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Which is the best advice for seeking a raise?

Clarify ways in which you have directly contributed to your company's profits

Which of the following examples shows the dysfunctional role of a withdrawer?

Cort just agreed with what everyone said at the meeting, even though he doesn't like the direction the team is taking.

Which of the following steps should come first in planning the interview?

Define your goal.

Which of the following is NOT a rule for ethical behavior for interviewers?

Do not ask an interviewee to discuss mistakes he has made on the job.

Ilsa wants to use several examples in her presentation. Which of the following would probably be the most effective?

Examples that are relevant and happened to her while on vacation.

Which of the following would be the clearest specific goal for an interview?

Find out from my instructor what I can do to improve my grade on the next assignment.

Which of the following is NOT suggested as a way to enhance your credibility?

Focus on important differences between your views and those of the audience

Which of the following is bad advice for an interviewee involved in an employment interview?

Give answers that last more than five minutes each, so you can impress the interviewer with your knowledge

Which of the following is NOT true about group norms?

Group norms are constructive, not destructive

As you analyze yourself as a speaker, it is NOT recommended that you ask yourself which of the following questions?

How can I imitate my favorite public speaker?

Which of these is a transition?

In addition to attaining better gas mileage, the Honda also requires fewer repairs.

___________________ are personalized remarks that you insert into a presentation.


Which of the following would be the BEST thesis statement?

Leasing your equipment can help you save money.

Why would an important person in an organization be willing to be interviewed by you, a mere student?

Many successful people want to help others, just as they have been helped. If you've made contact through a referral, your interviewee will be helping the person who referred you. The interviewee may be flattered that you asked for an interview. ***All of the above are reasons why an important person in an organization would be willing to meet with you

Your text identifies several characteristics that showcase an interview as a special kind of conversation. Which of the following is NOT a special characteristic of interviews?

Only two people will participate.

Which is the recommended approach for concluding a meeting?

Point out that the meeting is close to completion, summarize the group's accomplishments, outline future actions, and thank members for having attended.

Which of the following is NOT something to be accomplished during the opening of the interview?

Probe for important information.

Which of the following is NOT an antidote to groupthink?

Promote self-censorship.

Which is NOT true about risky shift?

Risky shift refers to a strategy for asking hard-hitting questions, thereby preventing groupthink.

Which of the following would NOT be classified as a workgroup, according to the characteristics explained in your text?

Seven students attend a seminar about male/female communication differences.

Which of the following statements best summarizes the overall format for organizing your presentation?

Tell them what you are going to tell them; then tell them; then tell them what you told them.

In which of the following situations would it be best to call a meeting rather than to send a memo?

The information that is being communicated is controversial.

Which of the following is NOT a guideline for using quotations during a presentation?

Use lengthy quotations often, always keeping their original form.

Virtual teams have become an integral part of today's workplace. Which of the following statements about virtual teams is FALSE?

Virtual teams usually operate on different continents.

Visual aids are used in presentations for a number of reasons. Which of the following is NOT one of those reasons?

Visual aids allow you to take a break from speaking.

A feasibility report typically contains all of the following elements EXCEPT

a humorous opening line.

Stories are effective forms of verbal support because they allow you to create a situation that illustrates the point you are making to the audience. All of the following are guidelines to consider when you include a story in a presentation EXCEPT

a humorous story is effective even if it is not relevant to your speech.

Relevancy challenges are appropriately used when

a member gets off the subject.

If you set the proper tone in an introduction, you establish

a rapport with your listeners.

What are the four parts of a standard agenda for a meeting held according to parliamentary procedure?

a reading of the minutes, reports, unfinished business, and new business

In public speaking, the phrase "common ground" refers to

a strategy in which the speaker shows that some of her or his beliefs are similar to the audience's beliefs.

Choose the best answer to the interview question, "Why should we hire you?"

"I understand from your website that your most popular product is Zanos. I've been using Zanos for three years now. I've shown several of my friends how effective it is, and now they're buying it, too. With my knowledge of the product and my enthusiasm for it, I can be a sincere and valuable sales rep."

If you are giving a presentation, which of the following would be an effective response to a premature question?

"That's a good question; I'll get to that in a moment."

The purpose of a proposal is to

advocate that your audience take specific action

If you had only a specific amount of time to present your ideas, when would be the most appropriate time for the audience to ask questions?

after the presentation

For most business presentations, the best time to distribute handouts is

after the presentation.

The most effective way to begin a presentation is

after you pause and look at the audience.

According to the social judgment theory, a person's preexisting beliefs are called

an anchor.

We learn from the functional perspective that

an effective group will identify missing task and relational functions so members can fill them.

Supporting material that explains the unfamiliar by comparing it to the familiar is called a(n)


All of the following are typical mistakes of candidates in employment interviews EXCEPT

appearing interested in the company's success.

If a team member makes a comment or suggestion that seems terrible, a good way to respond is to

ask the person for clarification.

When there is a crisis or urgent deadline, members of a group that has succumbed to groupthink are likely to

be closed to new and difficult ideas.

The impact of a presentation is greater if the information is presented

both visually and verbally.

A ____________ is a short presentation that provides an interested and knowledgeable workplace audience with specific information they need to know to do their jobs.


After etiquette has been established, you can create goodwill at the start of the meeting by asking members to

briefly share something that is going on in their lives.

Computer displays

can show a variety of visuals, including photos, charts, graphs, and video

An introduction should

capture the attention of your audience, state your thesis, and preview your main points.

Which type of organizational pattern shows that certain events have happened or will happen as a result of a specific set of circumstances?


If you are only mildly interested in giving a speech, which of the following should you probably do?

change the idea of your speech

Post-meeting follow-up activities should include all of the following except

chastising members who were not present at the last meeting.

If your audience is trying to decide between competing proposals, you should use a _______________ pattern of organization.

comparative advantages

One clear way to link the familiar to the unfamiliar for an audience is to

compare and contrast new information to information the audience already knows

When giving an explanation of a complicated concept or process, you will usually be most successful when you

compare the concept with one already familiar to the audience.

Three purposes of a career research interview are to

conduct research, be remembered, get referrals.

An employee who develops powerful friends throughout the company gains

connection power.

The decision mode in which all members agree (at least to some extent) and are willing to support an idea is known as


It is generally not effective to __________ while presenting your speech.

constantly pace back and forth

An "authoritarian" manager tends to

control employees.

According to a recent survey, which of the following is the most important factor in shaping a hiring decision?

employment interview

To set the correct tone for a virtual meeting, it is a good idea to begin the meeting by

establishing etiquette.

Rick defined the word "unilateral" by talking about when it was first used in 1802. By doing this, Rick is defining a word by using


Chronological patterns are useful for

explaining the steps in a process.

Which type of story can be used not only to add interest, but also as proof of your point?


A typical briefing

focuses on preparing employees to do the job at hand.

After you have created your specific goal and thesis statement, the next step is to

gather information about the topic through brainstorming and research.

Nominal group technique (NGT) is a method designed to

generate many high-quality suggestions.

A ____________ is most effective for showing the correlation between two or more trends.


The first step in planning a training program is to

identify the specific results you want to bring about.

An interactive presentation

is common in sales settings.

If you make a mistake while you're delivering a presentation, it is best to

just keep speaking, correcting only obvious mistakes.

All of the following are typical characteristics of an oral speaking style EXCEPT

long, flowery sentences.

All of the following are typical mistakes made by beginners who attempt to use presentation software EXCEPT

making the graphics too simple.

Which of the following factors is most likely to increase the ability of interview participants to think creatively?

meeting away from the normal habitat of either participant

The written record of a meeting is referred to as the

meeting minutes.

A critical problem with the use of a(n) _______________ style of delivery is that you focus so much on trying to recall what you are going to say next, it makes it difficult to speak with natural intonation.


The _______________________ organizational pattern leads the audience through a series of steps designed to increase the audience's involvement and interest as the persuasive presentation develops.

motivated sequence

Use a __________________ pattern of organization when you want the audience to take action and you can use vivid word pictures to describe the problem and the solution.

motivated sequence

Lin is planning to give a sales speech to prospective customers. The most important thing for Lin to do is to identify the

needs of the customers.

Expectations that groups develop concerning which behaviors are considered acceptable in the group (e.g. interaction styles or ways of addressing conflict) are called


guided discussion

occurs when a speaker has a set plan of material to cover, but encourages listeners to join in during the presentation with questions and comments.

A monologue presentation

occurs when the speaker delivers the entire presentation without interruption from the audience.

Which of the following characterizes an oral speaking style?

personal pronouns

Which of the following types of visual aids provides a literal representation to the audience?


During her presentation, Milena will show what portion of the budget is being used for advertising. To emphasize this point, Milena should use a

pie chart

All of the following are strategies for avoiding presentation software catastrophes EXCEPT

plan to use a live Internet connection to access your visuals.

If you are introducing a speaker, you should

practice your introduction enough so you don't have to rely on notes.

All of the following are true about presentation software EXCEPT

presentation software will always communicate your message effectively.

A __________ is a meeting organized with the purpose of sharing important information about an organization with the media.

press conference

When an interviewer introduces a new topic area, she is using a

primary question.

Which webinar format has the highest potential for failure?

product demonstration

The typical order of points in a status report is

purpose, current state, obstacles, next milestone, forecast for the future.

One of the primary intended purposes of ritual activity meetings is to

reaffirm members' commitment.

If you build on the remarks of the previous speaker during your introduction, which of the following types of opening statements would you be using?

referring to the occasion

Before contacting a potential employer to ask for an interview, you should make sure to

research the organization's history and culture.

If your subordinates obeyed your orders because of your ability to hand out bonuses, which of the following forms of power would you be exerting?

reward power

If a meeting served a social rather than a task function, it would be best described as a(n)

ritual activity.

Persuasive presentations differ from informative presentations because they

seek to change the way an audience thinks, feels, or acts.

All of the following activities EXCEPT __________________ will distinguish you as a professional, serious person who is worth the interviewee's time and effort.

sending emails or letters that contain spelling and/or grammar errors

Your specific goal should

set forth a realistic reaction you want from your audience.

An effective extemporaneous presentation

should be carefully prepared and rehearsed several times, but not memorized.

An impromptu talk

should include main points that are clearly indicated.

According to Blake and Mouton's leadership grid, the most effective leaders

show a high concern for both product and people

Well-designed visual aids should

show labels for all important items.

A comparative advantages approach would be most effective in which of these situations?

showing how your product is more cost-effective than its competitors

As you begin to develop your presentation, you should determine whom you want to influence and what reaction you want from them. This is called a ____________.

specific goal

Groups tend to outperform individuals when

standards of excellence are high.

A standardized list of questions with precise wording would be found in which kind of interview?


During a presentation, all of the following are acceptable ways to define a word EXCEPT

substituting an acronym for the word.

Effective lateral leadership refers to all of the following EXCEPT

taking charge of a team's decisions.

All of the following are benefits of a well-organized speech EXCEPT

taking more time to get your point across.

You may be considered arrogant if you

talk with crossed arms.

All of the following are dysfunctional roles EXCEPT

tension reliever.

When a meeting's scheduled ending arrives, the last thing you should do as the leader is

thank members for participating

You are likely to feel a strong sense of cohesiveness with your group when

the assignment your team is working on is complex, so you need to rely on research done by other team members.

When preparing an extemporaneous presentation, you focus on

the big picture.

The comparisons you use as supporting material should possess all of the following characteristics EXCEPT

the comparisons should stretch a point.

Coercive power is a function of

the consequences a person can impose.

A meeting should probably be avoided if

the items to be covered do not require discussion or decision.

A disadvantage of a structured interview is that

the possible answers are limited.

Which of the following statements about consensus is true?

the use of consensus should be limited to times when the need for agreement is high

You should handle decisions without a meeting when

there is only one correct answer to the question under consideration.

In your introduction, you should clearly state the key central idea of your speech in one short sentence. This sentence is called your ______________________.

thesis statement

If you were giving a presentation and your primary goal was to expand your audience's existing knowledge on a topic, which of the following types of general purposes would you be using?

to inform

You can increase your chances of seeming open and confident if you

use expansive gestures.

If you are speaking to a culturally diverse business audience, it is recommended that you

use nouns instead of pronouns, when speaking about others.

Collaborative, interactive websites that allow team members to add, edit, delete, and share content are


A "laissez-faire" manager

yields leadership to the group, so that members function as a collection of equals.

One advantage of using a dry erase board is

you can record information that comes up on the spot.

Which of the following lists the pro and con for using a presentation webinar format?

easy to create; less engaging

Why should a meeting leader create a new agenda following a completed meeting?

A new agenda allows the leader to list any items that were not fully addressed during the concluded meeting so they can be discussed at the next meeting.

In which of the following cultures might the words of a witness be regarded with suspicion?


To maintain your credibility, use proper

All of these are important for maintaining credibility.

Which of the following is NOT an effective strategy for participating in a job fair?

Ask each company's representative to describe what their company does.

Which of the following is true about the interaction that occurs during a formal interview?

At least one person has a serious, predetermined reason for participating.

When setting goals during a performance appraisal, the manager should

describe the goals as specifically as possible so everyone agrees what they mean.

All of the following presentation styles are used in business and professional presentations EXCEPT


What type of questions would most likely encourage comments from normally quiet people?

direct questions

To conclude your speech effectively,

drop the pitch of your voice to signal you've finished your remarks.

Ideally, a group should create constructive norms

early in its existence.

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