Comparative Politics Midterm

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What country unified on the basis of "language-based nationalism" in the 19th century? -The United Kingdom -Germany -Japan -The Unites States


What was the first modern state? -England -France -US -Germany



Focuses on continuity and change of large historical processes


For dramatic and sudden, revolutionary change of a broken system and its institutions (communists and anarchists)

Comparative politics focuses on?

Politics within national boundaries


Restore the political, social, and economic institutions of a previous time (fascists)


large set of appointed officials who implement laws strengthens sovereignty

quasi states

legal sovereignty and international recognition but lack most domestic attributes of modern state


set of formal and informal and informal political institutions that defines a type of govt, more enduring than govt but less than state -political ideologies make normative claims about the relationship between the state and its people

Political culture

set of widely held attitudes, values, beliefs, and symbols about politics, shape and distribute power in society influenced and influences ideology and attitudes


the speed and the method of change if there is need for it

Under President Ahmadinejad in Iran, ______. gender segregation increased the women's movement was extinguished women's publications were encouraged women entered the clergy

gender segregation increased

The idea that the state is the sole authority within its territory that can make and enforce laws is best called ______. -state strength -internal sovereignty -legitimacy -external sovereignty

internal sovereignty

What development(s) best characterize the period of the Meiji Restoration beginning in the 1860s in Japan? -The rise of the Liberal Democratic Party -The Constitution of 1947 -Centralization of power, modernization, and imperialism -The establishment of the Tokugawa Shogunate

Centralization of power, modernization, and imperialism

What are the two major religions of Nigeria? -Christianity and Hinduism -Judaism and Hinduism -Christianity and Islam -Islam and Judaism

Christianity and Islam


an ongoing administrative apparatus that develops and administers laws and generates and implements public policies in a specific territory

The modern state first appeared and developed in ______. -Europe -Oceania -North America -Asia


Steven Lukes 3 dimensions of power

1st- Power of one to get another something it wouldn't otherwise do 2nd- The power to make someone do and keep them form doing 3rd- Shape or determine political demands by causing people to think about political issues in ways that are contrary to their interests


A social construction by which human beings make sense of sex but which is not determined by it gender is more cross cutting than race and ethnicity and is found on all parts of socioeconomic status thus harder to form parties representing the varied interests if women as a group

Rational Choice theory

Adam Smith-Individuals are rational and they bring a set of defined preferences in into political arena , people pursue their personal preferences, can't explain preferences at the time so cant predict political behavior Individual actors observe outcomes and demonstrate how outcome was a result of individual hard to explain variation across cases

T.H. Marshall rights of citizenship

Civil- individual freedom and equality and fair treatment by the state Political- political participation: vote, form political groups, run for office Social- back well being and socioeconomic equality, public ed, pensions, or healthcare

The gender gap in both Western and postcolonial societies is narrowest in ______. labor force participation educational attainment pay for work professional status

Correct! educational attainment

Since the late 20th century, race in the United States is defined by ______. geography and culture individual preferences bloodline genetics and descent

Correct! individual preferences

The feminist movement has advanced more in ______ countries. agrarian Christian poor wealthy

Correct! wealthy


Economic structures determine political behavior

The first document to limit the power of the monarch was the ______. Magna Carta American Constitution Declaration of Independence Communist Manifesto

Magna Carta

One of the longest standing electoral authoritarian regimes was ______. Iran before the Revolution Mexico under the PRI Nigeria after independence Nazi Germany

Mexico under the PRI

Identify the argument that reflects the view of the classic liberal position in the group versus individual rights debate. -Only individuals can have rights. -Nationalism is important to the development of modern states. -Discussion should not be about particular interests, but about the collective good. -Groups should not have special rights because they can pursue goals contrary to the state.

Only individuals can have rights.

Germany unified as a state for the first time under ______. -Helmut Kohl -Martin Luther -Otto von Bismarck -Adolf Hitler

Otto von Bismarck

Classical Liberalism

The political ideology of individual liberty, private property, a competitive market economy, free trade, and limited government. The idea being that the less government does, the better, particularly in reference to economic policies such as tariffs and incentives for industrial development. Attacking corruption and defending private property, late-nineteenth-century liberals generally called for elite governance and questioned the advisability of full democratic participation. A term given to the philosophy of John Locke and other 17th and 18th century advocates of the protection of individual rights and liberties by limiting government power.


The will of the nation transcends the will of individuals


a French model of secularism advocating that religion should play no part in the public realm, state actively opposes religion having role in public sphere and has right to regulate it

Neutral state model

a model of secularism wherein the state is neutral about, but not opposed to, religion

positive accommodation

a model of secularism wherein the state is neutral among but willing to support religions that it recognizes as important elements in civil society, Germany

Civic Nationalism

a sense of national unity and purpose based on a set of commonly held political beliefs


a state that claims itself as such and and has or seeks control of a state

Federalism is a political system in which ______. -a state's power is constitutionally divided among more than one level of government -subnational governments have more power than the national government -there are three branches of government -the central government is the only one established in the constitution

a state's power is constitutionally divided among more than one level of government

ideology and culture

a system of ideas that makes power structures seem natural (false consciousness)


abstract argument that provides systematic explanation of phenomenon

multicultural integration

accepts that ethnocultural identities matter, will endure to be recognized and accommodated within political institutions in contrast to assimilation

Laïcité refers to a model of secularism ______. advocating ability and right of a group to partially govern itself within a larger state wherein the state is neutral among but willing to support religions that it recognizes as important elements in civil society wherein the state is neutral about, but not opposed to, religion advocating that religion should play no part in the public realm

advocating that religion should play no part in the public realm

Elite theories

all societies are ruled by one or more sets of elites, 2nd and third dimensions of power

The two-term limit on the presidency of the United States is an example of ______. -a political economy explanation -an informal institution that was later formalized -historical determinism -a formal institution that broke down

an informal institution that was later formalized


are socially constructed and shift contextually not immediately clear what categories are most appropriate not the same as a social group

post materialist

as a result of WWII economic expansion, most citizens in wealthy countries were less concerned with economic issues and more about quality of life

The ability and right of a group to partially govern itself within a larger state is best defined as ______. -autonomy -legal segregation -jus sanguinis -nationalism



believe that clear attitudes, values, and beliefs can be identified within any particular culture, cultures are fixed

Jus sanguinis

blood over residence have to have cultural heritage


both individual freedom and collective equality important utopia never practiced

The "Brazilian Miracle" of rapid economic growth was overseen by a ______. bureaucratic-authoritarian regime communist regime democratic regime fascist regime

bureaucratic-authoritarian regime

According to communists, liberal democracy serves ______. the bourgeoisie and workers, not capitalism capitalism and the bourgeoisie, not workers capitalism and workers, not the bourgeoisie capitalism, the bourgeoisie, and workers

capitalism and the bourgeoisie, not workers

Which method is best suited for generating new ideas and insights that can lead to new theories? -quantitative techniques -method of most differences -case studies -comparative methods

case studies


change is not necessary and can be disruptive; institutions should provide order and continuity (European liberals and American Conservatives)

civic culture part of modernist

citizens hold democratic values leading them to actively participate in politics and defer leadership to let it govern effectively

A sense of national unity and purpose based on a set of commonly held political beliefs is known as ______. -cultural nationalism -chauvinism -political identity -civic nationalism

civic nationalism

Characteristic of modern state

claim over territory, external and internal sovereignty, claim to legitimacy, bureaucracy

The modernist school of political culture theory believes that ______. -political attitudes may be symptoms of political activity rather than the cause of it -political cultures are constantly evolving -clear attitudes, values, and beliefs can be identified within a political culture -it is more important to look at conflict over values and beliefs than at consistency

clear attitudes, values, and beliefs can be identified within a political culture

A ______ is important to group definition as a race but not essential to a group defining itself as an ethnic group. common history common cultural foundation unique language common physical appearance

common physical appearance

The recognition of the existence of specific groups and granting some share of power in the central government to each is known as ______. -nationalism -consociationalism -primordialism -instrumentalism


That individuals can activate their membership in a particular category at a particular time, but they cannot create or significantly modify the categories individually, is an example of ______. -constructivism -nationalism -idealism -ethnicism


Pluralist theories- Dahl

contend that society is divided into various political groups and that power is dispersed among them so that no group has complete or predominant power


cultures are not fixed and clearly defined values but sets of symbols subject to interpretation

Civic nationalists see group rights as ______. -essential to democracy -a temporary stage on the path to individual rights -dangerous and divisive -naturally occurring

dangerous and divisive

Identity groups

demand recognition of themselves as distinct identity and their legitimate concerns some groups demand autonomy representation and full participation in political process better social status


democratic system designed to ease ethnic tensions via recognizing the existence of specific groups and granting some share of power in the central government to each, usually codified in specific legal or constitutional guarantees to each group


distinction between ethnic group and race is ambiguous human beings socially defined by physical characteristics ethnic identity usually originates partially by self assertion race originates due to others assertion emphasis on perception because more similarities than differences minority groups will see their political interests tied to racial identity because they face discrimination on that basis racial categories seen as fixed but are not


early school of thought promoted by Wundt and Titchener; broader structures in a society at the very least influence and limit perhaps even determine political behavior

The difference between empirical theory and normative theory is that? -empirical theory is an abstract argument that provides a systematic explanation of some phenomena; normative theory generates lessons from one place to apply in another -normative theory is an abstract argument that provides a systematic explanation of some phenomena; empirical theory generates lessons from one place to apply in another -normative theory describes what actually occurs; empirical theory describes what ought to occur -empirical theory describes what actually occurs; normative theory describes what ought to occur

empirical theory describes what actually occurs; normative theory describes what ought to occur

empirical theory

explains what actually occurs

normative theory

explains what ought to have occurred


external and internal internal state authority within territory capable of making and enforcing laws and policies enforce sovereignty by claiming monopoly on the legitimate use of force soul legitimate governing body within a territory

psychological factors

focuses on individual interests but question the assumption of rational actor and are interested in how political preferences, non-rational influences explain political behavior


for evolutionary change within the system's institutions (social democracies and American Liberals)

Brazil differed from Spanish colonies in South America in that it ______. -used slave labor for its agricultural production -did not have a royal family -had a thriving indigenous population -gained independence as a single country

gained independence as a single country


grounded in historical materialism- assertion that material/economic forces are the prime movers of history and politics


group of people who perceive themselves as sharing a sense of belonging and who share common language, culture, and traditions

Constructivism Anderson-modernism

identities are created through a complex process known as social constructivism- societies collectively construct identities as a wide array of actors continually discuss the question of who we are individuals and groups construct national identity mass literacy and declining importance of privilege and access to script divine right and heredity decline people imagined themselves and others as members of the same limited and sovereign group or nation

Against group rights

institutionalists argue that special groups rights undermine norm of = citizenship

Historical institutionalism

institutions play bigger role in explaining political behavior, institutions limit self-interested political behavior, influence who is involved and shape individual preferences examines the historical evolution of institutions to demonstrate how these institutions limit slef interested political behavior

weak states

limited statehood provide some political goods widely but others only in certain areas of the country

Quantitative techniques can show broad patterns, but only for question's involving evidence that can be presented numerically; and provide -a clear picture of specific cases -little depth on any particular case -little depth on all cases -a lot of information on all cases

little depth on any particular case

Electoral authoritarian regimes allow for ______. little real competition for power a completely free and uncensored press robust debate prior to elections a wide-open political field

little real competition for power

The British administered their colonies in Africa through ______. -patron-client relationships -locally elected councils -private corporations -local leaders

local leaders

Modernizing authoritarianism

many arose at end of colonial rule claim to legitimacy was that they would modernize or develop their state and in doing so required restrictions or eliminating individual rights and elections development requires leadership of modernizing elite technocratic legitimacy- claim to rule based on knowledge or expertise part of modernizing theory- claim to rule based on knowledge

The Glorious Revolution in 1688 in England ______. -caused a long period of religious conflict -eliminated the British monarchy -marked the start of the shift of the source of legitimacy from monarchy to democracy -was inspired by a similar development in France

marked the start of the shift of the source of legitimacy from monarchy to democracy

At the present time, China has a ______. -flagging economy and a politically mobilized population -communist political and economic system -democratic political system and a socialist economy -market-oriented economy and a stable authoritarian government

market-oriented economy and a stable authoritarian government

Centripetal approach

means used by democracies to resolve ethnic conflict by giving political leaders and parties incentives to moderate their demands

A comparative study looking at revolutions in France, China, Nicaragua, and Iran would be an example of what research method? -case study -most similar system design -quantitative statistical technique -most different system design

most different system design

contemporary international legal system

prolongs life of weak states as it established norm that hostile takeover of other states was unacceptable

Individualistic nationalism

nation is a voluntary association of individuals US


national identity must apply to majority of population which sees itself as = and demands sovereignty

Civic Nationalism

national unity and purpose is based on set of commonly held political beliefs defined in terms of citizenship and participation France US

Ethnic/Cultural nationalism

national unity based on a common cultural heritage nation as a matter of ancestry or ethnic lineage Germany Japan Russia Eastern Europe

Eric Hobsbawm and Gellner- modernism structualism

nationalism was an elite movement linked to the rapid rise of the middle class and spread of literacy structuralism- changes in economy define national identity -capitalism required socially mobile, literate, homogenous, and interchangeable workers -State standardized language and education official documents -capitalism created nationalism to serve fundamental needs

The collapse of the Soviet Union came about in part from the ______. -destruction of World War II -regime's inability to modernize the economy -dissolution of the country's military -need for economic change to try to keep up with Western economic growth

need for economic change to try to keep up with Western economic growth


not necessarily fixed but clearly defined


organizations and activities that are self perpetuating and valued for their own sake path dependent difficult to change


political and economic freedom over collective equality

Institutionalism- part of structuralism

political rules and institutions are products of the interaction and bargaining of actors, and once created, constitute the rules of the game within which rational actors operate limits self-interested political behavior organizations and activities that are self perpetuating and valued for own path dependent(difficult to disturb) vary from country to country follow rational choice theory

One of the major factors contributing to the Iranian Revolution in 1979 was ______. -the lack of effort to improve infrastructure -a political system that granted citizens extreme freedom -popular dissatisfaction with the extent of foreign influence over the Iranian government -lack of economic reform

popular dissatisfaction with the extent of foreign influence over the Iranian government

Modernizing authoritarians often use the idea of national unity to justify ______. colonialism high taxes powerful labor unions postponing democratization

postponing democratization

If you believe that identity groups are defined unambiguously by such clear criteria as kinship, culture, language, or phenotype, you probably belong to which of the following schools of thought? -primordialism -nationalism -instrumentalism -constructivism



process by which human groups make collective decisions

Political socialization

process through which ppl especially the young learn about politics and are taught a societies political values and beliefs

Case studies are unable to -highlight the limitations of theory -prove or disprove theory -provide depth on individual cases -generate ideas for theory

prove or disprove theory

Germany's Nazi regime added ______ to fascism. populism economic determinism elitism racism


According to Max Weber, modern states are distinguished by ______. -homogenous populations -charismatic leaders -rational-legal legitimacy -national economic planning

rational-legal legitimacy


recognized right to rule claims that states and others make about why they have right to rule empirical fact of whether their population accepts it

principle distance

recognizing religious groups autonomy to follow own laws, india

India's political system can be characterized as ______. -relatively corrupt but democratic -economically successful but highly unpopular -foreign dominated and weak -closed and semiauthoritarian

relatively corrupt but democratic

Charismatic legitimacy-weber

right to rule based on personal virtue, heroism, sanctity, characteristics mao zedong

Rational legal legitimacy- weber

right to rule of leaders who are selected according to accepted laws

Political goods

security, rule of law, functioning legal system, infrastructure, ed, public health care

ethnic groups

see themselves as united by 1 or more cultural attributes or a sense of common history, but do not have or seek states identity is imagined not always political unlike national identity a social category constructed as cultural

Which of the following is an example of a likely rational choice argument to explain why the ruling class adopts a specific ideology to support its hegemony? -psychology -good of the community -self-interest -cultural values


Traditional legitimacy-weber

the right to rule based on a society's long-standing patterns and practices divine right of kings

Proponents of a ______ argue that class is just like other categories of identity: socially constructed through complex and evolving processes political construction understanding of class political construction understanding of society social construction understanding of class social construction understanding of economics

social construction understanding of class

Liberal democracy

social contract theory locke- legit govt form when free autonomous individuals join together to permit reps to govern over them in their common interests preservation of rights is essential and severely limits what govts can do

Failed state

state that loses sovereignty over all or part of the territory

The New Deal programs in the United States in the 1930s began an increase in the size of the U.S. government and ______. -equalized the role of the states vis-à-vis the central government -decreased the role of the bureaucracy -strengthened the role of the central government vis-à-vis the states -emphasized the role of the judiciary vis-à-vis the executive

strengthened the role of the central government vis-à-vis the states


studies nuanced and detailed readings of specific cases , seeking to provide reliable interpretations focused on cultural values, norms, traditions,, ideas as independent explainers of political behavior accuracy at expense of generalizability


systematic and universal set of beliefs about the fundamental goal of politics, particularly about the balance between equality and freedom, and the role of the state, inherently modern


the desire to be a nation and thus control a national state belief that the world is and should be divided into nations that believe they have a unique political destiny and desire self-govt through statehood

Political development

the development of the modern state

Resource curse

the difficulties faced by resource-rich developing countries, including dependence on exporting one or a few commodities whose prices fluctuate, as well as potentials for corruption and inequality a govt that can gain enough revenue from only mineral ectraction does not need to worry about rest of economy and population, rebels are more incentivized to war than compromise because if they can overpower the govt they will gain the resource and power

Muslim movements in India are primarily a response to ______. the legacy of British colonialism denial of citizenship rights to Muslims the growth of Hindu nationalism the rise of Islamic states within India

the growth of Hindu nationalism

Jus soli

the law of soil, which determines citizenship based on where a person is born or residence

Civic nationalism

the nation defined in terms of citizenship and participation

Quantitative Methods are used in comparative politics in order to allow? -the study of a large number of cases -proving causation -obtaining in-depth information for individual cases -applicability to most questions and data

the study of a large number of cases

Political discourse

the ways in which a society speaks and writes about politics


theory of identity that sees identity groups as being in some sense "natural" or God given as having existed since "time" and as defined unambiguously by such criteria kinship, language, culture, or phenotype national identities are premodern and universal natural and even biological national identity same as ethnic, racial, or tribal

The Soviet state ______. -took control of all legal economic activity -created a federal system in which the republics held significant power -lasted less than 50 years -failed to industrialize the country

took control of all legal economic activity

What are the three different types of legitimate authority? -traditional, charismatic, and rational-legal -organizational, tenured, and relational -spiritual, foundational, and legal governing -expert, ability, and result-based

traditional, charismatic, and rational-legal


type of government

Social democracy

values individual and collective freedom state has important role and needs to be active rep dem with a strong state and liberalism with a weak state private property and market but regulate certain public goods and welfare to those in need 3rd way socialists closer to liberalism reduce govt, focus on market Pragmatic socialists- end poverty mostly kept as democracies 21st century socialists- radical, nationalize industry, control exchange rate, not full democracy


well defined and universal

Method of agreement

why do very similar systems end up with different outcomes

Method of differences- John mill

why very similar systems end up with different outcomes

Collectivist Nationalism

will of nation transcends the will of individuals Germany Japan Russia Eastern Europe France

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