Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach, CH2
(Transmission control protocol)
APP: DNS record format
(name, value, type, TTL)
APP: DNS record types
A = hostname, IP address; CNAME = canonical alias, canonical name; NS = domain, authoritative hostname; MX = mailserver name
APP: POP3 Phases
Authorization (Client: user, pass; Server: OK, ERR) and Transaction (list, retr, dele, quit)
APP: DNS header flags
Query or reply, recursion desired/available; reply is authoritative
APP: Local DNS
does not belong to hierarchy, aka default name server, each ISP has one, host query sent to local dns, acts as proxy
domain name system
APP: Conditional GET
don't send object if cache has up-to-date cached version
file transfer protocol , transfer file to/from remote host
non-persistent connections
type of HTTP connections that closes after each request from the client
APP: HTTP Status codes
200 (OK), 301 (Moved Permanently), 400 (Bad request), 404 (Not found), 505 (http version not supported), 304 (Not Modified)
APP: DNS caching
Caches mappings with a TTL, TLDs usually cached in local name servers so root not often visited
2 application architectures
Client-server, P2P
APP: 3 DNS Attacks
DDoS, Redirect, Exploitation
APP: Resource Record
DNS record
APP: What transport service does an app need?
Data integrity (reliable data tranfer), timing (low delays), throughput (bandwidth), security (encryption)
APP: Methods in HTTP 1.0
GET, POST, HEAD(asks server to leave requested object out of response)
APP: Methods in HTTP 1.1
GET, POST, HEAD, PUT( uploads file in entity body to path specified in URL field) , DELETE (deletes file specified in the URL field)
APP: How do cookies keep state?
HTTP messages carry state . protocol endpoints: maintain state at sender/receiver over multiple transactions
APP: Redirect Attack
Man-in-middle (intercept queries); DNS poisoning (send bogus requests that cache)
APP: User agent
Outlook, iPhone mail client, browser
APP: Mail access protocols
POP (Post Office Protocol - authorization and download), IMAP (Internet Mail Access Protocol - manipulation of msgs)
APP: 2 Ways to upload form input
POST method - uploaded to server in entity body; URL method - GET method - uploaded in URL field of request line
APP: Process
Program running within host, in same host (inter-process communication), in different host (exchange messages)
APP: Why use caching?
Reduce response time, reduce traffic, enables poor content providers to deliver content
APP: How to insert records in DNS?
Register name with DNS registrar; Provide names, IP address of authoritative name server; Registrar inserts 2 RRs into TLD (NS and A); Create A and MX record
APP: Exploit DNS for DDoS
Send queries with IP spoofing , Requires amplification
APP: Tit-for-Tat
Sends chunks to peers sending chunks at highest rate, every 30 seconds randomly unchoke another peer
Describe client-server architecture
Server - always on, permanent IP address, data centers; Client - communicate with server, dynamic IP address, do not communicate directly with each other
APP: How does cache act as server and client?
Server for client, Client for original server
Simple mail transfer protocol, port 25, uses TCP to send message
They both run on top of TCP. The differente - FTP uses two parallel TCP connections to transfer a file, a control connectionand a data connection
User Datagram Protocol) is an alternative communications protocol to Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
bombard root servers with traffic, but mostly unsuccessful because root is bypassed; instead, bombard TLD servers
APP: Interated DNS query
contacted server replies with name of server to contact
APP: Describe BitTorrent
file divided into 256Kb chunks, tracker tracks peers, torrent - groups of peers exchanging chunks, churn - peers come and go, request rarest chunk first
APP: 4 Cookie Components
header line in response, header line in request, cookie kept on user's host, back-end database
APP: DNS services
hostname to IP address translation, host aliasing, mail server aliasing, load distribution
hypertext transfer protocol, web application layer protocol, client request objects, server sends objects, uses TCP, port 80
APP: How do you address processes?
identifier (host IP address and port number)
APP: Client process
initiates communication
APP: Mail server
mailbox (incoming messages), message queue (outgoing messages), SMTP protocol (to send messages)
APP: Persistent HTTP
multiple objects sent over single TCP connection (3RTT - handshake, base HTML (web page), objects)
APP: Describe P2P architecture
no always-on server,end systems directly communicate , peers request service from other peers, provide service in return to other peers( self scalability - new peers bring new service capacity, as well as new service demands) and peers are intermittently connected and change IP addresses (complex management)
APP: Non-persistent HTTP
one object sent over TCP connection , downloading multiple objects required multiple connections (2RTT per object, browsers often open parallel TCP connections)
APP: Authoritative DNS
organizations DNS servers, maintained by organization or service provider
APP: Recursive DNS query
puts burden of name resolution on contacted name server
APP: What does TCP service provide?
reliable transport, flow control, congestion control,does not provide: timing, minimum throughput guarantee, security and connection-oriented
APP: 2 types of HTTP messages
request, response
FTP commands, responses
sample commands: USER ,PASS , LIST ,RETR filename , STOR filename sample return codes 331 -OK, 125- transfer starting , 425- Can't open data connection ,452- Error writing file
APP: Goal of web caches
satisfy client request without involving origin server
APP: What cookies are used for?
shopping carts, , authorization recommendations, user session state
APP: Why not centralize DNS?
single point of failure, traffic volume, distant centralized database, maintenance
time for packet to travel from client to server and back
top-level domain servers; Network Solutions maintains .com, Educause maintains .edu
persistent connections
type of HTTP connections that keeps connections open after a request to the server
APP: What do application-layer protocol define?
types of message, message syntax, message semantics, process rules
unreliable data transfer
APP: 3 Email components
user agent, mail server, SMTP
APP: Server process
waits to be contacted
APP: Proxy server
web cache
APP: Socket
where process sends/receives messages to/from