Comp II Final Exam

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match the quotes below to the person who said them. "I have always depended upon the kindness of strangers."


true or false the social context of a work of literature is defined by the social issues with which that text deals


true or false to create effective imagery, writers primarily use sensory details


true or false in "death of a young son by drowning" by Margaret Atwood, the young boy's drowning is ironic


true or false Porphyria is strangled with her own hair in the end of "Porphyria's lover"


Identify where the quote comes from, who wrote it, and the significance is in the work of poetry "The mother smiled to know her child/ Was in a sacred place, / But that smile was the last smile/ To come upon her face."

Ballad of Birmingham by Dudley Randall

"My Last Duchess" refers to whom?

Duke's last wife who he had killed

In a "Streetcar named desire" Blanche is told to "take a streetcar named desire" and then transfer to one called cemeteries and ride six blacks and get off at _______

Elysian Fields

True of False The narrator's father in "Boy's and Girl's" was a missonary


True or False "The Things They Carried" takes place during a desert storm


True or False: In "Cathedral" Robert is characterized by his tendency to prejudge people and situations


True or False: In "Cathedral" by Raymond Carver does the narrator change his mind about the blind man when they drink together


What happen to "Richard Corey" at the end of the poem

He kills himself

What does Linda tell Tim O'Brien in his dreams in "Lives of the Dead"

It' ok that she is gone

match the quotes below to the person who said them. "She moved from that chair to this one over here and just sat there with her hands held together and looking down. I got a feeling that I ought to make some conversation, so I said I had come in to see if John wanted to put in a telephone, and at that she started to laugh, and then she stopped and looked at me -- scared. "


match the quotes below to the person who said them. "I know what stillness is. The law has got to punish crime, Mrs. Hale."

Mrs. Peters

Identify where the quote comes from, who wrote it, and the significance is in the work of poetry "Here Captain! Dear Father! / This arm beneath your head;/ It is some dream on the deck, / You've fallen cold and dead."

O Captain! My Captain by Walt Whitman

If a poet is praising someone or something, this type of poem is known as a _____


Identify where the quote comes from, who wrote it, and the significance is in the work of poetry "In one long yellow string I wound/ Three times her little throat around./ And strangled her. No pain felt she."

Porphyria's Lover by Robert Browning

match the quotes below to the person who said them. "Boy, hush your mouth. That's your daddy you talking about. I don't want hear that kind of talk this morning. I done raised you to come to this? You standing there all healthy and grown talking about you ain't going to your daddy's funeral?"

Rose Maxson

Identify where the quote comes from, who wrote it, and the significance is in the work of poetry Some are teethed on a silver spoon, / with the stars strung for a rattle;/ i cut my teeth as the black raccoon--/ for implements of battle.

Saturday's child by countee cullen

in W.H. Auden's "Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone," how does the quote end: "He was my noon, my midnight, my talk, my______"


match the quotes below to the person who said them. "Tiger --Tiger! . . .We've had this date with each other from the beginning."


In part I of the "Highwayman" we learn that he plans to return to Bess just before daylight unless ___________

The Redcoats harass him

Identify where the quote comes from, who wrote it, and the significance is in the work of poetry "Your door is shut against my tightened face./ And I am sharp as steel with discontent;/ But I possess the courage and the grace/ To bear my anger proudly and unbent."

The White House by Claude McKay

match the quotes below to the person who said them. "I don't want him to be like me! I want him to move as far away from my life as he can get!"

Troy Maxson

True or False Linda's purpose in "The Lives of the Dead" is the reason Tim learned about death


True or False: In August Wilson's "Fences" Rose decides to care for Raynell because she is innocent of Troy's sins


true or false a writer uses allusions primarily to connect his or her work to well-known people, events, and places


an _______ is a speech spoken directly to the audience but the other characters cannot hear him/her


A poem that expresses a story and usually has a refrain is a ____


when the author tells us directly what a character is using precise words and images this is known as what sort of characterization

direct characterization

if a person is struggling against another character, what sort of conflict is this


True or False The girls in "St. Lucy's Home for Girls Raised by Wolves" were taken away from the pact because their parents were abusing them.


True or False The main lesson in "The Lesson" happens on a summer morning


true or false breaking a large topic down into smaller pieces to better understand it is called a summary


In "the things they carried" how does kiowa explain seeing ted lavender get killed

it was like watching a rock fall

Identify where the quote comes from, who wrote it, and the significance is in the work of poetry What men or gods are these? what maidens loath? / What mad pursuit? What struggle to escape?/ what pipes and timbrels? what wild ecstasy

ode on a grecian urn by John Keats

to give human-like characteristics to an inanimate object is called what


what tense is always used when writing about literature


in Countee Cullen's "saturday's child" to whom does the speaker compare her life to

priviledged person

________ are prose writings between lines of a play that include the directions that an author builds in for the actors so that they know where to go and what actions to perform on a stage

stage directions

in langston hughes' "The Weary Blues" what is the theme

struggle of everyday african americans

Identify where the quote comes from, who wrote it, and the significance is in the work of poetry The wind was torrent of darkness among the gusty trees./ the moon was a ghostly galleon tossed upon cloud seas

the highway man by Alfred Noyes

In "Ode on a Grecian Urn" what is the poem praising/addressing

the pictures on the urn

Identify where the quote comes from, who wrote it, and the significance is in the work of poetry the line it is drawn/ the curse it is cast/ the slow one now/ will later be fast

the times they are a changing by bob dylan

what is the central idea in a literary work called


True or False Asterion is a minotaur in "The House of Asterion"


True or False The Italian sonnet contains 14 lines, the first 8 present a problem and the last 6 contain the answer to the problem


True or False The sonnet [upon the breeze she spread her golden hair] by francesco petrach is an example of an italian sonnet


True or False: August Wilson's "Fences" begins in the 1950's


True or false Bob dylan's song "The times they are a changin" served as an anthem for the people in the 1960's to serve as a wake up call for the older generations that there were going to be extreme changes done by the newer generations


True or false In Williams Shakespeare's [My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun] the poet holds that his mistress is as lovely as any other woman compared to things as false as roses and the sun


True or false the cultural context of a short story is reflected in the cultural background, beliefs, and practices of the characters


True or false the speaker in "O' Captain, My Captain" admires what president lincoln has done and mourns his death


True or false the theme of "ode to a nightingale" is morality


true of false in susan glaspell's "Trifles" the sticky canned fruit jars, the forced door to the birdcage, and the errant pleat in Mrs.Wright's quily were all part of the "trifles" mrs. hale and mrs. peter's noticed at the wrights' farm house


true or false "If we must die" by Claude McKay the speaker is trying to rally the troops to fight against opression


true or false Bruce Springsteen's "Nebraska" can be classified as a dramatic monologue


true or false In a "streetcar named desire" blanche ultimately wants companionship, love, and security from mitch


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