compensate for the decreasing lift
5017 - If an airplane category is listed as utility, it would mean that this airplane could be operated in which of the following maneuvers? - Limited acrobatics, excluding spins - Limited acrobatics, including spins (If approved) -Any maneuver except acrobatic or spins
- Limited acrobatics, including spins (If approved)
5151 - The ratio between the total airload imposed on the wing and the gross weight of an aircraft in flight is known as: - Load factor and directly affects stall speed -Aspect load and directly affects stall speed -Load factor and has no relation with stall speed
- Load factor and directly affects stall speed
5210 - If airspeed is increased during a level turn, what action would be necessary to maintain altitude? The angle of attack: - And angle of bank must be increased -Must be increased or angle of bank decreased - Must be decreased or angle of bank increased
- Must be decreased or angle of bank increased
5753 - To avoid possible wake turbulence from a large jet aircraft that has just landed prior to your takeoff, at which point on the runway should you plan to become airborne? - Past the point where the jet touched down - At the point where the jet touched down, or just prior to this point - Approximately 500 feet prior to the point where the jet touched down
- Past the point where the jet touched down
5182 - One of the main functions of flaps during the approach and landing is to: -Decrease the angle of descent without increasing the airspeed - Provide the same amount of lift at a slower airspeed - Decrease lift, thus enabling a steeper-than-normal approach to be made
- Provide the same amount of lift at a slower airspeed
5159 - While holding the angle of bank constant in a level turn, if the rate of turn is varied the load factor would: - Remain constant regardless of air density and the resultant lift vector - Vary depending upon speed and air density provided the resultant lift vector varies proportionately - Vary depending upon the resultant lift vector
- Remain constant regardless of air density and the resultant lift vector
5754 - When landing behind a large aircraft, which procedure should be followed for vortex avoidance? - Stay above its final approach flightpath all the way to touchdown - Stay below and to one side of its final approach flightpath - Stay well below its final approach flightpath and land at least 2,000 feet behind
- Stay above its final approach flightpath all the way to touchdown
5750 - Choose the correct statement regarding wake turbulence: - Vortex generation begins with the initiation of the takeoff roll - The primary hazard is loss of control because of induced roll - The greatest vortex strength is produced when the generating airplane is heavy, clean, and fast
- The primary hazard is loss of control because of induced roll
5181 - Which is true regarding the use of flaps during level turns? -The lowering of flaps increases the stall speed - The raising of flaps increases the stall speed - Raising flaps will require added forward pressure on the yoke or stick
- The raising of flaps increases the stall speed
5655 - Which is true with respect to vortex circulation in the wake turbulence generated by an aircraft? -Helicopters generate downwash turbulence only, not vortex circulation - The vortex strength is greatest when the generating aircraft i heavy, clean, and slow - When vortex circulation sinks into ground effect, it tends to dissipate rapidly and offer little danger
- The vortex strength is greatest when the generating aircraft i heavy, clean, and slow
5160 - The need to slow an aircraft below Va is brought about by the following weather phenomenon: - High density altitude which increases indicated stall speed - Turbulence which causes an increase in stall speed - Turbulence which causes a decrease in stall speed
- Turbulence which causes an increase in stall speed
5232 (Refer to Figure 5) - The vertical line from point E to point F is represented on the airspeed indicator by the: - Upper limit of the yellow arc - Upper limit of the green arc - Blue radial line
- Upper limit of the yellow arc
5211 - The stalling speed of an airplane is most affected by: - Changes in air density - Variations in flight altitude - Variations in airplane loading
- Variations in airplane loading
5204 - The angle of attack at which a wing stalls remains constant regardless of: - Weight, dynamic pressure, bank angle, or pitch attitude -Dynamic pressure, but varies with weight, bank angle, and pitch attitude - Weight and pitch attitude, but varies with dynamic pressure and bank angle
- Weight, dynamic pressure, bank angle, or pitch attitude
5197 - A rectangular wing, as compared to other wing planforms, has a tendency to stall first at the: - Wingtip, with the stall progression toward the wing root - Wing root, with the stall progression toward the wing tip - Center trailing edge, with the stall progression outward toward the wing root and tip
- Wing root, with the stall progression toward the wing tip
5212 - An airplane will stall at the same: - angle of attack regardless of the attitude with relation to the horizon -airspeed regardless of the attitude with relation to the horizon -angle of attack and attitude with relation to the horizon
- angle of attack regardless of the attitude with relation to the horizon
5751 - During a takeoff made behind a departing large jet airplane, the pilot can minimize the hazard of wingtip vortices by: - being airborne prior to reaching the jet's flightpath unable to turn clear of its wake - maintaining extra speed on takeoff and climb out -extending the takeoff roll and not rotating until well beyond the jet's rotation point
- being airborne prior to reaching the jet's flightpath unable to turn clear of its wake
5225 - As the angle of bank is increased, the vertical component of lift: - decreases and the horizontal component of lift increases - increases and the horizontal component of lift decreases -decreases and the horizontal component of lift remains constant
- decreases and the horizontal component of lift increases
5209 - An airplane leaving ground effect will: - Experience a reduction in ground friction and require a slight power reduction - experience an increase in induced drag and require more thrust -require a lower angle of attack to maintain the same lift coefficient
- experience an increase in induced drag and require more thrust
5202 - On a wing, the force of lift acts perpendicular to the relative wind and the force of drag acts parallel to the: - chord line -flightpath -longitudinal axis
- flightpath
5158 - Lift on a wing is most properly defined as the: - force acting perpendicular to the relative wind -differential pressure acting perpendicular to the chord of the wing -reduced pressure resulting from a laminar flow over the upper camber of an airfoil, which acts perpendicular to the mean camber
- force acting perpendicular to the relative wind
5166 (Refer to Figure 1) - At an airspeed represented by point B, in steady flight, the pilot can expect to obtain the airplane's maximum: -endurance -glide range -coefficient of lift
- glide range
5210-1 - To maintain a standard rate turn as the airspeed increases, the bank angle of the aircraft will need to: - remain constant -increase -decrease
- increase
5153 - For a given angle of bank, in any airplane, the load factor is imposed in a coordinated constant-altitude turn: - is constant and the stall speed increases -varies with the rate of turn -is constant and the stall speed increases
- is constant and the stall speed increases
5207 - If an airplane is loaded to the rear of its CG range, it will tend to be unstable about its: -Vertical axis - lateral axis -longitudinal axis
- lateral axis
5238 - A propeller rotating clockwise as seen from the rear, creates a spiraling slipstream. The spiraling slipstream, along with torque effect, tends to rotate the airplane to the: - right around the vertical axis, and to the left around the longitudinal axis - left around the vertical axis, and to the right around the longitudinal axis -left around the vertical axis, and to the left around the longitudinal axis
- left around the vertical axis, and to the right around the longitudinal axis
5194 - Why is it necessary to increase back elevator pressure to maintain altitude during a turn? To compensate for the: - loss of vertical component of lift -loss of the horizontal component of lift and the increase in centrifugal force -Rudder deflection and slight opposite aileron throughout the turn
- loss of vertical component of lift
5217 - What performance is a characteristic of flight at maximum lift/drag ratio in a propeller-driven airplane? - gain in altitude over a given distance - range and maximum distance glide - coefficient of lift and minimum coefficient of drag
- range and maximum distance glide
5978 - If the airspeed is decreased from 98 knots to 85 knots during a coordinated level 45 degree banked turn, the load factor will: - remain the same, but the radius of turn will decrease -decrease, and the rate of turn will decrease -remain the same, but the radius of turn will increase
- remain the same, but the radius of turn will decrease
5978-1 - If the airspeed is increased from 89 knots to 98 knots during a coordinated level 45 degree banked turn, the load factor will: - decrease, and the radius of turn will increase - remain the same, but the radius of turn will increase - increase, but the rate of turn will decrease
- remain the same, but the radius of turn will increase
5195 - To maintain altitude during a turn, the angle of attack must be increased to compensate for the decrease in the: -forces opposing the resultant component of drag - vertical component of lift - horizontal component of lift
- vertical component of lift
5215 (Refer to Figure 3) - The L/D ratio at a 2 degree angle of attack is approximately the same as the L/D ratio for a: - 9.75 degree angle of attack - 10.5 degree angle of attack -16.5 degree angle of attack
-16.5 degree angle of attack
5223 - To generate the same amount of lift as altitude is increased, an airplane must be flown at:
-A higher true airspeed for any given angle of attack
5752 - Your flight takes you in the path of a large aircraft. In order to avoid the vortices you should fly: - At the same altitude as the large aircraft - Below the altitude of the large aircraft -Above the flight path of the large aircraft
-Above the flight path of the large aircraft
5974 - A sweptwing airplane with weak static directional stability and increased dihedral causes an increase in: - Mach tuck tendency -Dutch roll tendency -Longitudinal stability
-Dutch roll tendency
5228 - Longitudinal stability involves the motion of the airplane controlled by its: -Rudder -Elevator -Ailerons
5161 - In theory, if the airspeed of an airplane is doubled while in level flight, parasite drag will become:
-Four times greater
5200 - In theory, if the angle of attack and other factors remain constant and the airspeed is doubled, the lift produced at the higher speed will be:
-Four times greater than at the lower speed
5216 - If the same angle of attack is maintained in ground effect as when out of ground effect, lift will: -Increase, and induced drag will decrease -Decrease, and parasite drag will increase -Increase, and induced drag will increase
-Increase, and induced drag will decrease
5162 - As airspeed decreases in level flight below that speed for maximum lift/drag ratio, total drag of an airplane:
-Increases because of increased induced drag
5226 - If the airplane attitude remains in a new position after the elevator control is pressed forward and released, the airplane displays: -Neutral longitudinal static stability -positive longitudinal static stability -neutral longitudinal dynamic stability
-Neutral longitudinal static stability
5231 (Refer to Figure 5) - The horizontal dashed line from point C to point E represents the: - Ultimate load factor -Positive limit load factor -Airspeed range for normal operations
-Positive limit load factor
5230 - If the airplane attitude initially tends to return to its original position after the elevator control is pressed forward and released, the airplane displays: -Positive dynamic stability -Positive static stability -neutral dynamic stability
-Positive static stability
5179 (Refer to Figure 2) - Select the correct statement regarding stall speeds: -Power-off stalls occur at higher airspeeds with the gear and flaps down -In a 60 degree bank the airplane stalls at a lower airspeed with the gear up -Power-on stalls occur at lower airspeeds in shallower banks
-Power-on stalls occur at lower airspeeds in shallower banks
5152-1 - While executing a 60 degree level turn, your aircraft is at a load factor of 2.0. What does this mean? -The total load on the aircraft's structure is two times its weight -The load factor is over the load limit -The gust factor is two times the total load limit
-The total load on the aircraft's structure is two times its weight
5203 - Which statement is true, regarding the opposing forces acting on an airplane in steady-state level flight?
-These forces are equal
5979 (Refer to Figure 5) - What does the intersection of the dashed line at point C represent? -Va -Negative limit load factor -Positive limit load factor
5167 - Which statement is true relative to changing angle of attack? - a decrease in angle of attack will increase pressure below the wing, and decrease drag -an increase in angle of attack will increase drag -an increase in angle of attack will decrease pressure below the wing, and increase drag
-an increase in angle of attack will increase drag
5220-1 - To hold an airplane in level flight at airspeeds from very slow to very fast, a pilot must coordinate thrust and: - angle of incidence -gross weight -angle of attack
-angle of attack
5220 - When transitioning from straight-and-level flight to a constant airspeed climb, the angle of attack and lift: - are increased and remain at a higher lift-to-weight ratio to maintain the climb -remain the same and maintain a steady state lift-to-weight ratio during the climb -are momentarily increased and lift returns to a steady state during the climb
-are momentarily increased and lift returns to a steady state during the climb
5218 - Which is true regarding the forces acting on an aircraft in a steady-state descent? The sum of all: - upward forces is less than the sum of all downward forces -rearward forces is greater than the sum of all forward forces -forward forces is equal to the sum of all rearward forces
-forward forces is equal to the sum of all rearward forces
5165 (Refer to Figure 1) - At the airspeed represented by point A, in steady flight, the airplane will: -have its maximum L/D ratio -have its minimum L/D ratio -be developing its maximum coefficient of lift
-have its maximum L/D ratio
5201 - An aircraft wing is designed to produce lift resulting from a difference in the: - negative air pressure below and a vacuum above the wing's surface -vacuum below the wing's surface and greater air pressure above the wing's surface -higher air pressure below the wing's surface and lower air pressure above the wing's surface
-higher air pressure below the wing's surface and lower air pressure above the wing's surface
5192 - To increase the rate of turn and at the same time decrease the radius, a pilot should: -Maintain the bank and decrease airspeed -increase the bank and increase airspeed -increase the bank and decrease airspeed
-increase the bank and decrease airspeed
5161-1 - In theory, if the airspeed of an aircraft in level flight is cut in half, parasite drag will become:
-one-fourth as much
5227 - Longitudinal dynamic instability in an airplane can be identified by: - bank oscillations becoming progressively steeper -pitch oscillations becoming progressively steeper -Trilatitudinal roll oscillations becoming progressively steeper
-pitch oscillations becoming progressively steeper
5163 - If the airspeed is increased from 90 knots to 135 knots during a level 60 degree turn, the load factor will: - increase as well as the stall speed -decrease and the stall speed will increase -remain the same but the radius of turn will increase
-remain the same but the radius of turn will increase
5219 - Which is true regarding the force of lift in steady, unaccelerated flight? - at lower airspeeds the angle of attack must be less to generate sufficient lift to maintain altitude -there is a corresponding indicated airspeed required for every angle of attack to generate sufficient lift to maintain altitude -an airfoil will always stall at the same indicated airspeed; therefore, an increase in weight will require an increase in speed to generate sufficient lift
-there is a corresponding indicated airspeed required for every angle of attack to generate sufficient lift to maintain altitude
5198 - By changing the angle of attack of a wing, the pilot can control the airplanes:
- Lift, airspeed, and drag
5505 - Which maximum range factor decreases as weight decreases? -altitude -airspeed -angle of attack
- airspeed
5123 (Refer to Figure 3) - If an airplane glides at an angle of attack of 10 degrees, how much altitude will it lose in 1 mile? - 240 feet - 480 feet -960 feet
-480 feet