Communication 101 Final Study Guide (Quizzes)

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Janine has not been smiling much the past few days and her husband, Andy, feels that she may be upset. Andy feels like he should talk to her about it. If Andy used a perception check to ask Janine about how she's been, what is he likely to ask?

"I noticed you haven't been smiling much lately. I was wondering if something has been bothering you or whether you might be upset with me. Are we okay?"

An attitude that one's own culture is superior to others is called ________________.


Kendrick and Felicia are married. Kendrick has just made Felicia an anniversary dinner. He asks her how she likes it, to which she responds, "It's pretty good." The truth is, Felicia doesn't care for it at all, but she doesn't want to hurt Kendrick's feelings. Kendrick nods and thinks to himself, "This is the last time I make her dinner for our anniversary". How did Felicia's response likely effect affect understanding?

Her response was meant to be ambiguous, but Kendrick knew roughly what she meant because communication does not always require complete understanding

Read the following dialogue and decide which option below it best represents."I guess you weren't able to make it. Did something come up? I never heard from you." "Yeah, I meant to be there, but my brother came by unexpectedly and sabotaged my day."

Identity management is collaborative

Holly is from the U.S. and recently began teaching English in India. She treats all of her students the same, but the local teachers consider her behavior rude. What might best explain this?

India has a high degree of power distance

Raul is a student from Brazil. He values that party of his identity, but he also values his religious beliefs, his race, and his political stance. These multiple identities are all an integral part of how Raul wants to be seen and understood. This aligns with which communication concept?


Which of the statements below is true of empathy?

It is impossible to achieve total empathy.

A collection of symbols governed by rules and used to convey messages between individuals is referred to in the chapter as _________________.


Ralph is British. He is an independent person. He works hard and believes he will earn a promotion soon. What might be said of Ralph's culture?

Ralph is from an individualistic culture

Someone adjusting to life in a new culture who reports being pleasantly surprised after making friends with people they first took to be odd is demonstrating the benefits of which method of reducing culture shock?

Reaching out to others

Determine the true statement about religious cocultures.

Religion shapes how and with whom many people communicate.

The rules that deal with the meaning of specific words are called _________________.

Semantic rules

Sonja posted about her recent health struggles on Facebook and was grateful for all of the support from people who lived far away from her. She started to feel better about herself. This demonstrates that _________________.

Social media can boost self-esteem.

Determine which statement is true of developing intercultural communication competence.

Spending time with people from other cultures can lead to positive outcomes and reduced prejudice

Which sentence below best represents that meanings are in people, not in words?

The meaning people associate with words have far more significance than do their dictionary definitions.

Which statement below breaks down the differences between the linear and transactional models?

The roles of sender and receiver are separate in the linear model, but they are both considered communicators in the transactional model.

T/F Jamal is a reserved person and doesn't share much online about his life. Jamal is surprised when his coworker Juanita tells him that she has 8 social media accounts. He thinks that is a lot, however the number of accounts Juanita has is average.


T/F Julian likes to troll. He tends to post snide and offensive comments in response to blogs and news articles he reads because he knows it is anonymous. The way he behaves demonstrates disinhibition


T/F The ability to show flexibility by adapting to the norms of multiple cultures is known as frame switching.


Jorge is in line at the department store when he hears another customer complaining loudly. He has been unhappy with the customer service at this particular store as well and he really feels the guy's pain. How would you classify his reaction?

as empathy

Susan found herself facing criticism online from others, yet it didn't seem to have a negative impact on her when she described the criticism to her friends. This is likely because Susan has __________________.

high self-esteem

High self-monitors are usually more aware of their identity management behaviors, while low self-monitors are not. This is because __________.

people differ in their degree of competence in identity management

People in Western cultures tend to view _______________ as desirable and use it for social purposes as well as to perform tasks.


Sometimes we disclose how we honestly feel about our bodies and sometimes we don't. This is because of the private nature of ________________.

the perceived self

Jeffrey tends to be very serious while Brian tends to use a lot of humor. Both are successful communicators. This illustrates that

there is no ideal way to communicate

Sammy has some bad news to share with a friend. Instead of waiting to see her friend later that night, Sammy decides to just send her a text. Which tip for effective communication with social media would Sammy benefit from?

Choose the best medium

Kelly and Ryan work at the same office in Columbus, Ohio. However; they became close over their shared involvement in the local Irish heritage club. This is because they are both a member of the same


Derrick feels comfortable talking to just about everyone and he feels pretty good at it. He's asked to give a speech about electrical engineering to a class of university students. He isn't concerned and doesn't practice for the speech. After all, he's already a good communicator. Which misconception might Derrick be basing his confidence in?

Communication is simple

Amelia is a competent communicator in large groups, but she is not so effective during interpersonal communication. Why might this be?

Communication is situational

Roberto did not get much sleep last night. When he looked in the mirror he thought about how tired he looked. He ran into Maria at the mall and she told him how nice he looked today. Roberto took the comment to be sarcastic based on Maria's tone, delivery, and facial expressions. What best explains how Roberto's interpretation of the interaction was different than the words Maria spoke?

Communication is symbolic

Which of the following is true of communication?

Communication is symbolic interaction that creates meaning

Bella talks to Christopher about the problems she's been having with her mother. Christopher suggests she speak with her mother until they reach a solution. Which misconception of communication is Christopher most likely basing his suggestion on?

Communication will solve all problems

Sophia's friends always enjoy talking to her, as she tries to imagine their own viewpoints on a range of subjects. Sophia illustrates which implication of competent communication?

Competent communicators are empathic

Close friends and lovers often develop special terms that serve as a way of signifying their relationship. Using the same vocabulary sets these people apart from others, reminding themselves and the rest of the world of their relationship. This is referred to as ______________.


Robin and Jacob, who are visiting China together for the first time, are inclined to complain about hotels and restaurants that they feel don't measure up and should attempt to be more like American standards. What are they engaging in?


T/F An article in the print edition of a magazine is an example of organizational communication.


T/F Competent communication is always direct communication.


T/F Denotative meaning involves thoughts and feelings associated with words.


T/F Esperanza was predicted and expected to do poorly in a math class. At the end of the semester, Esperanza got an F in math. This is an example of self-esteem.


T/F Exaggerated generalizations about a group are called prejudice.


T/F Mary tends to think of herself as shy, thoughtful, serious and compassionate. These characteristics are known as social roles.


T/F Residents of countries like, Singapore, Great Britain, Denmark, Sweden, and The United States tend to embrace change, due to a low tolerance for uncertainly.


T/F Self-esteem is generally boosted by posting unrealistically positive images of oneself online using social media.


You always check social media sites on your smart phone when you're paying for goods at the grocery store, and you don't care if others do either. One day, you do this and the man behind you thinks the way you are treating the cashier is rude. What communication competence with social media should you follow to avoid such reactions next time?

Respect others' need for undivided attention.

Anton is the dependable employee at his job. He is always focused and serious at work. When he's with his friends, he's considered a carefree jokester who is chronically late. What below might best explain the difference?

We have multiple identites

Judy interviewed a recent college graduate named Steve who was perfectly qualified for the job, but she didn't hire him because he had a bit of a stutter. In this case, Judy was

more influenced by the negative traits

Esmeralda gives speeches about financial responsibility. She speaks effectively to many different groups. She was a Wall Street banker many years prior to becoming a speaker, but she is now dissatisfied with how Wall Street does business. She is asked to speak to a group of Wall Street bankers, but having been one herself, she wonders what the point is. She gives her speech, but most of the audience doesn't get her main points. Based on what you've read, what might best explain why her speech was not effective?

she was not committed

Karen is a 75-year-old woman. Because her peers tend to assume she is incapable of strenuous work, she tends to feel that she is less capable and older than others. This illustrates the harmful effects of


Ashley considers herself as someone fearful of public speaking. She is asked to speak to the school board about a new project she's working on. When she speaks to the school board, she is fearful and stumbles on her words. This is likely because

the self-concept is fairly stable and influences communication with others.

People who spend excessive time on the Internet may begin to experience problems at school or work and withdraw further from their offline relationships. Which social media communication competence could help?

Balance mediated and face-to-face time.

Mitch wants people to perceive him as attractive and socially engaged. So, he tends to only post carefully edited photos that make him seem perfect. When his close friends point out that this is not an accurate picture, what are they asking him to consider?

Being genuine matters most.

Cal is from the United States and Medina is from Saudi Arabia. They are having communication challenges. Cal is very direct with Medina, but he can't understand why she beats around the bush so often. What might best explain this?

Cal is form a low-context culture and Medina is from a high-context culture.

Carlos's friend Albert is in a predicament. He was trying to make some quick cash and invested his money in a risky stock. Albert is emotionally distraught because he needed that money to pay rent for his family's home. Carlos did something similar a year earlier, but he feels like he was unfairly tricked into his risky venture, while Albert simply made poor choices. Which selection below best characterizes how Carlos feels for about Albert's situation?

Carlos is experiencing the self-serving bias

Isaac feels very strongly about whether the government should intervene to help people who are struggling financially. He has these strong feelings because his own family is struggling - his mother just got laid off from her job. Isaac's feelings could be attributed to his


Rather than thinking about race, it's more fruitful to think in terms of ___________, which is a social rather than a biological construct.


Devon is having a conversation with Carol. As Devon speaks to Carol, she crosses her arms and looks perturbed. Devon notices that Carol looks unhappy and begins to talk about something else. When Devon changes topics, Carol wonders why the conversation shifted and looks confused. From what is described here, what best characterizes the interaction?

Devon and Carol are the senders and receivers simultaneously. This is apparent because Carol's facial expressions sent a message to Devon while he spoke

Communicators who want to set themselves apart from others adopt the strategy of ______________.


Bill has a major argument with his wife Tina. While Bill is still fuming he says some less than kind things about her on social media. Bill and Tina make up, but their many friends have seen his social media rant and have taken sides with either Tina or him. Even though they are reconciled, some of their friends behave differently towards them now. How could he have been more competent using social media?

He could have been more careful and civil when he posted

Ahmed has only been in the United States for a year and has not completely adjusted to new social norms. He notices his friend has had an acne breakout and says, "Your face looks terrible." His friend is very unhappy with the comment. What could Ahmed have done to better manage his identity to follow social rules?

He could have chosen not to say anything to avoid making his friend uncomfortable

Jared describes himself as a thin, muscular, and talented surfer. His friend Joseph also surfs and affirms that Jared is a good surfer. Jared feels good about his body build because being thin and muscular is considered a norm in surfing culture. Which part(s) of this description conveys Jared's self-concept?

He describes himself as a talented surfer.

Ivan likes to make jokes and he often uses humor in his daily interactions. This approach to communication is usually effective for him. Ivan sees Dane at the market looking sad. After speaking with him, he finds that he recently lost a family pet. Ivan knows the feeling, because he lost his pet hamster the month before. Ivan tries to cheer Dane up with his light-hearted humor, but Dane leaves feeling annoyed. From what we know, what best explains why Ivan was an ineffective communicator

He was not flexible

Rosa is from Honduras. Her upbringing there has greatly influenced the person she is today. Her father was also a great influence. He was stoic and brave and, as a result, she is too. Her father believed in her and encouraged her to be brave in the face of adversity. Now she believes she can be brave in almost any situation, and that confidence usually results in her success. Which part of this description conveys reflected appraisal?

Her father believed in her and that helped her to believe in herself

Which statement below best represents the conclusion from intercultural communication research that states you should engage in mindful thinking?

Look for ways to appreciate others beyond obvious cues such as race, gender, age, ability, and sexual orientation

On the way to her office, Sarah passes her good friend Emma and quickly blurts, "Hi." Emma had a tough morning and starts crying. Sarah is totally confused why her simple greeting caused such a reaction. Which misconception of communication does this point to?

Meanings rest in words

Meredith is an excellent guitar player. She is a blind person, who doesn't let her physical challenges slow her down. She also teaches at the university. How could you appropriately describe Meredith?

Meredith is an excellent guitar player and is a person who is blind

A large national retailer uses Twitter to send messages to its customers. In this case, social media is

More like mass communication

Nellie's grandmother gets angry when Nellie posts information about their family conflicts on social media. This is likely because _______________.

Older adults are more concerned with maintaining privacy online

When Shawna speaks to Trish, she is thoughtful about the things she says and carefully considers Trish's reactions. Trish, on the other hand, blurts out her thoughts without much thought as to how they are received. What best explains the differences between Shawna and Trish?

People differ in their degree of competency in identity management

The rules that govern how words sound when they are pronounced are called _________________.

Phonological rules

Phyllis lives in a small Jewish community in Bolivia. She speaks Spanish and is a Bolivian citizen. Despite her citizenship, she identifies herself as Jewish foremost. She follows Jewish religious customs and practices and visits Israel once a year. What best characterizes her primary ethnicity?

Phyllis is Jewish

A 45-year-old man tells an unrelated teenage girl she looks pretty. Which rules explain why this might be an awkward situation?

Pragmatic rules

An unfairly biased and intolerant attitude toward others who belong to an out-group is called ________________.


Mikayla believes that Amber thinks highly of her. Amber is just being polite toward Mikayla, but Mikayla perceives it as admiration. What best describes Mikayla's misperception?

Psychological noise

Hannah wants people to perceive her as fashionable and trendy. How might Hannah engage in identity management online?`

She could strategically post photos on Instagram that depict upscale brands like Chanel.

Sun Jihai is from Hong Kong. He is an advocate for democracy and has strong views about human rights. He has a meeting with a diplomat from mainland Communist China. While the two have very different beliefs, Sun is very accepting of the diplomat. What might best explain this?

Sun is from a culture with a high tolerance for uncertainty

Arbitrary constructions that represent a communicator's thoughts are referred to in the chapter as _________________.


The rules that govern the structure of language-the way symbols can be arranged-are known as _________________.

Syntactic rules

Which of the following is an example of intrapersonal communication?

Tanya is asked to speak to the school board and she thinks, "I'm not a good enough speaker to do that."

A politician is overheard calling a constituent some very colorful names. While the conversation is not meant for the public, it is reported nonetheless and a story is run in the local paper. Many constituents are angry about what was said, but what wasn't reported was that the politician went to elementary school with the constituent and he was an old friend. How might the unknown fact change public's understanding of the words used?

The name calling may have been playful banter amongst old friends, because meanings rest in people, not words

The CEO and lead engineer for a large tech company are revealing the latest gadget to their customers. They are taking and answering questions from their Twitter feed during the presentation. There is a large audience in the room and a larger one watching the live video feed. What best describes the communication context?

This is public communication and mass communication

Michael began working at the company as a teenager in the mid-1980s. He is now a manager there and has just hired Toby a recent college graduate who was born in the eighties. Michael and Toby attend the same church, but don't know each other well. Despite the age gap, they've worked fairly well together. Michael often tasks Toby with projects with a brief request via email and not much more. Do you foresee any possible work relationship issues?

Toby, a millennial, may need clearer guidance on how to complete a project

T/F The verbal and nonverbal ways we act to show a positive image of ourselves to others is called facework.


T/F To all of her friends, Andrea is the fun, carefree friend. Despite her friends' characterization, she knows she is often quite sad and bombarded with stress. Andrea's understanding of herself can be classified as her perceived self.


The term ______________ is used to reflect the degree to which members of a culture feel threatened by ambiguous situations and how much they try to avoid them.

Uncertainty avoidance

Attitudes based on preconceived ideas about appearance, age, and race are prone to lead to _______________.

Unfair discrimination

LaTonya is on a date with Dan. Dan has been polite and kind the whole night. He looks at her when she speaks and really seems to care about what she has to say. At the end of the night, he sneezes into his hand rather than in a napkin. LaTonya is really bothered and decides she won't go out with him again. This is likely because ________________.

We pay more attention to negative impressions than positive ones.

Ingrid believes in harmony and cooperation. She doesn't care whether a person is rich, poor, educated, or uneducated. She often meets people from other cultures and is very welcoming of them. She considers herself shy, and does not like to be direct with people. She'd rather give nonverbal cues. She doesn't believe that talking solves all problems, and thinks that sometimes there's nothing to say. Are there clues that Ingrid is from a high-context culture?

Yes, because she does not like to be direct and relies on nonverbal cues.

Samuel has long hair that some people think is girly. He dresses nicely and is concerned about his looks. While he likes sewing and baking, he is also a die-hard football fan who spends a lot of time restoring classic muscle cars. If you are to base your perception of Samuel using American cultural stereotypes, what gender is he?


It's a mistake to think that communication competence is a trait that a person either possesses or lacks. That's because

competent communication is both situational and can be learned

Isaac feels very strongly about whether the government should intervene to help people who are struggling financially. He has these strong feelings because his own family is struggling - his mother just got laid off from her job. Isaac's feelings could be attributed to his ________.


Jim plays softball on the company team. He feels connected to them because they've experienced the joy of winning together, the sadness of losing, and overall camaraderie. He has an emotional connection to them that he does not have with others. That is likely because they are his __________________.


Dwight and Stanley both work as cashiers for fast food restaurants. They are paid minimum wage. They are attending a black-tie party in an upper-class neighborhood. They feel just as equal and good, regardless of the wealth difference, this demonstrates

low power distance

To demonstrate empathy, you should practice all of the following except:

making basic assumptions, then use perception checking

A tool for helping to understand others accurately instead of assuming that your first interpretation is correct is called ___________________.

perception checking

Which of the statements below is true of perception checking?

perception checking minimizes defensiveness

John is in biology class trying to listen to the lecture. He's having difficulty following because he stayed up most of the night studying for an economics test. This best exemplifies

physiological noise

According to one communication theorist, a degree of stress when acclimating to a new culture is a good sign, because it shows _______________.

potential for adaptation and growth

Angela is from New Hampshire and she doesn't feel like she has much in common with people from the southern U.S. She can't get past the southern drawl they use and their slow speaking pace. She sees this as a big difference. She places a lot of weight on the way she and her friends speak. This could be referred to as __________________.


Kerry tends to take chances and initiate relationships with others. She also tends to show affection to others. This is likely due to Kerry's _________.


Ashley gives a speech to the school board and stumbles on her words. The next time she speaks to the school board, she expects to stumble on her words again, which makes her nervous. Her nervousness causes her to stumble on her words again. This is likely a result of

self-fulfilling prophecy

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