common module quotes + analysis - 1984 by george orwell

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The oxymoronic "bright cold day" with the "clocks... striking 13"

class systems - oxymoronic, denotes a distorted society that has partial verisimilitude.

"oligarchical collectivism"

class systems - reminiscent of marxist ideologies, human anxieties are presented through paradoxically patern 'big brother'

The omnipresent figure, always "watching you"

class systems - symbolises eurocentric dictators such as hitler, deprivation of freedom, indicative of orwells unique context. further emphasises through the superstates. those in inner party can turn off telescreens, those in outer party can't. individual experiences are collective societal oppression

"Eastasia", "Eurasia" and "Oceania"

class systems - warring super states

"until [the proles] become conscious they will never rebel, and until they have rebelled they cannot become conscious

classist aphorism, paradoxical, indoctrination as a powerful tool that big brother holds.

"Always yell with the crowd, that's what I say. It's the only way to be safe."

diverse nature of humanity - constantly maintaining the façade of a zealous party member, acting as a reversal for characters such as O'Brien and Mr Charrington who do the opposite. high modality 'always'

"In this room I'm going to be a woman, not a Party comrade."

diverse nature of humanity - content in her own self-interested, private revolt. Their foil presents itself through the notion that Julia's rebellion is purely self-serving, she is cautious, and driven by survival.

"only a rebel from the waist downwards,"

diverse nature of humanity - winston seems accusatory, but admires julia's pragmatism

I sold you and you sold me,"

paradoxes - chestnut tree son lyric, poor judgement of character of julia, mr charrington and o'brien, betrayal, repeated thoughtcrimes that are inconsistent with the party's ideologies

"Love", "Peace", "Plenty", and "Truth." "Victory Gin"

paradoxes - irony, paradoxical, reflect societal, mirrors WWII gestapo in the form of thought police.

"War is Peace", "Ignorance is Strength", and "Freedom is Slavery"

paradoxes - paradoxical propagandist binaries

"two plus two equals four"

power - factual statement, reader comes to recognise it as a symbol of the party's power

"two plus two equals five."

power - paradox, doublethink, party's control mechanism, frequent repetition through novel, oxymoron


power - political satire

"somehow become conscious of their own strength, they would have no need to conspire."

power - winston entertains the thought that proles will become conscious of their oppression and initiate a revolution. frequent repetition.

"cut language down to the bone"

psychological coercion - paradox, creation of newspeak, form of propaganda, emotional coercion

"narrow the range of thought... making thoughtcrime literally impossible."

psychological coercion - paradox, creation of newspeak, form of propaganda, emotional coercion, censorship

"Junior Anti-Sex League,"

psychological coercion - symbolised through red, designed to harness libidinal emotions, reminiscent of hitler's youth league, which redirected "induced hysteria" as a result of sexual deprivation into "war-fever".

"induced hysteria" "war-fever".

psychological coercion and manipulation - a result of sexual deprivation

"memory hole"

psychological coercion and manipulation - collective censorship

"Your worst enemy, was your own nervous system"

psychological coercion and manipulation - warning for readers / admonishment

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